PÀÔË TWO ASHWífc Í Ú t t f ftÖiäää í'uesduy, August UM, to the eye of the passer-by who lives! » • > » » » » ♦ ♦ ♦ ■ « > > » ► Speller wrote aud Mr. Spallef ' painted mRny beautiful bits of (Established in 1870) mostly from a paper bag and a pint can.! ’’Daily jNfcWS the Canyon. If the change is in his pocket it goes just j y -► Published Every Evening Except Sunday by They made fUanv friends here I >-»•»» MRS. GRACE E. ANDREWS, Editor as readily for a 10 cent apple as for a 5 • • • • • • • • • • • • who will be glad to know that THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO Phone items to her at 345-R, between 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. cent one. He will have another dime tomor-: they are not forgotten. The and evenings. Bert E. Greer ............................... Editoi row PARIS, Aug. 28.— Mimi Pin­ Spallerj often long to spend a son and all her sister midinettes holiday time amid Ashland's OFFICIAL CITY PAPER Telephone 39 What happens to apples in New York Mrs. Stearns used to live in beauty and renew acquaintance­ will have a holiday in winter or Union Services— The Union services as announc­ that city and has a wide acquaint­ ships formed when they were Entered at the Ashlann Oregon, Postoffice as City happens in Chicago, Minneapolis, summer if the plans for taking ed were held at the Christian ance there. Denver, San Francisco and elsewhere. Not Second Class Mail Matter. over a large hotel at San Salva­ here. • * ♦ church Sunday evening, Rev. E. * * • dor can be realized. A va3t growing nor hauling apples, but selling Subscription Price, Delivered in City P. Randall, representative of the Trip to Rocky Point— property, near Hyeres, taken ov­ .Mis. Storm E n tertains— One Mcnth ....... apples is the money making end of the American Sunday school union, Miss Morgan, whose visit has er from Sister Candide ten years Friday afternoon, Mrs. B. Three Months ............ , apple industry. » as the speaker of the evening. been the inspiration for a num­ after her trial, has, up to the Storm, as hostess, entertained a Six Months .... Millions of city people buy their apples present moment, been turned to Owing to fortuitous circum­ ber of delightful doings, had the group of congenial friends at One Year ..................... by ones, twos or, at most, by the paper bag­ little use. One corner has been stances Mr. Randall was detained unique experience, to her, of a carda for Miss Mae Horgwn of By Mail and Rural Routes ful. These and those who can buy more converted into a children’s hospi­ past the opening hour, which was fishing trip to Rocky Point, on Oakland, who is a gue.st in the ROLL YOUR One Month .............. by a song service led by Klamath Lake this week end. P. S. Provost home. should be enabled to get what they want at tal, and it is now proposed to occupied Three Months ............ OWN WITH the choir. The unuaualness of the trip make the remaining part a holi­ The rooms were bright with a n la croix Six Months .............. a fair price. If they could get their fruit day hotel for the little midinettes The Rev. Mr. Koehler led in consisted in the fact, that a full “Golden Glow” and the men y cara» A rno® One Year .......... at half the price they now pay the fruit prayer and Rev. Mr. Chaney read evening’s enjoyment preceded it, hum of happy voices indicated «_ of Paris. Here they will find stands, there would he a much larger con- rooms for not more than five the scripture, introductory to the and as a grand finale it was pro. the thorough enjoyment of the DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: posed to go out there, for over guests. sumption of apples, and for this reason francs a day. In winter they can evening's theme. Single insertion, per inch Mr. Randall gave a brief out­ Sunday. ........... 30 take the sun cure in this charm­ Two tables of Five Hundred alone a better demand and a better price Yearly Contracts: Hampers were packed, and Mr. were played; Mrs. Domino Pro­ ing spot and in summer revel in line of the work of the Sunday at the orchard. One insertion a week .... $ .27% sea baths and the blue Mediter­ school union, which body he rep­ and Mrs. P. S. Provost, Miss Mor­ vost attained the first honors and resents. Two Insertions a week But the grower should take this matter ranean. gan and Mr. and Mrs. B. F. to Mrs. Frank Dean was awarded Daily insertion ..... The organization is 106 years Storm departed for the outing at the consolation. into his own hands. He can put up his Its headquarters are in a very late, or early (?) hour One lone American is on the old. R ates For Jx‘gal and Miscellaneous Advertising fruit in smaller packages for little buyers. Dainty refreshments added a Philadelphia. There are 219 Saturday night. M c M in n v il l e , ore., Aug 26. list of 3,217 foreigners who be­ final touch to the hostess’ grac­ First Insertion, per 8 point line The raisin growers made a 5 cent package .... $ .10 Sunday school missionaries in They returned after an event­ — Harold H. Lainpart, 28 brake- came naturalized French citizens ious hospitality. Each subsequent insertion, 8 point line ......... 05 that sold by the tens of millions and at a during this last year. Of thi3 the field, and their objects are to ful day, Sunday evening with the man on northbound Southern Pa­ Card of Thanks ... . Those present ot greet Miss profit to the grower. A dozen big apples plant Sunday 3chools in the oth­ usual trophies of a fishing trip. cific- train at Amity, lost his life number there are 1,069 Italians, Horgan were: Mesdames Domino Obituaries, per line Miss Horgan’s impression of ! Provost, L. Hilty, Karl Nims Wednesday night by stepping off _____________________ •» a box, ten pounds in a box, a half stan- 982 Belgians, 179 Russians, 184 erwise unoccupied districts; ev­ ery child in the rural districts the Lake and of the scenic beau- Frank Dean, J. M. Hughes, Miss a high trestle as he went to flag WHAT CONSTITUES ADVERTISING | dard weight box—all these should bring a Spaniards, 102 Turks 66 Poles in Sunday school and a Bible in ty on the way was one of pro­ Horgan’s hostess, Mrs. P. s Pro­ the freight train at the rear. “All future eventa. where an admission charge la larger demand, and apples thus packed and 23 British. The statistics every home. found admiration, but ihe whole vost and the hostess of the after made or a collection taken is Advertising just published shotf a remarkable His absence was discovered at should he sold direct to consumers by a The work of these missionar­ party feel somewhat tired after noon, Mrs. B. F. Storm. increase over those of recent No discount will be allowed Religious or the next station and search was growers' organization through stations es­ years and include 143 Germans, ies is to visit homes, hold meet­ the strenuous undertaking. Benevolent orders. ♦ » • instituted. He was not found un­ • • * tablished in all the larger cities and towns. of whom 114 fought in the French ings, and organize Sunday til the following afternoon, when Miss Clapp E ntertains__ schools. DONATIONS: Mrs. M eikle V isits in A shland__ One of the loveliest parties of Engineer Sweeney of the passen­ This is by no means a simple problem army during the war. No donations to charities or otherwise will be There are Thousands of them Mrs. J. F. Meikle, who is so the summer was given at Memor­ ger train spied "the body under made In advertising, or job printing—our contribu­ which the growers face. It is not at all sure Open-air school is a necessity in Jackson and the other coun­ pleasantly remembered by a host llall Friday of last week, with tlie bridge as the train passed tions will be In cash. i that the fruit stand man who sells apples in a little village of the depart­ ties that Mr. Randall has as his of friends here, arrived Monday ial Miss Velma Clapp as hostess. over the span. The body will be at 15 cents is becoming rich. These are ment of Drome which is built on territory. morning for a stay of some length Miss Hilda Hayden was the in­ sent to Goldendale, Wash, for There is much to be done right in Ashland. AUGI ST 28 problems of good merchandising and good the summit of a high hill and spiration for the delightful affair. burial. here in Jackson county, since Mrs. Meikle lias business in counts no more than 10 houses, a I It was in the nature of a “far« ------ ! management not easy to solve. Still the few stablest, 14 voters and sever­ the number of rural schools terests that call her here from well” for Miss Hayden, who, with THE BEST GIFT:— Silver and gold have 1 none; i grower must increasingly WOl’k to COI1- SUFFERED WITH RACK, al hundred sheep in all. In win- have dropped from thirty to a time to time, and she combines her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hay- but such as I have give I thee: In the name of D o l h is OWIl distribution and market. The; ter bad weather renders the roads very few at the present tim e.- RECOVERED business with the pleasure of den, are leaving very shortly for The past year there has been meeting her friends. Jesus Christ or Naz«>:eth rise up and walk.— Acts spread between the grower’s price and tile impassable and the few children “I had a long spell of Typhoid their home in Martinas, Californ­ organized under the Union, 1145 1:6. She will be a guest of Mrs. P. ia. Fever which played havoc with are find it impossible to retail price indicates an opportunity for: there Sunday schools and 4 7 churches S. Provost during a part of her descend into the valley for school. my kidneys and I suffered a good ___ 1 the grower.—Evening Portland Telegram. They have been spending the A. s lii a n d D a i 1 y T i d i n g s s .old S O C IE T Y FALL OFF M E Summertime finds them too busy of various denominations; over stay in Ashland. summer in Medford, as house deal with my back, lower abdo­ » • ♦ 5000 conversions and thousands guests in the W. Y. Crowson men and bladder. I went on in of Bibles and Testaments distrib­ Gu(‘st. at the M a n s e - home. Mrs. Hayden and Mrs. this condition until I used Foley uted. Rev. and Mrs. C. F. Koehler en­ Crowson are sisters. Kidney Pills I have never been Mr. Randall brings a very earn­ tertained, as a guest at the Manse This most enjoyable of even- bothered with my kidneys since,” est enthusiasm to his work and recently, Dr. W. P. White, sec-I was chaperoned by the writes Mrs. W. T. Clary, White from the interest manifest in the retary of the Bible Institute. 1 Mesdames Hall, Ferren, Hayden Plains, Va. For quick relief from briefly sketched work that has He was going to Portland to Crowson, Hughs, and Clapp backache, dull headache, rheu­ been, and is yet to be accomp­ visit his son, who lives there. Dr matic pains and kidney and blad­ Memorial Hall was brilliant in lished, he 4rill have the hearty White has been making addres­ the high school colors, crimson der trouble use Foley Kidney support of those who are alive to ses at the Young People’s confer­ and white, and the high school Pills.. Sold everywhere. the situation, as it is in our coun­ ences along the coast this sum­ orchestra furnished the inspira­ ty. mer. tion for flying feet. l» 0 FEAR OF EVIL resultingIrotr Mr. Randall’s headquarters are He and the Koehler family are The evening hours were winged change of diet, water or climate in Medford and he expects to re­ very old friends and this visit was and at a late hour deliciously i concerns those w h o take on the shor main there for some time. one of mutual enjoyment. dainty refreshments weer served j trip, sum m er vacation or long journey ♦ » » esterday there was a group the happy guests. C H A M B E R L A IN ’S meeting at Williams Creek con­ McCoy’s Return— Those who enjoyed the hospi­ C O L IC a n d D I A R R H O E A ducted by Mr. Randall. It was REM EDY Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McCoy and tality of the young hostess, Miss Ready for em ergency - night or day. an all-day gathering and there daughters, Margaret and Frances Clapp, were: the one in whose were a goodly number present. returned from a most restful and honor given, Miss Hilda Hayden, , r Sunday school was conducted in happy outing, Saturday afternoon. and the Misses Cecile Cook, Ruth f the morning and a wonderful din­ They spent perhaps a week of Million, Mildred Ferren, Bron­ ner under the trees at noon. the vacation at Red Blanket, augh Hughs, Louise Ruger, Del- There were a number of speak­ about two miles above Prospect. phine Sackett, Pearle Wardle, ers on the program. In the after­ This was a wonderfully pleas­ Genevieve Hensley, Gertrude noon Rev. Mr. Howell, pastor of ant place to camp and not so Brown, Dorothy Hall and Thelma The Carey is signifoent in the I / " a,e? ’el.low men’ eshib‘«>>g interest in The little “bateaux-mouches,” the Christian church at Medford, well known as some of the other Herr. le profession as a whole and are ever the fly-boats which ply up and spoke, most convincingly, on the places along the Crater Lake laet that hundreds ot letters and appeals The Messrs, George Francis w ere d ir.., -ted In th e Governor in tin’ hones'"'‘I'’ I"",’1 aasis‘ance, of « Professional down the Seine River at Paris, “Need of Bible Study” and Rev. highway. Barron, Robert Redwine, Fred of saving Casey’s life, and although it isi * I™l»ned with a broader spirit, tile are not making their expenses. Mr. Koehler of Ashland on “The From Red Blanket, they went Merrett, William Brown, Hal La Authority of the Word.” Repainted, entirely renovated, to Crater Lake where they estab­ Claire, Richard Crowson, Billy 1 not possible to prove it it is not far fr< l"‘wsPaper.man of toda.v- looks beyond the There were a number out from lished headquarters for the re­ Heith, Glenn Sabric, Johnny Ru- | the Jruth to sav tha of the hundreds Z °f / a" d ba>™d that °f sa<” furnished with much more rapid machines and having just doubled Ashland. From thi3 group meet­ mainder of the vacational period. ger, Ward Jennings, Harold Bral. aeted to save Casev from death and the d , ‘‘°n , m' erested mostl>' “> the their pre-war atriff, they have not ing, the speaker, Mr. Randall, A reminder of Kansas experi­ Her and Paul McCarthy. Jimmy ! grace of the hangman’s noose not a few de' elo|>n,e" ‘ ,not on|y of hls own commun- been able to regain their old-time came to Ashland in the evening ences, in the guise of a hail storm, Riley and Orville Hall were un- I to make the address at the Union added a touch of interest, and able to he present. voted to restore capital punishment T lev'ste n ‘1S ‘’“".V7 a,nd State' In' popularity/ At certain hours of services. occasioned considerable excite­ The Haydens have made many voted to I, ano m en v et ,vtt , a s,ead ot bemS on ,be alcrt for an excuse the day many of the graceful lit­ ♦ * * ment while it lasted. The stones friends during their summer here t > die and I w ltX hours o t h X Z 8bOOt C”‘tin» remarks at thos" <»- tle boats move along with only came with sufficient force to go who will regret their going very m uie ana wiuun Hours ot the fatal mom- fGrpni nnlific-il f.Gtb ~ «x- the conductor on board. It is dif­ An In terestin g Trip— Rev. and Mrs. Chaney and ficult to put one’s finger on the through a number of the car tops much and hope that they will ent they forget the vote that gave the m law authority to take life ,„ „i i,'. , °!1,u " lan hls own, he is ever ready to ad- exact trouble, but it undoubtedly children have just returned from and this party was kept busy fend­ come to southern Oregon very ! law authority to take life and hurried to lies in the fact that the boats do a most enjoyable vacation. ing them from the tent. frequently. liis rescue. The incident is only another ’ vise, to help and to sacrifice. There are a not lead to the large centres of They 3pent a week at Diamond Altogether this trip afforded illustration of peole not voting their lion- r ¿ tew 1UV of 1U the old school remaining, hut thank work. One cannot complain of Lake, that most popular resort; considerable variety in experience And so it goes, while here in Providence they are few, and those re- high prices. Before the war, one then motored on to Spring Creek, and was a delightful change esl convictions. It is not the lmrnoso o f ■ • -n the United States there is a tele­ tins article to argue either for or i Z n s W‘," / On °"' eivther thro^ b could corss Paris by boat for two a most delightful retreat where from the usual home happenings. phone in almost every home and capital punishment, .... if the votms ,, ,,ld ace. or l>e tri,i,,pled under hv the liordes sous, today It costs 25 centimes, they stayed a little time. it is connected with every other which means that it has just more Klamath Falls claimed a share Oregon expect death .........„med men to "l!'“ ' ^ T K°°d fa” ° 7 b!P who Summering in Idaho— phone in the United States. than doubled. This is the cheap­ of their holiday. They visited Mrs. J. H. Snyder writes escape the gallows llmv will do well to re :are Jo'n‘'d / 1,b a common desire in moral est method of communication in their friends there, before return­ friends of her most delightful sort to the hallo, and no, insist o" the^ 7 - ! the French capital today and cer­ ing to Ashland the last of the summer spent among the moun­ r tains and lakes of northern Ida emor over ruling the verdicts of juries and: The newspaper man, or publishers of so tainly the most agreeable, but un­ week. ♦ • • fortunately the river does not called magazines, who still resort to the ho— the Pend Orielle country— the vote of a majority of the people. flow through the main boule­ G uests at G ilm ore’s— dirty, underhanded principles of attacking vards. that wonderfully interesting re­ Mrs. Frank D. Black and son gion so blest in scenic beauty. towns and communities is held in just as APPLE SELLINGS PROFITS Harold, have returned to Seattle, Mrs. Snyder and her little son much respect as the average man holds “I was put out in the ‘semi­ their home, after motoring down Billy, are at the home of Mrs. Apples grown on the Pacific Northwest lor a rattle-snake. He is a sore not only to finals,’ ” dictated a elient of a to pay a visit to Mrs. Black's Snyder s parents there, but later eoast last season sold in New York City, the _________ .. ___ ,,ul lie Iie is is large American banking house in parents, Prof, and Mrs. Henry will go to Spokane for a lew community that ,,v he attacks, hut tor troni 10 to la c e n ts each. A student of a rotten spot in the community where he Paris to a pretty French stenog­ George Gilmore at Elderlea. week’s visit with friends and rela­ àia ■ XX. . I I... 1 al i • i .... _ • rapher. He was writing to a Mrs. Black, as many are aware, economies followed up these apples and resides. They deserve more of svmpathv tives in that lively little city. lflllllil flio 1,/x apple I.. growers ......... received • i one a 1 t* w I «7 friend about a recent golf compe­ is a musician of note and a well- Mr. Snyder will join her there lound that f I the than of censure. They have fallen behind tition, hut evidently Mademois­ known composer. the latter part of her stay, about nlhes Ashland Service Station Oeser Son Nearly Everyone Classified Advertising