tMday, Angast 24, 1023 ASttLAÑft DAÎLŸ TIDINGS „ ;; Classified Column < ö I PROFESSIONAL PHYSICIANS j ’♦ M,ss May Selatead of Belting- FIND IT HERE 4 ' ham visited Ashland yesterday. PAGE THREE WASTE IN TRIVIAL ITEMS COSTS RAILROADS YEARLY LOSS OF $230,000,000 ♦♦* » i > > 1 1 1 >>« » 1 11, , ’’A tolu m n Devoted to Brief,* Fine tailoring for women, also DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Resi­ <> Business and Personal Notes.*' ready-made suiti\ coats, skirts, Classified Column Rates dence and office, 108 Pioneer » > > > < > > » « < ♦ » blouses, furs, etc., at Orres Tailor avenue. Telephone 28. Office One cent the word each time. By S. W. STRAUS, Shop upstairs. 30-1» hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 To run every Issue for one President, Am erican Society for p. m. oniy. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Walters month or more, %c the word T h rift Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Axman are each time. were visitors yesterday from DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac­ among visitors from San Fran­ “’T ’HE large wastes are readily tice limited to eye, ear, nose and Portland, Oregon. cisco. * discovered, but it is the small throat— X-ray including teeth. FOR SALE ones that in the aggregate amount i Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to For the best in sweet milk and to much more I 5. Swedenburg Bldg, Ashland, cream go to Detrick’s. FOR SALE— Beautiful new five FOR SALE 106-tf Ore. than a fe w Watermelons, extra fine. E. room bungalow, breakfast large ones and 294-6* nook, large bath room, screen Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Berthotel H. Withrow, Talent. cause the most DR. G. C. PHETTEPLACE porch, laundry trays, built in of Winters, California were concern.” DENTISTRY FOR SALE features in kitchen, dining Thus an ex­ among recent guests of Ashlaud. Above Citizens Bank Watermelons, extra fine. E. ecutive of an room and bed room. Cement Office Phone 151 i m p o r t a n t Hew far East Is “ E astern?” 294-6* porch and pergola, basement, Have a fit at Orres— tailors for H. Withrow, Talent. Res. Phone 201J American rail­ There are many oils termed! double garage, wood shed, one men and women. 226-tf way system “ E astern” , which are the Earl Swart and Phil Duman block from Baulevard. Come recently epi­ ¡products of the mid-contin- were visitors yesterday from San and look it over at 341 Beach Ml3s Snodgrass of Dixon, Cali­ CHIROPRACTORS tomized t h e tinent Asphalt Base Oil Francisco. St. Terms if desired. 30-ltf fornia was a guest of the Hotel urgent need of fields. DR. E. B. ANGELlT—Chiropractic r - — ----- — ................. — — thrift practice and Electro-Therapy. The com­ Ashland last night. Cleaning, pressing, remodelling FOR SALE— Few laying hens, among rail­ They are “ E astern” bination does wonders. First all at Orres Tailor shop upstairs. 925 B. St. 300-3* National Bank Bldg. Phone road employ­ For the best In sweet milk and 8. W . S T R A U S right to us here, but they’re 48-142. Telephone 64. We call and de­ ees. He esti- cream go to Detrick's. 106-tf FOR SALE— Ford touring car, House Calls liver. 301-1* mated that the waste in little NOT 100% PENNSYLVAN­ model ’21. First class mechani­ things on the railroad with which IA. DR. HAWLEY— Above Tidings Mr. and Mrs. Geo. J. Tothang cal condition. Extras. $250.00. Mr. and Mrs. Merle S. Kilgore he was connected amounted to $7,- WAVERLY MOTOR office. Phone 91. OIL were among out-of-town visitors 000,000 annually. This did not in­ Ford sedan in good condition, were among the late arrivals. clude any outstanding instances IS! yesterday from Santa Rosa, Cali­ $400.00 263 Oak street, phone DR. ERNEST W. SMITH— Chiro­ of efficiency. practor, near Postoffice. Hours fornia. 310-R. W. C. Pickens. Mrs. S. L. Doty la in Ashland Some of the annual items of 9-12 and 2-5. Phone 114. 298-tf on business, from Crescent City, needless waste pointed out by him Always glad to advise with CONVALESCENT HOME— Cot­ were as follows: coal, $1,000,000; California. FOR SALE— Pickling cucumbers, you about your fire insurance supplies, $300,000; stationery, $50,- tage plan. Invalids cared for all sizes, by gallon, also green In heme surroundings. Matern­ needs and rates; perhaps you ASHLAND, ORE. G. E. Lontant and wife of Oc­ 000; crossties, $100,000; locomotive peppers. Telephone 4 85J. W. might profit by calling 274J. repairs, $500,000. ity department. Terms rea­ ean Park, California, visited Ash­ Analysis of his statement re­ E. Pierson, Boulevard. 287-tf sonable. Phone 411R. 248-tf Yeo, of course. land recently. veals that about 7 per cent of his 298-tf company’s operating expenses last Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Sweet and TRANSFER AND '’ EXPRESS Will trade Ranch for A3hland year represented waste due to lack FOR SALE— Chevrolet touring child were In Ashland last night of thrift by employees. Inasmuch home. 66 acres on Wagner creek, car; good condition; new top, FOR prompt and sareful sei vice from San Pedro. as the system with which he is con­ 3 miles from Talent, mostly good tires, 1918 model. 851 auto trucks or horse drays, cal nected represents about 3 per cent Whittle Transfer Co.. T’hone Walnut St. 298-t4 Oranges, lemons, grape fruit— wooded, 4 acres, free irrigation of the gross railway mileage of the 117. Office, 89 Oak street, uear Detrick sells for less. 106-tf in berries and other fruits. House United States, and as conditions Hotel Ashland. 66tf FOR SALE— Thoroughbred black and barn, splendid well of water, on the road“ referred to were prob­ Minorca hens; $1.25 apiece. good road. Want a small home ably a fair average of conditions L. A. Bartlett of Los Angeles, Phone 345R. 122 Church St., T. L. POWELL— General Trans­ in Ashland. Staples Realty, A sh­ on all lines, it is safe to set down fer— Good team and motor transacted business in Ashland evenings. land Hotel Bldg. 300?tf the sum of $230,000,000 a year as trucks. Good service at a rea yesterday. the direct result of lack of thrift sonable price. Phone 83.« by employees. FOR SALE, TRADE OR RENT— Arnold L. Solomon is among One of the great economic prob­ 160 acres unimproved land, un-| TRY FEHIGE FOR HAULING | Cliff Payne haa sprusteele the business visitors from San lems of the present day pertains to and transfer work of all kinds ladders. Incumbered, near village of 300 Francisco, California. 375 B St. Phone 410-R. on S. P. R. R. and good hard transportation. In the item of roads, 100 acres under fence 200-lmol Mr. and Mr3. O. H. Shaw from needless expense referred to here­ with good natural pasture, Pleating— See Orres, upstairs. with, the cure can only come Grants Pa3s, Oregon, visited Ash­ plenty of water. Three roomed 301-1* through the education of the em­ - house, barn and woodshed. For JERRY O’NEAL— Plumbing. 207 land yesterday. ployees. No efficiency system can East Main. Phone 138. further particulars address F. safeguard against such waste. Poor Marksman— J., care Ashlaud Tidings. 148tf Good clothes are an economy. The business men of America C, F. Koehler returned home should learn that a very small per­ PLANING MILL See Paulaerud's suits. FOR SALE— Lot on Alida St. last night from a hunting trip. centage of the amount of money $25.00 down, $10.00 a month. JORDAN’S SASH AND CABINET! Mr. Koehler fired a good many wasted by thriftless employees WORKS, Cor. Heilman and I Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Smith are shots and had plenty of luck, would, if spent in correct thrift Phone 28 or call 108 Pioneer Van Ness. 194-tf registered at the Hotel Columbia avenue. 281-1 mo but wasn’t able to hit the desbed ¿duration, bring amazingly bene from Los Angeles. ticial results. Treated at Home obstacle. MONUMENTS FOR SALE— Milch goats. 220 To avoid hay fever entirely, go New Fall goods Just arrived at away for two months. If you Garfield St. 283-1 mo WOMAN IS STRUCK BY MONUMENT— MARKERS Paulserud’s. 291-tf can’t go, Vicks will help you en­ ------------------------------------------------ 1 MACHINE AT DUNSMUIR Lowest Prices dure it at home. Keep Vicks in FOR SALE— REAL ESTATE 1 the nostrils to protect the mem­ ASHLAND GRANITE CO. Arney Selatead transacted busi­ DUNSMUIR, Calif., Aug. 22.— 3rd and East Main St. 223-6moi branes. Inhale the vapors of FOR SALE— Modern bungalow, ness in Ashland yesterday from Mrs. Les Tucker stepped from one PLUMBING Vicks melted in a spoon to clear garage, 3 large lots, fruit, , Bellingham, Washington. the head. car directly in the path of an­ berries, etc, 356 Laurel St. A rub with Vicks at bedtime other car on the highway in town, ASHLAND GRANITE 280-1 mo* will often keep away asthma. It Isn’t too early to order that was struck down, and is now in PORTLAND, Aug. 22.— Noth­ MONUMENTS Fall bull. Paulserud’s. 291-tf a local hospital suffering from ing remains in the pathway of Oregon G ra n ite Co. FOR SALE— Furuished f o u r | the double dislocation of an an­ construction of the Natron Cut­ room cottage, corner lot, idea) S. PENNISTON, Salesman. H. D. Fadden was a recent Ash­ kle. off now but the obtaining of per­ Res. 470 Laurel Phone 444Y T location. 283 B street. land visitor front Seattle. The driver of the car shouted mission to build across Indian 280-1 mo* w a p o ub in warning and jammed on his lands, and this probably will be O p » /7 M uuom J aos i/seo YtA/ttr Let me tell you about the new brakes, but to no avail. a mere formality. This was the WANTED full coverage Automobile policy. statement of W. C. Sproule, preoi- Yeo, of course. 246-tf. Wanted— Mixed farming a n d YOU dent of the Southern Pacific com­ Classified ads bring results stock ranch in Southern Ore­ SAVE pany, who arrived here yesterday. F. W. Farrant of San Francis gon or Northern California. Sproule said Chief Engineer Wil­ On every pair of Full co was an Ashland visitor yester­ Address S. W., care of Tiding3. liam Boschke is preparing plans day. Fashioned Ribbon Back and specifications and bids prob­ WOOD WANTED Silk Hose—All Colors ably will be advertised for next WANTED— Bids for contract on We make a specialty of picnic week. Purchased here. 60 tiers of sixteen inch chunk and campers’ needs. Detrick’s. Sproule said: Programme for week, August dry oak wood, to be delivered « •-tf $2.75 Hose For $1.75 "There will be no material 26 to September 1, 1923. on or before October 15. 30 change in the route as originally Sunday, August 26. tiers to be delivered at Tidings Mrs. A. S. Cornell of Provi­ planned. It will be a wonder­ VARIETY STORE 7 to 8 p. m.— George Olsen and office and 30 tiers at Greer’s dence, R. I„ accompanied by Misa fully beatuiful line, and will prove 89 N. Main residence on Granite street. Hazel L. Cornell, were guests at his orchestra in dinner programme I believe, a great attraction to of concert music, by direct wire See Greer at the Tidings of­ the Hotel Ashland last night. from Portland Hotel dining tourists as a variation from our fice. 288-tf other 3cenic line, that runs down room. Pay Cash and buy for less at from Eugene by way of Roseburg WANTED— Young man to learn Monday, August 27 Leedom’s Tire Hospital. 279-tf and Medford. printers’ trade. Small wages 3:30 to 4 p. m.— Educational "Incidentally, it will bring a I to begiu. Good opportunity A. D. Kicks and wife are re­ programme by the Portland Li­ railway within twenty miles of for right young man. Inquire brary Association. cent arrivals from Seattle. at Tidings office. tf 8 ot 9 p. m.— Violin recital by Crater Lake, and will make that We are still doing business scenic territory far more readily Pay Cash and buy for less at Gordon Soule. WANTED— Good, clean cotton at the same old stand, dis­ 9:30 to 10:30 p. in.— Com­ accessible than it has been hither. Leedom’s Tire Hospital. 279-tf rags are wanted at the Tid­ tofore.” pensing everything carried munity programme by Silverton ings office. We pay 5 cents Portland Chamber of Commerce by a modern Service Station Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Bennett of Community club. per pound for al» rags ac­ 11 to 12 p. m.— No Hoot Owl is planning to run an excursion together with Boise, Idaho were visitors yester­ cepted. tf to Eugene and Klamath Falls the Meeting. day. second week in October in cele­ Wednesday, August 2» bration of the beginning of con­ FOR RENT Real Service 3:30 to 4 p. m.— Children's Better be safe than sorry. See struction of the cut-off. Beaver Realty Co. about your in­ programme. Music and story by FOR RENT— Sept. 1st., first-class By Real Service, we mean surance. Phone 68. 287-tf Aunt Nell. apartment furnished. Adults the kind you are glad to 8 to 9 p. m.— Concert by Col­ MARYSVILLE POLICE only. Phone 122. ?OO-tf OFFICER WILL MARRY receive, the kind that makes Among visitors from out-of- umbia Theater All-Artist orches­ FOR RENT— Private garage on you glad to trade with us. town yesterday were Mr. and Mrs. tra, Harry Linden, Director. MARYSVILLE, Calif., Aug. 22. 10 to 11 p. m.— Dance music by Factory stret. Phone 481 J. N. A. English or Vancouver, B. — Mra. P. Stuart, of Berkeley, George Olsen and his orchestra 286-tf C. by direct wire fro mthe Portland yesterday announced the engage­ FOR RENT— Four room apart­ ment of her daughter, Margaret, Hotel. Do you know why there !a bo ment with garage. Adults on­ to Arvel E. Allread, local police Thursday, August 30 much full coverage auto insur­ ly. 1101 Boulevard. 285-tf officer. Miss Stuart i3 a former 3:30 to 4 p. in.— Child train­ ance sold?_ Ask J. N. Dennis; Auburn girl. The marriage will ask G. W. Trefren; it always ing programme. FOR RENT— Newly furnished 10 to 11 p. m.— Dance music take place early in September. pays to be sure, and insure with rooms in splendid home on N. The couple met last winter by George Olsen and his orches­ Yeo, of course. Phone 274J. Main, uear Junior High. Ladies 287-tf tra by direct wire from the Port­ when Miss Stuart came here as who are permanent preferred, ’ an assistant to the promoters of land Hotel. J ’hone 397L or call 217 North the new hotel. Allread has been Friday, August 31 Chas. Edwards and daughter, M aiu. 293-12 ; Farmers, Attention! a member of the police force for 3:30 to 4 p. m.— Vacation talk of San Francisco, were Ashland Look to your Mowers, nineteen months. under the direction of John D. visitors recently. FOR RENT— For neat house­ Rakes and Binders early Guthrie, assistant district forest­ keeping apartments see S. L. so in case I should not er, U. S. Forest Service. Road Full line of ammunition. We Allen. 63 N. Main. 278-tf have the worn or broken report under the direction of the repair, buy, trade and sell new “Everything the parts in stock I will Automobile editor of the Sunday and used guns. Army Goods name implies” REAL ESTATE have time to send to Store. 295-tf Oregonian. Portland for them. 8 to 8:15 p. m.— Vocal solos LET ME PRESENT YOU— With by A. G. Tindolph, baritone, Haz­ C. O. Nelson transacted busi­ Garden Hose and Tools a large 2 story house and large el Handy, accompanist. ness here yesterday from San of every Description lot for the sacrifice sum of $2,- 8:15 to 9 p. m.— Studio pro­ Francisco. PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 23.— 100.00 If taken at once. R. D. gramme of dance music by George Martin G. Denton, former tire Sanford, 399 Beach St., Ash- G. G. Howatt and family visit­ Ol3en and. his orchestra of the dealer of Portland, mysteriously 301-1* land. ed Ashland yesterday from Great Portland Hotel. disappeared July 10 and police 10 to 11 p. m.— No Hoot Owl have been quietly conducting a Falls, Montana. KNITTER meeting. search for him for some time, it Saturday, September 1 R. M. Lawson is among the became known today. Mrs. Den­ fTRY-PLEX AUTO KNITTER— 3:30 to 4 p. m.— Children’s ton appealed to police to make late arrivals from Los Angeles. And ten pounds fine quality programme. Story by Aunt Nell. no official record of his disap­ As Well As Knitting Yarn. 337 Scenic 10 to 11 p. m.— Dance music pearance and asked that the Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Walter were Drive. 30-13* by George Olaen and his orches­ newspapers be not informed. Im­ in Ashland yesterday from Los tra by direct wire from the Port­ mediately before he left home, Angeles, California. MISCKLLAN EOUS land Hotel. Denton is said to have sold his In One Of Fred A. Haight of Medford is Daily Except Sunday interest in the tire firm of Den- A BOOKLET— Every woman an- | registered at the Hotel Columbia. 11:30 a. m.— United States ton-De Temple company. Police ticipating MARRIAGE should Weather Reports. 'say the (firm’s books were in have. Send 50c to Emily Rob- ; See the fine new Fall woolens 7:30 p. m.— United States good order and there has been erts, Box 601 Central Station, and fashions at Orres Tailor shop Weather Reports and Pacific no hint of embezzlement ot Portland, Oregon. 301-12 upstairs. 301-1* Coast baseball scores funds. Kay & Morrison HAY FEVER BE SCENIC ROUTE WICK V R $100 The Superior Person OME superior people pretend to despise money. The only people ho can afford to despise money are those that take care of it prop­ erly. This bank is here to enable you to do that. S 4 4 ♦ ♦ ♦ : ♦ : 4 The Citizens Bank of Ashland Ashland, Oregon U M » > > > » ♦ « M >♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • > M I I IM t I Your Children Can Do Your Shopping M « « »<» ♦ ♦ ♦ Here The service we are giving to the housewives of Ashland is remarkably efficient. Many of our patrons send their children here to shop, for they know that we will give them honest weight and nothing but choice cuts of wholesome meat. These facts, combined with out most reasonable prices, have given us many satisfied customers. EAGLE MARKET Phone 107 82 N. Main IT IS FUNNY The way some minds work. Take for instance the mental attitude of the man who, hides a $30.00 watch under his pillow at night, vet he parks his ear on a dark street for hours at a time with a $.10.00 spare tire that has no pro­ tection. The number of tires stolen is said to he ap­ palling. The appalling thing is that so few a r e stolen when the opportunity is so great. Considerably more than half the cars that pass you daily are carrying spare tires and wheels that have no protection ? Every ear owner should have at least t iwu wo pad locks, one for his garage or tool box ami one for his tire carrier We have a fall line of the Celebrated YALE and TOWNE PAD LOCKS Simpson’s Hardware wc * -V it 'h SURE, rr U ” Umm nam Ashland Service Station Oeser & Son '.rye’s Delicious Ham E P E IL S CORNER SA VE IC E FO O D PROVOST BROS Refrigerators “Umm liam!” exclaim members of the family when they peep into the kitchen. It’s so warm they thought they didn’t want anything to eat but the odor of broiled FRYE’S DELICIOUS HAM makes them change their minds. FRYE’S DELICIOUS HAM tastes just as good as it smells. It’s choice, young, grain-fed pork, cured and smoked the FRYE WAY, which preserves the delicate texture and rich juices of the meat. Keep a FRY E’S DELICIOUS HAM hanging in the cooler ready to give you a small roast for baking, thick slices from the center for frying or broiling and pieces from the shank for boiling with vegetables. FRYE’S DELICIOUS BACON is of the same rich flavor and delicate texture as FRYE'S DELICIOUS HAM. FRYE Ö COMPANY nininiiiiiiiniiinmiiniiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiniiin