PAGE TWO ASttUffti b A itï ö b ittM A 9 hl a ii tl D a i 1 y T i d i n g s THE COUNTY FAIR »♦-♦■»■♦♦•♦»»»f < The Jackson county fair is only a few /Daily News Letter OBSERVATIONS P u b lish ed E very E ven in g E xcept Sunday by days away and reports seem to indicate that the exhibition this year will eclipse THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., Aug. Bert R. Greer ............................... Editoi all former efforts both as to quantity and 20.— Dollings, the Ku Klux, low­ I have observed— quality of exhibits. The county fair is er price of w heat, how women T hat a sober speed demon is OFFICIAL CITY PAPER Telephone 39 an institution that merits support of every can seem younger (to other wo­ no less dangerous than one who Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, Postoffice as resident of the county. It is an institution men) than they really are and, has imbibed too freely— T hat some of the boys who Second Class Mail M atter. that makes better conditions in general. It of course, the perennial pastime of politics, are the absorbing top- ^pent all day in th eir bathing makes better farms, better people; it en­ ics in Indiana these days, as sum- ! suits are taking their meals from Subscription Price, D elivered in City One M cnth ...................................................... $ .55 courages increased production in the or­ mer runs to meet the fall. the m antel— Three Months ................................................. I.95 chards and on farms; it encourages better Moonshine liquor— “ w h i t e T hat when some of the m er­ Six Months ...................................................... 3.75 chants go to Lake of the Woods quality and urges all to strive for the1 Inule” they always call it the One Year ........................................................... 7.50 Hoosier State— has always been they take th eir advertising copy highest perfection. By Mail and Rural R ou tes: a good conversational subject, with them — One Month ...................................................... $ .05 The Jackson county fair is an institution like the awful state of the w eath­ That the double-sized fists car­ Three "Months ................................................. 1.95 that belongs to all of the people of* the er, but in the Pullm an smoking ried around by Ole, the S. P. cop Six Months ........................................................ 3.50 county, and it is an event from which all com partm ents, on flying in teru r- are of sufficient size to command One Year .......................................................... 6.50 ban cars, to chance acquaintances the respect of most of the gentry can benefit. It is an institution, the suc­ on the park bench and over the with whom he has to deal— DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: cess of which depends on the support giv­ T hat setting the hour of d e­ bridge table and golf greens the Single insertion, per inch .................................. 30 en by the general public. It provides a p artu re for a camping trip is one Kian has ousted “ ole m ule.” Y early C ontracts: thing, and getting started an o th ­ “ Now I don’t belong to the means of permitting the people of one dis­ One insertion a week ................................... $ .27% er— Kian myself, y’know ,” said the trict to learn what their neighbors of an­ Two insertions a week ........ .............................. 25 individual from Brown T hat some of those who went Dally insertion ......................................................... 20 other section are doing in the way of grow­ hairy county. “ But the other night fishing succeeded in catching Rates F o r Legal and M iscellan eou s A d vertisin g ing better vegetables, better fruit and they burned one of them fiery nothing more than a beautiful F irst Insertion, per 8 point line ................. $ .10 grain, and better stock. It gives an incen­ crosses, and about a hundred .sunburn— Each subsequent insertion, 8 point l i n e ......... 05 T hat all who wear red ban­ tive to the producer of good exhibits to do thousand folks was there— Uh- Card of Thanks ............................................. 1.00 danas are not Gypsies— hum, y’say you don’t know much even better each succeeding year. It gives O bituaries, per line ...................................... .02 % That frequently one piece of about the Ku K luxers? encouragement to those less successful in “ Well, h ere’s w hat I heerd— ” pie, ala mode, serves two people— WHAT CONSTITUES ADVERTISING the field of agriculture or horticulture. It T hat O. H. Johnson has been Excessive leaning over and “ AU future events, where an admission charge is taking more than his share of va­ whispering. affords an avenue of interchanging ideas, made or a collection taken is Advertising. R ight here in Indianapolis the cations— No discount will be allowed Religious or and at last, hut not least, it is an event of Kian has run afoul of the city ad ­ hat the fellow who put the the year during which friends from all over m inistration — they’ve . stopped "C T olgate” Benevolent orders. sign in the window of the county meet and renew acquaintances- newsboys of the “ Fiery Cross’’ the McNair Bros.’ drug store placed DONATIONS: official Kian paper, from m aking the first part last and the last No donations to charities or otherw ise will be ships covering manv years. The exhibit at Oakland will fol- ( low* the National Dairy Show at Syracuse, N. Y., and will be stag ­ ed Just prior to the Pacific In te r­ national Livestock Show at Port- j land, Ore. A num ber of dele- (E sta b lish ed in 1 8 7 6 ) 17.__ x ' Sa t es w ill p a rtic ip a te in th e th re e PORTLAND, Aug. circular , attractions, according to reports printed and illustrated describing th e short courses of received by Southern Pacific of- instruction at the Forest Products | flcials. Laboratory, Madison, Wisconsin, ! The Pacific Slope exhibit will can now be secured from District held in the Civic Auditorium Forester Cecil, Forest Service, of Oakland, facing Lake M erritt. Portland, Oegon. A rrangem ents are being made Established by the Forest Ser- t° r niore than 100 exhibits of vice of the United States D epart­ d a iry p ro d u c ts , d a iry m a c h in e ry m ent of A griculture to promote a n d of e d u c a tio n a l a g e n cie s, as the most economical use of the w ell as c o u n ty d isp lay s. products of the forests and thus help to perpetuate the forests themselves, one of the most im ­ p ortant and hardest tasks of the Forest Products Laboratory is the getting into use the knowledge it discovers. Already, stated Mr. Cecil, it l»as gathered much use­ J a c k s o n c o u n ty p ro b a b ly p o s­ ful inform ation, on the proper­ sesses th e only b e a v er fa rm on ties of wood and on the m anu­ facture and use of wooden pro­ th e P acific co ast. T h is farm is ducts. A large part of the field lo cated n e a r B ro w n 's cab in on for the practical application of B ro w n ’s creek an d is know n as this knowledge is in the lumber th e C r a te r B eaver F u r F a rm says m anufacturing and wood-using th e M ail T rib u n e . T he o ffic ers a re W . W . H o w ard, p re s id e n t; L. industries. The Laboratory publishes the A. E ld e rs, s e c re ta ry a n d T. G. results of its research in bulle­ H ein e, tre a s u re r . T h e co m p an y w as o rg an ized tins, technical notes, and trade a b o u t a ^ y e a r ago, h a s a lease on journals. It. also employs corre­ spondence and personal contact. a n u m b e r of a c re s in (he g o v e rn ­ It lias found its greatest success m e n t fe d e ra l re se rv e , h a s it all in personal instruction by which ien c e d a n d a b o u t 1(10 b e a v ers now in c a p tiv ity . m anufacturers, trade specialists, T h ey a lso h av e a p e rm it from salesmen, and consum ers meet at the Laboratory for dem onstra­ i th e s ta te to c a p tu re b e a v er for tions, tests, lectures, and discus­ b re e d in g p u rp o se s. It is th e in te n tio n o f th e co m ­ i sion of individual problems. pany not to p ro d u ce l'ur fo r com - These dem onstration courses are given in the kiln drying of lum ber, boxing and crating, glu­ ing of wood, and wood properties and uses. Fifty courses have al­ ready been given. Industries from all parts of the country have had epresentatives in a t­ tendance, including England, In- ' dia, and A ustralia. The next ' course starts September 10. BABE BEAVER FARM IN M S f f l C E V mercial pui poses until their farm is well stocked, which will be two or three years yet. The coifipany will make a dis-, play of live heaver in connection with the Jackson county fair, Sep­ tem ber 12 to 15. TWO ESCAPE UNHURT AS ENGINE HITS AUTO WEED, Calif., Aug 20.— A Southern Pacific locomotive struck the autom obile belonging to H. Anderson, Weed Lum ber company foreman, on the county road where it crosses the track near the station. The car was being driven by Andercon’s 12-year-old son, H ar­ ry, and was also occupied by Mrs. Anderson. N either of the occu­ pants were injured but the car was considerably damaged. p art first— T hat there is still a deficit in GOD DID A POOR JOB the am bulance fund— e 3 1 oor woman! If provided with plenty T hat carrying provisions in hA H C R iC A N TOBACCO CU AUGUST 2« glass Jars during an auto trip of beautiful hair she resorts to the cold Sifcl. -jTkMiimtiitihiiiim] is quite a novel thing, yet not steel to get rid of it. If she is short of that entirely new— D O M IN IO N :— God h a th n ot given u s th e s p irit botiutiful adornment she spends an income T hat those who have not con­ of fe a r: but of p ow er, a n d of love, a n d of a sound in an attempt to restore it. Our poor, old tributed to the am bulance fund m in d .— 2 T im o th y 1 :7 . are not too late to aid in the g 1 and 1 not hoi s all hut prayed for a fifty cause— leave the donations with cent paii‘ ol hose with which to cover their Miss Georgia Coffee a t the Tid­ THE HUNTING SEASON teet ami limbs, hut the present day flap­ Opponents of th e Kian insist ings office— The open season for limiting Jeer in per spends five dollars for a pair from th a t the organization is trying to T hat the activities of the local a strangle hold on Indiana Oregon was ushered in to d a y . which she gets only half value—they’re get cham ber of commerce are m ak­ politics and to m anipulate state Many contemplate the open season with lolled halt way down. If cheeks are too politics in the in terest of klans- ing some of our neighbors take extreme pleasure. Others look forward to iosj , they put on white; If cheeks are too men. Getting control of Indiana notice— MANY DAIRYMEN EXPECTED FIT YOUR EYES AND YOUR POCKETBOOK T hat the V ariety Store ran out the o[M*n season with fear. Timber own­ white they put on red. In having their politics is no small job these days. TO ATTEND PACIFIC SHOW granite pans— OUR AUTO-EYEI) ’HESTER ALWAYS AT ers and stockmen dread the open season eyebrows plucked, or picked, they submit They play a funny brand of poli­ of •That “ P ark G arage” McNair I tics out here— certain and ortho­ YOUR SERVICE COME IN AND TEST YOUR for deer • because «luring the past years to a torture equal to that endured by the OAKLAND, Calif., Aug. 18.- dox, like China’s domestic policy. couldn’t work Carl Loveland for EYES. . ~ Many dairym en and others ac­ millions of feet of timber have been de- Chinese girl with tightly hound feet. Thev Now as to politics proper, of the dinner— T hat the man w ith a gas en­ tively interested in dairy pro­ NO CHARGE stroyed by fires tires originating from hunters,! hunters,' nought tor years for a moderately short course in the emergency Indiana fought for ducts from states throughout the gine is fo rtu n ate in having Ed and thousands mds of acres of pasture land skirt, and were rewarded, hut as soon as will have a candidate or two for Gowland for a neighbor— R ooks and Toilet A rticles country are expected to attend the have been burned over. It is wrong to at- ,)-une Fashion cried / ‘back to the long President. The dem ocratic party Stationery Drug: Sundries That George Icenhower is more 1923 Pacific Slope Dairy Show is worked up to some heat of en­ tribute all forest 1 to be held at O akland, October tires to the hunter. The ones,” they execute the demand like a thusiasm over Senator Sam R al­ often out than in— writer believes that only a comparatively company ot German regulars. They wear ston, for whom they are contem ­ T hat an excellent pageant is 29 o November 3, inclusive. small number of tires are caused by the ^UIS during the summer and consign them plating a “ favorite son” boom. in store for the people of Ash­ Ralston is quite popular, out here, land and Jackson county— average hunter, hut it is true that the to ti,e closet during the winter, Thmt W ellington is really a the W ashington society number of fires increases with alarmingj As created by God, woman is the most although wizard— editors were doubtful— on his el- rapidity during the open season. It is not beautiful of living creatures, hut only a lection as to w hat place he could T hat the road signs near Med­ ford state th a t the out-of-state the average man we have to fear. It is, few of them realize it. be counted on to fill in exclusive autom obile owner “ m ust” regis­ capital society. the irresponsible individual who goes forth -------------------- te r th eir cars— Senator W atson, popularly W o the forests in search of deer whom THE GREAT AMERICAN EPIC T hat there is dearth of dash­ known aa “ Our Jim ” in the Sixth we fear. 1 lie irresponsible hunter haunts ti • • , ing young swains at the nightly ns with a double fear. His make-up is '. ls 0116 ■'•d'Sl’ntable point of unan- D istrict, is always a possibility, rehearsals of D ream land— while form er Senator A lbert J. suel. that lie is as likely to kill a man a s : , ' u r®irosPer hunting and recreational . °nian s suffrage offers no greater serv- subsidiaries may get back a fair of newspaper advertis­ purposes give some consideration to the 1(1 ^ lan ^lat freely contributed by this share of their investm ents, losses ponent ing— protection of life and property it will not American wife. Women in poli to fall most heavily on Dollings T hat Henry Enders, Jr., and he long until laws governing camping and ta s ean accomplish nothing greater or common. Carl Loveland are needed in hunting will he so drastic that much o f ' lHore ennobling than the life work of Airs, “ D ream land”— F an n ers of Indiana, while not T hat J. H. Hardy, who is re-en­ the joy of cam p life will he destroyed. The! The result of that life work was the sufferers from “dollar w heat” patrol system in our forests is such that it! a P ^ ^ c n t of the United States, made of as are those in the real w heat belt gaging in the grocery business, believes in four-year term s. He is impossible to detect only a few of those a common loyalty and mutual devotion, west of the Mississippi, seeing the waa four years in the grocery who are responihle tor disastrous forest " hicli is always beautiful and is not so rare cropu are much m ore diversified business and has been four years in the Hoosier state, nevertheless out— fires. The true-blue sportsman, who con­ as the cynics like to assert. have been hard hit and are out That it is poor policy to lose tinually exercises every care in prevent­ In the end President Harding remained earl) in the m ornings looking your pep— ing forest fires can give effective aid in what the twain had created, ‘‘home folks” for remedies. That I, have no particu lar de­ bringing to justice the would-he-sports- They liked to he good neighbors. They Led by W. H. Settle, president sire to see Ringling Bros., circus, man, who is responsible for a greater part eherishet their hearthside. They studied of the Indiana Farm B ureau, a r­ but it is quite likely th a t I wil, rangem ents are rapidly being per­ have to take my young hopeful— ot the damage. Close co-operation of thei each other He, chief executive of a great fected to pool w heat and other sportsman, who bears a tin e Jove for na-j nation, became best known to the peo- crops. Co-operative selling, aid ­ T hat Jack Holt, of movie fame, VT'OU begin to realize how far Certain-teed paint goes to stop in A shland— tnre and wild game with officials will prove! I),e as a nian of of simple tastes and habits ed by co-operative elevators for likes T hat “ H i” B utterfield says a when you see that only 10 gallons are needed for a effective in ridding our forests of those a friendly man, who loved children and storing crops, and assistance of saxaphone is sadly out of place the hanks, are offering salvation when being operated during the barn like this ( /2 ’x 3 4 ’). If you have a barn about who carelessly destroy our timber and dogs, and wronged no man. to the agriculturists. small hours of the night— «laughter oui game, in season an,t out. , Greatness, then, does not destroy the tins size, you can safely figure that about $20 worth T hat another Mary is in the he open season also renews the tear of virtue of the American home Rather as But the Indiana women, im­ lim elight, and— of this paint will give it two good coats. On any other many hunters ot he,ng „.¡staken f01' " 'is i,lst!,nw- » enlarges »horn This is m ortalized by T arkington, Mere­ T hat it isn’t always the m other- buildings needing paint we will he glad to give you <1 killed in tin t, tracks. So many have the great American Epic, the poor boy his dith Nicholson, Gene S tratton P or­ in-law who causes the trouble— estimates if you will bring in the measurements. ter and the other rom ancers of T hat in telling of the en ter­ een killed in Southern Oregon and in coast sweetheart, her devotion, his trustful’ re the Hoosier state— like the fem­ There is lasting satisfaction in using Certain-tetd paint. It is made tonn .es tlm many who delight m match- fiance, his success, her pride and jov and ininity of forty-seven other states tainm ent afforded in Portland, Jack Peebler said “ wined”— from the best ingredients and mixed thoroughly and accurately by ‘wajit to sell you mg then skill wi h the t.eet and wary deer so happy, content and steadfast toward have only a passing interest T hat some folks are anxiously machines. Every gallon measures up to the same high standard. •Certain-teed because it tr ,\e/ r en r \ *e Sp° a eatl7 ,y- Others each other> place and low, to the in “ dollar w heat,” and the Kian. aw aiting the arriv al of certain Their object is to outdress their stationery from ’Frisco— travel long distances with the nope hope of oh-1 end. Jias more body., covers neighbors, to wear th eir cosm et­ T hat S. A. Peters, Jr., has join­ tain ing isolation to a degree that will les- _____ more surface to the gal- ics with distinction and appear ed the class of auto drivers— sen the danger of being killed fiv the fool v met i i i • Jotiy a n d wears longer ) ounger than they really are. T hat there is som ething in a And th a t— ‘tis an art! • th a n ordinary paint. rolled stocking— The Indiana method is nothing That I ’d b etter cease making Wagon and Barn, Bridge and Auto Top and if not novel. “ I S ! ; observations. Implement Paint Roof Paint Seat Dressing VV oman in the ages between No. 50 Black No. 461 Red No. 714 Black say th irty and fifty selects her H om e from M otor’ Trip— S i x . m ^ h ' X u , , : s re a d y “ <>,wi-v t a ®a t * " ,n e i friends with care, as a rule Russell Overrocker, local em­ friends popularly believed to be ployee in Enders store, retursed B a y it a t Per Mt. ««i. about her age, then she treats home this week from a vacation rx i x i Look twice before you shoot then loot- them with rerpect and reverence, Only co-operation between officials and a thi.-J t;,™ mi yien look trip. O verrocker's new Ford car ’p o r t s n , e a strict e n f o r X m X f “ ,anee as befitting the attitu d e of youth made it’s initial trip with no dif­ toward age. ficulty and the new owner is en­ all laws pertaining to our forests and game — -_____ -_____ No more effective method has thusiastic over the car’s perform ­ oanrem cly the dangerous conditions that The honeymoon is over the first time he yet been discovered to effective­ ance. Yreka and coast cities ly “tell the w orld” how young south of th ere were the principal addresses her as ‘‘old girl. she is by comparison. places visited, made in advertising, or job p rin tin g —our contribu­ tions will be in cash. speeches an abusing Mayor Lou Shank in connection with d istri­ bution of the publication. Fiery crosses hav© been ad- judged bonfires, although legal complicatlons arose when an ei- lectric cross was brought out. Then the Kian is dickering to buy Valpairso University, which is on the financial rocks. DIAM()ND SPE( TATIFLES AND EYE-GLASSES All Styles And Sizes ELHART’S ANNOUNCEMENT We are pleased to announce dial Mrs. Louise Dodge is T now Assistant in our T 1 associated 1 • T-K with us as Lady -« Undertaking Department, and will have charge of all women and Children cases intrusted to our car<‘. .1. I P aint Headquarters ’*• w c DODGE & SONS. Funeral Directors. $ X 0 00 “— $1 J — 15 THE ENDERS COMPANY ASHLAND, OREGON >