* ASHLAND CLIMATE, without " the aid of medicine, cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. A shland D aily T idings THE TIDINGS HAS BEEN ASHLAND’S LEADING NEWSPAPER FOR NEARLY FIFTY YEARS ____ ______________________(International News Wire Service) VOL NO. V. 1 1 h A K S . ;; vive three months in the rich * ozone at Ashland. The pure do- * mestic water helps. » • ♦ ■ Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 4S. BLAKE MOORE M ILLENTIRE LOSS IN FIRE M M I MALARIA GERM3 cannot sur- ♦ ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1923. NO. r x i: NOTED WRITER ITALY - GREECE MAY LIVE HERE ACCEPT TERMS OF AGREEMENT ■ -- 10741114 COUNTY RELIEF PROGRAM HI TS LAKE 0 ’ WOODS Johnny Gruelle Author Of Children’s Stories Likes Ashland a I FOR JAPAN SET Sum of $3350 To Be Raised In Jackson To Help Stricken Nation DEATH TOTAL O FJAPANESE QUAKE MOUNTS Johnny Gruelle world famous — au th o r of the well known child­ The Jackson County Red C ross’ rens stories “ Raggedy A nne” and chapter’s quota for the relief of! Dead Indian Mill Property "Raggedy Andy’’ has been so- Inter-Allied Ambassador^ Estimated At $10,000 Spent u V X “6“ e^ thquake vlclhl13 Of Local Men Razed ju rn in g at Ashland ’s Summ er re­ Draw Up Settlement f t 3,5? ; acc°rding t0 the follow- ! Latest Estimate Is That sort, the Lake of the Woods, for This Summer For New By Flames iug telegram ju st received by John For Nations the past two weeks and according Half Million Lives Cottages C. Maun, chairm an of the Jack- to Professor Irving E. Vining, who 50,000 BOARD FEET Snuffed Out son county chapter, from Win. DETAILS WIL LBE today is greatly VINING REELECTED OF LUMBER BURNED was in town Car! H unt of San Francisco, the GIVEN AT GENEVA pleased with the attractions which ASSOCIATION HEAD m anager of this division of the GREAT NAVAL BASE the Lake offers. Cause Of Fire Is Unknown Red Cross says the Tribune.. COMPLETELY WRECKED Greece Investigation Will As Men Were At Lunch Mr. Gruelle accompanied by his Many Improvements Noted National headquarter requests Start In Attempt To Find At Time Fire Started. wife and two boys aged 11 and all Red Cross chapters to be pre J Report from Yokohama That In Roads And Trails Of Assassin Of General Tell- touring the Several Acres Timber 6 years has been Lake This Season. Alav pared to receive and promptly I holera And Dysentery ini, Which Started Present country in a special built car for Also Destroyed. Pipe M ater To Houses transm it to division office contri­ j. I lagues Are Breaking Out Trouble. several months and is delighted Next Year. butions of money from the public i ¡hie To Lack Of Food And Same should be designated for ater In City. The Blake and Moore sawmill with the clim ate and surroundings G reece To In vestigate of Ashland that lie expects to Building operations at Lake of Japanese earthquake relief. Names about 20 miles out on the Dead PARIS, Sept. 7— It was learned the Woods during this season has; of donors should be mailed to KOBE, Japan.. Sept 7.— Half Indian road was completely de­ make his home here and send the from authorative sources today two boys to school this winter. mounted to tip-top figures, ac­ million persons lost their lives division office in duplicate. Chapt- stroyed hv fire yesterday a fte r­ th a t the inter-allied council of The car in which the Gruelle cording to Prof. I. E. Vining, who in the Japanese disaster according e ,s should not appropriate from noon according to reports reach­ am bassadors has succeeded in |'family has been touring the coun­ returned from the lake Tuesday. chapter funds w ithout fu rth er in­ to the report of refugees arriving ing here this morning at an es­ draw ing up the term s of a settle­ try is a special built affair hav­ Aproximately $10,000 has been structions. National headquarters here from Yokohama and Tokio. : tim ated Joss of between $6000 ment, which is acceptable to both ing a completely equipped P ull­ expended by vacationists and lo­ has made appropriation. President They stated that unquestionably and $7000 to the two owners Italy and Greece, thus averting a man car built onto a large truck cal people interested in the de­ Coolidge designates Red Cross as the total death toll will reach this both of whom are Ashland resi­ war in southern Europe. The de­ chassis and is very efficiently ar-i velopment of the lake as a summer the authoritative American agen­ great figure. dents. There was absolutely no in­ tails of the agreem ent will be ranged inside so as to furnish a resort. At least 15 new bunga­ cy for relief. surance carried so the entire I*ro|»erty Loss KiiorinouN communicated to both nations at complete and com fortable home lows of varied types, have been ‘L atest inform ation from Wash- am ount is a total loss to the own­ The Property damage is in- Geneva soon. on wheels. completed at a rapid pace and the nigton on Japanese disaster situ-! ’ al<” al’le according to officials. ers. Mh. Gruelle while at the Lake contem plation of opening many ation couvassed and declaim, No persons are adm itted to Tokio Largest Mill Of D istrict Troops Land At Corfu more sights will greatly acceler- i rea c h e d to a p p e al u e ‘ ,s ‘°» with out of the Woods the past two weeks to public for! 0,11 su ff*cR*nt food rations The sawmill which was the finished a new Childrens Book A THEN’S, Sept. 7.— A thousand ate the development p ro g ram Red Cross Japanese relief fund for Hiemselveg as food supplies largest of the Dead Indian dis­ the title of which is “ The Cam- additional troops were landed at next year. of five million dollars. Your q u o -, are lhni,ed- The destruction of trict has been in operation for a jel with the W rinkled K nee” and Corfu today. The town closed ex­ Officers Elected loi Yea, i ,a *335®- Chapter should organ- the naVal base and arsenal is the n„m b..r of y ear, and wa» fu lly ! according lo Professor’ Vtadng"7t cept for communication with the At a meeting of th e ! ize active Me­ o ’clock the mill and surrounding m ittee of the N orthw est Section rum ored about Ashland for some cent postponements, in most cases Service. Trails have been opened r i l l e P o rtla n d -l-P o rtla n d trip of the N. E. L. A. piles of lum ber were a mass of up, a new road which leaves the community exhibits, reports th at U. S. To He time was ra th e r doubted by some because of the fru it harvest. P.CbuLd there will be exhibits from prac-! is made prim arily to develop re­ flames. hlghw’ay at Deadwood through to The United Slut He will be absent for three or of the L lthian so W ednesday noon and England Schools opening this week are the lake expected to be finished ciprocal shipping between the two four weeks, and while East, he at the Llthian luncheon held at , th e 7 ,n aw j a ‘,an *“ - Before leaving the mill at noon cities and Portland, Oregon is our will inspect Power P lan ts at va­ the Hotel Ashland arrangem ents as follows: next year. This will provide county including, A.H1.M Talent“ l “ X ° g j ' ' hC deS“ ° !'e'1 *reM the men had carefully extinguish­ objective. It. will cost U3 $75,000 rious points, and will visit his were made to find out for certain Griffin Creek. Phoenix, Neil earlier access to the lake by two Central Point Gold Hill v .1 ’ ! 1 Japanese governm ent ed every spark and believed every to shake the hands of Portland, Creek, Lone Pine, Willow Springs, or three weeks, as the snow View, Table Rc. lt T o k WH ’ ' boyhood home in Birmingham, w hether or not he was really tied “ i" " 'e l ° ,ake thing to be absolutely safe so Oregon businessmen. We want to Alabama. Antioch, Provolt, Foots Creek, doe3 not lay on in th a t territory hock , Tolo, Willow first step, W Farnham ~ * up for good. the na- they are absolutely unable to ac­ Springs, West Side, learn conditions in the W est and Thompson Creek, Table Rock. De- Coleman tional city bank representative as late in the season as it does count for the fire. V. D. Miller Grand Fizz of the Creek, Eagle Point and probably develop m utually profitabe ship stated today. in the Buck Lake flat, where the L ,. liian» sen. a qnery Nash Tim ber In Flames Rogue River and Wimer. ping with your p o rt.” distributors In Portland in order ’ er preent road is located. ------ — Several acres of the Govern­ The doors of the horticultural ppu tm c i u ™ Creek, L ittle Applegate, West May P ipe W ater to Camp. I to find out w hether or not McNair building will be opened S unday' 1 L k I^ ° ’ Sept- 7.— The entire m ent tim ber around the location Side, Tolo, Alderbrook. Efforts are being made to have morning at 9 o’clock and every f 8raphy ° r lhe ea8t c<>ast of had really “ put one over” when of the mill were also consumed in w ater piped from Cold creek day thereafter for the community Pa.“ hUS bee“ chanK<’d a3 the the fire as the mill itself was too he made his trip to P ortland last along the line of location to the exhibitors to place their exhibits ’¡^J week. terd b le dlsaster. ™- fa r gone before the men returned camp sites. A small store has pro­ and make ready for the fair * J pan’ The llde w ater contour CORVALLIS, Sept. 7.— For to save anything. They succeeded The answer to M iller’s query vided campers with necessary which opens next W ednesday ’ b*™ lnd,cated the «‘eantlc sum m er Infestation of cu rran t ap­ came while the Lithians were so the fire in the timb- provisions, but It is hoped that ______ ___________ tldal waves and powerful convul­ througli so the fire in the tim b­ MARSHFIELD, Sept. ,7.— Al­ his the commercial nicotine dust gathered around the banquet table gasoline and accessories may be sions of the sea bottom have play- er was brought under control be­ ton Covell and his f ath er Dr. has proved b etter than liquid at the hotel and was passed around installed next season. Electric . ed havoc with the sea-coa3t east fore it bad destroyed very much w e d Coveil, are in the county sprays in tests at the experim ent to all present and was allowed lights will ultlm tely find their ! of Japan. The tid?e w ater contour ALBANY, Sept. 7.— Paving on pjuee; «I, me 14 or tile surrounding property. jail at Coquille, each suspected station. They were most effective­ to reach McNair last. The answer z-1 1 , place at the lake, as at present for hundreds of miles is said to the Pacific Calpooia highway hot 10m between section a of of the m urder of Mrs. Coveil at ly applied in warm, still periods. affirmed McNair’s claims that he ihn Ï 11 ! * " be " ‘B “ 86 d - give the impression of a new is their country home, five miles On small plantings the m aterial had been m arried so his friends Property Values Increase j land risen from the Ocean. south of Bandon, on the Two- was dusted on lightly through a th at have not received cigars to bany and Shedd is under way It is the opinion of Prof. Vining n p n n iv n Many isiaud along the coast are Mile road. The uncle of Alton cheese cloth bag, but on commer­ date should arrange to see him as and will be completed in two .EDDINO. Sept. 7.— Respond- reponed to ............. .appeared au.t w eeks if j - . that buil