ASHLAND CLIMATE, without the aid of medicine, cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. ■»» THE TIDINGS HAS BEEN ASHLAND’S LEADING NEWSPAPER — - VOLUME IV. FIFTY YEARS. ____________________ (International News Wire Service) ^LALABlA GERMS cannot sui vive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. The pure do f restie water helps. ASSASSINATION OF BORDER COMMISSION CAUSES CRISIS Orders Issued By Italian Government Mobilization Of Fleet At Tarento For Demonstration Against Greece For MILITARY FORCES OF ITALY CONCENTRATING IN INTERIOR Terms Of Ultimation Very ELHARTS ADD DISPLAY SPACE TO BACK OF STORE Harsh So Greek Ministry May Refuse To Agree To E lharts, evidenily feeling (hat Them. Italian Populace At Fever Went F ' 1 store HpaCi‘ ,bey have the 2__ i present time is incapable of doing PARIS. Aug. 30.— Secret or- ' tboir Store ju stice’ have started ders have been issued by the Ital- * tO e n lar«e th eir exhibition area, iau government concentrating the The background which contains Italian fleet at Tarento for a pos- the age-old m irror and has served s i b 1 e dem onstration against the public for many years, has Greece, according to a dispatch re- : ’>ee“ nioved tow ards the rear of the store. Several feet of space ceived here this morning. are now available to be used as Italian Troops Concentrated j seen fit by the m anagem ent. A Concentration of the Italian j larger supply of stock in statio n ­ troops have been reported from ery and stationer supplies will the interior of Italy and the Ital­ be carried from now on as rapid, ian government is aw aiting the i ly as the stock of medicines th at Greek reply to the 24 hour ulti­ ! is being handled, is sold. matum sent to Greece yesterday dem anding an apology and repara­ tions of drastic severity for the killing of the Italian General Tel- lini and four of his party. ASHLAND, QtíEgON^ THCKSDAY, ÀÜGUST 30, 1023. NO. 306. ITALY ¡SKYLINE TESTS GOVERNOR WILLLARGEST SHIP PINCHOT FAILS SPEAK HERE ON WNEDBYU S TO AVERT COAL SUNDAY NIGHY"“ v S = F “” MINERS STRIKE PROVING GOOD Wealthy Nevada Promoter Expected Here Soon For Inspection The testing work of th e Sky­ line mine which is being njade ready for the inspection trip of the great mining engineer and prom oter Frank Bradshaw, crjvner of the rich Belmont Mine of Toe napah, Nevada, which is said to be the richest silver mine in the world, is progressing rapidly, ac­ cording to a report made by T. M. Anderson, owner of the mine, yesterday. According to Mr. Anderson, 206 sacks of the ore have been taken out of the mine for testing pur­ poses by Charles Buldoon and S. Ross, the two m ining experts who are here to make the prelim inary teats for Mr. Bradshaw. The ore so far has proven very rich, according to Mr. Anderson, and he expects th a t Mr. Bradshaw will be greatly pleased with the results of the tests which are to be made. If the tests come out as expected, and Mr. Bradshaw 7 n d ¿ L h w X ip m en 't'u buys the mine, Mr. Anderson says Gap for additional trackage (Below! Trn?.k i % * • « « « 'i f " ? " « •■ < & .S f a great deal of mining work and leeks directing important coustrnction work. developm ent work will be done by the w ealthy Nevada man in opening up the mines of this dis­ trict. IN CELL AFRAID GF DEATH ♦ á . ------ CAMDEN, Principal Speaker On N. J., Aug. 30.— The Program BeiD£' Made I largest and most powerful battle- Operators Representatives Up For Meeting' f 3hip in ,he world was added to Refuse To Agree To t A Navy tbo Un,ted States Governors Plan LAW-ENFORCEMENT !hero today whpn the ship “Coio- M EET TO B E HELD rado lhp recently completed D readnaught of the Navy and a sister ship of the W est Virginia was accepted from th i builders. Executive or State l_o Return From Klamath Falls Sunday Morning In k .The sigantIc ship was construe- Order To Speak Here That “ “ cost of $27,000,000 to the people of the United States Even lin inir. g. STRIKE SET FOR FIRST SEPTEMBER ’-ijstern States Make Plans i p a v J. ^'»Pplies Of Fuel It Walk-Out Of Workers lakes I lace. Miners M ar ^ign Agreement. and m arks an era in the construc­ tion of war dreadnaughts as It will Governor W alter M. Pierce is be the lant of the superdread- to be an Ashland visitor Sunday HARRICBURO. Pa., Aug. 3o. will be the principal speaker at a j naughts which the government Hope which lias been held out large mass meeting for the p u r­ I of the United States win put into for the settlem ent of the proposed pose of urging Law Enforcem ent, ! rvice for the next ten years as coal strike, which has been set which is to be held at the Chau­ ¡th e term s of the W ashington for September 1. appeared dim tauqua building under the au s­ j treaty forbids the construction of hre today when those close to the pices of the Ami-Saloon League. i any iuore of the gigantic vessels representatives of both the miners ! by the United States. In M edford Y esterday and the operators reported th at Governor Pierce was in Med- they expected both parties to re­ lord yesterday m orning and yes­ ject the plans offered by Govern­ Ia,,,ous Emigrant terday afternoon investigated the « s « . *•“ * ■ » . or Pinchot of Peunrylvania. the Hyatt irrigation project. He left m ediator of the present trouble. Engineer Otis for Klam ath Falls late last night Oporutoi-s Refuse Plan : and will look over several irriga- The plans of Pinchot included : tion projects in .the Klam ath Falls General T ellin i Killed the clause (hat the miners should • d istrict Saturday and attend to W ord was received yesterday be granted a tem porary increase General Tellini was head of the ’ other business which requires his by Mrs. Z. F. Moody of the sud­ inter-A llied boundardy commls- i Th_ , of ten per cent in wages by the attention. * u, . . i ne Abnland Lithians are den death of her daughter-in-law , operators in order to avert the sion and the trouble now existing I ni»«. * • * v . . C iisuug about to begin active work again Arrive Here Sunday Mrs. Zenas Moody, in Portland,’ »trike but it j8 reported th at the between the two nations was according to High Grand Fizz V. The governor will return from on August tw euty-ninth. The ex­ caused by the assassination of the D. Miller, who reports the M arsh­ K lam ath county on Sunday m orn­ act causo of her death is not operators were united in feeling general and four of the members RIDGEFLELD, Wash., Aug. 30. WALLA W’ALLA, W ash., Aug. 30 ing and will arrive here in time Known, however, the baby that that thio was far too high an in­ field “ P irates” a newly formed of his 3taff on Monday while they — Six acres of prunes, which will An act of heroism has finally to spend p art of the afternoon was born to Mrs. Moody at an crease and would be turned down organization a t the bay city have were proceeding through a forest likely bear a 25-ton crop this sea­ SALEM, Ore., Aug. 30.— A w ait­ been given a substantial m aterial m the city visiting with friends earlier date, lived only a few by the representatives of the mine sent an invitation to the local owners. in the region of Janina, Albania. son, will probably be left to rot reward. men for a delegation of the Lith- ing the death sentence at the and supporters, before going to hours. Death probably resulted The proposal of Governor Gif­ Italian Demands are Harsh j ians to be present at the instal- state p enitentiary here in a on the trees here on account of Leslie Wiese, Portland youth, C hautauqua for the law enforce­ from complications. ford Pinchot th at “full recogni­ The demands of the Italian gov- lation of the P irates’ officer» gloomy cell is George P arker, the poor m arket prices and the has been presented with 500 acres m ent m eeting to be held th a t ev­ While Mrs. Moody was a P o rt­ tion ’ be granted the unions by ernm ent outlined in the dispatch which is to take place on Labor condemned slayer of Sheriff Will high cost of labor to pick the of fine W alla W alla w heat land ening. land girl, and not known in Ash­ the mine operators was also r u ­ ■which was sent to Greece yester- Day. Dunlap of Albany, Ore. P ark er prunes. 18 t be result of saving the three Meet Arranged Here land. except by Intim ate friends mored to have been received with Tue p articu lar orchard in ques-j young sons of L .W. Lever, day was th at a form al apology , None of the Lithians who _________________„ „ „ „ have ia scheduled to hang Friday, Aug The m eeting was arranged a t of her uer husband’s nusband’s family, her ill favor by the representatives of - °t should be made and also th a t 50,. approached so far have been able ust 31’ unlesa executive clemency i tlOD be,ongs to D. W. Stearns, a Troutdale, Oregon, from drow n­ this time by W. J. Herwlg, super- I death wa3 a shock to members of 000,000 lire should be paid a3 au to go, according to Mr. Miller and is extended- which seem3 Improb prune grow er on the N orth bank ing in the Columbia river near intendent of the Oregon Anti-Sa- tbe family as well as a host of the mine owners. Miners May Sign indemnity to the Italian govern­ he desires th at any of the local I a ^ e at lb *9 time. P a rk e r is highway between Vancouver and their home recently. loon league in order th a t he Moody’s friends. Many friends It io expected that the miners ment besides which full honors men who would find it possible broken ,n spirit and is said to Camas. He said th a t he had made The land Wiese will get i3 lo­ might secure the services of Gov- i of tbe Moody's will mourn this may sign the agreem ent particu­ should be paid by the Greek fleet to be in Marshfielu on Labor Day | 3budder at the thought of the gal- efforts to dispose of his crop but cated ten miles east of W alla ernor Pierce as the principal untlm ely event as high hopes were larly if they are able to find out to the Italian fleet in the Piraeus should report to him as soon as lows. He broke out in tears last met with no success. O ther grow­ W alla on a paved highway. The speaker for the occasion. j being entertained for her recov- that the operators will definitely because of the assassination of possible. Thursday night when Dan Casey, ers in Clarke county will not pick ¡ yield for t V p ’a st 30 years has This ia the first time the gov- j ery- Despite the fact th a t a refuse to do so. the five Italian members ofthe The Lithians who have beau convicted m urderer, bid him good their prim es a t the prevailing [ been from 4 0 to 5 0 bushels an ernor has been in this part of le tte r had reached Ashland telling Pinchot Has Control Boundardy commission. taking things easy for the last bye. Casey was hanged the fol­ P ices offered, Stearns pointed o u t.. acre and it would sell for about the state since early this sum- ' of her recovery, a telegram an- Governor Gifford Pinchot. who Wages are from 20 to 33 1-3 $300 an acre. Censorship P u t in Force few weeks as a sort of a rest after lowing morning. mer and the only speech is the n°unclng her death was received has been given entire control of per cent higher in Clarke county Italy this morning placed a their entertainm ent of the Salem one he is m aking a t the law en- w ithin a few hours. the situation by President Cool­ orchards this year than last. Kiln strict censorship upon the news C herrians, intend to begin active forecem ent meeting to be held Mrs. Z. F. Moody left for P ort­ idge, made last m inute efforts to­ men will receive $6 a day this of all m ilitary movements and it work again soon, High Fizz Mil- here Sunday night. land last night where she will day to get the operators and m in­ season instead of $5. Dippers, j is noticeable th a t all Italians are ! ler says, but in ju st w hat m anner The trip will be a hard one for join Edith Moody and other mem. ers to agree to some ro rt of term s shakers and other laborers will j at a fever heat as the result of he has not decided as yet. Governor Pierce, as after m aking bers of the m ourning party. which would serve to tem porarily the assassination a3 they are cer­ receive $3.50 for a 10-hous day his speech here, he will have to avert the strike, but to a late tain the attack was directed and $4 for staying to the end of get into his car immediately and j hour had been entirely unsuccess­ GOLD HILL, Aug. 30.— The the season, as compared to $3 a against Italy as a nation and not drive all night in order to reach ‘ ful in bis attem pts to bring the Gold Hill school will open Septem­ day with no bonus last year. Pick. against the Boundardy Commis­ PORTLAND Aug 3 0 — P v n , .n Salem in time to make the speech situation to a peaceful solution. ber 10, w ith the following teach­ sion members because of person­ 7 “ “ bM ' w i" < throughout the on Labor Day, which he has prom- I al animosity. ers: M. E. W right, principal; E arl Fuel Plans in Effect cent bonus for rem aining . country are fam iliar with the ised the board in charge of the C. Coburn and Hazel Cole, high Plaus are going into effect rap ­ throughout the harvest, which is 's to u t, oval, reddish-brow n hairy A ssassins S till U nknow n State F a ir to make on th at day. idly now to cwppjy the eastern school teachers; Maud Robinson, the same scale as last year. The nationality of the assassins grubs or larvae of the common E. C. Kilgore of 376 B street seventh and eighth grades; Mar- states which will be effected by has not yet been determ ined but carpet beetle, found beneath car- has a prize cucum ber th a t would Karet Galligar. fifth and sixth PORTLAND, Aug. 30.— An­ the strike with other sorts of fuel the belief is expressed in many of­ I pets or In clothing. In the south make L uther B urbank green with | grades. The early opening works nounced by the Southern Pacific in order th at the people of the ficial circles, it is believed, th a t the longer, slender, golden-brown envy. Mr. Kilgore dropped in at a hardship on the pupils w orking; company of expenditures of $90- country will not suffer any more the men who committed the crime I larvae of the black carpet beetle, 000,000 in the west, includes a than is necessary, and it is be­ the Tidings office thi3 week to ex. in the orchards and packing are members of the one of the no­ i witb tu ft of golden bristles, bibit the fru it of his. labors. The houses, but the board of directors definite agreem ent to proceed lieved the ill effects of the strike torious bands of m araudres which is more common. Two other spe­ with the construction of a new will be averted to a large degree. cucumber as seen, is of the W hite I figure they will have an advantage Infests the m ountains of this dis­ cies are sometimes serious houe- Spine variety. The miners of the soft coal A comprehensive and im pres­ entrance to Portland, the Natron in the early closing by going into trict. KELSO. Wash.. Aug. 30.— An­ hold pests in this country. The circum ference of the vege­ [service in thinning fru it in eariv sive program for construction Cut-off and a new wheel shop mines today reiterated their state ­ All carpet-beetle larvae feed work, new facilities and improve­ and freight repair fhed here. table was ten and one eighth inch­ summer. nouncement of the resignation of m ents th at they intended to give Greek M inistry M eets upon fabrics or upon various a r t­ m ents to m aintain highest .‘lass ; Expenditures in Oregon will the anthracite miners their moral F. J. B annister as president and es, length, ten and seven eighth ATHENS. Aug. 30.— At a inches and weighed two pounds treasu rer of the Long-Bell com­ icles containing, wool, silk, hair, transportation service for Pacific exceed $20,000,000, including and financial support in cas of meeting of the Greek Ministry and two and one half ounces. This fur, bristles, or feathers. Including $15,000,000 for the. N atron C ut­ a strike. pany has been made by the local u , ( oast states has been launched held today it was decided to agree is the first vegetable to be brought office of the company. Promotions! Upbolstered fu rn itu re. They are. by the Southern Pacific company, off and $4.500,000 for an improv­ to only part of the dem ands made to the office this season and no of * * M. D. Nelson, vice-president therefore, usually associated, in it was announced here today. ed entrance to Portland via tu n ­ by Prem ier Mussolini of the Ita l­ end of comment was caused by its work with and general sales m anager, to th th eir destructive O utstanding in this work are nel and elevated tracks on the ian A dm inistration in his u ltim at­ advent presidency; of R. T. Dempsey, ! clothes moths. O rdinarily, they such projects as the building of east side. Heavy expenditures um received here yesterday. DETROIT. Mich., Aug. 30.— secretary, to the vice-presidency; are not quite so destructive as the Natron Cut-off and a new en­ are planned in California on var­ The ultim atum was regarded •Inly brought two new sales rec­ of R. w . Stits, com ptroller, to the < lothes moths because they repro­ trance to Portland, double track ­ ious projects. by most of the members of the ords to the Ford Motor Company. secretaryship, and of R. F. Combs duce only once a year, and then ing sections between San F rancis­ Greek m inistry as being entirely SALEM, Ore., Aug. 30.- I LA GRANDE, Oie., Aug. 3o In addition to bringing retail a director, to treasurership, suc­ less abundantly than clothes co and Ogden and over t h e Te­ too harsh and it was decided not deliveries of Ford Cars and Trucks ceeding Mr. B annister in th a t ca­ moths. Often their work of des­ hachapi Mountains, from Telia W ithout funds with which to e m -l'I hh.’y-five members of the Union to agree to all the demands made into the midsum m er season with pacity, were also announced. Ban­ truction goes on inside uphols­ chapi to Mojave, new station fa­ else aenda 'r e ? ’ent ,n / lgh,ing his ¡county Chamber of Com m erce by the Italian Prem ier. a new high record for the month, nister continues as a director of, tery w ithout the slightest extern­ cilities at Sacramento, extensive ™ to wa,,<” * ™unty this " ■ » - May A rbitrate Trouble the company and retains his al indication of w hat is happen­ new term inal yards and freight July also carried the sales figures Ing on a two-day booster trip, In the event of a deadlock be­ A dem onstration fruit tour w ill ing. stock. facilities in Loa Angeles and a era for what he apparently con­ making the journey by autos over for the year past the million mark. tween the two nations, the Greek be coad«cted. Tuesday September.^ To give housekeepers some idea large tie and tim ber treating siders a lost cause, George P ark ­ Increasing popularity of the the La Grande-Wallowa lake high adm inistration will propose that by the Countv Aeent ana County Agent and P ro­ how to ecure protection against plant in Oakland. er, convicted slayer of Sheriff way. the m atter be referred to the fessor Reimer of the Southern Ford Is most strikingly illu stra t­ carpet beetles. F arm ers’ Bulletin In San Francisco industrial Dunlap of Albany, seems recon­ The itinerary calls for dinners League of Nations, but with the Oregon Experim ent Station for ed in the figures ju st announced 1346. Carpet Beetles and Their trackage will be built on Beale ciled to the decree that he shall which show th a t from Jan u ary I at Enterprise and Wallowa, lunch­ Italian governm ent and people at the purpose of showing interested Control, by E. A. Back, entomolo­ street at a cost of $122,000. tomorrow morning. A hang here Io A ugust 1 this j ear sak e of Cars th eir present fever heat it may be orchardists results of some fer­ gist, has been issued by the Unit- team yard in the same territory Five of the six who have hanged eons at Joseph and Elgin and stops impossible to do this, as the Ita l­ tilized experiments, pruning a n d in and Trucks by the Ford Motor nt Imbler. Island City, Wallowa i ed States D epartm ent of A gricul­ us being co n stru cted since capital punishm ent was re­ I onipany totaled 1,050,986 in the ians are asking for im m ediate other orchard practices. lake park. Minaniand Lostine. tu re, and may be obtained as The announcem ent calling for stored in Oregon, have m rried I nited States alone. And the rap- The object of (be trip is to foster reparations for the deed from The tour will sta rt Tuesday ASTORIA, Ore., Aug. 39. _ a long as the supply lasts, on ap­ renewed activity throughout the tlieir cases from the circuit to the idity of the increase in demand Greece. friendly relationship between I 11- fire apparently of incendiary o ri­ plication to the departm ent. The territo ry served by the railroad morning at 9:30 at Captain T ut­ AH '* • *’•»• 1 '" n •»« is fu rth er emphasized by the fact a county busine->s gin and startin g about 4 o ’clock m easures to be used depend on tle ’s orchard in the Table Rock th a t sales for the first seven this morning, completely d e s tr y - the place in the house where the follows close upon the heels of ally, after exhausting all legal re- men and to boost the Union couu- ESPA R TO W ILL HAVE district. Stops will be made at the decision of governm ent offic­ course. [ ty fair to be held at Elgin s< p- SCHOOL BON’D ELECTION Mr. C arlton’s orchard, probably months of the year, during which ed the Columbia Planing Mill com pest is causing injury. ials a t W ashington to accept the time the million m ark was passed item ber 25-23, inclusive. Pany’s plant, as well as a machine some orchard near Central Point. United States court decision a f­ NEW DESIGNS FAVORED were 391.796 g reater than for the ESPARTO, Cal., Aug. 30.— Es­ Bear Creek Orchard, and stops shop belonging to .he Wilson! firm ing the Southern Pacific- FOR PHILIPPINE STAMPS TAME SQUIRRELS CARRY parto citizens are to vote upon a will be made also at two or thiee same period last year w hen they Ship-building company, and their, C entral Pacific merger. $22,000 school bond issue, Septem­ of the packing plants in Medford, totaled 659,190. contents. r ■>"« ASTORIA, Ore., Aug. 30.- panies. This sum, with the addi­ there are many things of interest now. Ford sales have been well damage is said to be about half postal authorities The w « 1 , 7 ighl“” d Lake ootiage appeared creo&oting plants, rock crushing covered „ fSecretary of State Kozer has des- ---------- » ‘Porltles. The W aahlng- on the porch of a cottage on the tional $22,000. will be used to for the grow ers of this d istrict over 100,000 every month. 2 y lns.u rancel c .m -J g n a te d A storia as one of the Ore- plants, station buildings, addi­ ton Bureau of Printing, which Production, which, by the way erect a new building, providing at the Station. tions to shop equipm ent, replace­ prints Philippine stamps, has been opposite shore of the lake was a panies will rebuild at oace, and gon points for Registration of for­ is set at a higher schedule for the bonds carry. orders for m achinery are already ment and strengthening of bridg­ requested to tem porarily suspend m ystery until a woman visitor A party of Hood River growers eign cars coming into Oregon in J. C. O'Neil, A Nicolaisev and are expected to be here a t th at August than any m onth so far. being placed. This is the third es, line changes to elim inate work on the local supply. The watched a colony of flying squir­ CIS* ! compliance with the state registra- apparently continues to be the rels which now are blamed for the Mrs. Elizabeth Beur, trustees, are time and will join with local grow­ astrous fire which the planning tion law. C curves, new and heavier ballast- only factor lim iting sales of Ford I. B arr, secretary of ing and heavier rails, arranging for the election. mill company has suffered w ithin ers in malting this tour. rl V- ¿-k w of Commerce _ * new tun­ Ob» ha r e t a i n .? Z the A storia Chamber Cars and Trucks. a ‘ew Z ¡ 7 e ,hey ’ ... nels and improvements to exist­ the past two years will be the local registrar. from hum an hands, and carry ing ones and so on. centavo stamp adopted. articles. LITHIANS 10 BEGIN ACTIVITIES AGAIN t ♦ : Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings. Volume 43. GREEK WAR Secret FOR NEARLY U H U « ♦«« BOY GEIS REWARD PREVENT HARVEST FOR SAVING HITS BEETLE CAUSE OF E E Late Bulletins E S. P. STARTS MUCH FOGO PIANI SEIS EN FRÜH TOUR 10 BE HELD NEXT TUESDAY EDDY FIRE AÏ ASTORIA ASTORIA NOW ABLE 10 7 B“„