ínmd*?, Augut wt, ímá bAiiá? •: Classified Column :: POR RENTS—Furnished 478 Boulevard. house. * *« 7 /• 111 304-tf i: FIN D IT H ER E Ì Jod. Öoodmftn li ln Ashland t o - ¡s ïë A M s f iip runs W ild . ... FOR RENT-»—Four room apart­ ment with garage. Adults on­ ) JA Column Devoted to Brief Business and Personal Notes. J J ly. 1101 Boulevard. 285-tf d*r He ir *ltñ the u- s-s- Ar- IX HAÉñÓR AT PORTLAND Izosa. FORTLAND. Ore., Áug. 28.- The intercoastal line Vinita yes- , terday crashed into the river 1 steamer Hercules in Portland har- SALEM, Ore. Auz 2 7 — Th» bor, drove the Hercules into the' North Canal company, through I Her\¿ AT OUT ^ Ç Q t nvericeciY Special Sale wash tubs. Bought at Buyers' Week. September 4 and Tuesday. Swenson & Peeb- 304-1 Long Beach visitors yesterday ler, Furniture. were Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hayward. barge M- p - which in turn Oswald West, today asked thei W. Greaves of San Francisco hurled into the east approach to state irrigation securities commis­ ^the Burnside Street bridge over For the best in sweet milk and is among visitors on business. sion to approve a contract entei- cream go to Detrlck’a. 106-tf the Willamette River, wrecking it. ed into between the company and Will trade Ranch for Ashland and then under the force of Its settlers in the Powell Butte irri­ home. 66 acres on Wagner creek, momentum collided with the en­ C. A. Downing is among the gation district, involving water out-of-town guests from Cleveland 3 miles from Talent, mostly tire fleet of river boats tied near for irrigation purposes. (National Crop Improvement Service.] wooded, 4 acres, free irrigation by. Ohio. sick one The North Canal company, un 'T ' HE eagle may scream and the . . can sPread infection In berries and other fruits. House Th3.00 per nount Importance. All the hens of the above solution to each gallon A mistake in answering signals erts, Box 601 Central Station, It was estimated that water drink drinking water placed before the tier delivered. Telephone 383L from the same vessel, and one of 304-1 in the engine room of the Vinta Always glad to advise with fowls. A Portland, Oregon. 301-12 will be available for the irriga­ Jim Beagle. 303-6* you about your fire Insurance was said to have been responsible tion of 11,500 acres in the Pow- C. N. Seaborn visited Ashland for the crash. needs and rates; perhaps you HEMSTITCHING ................« ......................................... . edd Butte district,, exclusive of FOR SALE— Peaches suitable to yesterday from Seattle. might profit by calling 274J. E X P E R T HEMSTITCHING— can. Bring your boxes or bas­ that reserved by the North Canal 287-tf Mr3. Frank Henry, 147 Gran­ Yeo, of course. company. kets tonight and Tuesday. R. Flues and chimneys cleaned by ite St. 304-6* W. Dunlap, 159 Nob Hill St. The commission today also con­ A. H. Leslie of Dunsmuir is expert who will be in Ashland Nervous troubles, with back­ sidered guaranteeing interest fo r 303-1* registered at the Hotel Columbia two days. If your stove or furn- 1 ache, dizzy spells, queer pains a period of five year« on $350,000 ace smokes or fails to draw or FOR SALE— Grade milch cow. and irregular kidneys, give rea­ of bonds authorized hy the Jor­ Oranges, lemons, grape fruit— does not bake well, the flue needs Ten days after freshing. Over son to suspect kidney weakness dan Valley irrigation district. Thi9 Detrick sells for less. 106-tf cleaning. Prevent fire3. Phone two gallons at milking. Five PHYSICIANS and to try the remedy that has district has voted a total of $700,- 303-6* years old. Inquire at Emil helped your neighbors. Ask your 000, which it was estimated will DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Resi­ O. E. Ferguson and family are P e ll's. 303-3t* neighbor. be necessary to complete the nro, dence and office, 108 Pioneer among out-of-town visitors. They Emilie Crane is among out-of- ject. V Mrs. Sarah Boots, 338 B St. avenue. Telephone 28. Office town visitors from West Palm FO R SALE— Good cow. 272 Or­ hours, 10 to 12 a. m,; 2 to 6 are registered from Fresno, Cal. Beach, Florida. Ashland, says: “Doan’s Kidney The commission will pass on ange Avenue. 302-3* p. m. only. Pills have done me more good both the contract rubmltted by Cliff Payne has sprusteele * | AHTS bank is not only interested FOR SALE— Beautiful new five DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac­ Do you know why there !s so than any remedy I have ever the North Canal company and the ladders. used. I was in a bad condition room bungalow, breakfast tice limited to eye, ear, nose and in big men, but it is even more request of the Jordan Valley ir­ much full coverage auto insur­ throat— X-ray including teeth. with kidney and bladder trouble rigation district on August 29. nook, large bath room, screen interested in those who are going ance sold? Ask J. N. Dennis; Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to porch, laundry trays, built in Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bedwell are ask G. W. Trefren; it always and became so weak and run 5. Sweden burg Bldg, Ashland, to be big men some day. Maybe features in kitchen, dining among out-df-town guests from pays to be sure, and insure with down I could hardly walk NEY’ADA CITY MAN Ore. this is you. Line up with us and let Whittier, Cal. block. My back ached constant­ room and bed room. Cement SEEKS RUNAWAY SON Yeo, of course. Phone 274J. us help you. ly and my kidneys acted too fre­ porch and pergola, basement, Dlt. G. C. PHETTEPLACE 287-tf NEVADA CITY, Calif., Aug. quently. My limbs and feet were double garage, wood shed, one DENTISTRY Good clothes are an economy. block from Baulevard. Come Above Citizens Bank See Paulserud’s suits. Fred Fehr who registers from swollen and I had dizzy head­ 27-— Urban Dickerman of 420 and look it over at 341 Beach Office Phone 151 Stanford University is a guest at aches and nervous spells. I used Marshall street, thi3 city, wants St. Terms if desired. 30-ltf different remedies but didn’t get his son Gilbert back home so he Res. Phone 201J H. F. Rosenthal and family are the Hotel Ashland. any better until I tried Doan’s Kid­ can send him to school. Dicker- Ashland guests from Whittier FOR SALE, TRADE OR KENT— Ashland, Oregon Cal. Full line of ammunition. We ney Pills. They soon helped me man says the boy ran away last 160 acres unimproved land, un­ CHIROPRACTORS Saturday and was traced as far and I felt like a different per­ incumbered, near village of 300 repair, buy, trade and sell new as Ro.seville. son.” on S. P. R. R. and good hard DR. E. II. ANGELL— Chiropractic Army Goods New Fall goods Just arrived at and used guns. roads, 100 acres under fence He describes the missing boy as and Electro-Therapy. The com­ Paulserud’B. — Price 60c at all dealers. Don’t 295-tf 291-tf Store. with good natural pasture, bination does wonders. First follows: “Light complexioned, simply ask for a kidney rem­ plenty of water. Three roomed National Bank Bldg. Phone light blue eyes, light brown hair, house, barn and woodshed. For 48-142. Another out-of-town guest is edy— get Doan’s Kidney Pills— J. E Price and wife are visiting • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ < further particulars address F. the same that Mrs. Boots had. height 4 feet 7 inches, weight 100 • House Calls A. R. Frazier of Portland, in town from San Jose. Cal. J., care Ashland Tidings. 148tfj Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, pounds, white teeth, blue cham- — DR, HAWLEY’— Above Tidings bray shirt, black trousers, with Mfrs., Buffalo', N. Y. Old papers for sale, 25c a FOR SALE— —Lot on Alida St.) office. Phone 91. It Isn’t too early to order that patches on seat, brown cap, tan tf 825.00 down, $10.00 a month. i Fall suit. Paulserud’s. 291-tf hundred. Tidings Office. shoes. * Phone 28 or call 108 Pioneer ERNEST W. SMITH— Chlro- Anyone knowing the where­ » 1 - 1 m») ? f î r or; nm ° 8,oK „ . H; ; ; e Calvin Phillips visited Ashland Mrs. A. L. Lumbleson is a Sal­ abouts of the boy is asked to noti­ em visitor today registered at the yesterday from Seattle. fy S. Garfield Robinson at Nevada FOR SALE— Milch goats. 220 ; œ N V A L ®SCENT HOME—Cot-1 Hotel Columbia City. tage plan. Invalids cared for Garfield St. 283-1 mo Cannery starts steady on pears in home surroundings. Matern­ Tuesday, the 28th. All women Let me tell you about the new HORNBROOK MAN MARRIES ity department. Terms rea­ having applications for work in, WALLA WALLA, Wash., Aug. full coverage Automobile policy. FOR SALE— REAL ESTATE PILOT ROCK GIRL HERE sonable. Phone 411R. 248-tf ' - ------- ---------------------------------------- Yeo, of Course. 246-tf. please come at once. All others 27. Vernon C. Barker, employed FOR SALE— Modern bungalow, wanting work please advise us as lineman by the Pacific Power Mr, Jake Rose of Hornbrook, garage, 3 large lots, fruit, at once. No school girls need and Light Company was electro­ California and Miss Cleo Scholer TRANSFER AND EXPRESS Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Peck of Sac­ berries,• etc. 356 Laurel St. ramento, Cal., visited Ashland yes apply. Ashland Preserving Com- cuted just out side thes city lim­ of the Pilot Rock neighborhood 280-1 mo* FOR prompt and sareful service terday. pany- 303-3 its Thursday morning. While he were married at Hornbrook, Aug- I auto trucks or horse drays, cal was on a pole in the act of draw­ ust eighteenth. Whittle Transfer Co. Phone ‘ FOR SALE— Furnished f o u r Albert S. Elford was a business 117. Office, 89 Oak street, near ing up a new line in his right After a short honeymoon trip We make a specialty or picnic room cottage, corner lot, ideal Hotel Ashland. B6tf visitor yesterday from Seattle. hand, his left came in contact with to Eureka, the couple will reside and campers’ needs. Detrlck*i. location. 283 B street. another wire, completing a cir­ at Sawyers Bar, California, where 236-tf 280-1 mo* T. L. POWELL— General Trans­ C. D. Wood is looking for a cuit of 2200 volts through his the groom has employment with fer Good team and motor trucks. Good service at a rea a milling company. WANTED Regularly, thousands of other m o­ John J. Burke is a business vis- house and barn with amali pas­ body. sonable price. Phone 83. ture. cali at Woods store. Another lineman cut the wjre torists seek the w oods, mountains, Miss Scholer is the youngest itor from San Francisco, Cal. WANTED— Female help at Ash­ 1-302-e o. d.-tf ! when he saw the accident, while a seashore playgrounds out-of-tow n daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. land Laundry. 304-2 TRY FEHIGE FOR HAULING truck driver and a helper got the and make w eek-ends a pleasure and transfer work of all kinds Scholer and is well known in the Government sliced breakfast P. E. Burke of Klamath Falls lifeless body down on the ground 375 B St. Phone 410-R. —playing or loafing as they choose. district where she has lived the bacon, packed by Libby, McNeil visited Ashland recently. WANTED— A National washing 200-lm o B ut th is w eek-end w h y not make it as quickly as possible. greater part of her life. Best & Libby, Chicago for the govern­ machine. Must be good and y o u r fun for a change? T here are Two doctors worked for nearly wishes are extended to the cheap. Call 430R. Mrs. ment, 30c can or 4 for $1.00. Everybody will be at the Band hundreds of nooks delightfully re- couple. plumbing three hours in an attempt to re­ Hatch. 303-2* Try some. Army Goods Store. Concert in Llthia Park Wednes­ vive him. cluded, ready and in v itin g —w it.iin 308-2 JERRY O’NEAL— Plumbing. 207 day night at 7:45 after which ran ge o f a fe w g a llo n s o f “ Red English clients of the large WANTED— Female held at Ash­ Barker leaves a wife, living here East Main. Phone 13S. Crown.” Make up the party for your there will be a Big Moonlight Paris dressmaking hou.ses are land Laundry. • 302-t3 a father and sister living in Wil­ R. M. Ebele of Glendale, Ore., w eek-end picnic—over the phone to- Dance on the Open Air platform. lows, Calif., and came here aboyt now receiving their frocks by air. was a business visitor yesterday. PLANING MILL Wanted— Mixed farming a n d n ig h t; the “Red Crown” you can get 304-2 six months ago, from Klamath Business men find there is leas stock ranch in Southern Ore­ as you need it, uniformly good, eco­ risk of theft and less expense for Falls, Oregon. JORDAN’S SASH AND CABINET Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Wilson of gon or Northern California. nomical and powerful w herever you The Big Events this week are packing and insurance by send­ WORKS, Cor. Heilman and Chanute, Kansas are visiting go. Address S. W., care of Tidings. Van Ness. 194-tf friends today. the Band Concert and the Dance ing their precious confections ov­ Mrs. F. L. Putman, accompan­ in Lithia Park, Wednesday ied by her daughter, Mrs. Ray er the clouds. They are delivered STANDARD OIL COMPANY WOOD WANTED MONUMENTS (California) night. 304-2 in dainty handboxes such as the Div, visited Medford yesterday af­ Mr. and Mrs. Bissell are among WANTED— Bids for contract on ternoon on a business and pleas­ little midinettes carry along the out-of-town visitors from S. Cres- 60 tiers of sixteen inch chunk MONUMENT— MARKERS Rue de la Paix. Then, too, a new Special. During August bert ure trip. cento, Cal. They are accompanied dry oak wood, to be delivered Lowest Prices factory blocks only $6.50 per load gown Is almost always wanted by Margaret Jean Bissell. on or before October 15. 30 ASHLAND GRANITE CO. in a hurry, and for this the air delivered direct from car. Order WATCH DIGESTION IN 223-6mo tiers to be delivered at Tidings 3rd and East Main St. route is invaluable. now. Ashland Lumber Co. Phone SUMMER Crawford canning peaches 50c office and 30 tiers at Greer’s 20- 304-r> Too much Ice cream, pie sal­ per apple box. Bring your boxes residence on Granite street. ASHLAND GRANITE ads, pickles and cold drinks dur­ and come and get them. J. A. See Greer at the Tidings of­ MONUMENTS Special. During August best ing the hot weather causes indi­ Gear. 527 Terrace street. Phone fice. 288-tf Oregon Granite Co. 408J. 303-3 factory blocks only $6.50 per load gestion. Coated or furred tongue PENNISTON, Salesman. delivered direct from car. Order bad breath, and sour or feverish WANTED— House and barn; pre­ Res. -176 L a u re l Phone 444Y’ now. Ashland Lumber Co. Phone stomach are symptoms of this ferably with small pasture of H. B. Jones is an Ashland vis- 20 • 304-5 malady that can be corrected one or two acres. Will rent itor from San Francisco. with privilege of buying. See In France, lh< American Com­ with Foley Cathartic Tablets. There will be string beans and C. Wood at Woods Store. mercial Attache at Paris says “I had stomach trouble and 20 per cent off on Hood Tires LON-ions, Cab-BAH-ges and seal- tried Foley Cathartic Tablets. 302-e. o. d.-tf poor telephone and telegraph ser- this week only at Leedom’3. ions, old fashioned to-MAH-to, A . . vlce are causing proposals to take “They gave quick relief 304-t5 and Long Island po-TAH-to, but, WANTED -Young man to learn „pera, |on and now I can eat anything,” Mr. and Mrs. W. Stealy spent printers trade. Small w age. I er»n,M t an(| m,(,r “Yes, there will be no bananas” writes J. Osborn, Lucasville, Ohio. ill keep the Home COOL in the summer and warm in the winter. last night in Ashland from Elk­ to begiu. Good opportunity vate companies, at the Dance Wednesday night in Can use Rugs over if you like. Linoleum prevents cold drafts coming hart, Indiana. A wholesome physic that sweet, for right young man. Inquire Lithia Park. Don’t fail to see ens the stomach, tones the liver through cracks in the floor. at Tidings office. tf this novel “stunt." 304-2 and cleanses the bowels. Sold E. Mosbacher is a business vis­ A Good T h ing - DON’T M ISS IT. everywhere. HELP WANTED itor from San Francisco. Classified Column Rates One cent the word each time. To run every issue for one FOR RENT— Newly furnished rooms in splendid home on N. month or more, %c the word Main, near Junior High. Ladies each time. who are permanent preferred. Phone 397L or call 217 North FOR SALE M ain. 293-12 FOR SALE— Peaches. E a r l y Crawford. 1 cent per pound. FOR RENT— For neat house­ Bring your boxes. 895 Ash­ keeping apartments see S. L. land St. 304-tf Allen. 63 N. Main. 278-tf A B ird WORN NERVES PROFESSIONAL The Big Man Some Day The Citizens Bank of Ashland FORMER K. FALLS o /n Invitation to the JOYMAKERS PICNIC Its REDCROWN for the EXPERIENCED MOTORIST 100°/o Power ARMSTRONG LINOLEUM For any room and for every room in I lie House IT IS SANITARY AND DURABLE OUR STOCK OF LINOLEUM AN INTELLIGENT PERSO N— Either sex, may earn $100 to $200 monthly an tut j tu corresponding n v o p u u u iu fe for newspapers; $15 to $25 , .. • w eekly in s p a re tim e ; e x p e n - ence u n n e c e s s a ry ; no ca n v as- sin g ; s u b je c ts su g g e ste d . Send Sen.1 your name and address plainli together with 6 cents (and thi« L. H. Perderm and party spent slip) to Chamberlain Medicine Co., De« last night at the Hotel Ashland ¿loines, Iowa, > — and receive . | .revive in return a w n tte n aSe p lain in g Chamberlain's front Los Angeles. v ug' “emedy for coughs, colds, croun bronchial, “flu” and whopping coughs 20 per cent off on Hood Tires and tickling throat; Chamberlain’s Stem- ¡‘Y and Liver Tablets for stomach trou- this week only at Leedom'a. for particulars. National Press -the^hearL^Vn?.’ pa*ua tbat crowd - Bureau, -------- - - 1 P h . V •'t c Y eS8 and constipation; Buffalo, N. Y. £ ± ‘l r,a,»n 8 Sa‘Ve’ needed every 304-t5 Among out-of-town visitors yes­ ------ V f0r ¿ un?9’ 8tal,is> wounds, piles, SITUATION WANTED *" affecl,ons; these valued family terday were Mr. and Mrs. F. J. STENOGRAPHER— Wishes em - medicines for only 5 cents. Don’t miss it. Medley from Kansas City. ployment, temporary or per- Madame Tracy Young will open manent. Phone 118. her studio of music at 129 Laur­ FOR RENT el street and begin coaching Aug­ ust 27. Phone 179. 303-6« FOR RENT— Furnished house. Inquire Mrs. G. N. Kramer. 332 A h Well As Mrs. W. W. Berg of San Pedro, Hargadine. Phone 263L. Cal., visited Ashland yesterday. 303-tf SA VE IC E FO O D FOR RENT— Sept. 1st-, first-class apartment furnished. Adults only. Phone 122. JOO-tf FOR RENT— Private garage on Factory stret. Phone 481 J. 286-tf In One Of PROVOST BROS Refrigerators Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Davis are among out-of-town visitors from San Pedro, Cal. Better be safe than sorry. See Beaver Realty Co. about your In­ surance. Phone 66. 287-tf Fire Insurance Time enough to call a doctor after vou’re sick. Time enougfi to call a lawyer after you’re in trouble; TOO LATE to call an Insurance Agent after you’re burned out. DO IT NOW A few dollare today may save you a thousand to­ night. When you want good insurance, talk with Billings Agency Real Estate and Real INSURANCE Phone 211 41 East Main St. (Estab. 1883.) PILES Needless to Suffer W H Y suffer the incon­ venience and pain from Piles when you will be guaranteed a positive I ana permanent cure by my non-surgical, pain­ less treatment? Treatments may be taken weekly f it is inconvenient to be here for daily attention. Write today for my FR EE book on the proper treatment of Files. P R ÎW A S . J. DEAN ' is the LARGEST and PATTERNS are the EINEST that we have ever had. Most BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS and colorings in INLAID and Printed goods. A visit to OUR STORE will CONVINCE YOU THAT THIS IS THE PLACE TO BUY LINOLEUM. Our prices are the low est in the Valley. CEMENT YOUR LINOLEUM OVER FELT LINING The best way to have your Linoleum laid is by cementing over a lining of heavy deadening felt. Necessarily the extra material we use for this method—felt, paste, waterproof Cement, etc., make the original cost somewhat higher than the old fashion method; hut if you want a sound, solid floor that will give longer wear and retain its beautiful appear­ ance many years, you will find that Cementing down over Felt is reallv cheaper and most economical in the long run. Tf you want your Linoleum to be a permanent, handsome floor von will find it very much to your advantage to have the work done hv our skilled experienced workmen, our charges are reasonable ami we guarantee satisfaction in every case. Funeral Directors, Airs. Louis Dodge, having I D nftnCI? Jfe CftlUC charge of all Women and Children cases. ** * * "VlfUIi tt □Vila Will M. Dodge, Deputy County Coroner. Reliable Housefurnistiers