r i ASHLAND CLIMATE, without the aid of medicine, cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. ♦ >»>»♦» A shland MALARIA OfeifMS cannot sur- I THE TIDING^ HAS BEEN ASHLAND’S LEADING NEWSPAPER FOR NEARLY FIFTY YEARS ~~ (International News Wire Service) ♦ ♦ » vive three months in the rich ♦ ozone at Ashland. The pure do- ♦ me8tic water helps. : ♦ « ♦♦ ♦ < m > » n VOL NO. V. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. < i > 11 > > , ASHLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1923. X O . I! WAR VETERANS PLEASED WITH ASHLAND MEET B B sm B aM M on m M n M B i ARMY HALL TO FEVER PLAGUE BE DEDICATED Divisional Commander Of Salvation Army Here For Service M ajor and Mrs. J. T. W inter- bottom of the Salvation Army a r­ rived here this afternoon for the dedication of the local Salvation Army hall on fourth street which has been In service for two weeks now as a m eeting place for the Army WAR VETERANS WAGNER NAMED SH t. _ IRELAND WILL X k V THANK ASHLAND AS POSTMASTER BE ADMITTED Ä J ' i,ôi.D/tï JAPAN PEOPLE INTO LEAGUE FORT BARTOK l Camp Week pleases Members Of Veteran Soldiers Organization Announcement Of Selection Arriving Today Was Not Unexpected We the officers of this Fred D. W agner was named aB Application For Membership Association wish to think^the Yellow Fever Epidemic Now . acting Post M aster for Ashland citizens of Ashland and es­ Passed By Commission j by the Congressional bureau at x w ; 7h: Of Te tobe. Feared As Result Of pecially the Mayor, Mr. Loo­ R e t k i For Second In Short Time Poor Sanitation W ashington yesterday according mis and the Burnside Post i ar He;e to word reaching here today. of the American Legion and The elim ination of Don Spen­ the W omen’s Relief Corps MEETING TO BE GOES BEFORE LEAGUE cer from the race .som e time ago OPPORT UITY ROOM . MILLIONS HOMELESS and the business men for M ajor W interbottom is division­ OPELLD THIS YEAR HERE NEXT YEAR OF NATIONS MONDAY gave "Wagner a strong lead on the REPORT FROM TOKIO th eir contributions of sup- ♦ al com m ander for the Salvation other applicants as he has been A rrhya\;ith headquarters a t Rose plies of food. Large Attei ance Increase interested in local politics and burg andjw ill have charge of the We wish to thank the Sec­ Fxpected I Teachers And John Bigg and Judge Dill Little Opposition Expected business interests for a great Additional Accommodation dedication of the hall a t eight Frantic Campaign Will Be retary of the Commercial Give Principal Speeches LES SABLES D’OLONNE, Ven o’clock this evening. It has been Waged In An Attempt To Club for the use of the Chau- By High Officials When many years. Arranged For In Schools Of Last Day’s Program.. dee, Sept. 8.— To cultivate, to ap­ requested by Captain P o rter th a t Stay Outbreak Of Dread • tauqua building and the Ash Question Comes Up For The other two men in the race Of City. Ice Cream Furnished By preciate beauty and to develops everyone come to the dedication lev er Plague In Tokio * land Tidings and all others Final Decision. Irish for the job were Millard Grubb, Two Local Men. And Yokohama. People Jubilant. * who helped to make this our force of character and soul— th at possibly can arran g e to. m aster L T S ' 1 7 “ "* °' J ’“ ,'' A< “ rd l” * •»« predictions Accompanying the M ajor and * 31st reunion a success. these are two of the tenets of 5 *• m? de * O. A. Briscoe wife w ’ill be Ensign Lee a m atron also employed at the Post Office his philosophy of life which for­ * A. C. Spencer, GENEVA, Sept. 8.— The appli­ The th irty first annual conven­ the Ashland schools this year will MANILA, Sept. 8.— The horror * Colonel Commanding M illard Grubb was highest in see as many students on the first cation of Ireland for membership tion of the Soldiers and Sailors m er Prem ier Georges Clemenceau of the W hite Shield home in Port' of a yellow fever plague th re a t­ ♦ in the League of Nations was re ­ the exam inations which were con­ Association of Southern Oregon is w riting into a new book. The land who is to speak a t the Chau­ ens the devastated area of Ja p ­ * Attest. day of school as the first week tauqua building Sunday afternoon * B ertha E. Adams, ceived here last week by the com­ ducted by the committee for this of school brought out last year. was closed last night w ith the Tiger has turned his back on the an according to a Shanghai cable. * A djutant. mission appointed to examine in­ purpose hut in the final summing The total enrollm ent of last years program given by the Ashland post world of politics: he declares he at 2:30 to women only. This talk A frantic campaign is being is to be on the subject of the has no advice to offer the states­ to the claims of powers applying up of business experience aud polit schools summed the total of 1300 of the American Legion. The Le­ waged in Tokio against the out­ for m embership and was passed ical connections W agner evident­ while 1005 students registered gion had planned to give the en­ men attem pting to untie the Gor­ work being done by the Salva­ tion Army in the W hite Shield break of th is dreadful plague. unanimously by the commission at ly had the stronger backing and the first week. tire days entertainm ent but due dian knot of reparations. Sanitary conditions throughout home in Portland and is open to A year ago Clemenceau was received the appointm ent. The above order was passed a meeting held yesterday. to unexpected difficulties w'ere un­ New F acilities Added the desolate wastes surrounding all m others and young ladies. busy preparing for his political unanimously by the members of able to put on any entertainm ent W ith the additional facilities The commission after consider­ The commission for Mr. W ag­ Sunday night Ensign Lee will Yokohama and Tokio, are so te r­ the members of the Southern Ore­ m issionary trip to America; to­ till the evening meeting. that have come to the aid of the ing the application of the Irish ner has not arrived as yet but is rible th a t an outbreak of the speak a t the B aptist church to a day he devotes his time to w rit­ gon Sailors and Soldiers Associa­ R igg M akes Speech nation for a very short time pass­ expected in a very few days. Mr. school m agistrates there will be pestilance is an ever present men­ tion which held their annual camp ed it unanim ously aud the appli­ Kaiser who has been post master no trouble experienced in caring John Rigg gave the principal ing his book of philosophy and special g ath er and Major W inter- ace. bottom is scheduled to speak at week in L ithia P ark this week cation will be taken up by the here for the past eight years will for the volume of students th at talk of the evening's en tertain ­ to reclaim ing the desolate sand Six million homeless Japanese the Methodist church a t the same dunes on which he has built his and shows their appreciation of entire League body on Monday. then turn over the official busi­ »ill appear early Monday m orn­ m ent and used as his subject the are said to be cro^ et^ in tb e ith e kindness time. extended by Ashland constitution and Love of the Na­ lonely seaside cottage. His quest It was expected in high official ness of the office to the new of­ ing to end their vacation and areas surrounding Tokio. The " « » umuo The Sunday m orning services people. tion. He told of the feelings the of beauty is joined by a habit of start the grind for another year. circles here that little opposition ficial. food problem is very serious, des­ American soldiers experienced i force. True to his life habit of de­ to be conducted by the Army of­ pite outside relief. Twenty four seats have been ad­ would be encountered in the pass­ the hardest ficers will be held at thè Nazarine during the W orld War liberately chosing ded to the High school Assembly ing of the order which will ad­ and told how good it felt when i tasks, Clemenceau has u n d ertak ­ church according to Captain P o rt­ while the H awthorne Annex will mit the Irish Nation into the Lea- KOBE, Sept. 8.— Mr Morse, of they got back to see American en to convert a forlorn dreary er and at this meet it is expected the international banking corpor­ open with Rs third year of usage. ue as everything so far has been th at both Major W interbottom and people again and to see the Red waste of sand into jungle of inter- very favorable. I wo Third Teachers Back. ation, was m urdered by bandits in Ensign Lee will speak. W hite and Blue waving every- wining flowers. The average of one third of the The Salvation Army throughout Tokio while carrying a large sum where. teachers who will come to Ash­ the 1 nited States is attem pting to of money from the banking c o r­ M iller an Vls!> ed here by the Japanese Consu interested are asked to attend. ernm ent statistics, is nearing com­ wee': and will retu rn to the lake " ortn and the South. According Eva P oky, TI;a Myers and P ro­ late. Over one hundred thousand This is the first scheduled m eet­ pletion a t the sum m it of th at at the home of the Irving Finley wiG Mr. Vining where they will to the Judge the South is a great on Granite Street. fessor Briscoe wi, '~e ihelr por­ have boen Injured there the re ­ ing of the season and the officers mountain. spei 1 the rem ainder of September deal better off today than it w o uld ! tals Monday i - winning of port states. The structure is being set on of the Cham ber have urged every Mr. and Mrs. W hitm ore lived In have been if the systems in use ' Ashland many years, as did Mrs and hunt during O tober. W hile the 13th ye:.. u:«.. employ of one to be out for it. the top most point of the moun­ in , shland Prof. V aing has at- before the Civil W ar had been nl-i ro tte r., „ h o was form erly Ml,a the Ashland school®. veral teach Mrs. J. H. F u iler lias charge tain where a pinacle of rock was tem d to business n atters inci- lowed to continue ers have years b«.hi them, but The big dance of the year for of the luncheon and it is be­ blasted to furnish theresting place. Alice Finley. They have been en­ den to his presidency of the State he three ».>w, p lve th3 Five Founders Still Alive the Lithian Pavilion Is set for to­ lieved th a t it will be held in the The room when c mpleted will be joying a vacational outing and jCha iber of Commei e. Early this ngest rs ~ of public Instead of there being only two will spend the most of it here, night according to m embers of serv- park near the Lithian Pavilion as approxim ately sb aen feet in d i ­ m embers of the original organiza­ in their old hometown. the Lithian dance committee as m eter and enclo ad he space there will m a k e „ ve; e. - •. tion which was founded in 1891 good place for the children c lu b s, ¿3 windows in the main Their trip thus far has been It Is the night for the Carnival i racdcui.y ail courses will be here being alive there are in re­ delightful; leaving Bellflow’er Dance and all arrangem ents have to put on th eir program. floor and 8 in a cupalo, however where a speaking program includ­ ing all cities of Importance will be oiven as in previous years. An ality five of the charter members there is no support on the inside Monday at nine o’clock and reach­ been mad to have al the sepen- Ashland fans who are interested visited. opportunity Room will be a new still living in Ashland according ing here Friday evening. of the building. They tine confetti popcorn peanuts and in the study of the heavens should Innovation for those in the J u n ­ to ('}. o. Van N atta the Colonel came up the coast, thru Santa all the other ingredients of a real Cables are being securely plac­ rem em ber th a t the total eclipse of VU LCA N IZIN G W O R K S ADD ior High and Hawthorne schools. < om m ander for the coming year. Barbara, King City, Napa, and carnival dance ou hand for the af­ ed at all angles of the structure the sun occurs Septem ber 10, fair. The unusually bright and also slow These five are G. O. Van N atta, Col Redding. MANY T IR E S TO STOCK to prevent destruction by wind I 1923. W hile the total eclipse does pupils will be favored by this class The Lithian onel Commander for the coining Committee says) not appear to be visible in Ash­ or snow. Forty one pack loads of Except thru the Shasta valley, year, A. C. Spencer, Colonel Com­ where the roads were rough, Mr. thalt there wil lonly be a very few In feeling the pulse of the tour who can gain assistance in re ­ lum ber have been required since land, the heavens will be d ark ­ m ander for the last year, W. A. W hitmore reports a very com- more dances held on this open the erection was started. 1st season th e Ashland Vulcanizing moving delinquencies, catching up ened for a short period of time with classes and advancing faster Patrick, S. H. Wilcox and J P. jfo rtab le journey, no accident nor air platform as w ith the begin­ D. T. Lawton is the present look W orks have added between 11 and 1 o’clock. The many new than the ordinary pupils. PORTLAND, Sept. 8.— The Fed­ Sayles. One I car trouble to m ar th eir pleas­ ning of the rainy season it will total phase of darkness will oc­ eral governm ent is carrying out out observer stationed on the shipm ents of Goodyear and Fed­ half day will 1 devoted to each be necessary to te a r th e p la t­ Ice Cream Furnished ure. cur near the Santa C atalina is­ its pledge to the disabled, ex-serv­ summit. of the grade s bols in town by form down and store It for use A feature of the evening feeds i'o H. H. Goddard of W agner eral Truck Tires to their special­ The W hitm ore’s and Mrs. P ot­ lands, off the coast of Los An­ ice men. Twelve hundred men are an Instructor y< to be selected. next year. the last two days was ice cream, ter are very well rem em bered in geles, at 12:54 Pacific standard In school in Oregon; m aintained Creek goes the honor of having ty. Mr. Madden, owner of the C o u u ty N ut.«e Appointed furnished by Mayor C. L. Loomis Ashland and will be greeted ex­ The music tonight is to be fu r­ time. a t Government expense, and be­ registered on the sum m it on July establishm ent feels th a t he is re­ • The county nurse, who proved nished by the Loveland-Laun- on Thursday and by Andy McCal­ tensively. O bservatories of the United coming educated by the highest 4, 1873. ceiving a large percentage of tour alm ost indispensible last year will lum Friday evening. The m er­ spacli orchestra and the members States will be on the job with type of instructors. Four hundred ists tire troubles and is able to be here again this year, spend­ chants cooperated in fine style of this im portant p art of the cam eras to catch every movement will complete their education dur Latukin F am ily E n tertain — ing half of her time in Ashland throughout the session with spec­ dance stated this afternoon th a t of thesun as it is undergoing ac­ Mr. and Mrs. Fred W alker of meet any demands made by local ing the cu rren t year. and Medford. She has the power they were prepared to put out tivity. During the period th a t the ial treats though the veterans stat custom ers or foreign trade. J. L. H artm an, Secretary of Portland are in Ashland to visit to advise and instruct and many ed and were very much pleased the best music of the year for sun is hid, many photographs can the Oregon B ankers’ Association, &t the home of Mr- and Mrs. C students last year were aided very the gala occasion. with the m anner in which they be obtained by the high powered has approved the work of the Vet J B . Lamkin. Mr. W alker is a well largely through her efforts com­ were treated. observers as they may develop new eran s’ Bureau in Oregon, and re­ known business man in the Rose bined with the parents. Health SPEEDER 30 HED— wune Meet Here Next Y ear and interesting m aterial for in­ quests the active cooperation of City being In the Optical Business. Rules and chores and health d u t­ The m eeting next year will be M. A. Scboenfeld, driver of a vestigation. ASTORIA, Sept. 8.— The search the members of the Oregon They arrived in Ashland Friday ies arouse the childish enthusiasm m uch better arranged than the i for the 1,0(1 V oi Pat Allen, vice- traffic machine for the In terstate Bankers, Association in providing and Mr. W alker expects to go to to better living. one this season according to of- commander of the P ortland Post Transit Co., was arrested in Med­ Marshfield to have modern ho­ the re-trained men with employ-1 Klaruath Palls Monday for a busi- School S tarts L ate •llcers of the organization for the of the American Legion, contin­ ford Thursday when found speed­ tel, 3-story, 100x100 feet. ness trip. They plan to return to ment. By starting the school one week meeting place has been definitely ued today. His wife has offered a ing on a thoroughfare in excess of Portland Tuesday. later than In previous years, the decided on and will be held here rew ard of $1.000 for the recov­ 20 miles per hour?. holiday which has always s ta rt­ the first part of September w here­ ery of the body. Allen was drow n­ When brought to Ashland, Mr. ed the year on the wrong foot as this year the meeting place was ed with William Adams when a Scboenfeld pled guilty and paid was elim inated this season only decided on a few weeks pre- 8I)eedhoat capsized. a fine of $100 for the privilege. ... The prolonged period of hot vious so it was impossible to let —----- -------- 1 he fine was made a heavy one w eather has been evident. Fortun- all the veterans know of the ar-I for various reasons, chiefly as a i ately for the students aud teach- rangem ents in time for them to! w arning for other m otorists who : ers, one week of the extended hot attend. fail to observe the state laws reg­ ; w eather has been avoided so that Camp Broken Today ulating traffic. ¡th e delay will be readily cared The camp was broken up this , ' HE 850th birthday this month o f , t° r and no time lost. m orning and every tent taken * A the old copper dragon on the * ____ down. The Veterans departed d u r­ church of St. M ary-I^-Bow , Cheap- The annual fall H arvest F e s ­ side, Ixmdon has aroused much com­ ing the day for their respective tival of the Salvation Army was ment both because of its historic in­ hpmes, some going as far south held Thursday evening at the Sal­ terest and because it marks a renais­ as Redding California and others sance of the copper weather cock in vation Army headquarters and as far north as Eugene. this country, due to the increasing about $40 was realixed on the use of the tow er in American archi­ sale of the farm produce accord­ tecture. SEASIDE, Sept. 8.— The con­ ing to Captain Porter, who had test for the vice-commander of The copper dragon o f St. M a n ’s j Seven mein hers of the F air was put in place in 1573 during the j n . j the affair in charge. State American Legion promises reign of good Queen Bess. From its ’ ere in town this morning The Harvest Festival is held to be the lively b attle of the con­ perch, 221 feet above the pavement, anth r Shipton, was th at if' this union agreed to accept the ten cluding grain chickens, fru it and North Bend is reported after the Iragc and the grassho per from the land that car possibly do It to ________ per cent wage increase and to w aterm elons. The sale was some­ ■t 1HWW. i l ' I)1 »Nfrrfiiu . . • 3 'tjnssfc, V. anc if the Royal }• change ever enter some sert of pm luoe in or­ next year’s convention with New­ abandon the dem ands for the thing of an auction sale and quite et, l e streets of Lone n would flow port also In the field and Med­ The San Francisco Radio Broadcasting staon the coast and broadcasts the music of the most check off and closed shop. 'h Food - They we l>oth ♦ ’ <-n der th a t Ashland m y take as good prices were realized. ford is angling for It. many prI®M th k y ^ r is she has or reedding in tion pictured above is one of the most powerful famous of the Bay City Orchestras «very week end. in thep asL “o Program Given By American Legion Closed Week Of Convention TO MI. WAGNER LOOKOUT LETED £10 KE 1 ECLIPSE OF SON T BODY OF PAF ALLEN STILL SOUGHT FOR HOLDS BIG SALE LEGION HAS BATTLE E WORKERS TAKE TERMS OF PINCHOT EXHIBITS FOB FAIR IF BE IN