A shland D aily T idings ASHLAND CLIMATE, without the aid of medicine, cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. * * * * * * * * * 1 1 * * * * f * t U VOLUME IV. 1 I t T I 1 ) I M THE TIDINGS HAS BEEN ASHLAND’S LEADING NEWSPAPER I FOR NEARLY FIFTY YI AHS (International News Wire Service) Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. MALARIA GERMS cannot sur * vive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. The pure do mestic water helps. j ASHLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1923. ITALY SEIZES GREEK CITY OF COAL HEETING!T0URISÏHÜKT WILL BE HELD! ,n a “ e<:k 0 N WEDNESDAY Seattle Man’s Collar Bone Broken As Automobile Leaves Highway 1 GREEKS CLAIM PROTECTION SOLD IN ASHLAND FROM LEAGUE OF NATIONS NO. 308. REUNION MELI HELD STORES CLOSE AUSTRALIANS FOR LABOR DAY BY LOCAL FAMILIES LOSE TO U. S. TENNIS STARS The Ashland Auto Company un­ One of the most delightful and der the m anagem ent of L. Zun- Danger Of Balkan War Increases With Bombardment complete re-unions th a t has been Mayor Issues Proclamation dell, is unable to give any fu rth er Asking All Business To held this year, occurred Fridfly And Seizure Of City Of Corfu By Forces word than has been previously evening in the park, when the Observe Holiday Of Italian Army And Navy Another Meet Arranged As E. H. Noyes of Seattle is in the published. Chevrolets have proved Stannard, Herndon, Beaver and so popular th a t Mr. Zundell has hospital here suffering from a brok Result Of Secret W alker families* m et for a picnic Tilden And Williams For en collar bone and severe bruises gone over his allotm ent of m a­ dinner and family re-union. Many Conference chines and will have to slack his as the result of an autom obile ac- America Win Doubles miles of territo ry were repre­ cident a short distance north of) sales until more new machines are sented in the crowd as extrem ities Of Cup Match STRIKE SAID TO town last evening in which h i s '3ent to thls offlce- Slx machines of Portland and Los Angeles BE 100 PER CENT car was completely demolished. ‘ were sold la3t week- al8° a new In accord with the usual;: FAST PLAY FEATURE Greece Asks Protection O f'------------------------ were reached. truck to S. R. Razor. Noyes was driving his car at League Of Nations After ¡ cliff durant may Many parties and picnics th at “ custom I hereby declare Adminitration Officials Be­ a m oderate rate of speed with OF FULL FIVE SETS New machines are expected next Opening Of Hostilities By RACE IN MEXICO resembled a re-union have been | Monday September 3, a;; lieve Work Will Be Re­ bis wife beside him and his three week, but their lot is provided for Military Forces Of Italian given by these families, however, Holiday and ask that busi-" Anderson And Hawkes F or sumed Soon in Mines As children in the back seat when!*9” lour tbe num ber have been I Government. In a wire to Cliff D urant an­ the one given last night is the Australia Play Good Ten Are Confident That Pin- the car for some reason, suddenly' bargained for and if prestige ness be stopped in obser­ nouncing the fact that a Star had firot complete assemblage th at nis But Are Unable To chot Will Succeed. LONDON, Sept. 1.— Greece to­ won the championship of Mexico i has occurred this year. All ipem- vance of the same swerved into the hank at the side counts for anything, the rest of have changed day claimed protection from the J. B. Glenn, head of the Aztic of the road and the steering gear ihe num ber will hers of the family were present Charles L. Loomis, -• Ut Winners. Terrific Stride HARRISBURG, Penn. Sept. 1 was shattered as a result of the hands before the models are set League of Nations against the Motor Co. d istributor of the Dur- excepting Meredith Beaver, who Mayor — Under a pledge of absolute sec­ impact. tip and cold. Italian invasion of Greek soil and ant and S tar in the capitol of the ¡ visited bis parents recently aud * FOREST HILLS, N. Y., Sept. 1. I » « M I M M I » . recy the representatives of the Business as this is not unusual. the seizure of the city of Corfu Mr. Noyes had his collar bone neighboring republic, urged him is now in Portland employed in The tide of battle changed hack operators and miners in the pres- shattered and was badly bruised, Economic car owners have been; a fte r it had been bombarded by to have one or more of the fam ­ the Pathological D epartm ent of ... . and forth here in the Davis Cup ent mine dispute met with Cover-1 and is probably injured in tern al_ pushing the Chevrolet dealer d u r-' the Italian troops. The num ber . buslnPSS in Ashland will ous D urant specials in the next the Portland Medical College. I Doubles between American and nor Gifford Pinchot of Pennsyl- ly> although it will be impossible ing the entire summer. i of people killed in the hombard- race schedule for the Mexico City Vacation time lended itself prof- Kl° P tOr the obsorvance of Labor A ustralia today. Tilden and vania appointed m ediator of t h e , to ascertain the extent of the in­ J ment will run between 15 and 20, track during the Holiday period. itably toward draw ing these peo- 1>a' acvording to the latest infor- W illiams of America, won the coal trouble by President Coolidge te rn a i ¡„juries for some time yet I it was estim ated by Greek au th o r. W ith the annual Thanksgiving pIe together and th eir party was ination received from the heads of i first set 17-1.'. over Anderson and here today and as the result of j Mrs. Noyes and the three chn_ I ities here today. Day race at Beverly HI113 speed­ indeed enjoyed and appreciated the leadings linns and everyone | Hawkes of A ustralia A ustralia * a conference lasting for about 30 dren escaped w ith slight bruiseaf A ffair R eaches Crisis will u n ite in the celebration of won the next two. 13-11, 6-3. Am­ way m arking the first appearance by those present. m inutes departed with the an­ although the car was badly wreck­ The G reek-Italian trouble was of D u ran t’s new racer, the well Following the dinner, the p ar­ the legal Holiday. erica took the fourth 6-3 and the nouncement th at they would re­ ed. draw ing rapidly to a crisis here known California sportsm an and ties returned to their various There will be no Tidings issued filth set 6-2 capturing the match, assemble for another meeting with today for 3ince the assassination internationally (amour* patron of homes, some later congregating on Labor Day as th at is one of and the cup again. According to witnesses and the! the Governor next W ednesday af­ occupants of the car no reason' of the Italian B order commission racing will have . plenty ___ „ of time ___ a t the Beaver residence on Iowa , the few holidays which the fore os Newport has increased in “size ternoon. under the command of General to reach Mexico City with his • aud Beack streets, to spend the °.f tllP NeW8paP®f offices are en could he discerned for the sudden many times since 1912, which! Tel,ini mount and it is likely th a t he ! rpniai»der of the evening con vers. ! tUIed to onjoy‘ on Greek soil the two na Mystery Surrounds Meet swerving of the car, but Mr. was the last visit to the n o rth e rn ’ ». >. .. tions have been on the verge ol! An air of complete mystery as Noyes advances It is expected that many of the will be seen in teh Mexico City ing. the suggestion beach resort made by E. D. Briggs to what was discussed in the con­ that a rock caught in his brake who with his son and wife, Mr. a crisis and the seizure of the dirt track with Jim m y Murphy or Members of the fam ilies pres­ employes of the stores and busi­ ference this morning is being adop and threw the car to the side and Mrs. Wm. Briggs and child, Greek city of Corfu by Italian Eddie Hearne as team m ates ent were: Mr. and Mrs. F. H. ness houses of Ashland will gc troops yesterday brought affairs when the big w inter m eet is W alker, Fran hand Janey W alk­ out for the day’s vacation allow­ ted by both representatives of the ¡of the road. returned to Ashland yesterday. to a crisis. staged. Miners and the O perators and! Hospital authorities state th at er; Mr. and Mrs. W alter H ern­ ed by the observance of Laboi Leaving Ashland two weeks B alkan W ar T hreatened both ,sides absolutely refused to; Mr. Noyes although severely in­ ago, the- Briggs fam ily motored WASHINGTON. D. Sept. 1. don, Bobby and Billie H erndon; Day and many have already sig­ It is reported th a t the danger reveal what was discussed by th e ' jured is doing nicely and hi3 e a r­ to Newport, on to Portland and Substantial savings of gasoline Mr. aud Mrs. A. M. Beaver Jr., nified their intentions of going very secret meeting. aDd Jack and B etty Beaver, Miss to Lake of the Woods or some by tile periodical adju:»tment of ly recovery is looked for as he returned to Ashland. W hile at of a Balkan war is increasing as thè result of the seizure of Corfu W ork A ll Suspended Minnie Fairchild, all of P o rt­ sim ilar resort to spend a restful carburetors based on the results is doing very well at present and the beach, the party had the plea­ Meanwhile work has been sus unless unlooked for internal in­ sure of renting a very com fortable gives Italy complete control of land; Mr. and Mrs. Edw ard Stan­ two days away from the city of analysis of exhaust gases from pended by practically every work juries are encountered he will be cottage and enjoyed pleasures of the A driatic, thus bottling up the nard and Mrs. Jennie Stannard streets and their business cares. automobile engines are declared countries of Jugo Slavia and Al­ to be feasible by the D epartm ent of Los Angeles, and Mr. and Mrs. er in the A nthracite mines and ¡o u t in two weeks semi-camping and home. Mr. bania, both of which are p ro test­ A. M. Beaver. of the Interior following exeprl- the miners have made the sta te ­ Briggs contradicted the prevalent ing very strenuously to the high­ ments made by the Bureau of ment th a t they are out 100 per rum or th a t cottages a t Newport handed m ethods of the Italians. The m embership committee of Mines on the fleet of motor trucks cent and will rem ain out till their were u n attractiv e and scarce. Ac­ the Civic Im provem ent club are used by the Government Fuel demands are met by the operators holding a special m eeting next cording to those who have been Ita lia n Troops Moving la r d iu W ashington; As the re­ Coal Supply Stored there, such a rum or is biased and PARIS, Sept. 1.-—It was re ­ Tuesday afternoon for the settling sult of carburetor adjustm ents A forty day supply of hard coal unfounded as Newport can pro­ ported from Madrid today th a t of all past business and as this made by gas a lysis in the bu­ has been stored up in expectation vide any facility the ordinary va­ Italian troops have landed a t Tan­ ia the first m eeting of the 1924 reau's experim* s, an actual in- of the strike by Eastern interests j The Library is being dressed cation h u n ter demands. gier and th a t during landing the season, it is expected to be a very creased efficien but it is believed th a t this sup-) up preparatory to fall and w inter raving of gasol in mileage and Deep sea fishing is one of the Italian troops clashed w ith the n a ­ im portant one. Tourist and m otor enthusiasts NOME, Alaska, Sept. 1.— But e am ounting to ply will be used before th a t time most interesting sports indulged ive police and many casualties re Dues are to be paid a t this one person is alive of the entire w eather. A new roof made of 22 per cent wa attained In tho unless the strike is settled by a r­ using - the small car to fit their in by the vacationists as Mr. suited. meeting, according to members Alan Crawford expedition sent composition shingle and lead will following month The tests dem- bitration or some solution is reach needs have caused the Ford Gar­ Briggs withuessed a resident of Jupe Pluvious onstrate that a of the club and all members are from here two years ago to hereafter keep portable carbon ed at the meeting to be held next age to forge ahead by leaps and Medford haul in a string of fish G reek T erritory Taken requested to bring the required W rangel Island by V llhjalm ar from dam pening the plaster aud dioxide indicator for testing the bounds. During the past week Wednesday by the representatives discoloring the ceiling. This is LONDON, Sept. 1.— It was re am ount. The m embership com­ two and one half feet long in exhaust gases of a motor vehicle Stefanson. An Eskimo woman is of the two sides w ith Governor the sales departm ent have m ount­ shortly more than one hour. The ported from Rome today th at the first new covering th at the m ittee also states th at any lady the sole survivor. Lom e K night, ed a column of sales which clear­ gives a positive indication of the Pinchot at H arrisburg. | local holiday fishermen experienc­ Italian troops had landed a t Sa who wishes to join may do so by of McMinnville, Oregon, is among Library has had since the build­ carburetor adjustm ent, removes ly indicates th a t the motor loving Men Rem ain O11 Jobs ed as many th rills as the ordinary mos in Greece and were p rep ar­ giving her dues to any member those who succumbed. He was ing was completed iu 1912. Con­ all guesrwork of 3uch adjustm ent, The officials of the unions con­ public is realizing more than ever visitor in catchiny and eating all ing to take control of the su r sidering the am ount of rainfall of the membership committee. Is perfectly feasible practically, the son of J. I. K night, of Mc­ sented late yesterday to allow the how to best make use of their op- flish obtainable. th at Ashland has had in over rounding territory. The Greek The membership committee and is alm ost Indispensable to a Minnville. He had much Polar pump men aud watchmen of the I portu,li,ies- Nine new Ford cars, ten years, the Library m ight con­ inhabitants of the territo ry have consists of Mesdames Perozzia, Several Ashland people were at company having ten or more large experience and was last heard mines to rem ain at work in order i ' including all types, were sold in sider itself fortunate to have had been put under m ilitary rule and Dean, Gray and Miss Hicks. trucks In service, especially if from in September, 1921. Three th a t the mines would not become' tGD days at the Ford G arage- Newport. The Oldfield family and no more expenditure than it has Howard Rose and wife crossed! is expecTed th a t open hos-tili supplied with adjustable carbu­ others of the p a rt y- perished, ac­ unsafe to work if by chance the “ Ot ,nentioniue “ veral used cars for such a purpose. ties between the two nations will paths with the Briggs company, retors. cording to word brought here. strike is settled in the near fut- th at Were tran sferred - break out in the territo ry un­ ure. Not only in Ashland being sup- and enjoyed several hours togeth­ The Government Fuel Yard less im m ediate m easures to rem ­ er. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. l . _ trucks tested by the Bureau of Officials Confident ' plied by the local dealers with the edy the situation are taken Newport will be one of the most Actual construction of the N atron Mines ranged iu capacity from A dm inistration officials at Wash ! € ' er popular m ake of machine, popular resorts on the Pacific in Cut-o/f from K irk to Oakridge. 2 to 7 % tons. During the lngton were confident today th a t bUt Talent and N orthern Califor- Subm arine F ir es on Ship Oregon begun when John Hamp­ w inter months, when the demand work would be resum ed in the uia patrons come h ere to make years to come if the rapid state ROME, Sept. 1.— An Italian shire, a G rants Pass contractor, ' for coal is heavy, from 30 to 35 mines in a few days and prac- ! their purchases- K lam ath County, of advancem ent and im provem ent subm arine opened fire on the is not abandoned. started the work of cleaning, —____ ; Trucks are used. Samples of tho PORTLAND, Sept. 1.— The day Greek ship Gorgios th is m orn­ tically all the officials were cyn while fa rth e r away and being well grubbing and grading for line. ’ exhaust gas were taken on the taken care of in K lam ath Falls, ing and only a fte r the most des­ when the American public was Track laying foilowin grading fident that Governor Pinchot Total fines assessed by the trucks kept In service for sum- perate attem pts did the ship es­ willing to pay alm ost any price would be able to settle the trouble casually happen to Southern Ore­ will sta rt in about th irty days. courts of the county for prohibi- mer hauliug in order to deter- cape bad damages. The Gorgios for an autom obile, and still be­ between the Miners and Opera­ gon where their patronage i3 slip­ tion violations during the eight- , mine the carburetor adjustm ent was badly damaged by the fir­ lieved it was receiving good val­ tors at the Meeting next W ednes-| ped off and added to the local W HITE SALMON, W ash., Sept. eon months ending July 1, 1923, as used. Changes were then made I business m an’s roster. day. ing from the subfarine though, ue for its money, has passed. 1.— Geo. W althers, 18, was se ri­ am ounted to a total of $15,445 to a more economical adjustm ent According 10 Mr. Pierce, of the is ton keen, and had to re tire to port for re ­ Competition today ously wounded In the back last according to a statem ent issued wherever possible, without sacii- Ford Garage, tourist travel this pairs. and will be even keener as the night by a federal officer during today by G. A. G ardner, judge of , firing flexibility of operation and The Llthians in the process of year will probably extend later m otor car m arket approaches a raid on a still near Underwood. the county court. power. In every case the adjust- Troops A re Em barking into the season than ever before. opening up for business again de­ closer to the long predicted aud Older men were implicated in The total num ber of days ot ments were maintained for maxi­ ATHENS, Sept. 1.—-It was re ­ phem eral “ saturation point.” Several indications of this fact cided th a t the best w’ay to make the operation of the still. Few jail sentences imposed for the vio­ mum power, hut were adjusted ; have been noticed which tend to themselves conspicuous was to ported here early today th a t two Leaders in the automobile field j details of the shooting lations of the prohibition act, were to the leanest position to give convince business men, especial­ get together the eight loudest men regim ents of infantry and a rtil­ welcome this increased couipeti-. learned, am ounted to 5,783, according to that power. In all hut one case in the organization and a fte r lery corps attached and several ly garage owners, that the vast The Ashland High School Band tion. It stim ulates them to effect the report of the judge, and extra the carburetors were found ,0 be is to organize soon for the w int­ amount of highway improvement, teaching these converts the latest airplanes and other m ilitary un­ economies in m anufacture and dis­ EUGENE, Sept. 1.— Mrs. Henri costa for policing etc., in con­ adjusted too rich for maximum er says Carl Loveland, the direc­ w eather conditions and general w rinkles in the m usical world to its of the Italian arm y had em­ tribution of their products, which Anderson, of Eugene, who lost nection with the enforcem ent of power and economy. to r of the band and he w ants at business prosperity have already go around the various public barked for Tarento while enthus­ in the future, will make their cars an arm when hia machine over­ the law amounted to only $13,- least 20 more hoys to join the had its effect on tourist travel. places of the town singing iastic and patriotic crowds waved stand out intrinsically as stand- turned on the McKenzie highway P4 6. according to the report. W EIGHTS A M ) M EASURES ’Sparkling W aters” and other them farewell. organization in the near future September will probably see as! rds of comparison. yesterday died here. Her sister, The fines and jail sentences ASSOCIATION TO MEET as the band of 30 member which much of the out door fan as had song w rite r’s gems. W alter P. Chrysler, chairm an Mrs. O. Fostr, and Mrs. Addie Os­ were divided among the differ­ A fter definitely deciding on August, unless some unnatural is organized now would be g re a t­ of the hoard of directors of the born were in the car at the time, ent courts of the county as fol­ develop. The- this plan> H lSh Grand Fizz V. D. ATLANTIC, CITY. N. J. .Sept. ly improved with the addition of situation should hut were not seriously injured, lows. Justice Courts: Fines as­ 1.— The New Jersey Weights and Maxwell Motor Corporation, came Miller then proceeded to pick out night storage at the garage has a few more instrum ents. to Detroit recently from his New but are said to be in a state of sessed $3.500. Circuit C o u r t - M easures Association will hold the eight men in the organiza­ According to Director Loveland been larger than any previous Fines assessed $1,000.00. Couu- its twelfth annual conference at ork offices prim arily to see three terrible m ental anguish. tion with the loudest and a t the any boy th a t has an instrum ent year th a t the Ford people have ty Court fines assessed $3,650.00. the Hotel St. Charles here Sep­ men. He kept them w aiting for same time the most musical voic­ of any sort is eligible for mem­ operated in Ashland. Jail sentences were. Justice courts tem ber 5, 6. 7. and 8. BEND, Sept. 1.— Desch u te ’s three hours. This is why he did COTTAGE GROVE, Ore., Sept. The.«« New supplies are constantly be­ es and after w’eeks of endeavor bership and there are a few in­ Jail sentences 3003 days. Circuit m eetings, formerly closed, will county’s bond iesue of $130,000 it. 1.— Inform ation leading to the the seven men besides him self, strum ents in his care th at belong ing added to the stock, as usual. was Court jail sentences 1350 days. he open to m anufacturers o f th at were selected were Dr. locating of Glen Clayton is desired On the train from New York., for highway construction to the band so a limited num ber carried by a big m ajority, the County Court jail sentences 1,- weighing and m eauring machine's 1 Phetteplace, Carl Loveland, H arry by the grandparents, Mr. and Mr. C hrysler’s m anufacturing di­ of boys can secure instrum ents 430 days. Tomlinson, S. A. Peters, J r., J. Mrs. W. S. Van Dyke, of this city, rected itself tow ard ways by which retu rns of today’s votes indicates. this time. Federal authorities o f by applying to Carl Loveland if . . Bend went five to one and Red- A. McGee, Henry Enders, J r., and with whom the boy made his home costs of t producing the Bureau of Standards at W ash­ automobiles m • they wish to join the band. ~ j mond three to one. This assures W heeler rffiip carload salmon to Dr. R. L. Burdic. He is 17 years of age, is crip­ could be lowered, ington aud weights and measures A fter some completion of The Dalles-Cali- New York. The band last year was a great Carl Loveland was given charge pled in the left foot, has a small thought, he devised a method bj official» of States near New J e r­ success althought the num ber in fornia highway through the coun­ of the direction of the Octet and bump on the left side of the nose, which sey are expected to attend. he believed eight cents ty. it was not so large as was desir­ M iller F in a lly Depart«— according to people who have is blue-oycd and brown-haired. could be elim inated from the cost ed and played at all athletic con­ W ith many items following his DEMAND FOR GORILLAS come w ithin range of the musical When he left here he was w ear­ of producing each Chalmers car tests and other events put on by Mrs. Sanford E n tertains— Smokers of first-class cigars efforts of the group, they give ing a cowboy hat. advent, w hereabouts and d ep art­ SENDS PR IC E CLIMBING through the greater efficiency of the High school. will find th eir destiny lighted to promise of being a real group of Miss Nellie Fenner of Wonder, ure, W. Y. Miller has finally left Glen left here Saturday, Aug­ a certain m anufacturing device at Oregon, who has spent the past N ininger and W arner. A large songsters a fte r they have been ust 25, for Ashland in company HAMBURG, Sept. 1.— Unpre­ a p articu lar stage of Chalmers week a t the home of Mrs. W. E. Ashland for Paisley. Mr. Miller W ednesday afternoon of next display advertisem ent lighted by started yesterday morning for cedented dem ands for gorillas for worked on by D irector Loveland with Gerald Thornton, George, building|. So engrossed did he be­ week m arks the beginning of the strong globes, reflecting on gaily for a period of time. Moore and Linn Moore. The oth ­ come in the thought, and so im­ Sanford on Sixth street, returned Eastern Oregon in a truck. Med­ gland operations have shot prices coming year's activities in P res­ flaunted letters bearing the The m em bers of the Octet are er boys returned Sunday, but p ortant did he deem it, th a t ho to her home today. Mrs. San­ ford proved too much for the ma. for those anim als alm ost out of byterian Missionary circles. The words th a t instantly strik e the holding-practices as often as pos­ Glenn rem ained, saying th a t he pushed every other business con- ford and daughter accompanied chine and Mr. Miller hurriedly sight on H am burg’s m enagerie W om an’s M issionary Society will gaze of the public. “ San Felice” sible, and plan to have a t least was going to try to get work there sidcration aside until he had vis­ Mis3 Fenner home as the trip is dispatched a message to Frank m arket. Tho t erage price is give a Chinese A fternoon Tea and “ El Verso” has been added one every week, until they reach and, if unsuccessful, would go to ited the Chalmers plant and ac- being made in the Sanford m a­ Feigh, local draym an, who p u r­ now $3,000 per animal. Wednesday, in the church parlors. to the num ber of N ininger and th a t stage of perfection w here Roseburg on the same mission. ti;a*:y worked out ills ideas righi chine. The family pet dog, “ Bus­ chased the truck with no prelim ­ The king of he Jungle, the No one should miss the varied W arner attractions. Day by day practices are unnecessary which Efforts have been made to locate on the factory progressivi! assemb­ te r” recently disappeared from inary action. Prom ptly Mr. Mil­ lion, brings an ^erage price of program nor th is glimpse into they’re growing bigger and big­ a t present seems to be some dis­ him a t both these cities but w ith­ ly line, in conjunction with his home and Mrs. Sanford is very ler purchased a new Chevrolet only $1,250. Giraffes and rhin- the Orient. ger. anxious to know of his surround­ machine and is speeding tow ard tance In the future. out success. orceri, however, being scarce, own employes. ings. his home. cost $5,000 to $6,000. PROCLAMATION ITALIAN ARMY REPORTED AS BEING ON WAY TO TARENTO 10 BEACH RESORTS E SAVES MUCH GAS OF CLUB TO MEET Late Bulletins IN JEN DAYS HERE KEEN IN THIS AGE GEI OP JAZZY OCIET TO LOSE BOY BELIEVED ELECTRIC SIGN POT UP OVER POOE HAIL PHI ON LIBRARY