"»■^0 ' ■o o »O P o FO R REN T ‘TeS; fill lnsttrafitte riOHctes do W ill trade Ranch for Ashland PORTOtANS USÊ BUCKETS e o stu m « ; is u&der the difetion of Mis. W* L. Maxey, Chairman lQfck Much alike; but then— so home. 06 acres on W agner creek," W ttfiX PEPES GET CLOGGED Dr. Gladys C randall and Mrs. O. P or rent - -H andy 3 room of the Social Committee. do AUShtooms and toad Stools?' ' 3 miles froifi Talent, mostly apartm ent. 137 F irst St. W inter. Dues ($2.00) are now PORTOLA, Calif., Aug. 29.— payable. If you are not already Devoted to Brief The Billings Office w rites only wooded, 4 acres, free irrigation 305-3» < ’A > Column • * SAVtS BABIES, h elp s grown the "M ushroom ” kind. 305-4 Residents of the north side of the a member, you and your friends in berries and other fruits. House ,. Business and Personal Notes.'' ups, com forts elderly p eo p le Classified Column R ates . and barn, splendid well of w ater, river report a shortage of w ater are cordially invited to Join the For cholera infantum, summer com FOR RENT— Sleeping rooms, 376 One cent the word each time. plaint, weakening diarrhoea—use Fred G. W hite transacted busi­ I good road. W ant a small home existing for several days. Inves­ Civic Club. Form er members be B St. Phone 309J. 304-3» To run every issue for o n e :____ ness In Ashland yesterday from tigation on the part of the w ater in Ashland. Staples Realty, Ash- Ben F2 H unt of P ortland was sure to attend this luncheon. The C H A M B E R L A I N ’S m onth or more, %c the word FOR RENT— Furnished house. San Francisco. ! land Hotel Bldg. 300?tf corhpany developed th at the pipes new program s will be distributed C O L I C a n d D I A R R H O E A each time. an Ashland visitor yesterday. Inquire Mrs. G. N. K ram er, 332 feeding the north side had become REM EDY and plans for the coming year. H argadine. Phone 263L. la k e in a little eweetened water. FOR SALE Let me tell you about the new See Carl Loveland about, get- tilled with d irt and debris, com- For the best in sweet milk and N-ver 303-tf cream go to Detrick’s. 106-tf full coverage Automobile policy. ting your boy in the Boys’ Band. Pletely stopping the flow. Some FOR SALE— Pianos a t reduced Yeo, of course. 246-tf. I have a few good second hand tw enty or th irty families were M l I I | ( > t o o o a o o o o to o o « prices. If interested w rite H. FOR RENT— Sept. 1st., first-class saxophones, cornets, trombones, compelled to carry w ater for Mrs. Cjara J. Upton is an Ash­ apartm ent furnished. Adults , N. Lofland, Medford. Among out-of-town visitors clarinets, etc., that I can get very distance of a quarter mile. only. Phone 122. ?OO-tf i land visitor from Portland. 3 0 4 -6 » yesterday were Carl W. Dunlap cheap, and they can be bought on the easiest kind of terms. Studio Have a fit at Orres— tailors for and family from Hollywood. FOR SALE— 1919 Elgin touring k OR RENT— Private garage on 135 E. Main. Phone 134 and Factory stret. Phone 481J. men and women. 226-tf car. A1 condition, good tires, H argrove Millinery will display 465. 306-3 286-tf $250.00. K. W. B arnard, 192 (Continued from Page 6) an unusually attractiv e line of H. A. Joplin is visiting the city Sherm an. 305-2» Tuesday, the anniversary of FOR RENT— Furnished house. P attern H ats, Saturday, Septem­ SUFFERED WITH BACK, from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Beaver’s wred- 478 Boulevard. 304-tf ber 1st and following days. FOR SALE— I librayr table, oak RECOVERED ding, there were additional guests dining room set, assortm ent of FOR RENT— Four room a p art­ 306-2 " I had a long spell of Typhoid Mr. and Mrs. Yockey and Mrs. For thè best In sweet milk and chairs, 1 mahogany bed room ! Fever which played havoc with 106-tf m ent w ith 'g arag e. A dults on­ cream go to Detrick’s. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Eastm an my kidneys and I suffered a good Reames and her son Lucien pres­ suite, 1 w alnut bed room suite, ly. 1101 Boulevard. 285-tf ent at the most w onderful din­ 1 hard maple bed room suite, F. S. Johnson was am ong busi­ were out-of-town visitors yester­ deal with my back, lower abdo­ ner th a t was the feature of the 1 secretary, 1 sideboard, 1 FOR RENT— For neat house­ ness visitors yesterday from P o rt­ day from Marysville. men and bladder. I went on in day, to whose delicious and satis­ HpHIS bank is not only interested hall piece, small rugs, 1 tabar- keeping apartm ents see S. L. land. this condition until I used Foley fying array of good things all in big men, but it is even more Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Burns are Kidney Pills I have never been ette, 1 sewing m achine, large Allen. 63 N. Main. 278-tf there did full justice. interested in tho»e who are going visitors in A shland from Pendle­ bothered w’ith my kidneys since,” kitchen cupboard, - ice box, pic­ Cliff Payne makes tent stakes. The outing was a very mem or­ KNITTER ton. tures. 178 Skidmore. to be big men some day. Maybe w rites Mrs. W. T. Clary, W hite able one. Symptoms of rain oc­ this is yon. Line up with us and let Plains, Va. For quick relief from F. J. Ryan Is among late arriv ­ TRY-PLEX AUTO KNITTER— FOR SALE— Peaches. E a r l y We are going to clean up on a backache, dull headache, rh eu ­ casioned the re tu rn of the party als from Portland. us help you. And ten pounds fine quality Crawford. 1 cent per pound. whole lot of good staple m erchan­ matic pains and kidney and blad­ early Tuesday evening,af te r a K nitting Yarn. 337 Scenic Bring your boxes. 895 Ash­ dise at a special sale beginning der trouble use Foley Kidney red-letter day in the family a n ­ Always glad to advise with nals. Drive. 30-13» land St. 304-tf Every Pills. Sold everywhere. you about your fire insurance Tuesday. September 4. • * • I. ■■ needs and rates; perhaps you housewife should visit our store, FOR SALE— Fresh fruits and D in n e r P a r ty — MISCELLANEOUS m ight profit by calling 274J. and see the bargains. Chair seats PIONEER RESIDENT OF vegetables. Phone 335L. 575 A most delightful dinner party 287-tf 10c, w ater sets, 9Sc, boilers and YUBA COUNTY 18 DEAD was given, Monday of this week Liberty St. 304-1 mo A BOOKLET— Every woman an­ Yeo, of course. Ashland, Oregon tubs w ithout, profit. Aluminum, with Mr. and Mrs. M erritt Randles ticipating MARRIAGE should FOR SALE- —B artlett pears, Muir Oddn and ends of dishes at a l­ etc., Swenson & Peebler. F u rn i­ MARYSVILLE, Calif., Aug. 29. of Liberty street, as ho3t and have. Send 50c to Emily Rob­ ture. peache3, prunes. 137 F irst most give-away prices. Tuesday, — Mrs. Mary A. Ochiltree, pioneer hostess. erts, Box 601 C entral Station, St. 305-3» j resident of this section, died at Septem ber 4. Swenson & Peeb- The guests, in whose honor giv­ Portland, Oregon. 301-12 * e make a specialty or picnic the home of her daughter, Mrs. ler. en, were Mr. and Mrs. Clinton FOR SALE— Crawford peaches, 2 .................. ♦ and cam pers’ needs. D etrick’s. P rank R . Zum walt in this city HEMSTITCHING Cole, Clinton Cole Jr., and Miss cents per pound. 651 W alnut. 236-tf ia£t night, after an extended ill- Josephine Sutton. 303-5» E X P E R T HEMSTITCHING— ! Oranges, lemons, grape fruit— 106-tf ~~ ness. Seven children survive. De- Mrs. Frank Henry, 14 7 Gran- | Detrlck sells for less. Mrs. Cole will be remembered Recent arrivals from Free- . ceased was a native of West Vir- FOR SALK- -Old papers 25c per ite St. 304-6» a3 Misa Fannie Doran. tf linndred. Tidings office. Bargain Sale on tubs and wash w ater, Oregon are Mr. and Mrs. j i ginia, and 76 years of age. The Coles are visiting friends boards, glassw are, boilers. Our W. P ritchett. O ther relatives are T. E. and and relatives in Ashland, as is FOR SALK— Dry body wood cut Store should be crowded Tuesday, H. R. Ochiltree of H atton, W ash­ from large timber. $3.00 per Mr. and Mrs. Art Bushman are ington, Mrs. Rose Gray and H arry Miss Sutton. Septem ber 4. Swenson & Peeb- Their friends are m aking their tier delivered. Telephone 383L among out-of-town arrivals from Ochiltree of Marysville, Miss Ed- ler. PHYSICIANS visit a most enjoyable on° with Jim Beagle. 303-6* Eugene. j ith Ochiltree of Bowling Green, many pleasant happenings. DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Resi- Cliff Payne has sprusteeif ' Mo., and Mrs. R. A. Murray of FOR SALE— Grade milch cow. k dence and office, 108 Pioneer L. C. Palm er and John X ■ Gridley, B utte County. ladders. Ten days after freshing. Over avenue. Telephone 28. Office 1 Plans for Sunday School W ork__ Johnson are registered from Se­ Overnight, practically thou- hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 Ten grandchildren and one two gallons at milking. Five Tuesday evening of this week attle. p. m. only. | 6 w ater glasses and large j great grandchild also survive. years old. Inquire a t Emil tandi of diicnm in atin g men, the Sunday school officers held Peil’s. 303-3t» DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— P rac­ pitcher. Special sale at 98c, Tues­ a meeting at the Library in Med- tired of the commonplace, have 20 per cent off on Hood Tires tice limited to eye, ear, nose and! day, Septem ber 4. Swenson & this week only a t Leedom’s. ! lord lor the purpose of perfect­ joined in welcoming Blue Boars. th ro at— X-ray including teeth. Peebler. FOR SALK— B eautiful new five ing plans for the coining County T h e reason is sim ple: we took 304-t5 Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to room bungalow, breakfast I Convention. 5. Swedenburg Bldg, Ashland, a pedigreed tobacco, a 19 year nook, large bath room, screen Miss Emma Ploof and Miss Ola­ O ther phases of the work were Ore. Mr. and Mrs. E. G.’ Miller are favorite ’mongst pipe smokers, jas are visitors from Eau Claire, porch, laundry trays, built in i discussed— the arrangem ents for recent arrivals from Los Angeles. Wisconsin. features in kitchen, dining and instead of merely making it DR. G. C. PHETTEPLACE I Sunday school institutes, and the room and bed room. Cement DENTISTRY ! visiting of the ru ral schools. into a new cigarette, we spent 6 A recent arriv al from K lam ath porch and pergola, basement, Good clothes are an economy. Above Citizens Bank It was decided to plan the visi­ ears and a fortune in discovering Falls is Mi3s M. McMillan. See P anlserud’s suits. double garage, wood 3hed, one ' , '. o ■ Offico Phone 151 tation of as many of the rural tow to super-refine it into a block from Baulevard. Come Res. Phone 201J Sunday schools as possible by B. Leo is a business unique, exclusive cigarette. visitor and look it over a t 341 Beach H. A. Vaucer accompanied by the County Sunday school offi­ from Portland. W e blend the eight rare tobac­ St. Terms if desired. 3 0 -ltf ' his wife and daughter are in Ash­ cers. CHIROPRACTORS land from North Bend. cos three times, instead of merely An Institu te will be held at FOR SALE, TRADE OR K E N T - DR. E. B. ANGELL——Chiropractic 20 per cent off on Hood Tires once. That is the difference be­ B utte Falls, September ninth, 160 acres unimproved land, un­ and Electro-Therapy. The com-! this week only a t Keedom’s. Mrs. J. H. Sugg announces her incumbered, near village of 300 1 bination does wonders. First with the speakers largely from tween the commonplace and the 304-t5 on S. P. R. R. and good hard N ational Dank Bldg. Phone fall opening in M illinery, S atu r­ Ashland. extraordinary. roads, 100 acres under fence 48-142. day, Septem ber 1st. There will be a meeting also W e ask you to judge—smoke Jess Wilson and F. R. W lbon with good natural pasture, House Calls the tw enty-third of September at plenty of w ater. Three roomed your first pack of Blue Boars— Cha3. A. O restbacher is among are recent arrivals from San house, barn and woodshed. For DR. HAWLEY— Above Tidings the Applegate schoolhouse and it Francisco. see how triple blending gives you out-of-town visitors from San fu rth er particulars address F. office. Phone 91. is planned th a t State Speakers J., care Ashland Tidings. 148tt Francisco. a new appetite, added delight. will have a place on the pro­ H. Anderson of Lakeview tra n s­ DR. ERNEST W. SMITH— Chiro­ gram. FOR SALE OR RENT— 8 room practor, near Postofflce. Hours acted business in Ashland yester­ New Fall goods ju s t arrived at house partly furnished. Gar­ The last of the month a Coun­ 9-12 and 2-5. Phone 114. day. P au lseru d ’s. 291-tf den and fruit. 240 Oberlin St. ty Convention will be held but CON V A LKSCENT HOM E— Cot­ the exact time and place has not 305-4» H. L. Sharp of P ortland was tage plan. Invalids cared for V. Garan Is an Ashland visitor. been definitely fixed. Details among business visitors yester­ in home surroundings. M atern­ FOR SALE— Lot on Alida St. ¿Y E A R good / will be furni3hed later of theee day. ity departm ent. Terms rea­ $25.00 down, $10.00 a month. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Valleen are Service Station 5 various meetings. sonable. Phone 411R. 248-tf among arrivals from Los Angeles. Phone 28 or call 108 Pioneer ♦ • • Madame Tracy Young will open avenue. 281-1 mo Echoes— TRANSFER AND EXPRESS It Isn’t too early to order th at her studio of music a t 129 L aur­ "The Night In D ream land” Is FOR SALE— Milch goats. 220 Fall tu lt. P au lseru d ’s. 291-tf el street and begin coaching Aug­ past and only pleasant memories ust 27. Phone 179. 303-6» Garfield St. 283-1 mo FOR prom pt and sareful seivice remain. auto trucks or horse drays, cal Miss Louise Murphy I3 among W hittle T ransfer Co. Phone The little folk will miss the re ­ J. A. Armstrong of Portland is FOR SALE— REAL ESTATE 117 Office, 89 Oak street, near guestc from Seattle. English Type Triply Blended hearsals perhaps more than those a visitor in Ashland. Hotel Ashland. 56tf EING thicker, the FOR SALE— Modern bungalow, of larger growth. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bwint are fam o u s G ood­ garage, 3 large lots, fruit, T. L. POWELL-—General Trans­ It wa3 all fun to them, with D. A. Reid and family was in berries, etc. 356 Laurel St. yea r A ll-W ea th er fer— Good team and motor visitors from Pendleton. none of the anxiety and with lit­ Ashland last night from Boze­ trucks. Good service a t a rea 280-1 mo» Tread carries you tle ones the u tte r absence of self man, Montana. sonable price. Phone 83. ____ ____________ Get th a t suit a t the Array Goods farther than,, other consciousness makes for happi­ FOR SALE— Furnished f o u r TRY FEIIIG E FOR HAULING FlDe gr&de aU WOol> ness in perform ance. treads. And it car­ Mr. and Mrs. B. V. Cook are room cottage, corner lot, ideal and transfer work of all kinds $22.50 and $26.50. And Everyone enjoyed the work of ries you in greater location. 283 B street. 375 B St. Phone 410-R. we give you an extra pair of tro u ­ among late _arrival3 from St. the kiddies, from the entrance safety, too. The big Louis, Missouri. 280-1 mo» 200-lm o sers. Army Goods Store. of the "D ream land K iddles" to tough sharp-edged the artistic dancing of the little PLUMBING 305-3 WANTED blocks cut deep and B etter be safe than sorry. See Misses Bateman and Balis later grip tight on any WANTED— 50 or 75 head of c a t­ JERRY O’NEAL— Plumbing. 20 7 H argrove’s Millinery opening, Beaver R ealty Co. about your in­ in the entertainm ent. East Main. Phone 138. surf ace.They are the 287-tf tle to pasture. Good feed. Al­ ■ Satiuuay, September 1st. The surance. Phone 68. There is som ething about the best tire insurance so some heavy work horses to event of the season. Fall Hats MONUMENTS work of little folk that is partc- P. M. Snider was a business a g a in s t sk id d in g sell. Phone 4F13. 306-3» in an astounding price advantage ularly appealing to an audieucc you can buy. MONUMENT— MARKERS 'o fferin g . 306-2 visitor yesterday from Tennant, and those who helped to make Lowest Prices California. 651 WANTED— Peach pickers. Ao G o o d y e a r S e rv ic e S ta tio n "D ream land" a success, are es­ ASHLAND GRANITE CO. D a a le rt tea ta l l a n d r a c o m - 305-5» Jam es Galt is registered at the i W alnut. pecially to be commended. m a n d t h a n a to G o o d y a a r 3rd and East Main St. 223-6mo Among visitors from Orsi. Cali­ C o r d t w ith th a bavalad A ll- Hotel Ashland from Stayton. The Civic Club has a right to W a a th a r T r e a d a n d b a c k fornia are Mr. and Mrs. H. P. W anted— Mixed farm ing a n d th a m u p w ith tta n d a r d ASHLAND GRANITE feel verv happy over t i e presen­ >1nJ d i ntuhttUt tool* G o o d ya a r S e rv ic e Brown. stock ranch in Southern Ore­ A display th a t will prove a tre- , MONUMENTS tation of this entertainm ent and A sh la n d V u lc a n iz in g W’o rk s gon or N orthern California. ! mendoun success because of con- , Oregon G ranite Co. Ford G a ra g e those who had the pleasure of W m. F. Foley is an out-of-town H a rriso n B ros. Addre3s S. W., care of Tidings, j centrated effort in merchandising. ' S. PENNISTON, Salesman. seeing the artistic rendering by guest from Brem erton, Wash. R e s . 4 7 « L au rel P h o n e 444Y Hargrove Millinery opening, Sat- ; each member of the cast m ar­ W A N T E D — G irl a t th e V ariety JLSN’T it wonderful what a little paint will do I urday, September 1st. 306-2 velled at the degree of petfec- Siore. Apply any day. 306-2 : Do you know why there !s so O ther visitors from Orsi, Cali­ How it seems to flood the room with «unlight, " W e .te in M ade for W e .te m T rade” tion attained in the short time fornia are Mr. and Mrs. F. D. f much full coverage auto insur­ »weep it with breezes, and leave you singing over W. E. Stew art and wife of To- ' given for preparation. WOOD WANTED ance sold? Ask J. N. Dennis; ‘ peka, Kansas were visitors yester- 1 Stephenson. the dreariest, “ drudgiest” task a kitchen can know! * » • WANTED— Bids for contract on 1 ask G. W. Trefren; it always day. Guest from Sacramento— 60 tiers of sixteen inch chunk 1 pays to be sure, and insure with For finishing every part of the kitchen there is a Mr. and Mrs. A. Gennard and Mrs. A rthur Selby of B Street J dry oak wood, to be delivered; Yeo of CQur8e phone 2?4J Fuller product just »uited to its needs. Fuller’« family are Ashland visitors W. McMahon is a visitor front har., as her guest, her sister, from on or before October 15. 30 Washable Wall Finish can be kept clean by oc­ San Francisco. Sacramento, who hatk been here tiers to be delivered at Tidings ~ casionally wiping with a damp cloth. For wood­ Full line of am m unition. We for some time. office and 30 tiers a t G reer's work, there is Silkenwhite Enamel or Decoret, repair, buy, trad e and sell new Special. During August best She will leave shortly for her residence on G ranite street. and for floors, Fuller’s Rubber Cement Floor Paint. Army Goods ' factory blocks only $6.50 per load and used guns. ■ home, having enjoyed her stay 1 See Greer at the Tidings of­ s to re. 295-tf i delivered direct from car. Order And the nicest part is that you can easily do the j in Ashland very much. fice. 288-tf » ♦ ♦ Time enough to call a now. Ashland Lum ber Co. Phone work yourself and enjoy it thoroughly. H. Hum phrey is a recent a r­ 20 WANTED— Young man to learn doctor after you’re sick. 304-5 B irthday P a rty — rival from Taft, California. For 74 years W. P. Fuller & Co. has been pro­ p rin ters’ trade. Small wages Time enough to call a Wayne C arter, the oldest son : ducing paints, varnishes, enamels, wall finishes and to begin. • Good opportunity M. Sinclair and W; M. Brown of i lawyer after you’re in of H. B. C arter of Mountain av­ W ashington E. McGee and mo- stains. A local dealer has them. Our Service De­ for right young man. Inquire Seattle were business visitors yea- 1 trouble; enue, enjoyed having a num ber of Ding-a-ling-a4ing th e r are registered a t the Hotel ! partment will gladly give you advice and mail a terday. a t Tidings office. tf his friends for a birthday party Columbia from San Francisco. i TOO LATE to call an little »‘ Home Service” booklet without charge. School bells ring! on Saturday a t the C arter home. Whatever your painting need, W. P. Fuller & Co. Insurance Agent after Classified ads bring results. The youngsters played out-door H ELP WANTED makes a paint for the purpose. T im e to te ll D a d o r M o th e r A. Eugene of Salem is visit­ you’re burned out. games on the lawn and dainty ing in Ashland. th a t y o u w a n t to see o u r DO IT NOW AN INTELLIGENT PERSON— refreshm ents were served later su p p ly o f le a d p en cils, p e n ­ E ither sex. may earn $100 to in the day by the hostess, Mrs. W • P • F U L L E R & CO. few dollare today may h o ld e rs, erasers a n d sch o o l Old papers for sale. 25c a $200 monthly corresponding C arter. 301 Mission Street, San Francisco save you a thousand to- sets, m a d e by hundred. Tidings Office. tf • * * for new spapers; $15 to $25 u B m orbet in PaciSc Coast Citiea pight. When you want Pactorie*: San Francisco and Loa Angeiea weokly in spare tim e; experi­ The Civic Club will open the C, J. Hanson is a recent arriv­ good insurance, talk EBERHARD FABER season with a covered dish lunch­ Aa Well Aa ence unnecessary; no canvas­ al from International Falls, Mis­ with Oldest Pencil JadoryinAmeriat sing; subjects suggested. Send eon on Tuesday, September 4, at souri. for particulars. National Press (Y o u r N am e H ere) 12:30 in the Club House. Bring B ureau, Buffalo, N. Y. 1-tf a hot dish or salad or cake, and Flues and ohimneys cleaned by In One Of add a glass of jelly or pickle, If expert who w ill be in Ashland Real Estate and Real PAINTS VARNISHES two days. If your stove or furn­ convenient. There will be hot INSURANCE PLANING MILL rolls, coffee and ice cream. The 5-S2J ace smokea or falls to draw or P h o n e 2 1 1 41 E a s t M ain S t. does not bake well, the flue needs luncheon is in charge of the So­ JORDAN’S SASH AND CABINET (E stab. 1883.) WORKS, Cor. Heilman and cleaning. Prevent flre3. Phone cial Committee. The program , Van Ness. 194-tf 39. 303-6» The Rexall Store Song3 of Yesterday, with period z FIND IT HERE ♦ Classified Column SOCIETY The Big Man Some Day The Citizens Bank of Ashland