Thursday, August 16, i»2A ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS sS5«a PAGE THREE Classified Column :: FOR RENT— For neat house­ keeping apartments see S. L. Allen. 63 N. Main. 278HI >■« < »■> I FIND, IT HERE :: FOR RENT— 20 acre ranch, 1 A Column Devoted to Brief Ö mile from Ashland, 12 acres ,, • Business and Personal Notes?; Classified Column* Rates »»♦< t l H I M t alfalfa, modern house, large One cent the word each time. barn, with or without ntock Thomas A. Veach of Portland To run every issue for one and equipment. Frank Bes- was in the. city today transact- month or more, ^ c the word wick, E. Main. 288-6* ¡ng business. each time. REAL ESTATE LOANS FOR SALE For the best in sweet milk and cream go to Detrlck’a. 106-tf FOR SALE— 1 ton Ford truck, 1921 model. Phone 2F3 Douglass Van Vack of Tacoma 294-3* PHYSICIANS was a business visitor in the city PROFESSIONAL FOR SALE— Nice gentle thor- oughbred Jersey heifer, giving small amount of very rich milk, Want to buy Leghorn pullets; April hatch preferred. Call at or write to 399 Beach St. Ash­ land. 293-1 ! DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Resi- today deuce and office, 108 Pioneer j ---------- avenue. Telephone 28. Office Have a fit at Orres— tailors for j S °m 8’only l° 12 2 tO 5 men and women- 226-tf i DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac- Fred Ramsey of OJympia tice limited to eye, ear, nose and* Washington, passed the day here r s “ A ' n r “ *’ ; ? akin6 bu3"'e!" FO R SALE— 5 acres within 2 miles of Medford. 2 acres hearing Bartlett Pears, 1 acres apples and other fruits 4 room bungalow, large barn and garage, 50 foot chicken house divided in 5 rooms, 5 room, 50x10 foot chick house. Buildings cost more than $3,- 000. If sold within 30 days, will take $2.500. $1,200 cash, balance time. Apply Moun­ tain avenue, corner Iowa. 292-3* j j | 5. Swedenburg Bldg, Ashland, to 9evera* local firms. Ore. For the best In sweet milk and DR. G. C. PH ETTEPLAC E cream go to De trick's. 10®-tf DENTISTRY Above C itizens Bank O ffice Phone 151 Res. Phone 201.1 CHIROPRACTORS D R .E . B. ANGELL^—Chiropractic and Electro-Therapy. The com­ bination does wonders. First National Bank Bldg. Phone 48-142. House Calls FOR SALE— Seven passenger Studebaker car. Cheap. Seat DR. HAWLEY— Above Tidings cut down for touring or could office. Phone 91. he made into excellent truck. Call to see same at 770 Iowa. DR. ERNEST W. SMITH— Chiro­ practor, near Postoffice. Hours Upstairs, Morton St. entrance. ' 9-12 and 2-5. Phone 114. 292-1* CONVALESCENT HOME— Cot­ tage plan. Invalids cared for FO R SALE— Smallest car in the in home surroundings. Matern­ world. Had been known to ity department. Terms rea­ run occasionally before losing sonable. Phone 411R. 248-tf one wheel. Will sell so cheap it makes walking expensive. TRANSFER AND EXPRESS See Bowermau at Tidings. 292-1 FOR prompt and sareful service auto trucks or horse drays, cal FOR SALE, TRADE OR RENT— Whittle Transfer Co. Phone 1G0 acres unimproved land, un­ 117. Office, 89 Oak street, near incumbered, near village of 300 Hotel Ashland. 56tf on S. P. R. R. and good hard roads, 100 acres under fence T. L. POWELL-—General Trans­ with good natural pasture, fer— Good team and motor plenty of water. Three roomed trucks. Good service at a rea house, barn and woodshed. For sonable price. Phone 83. further particulars address F. J., care Ashland Tidings. 148tf TRY FEHIGE FOR HAULING and transfer work of all kinds FOR SALE— Lot on Alida St. 375 B St. Phone 410-R. $25.00 down, $10.00 a month. 200-lrao Phone 28 or call 108 Pioneer JERRY O'NEAL— Plumbing. 207 avenue. 281-1 mo E ast Main. Phone 138. SALE— Milch goats. 220 Garfield St. 283-1 mo FO R FOR SALE— Pure bred Berkshire pigs. Phone 10F5. 287-6 FOR RENT— Private gurage on Factory stret. Phone 481 J. 286-tf FOR SALE— REAL ESTATE F<»K RENT— Splendid furnished two room apartment with kitchenette and bath. Adults only. 357 Vista. Phone 122. J* 292-tf FOR RENT— Lake of the Woods cottage and boat for rent fcy week or month. Inquire of C. W. Chattin, phone 353L. 294-t2 FOR RENT— Four room apart­ ment with garage. Adults on­ ly. 1101 Boulevard. 285-tf FOR RENT— Newly furnished rooms in splendid home on N. Main, near Junior High. Ladies who are permanent preferred. Phone 397L or call 217 North M ain. 293-12 FOR RENT— 10-acre fruit ranch, 651 Walnut St. 292-4* FOR RENT— Furnished ment, 75 Bush St. apart­ 295-tf Oranges, lemons, grape fruit— Detrlck sells for less. 106-tf Swan Westlund of Eagle Point was an Ashland visitor today. Cliff Payne ladders. has J. A. Kana and wife of Mo­ desto, California were Ashland visitors yesterday. E. C. Port of Eugene was a »privatetele business visitor in Ashland yes­ terday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hix of San Francisco, who are making a trip to Washington, were registered at the Hotel Ashland last night, Factory blocks. £6.50 per having stopped here to visit Lith- load. Carson-Fowler Lumber ia Park. Company. 290-5 G. L. McCaslin öf Portland was a business visitor here today. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Martin of J. A. Goldwaite and. party of Woodland, California passed the Glendale, California wore visitors day here yesterday visiting in the park yesterday. friends Good clothes are an; economy. See Paulserud’s suits. It isn’t too early to order that Fall suit. PaulserudfSt 291-tf SPECIAL $1.50 worth of Ivory Soap, Ivory Soap Chips, P. & G. Naph­ A. T. Lee of Warrenton, Ore­ tha Soap, Luna Laundry Soap and gon was in the city yesterday one 10-quart pail all for $1.00. and today, having come here to Plaza Market, 61 N. Main, Ash­ attend to business matters. land. Factory blocks, $6.50 per l°a(L Carson-Fowler Lumber Company. . 290-5 Miss A. Giacomini and mother of Eureka, California were Ash­ land visitors today. SEED BOOSTS GOOD I PARIS. Aug. 15.— “I believe Let me tell you about the new that the American Committee for full coverage Automobile policy. Devastated France, through its Yeo> of cour9e- 246-tf. Good Will Delegations, is the greatest force operating in the Dr. A. J. Lierman and wife of world today toward International Los Angeles were registered at understanding,” said United tbe Hofe, AahUnd nigh,: States Senator David A. Reed ,T h’ y a re “ “ a au m m er of Pennsylvania, , who is touring Europe. . "Misunderstanding and Ollr. distrust always stop with under­ We make a specialty of picnic standing, and the Good Will Del­ and campers’ needs. Derrick's. egations are achieving this. The 236-tf effect of the delegation movement is in calculable, just as is the E. R. Klopfer of Chicago was work of the Committee among the a business visitor in Ashjand yes­ French people.” terday and today. Revisiting the country in which he fought as an American soldier Pay Cash and buy for less at Senator Reed was treated to a Time enough to call a Leedom’s Tire Hospital. 279-tf revelation. His last visit to doctor after you’re sick. France was made three years ago, Time enough to call a lawyer after you’re in Ben F. Lunt, of Portland was. when but little had been accom­ trouble; in the city today transacting busi­ plished I nreconstruction and re­ clamation. During his present vis­ ness with several local firms. TOO LATE to call an it Senator Reed found France to Insurance Agent after Pay Cash and buy ftor leas at be a country which "appears new you’re burned out. Leedom’s Tire Hospital. 279-tf and to which I feel like a strang­ DO IT NOW er.” . “It is a wonderful revelation,” M. D. Millow of Portland was A. few dollare today may he said, "and speaks volumes for a business visitor here today. save you a thousand to­ the determination and industry of night. When you want the French people. Everywhere I Better be safe than, sorry. Bee good insurance, talk with Beaver Realty Co. about your in­ saw new villages, with only a surance. Phone 68. 287-tf trace of devastation here and there. Whole areas of farm lands A San Francisco business man, have been reclaimed, farm build­ Real Estate and Real H. W. Calegaus passed yesterday ings erected, roads made smooth INSURANCE in Ashland attending to local in­ and solid, trenches and barbed wire tilled in and raked away, terests. Phone 2 1 1 41 East Main St. houses and villages repaired and (Estab. 1883.) Do you know why there !s so reconstructed. I could hardly be­ much full coverage auto insur­ lieve my own eyes.” Senator Reed has long been a ance sold? Ask J. N. Dennis; tr ---------------------■ student of international affairs ask G. W. TrefrenJ it always pays to be sure, and insure with and of the problems which now confront the world, and he real­ Yeo, of course. Phcfrie 274J. 287-tf izes that the United States must A» Well As sooner or later have some share in the solution of those problems. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pressnall of Denver, Colorado, who are He made no attempt to obscure making a tour of the west this the difficulties of the international In One Of summer, spent yesterdtay in and situation and dealt candidly with various misunderstandings that today in Ashland. stand between various nations. “International distrust,” he J. it. Milton and son of Mus­ said, “is at its highest point.” kogee, Oklahoma, were* visitors Thq senator took the oppor- in the city today. TENNIS PICTURES FIST FIGHT ENDS IN DEATH Of BOY PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 15.— In a fight resulting from one youth calling another a "shiek” Harold Brown, 18, was knocked down and almost instantly killed by James Shehler, the same age. Brown, while passing in automo­ bile, taunted Shepler who was standing on the street. Brown stopped his car and ran over and attacked Shepler. The latter was knocked down twice and after the second blow, Brown was tak­ Billings Agency SA V E IC E FO O D en to the hospital, where he died. , at Pine Grove dedicated. 1 Shepler surrendered to the po- _________ i lice. Astoria — California - Oregon Power company to make improve­ Harrisburg—-New school house ments at dam at Winchester. T h e C a sh R e g is te r HE cash register business was built up around tbe slogan “ Get a Receipt.” It is essential to have a record of every money transaction. A check book with this bank is your cash register. T LONDON, Aug. 16.— Newspap­ i er photographers are in danger pftco oí afl («H) of being barred from all lawn \u tennis tournaments, in Britain. -^’’*** If the English Lawn Tennis As­ p rioM sociation has its way, no press ■p- A Goo 1year Tire photographer will be able to take 18141915191« 1917 [1919 1820 1821 19221923 his camera to any meeting. In an official letter addressed to the secretaries of tournaments, T ’S always a good the Association states “undesir­ tim e to buy Good­ able photos of fady players have year Tires, for, as been appearing in the newspap­ th is c h a rt shows, ers. They strongly deprecate G o o d y e a rs a re publication of pictures of this p ric e d e x tre m e ly character a» tending to bring the low, year in and year game into disrepute and causing out. But now is the annoyance to players,” and asks best tim e, because that press photographers he pre­ Goodyears are sell­ vented from taking pictures. ing today 30% be­ This Association— which has low 1914 prices, and nothing to do with the great All- England Club which is respons­ their quality now is ible for Wimbledon— has been b e t t e r t h a n ev er the joke of the lawn tennis world before. for years. It is mainly a self- Ao G oodyear Service S ta tio n appointed body of old gentlemen Deaiere w e eail a n d n c t m - m a n d t h e n o te G o o d y e a r who either know nothing of the Cord» toith th e heoeied A il- W e a th e r T r e a d a n d h a ck game or imagine that it is still O t h e m u p to i t h e t a n d a r d played under conditions exisiting A j G oodyear Saroioo .7 in 1880. The representative ASHLAND VULCANIZING teams that it picks are a laugh­ WORKS ing stock and its efforts at legis­ Harrison Bros. Font Garage lation ludicrous. Its latest piece of wisdom lies in the refusal to send the two most popular Eng­ “ W M U r a M a x t o r W — te r n T m 9 " lish girl players— Miss Austen and Mies Colyer— to the United States for the reason that “they are too young and might get their heads turned.” English women players are laughing at the latest piece of meddlesomeness of the fussy and anti-quated Lawn Tennis Associ­ ation. Not one among the active players, has ever had to complain of the publication of an offensive picture. On the contrary most of them treasure what are often wonderful triumphs of the cam­ era's art. Only one lady has championed the cause of the Association. She happens to be Mrs. Beamish, the famous player, but her opposi­ tion is based on grounds entirely different to those, taken by the Association. She says: "I should ban press photogra­ phers from the grounds. Nobody wants them. Just as one is go­ ing to hit the hall ‘m ap’ goes the camera and the player is put off the stroke.” This surely is the quaintest ob­ jection that could be thought of. Fancy hearing the click of a cam­ era in the midst of an excited, cheering crowd! The Citizens Bank of Ashland Ashland, Oregon I OH, YOU CHICKEN Sim ply to call your atten tion to th e fact that there is as m uch difference in the qu ality o f poultry as there is in pork and beef. The difference is in the feed in g and preparation. Our Specially Fed Poultry is far superior to th e com m on run of m eat m arket poultry. The w om en o f A shland w ho have tried both know the difference. Order CHICKEN for your SUNDAY DINNER HERE OOODjSŸEAR EAGLE MARKET 82 N. Main now why one man tells anoth er J. H. Milton and >son of Mus­ kogee, Oklahoma, with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Eisenschmidt and baby were Ashland visitors yesterday. They are making an auto tour of the west this summer, and report that Ashland is one of the most delightful cities they have stop­ ped in. about Blue Boars Don’t wait for someone to urge you. Today — right now we ask you to sample this un­ usual cigarette. Learn why it is causing so much comment. Note its distinctive flavor, its surprising and agreeable difference fro m any cigarette you have ever smoked before. W e call this new cigarette Blue Boar, be­ cause it is developed from America’s favorite fine tobacco, Blue Boar Pipe Mixture. The secret of this new-type cigarette is in a newly discovered method of blending. Blue Boar tobacco is triply blended—a new dis­ covery in cigarette-making. It is a costlier, slower process—but worth it, as you’ll agree. The result of this simple discovery makes all the difference in the world—an entirely new taste. Charles Rose recently returned from his vacation trip and is again in the confectionery. How­ ard Rose and wife plan to start on their vacation sometime this week. Fire Insurance 1 FOR RENT Mr. and Mrs. John Clark of Astoria, Oregon, who age making Always glad to advise with a summer tour, were registered you about your fire insurance at the Hotel Ashland last night, needs and rates; perhaps you having stopped here to visit friends. might profit by calling 274J. Yeo, of course. 287-tf Max Hoffman and wife of New­ man, California were Ashland A visitor from Roseburg today was Mrs. G. W1. Lang, who was visitors today, having »topped here on a trip north in order in the city visiting friends. to see the park. _____ » * * ” "<* 1 WANTED— Good, clean cotton rags are wanted at the Tid­ ings office. We pay 5 cents per pound for all rags ac­ cepted. tf Ask to see the Bradly & Met­ calf company’s seamless shoe, with the genuine Korry-Krome leather sole. Guaranteed to give you abso­ lute satisfactoin as determined by the wearer himself. If it does not, we are instructed and author­ ized by the company to have them resold with first quality Korry-Krome full soles free of charge. Army Goods Store. 294-2 WANTS ASHLAND HOME Have a client who would like i MONUMENTS to trade modern 5 room cottage, F. W. Hutchinson and wife of nicely located in Klamath Falls, Corcorran, California, were Ash­ MONUMENT— MARKERS renting for $35 per moth, for land visitors yesterday. Lowest Prices ! home in Ashland. Staples Realty ASHLAND GRANITE CO. Hotel Ashland Bldg. 294-tf 3rd and East Main St. 223-6m o( New Fall goods jnst arrived at i Paulserud’s. 291-tf BUNGALOW AND HALF ACRE PLANING MILL Nearly new, modern appoint­ A party consisting of Jess R JORDAN’S SASH AND CABINET Lassarle and wife, 17. 2 . ”Moh ments, splendid location on Oak WORKS, Cor. Heilman and $3000 and worth more. Van Ness. 194-tf mey and Fred Fossin of Oakland I 9treet were at the Hotel Columbia last Staples Realty, Hotel Ashland Bldg. 294-tf night. WATCH DIGESTION IN FOR SALE— Modern bungalow, garage, 3 large lots, fruit, SUMMER berries, etc. 356 Laurel St. Too much ice cream, pie siU- 280-1 mo* ads, pickles and cold drinks dur­ ing the hot weather causes indi­ FOR SALE— Furnished f o u r gestion. Coated»or furred tongue room cottage, corner lot, ideal bad breath, and sour or feverish location. 283 B Btreet. stomach are symptoms of this 280-1 mo* malady that can be corrected with Foley Cathartic Tablets. WANTED ‘‘I had stomach trouble and tried Foley Cathartic Tablets. WANTED -Waitresss Hotel Ash- "They gave quick relief land. 293-tf and now I can eat anything,” writes J. Osborn. Lucasville, Ohio. WOOD WANTED WANTED— Bids for contract on A wholesome physic that sweet­ 60 tiers of sixteen inch chunk ens the stomach, tones the liver dry oak wood, to be delivered and cleanses the bowels. Sold on or before October 15. 30 everywhere. ---------------- -------- - tiers to be delivered at Tidings Pendleton— Bridge repairs be- office and 30 tiers at Greer's residence on Granite street. ing made. See Greer at the Tidings of­ fice. 288-tf A CRY IN THE NICHT, griping IF YOU WANT— Milk that keeps and of fiue flavor call Poyer’s adult, immediate comfort and ease in Quality Dairy, phone 257L. C H A M B E R L A IN ’S 293 3* C O L IC a n d D I A R R H O E A REM EDY Pays to keep always oh hand. WANTED— To buy good fresh cow. Heavy milker. 700 Ter­ race St. Chas. Avery. 295-3* WANTED— Young man to learn printers’ trade. Small wages to begin. Good opportunity for right young man. Inquire at Tidings office. tf L. L. De Bob and wife of Al­ hambra, California, were regis­ tered at the Hotel Columbia last night, having stopped here to vis­ it friends. R. Smith of Burlingame was the work of the American Com an Ashland visitor today. mittee for Devastated France. Coincident with his visit one of Good W’ill Delegation was making C. A. Williams of St. Paul, a tour of France ,and the Sena­ Minnesota was a business visitor tor met this group at Belleau in the city today. Wood, where he delivered an ad­ dress on the occasion of the dedi- F. S. Kortler, a Portland busi­ tunity during his visit to study ness man is in the city today at­ cation of the wood as a memor­ tending to business interests he ial to the American soldiers, who has here. fell there. After the ceremonies Senator Reed made a motor trip Mrs. Guy Renfor and son of to Soissons and through part of Eugene, Oregon, were in the city the region in which the American yesterday, visiting with friends Committee is active. and acquaintances. GET YOUR GUN The Deer Season Will OPEN Try a pack today. August 20 Let us outfit you for the hunting season. of Our stock GUNS AMMUNITION and SPORTSMEN’S SUPPLIES English Ulend Cigarettes Is well selected and com­ plete, making our store Ash­ land’s leading Sporting Goods Store. PROVOST BROS Nininger & Refrigerators Warner C* Ou»r *** iZ “ O N E -M A N TELLS ANOTHER"