Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, September 04, 1923, Page 4, Image 4

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AsötASb DAlhî
! inexpensive to operate, It ia a
ay, *bepu‘tttbep 4, iöS«
____________ _______ ■!
Dt'ácticai taethoci for th? sMall com
I munlties*
A D aily C hronicle o f th ose w h o com e and go, and even ts o f
local in terest.
Chief of Police McNabb has a
i letter from E, R. Woods, prose­
cuting attorney of W heeler coun­
ty, Oregon, asking that Johnnie
PORTLAND, Sept. 4.— At this
reenian, a fifteen year old boy,
season of the year when tourists,
rho was taken into custody here
campers, hunters and fishermen
‘ some time ago and held for the
are roam ing at large in every
The Ashland Fire Department ’ W heeler county au thorities on a
nook and corner of the State the
probabilities of an otherwise rea-i'-vas lushed from it quiet slam-! charge of raising a check with in­
souably safe w ater shed becoiu- her at four o’clock Sunday morn- tent to defraud, be paroled to
ing polluted are greatly in creased .: ing to extinguish the fire a t the McNabb so that he might attend
It is therefore advisable th a t ex- home of the late W arren Wil- school here, where he can board
tra precautions be taken to safe- Hams. A bed, in a rear sleeping with his m other until he finishes
guard against possible interrup-j com partm ent, was accidentally bis schooling. The object being
lion of the purity of your w ater, set afire earlier in the evening. not to send him to the reform
There are three general m eth­ and was thought by Mrs. W il­ cliool, unless necessary.
ods of w ater purification; first liams to be entirely extinguió:, e.
Johnnie lias been working on
sedim entation or storage; second, At the eaily ltoui iu the morning a ranch in W heeler county since
a passerby noticed the flame, his return there. Under parole,
filtration; and third, chemical.
The method of storage is not
^'a<^ smoldered and i’.ii.-ilv pending his good liehavior and
safe unless it he used in comhina- fanned to life, and report.>d the his earnings applied on the ex­
;ion w ith either chemical purifica-i blaze to the fire departm ent. No pense of prosecuting him and to
lion or Alteration. It is used in damage was done, other than cover the loss due to his activities
exceptional instances
where an burning the feather bed and chai­ with a pen. By this method it is
ample lake or reservoir removed i ring the bedstead.
hoped he will realize sooner, th at
,rom the access of human beings,
the ways of the paperhanger is
is available, and where the w a -! Salem b u ild in g s till very a c tiv e. hard to travel.
er is practically free from solid ‘
m atter. H arm ful bacteria do n o t'
multiply naturally in Mean wa-j
‘er, and by keeping it stored fori
■a period of months before it is
O S lllg
useil a certain am ount of purifica-!
southerly point visited. A won­
derful trip is reported. A tele­
gram announcing the death of a
O. E . s .
relative in Sacram ento was re­
ceived this m orning by Mr. Brook-
Regular m eeting of Alpha
m iller. He left on No. 13 for
Chapter No. 1, O. E. S. this
the couth, to attend the funeral
(T uesday) evening 8 o’clock.
and business m atters.
Masonic Hall. This is the offic­
ial visit of the W orthy Grand
R eturn Home—
M atron. Mrs. .Stella K. Drake.
Mrs. Jessie Stannard, accom­
All visiting members are cor­
panied by Mr. and Mrs.. Edward
dially invited. Refreshm ents.
1 Stannard left Sunday morning
for the re tu rn trip to Los An­
W orthy Matron.
geles. Berkeley will be visited a
' few days before the party arrived
in Los» Angeles. The visit of the
form er A3hlanders has been filled
^ - M a l t a Commundery Xo. 4
with many gaieties and many ac­
K nights Tem plar
quaintances were renewed and
Masonic Hall
others formed. Mr. Stannard ex­
Stated Conclave, W ednesday pects to teach in the Van Neyes,
Cecpt A n fo tte
evening, Septem ber ».
F irst California, High School this win­
m eeting after sum m er vacation. ter as he will be head of the Ag­
Launched recently at L akehurst the air, the ZR-1, was expected The ZR-1 is the sister ship to the
V isiting
Sir ricultural D epartm ent.
N. J., where she was built, this to take her maiden flight outside ZR-2, which fell iuto the Hull
K nights courteously invited.
great rigid fram ed leviathan of her hangar about September 1. River two years ago.
F. H. JOHNSON, B. C. R eturn to Portland—
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Beaver,
W. H. DAY, Recorder,
Jr., and family, accompanied by and one full of interesting ex- F. Shepherd home, w here many family of Climax, Ore.; Mr. and
their gue3t, Miss Fairchild left perieaces.
Recoverin g—
entertainm ents were given in M i -3. W. L. Davi3 and family of
Mrs. E. J. B arrett is recover­ last evening for Portland. They
their honor as the Shepherd and the Green Sw ing Mountain; Mr. J o n ta k e s, place.
ing from a severe touch of con­ have been visiting a t the A. M. Teach N ear P en d leton —
Herrick fam ilies are friends of and Mrs. E. G. Davis and family
oi all Stock ol stamped and ready made hand
The second method, th a t of
gestion of lungs and nervous pros­ Beaver home and visited C rater
Miss Beth Johnson expects to old standing. Miss Luella H er­ of A shland; Eli and Joe Davis, Q lteration is a fa irly s a tis fa c to ry
Lake Sunday. They were also leave tonight for Pendleton, rick rem ained in Ashland until and Lucy Davis.
work from Sept, -ftli to Sept. S, inclusive.
method, and if properly carried
guests al the re-union held in the where she will teach a school in Sunday morning, when she left
out at ail times produces a safe;
park last week by the memlters i he suburbs of Pendleton
F orm er Ashland Man Dies—
this for Sacram ento, to join her p a r­ P.*T . R. Activities—
w ater supply. This is purely a.
A telegram was received S atur­ of his family and other relatives. w inter. Miss Johnson is the most ents. Their presence in Ashland
Thursday afternoon at 2:30 p. mechanical process and consists of
day afternoon, saying that E. B.
popular girl in Ashland, having occasioned many parties as the m., the P. T. A. holds its first
¡passing w ater through a series,
Myer had died in San Francisco. Xew Residents—
been elected Queen of the L ith­ family have scores of friends m eeting of the year. All th a w
of layers of sand of varying sizes ,
No particulars of the death were • Mr. and Mrs. Andy Arant and iums during th eir recent contest. here.
♦ ♦
who are interested in high school I from small granules to large peb-i
given. Mr. Myer was a ton of four children from Idaho are in She graduated from the local
problems are especially urged to , hies, the entire series being about
the late B. F. Myer and rem em ­ Ashland and expect to locate high school iu 1921 and returned loibor Day V acationist—
be present at thi3 meeting. Re­ six feet thick. This process only
bered hy many Ashland people.
perm anently In this city.
The to school to receive a post g’ad-
A party consisting of M argaret ports will be made and plans dis­
A rant’s have made three previous uate course, the following year. and Caryle Van Dyke, Esther cussed. Light refreshm ents will ¡removes the d irt and solids. This;
trips and are very much pleased Many experiences undoubtedly K leinham m er and Clyde Young be served. The hostesses of the ¡method requires the construction
laibor Day V acationists—
, of special mechanical apparatus,
Mr. and Mrs. Don Spencer, ac­ with Southern Oregon.
aw ait her arrival and Ashland spent yesterday at Lake of the afternoon are the Mesdames Guy
for the small
companied by Alice and Dena,
friends are glad to know of the Woods. The day was thorough­ Good, A, E. Woods and Don ¡and is expensive
num bered among the select who On Business—
opportunity that she has been of­ ly enjoyed and proved recreation­ W hitney.
The third or chemical purifi"ca-
C. A. Ricketts, a mining man fered.
spent a two day holiday in their
al and entertaining.
consists of the addition to
m otor. Leaving Saturday even­ from H ilt, California, is in Ash­
At North Bend—
the w ater of some chemical that
ing, the party went to the Spen­ land today as a business visitor.
F ine Trip R eported—
Xo Luck—
Mr. and Mr3. E rn ert Hicks and
the germ life, or practica-
cer camp on the Dead Indian road
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jordon, A.
Jack Peebler and Messrs. Rice Tom Moran left Saturday noon
and stopped a few hours. Lake Listen to This—
! E. Jordon and Ed. Coovling re- and Jennings spent the week end for North Bend, Oregon, where ally all of it, but is not harm ful ..
of the Woods and many other
Otis Johnson, George Converse turned to Ashland Monday even- in the W agner Gap vicinity h u n t­ they visited a t the home of Mrs. to the consumers of the water.
places of in terest en route to and Johnny Shortridge left yes- j ing from a delightful vacation ing but were unable to bring A rthur Thompson, who is a sister It is generally acknowledged by
K lam ath Lake were visited. Mr. terday m orning for Cinnibar spent in Dead Indian. A. E. J o r­ home any deer. Jack Peebler of Mrs. Hicks. They returned to ! scientific men th a t the most sat-
Spencer is thoroughly fam iliar Springs, w’here they intend to don and Mr. Coovling were the hiked to the sum m it of Mt. W ag­ Ashland Monday night and de­ ; isfactory method of chemical pur­
w ith the K lam ath county, but camp a month in effort to make unsuccessful hunters, but enjoyed ner and spent several hours en­ clare th a t the roads in the n o rth ­ ification is by the process of chlor
as Mrs. Spencer had never visited the outing a successful hunting the outing, finding it hard to re­ joying the sights offered from ern p art of the state are in fine ¡nation. That is by adding to The -
th a t p a rt of the country, the trip trip. Food enough for three tu rn to work.
w ater m inute quantities of chlor
the butte. The atm osphere was condition.
was made for her especial bene­ months w ar rations wa3 being
ine or its compounds. This pro­
clear and miles of expanse were
They returned home this packed with the aid of four mules, Returns to Seattle—
lias become so general that
opened for vision of the sight­
in use in practically ev­
which may prove entertaining as
to succeed Capital N ational, will
Dan Botwerman, Accompanied seer.
well as spiteful.
erect 6-story modern steel build­ ery city iu the country, with one
by liis m other, left this morning
ing at the c o rn e r.o f State and or two rare exceptions. Iu the
Business in California—
for Portland and Seattle. A fter V acation Ended—
Glorious Gloria reaches the shining heights in
larger cities it is used in combin­
Chan W atson, son of Judge McGee a t Lake—
visiting relatives* a very short
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Jilison and
this story of a girl who found she had married a
ation with the method of storage
W atson, left Saturday for Los
J. H. McGee spent the week­ time in Portland, they will pro­ Mr, and Mrs. C. B. Cary and fam- ’
or filtration. It Jias The advantage
Angeles on a business trip. Mr. end with his family who are at ceed to Seattle where Dan will ily returned to Ashland Sunday
modern Bluebeard.
i 1171,453 during the past year. I of being inexpensive to install and
W atson is interested in the Shale Lake of the Woods. Mr. McGee enter the University.
from a ten day’a motor trip.
Oil company and the trip is be­ returned last night by himself as
Newport was the principal city
ing made in the interest of the the rem ainder of the family will In A shland—
visited and a fine trip and good
company. He will probably be stay at the lake until the close
Mr. and Mrs. E arl Shepherd of 1 roads are the verdict of the local
in California a month or six of the season.
K lam ath Falls, arrived in Ash­ vacationists. W inter atm osphere
land last night to be a t the C. was encountered, but judging by
F. Shepherd home a few days. the vast num ber of tourists visit­
Camping a t Crescent City—
had returned from Rose­ ing the northern beach, cool cli­
Moves to New Home —
M. M. Brower and family of
Misa Ethyl Hazen left Monday Van Ness avenue, are enjoying a burg on a business trip and mates are in vogue thi3 season.
to join other members of her ten days’ outing at Crescent City. stopped in Ashland en ro u te to Mr. Jilison is working at the Ash­
fam ily in M arshfield, where she Mr. Brower has been employed th eir home in K lam ath Falls.
land Feed and Grocery store this
w ill live in the future.
Other at Jo rd o n ’s Electric store several
m em bers of the family have been months and will re tu rn home V acation Trip——
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Isaac and V isit R elatives—
in the north a few weeks, but greatly refreshed.
and Mrs. Leo Ferguson are
Miss Hazen has been employed
The home of D. N. Davis on
enjoying a four day camping and the Green Spring M ountain was
in the East Side Pharm acy since M issionary M eeting__
graduating from high school in
The Missionary Society of the m otor trip. The party left Sun­ the scene of an inform al family
th e spring.
Miss Hazen is quite Christian church meets on F ri­ day for Diamond Lake, C rater gathering Sunday. The day was
well known with the younger set day afternoon at 2:30 a t the Lake, Lake of the Woods ^ind 3pent quietly but enjoyed by
in Ashland, having entered into church parlors. All are invited Pelican Bay, where they will members of the family who gath­
spend the coming week.
many activities during the few to these meetings.
er often a t the home of their
years th a t she has lived in Ash­
parents, who keep in touch with
R eturn to California—
land. She has taken leads in Visit C entral Point—
family affairs. The members of
m any of the operettas and pag­
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. H errick left the family present to enjoy the
Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Swingle vis­
eants given at various times, the ited friends in C entral Point Sun­ for their home in Sanger, Cali­ hospitality were: Mr. and Mrs.
late st one being her part in day afternoon.
fornia Saturday morning. W hile A. W. Lacy of W agner Creek;
•‘D ream land.” She will be missed
in Ashland they vi3ited a t the C. Air. and Mrs. J. S. Grissom and
and her place a hard one to fill.
Form er R esid en ts H ere__
W. E. Buchanan and family,
T o C alifornia—
from Eugene, are visiting friends
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jones of in this vicinity this week.
459 Morton street left Saturday
for I-03 Angeles, where they will Here from Silverton—
m ake a three m onth's visit.
Mrs. George Burch of Silver-
n m. in. -
ton, Oregon, visited relatives hi
V acationists—
Ashland last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Engle, ac­
companied by the Misses Minnie Coopep Fam ily R eturn__
Poley and Florence Allen, were
W. A. Cooper and family re ­
guests at the Engle cottage over turned from Eugene. Saturday,
One lot of a very attractive Or­ Seamless Tapestry Brussels Rugs A pretly designed rug and is
Labor Day. Knowing the nature where thye have been visiting
iental design in a medallion P at­ in cheerful harmonizing colors, strongly woven of wool and fibre
of these four highly educated peo­ their son, Oscar Cooper and wife
ple, if would be only a m atter for a few days. Oscar Cooper is
tern and works out in pretty col­ that will brighten up an h o m e . carpet yarns and come in attrac­
of speculation to consider the a form er Ashland boy, but has
orings of blue and old rose, that A very close woven rug.
tive color combinations, priced
has something about the house he no
n a tu re of the time spent at Lake been attending the Eugene Bible
you will not tire of, lias a deep
for this sale as low as
S iz e 9x12.
of the Woods. No casualties be­ University before being given a
pile that wears well, size 9x12 ft.
ing listed the party will probably pastorate.
A $38.00 Value, Sale Price $28.65 Regular $35.00
Sale Price 24.85
go again.
Why not turn these
Telephone Tales—
B oy Scout ou J o b -
Mrs. Dora Hubbard, m anager
Al bea Beck, window decorator of the local telephone exchange,
into cash ?
and trim m er for Simpson's H ard­ returned to the office this m orn­
w are store, returned from Lake ing after a fortnight spent quiet­
Hundreds of people are looking in the
of the Wood3 Friday evening. ly at her home on G ranite Sr.
Want Ads every day for all sorts of second
W hile a t the Lake, he was with Her vacation wa» restful, though
o th er Boy Scouts during their en­ every hour was filled with ac­
campm ent.
complishment of home duties. J.
You can sell
\ ictor A. Farnell, m anager of the
V acation Ended—
St. Helens telephone office, who
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. G illette and has been in charge of the local
»on returned to Ashland Friday, exchange during the absence of
a fte r spending their sum m er va­ Mrs. Dora Hubbard on her vaca­
Machinery, Musical Instruments.
cation at Lake of the Woods. Mr. tion, returned this m orning to his
and countless other things through
G illette has resum ed his duties home. Mr. Farnell was in Ash­
as conductor on the Southern P a ­ land several years ago and noted
cific lines. Their outing was many changes on his re tu rn this
thoroughly enjoyed and a longer time. He was much taken with
vacation could have been well our city. s. F. Kelly, from the ,
taken care of and enjoyed.
local office, also returned to his
work after a fo rtn ig h t’s vacation.
HtMne front Trip—
It was filled with a num ber of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brookmil- trips, including an outing to Dia­
ler and K eitha returned to Ash­ mond Lake. Miss Myrta O tter-
land Friday from a four weeks' dale, chief operator, has ju s t re ­
m otor trip to California. Many turned from her vacation spent
relatives were visited by the Ash­ in visiting friends in Salem, P o rt­
land people during their vacation land, Seattle and other cities.
and San Diego was the most She had a very pleasant trip,
(hit Sale
Needle Craft Shop
rw T f
12M JL2
!ßu?si Rug Sale R P
S4000 worth of Rugs placed on sale at prices that should move every one of
them. Axminister rugs of the latest patterns and colors, Velvet Rugs, Brus­
sels Rugs,—all are made hy the largest and best known manufacturers of the
United States.
Dollars Saved are Dollars
Axminister Rugs
Tapestry Brussels Rugs
Genuine Gold Seal Congoleum Rugs, 9x12 size,
NOW al §16.50
Wool and Fibre Rugs
Sale on Beds, Bed Springs and Mattresses
C la s s if ie d >
A d v e r tis in g
We should sell at the very least, 100 of these. Look over your bed rooms and
see if you have the mattress and bed spring that suits you. Do you get the
comfort that you are entitled to, or do you wake up in the morning feeling
tired? It may be your sleeping equipment! 4 glance at these beds
and bed
springs and mattresses will convince any one very quickly of the opportun-
ity to save DOLLARS.
Remember our Sale on odds and ends of dishes also complete Dinner Sets,
Wash Tubs, Wash Boilers, Wash Boards, Aluminum Ware, all to be cleaned
up at a No Profit Bearing Sale.