Monday, August 20, 1Ö23 i Â Ô ô tÀ îà i D Á i t t ï i b î i r ô s :: Classified Column ö PROFESSIONAL O PAGÈ’ fitREfi •: FIND IT H ERE - Mr. and Mrs, F. McKay spent Sunday in Ashland. LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES PRESENTING EARLE WILLIAMS IN “ THE BEST RÖLE OF HIS CAREER ♦A Column Devoted to B rief/ Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Dolan were DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Resi­ O Business and Personal N otes./ visitors yesterday from Alameda, Classified Column Rates A Daily Chronicle of those who come and go, and events of dence and office, 108 Pioneer » » » « « > > >■*"••• • » » California. After tw elv^years a> a Vitagraph avenue. Telephone 28. Office X)ne cent the word each time. local interest. star, Earle Williams has left that hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 To run every issue for one p. m. only. organization to be featured under K. R. English and wife are re­ m onth or more, %c the word A. D. McGill is a visitor from ,¥ e tD°'LOu,'®1 B. M ayir auspices in each time. Railroad Officials Here— cent arrivals from Oakland, Cali­ have rented the home of Mrs. Ru­ Re? ‘nald Barker production of DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— P rac­ Denver, Colorado. fornia. John M. Scott, assistant pas­ by Palm er at 12^ Church street. lh e M aster of Woman.” The tice limited to eye, ear, nose and FOR SALE senger traffic m anager, and A. S. Mrs. Ballagh will live in Ashland part of Sergeant Neil Tempest, th ro a t— X-ray including teeth. F or the best in sw eet m ilk and considered the best Williams has Mrs. J. L. Vander Heyden was Rosenbaum, district freight and indefinitely. Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to, cream go to D etrick’s. 106-tf FOR SALE— Oldsmobile truck, ever had, presents him in a-type of 5. Swedenburg Bldg, Ashland I a late arrival from Pasadena, Cali­ passenger agent, both with the cheap. Pneum atic tire». Might character that is distinctly different Ore. j Southern Pacific, were Ashland En Route t« California— from anything he has ever done Wm. D. Bennett of Portland fornia. trade. 215 Gresham, Ashland. visitors yesterday afternoon in the was an Ashland visitor Sunday. DR. G. C. PHETTEPLACE Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Cross and on the screen. 297-t3 In these days of constantly C. W. F ullerton transacted interests of their company. The son, accompanied b yMr. and Mrs. Mr. Bennett has interests in the DENTISTRY changing studio personnel, when FOR SALE— Span of horses, >75.. business in Ashland from P o rt­ form er has headquarters in P o rt­ R. L. Leach visited the J. V. casts are assembled Shale Oil corporation. Above Citizens Bank anew for each %-inch wagon. >25.00; spring land. land, while the latter, who was W right home Sunday. The Cross picture and the average film player Office Phone 151 wagon, >20.00; drag harrow , form erly agent in Ashland, is lo­ family live in Portland and Mr. works in from ten to twenty Have a fit at Orres- -tailors for Res. Phone 201J >8.00; set harness, >8.00; Visiting recently from P asa­ cated at Medford. Both figured and Mrs. Leach, who are parents studios during the course of a men and women. 226-tf Earle Williams’ affiliation of plow, >6.00. Call at 770 Iowa, dena, California, were Mrs. H. prom inently in the recent promo­ of Mrs. Cross, come from Craw a zcar, dozen years with the Vitagraph CHIROPRACTORS corner Morton and Iowa. tions made by their company. fordsville. Ore. Among visitors from Portland H. Backwith and family. A fter visiting Company stands out as an enviable 297-t3 DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic were Mr. and Mrs. R obert W'. They report business good on the with local friends, the party left •ong-distancecontractrecord. Mary and Electro-Therapy. The com­ Hickfords contract with Famous Southern Pacific lines. Visitors from out-of-town were bination does wonders. First Reist and daughter Edythe. for Long Beach. The trip is be­ rlayers, Antonio Moreno’s with FOR SALE— Cheap. P athe phon­ Mrs. Jam es F. Crandall, Miss A. National Bank Bldg. Phone ing made by motor. ograph. Plays any make of E a rie W illiam s is th e gallant 48-142. Springer, and Mrs. E. J. Edney. Tourists May Locate Here__ ietrO ’ T h e o d o re R o b e rts’s w ith S e rg e a n t N eil T e m p est in the For the best in sweet milk and record. 326 North Main. House Calls Lasky, Mabel N orm and’s with m assive R eginald B rl - r s -e -ta c le So successful have investiga­ Home from Tacoma— cream go to Detrick's. 106-tf They are registered from Everett, 295-4* r'C I1nle i^ and th e G ish sisters w ith d ra m a, “T h e M a ste r ut W om an. ’ W ashington. tions proven th at Mr. Nestor Vir- DR. HAWLEY— Above Tidings Mrs. W illiam Mathes returned Gr ffith are neck-and-neck fo r sec­ office. Phone 91. ta and family from Minneapolis, to her home Friday morning after ond place in th e lo n g -te rm c o n ­ FOR SALE, TRADE OR KENT- Mrs. T. S. H utchings visited P st are R enee A doree, B arbara 160 acres unimproved land, un­ S. R. Russell transacted busi­ Minnesota, may locate in Ashland. visiting her sister, Mrs. M argaret ta c t m arath o n . from H ilt recently. La M arr, P a t O ’M alley. W allace DR. ERNEST W. SMITH— Chiro­ • ^ r' ¡iham s has already w orked incum bered, near village of 300 ness in Ashland recently. He Mr. V irta has made th etrip quite H erbert and niece, Mrs. Van Horn practor, near Postoffice. Hours on S. P. R. R. and good hard r t o h:s ch a ra c te riz a tio n of the leisurely from his home in the in Tacoma, W ashington. Mrs. Always glad to advise with comes from San Francisco. 9-12 and 2-5. Phone 114 roads, 100 acres under fence urageous S e rg ea n t T em p est, and east and was so pleased with Ash­ Mathes left Ashland on July ’.s a w trav elin g in full red coated w ith good natu ral pasture, you about your fire Insurance Mr. and Mrs. W. T. P ritch ert of land th at he has lingered longer tw enty first and is glad to be at • cgali.-'. m th e actu al stam oing plenty of w ater. Three roomed CONVALESCENT HOME— —Cot­ needs and ra te s; perhaps you hy M onte K a ttc rjo h n tage plan. Invalids cared for : °r> I?1® R ° y al N o rth w e st ” • R. L a n c a ste r’s novel bouse, barn and woodshed. For Pendleton were late arrivals in than was anticipated. There are home, though her visit was very v ‘Tbi. m ight profit by calling 274J. -V -u n te d Police ab o u t A thabasca fu rth e r particulars address F In home surroundings. M atern­ the city. L aw -B rin g ers.” It is the s c -- n d many tourists who are impressed enjoyable. Yeo, of course. 287-tf I / n a m g A lberta, C anada, w here J., care Ashland Tidings. 148tf ity departm ent. Terms rea­ of a series of R eginald B arker .,r / - as this man has been, and Ash­ a tr b a rk e r is film ing m any of the ductions presented bv [ sonable. Phone 4H R . 248-tf d. ' -td u o r scenes for “T he M as‘~r r f FOR SALE— Lot on Alida St. W. D. Coburn from Klam ath land residents should feel proud Visiting in Portland— Visiting from Sacram ento Sun­ •'.aycr and d istrib u ted Dv ro .vom an. A m ong the o th ers in the >25.00 down, >10.00 a month Falls, Oregon transacted business of what they have yet apparent­ i ¡cture C o rporation. day was Fred J. Hayes. TRANSFER AND EXPRESS Mrs. A. E. Littlechild left Sun­ in town recently. ' ly held so lightly. Phone 28 or call 108 Pioneer day to visit her son In Portland. avenue. 281-1 mo FOR prom pt and sareful service Oranges, lemons, grape fruit— She intends to be absent from the auto trucks or horse drays, cal Ask to see the Bradly & Met P roperty Sold— Detrick Bells for less. 106-tf city some time. W hittle Transfer Co. Phone FOR SALE— Milch goats. 220 calf company’s seam less shoe, John H essenaur has purchased 117. Office, 89 Oak street, near Garfield St. 283-1 mo Hotel Ashland. 66tf Mrs. E. M. Eastwood and son with the genuine Korry-Krome the Eske home and will occupy Motored to Yreka— it as soon as the place is vacated. Frank is a recent arrival in the leath er sole. FOR SALE— REAL ESTATE Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mars accoin- T. Ii. POWELL-—General Trans- city. G uaranteed to give you abso­ Mrs. Emma Eske, who owned the panied by their house guests, Mi. FOR SALE— Modern bungalow, fer— Good team and motor lute satisfactoin as determ ined arm m Bellview, will leave Ash- and Mrs. B. H. Nelson of Baker, trucks. Good service a t a rea garage, 3 large lots, fruit, Cliff Payne has sprusteele by the w earer himself. If it does land to make her future home in motored to Yreka yesterday. sonable price. Phone 83. berries, etc. 356 Laurel St. not, we are instructed and a u th o r­ San Francisco where the other ladders. 280-1 mo* ized by the company to have members of her family are living. Moving to Klamath Falls— TRY FEHIGE FOR HAULING Many Ashland people will re- and tran sfer work of all kinds Among out-of-town visitors ov­ them resold with first quality FOR SALE— Furnished f o u r Jam es M. Pool and wife, who 375 B St. Phone 410-R. Korry-Krom e full soles free of g o hear of Mrs. E ske’s de- have lived in the Ellison house on er the week end was Mrs. G. J. room cottage, corner lot, ideal 200-lm o W right and son Jack, Miss Mar­ charge. Army Goods Store. P ure as she has made many Laurel street for many years, are location. 283 B street. ends since moving here from moving to Klam ath Falls, where 294-2 garet W right and Mrs. J. W. Dear- 280-1 mo* JERRY O’NEAL— Plum bing. 207 dorff from Roseburg. h i g i 'T t WaS 3lWayS in I th6y WiH make th6ir future home E ast Main. Phone 138. PO M E superior people pretend to WANTED WANTS ASHLAND HOME Mr. Pool has a position in K la­ despise money. The only people Have a client who would like Good clothes are an economy. m ath Falls WANTED— W aitress, Hotel Ash­ Appointed Guardian__ " ho can afford to despise money to trad e modern 5 room cottage, See Paulserud’s suits. land. 293-tf Mr. Jam es M. Hughes has been I 03 Gars Register nicely located in K lam ath Falls, are those that take care of it prop­ WOOD WANTED Saturday was the poorest day G. B. W ashburn of San F ra n ­ renting for >35 per moth, for appointed guardian of property erly. This hank is here to enable WANTED— Bids for contract on cisco visited in Ashland Sunday. home in Ashland. Staples Realty that was recently bequeathed his of the month for the local regis- you to do that. 60 tiers of sixteen inch chunk Hotel Ashland Bldg. 294-tf children, Henry, Thomas and tr a t*on bureau as only 63 cars Bronough, by th eir grandm other. j registered on th a t day. This is dry oak wood, to be delivered New Fall goods ju st arrived at on or before October 15. 30 the lowest since the first week of Paulserud’s. 291-tf Home from Lake- tiers to be delivered at Tidings the opening of the local bureau. office and 30 tiers a t G reer's A party consisting of Mr. and as since th a t time the total for Geo. M. Robinson is tran sact­ residence on G ranite street. Mrs. E. R. Isaac and Mr. and each day has remained close to ing business in Ashland. He Ashland, Oregon Mrs. C. A. Putney and son, re- | 100 ears. See Greer at the Tidings of­ comes from Portland. fice. 288-tf turned home late last night from “Keep your bread-box well a week end visit to Lake of the | K,n>r is Mad It isn’t too early to order that ^WANTED— To buy good fresh By tomorrow noon the season’s I Woods, They report a wonder Supplied.” Due to an erro r in Saturday’s Fall Milt. P aulserud’c. 291-tf cow. Heavy m ilker. 700 Ter­ attendance so far a t C rater Lake | ful trip, Tidings the office held by Mrs. Because .plenty of bread race St. Chas. Avery. will have equalled or excelled the Anna L. Myer at the recent Wood­ * * * * * ............................ ............................................................. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ A San Francisco visitor was mean» contentm ent. Bread 295-3* total attendance at the lake last | From Trip— craft convention in M arshfield, G. B. W ashburn. He is reg ister­ is the one essential food. year which was 33,028. Judged Mr. and Mrs. H ewitt and Mr Was stated to he th a t of D istrict WANTED— Young man to learn ed a t the Hotel Ashland. It sustains, it satisfies. by the average recent attendance a «d Mrs. F. B. Gravis returned Guardian. Mrs. Myer was ap- p rin ters’ trade. Small wages Instead of rich pastry, try and the way the visitors have home Sunday evening from a trip pcduted to HU the unexpired term to begin. Good opportunity Let me tell you about the new nice buttered bread with been pouring in for days past and th at incuded every scenic point of Mrs. P. K. Hammond, resigned for rig h t young man. Inquire full coverage Automobile policy. stewed fruit. others coming in for the week and side trip en route from Ash D istrict G uardian, and presided a t Tidings office. tf Yeo, of course. 246-tf. end it is The way some minds work. Take for instance a certainty th a t last land to F o rt K lam ath. You will never know the over the convention in a very cap j£n™enta] ?ttitu1de of the man who, hides a WANTED— Good, clean cotton year’s attendance will be exceed­ real flavor and goodness of The party left Ashland Friday j able m anner- She retired to the Geo. H. Taylor and wife are ¡MO W) watch under his pillow at night, vet he rags are wanted at the Tid- ed by Saturday noon. The at evening and motored as far as breat until you eat visitors from H ilt, California. parks his car on a dark street for hours at a iugs office. We pay 5 cents tendance up to August 15 last ■ PrO8Pect- A fter spending the ■ ---------- time with a $30.00 spare tire that has no pro­ Sally Ann Bread— per pound for all rags ac­ tection. 1 We make a specialty or picnic was 32,183, as against 19,992 night there, they drove to C rater Guardian by Mrs. Grace Smith of cepted. tf on the same late last year. The j Lake and rested several hours | Coquille- Oregon — the big bread value. and campers’ needs. Detrick’s. D^ ber of ¿ires stolen is said to he a p ­ season will end October 1. Continuing the same day, they 236-tf WANTED— To hear from owner palling. The appalling thing is that so few are These figures were divulged by back as far as Pelican Bay LITHIA BAKERY of good ranch for sale. State stolen when the opportunity is so great Superintendent Chs. G. Thompson by way of F o rt Klam ath and “ A Good Bakery” A recent arrival in Ashland cash price, full particulars. D. Considerably more than half the ears that who is in the city today on busi- ^Pent the second night of their was Kenneth Berg from M arsh­ « ♦♦« ♦♦♦» m m » F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. whSLio°n ?V ly are carr>rinK spare tires ami ness, and who predicts an ini- trip. Lake of the Woods was ville, California. 272-Sat* wheels that have no protection.? rnense num ber of visitors a t the the last place of interest visited Every car owner should have at least two lake over the week end, chiefly _______- MISCELLANEOUS /? Pay Cash ana buy for less at because of the Southern Oregon j Born on Saturday__ pad locks, one for Ins garage or tool box ami Leedom’s Tire Hospital. 279-tf T, i I.A GRANDE, Ore. Aim 2 0 _- picnic and get-together meeting LOST— Silver cup, three initials, ito C eleb rlteT *” • haVe “ fu" of Born to Mr. and Mrs Carl nin | t The l a tt « «nu wrs. c a rl Gip- Union county cham K ber of Sunday. last one “ K ” . Lost at Lithia son, a daughter, on Saturday, Au­ commerce will spend Thursday in C. II. H arrison and wife were Colonel fountain Saturday night. Re­ gust 18, 1923 Thompson brought YALE and TOWNE PAD LOCKS Aa Well As guests at the Hotel Columbia ov­ North Powder and Union, both down from the lake last night, tu rn to Tidings office. er the week end. Their home is Union county towns, on a boost D. R. Hall, of W ashington, D. C., J on Thursday__ in Portland. landscape engineer of th e nation- I Mr. and Mrs. C. E Baughman I « 7 Z m h l r FOR RENT al park service, who will map out are the proud p a i n t s of a 1 tO In One Of Pay Cash and buy for less at F O R RENT— Private garage on a five years building program for daughter, born at their home trip. Luncheon will be had at Leedom’s Tire Hospital. 279-tf Factory stret. Phone 481 J. C rater N ational park and has Thursday, August 16th. Mrs. North Powder and dinner at Un­ ion. 286-tf been up there looking over the Baughman and baby are getting Kenneth Beard and J. H. Haus- The following week a sim ilar situation preparatory to m aking along very well. FO R RENT— Splendid furnished ford were Ashland visitors from these plans. trip, to take tw o days, will be Los Molinos, California two room apartm ent with made in Wallowa county, solely This program includes improve- I Borne from l ake kitchenette and hath. A dults for the purpose of renewing old Mrs. J. h . McGee returned to Better be safe than sorry. See m ents at the lodge and to the gov- only. 357 Vista. Phone 122. acquaintances and m aking new Beaver Realty Co. about your In­ ernm ents a t the lodge and to the her home Thursday from Lake ones. 1 292-tf Farmers, Attention! surance. Phone 68. 287-tf governm ent buildings, which will of the Woods, where she has been The cham ber will shortly issue be centered a t Government camp spending the summer. Mrs Me FO R RENT— Four room a p art­ an official publication, a four- Look to your Mowers, m ent w ith garage. A dults on­ as an industrial unit of the na- Gee intends to retu rn to the lake Chas. E. Thompson is tran sact­ page weekly bulletin, entitled Rakes and Binders early ly. 1101 Boulevard. 285-tf ing business in the city from P o rt­ tional park, with electric light as soon a» she has taken care of The Blue Mountain A ir.” The so in case I should not development, w are houses and ad- household duties, incident to the land. The dollar sent out of town for drv goods, paper is now on the press. FO R RENT— Newly furuished have the worn or broken m inistration buildings. fru it canning season. rooms ill splendid home on N. groceries, or other articles used’ in the parts in stock I will This means th a t with the com Do you know why there !s so Main, near Jun io r High. Ladies have time to send to pletion o f the program Anna | R eturn from Extended Trip__ home or on the farm is a dollar placed in much full coverage auto in su r­ who are perm anent preferred. Portland for them. Springs camp would be abandoned C................. Mrs- Joseph Poley and daughter ance sold? Ask J. N. Dennis; circulation in the money channels of an­ Phone 397L or call 217 North V IC TKATER BCAUTIFU. ask G. W. T refren; it always and turned over into an auto Miss Eva, have returned home Garden Hose and Tools M ain. 293-12 other town. pays to be sure, and Insure with camp ground for the C rater Lake I f|,om an eastern trip th a t includ- of every Description visitors FOR RENT— Furnished apart- Yeo, of course. Phone 274J. oV;„e„rU wL<:.',‘“ P“r,“n“ PINAL SHOWING TODAY Likewise, the dollar sent out of Ashland An abandoned Dodge car, with j Oregon to W ashington, D. C. Misr uient, 75 Bush St. 295-tf 287-tf for a W ashington state «license, ap Minnie Poley ’will arrive in Ash­ FO R RENT— For neat house­ parently stolen and deserted at land tonight from California, A party consisting of Mr. and keeping apartm ents see S. L. Mrs. H. S. Okell, Mrs. J. W alton C rater Lake is now in custody of j *'here she stayed to visit friends WEATHER OUTLOOK FOR Allen. 63 N. Main. 278-tf Superintendent Thompson, aw ait and relatives. PERIOD GENERALLY FAIR and Mr. and Mrs. Nichols visited ing its owner. Ashland from Victoria, B. C. MONUMENTS Visiting at Wright Home__ W eather outlook for the per­ Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Webet of MONUMENT— MARKERS Full line of am m unition. We IS a dollar that never returns—the principle iod August 20, to August 25, in­ Tennant, California were week Lowest Prices repair, buy, trade and sell new clusive. involved is the same. end guests at the J. V. W right ASHLAND GRANITE CO. and used guns. Army Goods 3rd and E ast Main St. 223-6mo Pacific Coast States: Normal Store. home on Mountain avenue. Mr. Ashland firms are entitled to Ashland 295-tf PI/UMBING tem perature and generally fair, and Mrs. W eber are on their way printing, even though they do not compete but with probability of occasional to eastern Oregon to visit Mis. Tues.—Wed—Thurs. Mr. and Mrs. W. Heyer of Oak­ ASHLAND GRANITE showers on the W ashington coast. land, California, were visitors yes­ with cut-throat firms. We ask only a REDDING. Calif., Aug. 20.— W eber’s sister, Mrs. Johu Payne* MONUMENTS N orthern Rocky Mountain and terday. who resides sat Mitchell. Oregon. Judge J. A. Dunham of Anderson, li\ing price, for which we give high grade Oregon Granite Co. Plateau Regions: Normal tem ­ Mrs. Payne will be remembered though sometimes severe in his NORMA S. PENNISTON, Salesman. stock and first quality printing. perature and generally fair ex­ sentences, is at th e same time as as Mill Alta W einbarger. Miss FOR SALE Res. 476 laiurel Phone 444Y cept local thundrershow ers prob­ Watermelons, extra fine. E. accommodating ju rist. The oth ­ Vera W right accompanied them The cut-price firm is here awhile, then able in elevated regions. H. Withrow, Talent. 294-6* er day a to u rist who had been on the trip north. PLANING MILL ¿ I l ▲ l A i d E. H. BOW IE,. tagged up the canyon for driving gone. It is our desire to remain in busi­ Forecaster. THE VOICE FROH JORDAN’S SASH AND CABINET Miss Nora Strobel visited Ash­ on the wrong side of the high­ Moves to New Home— ness permanently and remain a permanent WORKS, Cor. Heilman and Mr. and Mrs. O. K. McDaniel THE M IN A R E T land from Oakland, California re ­ way appeared before Judge Dun­ Van Ness. 194-tf Visiting Relatives— fixture of your town. cently. ham and pleaded guilty. “ I fine are pleasantly located in Mrs. Con­ Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Alien from over’s home on 129 Laurel street. BUNGALOW AND HALF ACRE you >10,” »aid Judge Dunham. Nearly new, modern appoint- ; Glendale, California arrived in “ But I have got only >9.75,” They were form er residents of A. R. Paris and family from Ashland over the week end to vis­ Dunsmuir, California, but Mr. Robert Hichens’ gTeat lovel m ents, splendid location on Oak Eugene are among the visitors pleaded the tourist. it at the home of G. W. Hake. street. >3000 and worth more ‘‘The fine stands,” replied McDaniel has been transferred to of tempestuous love in des­ from out-of-town. Staples Realty, Hotel Ashland W hi,e in Ashland, a hunting trip Judge Dunham. “ Here is a q u a rt­ Ashland, where he will be pas­ ert places. 294-tf has been planned for the en ter­ Bldg. V isiting from Chico, California, er for you to make up the de­ senger ticket agent at the South­ tainm ent of the guests. The Al­ were Dr. Currie and wife. ern Pacific office. ficiency.” Eugene O’Brien heads sup­ Ninety-one firm s in Birm ing­ len family will visit cities in the porting cast. ham , England, m anufacture fire­ northern part of the state before FOR SALE Bend— New three-bard mill of Here from Gold Hill— arm s and 130 produce the parts retu rn in g to their home in Cali­ Watermelons, extra fine. E. Brooks-Scanlon Lumber company Mrs. M. A. Ballagh and child, pnd accessories. fornia. H. WithroW, Talent. 294-6* nears completion. form er residents of Gold Hill, The Superior Person The Citizens Bank of Ashland Sally Ann Says:- BROKEN AI C M IT IS FUNNY SAVE IC E Simpson’s Hardware FO OD PROVOST BROS Refrigerators THE PRINCIPLE IS THE SAME ___ JL¿ . PE IL ’S CORNER JOB PRINTING 1ST /MADGE A - L" ASHLAND TIDINGS A First National Picture With Ashland Trade is Ashland Made.