t U u u n u iu m n M iH h n n h A shland D aily T idings ASHLAND CLIMATE, without the aid of medicine, cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. b* * * * * * * * * • * • * “ VOLUME IV. 111111111> 11 1 1 1 THE TIDINGS HAS BEEN ASHLAND’S LEADING NEWSPAPER 1 »«H U G H ««! MALARIA GERMS cannot sur­ vive three months in the rich FOR NEARLY FIFTY YEARS. ! * (International News Wire Service) Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST, 31, 1923. NO. 307 WAR CLOUD HANGING OVER EUROPE U. S. OFFICIAL1' GIVEN MEXICO Two Years Of Negotiations Brought To Successful Conclusion OLD SOLDIERS GREER REPLY TO ITALIAN TO MEET HERE! PREMIER UNSATISFACTORY FAIR PREMIUM LIST REVISED Thirty First Reunion Will Few Corrections Necessary Open Monday To Last Further Steps To Be Taken Immediately To Insure In List Prepared By Entire Week More Satisfactory Statement From Greeks Committees Is Report Issued Prom Rome The 31st annual reunion of the M ASS MEETING WILL BE HELD The revision of the premium book of the Jackson County Fair Law-Enforcement Program this year was entrusted to a num- i Is Arranged By Anti- her of conunittees by the direct- , Saloon League AMBASSADOR WILL ors of the F air Association and BE PICKED SOON . the work of these committees was GOVERNOR WILL BE Anti-Greek Demonstration Staged In Vienna v®ry well (tone, however, there Friendly Relation PRINCIPALSPEAKER were some omissions and some On Receipt Of News Of Assassination Of Southern Nation corrections neceraary and these Head Of Border Commission Established Once Churches Of Ashland Will were not discovered until the pre­ This is first tim e the reunion After Years Of Strife And I nite For Meeting Which mium lists cam e into the hands ROME, A ugust 31.— Semi-of­ Trouble has been held here for seven o r Italy Mobilizes Army Is Being Held To Urge of those who contem plated m ak­ eight years and according to of­ ficial messages to Italian news­ PARIS, Aug. 31.— An uneon- ing exhibits. Strict Enforcement Of WASHINGTON, Aug. 31.— The 1 ficers of the order only about two papers here today stated th a t the firmed report origiuated from Prohibition. There has been no intent on United States has officially ex­ hundred are expected to attend Greek reply to Italian note is con­ Italian sources today th a t the the part of th e directors to have tended recognition to Mexico The churches of Ashland will the meeting this year as the num ­ sidered by the Italian Prem ier Italian ships not to touch at any product om itted and there­ again according to an official an­ unite in a public mass meeting at Mussolini as very unsatifactory ber in the Association is rapidly the Italian naval base near Greece fore several additions and changes nouncement issued here this morn the Methodist church. Sunday and it is believed he will take fu r­ decreasing each year. and wireless w arnings are said in the premium list have been N IT A N A LD I __ j nikht, in the interest of the en- iug by the State D epartm ent. th e r steps im m ediately to assure to have been broadcasted by the made. For thoDe who contem ­ BERLIN, Aug. 31.— “ German Tuesday is set aside as Ashland Vcgotiatioiis Successful .... v n ,,,, . I forceme“ t of the Prohibition Laws science is slowly starving to Day on the program and will be a more satisfactory report from Italian Government w arning all plate entering swine and peaches l . . T i.K \ R‘ 31— To the, The meeting will be under the The announcem ent was made death. The fall the Greek governm ent in regard • Italian ships not to touch at of the m ark carried out in th a t spirit. The it would he well to cut out this beautiful Nita Naldi, queen of t h e j au8pices Of the Oregon Anti-Sa- by the State D epartm ent this which has brought the wolf to mil­ to the assassination of the Ital- ! Greek ports. » article and refer to same when screen vamps, is attributed the; loon League. next day W ednesday has been set morning and is the result of two ________ _________ lions of German homes is fast aside as Medford day and each ian Border Commission by ban- 1 m aking entry. ¡reported rift in the domestic bliss; years negotiations carried on by j FA TH ER BUYS SON’S M eetin g To S ta r t E arly bringing about w hat might be day of the conference has been d its in Greek territory. Inform ation for exhibitors of j of J. Searle Barclay, m illionaire, the two governm ents in an effort called the ‘physical bankruptcy’ D em ands T oo Strin gen t dsignated as the day for some INTEREST IN PAPER swine— Lot num bers 2, 18, 34, sportsm an, and his wife, who be-i Gn acco u n t of a full p ro g ram to re-establih friendly relations. It is understood th a t the of all branches, of our science, special town delegation. 4 9, 65, 80 and 95 should read tore their e x tre m e s private mar-1 Ambassador to Be Named G reek M inistry believed the de­ and most particularly of the med­ REDDING, Calif., Aug. 31.— “ Boar, I year and under 2 years.” riage on Octover 8, 1907, was M rs' . ° ' o1 , x , are in sympathy with and will en­ cade m ountains from Oakridge to Y' ' . ‘ ’ ing every one in the town to do Greek territo ry . D uring the dem- one years, with the exception or ed, based on points a3 expressed K i r k r in r i n » t h o n « » , ant . to ,,, do w hat force the Prohibition Laws. Pro­ K irk during the next two years! w „„n . the , , Americans all in th eir power to m ake the onstration the Greek flag was pul­ two years. by total premium. „ _ call pulling the baby act ’ ” veterans feel at home hibition will certainly fail In Ore­ at a cost of over $12,000,000, i s L , < . led down ad burned and the Exhibitors of peaches will .. i Quickly added the professor, who gon if the laws are not enforced a luisnomer, according to the Eu- u- , Greek In the chools were rem ov­ please note the change in am ount ■ v , a ! himself is fairly well fixed and and we do not seem to get en­ gene chamber of commerce, which i , ... ed. of premium offered Class 103, , „ . '• ‘ devotes much of his time and forcement with officials who do not has started a campaign to h a v e it People Much Incensed Lot No. 31— Peaches, 2 plates, 5 „„ii„j . . t -, t — i v. means to the am elioration of the _______ ; believe in Prohibition.” called Eugene-K lam ath Falls „ ,,, The Inhabitants of the dis­ specimens of any standard varie­ cut-off” conditions prevailing among his ! Governor W ill Speak trict were very much incensed ty. 1st $3.00, 2nd $1.50 and 3rd ’ .1 o r. z, colleagues in the medical profes- NEW 'YORK, Aug. 31.— F irst Governor Pierce will be the \V hen the Southern Pacific com-' sion. with the news of the assassina­ 75c. it was Johnny Buff. Holder of principal speaker. It is freely pany started to build the cut-off tion of the popular Italian general “ But you have asked me what two tltlee, he lost both within : stated th at he has something up 12 years ago, N atron, a village Telllni and his party of four com­ SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 31.— progress medical science is m ak­ a m atter of a few months to Joe his sleeve which will be of con- ALBANY, Ore., Aug. 31.— O rt containing a cluster of bouses and panions by a band of m arauders Prospects brighten fo r the plac­ Lynch and Pancho Villa. Then siderable interest to the people ing in Germany, and I w ant to Irons, a California aviator, died on Greek soil. a store, was the term inus of the ing of five great arm y tran sp o rts, Jack B ritton stepped in against give you the reason why we can- here today as a resu lt of injuries of Jackson County. Governor existing line, but since the road, built during the w-gr and never Mickey W alker and stepped out Pierce has been extremely active has been extended to Oakridge alii ? ° POSSJ b 7 ’" t p r° greS3 ° f received last night when the a ir­ . . Italy R esists In terven tion sent to sea for any service except minus the w orld’s w elterw eight in the enforcem ent of the p ro- the inhabitants of Natron have 1 form er days, when we had all the plane he was piloting plunged in­ LONDON, Aug. 31.— Prem ier trial trips, at the disposal of Am­ champlonship. Followed then in hibitlon I.aws and has stated th at means at our disposal to pursue to the W illam ette river. Jam es Mussolini of Italy will resist in ­ erican fan n ers tjo aid them in left and now no town is there at SISSON, Calif. Aug. 31.— The rapid succession the fall of H arry he wlll U8e evei.y power Qf hJa Qf_ our studies. There are plenty of Blackwell, of Jefferson, his pas­ tervention by the League of Na­ finding new m ark ete ;r,nd dispos­ all. Trains stops only when flag­ register on the top of Mt. Shasta lleht . GPr Ve Ot lhe American fice at his command to enforce uoted surgeons who once had senger. was painfully injured. The tions in the present crisis between ing of their peiashable crops. ged. For the reasons th a t N atron last Sunday showed th a t 127 peo­ light heavyweight championship the law. m agnificent laboratories, with the men were searching for the body Italy and Greece over th e m urder no longer exists and th at the new The Ocean F ru it Expke^s, with ple had ascended the steep moun­ by Gene Tunney and a trick de­ latest ap p aratu s and the most of Chester Kelty, an Albany boy, of the Italian B order Commission Movies Will Be Shown line will connect the cities of Eu­ headquarters a t 240 Batt«Fy St., tain to Its very peak during the cision; Villa, Johnny Dundee, modern devices for everything; who drowned yesterday. The body according to dispatches received San Francisco, The two moving picture reels in ^conjunction gene and K lam ath Falls, the citi­ season. Johnny Kilbaue, Jimmy Wilde, they are now living in attic rooms was located this morning. here today. "The Last Raid of Sheriff Kendall zens of Eugene want the name with the General Steam ship,com ­ At the same time, the register and Eugene Criqui. and haven’t even shoes to go out of Linn County” to be shown are changed. L eagu e May In terfere pany and the Associated T erm in­ at the Rest House a t Horse Camp Villa was declared to have fin­ j with. full of life and interest. The en- It is understood th at th e Greek als, is m aking definite plans for M HITE SALMON, W ash., Aug. on Mt. Shasta showed th at more ished second to F rankie Genaro “Aa for laboratory work, one , t *re State was shocked at the d a st- M inistry desired the League of the acquisition of theae vessels than 400 people had visited in a bout for American flyweight „,,11 A spectacular fire of u n d eter­ . i rabbit costs as much today as a r,_____ ... ardly and cowardly shooting of Nations to intervene and settle and hopes to have them rem od­ there. honors. C arpentier was knocked i whole difficult operation in one mined origin, destroyed th e ap­ The entire the question by a court of arb i­ elled for carrying perishabfc? fru it Only two of the twenty-seven off the w orld’s light heavyweight this faithful official. of the first clinics used to cost ple packing plant and w arehouses scene has been portrayed. A nother tratio n , but the Italian govern­ and vegetables frqgn Pacif»: coast of Baker & Co., today. Damages visitors who were on the m oun­ throne by B attling Siki, the sing­ I in form er tim es.” interesting feature, full of thriils m ent wished to settle th e affair ports to the A tlantic and lln ally , ta in last Sunday accomplished ular Senegalese, and the la tte r in are estim ated at $40,000. Im m ed­ between the two nations w ithout possibly, to it|ore distant ports the climb to the top. iate rebuilding is likely. tu rn was beaten by Hake Mc- is the raiding of a moonshiner's BODY OF UNIDENTIFIED outside aid. The Italian govern­ of the world. Still. The people of Ashland will Miss Devereaux, the county Tigue. MAN FOUND IN RIVER m ent is very much incensed over There will be an elem ent of nurse, held her first meeting with Subsequently Johnny Kilbane be interested to see ju st how it is PORTLAND. Aug. 31’ The the entire affair, and regards the justice in this for the farm ers done. the local nurse committee, yester­ suffered a one-punch knockout Federal Government notified the m urder of the commission as an aent th eir money tot buy the YUBA CITY. Calif., Aug. 31. Large A ttendance Asked day afternoon at the Civic club­ at the hands of Criqui, the sock — The rem ains of an unidentified collector of internal revenue, H un­ insult to the nation, instead of a bonds th a t built th e s h ip ’ ar.d T hose w ho a re sp o n so rin g th e house. carrying with it the world's feath­ tley here th a t P ortland has been personal a ffa ir against the mem- th eir sons to do the lighting. M ass M eeting bespeak lo r it th e Miss Devereaux gave her re­ man supposed to be those of a erw eight championship. Dundee chosen headquarters for the new-1 ¡>ers of 'th e c’ommiwTon. Through the alliance of com­ la rg e st a tte n d a nce possible so port, which showed th at she has j deckhand who feel from a river lost the 130-pound title to Jack ly organized 11th Division of in-j Greek Consulate Bombed boat last spring, were found on panies it is now possible to send th a t th e people of A sh lan d m ay been very busy during the three Leo J. Trefren is here from ! B ernstein, another unpopular de- tornai Revenue departm ent in­ the Sacram ento, river at Wilson MILAN, Aug. 31.— The Greek the fru it and vegetables of Cali­ W ichita, Kansas, paying a visit t o | Cihion’ and ' illa cante back to f, d e m o n - s tra te th a t . th ey believe in months she has been in the coun­ ty. and the report also dem on­ W arehouse, south of Meridian, cluding W ashington, Idaho, O re­ Consulate here was bombed today fornia, Oregon and W ashington bis parents. Mr. and Mrs. George kn<>ck off Jimmy Wilde and be. ) ^ - ^ c e n t . m t of the Prohibition gon. last evening. for the second time in 24 hours. to any port in the w orld and to Ci 1 ru e a w n r l d ’a z . . . . i ____ r..i w s . strated again the great need for relatives and old come a w orld’3 champion where ; Deceased wore blue overalls, have it handled w ith prom ptness W. Trefren, a nurse in the county. before he was merely an ex-holder SALEM, Ore., Aug. 31.— Elev- .. , LONDON, Aug. 31.— An uncon- and care—-that all the world may friends. Leo left Ashland early of an American title. Plans for the year were dis­ a blue sh irt and scout shoes with Finally. in the W orld W ar period and rose cussed. and Miss Devereaux will rubber heels. The height is five enth hour reprieve until December firmed report wa3 reCeived here know and enjoy our products. rapidly in different departm ents Criqui, a champion of six week's feet, seven inches, and weight 7, saved George P ark er, condemn today th a t Italy is mobilizing her speak before the Civic club and of the governm ent service and at;® ta” ding’ was beateu w khin aa Parent-Teacher»’ club, some time 150 pounds. Burial was made ed slayer of Sheriff Dunlay, of Al­ forces. the close of the war work lauded 1 nc ol / s by Bunde®« by Coroner Rowe at Sutter City. bany, from the gallows today. during the coming fall. That, tn brief, is the history of 1 the position of executive secre­ Italian F le e t Izeaves championship boxing within a ( tary to Congressman W. A. ( Bill 1 SCRANTON, Penn., Aug. 31.— PARIS, Aug. 31.— It was re ­ Special round trip rates to the Ayres of W itchita. Kansas. Mr. ; single year, the greatest possibly W ork in the an th racite mines ported here tonight th a t B ritish t the sport has known. Certainly Josephine county fair from points T refren's positions has given him ceased late today. The day w ork­ M editerranean fleet has been or­ : it has exceeded all others in the between Ashland and Glendale a wide outlook on public affairs ers went to th eir homes and the dered to Greek w aters. Italy is SISSON, Cal., Aug. 31.— Up to in a large way and lie is enjoying m atter of im portant bouts held I have been granted by the South­ night men refused to en ter col- threatening to seize the island the present tim e this has been one his experiences. His work includes and the fact that championships ern Pacific (for th e four days leries. The mine w orkers quit al­ Corfu in the A driatic, which is of the most successful fire seasons tak in g care of the congressm an’s have changed hands about as that the attraction is being held. HOOD RIVER, Ore., Aug. 31. though no form al strik e notice Greek territory. in the history of the Shasta Na­ constituents and their needs and many tim es as Valentino changes The fair, which will be from Sep- — It Is the concensus of opinion CORVALLIS, Ore., Aug. 31.— had come. his necktie. B ritish F le e t Ordered Out Iteraber 19 to 22, will be better tional Forest. his descriptions of how it is car- of all apple shippers and growers M aterial in prospect for the Ore­ LONDON, Aug. 31.— Although Although it was expected at this year than ever before, say However, in years past the ried on discloses th a t Congress- OAMAOKg o r „,000,000 here and in the Mosier section gon A gricultural College foot­ any time as the m iners and op­ no hostile move has been made those who are actively engaged num ber of fires increased with man Ayres, is a good organizer th a t the crop of this season will ball season is no better or no erators are unable to agree to by eith er side, the menace of the opening of the deer season, ASKED IN CHICAGO SUIT J in the work. People are expected and understands the wants and be one of the cleanest and of the worse than last year at the same Governor Pinchot’s plants. war hovered over Southern Europe and every h u n te r will be warn ing olficer of the Association fori this district. ITALIAN ULTIMATION DEMANDS REPORTED AS TOO STRINGENT “NATRON CUTOFF” E Late Bulletins PAST YEAR GOOD FOR BOXING GAME WILL BE USED SOON VERY FEW REACH TOP T. . HAS FIRST MEETING LEÖ TREFREN HERE VISITING PARENTS FEW FIRES REPORTED HOOD RIVER APPLE 0. A. C. CROP ID BE LARGE TEAM TO BE FAST RAIL RATES LOWERED INE