PAGE TWO AStttAÑb b À ttf TtbtÑOS A s hl a n d D a i 1 y T i d i n g s The skeptic Trill probably argue that (E stablished in *1876) Ashland is net favorably located for such •Daily WeWi Letter an institution, owing to its not being lo-j I > Published Every Evening Except Sunday by -*-♦ » » » I » » M H I M cated in a lumbering center. If such an Mft3. GRACE E. ANDREWS, Editor THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO opinion exists it tan easily be corrected Fhohe item s to her a t 345-R, between 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. SHANGHAI, Aug, 25.— Smoth­ Bert K. Greer and evenings. Editor by calling attention to the fact that some ering heat and drought, dread OFFICIAL CITY PAPER Telephone 39 of the most successful and best paying fore-runners of famine and chol­ box making plants in the Northwest are era, have settled over, certain sec­ Y isitor from W is c o n s in - week, and have ju st returned to Entered at the Ashland. Oregon, Postoffice as Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Wolf have remain for probably three weeks tions of China, causing thous­ located at points where they are compelled Second Class Mail M atter. ands of suffering people to pray as a houi'e guest, Mrs. Charles longer before they come hack to to ship lumber a distance Tanging from Subscription Price, Delivered in City to the gods for rain. i Rl3tau, of K aukauna, Wisconsin, town for the winter. 25 to 75 miles. a sister pf Mrs. Wolf. One M tnth .. / » ♦ * $ .6 Recently while visiting friends Mrs. Ristau will make an ex­ Three Months Rumor, unconfirmed, has it that a box Mrs. M orse P asses A w ay— .95 in an interior city where there Six Months .. It will be m atter of great re lactory is to be located here. If there is wa3 no rain for weeks and where tended visit here in Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. Wolf met Mrs. gret for the friends of Mrs. Percy One Year ...... r.5o any loundation to the report it is meet that cholera claimed many victims, I Ristau at Yellowstone P ark, By Morse of Eugene, to learn that the proper organizations get in touch with rode to the City Temple, where which they all enjoyed together, 3he One Month .. was stricken with apoplexy hundreds were worshipping a t the $ .65 i the proposition and offer assistance, if shrine of the god of wind and and Mrs. Ristau came to Ashland and passed away very recently Three Months ................................................. 1.95 with them. Six Months ........................................................ 3 50 any be required. If there is no foundation rain. a fte r a short illness. Mrs. R istau is m aking a trip One Year ......................................................... 6.50 Mrs. Morse was a sister of Mrs tor the rumor, it is just as important that In the narrow mat-roofed th a t will cover months. She came C atherine C arter, also of Eugene, steps he inaugurated with a view of secur­ streets the stench was terrible. from her home in Wisconsin over DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: Flies, m illions of them , crawled the northern route, spending some but who is very well known in ing such a plant. Single insertion, per inch .................................. 30 Ashland. Y early C ontracts: L et’s go after the smaller industries. It lazily over the fru it in the open time with relatives in Tacoma. The sym pathy of many friend-, One Insertion a week $ 27% requires only a few of thè, smaller plants stands. They swarmed over the During her stay in Ashland, is extended the family ih their hungry dog3, for once too life­ Mr. and Mrs. Wolf plan a trip to Two insertions a week 95275 .......................... to equal the benefits derived from a single less to bark a t a foreigner. They C rater Lake and they will also great sorrow. Daily insertion ............. ♦ ♦ * 0 gigantic industry. worried the half-naked, half-dead visit the Caves. S O C IE T Y K ates I-or L egal and M iscellaneous A d vertising beggars in the shade of the City Gate. F irst insertion, per 8 point line ................. $ .10 E ach subsequent insertion, 8 point l i n e ......... 05 Card of Thanks ............................................ 1 O bituaries, per line ............................................. 02 U eiallv. lie.,,.... • * Z I \ ..................... 1 v I * i .L " . , i ••• ln the (>Uv v “ . v. nrtynrds. doorways, on George A\ aslnngton, tor example, I roofs and streets were terrifying Had so much money and property to dis-1 Rut more pitiful were the haut- pose ol that his will covered twenty closely iug cries of the m others who were im ploring the sp irits of w ritten pages. their dying children to return. W ednesday evening We are all hoping that when 1 school days are over for the young folks or at vacation lime, Ashland may again claim them. Visiting a t Provost's*—» Miss Mae Horgan of Oakland, California, who is a house guest at the P. S. Provost home, is re­ vising her pre-conceived notions of Southern Oregon, and has quite fallen in love with its beau­ ty and with the spirit of its peo­ ple. Her stay is being made mem­ orable by all sorts of happy hap­ penings and delightful trips. Thé C rater and Diamond Lake (Continued on Page 3) Time Is Money You can save both time and money through the use of the banking-by-mall privileges we extend to our patrons. Mr. and Receipts are acknowledged the day re- reived; you save and safeguard the money dt posited, and can use to advantage the time that would otherw ise have been spent in calling at the bank in person. Simply u r ite : “ l‘ay to th e Order of The I irst N ational B ank,” on th e back o f your checks and sign your nam e,— we do the rest. First National Bank Ashland, Oregon THE theater beautiful I'TNAL SHOWING TODAY DOROTHY DALTON 1 brl" “ them home — brings banks, Mrs. Ann Russell, Miss Sunday, Mr. Detrick will take Nellie Russell, Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Miss Helen out to stay with them Connell, Mrs. Mary Dunn, Mrs. during the rem ainder of the va­ Elizabeth Van Sant, Miss M arjor­ cation. ie Gillette, and Miss Ethel Hazen ♦ * * The girls anticipate the loveli­ V’an Buren was so wealthy that he did tim e thinkable. They expect On Wednesday, a picnic for not trouble himself to draw his salary un­ A few days later the wind and est adventures aplenty, and will have Mrs. Eubanks in Lithia Park was til the expiration of his four rears, when rain came. much to relate when they retu rn arranged. he signed for an even $100,000. When he There was great rejoicing from th eir holiday. A dinner of th ? most delicious that most towns are Inuit not by the few died he left a fortune of » » « throughout the city, and I rode and satisfying order was planned nearly half a mil­ again to the temple. The Wind gigantii' industries, hut by a combination lion dollars. Go to California— in which venison had found a | God was given credit for driving <»t many small labor employing institut ions, Mrs. Rebecca Clary and her place in the menu. John Adams died moderately well off, out the God of Plague. G arlands O ther than the honored guest, two daughters, May and Mabel, any one ol which it is possible to secure for Uis son, John Quincy Adams, died a rich of sweet-smelling white jade left W ednesday of this week for Mrs. Eubanks, Mrs. Ann Russell, Ashland. man. I oik, P ilmore and Pierce were all flowers hung around his fat gold an extended viait a t the home of Mrs. Mary Dunn, Mrs. Elizabeth There is an inclination to hank all on rich men when elected president. neck. Incense burned a t his feet, her son and his wife at Marys­ Van Sant, Mrs. G. F. Connell, Mrs. gayly-colored lanterns, which ville, California. one of two propositions, ami if either fails, George Eubanks, Mrs. O. W inter Thomas Jefferson, accordnig to history, and would be lighted in the evening, give up hope eternally. The and Miss Nellie Russell, were Mrs. Clary will be at the home ve up nope eternally, the situation is due always put on a large amount of style and festooned the temple grounds. of — __ ____ _ Mr. J. G. Clary for present h er son, i o enjoy the happily » m il people placing their hopes on one was rated as a very rich man. but in o ld Before the Wind God the grateful I some weeks. ttUtIV planned and happy affair, with The Clarys antici- ^vin g were humbly offering their j pate a most delightful vacation. Mrs. Eubanks. gift3. * ♦ * Mrs. Clarence Eubanks i- a Entertain Mothers— daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kerns In Tsangchow, Chihli Province, of Portland. H er husband, It has been the charm ing habit the long drought is causing great lawyer in New York City, is a anxiety. Two years ago, when of a group of friends, a club made thia section was facing a sim ilar up of business girls, th a t each grandson of Mrs. Russell and a situation, the priests brought fa­ year they en tertain th eir m others nephew of Mr. George Eubanks. His fath er used to be in busi­ mous rain-producing iron tablets in some pleasant fashion. ness here in partnership with Mr This year it took he form of a from a northern temple and se­ G. F. McConnell. P ark , at six cured im m ediate and, In the eyes picnic in L ithia Mrs. E ubanks left for Calfiorn- ¡of the superstitious populace, o’clock Friday evening. ia Wednesday, where she will They arranged a delightful sup­ mnnity than a dozen smaller industries em­ Andrew Johnson, but the hitter was im­ Phenomenal results. visit on her way home to New per, all the toothsome dainties ploying a like number. Once that truth poverished before death by assuming the The priests reaped a rich h a r­ York. as well as those of more substan­ vest in offerings. saturates our citizens ‘there will he a dif­ debts of his son. . • * * tial n atu re were there. This year, however, the m irac­ ferent community spirit exhibited and re- It was a real little banquet and Guest from Vancouv< William Henry Harrison saved a good- ulous tablets failed to function. those In whose honor it was giv­ Miss W inifred Watson has this with less expense'1'” 1 Wi‘h Lucy will enter Bullen s college for girls c t Bristol, Va. Miss Picken will feel quite at i home there for a num ber of her chums are entering at the same time and a member of the fac- , ulty is a relative. H ouse W arm ing— Mrs. R istau is delighted with Ashland and her host and hostess plan th a t she will carry with her pleasant pictures of the lovely surroundings of Ashland as well as th a t of the Lake and the Caves. When h er visit ends she will make the trip in leisurely fashion- via California to her home. * * * Guest at the Detrick’s— Mr. and Mr3. Detrick are en­ joying a visit from Mrs. D etrick’s sister, Mrs. Jig g ar and h er son, Randall, from Vancouver, W ash­ ington. Mrs. Jig g ar has been here for some little time. A few days ago, a brother, Mr. Barstow, a po3t office employee a t Eugene, arrived for a short visit, m aking quite a family re- unipn. * ♦ * Mrs. R. C. Jorgensen opened their THE FORTUNES OF PRESIDENTS The coffin-m akers were work­ recently purchased-hom e on the The statement that Calvin Coolidge is ing night and day. Boulevard to their friends in a At last we reached the yellow- the poorest man who ever entered the delightful house-warming. The rooms were made very WHAT CONSTITUES ADVERTISING White House is contradicted by the known walled temple on the bank3 of All future events, where an admission charge is tacts in the lives of some of his predeces­ the stagnant canal. Priests, in lovely with “ Golden Glow” anil brown robes, were selling paper made or a collection taken is Advertising. were filled with happy guest3 who sors. The new president is a man of very charm s to the crowd3 of listless No discount will be allowed Religious or spent the evening most pleasant­ moderate means, but there have been other men and women. The priests Benevolent orders. ly in conversation interspersed presidents who were equally Jacking in declared th a t the charm s would with many musical numbers. protect them from the merciless „ DONATIONS: Most delicious refreshm ents worldly goods, and several who were poor­ hand of the Plague God. No donations to charities or otherw ise will be served at a late hour, brought to made in advertising, or job printing— our contribu­ er off than lie. a close this most delightful af­ tions will be in cash. Lincoln was a poor man when he was W rinkled, bent old women fair. elected president, and had lie lived to serve were hobbling on th eir “ Golden The guetas were Mrs. Bates of AVGUST 25 out his term he would perhaps have retired Lilies” among the gilded and Medford, a daughter; Mesdames painted idols which lined the Mary Leach, George Robinson, F. worth only a few hundred dollars _____ m o t e , walls burning incense, red vcan­ L. Putnam , R. W. Dix, J. G. Co- CURSING or BLESSING?— Cursed be the man than when he entered. Both he and Mrs. dles, and silver paper sp irit mon­ zort, Jennie Schwahn, a . V. th a t truateth in man. and m aketh flesh his arm . Lincoln gave away a great deal of money ey before many of them. Hood, Wm. Nelson and Betty, W. io people in distress. and whose heart departeth from the Lord. Young wives, with draw n fac­ R. Clapp, R. w . Clapp, Swan Por­ ter, Will Moore, Sam Rhodes and Blessed is the man that tru steth in the Lord, Another poor man elected to the presi­ es; soldiers, in tattered uniform s; pompous m erchants, am ahs, car­ the Misses Hazel Emory, and W al­ dency was McKinley. He was not only and whose hope the Lord is.— Jerem iah 17:5, 7. rying fretful babies, pale-faced Go to L ake o f th e W oods— lace and Mr. Clark of Medford. poor, hut was in debt. By frugal manage­ scholars, bronzed-backed coolies ♦ * * About a week ago, Mr. and ment and the assistance of friends he was were all w aiting th eir tu rn to Mrs. Schwein, with th eir daught- E ntertain for Mrs. Eubanks__ ASHLANDS FUTURE accumulating money when the assassin’s kow towr” before the gilded wind ers, Ramona, Rosalind and W an­ Tuesday evening Mrs. Otto Like all other towns, a day does not pass I mllet ended his life. god. They were im ploring him to da, went out to Lqke of the W inter was hostess at a delight- in Ashland that local citizens are not dis­ iul dinner, in compliment tc Mrs. James Monroe entered the White House drive the Plague God out of the Woods. A fter .seeing them comfortably Clarence Eubanks, of New York cussing the future of the town and com­ a very poor man, and he retired almost city gates. settled in the C hattin cottage, City, who was visiting relatives in munity. Ami, as is the situation in many penniless. He died so poor that he jyas bur- At night the wails of the Mra. Schwein returned to Ash­ Ashland this week. other towns, a majority ol local people led at the expense of relatives. ! m ourners, the beats of the priets land. The invited guests were: the seem inclined to believe that the only man- Mr. Schwein and the girls will / guest of honor, Mrs. Clarence Eu­ On Ihe other hand, most of the presi- dru,nis’_the groans froni the thous- iim - through which Ashland e.-n grow is toldents have been eomfortahlv fix e d fin -,,. ands of ChlneS(' trying to sleep | re n ,lln 011 lhc opening of school banks, Mr. and Mrs. George E u ­ t secure one or more g ig an tic industries, is indisputable llml the securing and de­ veloping of some irem endous industi v will result in the own forging ahead at a i apid rate. Lui past experience teaches I m il com paratively few towns are favored with the h u g er and more powert nl lae- tories and in s titu tio n s . It also shows us «««winy, August » , Í(tiili — i ll — x„ ‘ FOG BOUND’ ‘THE —also— DUDE” and T hai ( I flow PLUNDER’ .MONDAY A speedy that xx-iri, i<’ i- coinedy-drama i x- — -* mixes A aiikee pep with English dignity, burglars with h ' hets, ami, girls with gun play. - —and— “ IN DUTCH’ important Announcement On August 15th, prices on all types of Exide Automo­ bile B atteries were reduced. The same high quality th a t m otorists have alw ays as­ sociated w nh Exide B atteries, will be carefully m ain­ tained All of the m aterials entering into their con­ struction will, as always, be of the best grade obtain­ able and the w orkmanship unsurpassed. Only the adoption of certain new policies, based on pres­ ent day requirem ent of car owners, has made this re­ duction possible. Compare the following new and old prices. You will understand, then, why the Exide B attery with its long life, dependability and low m aintenance cost is the most economical battery you can buy. Car I Type old New Buick-4, Chevrolet 1 C Volt Cleveland. Durant, 11 piale - >24.00 >17. «5 -4, Essex, Ford, or G r a y , Maxwell, 6 Volt Nash-4, Oakland 1 3 plate - >38.70 >28.00 O v e rla n d , 1 Star, Studebaker, Velie and others. Auburn, Buick-6, Chandler, D uranti -«», Hudson, llup- mobile, Jew ett, Moon, N a s h - 6 ,, i C Volt 15 plate - >37.45 Oldsmobile, Paigel Reo, S tu d eb ak er1 and others. / D o d g e , Franklin,'] Maxwell and oih- 12 Volt 9 plate - >«3.30 ers. . j $.33.30 >38.00 We have th e type Exide for your car ready at the new low price. Stop in and see it. Murphy Elìcine Shop :.5