ttedaeeday, August ao, íwiá * ■an n iin iin i FOR RENT ; : C lassified C olum n :: FOR RENT—Handy 3 room a&arttnent. 137 First St. 305-3* Classified Column Rates FOR RENT— —Sleeping rooms, 376 One cent the word each time. B St, Phone 309J. 304-3* To run every Issue for one month or more, ^ c the word FOR RENT— Furnished house. each time. Inquire Mrs. O. N. Kramer, 332 Hargadine. Phone 263L. FOR SALE 303-tf FOR SALE— Pianos at reduced -------------------------------- --------------- prices. If interested write H. FOR RENT— Sept. 1st-, first-class N, Lofland, Medford. apartment furnished. Adults only. Phone 122. ?OO-tf 304-6* \AÜttLÁfrtj tìA ìtf ttiftftGfl ~^=*. ! •- n v n ■ » r ♦ f ♦ * t n »e..........«»» X i, 7 “ ’ *!! **“ *»•«• poUcle8 do? Mr- Mri. J. A. 8yrn are M I N D 1 1 H f i K.K I ook auQk allKej but then—so recent arrivals from Portland. do mushrooms and toad stools.” ' - ¡¡A Column Devoted to Brief The Billings Office writes only There will be string beans and ' > Business and Personal Notes.' ’ the “Mushroom” kind. 305-4 ! IiON-ions. Cab-BAH-ges and seal- Ion3, old fashioned to-MAH-to, Let me tell you about the new and Long Island po-TAH-to, but. E. E. Cady of Stockton, Cali- full coverage Automobile policy. Yes, there will be no bananas” f 246-tf. at forn,a wa3 a business visitor yes- Yeo, of course. the Dance tonight terday. Lithia Park. Don’t fall to see Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Burns are this novel ’’stu n t/’ 304-2 --------- For the best in sweet milk and visitors in Ashland from Pendle­ cream &o to Detrtck’s. 106-tf ton. Will trade Ranch for Ashland ‘«flu ' i PAÖfi TUREIS O u r 'D a ily ¿¿read SACRAMENTO, Aug. 29.— | Senator Tasker L. Oddie and Key’ Pitm an of Nevada, leaders of thfil silver-gold Inquiry, and Congress­ man Charles F. Curry of Califor­ nia have been Invited to be the " ~ home. 66 acres on Wagner creek, speaker of the evening at the min­ We make a specialty of picnic 3 miles from Talent mostly ers’ banquet to be held by the Harry O. Mills and C.. W. Jac­ wooded. 4 acres, free irrigation Department of mines and Mining obs of San Francisco are among and campers’ needs. Detrick’s. FOR SALE— 1919 Elgin touring RENT—Private garage on out-of-town visitors 236-tt:ln berries and other fruits. House of the Sacramento Chamber of Factory stret. Phone 481J car. A1 condition, good tires, i and barn, splendid well of water Commerce at the Travelers Hotel (N a tio n a l Crop Im provem ent Sarvioe ] 3250.00. K. W. Barnard, 192 We can say wheat products are 286-tf Man doth not Uve by bread only. Mr. and Mrs. Art Bushman are good road. Want a small home as the closing feature of the Min- Have a fit at Orrea— tailors for Deut. VIII, 3. the best and cheapest food,” says Sherman. * 305-2* 226-tf among out-of-town arrivals from in Ashland. Staples Realty Ash- ing Day, Monday, September 3rd, £ n bOR RENT— Furnished house. men and women. Dr. H. E. Barnard, who has done Eugene. 1 - land Hotel Bldg. J’ at the State Fair W J T . d ilowIng w,th milk and FOR SALE— I librayr table, oak 478 Boulevard. 304-tf 300?tf vice-Dresident nf ‘ 1 L g’i honey> maple sirup and plum Jam. more perhaps than any other Amer- Mrs. W. C. Comstock and R. C. mi i *dent of the American { "here hot biscuits and waffles are ■> » 301-12 of deaths from accidents in coal September 9th. the department from large timber. >3.00 per are among out-of-town guests man, Montana. ............ . »”8‘- from Portland. --------- mines has been almost cut in half will give a beautiful white quartz tier delivered. Telephone 383L ! HEMSTITCHING paper weight, streaked with high- Better be safe than sorry. See since 1907. The decline in the Jim Beagle. 303-6* ’ E X P E R T HEMSTITCHING— Cliff Payne Beaver Realty Co, about your in -jdeath rate has been a steady one grade gold. Artists have started has sprusteele « » » « * « « « e > » » ♦-♦-i Mrs. Frank Henry, 147 Gran­ FOR SALE— Grade milch cow. ladders. surance. Phone 62. 287-tf from ‘hat time until the present, work on the exterior of the moun­ ite St. 304-6* Ten days after freshing. Over tain in the main exhibit pavll- -------- - I the official figures show. two gallons at milking. Five llon, which is to house the dis­ C. L. Morion is a recent arriv­ Among visitors from Orsj, Cali- I While this decline in the death years old. Inquire at Emil al from Chicago. fornia are Mr. and Mrs. H. P. 'ate has been going on, the same play of minerals valued at $250, Pell’s. 303-3t* Browu- tables show an almost correspond 000. Good clothes are an economy. ing increase in the production oi FOR SALE— Beautiful new five PHYSICIANS Other visitors from Orsl, Cali­ coal for each fatality. The intro­ See Paulaerud’s suits. room bungalow, breakfast fornia are Mr. and Mrs. F. D. duction of safety devices in min­ nook, large bath room, screen HR. MATTIE B. SHAW—Resi­ Stephenson. dence and office, 108 Pioneer Mr. and Mr3. A. L. Brown were ing coal, together with the per­ porch, laundry trays, built lu avenue. Telephone 28. Office among visitors yesterday from fection of mining methods, mainly features in kitchen, dining hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 Medford. Full line of ammunition. We account for the continual decline p. m. only. room and bed room. Cement repair, buy, trade and sell new in the fatality rate and the rise porch and pergola, basement, Army Goods in the rate of production. I)R. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac­ New Fall goods just arrived at and used guns. SEASIDE, Ore,, Attg. 29.— double garage, wood shed, one tice limited to eye, ear, nose and Paulserud’s. Store. 295-tf 291-tf Though arrangements with Com­ The Department of Labor fig­ *T*HIS bank is not only interested block from Baulevard. Como throat—X-ray Including teeth. manding General, Ninth Corps ures deaths in coal mining in con­ Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to and look it over at 341 Beach in big men, but it is even more Washington E. McGee and mo­ nection with the “hours of ex­ Area, San Francisco, California, C. C. Havens spent last night 5. Swedenbur« Bldg, Ashland, St. Terms if desired. 30-ltf inteiested in those who are going Ore. ther are registered at the Hotel posure”—the time spent in tty the American Legion has secured in Ashland from Los Angeles. Columbia from San Francisco. to be big men some day. Maybe FOE SALE, TRADE OR RENT— mines by the workers. In 1907 the crack army band of the 7th DR. G. C. PHETT EPLACE 160 acres unimproved land, un­ It isn’t too early to order that this is you. Line up with us and let for each 1,000,000 hours of expo­ U. S. Infantry to play during Its incumbered, near village of 300 DENTISTRY Pall suit. Paulserud’s. 291-tf Old papers for sale. 25c a three days sessions. us help you. sure the fatality rate was 2.06. on S. P. R. R. and good hard Above Citizens Bank hundred. Tidings Office. tf This declined to a rate of 1.20 In The Band is composed of sixty yoads, 100 acres under fence Office Phone 151 with good natural pasture, Among out-of-town visitors are 1921, the last year for which the pieces and Is rated with the fam­ Res, Phone 201J plenty of water. Three roomed Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Keffer from Robert J. Wright is among out- records are complete,—a decline ous Marine Band of Washington. house, barn and woodshed. For Vancouver, B. C. of-town visitors from Santa Rosa. of 41 per cent. Meanwhile, the Concerts during the three days further particulars address F. CHIROPRACTORS J., care Ashland Tidings. 148tf production of coal per death rose sessions of the Legion will be Cannery starts steady on pears Swenson & Peebler are rear­ given when it meets in Seaside, 71 per cent. DR. E. B. ANGELL—Chiropractic Ashland, Oregon ■OR SALE— Lot on Allda St. and Electro-Therapy. The com­ ranging their furniture store for Tuesday, the 28th. All women September 6, 7, and 8. Examination of official figures 226.00 down, >10.00 a month.' bination does wonders. First their big sale September 4 on having applications for work in, The knockings from a historic National Bank Bldg. Phone boilers, wash tubs, dishes^ alum­ please come at once. All others of actuaries in many states recent­ Phone 28 or call 108 Pioneer gavel In the hands of George R. 48-142. ly exploded the theory that coal •venue. 281-1 mo wanting work please advise us inum war, odds and ends. 305-1 Wilbur, Department Commander, House Calls at once. No school girls need mining is a hazardous undertaking Thursday morning, September 6th FOR SALE— Milch goats. 220 DR. HAWLEY—Above Tidings ............................................................................ . J. W. Bosqui wa3 In Ashland apply. Ashland Preserving Com- by comparison with other means Garfield St. 283-1 mo office. Phone 91. of earning a livelilinod. In the yesterday from Roseburg. Pftny. 303-3 Btate of Indiana, for example there DR. ERNEST W. SMITH—Chiro­ FOR SALE— REAL ESTATE Special 3ale Tuesday, Septem­ practor, near Postoffice. Hours Nadeed Porter Is an Ashland are more than 100 other occupa­ 9-12 and 2-5. Phone 114. ber 4. Bargains bought at Buy- visitor from Long Beach, Cali­ tions for which the reinsurance ’OR SALE— Modern bungalow, rates are higher and the indust­ garage, 3 large lots, fruit, , CONVALESCENT __________ HOME—Cot-!®” ’ * ? * ' Every fa°u«ewlfe in fornia. rial death rate likewise higher. berries, etc. 356 Laurel St. tago plan. Invalids cared fo r' As ,land should visit our store Running farm machinery( clean­ 280-1 mo* In home surroundings. Maferu- week‘ Boston chair seats C. D. Wood is looking for a ing windows, house painting, and ity department. Terms rea- 10»» U » Angeles. , . liner Der Rhine ha, been irans- 60 tiers of sixteen inch chunk WORKS, Cor. dry oak wood, to be delivered with the general lines of the sn e .,1 s a l e n s Tnesdny. I They have built a better Van Ness. on or before October 15. 30 car—a long straight hood and a more desirable line of September 4. Bargains bought' , veterans, tiers to be delivered at Tidings MONUMENTS at Buyers’ Week. Mirrors, ------- iron- , ! . s Pecial- During August beet i The Rhine was seized in An and cowl effect—longer and motor cars—yet basically office and 30 tiers at Greer's ing board., dishes, wash tubs, a<’,or> hiocks only $6.50 per load erican waters when the TTni» a f MONUMENT—MARKERS residence on Granite street. wider running boards — un­ and fundamentally the iden­ aluminum boilers, glassware. de,lvered dlrect from ^ r . Order ; States declared war on (’em d ' Lowest Prices See Greer at the Tidings of­ usually wide doors— com­ o„dd a n d ? nds. To close out. ! Aah’aad Lumber Co. Phone ! I, , as c o n c e rte d Z " ¿ Z l " i . i tity of their product remains ASHLAND GRANITE CO. fice. 288-tf 3rd and East Main St. 223-6mo Swenson & Peebler bination stop signal and tail the same. 304-5 . am. four six inch g j UR mounted ANTED— House and barn; pre­ for protection of lamp—and instruments at­ ASHLAND GRANITE ferably with small pasture oL (.us Steffens was an Ashland j Mr3- J ’ H- Garter and Mrs. W. ; rassenger#. The ship ca u. ^ h ro ^ h The same sturdy engine is MONUMENTS tractively grouped on raised guest last night from Los Angel- j Houston and children from Kla- s veral submarine »t ,,* v h ° ugh one or two acre3. Will rent Oregon Granite Co. under the hood; the same I es. CalHomla. I Falls a rm s R Ia g Ashland. . and h " gVa Z , ’ with privilege of buying. See panel—are a few of the S. PENNISTON, Salesman. C. Wood at Woods Store. d ep en d ab le chassis, im ­ numerous body innovations Phone 444Y The annual business meeting i ¡ng boats "lan'18 p.U 1 - attack’ , 302-e. o. d.-tf Res. 476 Laurel proved in numberless de­ common to all types. of the Southern Oregon Oreenn Chautau Phanfa.._ : , ' '» '/-first divi­ REAL ESTATE LOANS ANTED— Young man to learn sion men were transported to! tails, underlies the body. qua Association will be held in Apply Vicks very lightly—it France on the Susquehannah. the printers* trade. Small wages Combining these features 6 PER CENT LOANS—Under Chautauqua Pioneer Hall Tues­ soothes th e tortured «Irin to begin. Good opportunity vessel remaining in service for But the rear springs—now Reserve System on city or farm day evening, September 4, at 8 with important mechanical for right young man. Inquire o'clock. All holding life member. ' " ' T , Z ” * « » property. Reserve Deposit underslung-—have been ma­ improvements too numer­ at Tidings office. tf ship are requeoted to be present, i oth„r8 8 , ot Seatt»3 sod j Company. 72 Fourth street, terially lengthened. The MRS. JOHN H. FULLER i ° 1 . Wasl“ "S‘»" »TO-! ous and technical to enu­ Portland, Oregon. O v tr 17 M iU n n J a n V ta J Y aarb HELP WANTED wheelbase, too, is longer, Secretarv. « make the junket San 290-Wed Sat-3 mo. merate here, it is not extrav­ • Francisco and return under the i INTELLIGENT PERSON— and the combined result is — /?= agant to predict a reception Either sex, may earn $100 to Karl Watson and family are su^p’ces of a local branch of the a notable improvement in Fanners, Attention! $200 monthly corresponding for these cars unprecedented recent arrivals from Los Angeles. Forty and Eight” the playground S A V E IC E Look to your Mowers, riding qualities. society of the legion. The trip will ior newspapers; $15 to $25 in automotive annals. Lakes and Binders early weekly in spare time; experi- Special. Daring August best be made at a low cost, and it Is A» Well As so in case I should not »nce unnecessary; no canvas- factory blocks only $6.50 per load expected that from 600 to 1000 have the worn or broken ling; subjects suggested. Send delivered direct from car. Order will join in the voyage, on what • FOOD parts in stock I will or particulars. National Press now. Ashland Lumber Co. Phone was once the pride of th 2 former have time to send to 20 lureau, Buffalo, N. Y. 1-tf 304-5 Kaiser’s merchant marine. In One Of Portland for them. SITUATION WANTED P. Dovlngdon and B. Bonney Talent Visitor Today__ v P R O V O ST B R O S Garden Hose and Tools 2NOGRAPHER— Wishes em- are visitors from Dunamuir. Mrs. Leonard Oorthuys of Tal­ of every Description loyment, temporary or per- ent visited in Ashland yesterday. R efrigerators îanent. Phone 118. L. L. Lewis 13 an out-of-town Her trip is a combination of busi­ P E IL ’S C O R NER visitor from Medford ness and pleasure. — - i u SAFER EACH YEAR PROFESSIONAL C M BAND 10 BE I I SEASIDE MEET The Big Man Some Day The Citizens Bank of Ashland D odge B ro thers A nno unce im p o r t a n t im p r o v e m e n t s TILL HAVE USE DF PRIZE SHIP UNBURN ViSiSS Riley Meier Motor Co. Medford, Oregon