p»U G i h i i i U r ’ r n iH }h H f 4 H L A X D CLIMATE, without j ! the aid of medicine, cures nine <’ D aily .. T iding s eases out of ten of asthma. This 2 “ VOLUME IV. J THE TIDTNG S HAS BE£N ASHLAND’S ~ A D IN G A “ o t ^ a pe r (International News Wire Service) Successor to tl,e Semi-Weekly Tidings. Volume ........... MALAHlA GERMS cannot sur­ vive three months in the rich for nearly fifty years . I ozone at Ashland. The pure do- J mestic water helps. J 43. ASHLAND, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 27, girl killed AT ROGUE ELK HARTMAN WORK WILL PROGRESS! STRIKE RAPIDLYNOW Accidental Discharge Shotgun Causes Death LOCAL TALENT APPEARS AGAIN Of Buelah Phillips, the nine-year- Governor Warns Operators old daughter of Mr. and Mrs That Public Will Not Phillips of Rogue Elk was killed Allow Strike yesterday afternoon when a shot­ gun which was standing against LAUNCHES PLANS a i ail fence on which she and her for SETTLEMENT brother were sitting, suddenly i. M.. I went off and scut the entire Neithe *,* her Abners Or Owners charge of heavy shot into the Intend lo Back Down i g i r l ’s side. H arrisburg Meet. Aline Kenneth McWilliams Operators Willing To land, who was at Rogue 303 First Retort Will Be Put In Operation By October 10 DreamlRnd To Be Put On At Chautauqua Building Again Tonite ■ m a s big FETORE CL AIM ‘ Local ;/.ars in ‘Dreamland N e w y o r k / , S k y u n U: TOWN TO BE BUILD AT SITE OP CAMP m u n ic ip a l AM D • vool worth S oil dings Ten Mile Stretch Of Pine Line Will Be Laid As E00“ As, Possible. Plan To Employ 1500 Men By Next Summer. AT L E p y — tore.-“ “ I* be f V a l u a t i o Holding Progress Bark Now w Fn< WH& the opinlon of director W ellington when asked how he thought the show would go to­ night when it is presented in the vrBIG GROWTH Chautauqua Building for the sec­ IN NEXT FEW YEARS ond time. The director continued: "The Town lias nev er had boom perform ance last Thursday nigh! Says local man hut is was somewhat like a dress re­ Result of Steady Ami hearsal for the perform ance to be Consistent Growth'. Ab IV g ven tonight, as every one of the Hxpect Rapid Growth. 200 players will have greater ease, more stage presence and A shland’s future is n„iUre4 a Poise. New comedy is to be '•gorous growth if property valua- Put In the movie act and other > «n does not hold up to the high pantomimes of the show will be • J el th at has l,een in swt y f„r introduced. Every actor has been the past year. Tourist travel cli­ hinking how his p art might be matic conditions and natural ten- improved, and the many new encies are the reasons held re­ stunts to be seen tonight will sponsible for the impetus that has make the production seem like come to Ashland this year i„ the a new show.” home building and city develop­ Miss Velma Clapp has been as­ m ent area. * signed to a place on tonight’s pro­ S w enson P ro p h e cie s Good gram for a new dancing num ber: Mr .Swenson of the Swenson The Dance of the Blue B ird.” is & Peebler firm .prophecies that the title of the dance and it is a wonderful season of prosperit? an interpretative dance with many and growth will come to Ashland beautiful stage pictures, rythm n, m the next ten years, startin g and poetry. lth a very «mall stock, sixteen It is reported that many of the Years ago, Mr. Swenson has in­ first n ig h ter’s are going again to creased to his present capacity. see the big show as the reduced he town must grow to make busi­ Prices will a ttra c t the patronage ness grow, m the coming ,en of hundreds of people who are years, Mr. Swenson expects that anxious to see the show again. s business will grow twJce flg Many inquiries have been made fast as it has during the past regarding fe a ts for to night’s per­ sixteen. formance. The committee has de­ Practically the entire business cided th at there will be no re ­ district in the eastern end of served seats, th a t the front half Ashland has beenu built since Mr. oi the auditorium will be sold Swenson became an Ashland busi­ at fifty cents a seat, and the oth­ ness man. One of the reasons thai er hafl at th irty five cents a Mr. Swenson gives for this growth seat. The doors will open a t 7 is the natural tentency of immi­ o’clock, with Mrs. Dodge in charge gration to come westward. Owing of the box office and the rule to the great am ount o ' fertile fruit will be “ F irst come, F irst ¡and grass land surrounding A h served.” land this town has benefitted very largely from that movement. ' of Ash- Elk for he day, rushed the little girl HARRISBURG, Pa., Aug. 27. his car to the Rogue Elk camp The public will not tolerate a w ere a doctor w ai secured, but W ith a group of 60 men at strik e in the anthracite field on the wound was so bad th at n o th ­ work at prseent on the job of September 1, Governor Pinchot ing could be done save h er life warned the w arring operators and and she passed away about an building the to>vn SRe Of the L eviathañ H artm an Syndicate and a payroll miners assembled here at the call hour a fte r the accident which totals over 38,000 a m onth, of the Pennsylvania executive to­ According to her brother Les­ w ith th eir own lum ber mill which day. Grim determ ination was er, sixteen yearn old, they had evident on the part of the gov­ been out w alking and he had his has a capacity of 10,000 board MWiMRBJtW ernor as he launched the opening a th e r s old shotgun which was feet a day. and w ith a steam «OTfL if fihovel engaged in uncovering the Plea for settlem ent. badly out of use *nd unreliable “A shortage of anthracite coal as a weapon. They became tired fin.t K°f the beds of 8hale which means the loss of health among a lte r a time and so climbed to will be put through the H artm an millions of American families, for6 ? 0^ ° f a Fail feDCe to rest reto rts as soon as they are in­ the loss of comfort, working pow- for a time, so Le* er placed the stalled, it is evident th a t the com­ ' r and tim e,” he said. “ The them aag,DSt the feDCe betWeen pany m eans business. coney strik e such as threatens now is Retorts Installed Soon island ' s a public calam ity and every rea­ The first of the reto rts will N either of them was touching be installed and put in operation sonable public means m ust be the gun, Lester claims, when sud DOLLAR. used to prevent it.” in about six weeks, according to denly, w ithout the slightest warn ßOAfcDWALlQ. Pinchot expressed the hope ng. it went off and sent the en- H. W. H artm an, who returned To prove that New York- City is | hat a settlem ent would not be re load of heavy shot into his ast week from a business trip the best S um m er reso rt in Afferent ~ r*‘" “ an.d ‘‘u the. l**c uirierent mpossible. He said time rem ains sister s side at close range. Les­ to San Francisco, on which he world the Hotel Vanderbilt has ciU Ncw Ameei- isU,nds . Within the ¡ a n T - V ’ th e rt.e can League baseball V park wi if h to sit in a common counsel so the ter im m ediately tore of p art of arranged for the building and de­ issued a booklet outlining a two d i s t r i r - i -a m tluJed the financial **“ * » « * ; GS l r ,v P t t l n o n n n n . d r l { . W h ic h th ? " u m ? ro u s s k Ysc ra p e rs , livery of the re to rts here. A con­ weeks vacation in the city. Among common danger may pass. with his clothing and, w rapping the attractions attrartinne mentioned nm»-. __ _ visits • •. f i e a s ^ , « I n a X T ' a „ are tract for 100 re to rts was signed. the w hh 7 gard t0 Fighta ° f a11 and about his sister, picked h er „„ to famous .taints of interest such w ith due credit and honor to all wich V illage. FHor those interested/thousands ¿lily! for he^^ d° Wn the r °ad looking M. H atm an states, and these will concerned. e installed a t the company hold­ N either the miners nor the op. Kenneth McWilliams put them ings in the Dead Indian district. DAVIS MAN HELD FOR erators intend to back down, of- OH to Be Trucked to Town tO ALLEGED RIFLE T H E FT ! f cials of both organizations de- 'h e Rogue X The oil from the first reto rts ogl,e Elk camp but the ’ lare An executive session i3 wound was so large that the doc- which are installed will be haul­ I T h ^ VIS’ CaHf- ^ Ug 27~ B«» scheduled for this afternoon, ed to Ashland in tank trucks, but ! L ™ p’° " 01 ,hls c i , y 1 v a " t 4 W “ “ a» »■>- he operators are willing to ar- a a fte r several of the reto rts are i ed Thursday by Constable J. AJ bi frate everything, while the Put in operation it is planned to I SACRAMENTO, Aug. 27.— All H uberty, on Mrs. Phillips was absent the a complaint sworn w orkers stand on their flat de- Hme, being in Medford for at the construct a pipe line from the re- ! aErangementa have been complet- to by Monty Millet, Jr., of Biggs, DENVER, Colo., Aug. 2 7 - ’»ands of salary increase and an grief X & ,arge num ber of entries alleging Thompson stole a rifle Coiorado towns are responding to entiFe famlly was torts to a lage 25.000 gallon stor- h eight hour day. f J uken’ especial,y the boy. age tank which will be located have been secured for this con- belonging to him from his ranch the call of city officials and the Lester, who was with »>< , near the Southern Pacific tracks startin g Sunday noon, Sep several days ago. business men represented in the ai thn ♦. th h,s si8ter cnirtL X__ _ tPTnhar O __ at the time of the accident south of town. This pipe line will tem ber 2 and ending Monday, , At a hearing - held - — here ~ yester-l ° enVer Tourist Bureau, to ac- he approximately _________ ten miles , tong, eptem ber 5 a t the grandstand - day ________ w e r e V n “' ' a "d " r before -«one« Justice of the Peace i uaint visiting m otorists with the ”■ »« U s taL X ,ra il“ t ,l,e Cali' o rn - ™ < ™ P s o n was held ag; ,Cultural‘ «lining, industrial n 81,8 Elk io r •*■« day • X ' ’ ” ' 2 and a - m o nip so being constructed from six inch M ate Fa r ei*onnaa e „ --------- I as held F air grounds, Sacramen- J Pending the raising I," , W 6,1 the m olher could not d commercial possibilities of “ E v e ry b o d y K now s A sh la n d ” of 3500 b located they drove i„ after Pipe, while the rem ainder will be Thia bonds. the state, as well as its travel ad- Mr. Peebler says, “ If i ha4 Thls c°n te st will be staged by Of four inch ‘ pipe. Thompson could not get bonds­ vantages. More than 35,000 mo- been able to flash a slogan with the Capital City Motorcycle Club Pipe Line Will Be men and was returned to Biggs torists thus far have been regis­ ^ » M r s . J . F. Meikle, of Berkeley the inscription “Spend you vaca­ *»»•»»» « r y » •_ * . . _ This pipe i,ne will elim inate startin g ,n front of the Cham ber y Constable Barney Jam es of tered in Overland Park, the city’s arrived in Ashland th is' tion in A shland”, or some •meh he cost and unnecessary labor of of Commerce building and will th a t city. iree camping grounds, and the m orning to transact business m at­ be run to Reno, Nevada, via motto, It would have been a knock ransporting the oil by tank Thompson was arrested as he season will close in Carl Loveland the efficient lead out. Everyone knew about Ashland ters. Mrs. Meikle is a form er resi­ September lacerville and Carson City re was getting off a 8tage Jq this truck. The pipe for the line has with more than 50,000 “ resid- or of A shland’s band and recog­ dent of Ashland, having lived here and the Lithla P ark .” already been ordered by Mr. H art­ turning via Truckee, Colfax,’ and city on his retu rn from dents.” nized as one of the best Saxaphone about ten years ago with her fam ­ Speaking broadly. Mr. Peebler A uburn. Twice around this ' hunt. & deer man and win arriv e here this ily.- Two thousand strangers fill (he Players on the Coast has been re­ course will expects such a wonderful increase w inter and will be installed for r h complete the run. assembly hall in the camp every ceiving some very flattering offers in A shland’s business the he, Mr Mrs. Meikle is the m other of Checking stations will be esiab- night to enjoy the free illustrated recently from several orchestras Swenson and Mr. Collins of ’ Tal­ SALEM, Ore., Aug. 27.— More use by next spring. Miss Theresa Meikle, who gradu­ ished along the course and each lectures. Mayor Stapleton has and jazz bands on the coast for advertising is the need of Oregon Have Much Property a l * i l tiom Ashland High school in rider will sta rt with 1000 points ent have purchased one of tho The company at present has a turned over the building to the his services. its fruit industry is to succeed 1 i’ll,, and is now Assistant District largest stores in Talent and are perfect. if he arrives al any business interests a0 th at travel­ A telegram received from Andy constantly adding new stock. K A ttorney or Deputy Prosecuting according to a decision reached by ePieh? Of1IPr° Perty a Pp r°*iniately checking point 30 m inutes ahead ght miles square surrounding W ard. director Qf the jazz baQd :Ashland i8 gojng |o b(? enter- - officials ot the N orthw est Packers'! ers may get the most out of their A ttorney for San Francisco Coun­ of time he is elim inated from the their town site, this property be­ visit in Denver and thruout Colo T hP atre^fa3 B' Ue M° “ 8e iDS’ T&lent &nd ° ther npighboring ty. with offices in San Francisco. association, at a meeting held contest. Each rid er is allowed I PORTT A v n * rado- is a nlo-hn .. rado. There — here today. ing either owned outright or leas. heatre in neattle. offered Carl towns will benefit from it, accord- one m inute leeway in arriving ™,i ' ORTLAND, Aug. 27— Fishing latin n ” i A nightly pOpu- Miss Meikle is the first woman in > ‘d on long leases. The great leaving these c h e c T d W8S good a l°« g many Pacific P™ *! the camp of 4,000 to 375 a week to play with the the- inR to Mr. Peehler’s theory. have this that I*nks of Salem reported the United States to Check,«« P o la ,, ¡ slre ; “: 7 „ ' r^ ™a " ; B- , n c C oast¡ 5,000 a, he had recently returned (rem body of oil shale which the com Failing to do this honor. down ° rCheStra bUt be tUrDed U Has Xever ,,M | A ««o'» his one point . . g 1 last week, ac- Individ.,Qi Individual free service is also „» l r í L nU t0? he ■ '•'ï-'» »n outdoor ™st wh«fe he made a careful F n 'I h J 8 r e,Oplng lie3 entirely ! deducted from h is scorp Miss Meikle has charge of the I — -'-v"*«-» uu ' Ashland has never had a boom “ *?*’ re8lon “ "■> I» approxim ate. rid er passing through a city a ,,,, W hile in Portland with the according to Mr. J. N. Deuns, who ' Ond“ i0” ’ - " 8 Or 18P° rt8 1Uade by Southern Pacific given the cam per along the lines W om ens Court in San Francisco th a ï O r7 i agents and announced Whlch he is interested, wheth- Medford Dokkie band at the con­ T “ “ *<>“ g and tw ° »M e village with his m uffler Î. ? re8M1 »'as not known as a and has become a public speaker has been in Ashland for twenty and about 800 teet thick as fa r °peu n c g Pee Pa Traffic Man^ m anufacturing, m ining vention last week Carl was offer­ fruit district penalized 25 points. of reput. During the time th a t the m the east, and as a years. Everything th at has come ! ager. aftlC real agriculture, or a „ . as can be ascertained. Mr. H art- ed 3100 a week to play with the to Ashland has come as the result Womens Community Property ¡ „inch h had Feceived This will not be a speed con- man states. Deerr are reported to be pienti cial nr .t h " ty phases of commer- BUI was foremost in the minds of led to n 81” ®88 th a t rig htly belong- eorge Olson orchestra which is of natural growth. The growth er.t but will be conducted en tire­ Town Site Planned California people and attracted ° ly w ithin the speed laws of the one of the most famous on the | h&s never been steady and resi- A regulation town is being plan­ state. This contest is one to test In order th a t a syatematle cam­ oast but said he believed it to his: dents have always re% onded to nation wide attention, Miss Mei­ on So„tó„b o ern T 8 X ' ha" dad advertising may he l„- ned for the w orkers of the com­ he endurance of both rid er and advantage to tu r the offer down jt fls readily as was consistent kle gave many public speeches on paign group t business association the subject. At the present time “ nsnm tetl a com m ittee of three pany by the officials who esti­ the different makes of machines, also reports that, with clear F! tUJ,n tO A8hland as be says Decause there is a natural teud- warm representing his particular de- m ate th a t there will be a pay- weather, local he rid er finishing with the most e Ashland people are giving ency for immigration towar.l tin ..aPP°'.n,8d '» outlin » « " » o Plans, in connection with her work in ,uppu,ntetl to next ° f 1,500 men by tbi3 time the public offlcle, she will give 1 - ” - ^ ° f the C° m niütee nim sue hgood support th at he west and because there is a re , e rt P o .,i , - a r e Rob next year. Two streets have a l­ Pe™ Ct 8C° re W1H be the winner. p « t • reliable business sources feels It is the best thing to rem ain'»««able am ount of surrounding he finish of th is race will be - Reports from lectures on the Narcotic Evil. erss’ r “ S the Oregon Grow- u Z x ua z z ' i ,h ru o u ‘ ,he association; ready been laid out, and w ater a feature well w orth w itnessing ¡territory to Ashland that can he Of still g reater interest to Ash­ Fred nC° -° perative Fred Drager of the D rager F ru it wo I“ 5 PiPed t0 tbe C,ty fro1« Of good Sized tro u t still a r e ’ on the third day of the Sacram en­ land friends is the fact th at Miss —— ------- i turned into homes the future is company and W iiiiam Wood dj ,arge spHngs on the hill to F a ir a t 4:30 in the afternoon. being caught in the stream s, with In London the telephone is a bright and abounding with pos- •Meikle s entrance into public life a 7 ! ‘ * Camp’ A balf m»e of luxury only for the rich, while J Abilities, good many eastern brook trout was recorded by motion pictures. the W ashington Growers Co-op- inch pipe i3 being uesd for in Czecho-Slovakla It is a case of I Efforts proved futile to have Ash­ prative association. H o u sin g Is Rig mg up to 12 inches being this purpose and this has already buy governm ent telephone bonds land people see the film before is tai ] BaSS fishing in th e lake Housing remains one of the arrived and will be laid as soon or lose your phone. . fair,y good- but few lim its are t was semi to the eastern part of most gigantic problems that Ash- aa possible. being taken. ie United States for use. Ashland land has to conquer. At the pres­ Sawmill in Operation Cisco reports th at flshing is re i,( s an4 theatre-goers should ent time, it is believed of Mr. E The company has its sawmill fairly good in the Yuba River and bear this fact in mind. ynu P. Sabin, secretary of the E. Phipps, th at there isn’t a de­ n actual operation a t present and That some limits are being caught. ran ts Pass Cham ber of Com­ Mrs. Meikle will retu rn to Berk­ sirable house in A shlanJ, either Golf iH in T t“ 8 ° Ut aD average of 10,- eley as soon as business m atters furnished or unfurnished. ” 'i here events have been announc- merce, accepted the secretaryship The old fire hall on F ourth St. 00 feet a d«y which is an ample of the K lam ath Chamber; it was ed as follows: are completed. ROSEBURG, Ore., Aug. 27.__W. «UPPIJ for the construction of is to be remodeled and opened as KELSO, Wash., Aug 2 7 ,- ^ s c a r announced by President W O Huoidback of Portland, who had ing good iio u ^ s ™ PPS’ “ Waut- R- Gluyas of Riddle, aged 67 years the houses they are planning to the Salvation Army headquarters Smith of the K lam ath Chamber for Ashland on Thursday by the was held in jail here today charg­ ui h,x or e i* ht for the employees. These Saturday morning, following a purchased a lot in Longview and ,m o n th s __ ju s t lonir ed with assault with a dangerous houses are of very solid construc­ officers in charge of the work o f Planned the erection of a build- out w hether . g enought flnd conference of the board of direc­ ing there, was instantly killed to - ; acLl“’''6“ ' " ' ,he C' “ " a t' ” to ben- the Army in Ashland. weapon with intent to kill, on tion, and are the plans are to tors with Sabin. Such people are the type John David C ornutt, aged 70 years begin th eir construction at once The official dedication of the Sabin has been secretary of the day when he lost control of his that should be taken care of for hall will not come about till Sep­ C ornutt is suffering from a frac­ Retorts are Large G rants Pass cham ber for nearly machine on a narrow strip of they are an investm ent.’ If one tured skull and is in a serious The capacity of each shale re­ tem ber eighth or ninth the offic­ two years, during which time the E. D. Jennings and William condition. Gluyas’ hearing was to rt will be approxim ately 300 ers say as the district commander theAC«ffidÌng tO W° rd received here Oregon caves came into their own - . e e d . The eey p,„n«ed /v e t tlte j X , “ i X L X X the officers Rogue «■ River Rice, employed at Swenson and , D of the — * postponed until Monday afternoon tons a day when they are assem Major J. t . \\ interbottom will F r „ jt hrough a campaign of publicity I eebler’s. returned to Ashland until the outcome of C o rn u tt’s bled and in w orking order, ac­ not be able to be here till th a t L J , „ P roduce Association of 1 Pty houses, there would he a reatlv at six thirty last evening with condition a ’ e about to close for conducted by the chamber. is determ ined. The cording to Mr. H artm an, who time, and the local officers a r e ! , * I dem and for their occupancy. one of the finest deer brought wounds were inflicted with a shov­ states th a t the byproducts of the holding the dedication for his ar- ,• iness' The company has been will succeed T. A. Stevenson, REEDPORT. Ore., Aug 27 — i H . rival. " >“ operation for a little over th ir­ " h o leaves September 10 to ac Searching parties continued today in th ia season. T he""»™ , el wielded as a club by Gluyas in process are very valuable after cept a posfc with the Oakland, Cal The hunters left early Sunday an altercation which occurred on the oil is taken out, as the gas ’ The hall will be open every teen years now and according to chamber. ’ to drag the swelt.hg w ateers of, extensive X d . n reliable inform ation from local m orning for W agner’s Gap and the county road in front of the throw n off by each re to rt is es­ night from the Umpqua riv e r tn .u *'x ie n sH e b u ild in g p ro g ram a in now on though thè Sabin arrived here yesterday, bodies of O liv m e r tb e A sb*an(l if d desirable e s ira b le lots Into wov.n y ten o clock had succeeded in la tte r’s farm/. h3S DeVer Paid a dividend were n ¡t tim ated to am ount to som ething local officers say and services win — an held a conference w ith the Domes of Olive Norris, 28, of Co- held yet. bagging a five point buck. The at such a high valuation. like one million cubic feet a day The tum ble between the men be conducted four times a week on qutlle, Ore., and August Freden- deer was found in exceedingly •The stockholders will receive 75 hoard of directors in the evening hurg, 19, of Argo, Ore., who were The ordinary, home-seeking man. has been of long standing startin g which is such a large am ount Tuesday’s, Thursday’s, Saturday and again this morning. M em ber Due condition. Mr. Jennings was s cents per dollar for the value of cannot afford to pay over eight over the use of a pipe line furnish­ th a t the gas throw n orf by 100 and all day Sunday. of the board said they were favor­ drowned yesterday with D. Chap­ the unfatlering m arksm an, but ! th eir holdings and several Ash­ or nine hundred dollars for a Preparations are now being ing w ater for irrigation purposes of these re to rts is estim ated to ably impressed with the apparent man, 60 and his two year .old building lot. Taxes are high, as Mr. Rice had teh honor of pack­ land people are effected by this Gluyas, who raises mushrooms, supply the states of Oregon and made for the H arvest Festival, c n s ix ^ x „ tX z x a u a" d and energy and experience of the ~ provision. ing the deer to Ashland. which the Army will hold on Sep­ was alleged to have kept the wat­ W ashingon. The fate of the Medford firm is Prospective secretary and'w ith the Chapman and daughter have been come t / ¡ T " 7 ,n c u in b ra n c e s l,ia t er going almost continually and Spent Shale Valuable tem ber 6. At this time they will arrangem ent of term s his acctem W hat we call household neces­ ° ne The spent shale, which la left hold an auction sale of fru its live­ in a direct contract to th a t of the tance of his office was announced. recovered. George Adams and Ed who has m ™ * h“ 1’" 6” ’ prevented the w ater from reach­ sities in the United States are ing C ornutt. The two men engag­ after going through the i etorts ocal F ru it and Produce Associa- stock, vegetables' and other farm He has not yet served his con­ ward Dab, th e o th e r occupants of considered luxuries in Europe. ed in a fistic encounter Ju ly 29 7n is very valuable as fertilizer a3 produce and it is expected to be on which has increased the vol­ nection with the G rants Pass W hat a m onum ent to American ume of its business every year PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 27 — W° U,<1 r&ther PUt what ln’ which Gluyas came out second it contains sulphate of am onia an interesting affair. Chamber, but will do so immed- initiative and enterprise. since its establishm ent and this best. Cy Williams, of the Phillies Dass- nnH 111 ° n' ' be bas into stocks «Continued on Pake « , , A lsei_ M111 year has been the banner year of ately upon his return with the ed Babe R uth when he smashed fr ° M 8 ’ tbereby being free all. • — « P ^ a t i o n of coming to K lam ­ ° Ucoming tro u ble and a th Falls w ithin 30 days. 1 out his 33rd home run in the reaH game against St. Louis. th Z Dg returns w ,th no effort on the part of the investor. I JR TO AUTO THAVElf RS i « E HESE ra m mr sm s IN S. P. BLïffl M ITERS GET FIVE POINT BUCK F O T FIGHI TO OPEN OFFICE n EFNN SABIN BECOMES K. TARS S E C M T Late Bulletins