PAGE TWO A sü tA Ñ b i i r i t * ffätfftöS A s h la n d D a ilv T id in g S U educada», A ugust Xi>, jitw ‘B arker’ came Ashland street and Elkader Av«.,! Tiller— Paladiutu gold mine t ( E stab lish ed in 1 8 7 6 ) To view tliis wonderous country of holds the home of R, W. Clapp, nave $200,000 expenditure ‘tourist-luring; fame. The home is ready for occupancy plaut. Published Every Evening Except Sunday by “ He stopped a jvhile at Ashland, where .............. and the owner and family are m o v - -------- -------------------- -—— - THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO ¡ng into it this w’eek. Loran Agee they hooked him for a ‘fine’ To know Bert R. Greer ....................; ........... E ditoi --------- J receitly purchased the C. D. Wood SHANGHAI, Aug. 29.— Uncer­ “ It cost him forty dollars to stop there how good a cigarette 1 SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 29.— home on Gresham St. and will tainty, depression, uneasiness, Ashland, Oregon, OFFICIAL CITY PAPER Tdephone 39 a short time. re a lly can be mad< like a fog blotting out the sun­ ‘The volume of business trans- ( make it his future home after A ugust 28, 1923. you m ust try a- “ Now lie’s living here in Medford, where shine of other days, have settled E ditor Tidings: , acted through the Twelfth dis- i the first of September. The Wen- Entered at the Ashland. Oregon, Postoffice as over China. speed is part of life, Second Class Mail M atter. In a form er le tte r we wrote re ­ trict during July was consider- aer home on Alida St. is rising W hat will happen next is the garding the origin and existence ably larger than a year go,” ac- ' rapidly and will be ready for oc- “ No more h e ’ll visit Ashland with her Subscription P rice, D elivered in City question In every mind. A m eri­ of governm ent, continuing we as­ cording to a sum m ary of business cupancy soon. sordid graft and strife, One Month ..................................................... * 65 cans who backed China during sert th a t: O riginally old Man conditions in the Twelfth Federal 1 Three Months .......................................... 1 95 And, soon as he gets home again, you the W orld W ar and the W ashing­ Reserve District, made public to ­ Oregon had a politico-republican Six Months ...................................................... 3.75 bet, h e ’s goin’ to tell ton conference are silent. A year form, he hashed many successors day by John P errin, chairm an of R eturn South— One T ear .......................................................... 7 50 Mrs. N. D. Mertens, accompan- i The folks to head for Medford, and let or two ago every American in as dissolution and reb irth follows the board and federal reserve ag- By Mali and R ural Routes: | ent. ied by the Misses Constance and 1 the F a r E ast was a booster. Ashland go to---------- well, each am endm ent to the C onstitu­ One Month ........ ...................._ $ gg The sum m ary shows th a t retail R uth Mertens were rc-gistpred at ! Today th ere i3 a decided change tion of which There have been H e’s just as mad as he can be, since of heart. Three Months ......................................... 1 95 trade, as indicated by sales of the Hotel Ashland last night. 1 many. However, only once has Six Months .................................................... 3 50 they shook him down so hard, 1 35 departm ent stores in 7 cities, Mrs. M ertens and party visited I W hat has caused this? there been a change in the form, One Year ............................................... ....... g 50 “ And lie, forever after will sure be on , was 19.8 per cent greater in val­ Ashland ten days ago on their Long before th e W ashington th a t was when the amendm ent ITS TOASTED’ bis guard. Conference China was skidding. known as the initiative and refer- ue during July, 1923, than during way north and took advantage of j DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: Why don’t they bill the highway out­ Since then, encouraged by the all- eudum was adopted. The act of July, 1922. All of the eleven hospitality to remain in Ashland S in gle insertion , per inch ......................................30 en route to Loa Angeles. too-liberal promises of the Con- adopting said am endm ent created lines of wholesale trade which re­ side Ashland’s ‘bed’ port to the bank, excepting ag­ Y early C ontracts: “ M ith signs a w arnin’ tourists—“ Drive ference (which when made we a new old Man Oregon, having ricultural implements and auto­ One insertion a week .................................... $ .27% believed would help China get on a Politico, dem ocrato, republican I I» slowly, we are dead.” Two insertions a week .......................................25 o o o o o o o o to o o l her fe e t), corrupt officials have form. He was politico because mobile tires, transacted a larger D aily in sertion ................................... 2 0 It is to be regretted that Jackson coun­ had a debauch of squandering. it was his duty to use hi3 police volume of business during July, ‘ 1923 than during the same month R ates I or Legal and M iscellaneous A d vertisin g ty is infected with a scourge, such as is It has been an orgy of public pow ers to .enfojrce exploitation NOTICE TO WATER USERS ot the previous year. F irst insertion, per 8 point line ................. $ .10 the Herald. It no more reflects the pro­ theft, of defaulted obligations, of upon the workers. He was demo­ “ Production and shipment of cratic because laws were made by Each subsequent insertion, 8 point l i n e ......... 05 gressive spirit of the-people of Ashland. i waste. lum ber declined during July, but Card of Thanks ........................................ 1.00 and Jackson county than the commendable! y A W6ek UfOre the Chlne3eNew the direct voice or vote of the the am ount of new business en­ O bituaries, per line ............. people. Hew as republican be­ .02 % «Pirit exhibited at Medford. It is an impe-I b X ”* " * cause laws were passed by the tered on the books of the report­ of a Commencing Aug. 30, 1923, the ing mills increased for the first WHAT CONSTITUES ADVERTISING „ dim eut to the - program of development very w ealthy Chinese family on legislature, i.e. 1 time since A pril,” the report “ future events, where an admission charge is that is U lld e r WHV iil til« COUntv. As long a s 1 r^e nlg*lt oil Hie burning of the R epresentative governm ent was use oi Water for irrigation of lawns 1 stated. “A shortage of mill made or a colled ion taken is Advertising. Kitchen God. continued, partly displaced by such publications are supported just so tocka is reported in many sec- No discount will be allowed Religious or i will he en effect. Due to hortage The servants built a straw* the initiative and modified by the ; tions. long will Oregon remain in the r$ar of the Benevolent orders. referendum . Nearly, if not quite fire. A group of prle3ts “ Promises of bountiful yields of of Water. wave of development that, is heading to­ chanting a weird dirge. began all of the Pacific coast states the princtoal crops of the district DONATIONS: have followed Oregon’s change of No donations to charities <*? otherw ise will be ward tin* states of the great Northwest. The cook brought out the paper form. If the people of Oregon j lias been received in reports from made in advertising, or job p rin tin g —our contribu­ UPPER DISTRICT Kitchen God. As we watched would amend the Constitution ! the harvest fields. Yields of the tions will be in cash. ALLITERATIVE ARGUMENT him burn and his ashes flu tter through the initiative vote, they im portant fruit crops of the dis- That porbon of tin* City, lying above the Blvd. _______1 the old grandm other began would create a new Old Many , trict are well up to the average Probably, a rose by any other name does away, and 'lain Sts. to he known as the upper Dis­ to talk. of previous seasons. AUGUST 29 Oregon having an industrial, dent- trict, will he allowed to use Water for irri­ i smell as sweet, but we cannot go the whole “ The general trend of prices “ In a week the New Year will ocrato-republican form , politics, gation ol lawns or grass plots on Mondays, distance implied by the poetical statement be celebrated,’’ she said, “ but I was downward during July, the not partyism would be elim inated, GET UNDERSTANDING:— A scorner see k e th la n d agree with the Eugene Register that W ednesdays and Fridavs from 5 A M. to 8*A sorrow for the trouble it will cooperatin in industry would be prices of most of the principal M., and from 5. P. M., to S P. M„ and ’on Sun­ wisdom, ami fiudeth it not: but agricultural products of the dis­ knowledge is the name of the rail link that is to connect bring.’’ i germ ain and the initiative secur­ days from 5 A. M., to S A. M. easy unto him t h ., understandeth. -Trouble— more trouble? The ed overy tw enty year3 ago, after trict, particularly wheat and Cali. o Proverbs the east and west sides of the Cascades 14:6. foreigners, ever hopeful, were a struggle known and rem em ber­ fornia fruits, sharing in the gen- ; | should he changed to “ Eugene cut-off.” LOWER DISTRICT trying to believe th a t w ith tne ed only by those who where in eral movem ent.” J E W E T q H P T w r o u c T o n u n iT /iv J ” the first pIace if is contrary to all ideas new year conditions m ust im­ it, would be worth all it cost. 1 hat portion ot the City lying below the Blvd. JEW ELS O i INCONSISTENCY , of,oney, and in the second place it prove. ami Main streets, to he known as the lower Dis­ W ithout eaid creation, there is a “No,” th e replied sadly, “ the big question m ark following: j The Pacific Record Herald, of Medford j immediately deprives the advertising man trict, will he allowed to use the water for ir­ new year m arks the close of a Was it w orth it? Old Many Ore­ rigation of lawns or grass plots on Tuesdays. seems to delight in directing scurrilous at- of “ apt alliteration’s artful aid .” And the cycle. In China tim e is divided gon having said form, in d u strial­ Thursdays, and Saturdays, from 5. A. M ‘to tacks at Ashland and Ashland citizens. advertising artist, minus the opportunity into cycles of sixty years and the ism, not politics, cooperation, not H A M., and from a P. M., to 8 P. M., ami on Just what the motive is that prompts the to turn a neat alliterative phrase, is in last year of every cycle is a year competition, would be the logical Sundays from 5 P. M., to 8. I’ M Several new houses are being of d isaster, strife and turm oil. dirty articles that appear regularly is not sore straits indeed, sequence and the ultim ate goal. ’‘During thi3 year (1923) it If such a consumm ation is unde­ built in Ashland and some have known It is either that the management Future generations of publicitv men PUBLIC PARKS will be dangerous to travel In sirable, let the one who thinks already been occupied E. B. Hunt is floundering in the fog of bv-gone days ¡would rise up to call us blessed. j is erecting a house on Iowa St. China. No farm er will buy a it is, say so. More shortly. Ashland Creek or Granite St Park will irrigate j with a valuation of about $2500. and is obsessed with the view that thp hot t i »: o . piece of land. No m erchant will iHitween the hours of 11 A. M., and 4 P. M., on DAVID MARK. t e r m p f b n J nF k™ r 1 • lb ls 18 W a s t e d ill case any change is 1 The Putm an brothers are the con­ ter method ot boosting his own community 1 found necessary. For ourselves the irood expand his business or business 1 uesdavs, 1 hursdays. tractors. E. N. B utler has one s by knocking neighboring towns and a n d dis d is - old name is entirely satisfactory. l i t it man make serious investm ents. Blvd. and Main St. Parks will irrigate between house ready for sale on Van Ness Instead of conditions growing tncts, or the policy of the publication is stand as Natron cut-off and we’ll the hours of 10 A. M., and 11 A. M„ Tuesdays, Ave. Mr. B utler plans to build never b etter I expect to see them grow founded upon filth and slime that gushes and Saturdays, once each week. ■ three more houses ou the same steadily w orse.” whisper the slightest criticism. forth from sewers. In either event, the ar- ¡street and will probably do other At the time I thought th a t tfcis At this time there is a shortage of water in tides are detrimental to Ashland, not onlv 1 .1 lf otbers advocate that change, we slim quiet-voiced old lady, a -p a ­ i development. Ashland ( reck and those who can save water, but to Medford and Jackson countv ’ ’(shall urge the alliterative argument and, trician from h er sm oothly coiled Says H is P rescription C om plete­ The Hardy home on North Main i w ill please do so. It these rules do not conserve ly B an ish es A ll R heum atic j St. is being pushed to completion. The Tidings would much rather ignore thuS SeCUred the baekinS of a11 tbe hair, tapering hands and tiny water all water for irrigation will he discon­ P ain and T w in ges— Is G uaran­ “ Golden Lily” feet, m ust be mis­ tinued until rain falls. the insults heaped upon Ashland and the « C r We notbm £ but sweeping vic- taken. teed . ILIOUSNESS good people residing here, but they are L O1' e ° ur 8*de—Klamath i''all Tribunes sic k h ead ach e, sour sto m a ch , Business wa3 so bad in 1322 All water for irrigation other than these rules co n stip a tio n , e a s ily a v o id ed . appearing with such regularity and are so ’ ’ tor ° U1* sid e~ Klamath Falls Herald, th a t many leading hongs had been Deep Seated Uric Acid Deposits wilt continue as iu rules of July 30, 1923. A« active liver without calomel. Are Dissolved and the R heu­ forced to retrench in every way detrimental in their nature that no news- ~ m atic Poison S tarts to Leave C H A M B E R L A IN ’S By Order Common Council. possible. Sm aller organizations paper with any red blood in its veins would I THE DEADLY FEMALE the System W ithin Twenty- T A B L E T S has been forced to close and the F our Hours. ignore the insults. | W hat subtle ehanges in womaneen in Jackson county a month knowns But recently many of the fair sex have had been endangered by the slightest tw inge of rheum atic i horded of desperate armed that it does not reflect the true sentim ent' shown no hesitation in taking at least some great robbers, kidnapping and lopting. pain, he will gladly re tu rn your - e ord s citizenry. of their new freedom with automobiles, to Even the missionaries were being money w ithout comment. has been tried Apparently the organ is epileptical. In the demise of a number of men who had forced to close their stations. Our and ALLENRHU tested for years, and really !! friends mean everything to tu one h e same ----- ‘ issue “ it flounders - - - - <>ue and ant t the along become the objects of their wrath Rarely In marvelous resu lts have been ac-j China. in » s columns shivering and shak-i^o they fail to hit some vital spot. They complished in the most se v e re ! W hen a fte r a series of fare- vi i b ar to,ii is the .... Ashland • .. s growth as a tour-S shoot to . kill. Gone — -— time ......... when « a Wel1 dinner Parties we see them cases where the suffering and ist center will jeoardize Medford’s com- com -woman lik 1 to ‘ hit “ waving far«w'eii as the liner agony was intense and piteous, woman with a gun was more likelv where the patient was help­ col-i°hjeets didiTt aim than th e R ° Und £or San Francisc° heads and mereial importance. ’ Then, Then, in the same col-j objects at which she didn‘t less. m a n t n e down the m uddy W hang-poo our umn appears evidence of its having thrown nii»rks at which she sighted. She I1O Mr. Jam es H. Allen, of Roches-j W gets J heart3 ache. a ht, when it alludes to Ashland as being her man with the certainty of ter, N. Y., the discoverer of AL a movie. Ev<*n now I can hear the old i u i< c a year we clear our shelves ol all Remnants and short a “ dead one.” cowboy. j grandm other saying: “ This is to LENRHU, who for many years The circulation of the Herald in Ashland he a year of death, of war, of suffered the torm ents of acute ends, and offer them to our CUSTOMERS at much less famine, of Ill-omen in China and rheum atism , desires all sufferers is so timitc.l tliat in order to acquaint loeal EUROPE’S MORAL DUTY to know th a t he does not want i wish it were over.” peoph* with tin* character of articles ap­ a cent of anyone’s m oney unless than their real value. At this time you can buy at a Big Sav­ Mote talk Irom returned travelers of This is indeed a year of ill pearing therein, and to show the decided ALLENJiHU decisively conquers omen. inconsistency of the same, we present two Ameiiea s duty to assist in the rehabilita Li yuan H ung has been ex­ this worst of all diseases, and he tion of Europe. What would they have this has instructed druggists to g u ar­ ing, Remnants of CURTAIN GOODS, WASH GOODS, articles a pj waring in tin same de- nation do? This country can do nothing pelled. Yes, again, China is d rift­ antee it as at(ove in every in-1 ing along w ithout a president, partment of the same is s u e : ........«Le caption, - A' ™ A ! o m ! o ulr i« M ^ Hr° l>e E "’ and w ithout a cabinet and w ith­ stance. E ast Side Pharm acy can WHIATE GOODS, CRETONNES, S ATEEN, TOWFJ J NG, supply you. No. 8 out a parliam ent. There is no , No power car A larm ,’’ ami follows: •’Many merchants last week were a l a r m - 1 E ',rOpe " ‘at direction Power or organization to which TABLE DAMASK, RIBBONS, EACES, EMBROIDERS, business can tu rn . Let the firm cd at the advertising of Ashland that would course of í a n g e J b e i r i th a t takes the chance of a gov couise ot dealing with each other and lay !ernn*ent contract whistle WOOL GOODS AND SILKS. tend to keep in the Granite City more than . for its aside some of the greed and distrust that cash. This seems to be the gen­ its share of tourists. But now’ it is found now taint their policies and practices.— eral attitu d e. that Medford is accommodating just about Ex. Wave a fte r wave of disaster twice as many tourists as she did last year keeps pounding against the rud- SEASIDE, Aug. 29.— At the ze­ derle3s Republic. and the list still growing. Next year it is ro hour of 9:00 a. m., when rev­ G reat bands of arm ed robbers apt to double again. So let Ashland adv . The successful advertiser is the man with eille blows, announcing the open­ >"«tters not whether it descend on viUages. looting, ing of the legion state convention tise all that she wishes. Medford will Z i h r®al .m essa8«- A not S goods’ Pit*. P h te burning, fillin g , kidnapping. in Seaside, Septem ber 6th, fully its share just the same. • Le, Let ns not f feel Anti-foreign and anti-C hristian hard towards Ashland. If thev prosper "?ePrs(‘llaum he goes after movements (sm all it is tru e ) a thousand or more legion men See the new Fur Jacquettes, Coats and C h o k e r s , m ade of we will prosper. Let us wish them Jolt *1 1 '° Same entbusi«sm and interest have started . Missionaries are from all corners of Oregon, and Blue Fox, Wolf, Lueiie Fox, Hudson Bay Blue Fox, Arctic Fox, Sable Coney, hundreds of auxiliary women and and meet the competition J n h ! m ^ e d X “”1 - ° I - ° ‘herS- ®Ca'’ being kidnapped in the in terio r members of the legion’s state fun Manchurian Wolf, River Mink, Ja|> Mink, Marmot, Scaline, Moline and Astra service. So rapid is the increase in western ' ** vertlsing 18 carrying an enthusiastic An American official was b ru t­ branch, order aside from a large khan. travel that no town is going to be able to i"» - n o i X else “““ y ° U h“Ve “ ally shot and killed. W ar lords num ber of visitors, are expected aqe enlisting men for an o th er civ to be in attendance. State con­ handle all of it. The west is going to be! nothul8 clse- il war. ventions of the legion, of the 40 America believes in China and and 8, and the legion auxiliary for uihdv years the play irround of flip I rn a nation and when the highway from the \.|,H ’ bein8 made against tru e to her convictions, has will be held during the three days New Fall and Winter Coats, at Prices that will please you. A tlantic seaboard is completed we will find! ' !•"' Pae,flc k ccord Herald is watched over the infancy of the of the reunion, work and pleasure. the population on wheels ” i " , wai of thanks to those new republic, and even now is On to Seaside” is the slogan not willing to believe th a t this of 113 legion posts. From every For Women Misses and Children The foregoing is purelv an admission ¡dll. ui W? i ° ^ aV? bcen ^ “ < ^ 8 their great country of four hundred that Ashland is progressing and r a S i n ? (rS W Medfo''d flnTO- H is »'«* million and fifty centuries of his­ section of the state legionnaires are ready to go by train, wagon, ! gaming in importance as a tourist center J a F,ltln g •'«eiprocity ( t) with a few local tory is only an idol with feet of horseback and automobile to Sea­ complimentarv in fact ’ luen W1° ¿ ave l*een inclined to clay. side, “ The Playground of Ore- j New Fall Styles in gon” . State rifle championship, ! That the impish hand behind the Her-! ’'arS SUp “ that Advance Showing, new V isitin g from S a c r a m e n t o - athletic races, bathing girls con­ Butterick Patterns has the famous “ Dr. Jeykell and Mr. Mrs. R. A. Vennewitz of Sacra­ The Quality store f Wool Goods and Silks. It President Coolidge takes a walk at mento, California is visiting at test, wenie roast on beach, m ardi H jd e paled to iusignificence is indicated gras, spectacular parade, boating, M M , I l M « M I , I M ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 » by the following, appearing under the o o ’clock in the morning there is no dang­ the home of her sister, Mrs. Ar­ swimming, canoeing, golfing, ♦ « h i m » thur Selby on Third St. Mrs. er that he will be jostled off the sidewalk sightseeing trips, airplane rides heading, “ Drive Slowly—We are Dead.” by government job holders rushing down Vennewitz has been in Ashland a over the ocean, clam digging and Where Your Patronage Is Appreciated “ A California tourist by the name of week and plans to remain until dancing will en tertain the visitors to work. September. ¡D aily News L ™ , ! ¡FEDERAI RESERVE _ BEING BUILT NOW Rheumatic Neuritis Semi-Annual Remnant Sale Starts Thursday MANY VETS PLAN 10 BE A I SEASIDE MEET! August Sate of Furs i; E.R.Isaac&Co. ¡ during spare moments. » » »♦ 0 ♦ « » • ♦ « ♦ ♦ » ♦ > > » » » » ♦ O l l l l« « | I , 0 -0 -0 0 0 0 » . T t r ! t , , I , t