• ASHLAND CLIMATE, without the aid of medicine. cures nine ca e out of ten of asthma. This l a proven fact . . i •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• VOL ME IV. SHL AILY Entire Sta.ff Of Teachers For Three Ashland Schools l'i.cked PIONEER AVENUE DIVISION LINE Examination. F'or Removal Of Delinquincies \Vi 11 Be H Id , 'eptember 7,_ At Higli kchool. u t. 1 de ('hildre11 Have Fee. FOR NEARLY FIFTY YEARS. (International News Wire Service) AMED SOON Grub:hra:itsi~i~~~r Although Postmaster E. J. Rai- sor'!'\ eomml3sion expires this week, there Is no announcement or his BLLCcessor In sight yet. Th e U. S. Civil Service Commls3lon announced the result or Its find- ings Augu3t 14, and A r,sls tant Postmaster l\1lllard W. Grubb, Fred D. Wagner and J. Q. Adams received the ortfclal l etter con- taining their rating on th e eli- gible list. nr- ,.,;ve three months in the rich ozone at A hland. The pure Jo- me tic water helps. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ♦ ASHLANl), OREOO , TUESDAY, AFGUST LOCAL SCHOOLS _POSTMASTER TO ENGLAND MAKESl= 7~---. BE ·1DINGS TIDINGS HAS BEEN ASHLAND'S LEADING NEWSPAPER Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tldlogs, Volume 43: ,TO OPEN AGAIN SEPTEMBER 10 f MJ\Iu\RIA GER:MS cannot 9 , 1923. . 'O. 304. PINCHOT DOING HORSE RACING STORM CAUSES GOOD WORK IN FEATURES FAIRiLARGE DAMAGE •• . .. PREPARATIONS FOR NEXT WAR COJ\L DISORDER Great Air Fleet B e i n g Built To Protect London Pennsylvania Governor May Avert Strike Called For September 1. AERIAL POROJ!lS COAL SUBSTITUTES TO BE DISTRIBU'l'ED ARE NECESSARY General Lloyd Prophecies That Next "\Var Wil Be Fought In Air So Asks Britai n 'l'o Increase Fore~ Rapidly. Arter the civil service commis- sion announces the findings the Va cation days ror the youth or report Is submitted to the Post LONDON. Aug. 28.-A lurid A sl1Jand and vi •lnlty are about Office Department and the next picture or th e effect or future over a s all th o schools here open procedure la rerrerring the names air raids upon London has been tor bu siness on Monday Septemb- ror "congressional rerer,•nce" ,irawu by General Sir Francis t>r 1 0 and all children who have which In this case moans Con- L l oyd, who was In cmmand of not com pl ; t etl the eighth gra~, gressman Hawley and Senators the d efence or the metropolis dur- and w h o ar e not lG y ars or more McNary and Stanfield and Is ing t he great war. or age mu ~t be r eady to enter known as the political star.'-' of i\lany Fleets Attack . chool at that date as they are development in the makin;; or a "It would not be an affair of rl>r 2-1 Last Day To F~ntcr rtuaJ choice for postmaster. No c hildren will be allowed to the meantime the three candidates would be a fl eet of many squad- enter school for the t erm after or their friends, cause l ette rs to rons com ing agalnat London from Septem Iler 2 4 , and any child who be written lo those conce rned In many points, the sky at the at- i s six )cars of age before Octob r order that they may lntluence the tacki ng point being black with lfi , 1923 will be allowed to enter congre3sJona l del gallon to r ec- t hese horoeta of d eath. ommend back to the Postmaster 1 h • sc hool. l.arge Bombs Oarrted General th e naming of I h eir '" Only allowing for eacb light- Uh·blon Llnf• J.; stabllshed cho i ce for the position . in g plane carrying ten bombs or Th e divi sion line Cor attendance The Congressional delegation enormously destructive calibre, It nl flawthorne and the Junior usually asks the Republican coun- Is not too mucb to picture ·a s many High i s Pioneer Avenue. Those ty central comm itt ee to agree up_ as four or !Ive hundred bomba resld iug l.'llSt or that stre t will on a r co mm endation and the Re- bei ng thrown on a d etenaelu.-s nttend Hnwthorne school ; other s publi ca n coun ty central commit- London within a f ew minutes . ~he .Junior Hi gh. The em i ency or tee u sua lly asks th loca l pre- Not a nice state or affairs to the school depends upon the prop- cin ct co mmittee m en Cor t he town n distribution or ch ildren to the concern ed to agree upon a r,icom- co n template! Raids W Ill I)(, Sluddl'll several rooms and no line can be mendallon. All or thb mlJUog "A ud not m er ely sh alt we dPlinltely drawn as a dll•lslon point around lak s time and as tbe civil but Plonper Aven u e comes most se rv ice exami nation findings have to guard against the raIii ,l - nearly nnswf' ring to such a line; w re not annouoced until t he va- lty or raids on London hut 'lga ln st howcn•r. som shifts from school cation season wa s in full swing, their suddennesr. Within a f<> w to school will be necessary, which the balance of the machinery was hours of war being cleclared th e will conflict with such a division neror sarlly d l ayed, n lther the bom bin g aeroplanes or thP en emy lln P, l ocaJ l' Ommltteemen or the coun- will be on their way to London I 1\leeting- Of a bi net C'al led Off By President Taken As Good Sign By Tho, e In Clo. e Connection With Ri lua t1on. WASH I NGTON, Aug. 28 .- President Coolidge was advised this morning that good progress Is being made by Governor Gif- ford Pln chot of Pennsylvania In his negotiations between the min- ers and operators at Harri sburg. Peunr.ylYanla in the attempt to ~- avert the threate ned coal strike or all anthracite miners or the Un til very recently football was nation / which ba3 been called for not listed as a ravorlte sport of September 1. th e Balkan peoples. It was re- First :'\feeling FaUs garded as an "American craze'" Negotiations which w ere op- that tou nd little taYor among th e \ened at A tlantlc City late last co untries or Centrl Europe, night Called to nccompllsh any- Since the war, however, the thing due to the ~tubbornnc&s game has "caught on, " and It Is with which both the miners and rapidly becom ing the most popu- operators otayed by their guns l:1r sport tu · the Balkan States. and ref used to give up anything Several crack t eams ha,, b en to bring about a set tl ement. formed, and as the players become Plnchot In Sol e Cha r-g more adept In the game public In- As "a result ot the failur e of t er est l s increasing rap;.; ly. I-Luge this meellng. President Coolidge crowds now attend the games In appointed Governo r Plu chot as nil parts or th e Balkan coun tri es. so l e artltrntor of the sl tuntlon with fu ll power to act !IS be wlsb- Above- The Bulgarian foot- ball "Spartan,;."' defeated by th o Rumanian "A ll Around s" in their last engagem ent. Below- The two t eams photo- graphed together. SOFIA, Aug_ 28.-Th e thud or th e/ booted pigskin i s r ep lacing th e boom of th e cannon and the rattl e or th a machine gun In the belliger ent Balkans. Football Is driving out hatreds that have en- dured for centuries and usherlog In a n ew era or trlendllness an,I gooa fee ling bet ween tratlon ally hosttle Hates, I RARE PLANTS FOUND / Ml. NEAR GRANTS PASS ' lASSEN ERUPTION REPORTED YESTERDAY ed to, but to go I<' any ends to bring about a rnttlement ot the present min e disord er which thr aten3 to tie up a larg share or the coal suppl y or the nation IC th e miners are allowed to strike. C'obhwt l\lef'Ung C'nlled off President Collldgc called off Ille Cab in et meeting today which wa~ taken as further evidence by all those In touch with the situa - tion that the umhak en optimism of the administration that a walk c:,:;~•ir New :::J!tt~rack ' Horse racing and the home show are reatures that will play an Important part In the Jackson County fair, September 12 to 15th. The completloo or the ex- cell ent oew halt-mile track, In- side the one-eighth mile auto track, and the orrerlng ot $2,- 800 in purs s ror harness events and $500 ror the runolng races by the Fair As!Jbclatlon, aesure entries ot horses prominent in Pacific coast racing and show cir cl es. A string ot twenty -one sbow horses trom Victoria, B. c., be- longing to one or the ll)ost prom - lnent borcemen on th o coast and having many blue ribbons t o their credit, will be in !edtord tor the fair In addition to smaller num- hers from other stables. There will be at least three horse racing events each day In- cluding running and harness ev- ent.£. lo addlllon to the automobile aud motorcycl e races . In the evening on each of the rour days or the fair the horse show w Ill be h eld and spectators will have the advantage ot see- Ing some or the finest horses on the coast. Severn! local men are already training their horses for th e bar- n as event3. Among them ar J, W. Lawton with his pacer "Mao" and S. B. Sandefer who Is training Lawton's horse, Hal Paxton, winner of th e $5000 rree tor-all at Salem at the state fair rour years ago, also a pacer. San- de fer Is also entering Phylli s Wynn, tt trott r t.hat Js xpected to 3how up well. Som o rast hors s wil I b brought In rrom poluts both north I N CALJf ORNfA Million Dollars Lost When Electrical Storm Hits Alameda County LARGE NAPTHA TANKS BURN AT SAN PABLO I El l · 'l' · • ec l'l ram s .Put O~it qr , . I ~ult . , ~rs omm1. S, 0 11 ln Parts Of akland. 'i ty Hall BaJ!y Damaged. • By L1,ghtnmg OAKLAND , Calif., Aug_ 2 . - A million dolla rs wor th or d am• age was cau sed t od ay by th e worst l ec trlcal storm to strik e Al ame- da and Contra osta cou tlC's in fifty yearc, Several person 3 W.:!re Injured and hundreds wer e en •• dangered . ll.a1>htha Ta11ks Burn Tho lightning fired two tanks, containing naphtha, at San Pab- lo wi t h a damage stlmated at $500 ,000. Scor s or nearby tanks w r e endangered . Th e Pa- cific Gas and Electric company plant at fiichmond wa s gutted by fire wh n It was stru ck by lightning. El c tr!!' Trains D stro ' I'd Tw enty- two el e trl c traln ij , and str t cara wer e stru ck by bol ts. Th e city ball was stru ck and th o elevators wer put out o! com - mission. A panic occurred In · th e Oakland high school when a bolt struck th e Kchool trnns rorm er . RUlER OF ElKS TO RE:!DDlNG, Cal., Aug. 28.- GRANTS PASS . Ore,. Aug. 28. k t and south to compete ror th o DEDICATE TEMPlE Commencing at 3 o"cloc yes er - The Darllngtonla pitcher plant, purses anti Ihe races, both har- :\lr. Fors, 1he .\I High Sc·hool ty committee having taken nuy :tc- at top .weed, th eir engin es fo ur a stran ge fly-cat ching variety, wa s day afternoon, lift. La ssen was in nes!:! and running events, will be ror -0ver :rn hour. It High Schoo l pupils who were tiou si nce lhe findings werP an- limes as ef fici ent as th e flgliting round for th e first tim e in Ore- eruption P HTLA D , Or,• .. Au g. 2 ~. heller ~ban any that ha ve been was th e larges t eruption or this In school elsewhe r e Inst year noun ced. Jam es G. ~frFurland , grand <• x seen In Sou thern Oregon tor mac hines ot 1914-191S, and the gon, it is belle1•ed, by R . K. B ea t - ear and the black column of I , Y misslcs th ey carr y In f'lze und I l e foreign plant patnologlsl or d d ti d should see l\lr. J.'orsy tb al his some time. alted rul er o r lh P BPnevol !'nt a 11d llfr. Kaber r eports thal he has 1 d 1011san • smoke ascen e severa power, lntlnllely g r eat er than any th o federal horticultural board at · h Protec tive rd er of Elk s, will olllco in the enior High Schoo l arranged hi s arratrs so t h at the 1 can 1 c c 1 011 1 111ng rn out will be prevented Is bo und JOHNSON LEAVES • reet. T e vo kl ft ti come to Portland with oth er high bulldiog any forenoon on the post office ca n be turned over al thing the lay public has lmagrn- Washlngtcu, D . C., who Is vlsillng / lo come out all rlgh t. 1 I orflclal s to aLtend th e d edi ca tion fourth, fifth, sixth, or s v nth or j any tim e to his s uccesso r with- ed. If not stopped, picture all thi s section. Several other rar e, the eastern a er 1e J'~ fotJ "es 11r CP t -~ b s Id cs • ong F ·t ..-presen.... 1 TODAY FOR CA LIFORNIA or th e new $1.000,000 Elks l !'r.I- September and grade pupil s who out any lnconYenlen ce to hi~. I app erupc on su s Ch . st rom 1ere I a R epresentatives or el even pi sl'l over for Noverubt> these aeroplaoes rapidly droppln.g speclments of plant life w ere nl - l ared there mu have been b WAS III NGTON, Aug. 2 .- l0. e. tentatlv l~lks rrona ly all ._, Ko r th r - werp in schoo l In ot her systems plan s. H e has t aken t he bulk of their projectiles on con3pJcuous so discovered which are lndigen- bl f eaSt ern which would e Senator Johnson Jett today ror d states 111 I I tlian Ashland Inst year may s bis-vacation allowan ce and Is pre. consldera e vo ume o as 1es. • most concerned and the worst California. H e Is schedul d to ar• dedl we&t atory ar xrc>c t e to att end th ,· places of Londoo and thee, like ous to Jose phine county. ceremonies. t he Superint nd ent at his offlc in pared to await tbe arrival ot th e a !lash, drawing ot! again, per- Th e pitcher plant, first found 011 The cloud was visible as late as su rre r ers in caoo ot t he coal strike r ive in Sa n Francisco Friday at- t he S nior High sc hool building commlasion or his successor wbo haps to return th e next day with Mount Shasta, exists nea,- here 5 o'c lock In th e afternoon and m et at New York today to dl ~cus3 ternoon, passing throu gh Sacra- 9 any time from nine till four ror ever h e may be. upplles renewed." in large quantities. Its long tub- was noted below Chico by t r avel - em ergen cy m easures for th e dis- mento t he Southern Pacific La 00 classi fication and assignm ent. •1 r F 0 ~ .......... ers on the highway 11ncl allracted tributlon or coa l substit utes in about noon rge "' .,,._.,.. 11lar leaves are hooded al th e top th at day. General Lloyd' F.xamlnatlons To n._. Hf'ld wbo Is advocot- a g r eat deiii or attention in Red- case the strike call ed tor Septem- C ently In contain many The senator wll 1 be m et In h 1 - ASHlAND CANNERY Ing an lncreas ed B r I t I s h a I r f urce, and sects trequ drowned th e liquid secr in- e- ding · Exarninntlons fo r the removal BERGDOll MONEY her 1 l o not averted. argues that Improvised derenses lions ot the l eaves. The animal cago tomorrow by a d elegation or or dellnqulnci s in high school or will be useless against raids like HAS lARGE OUTPUT friend s and tak en in charge for grade work, or ror advanced stand this. Artillery protection , he matter Is assimilated by the pl a.nt, FOUND IN MARYLAND t hlnkt, Is little better than a providing a l ar ge part of its rood, lng may be taken at the enlor the f w hours stopover in that - --- ROBBER IS HELD BY SECOND CONCERT High school building on Frid ay, whi ch makes the pitcher plant city. Ju accordance with wishes he Starting loday. th e A shland myth and he asks for 11 far- EBERBACH, Germa ny, Aug. r eaching scheme or defeuse to unique in . the Yegetable world . September 7. 1923, beginning at expressed, plaos that were uod er cannery will run every day till' 8 : 30 in the morning. 28,-"I'm cer tai n that the gold RED BlUFF POllCE The plant grows in swampy I be put Into operation at ooce. TOMORROW NIGHT way In Chicago for a big demon- chief obstacl to their running e,,_ discover ed In t he hills near Ha- Th e children of all persons who stralion ha ve been cancelled. ry day so rar, b Ing that or In - places and Eight Dollar mountain --- J London Should Pffpare reside out or school district 5 ger stow n, Maryland i s part ot tb e ability Lo secure th ne easary " Th e best way to defend Lon- near S e I ma 1 • s covel'III! ..... d w Ith th e r n . RED BLUFF , Cal ·, Aug. 28.- The sec ond WedneJday eveni ng will b recIulr d to pay tuition, the money I burled there before l eav- don ,' he states, "ls to meet the amount or help. At present the Arter a prellmlna!'y hearing before B and Concert ot th e year Is to rate to b fixed by the Board of ing the U nited States,'' Grover enemy in the air before he reach- Another growth , unu sual In th e Justi ce of th e P ace, E. F . Lem- be given tomorrow evening in DREAMLAND SECOND onnery Is mploylng 60 women Ber gdoll , the wealthy American School directors. es th e coast. In other words, United Sta~es, found In Josep hin e non Saturday, WI! y Frank lin was Lithia Park, according to an an- d rart dodg r stated h ere today. Ten<'hl'rs A nnouneff) to d efe~d by attack. The mom- ls the weeping spru ce, which Mr. held to answer In th e superior nouncement made today by DI - " I could go direct to the place. The list or teacher s wJllch have ent there Is any Idea that an at- B eattle round near K erby. R ece nt- court 011 a char ge of holding up re ctor Carl Loveland, who states The lucky finder may have it. I and gallon cans dally , if It wou Id been secnred ror the coming yea r tack le to be launched acalnst ly Mr. B eatll es was In the cast aod and robbin g the local service sta - that there will also be a dance also burled 8011\,e m oney In West be round u c ssary 10 1 un thli round some ther e whi ch had been tlon of an oil company Saturday at the Llthlan Pavilion lmmedlate- a rp as follows: fL~ndon our aerial preparatJon Th s cond rrese ntatlon or amount through _ Virginia, but will cot say, just seut from Germany to Massach u- night, August ,th. The defend- Jy following the Concert. should permit ot squadron artt>r 17 Sf'nlor High Al pres nt they nre In the midst where , as maybe I can get it back setts. Th e seed_s, he believes, went ant admitted the oll'ense and said Th e program arranged ror the "Dreamland" pnt on at the Chau- sq uadron of tbe blgbest-powered Geo. A. Briscoe. upt., B . C. some day."' tauqua bulldlog lasl night was battle planes, from dlUerent from Josephin e county to Europe he will plead guilty in the hlgber concert I s a varied one and will yery w ell at t oded considering ot lho near pack . but will start Forsythe. Prln., Walter R. Hughes points on tbe coast and lolond, and were th en brought back to court. The amount or ball In h 1 s appeal to e,•eryone, 111r. Loveland th e tact that one or th e largc~t on th tomato s anti peach es 111 Rush Henry, Zipora Blnmenft,Jd , WASHINGTON, Aug. 28.- giving in3tant challenge to the this country. case was raised rrom $1,500 t o says. '!'here are seven numbera crowds that has turned out hem about t n dayr . The entire ber - Minnie Poley, Evangeline Poley, Th e "Bergdoll gold·• un artbea $2,500. In d efault or bonds he whi ch have been oo lected, all of tor some time wltne!lSed th e fir3t ry crop has b en finish ed, aJ als,1 <'allle Vogeli, Ph ila H . Hall , Ger- near Hager stown, Maryland. will enemy, whose position will be in- bas th e apricots, beans, b et an d dica t ed by wlrele!ll!.. was r emanded to t he custody of which have a popular appeal. showing last Thursday eve ni llg_ nltllne flu eh, Alice D. Heyes, L e- be cl aimed by th e U nited State3 herri s. " Given adequate aeral prepar: BOY the Mherltr. The con cer t Is sch ed uled t o b - KILLED OR ona . larsters. Gm e Hawkyar,:, wblch, in May, 19 21, ll8lzed all The acts were eve n belier la st The E:!nders Whole ~ale hou ro atlon, wltb the offensive, as tbe label Black. gin at 7: 4 5 o'clock snarp 111 or- evening than on the precedin g Is taking th e entire output or U1 -, th e property or ot the drart Franklin took exception to only al ght •·s everyone on the • tagc J I b" Ill dominant note, I do Dot think ODe stat ement o[ Austin Tracey, d er th at all th e number s may ~ ~ ocn cann ry L 13 year and w ,Jun ior .High dodger, Alien Property Custorlaa DEER AT EU GENE his victim on the witness stand. we need be unduly apprehen1lve be played and th e concert over had gotten over any feeling or put It on th . mark t as the high - Ila l\1yers. Prlo., Annette Wea - M ill er sta ted today. Th e amount about the safety ot London, but Tracey testified Franklin threaten- with by nin e o'c lock :it which stage fright which they may have est clnss of canned goods to ba therford. Edna L. Gohe n. Ruth A. is Indefinite, but I.he workman If th e government, wltb false ec- time th e dance will start . e. perlenced the Clrrt lime so secured . ed to kill hi m. The d fendant de- litr hell. Esther c. Teicher, Ethel who round It said he counted close onomy, grudges tbe money, or The program Is as rollows: everything went orr according to / h The EUGENE, Ore., Aug. 28.-Rob- nled thi s. Franklin further stat- schedu l e t r main trouble I h I at present di ls Reid, Rulh Wallace, Mildred Mil- to $ 0,000. we r ely OD paulve defensive from 1. March, .E:! Plurlbus U n •m- • t a o s cur ng e p, accor ng 11011, Ella Llsc hersky. Edna K en- The movie scene which attract- to B. M . Lininger who bae charge the cround, then we are llkely ert M . McLean, 18 , Eugene high ed th e gun he used in robbin g Jewe ll. 1u, dy. no rot hy A bbou. Sig nora about $30 In cash and 9 "Arcadia "' (The Land or ed so much favorable comment of the plant tbls year sod they to be In a very bad way: d nrlng school student, was killed almost Tra cey Norman. Lysle Gregory, I sa bella t be nex t war."' lnatantly this morning about 8 :"3 0 some oil books wa s not loaded. He~~t·s Desi r e .. - 111ann. l ast week wa s even better l ast ey. arc anxious to s cure funh r h Ir, CRAZED HEIFER " ' attenbargn. o'clock in a hunting accident on He declared he l oaded the r evolv - ening, th e part ot th e ticket sel- all tlie I,u . 3. Popular, "You've Got loo J 1 th e Suislaw river about 30 mil es er after h e r eturn d to hi s room l d b B bbl B b T b Hawthorne See Mama Every Nlgbt" -Rose. er Paye Y o e owers, e- he output or t trom Eugene . Professor R. C. following the robbery. Ing especia lly <>ood as w er e al so e \ Ill b g e t cannery d J J thlJ Florence Allen, Prin ., Edythe INJURES WOMAN RELATIONS RESUMED 3t 4. American Fantasia, "Gem R " Y ar N e a rea ea arger St,;1 eusou. 8-,una T em ple, Lillian Thompson of Reno, Nev •• in ru c- Deputy Sheriff, J. N. Froome or Stephen Foster" -Tobania . th e parts of th e Jew peddler and than ever beror since its estab- 11.-t>d. S rah WIiiiamson, Emma tor In th e U niversity of Nevada, t es tified the offi cers, Includi ng Sher 5 _ Poplllar, "Barney Google" th e str eet cweeper, taken by Dr. llshment, Jlfr. Linlni:er R, ys, and 1 !tr M. o. Ballard and Night Police_ SOUTH 1,Pltlng. \'era laanel, Mabel Eby. ftred the. fatal bullet which hlt Mc c Ph cu eplace and Hank Pace res- It Is expected that th ey will dou - - onrn d . BY U. WITH MEXICO Lean as he moved out of the bru sh man Fred Griffth, found a small 6. Overture, "The Spirit or LL pectlvely. hie th eir output next yea r. 2 .- Mrs. Laola Axfo rd narrowly 8 nd thst es~ap· d seriou s Injury her e wh en WASHINGTON , Aug. 28.-Re- toward woo ed deer ..he sack conta ining th e stoleu money bert>•"-Mlller. The work or th e accompanist. Mr. Lininger xpects lo put out pinned to the ground by a crazed sumptlon of diplomatic relations bad shot. McLeao lived about 20 and oil book s in Franklin 's room. 7. l'ilarcb, ••sta r s a nd Strlpe 3 B ernice Yeo was or lhe highest nn especially larg,, appJ pa k GOVERNOR TO TALK h elrer, and Ray Sbaw won honors between the United States and minutes after the shot entered bi s ! Eleveo dollars or th e money was Forever'"-Sousa. order according lo Mr. Welling- thi s y ear nod f"J tlmnten that It as a "bulldogger" or ability_ Mexico Is being .b111tened here by body. missing, and th e next day Frank- Th e Sta r Spangl ed Banner. ton, and In both last eight's p r- will k eep th <' ca nn t>ry bu . y Mrs. Axford and Shaw, while a series o! notes wblcb the two The hunting party was compos-1 lin told Froome il was in his _ _ _ _ __ _ _ rorman ce and th e showing Inst through November and Into lh P DURING SALEM FAIR walking along n road n ear bore govern men ts are exchanging to ed or Robert McLean, hi s fa t her sock wher e he sec r eted It soon week her playing was all that early day, or D l'IYIIJ, • . cou ld have b en desired. encountered a baod or 31 helferJ clear up certain doubtful points George N . llfcLean, E. C. and L . after tile r obbery. SALE I. Or ., Aug. 2 . over- and steen which w ere being driv- In th.e agreemente upon which the noT Pi r ce announced tonight th at en to the slaughter houfle, One r ecognltioo o( Mexico ts to be :~h:•;:;s~:IIF~r iu!::;s::d a;: ------- sm:~1:rc:~:: :~:\:•:~~- he l1as ace pted an Invitation to fiery-eyed helf r beaded ror llfrs. baaed, the State Departmeot an- give an acldre s at the automobile Axford. knock ed her down and nounced. 0 1 I races to be held on the stat e fair attempted to gor e her. Shaw - -- - - -- - ~::~:T:::n;;!~e:i~~~:~:::~~l:: PENDLETON, Aug. 2 . -It Is :l a: gir_ 1 ~s~;:~~:ii:::i~t~u~:: grounds her Labor day. Th e 1 brother or Dr. Thompson esti mated 1,000 extra seats will Professor Thompson was . absolv mon y derived rrom th races will grabbed a plec or lumber , struck COl NTY ATTORNEY ARRESTED be applied toward the constrn ction the animal over the head and fl- IS DRO'E OS BOOTl,EOGERS ed ot blam e for the accident. ac- Th e Roseb ud scene was con3Jd- CHICAGO. Aug. 28.- Ten men REDDING Ca l. , Aug. 28.- be available for Round-Up rans nally dro\"e the heifer away. Mrs. FORT WORTH, Tex., Aug. 28. cording to a statement or George or tho new Salem hospital. thi s year as a r esul t or Improve- erod th e prettiest an d best car- held up three guards In the bond - Charles Squires, 55, or R edding Axford escaped with minor bruis- - Texas rangers, forces climaxed McLean, father or the dead boy. To k p the appointment It will ments befog made In preparaUon rled out or all th e-'"ilcts or the ed war house herP today and Ps- was killed on Pelican B ay, Ore- es. Th e herd scattered and all their two-day drive OD moonsbln- Tbe deer had beeo shot by young be neces ary for the goveroor to !or th e big show September 20, show. In both or the performances caped with forty-five barr Is of goo, last Friday wh en a log rolled except three steer s "''er e roanded ert1 and bootlecgel'tl In the woodJ McLean and as the animal plung- make an nil-night ride by auto- 21 aod 22. The Happy Canyoo and wa!i certain ly well done, nc- whiskey valued at $150,000. on him. - The body arrived her e up In nearby bllls. The belliger- hllla of Somerwell County today ed away Professor Thompson, who mobll rrom Ashland to Salem. H e ent heifer ls no more. They loaded t he loot Into two yesterday evening. Buri al will be orgaolzatlon Is particularly ac- cording to Mr. Wellingtoo, for with tbe arrest of Count, AttorneJ wu aaid to be an experienced wlll l eave Ashland next Sonday tlve. Aonouncements have been the amount ot tim e wblcb th e motor trucks. S Yen barrels werp made by the Knights or Pythias. Eddie Roark. Six other men aar, woodaman, tired and bit McLean night at 6 o'clock and expects to made that the great paylllon wlll girls taking . part spent In prac- abandoned at the entrance, du e Squires had been emp loyed here Lebanon-Shingle mill, des- rendered Sunday to rangera, bring who bad started after the ruonlng reach Salem ea rly lbe following be opened for a daoce on the tlclng for the act. 10 la~k or room on the truck . troyed by fire, plans lo r ebuild I Ing the total number held bJ state, iuilmal and had thu■ entered tbe for fifteen year by Huff Brothers, night of September 1 to uaber In The raider& threatened to kill butchers, but he concluded to try IOOD. forces to tblrtJ. line of Ire. the aeaaon of two-quart hats and :,.-orest GroYe-Maaonlc h tJme the guard 3 If tbey spread ths al• logging tbls Summer. Rouad-Up recalla. bulldiDg $80,900 addition. ' I IS I I SHOWING IS GOOD 1 ~:: al~~~ q~}:~i'1:~~~:: :~:~:~: :; I f ---- - - - oJ S. PENDLETON PREPARES FOR ANNUAL ROUNDUP REIDNDLINUGMMBEARNAKCICLLIDEEDNT , I ;~~b::v~ WHOlESAlE WHISKEY ~:·l~~ ROBBERY PUT OVER