I ASttUxD bÀìlV Ttòitt» PAGE TWO As hl a n d D a i l y T i d i n g s — ........... -..... ( E s t a b lis h e d in 1 8 7 0 ) D P u b lish ed E very E ven in g Except Sunday by Prove beyond any doubt that there is a ******* »<*#«»♦ > e » n ♦ » U M need for more dairy cows iu Oregon.! Daily 1 •* NeWä Leitet y 4 ‘ S O C IE T Y ¡uvMiuy, A ugust 14, iöiiä freshmentS, to which the hungry ’ ily and Miss Helen Schrader all girls did ample justice, ' of Medford. A. J. Lapham of San I Jose, who is visiting the E arl The H ach’s E ntertain— i Keene family, and the Garwood A very enjoyable gathering family of Hilt, California. was held Saturday evening at the residence of R. W. H ath on I G u est at th e W a tso n ’s— Granite street. The affair was Mr. Thomas A. Polleys of Chi- com plim entary to the Rev. H a r­ Ì cago is the house guest this week ry Billings, who is leaving short­ of his cousins Mr. F. E. Watson ly on an automobile tour of the and Miss W inifred Watson at south, extending as far as Okla­ their home, Scenic Drive and homa, where he is hooked for a Straw berry Lane. few weeks of revival services. A Mr. Polleys who is the Gener­ program was rendered during I he al Tax Commissioner of the Chi­ evening as follows: cago and N orthwestern Railway Vocal solo, “ Face to Face ’-- : is a veteran railroad man well Miss Loveda Bullock. (Continued on Page 3) Vocal duet, “ Lead Me to lie Pearly G ates,”— Misses Loveda MRS. GRACE E. ANDREWS, Editor CANADIAN WHEAT MARKETING ” Phone item s to her at 345-R, between 10 A. M. and 2 P . M . ' . , THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO LONDON, Aug. 14.— The and evenings. Much P\ id(?ll«’P ill tax 01 oi co-opeiutiou . House of Commons is losing its Bert R. Greer ............................... Editoi organization foi the marketing of Canadian! dignity because of democracy in B irthday Celebration— . Illnesq prevent some, who OFFICIAL CITY PAPER Telephone 39 wheat is being brought out before the dress. Mrs. H attie Boyd and Metra planned to be there, from coin­ This explanation of recent La­ Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, Postoffice as Grain Inquiry Commission in the prairie bor uproars in the Houae of Com­ Grace Millet celebrated their ing. provinces. The fanners are exercising mons is made in all seriousness Second Class Mail M atter. • « • fourth birthdays togeth­ common sense, too, in turning toward the by a serious w riter in a serious er Friday by entertaining a Visits in G rants Pass-— Subscription Price, Delivered in City- num ber of th eir friends with a Mrs. H. G. Enders has ju st re­ plan of voluntary co-operative effort, in weekly review. One Month ...................................................... $ ,65 lawn and dinner party. turned from a lew days spent Three Months ................................................. 1.95 j preference to continning the demand for a The old days, when members The three and four year old in G rants Pata, as the guest of Six Months ...................................................... 3.75 wore tailed-coats and high hats, Government wheat board. During excep­ never produced rows, the w riter tots enjoyed their dolls and other Mrs. C. E. Roy of th at city. One Year .......................................................... 7.50 tional war conditions, the marketing of explains, Mrs. Enders accompanied Mr. the members of Com­ toys while the others looked on B y M a il a n d R u r a l R o u t e s : grain through n federal Government agen­ and chatted. Enders th at fhr on his trip to mons should increase th eir dig­ One Month .............................. ....................... $ .65 At five o’clock the two b irth ­ Portland, where he has been the cy, called the Canadian Wheat Board, serv­ nity by w earing wigs and gowns Three Months ................................................. 1.95 day cakes, decorated with pink past week. He returns today. ed the farmers satisfactorily. But it has and gividg th e House a g re a t­ Six Months ........................................................ 3.50 an d A rle th a B ullock. roses and the appropriate number The old friends of the One Year .......................................................... 6.50 been found that the problem of reinstat­ er degree of form ality. The w rit­ of candles, were the im portant Enders, Roys, Reading, “A Comic In terp reta­ are well known iu Ash­ er can’t imagine a Labor mem­ tion of the Different C hurches” ing the hoard under prevailing trade con­ DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: ber calling a Conservative a featu re but which soon had to land. They lived here come — Mrs. George Icenhower, who ditions is more than the Government au­ "m u rd erer” while w earing a wig subm it to being cut and were years ago; later moving to Single insertion, per inch .................................. 30 responded by “ A Drowning K it­ served with pink ice cream and G rants Pass. Y early C ontracts: thorities, either federal or provincial, can and gown. ten.” * « • • punch. One insertion a week ................................... $ .2 7 1 manage successfully. • This is but one step in a gen­ Instrum ental duet, “ La Palo- Those who enjoyed this happy F ro m K lu n ia tii F a lls — Two insertions a week .......................................25 eral movement to force English­ m a” and encore, "P arad e of the The necessity of doing something to im­ day together were: the Me&- Mrs. H arry Ackley of Klamath Daily insertion .........................................................20 FROM THE EAC1ORY men back into the m anners and Amazons”— the Misses Bullock. prove the system of merchandising the pro- dames Boyd, W illie, Hayes, Shaw, Falls is in Ashland visiting her customs of th eir fathers. The R a t e s F o r L e g a l a n d M is c e lla n e o u s A d v e r t is in g Piano solo and encore by Miss Shelby, M illett; the little Misses m other, Mrs. Wells. She drove Hach. F irst insertion, per 8 point line ................. $ .10 , duce of western Canadian farms is gener- older circles are grieved and pain­ • ally conceded. Without co-operation ed because the younger genera­ B arbara and N athalie Shelby, over last week and expects to Reading, “ How Ruby Played” Each subsequent insertion, S point l i n e ......... 05 Sugg, T ura and M etra Mil­ retu rn the last of this week, tak ­ and encore, “A Fast N ight’s B all” among the iroducers, Canadian wheat is tion show an abhorrence of silk Jane Card of Thanks ............................................ 1.00 let, Rowena Smith, and Verna ing her m other back with her. — Mrs. Bomar. o bituaries, per line ..............................................02 y2 I offered for sale at the very time when prices hats and frock coats. May Shaw. Mrs. Ackley is very well known Piano solo, “ Transcription of The newspapers headlined the • * * in Ashland. She was form erly WHAT CONSTITUES ADVERTISING” j are Alling, as tbe flood of grain is poured Oxford-Cambridge cricket match Meditation in C Minor,”— Mrs. C. Miss Edna Wells, and was Coun­ T. Pine. "All future events, where an admission charge is into the WOl’ld market from I Ilited States “ Few High H ats Seen At Var­ Mrs. Doran B etter— ROLL YOUR I t will be good news to the ty Superintendent of Klamath made or a collection taken is A dvertising. j and European sources, as well. O W N W ITH Vocal due, “ Sacred”— Harry sity Match” and then proceeded many friends of Mrs. Doran that county, before her m arriage. R U LA CROIX No discount will be allowed Religious or , , ,, , Billings and R. W. Hach. to use valuable space in decry­ Benevolent orders. Experiments in self-help through the BMWS ATOCHO she will be able to retu rn to her Mr. Ackley is in the lum ber ing the lack of sartorial taste, home in Ashland this week. Reading, “ A Preacher and the business in Klamath Falls. organization of a voluntary wheat pool which was no noticeable in the Proverbial Inquisitive Child,’’ aim • * * DONATIONS: She Is expected W ednesday. are being tried out in other countries. The good old days. encore “ Dan McGrew,,— H arry No donations to charities or otherw ise will be Mrs. Doran has beeh recu p erat­ G u e st fr o m S t. L o u is — our contribu- Poobll& system is regarded as a very ad- Billings. Also several selections Many hotels and restau ran ts ing from a very severe illness at made in a d v ertisin g or job printing Dr. Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. j vaneed form of eo-operation for the mark­ are striving to force men to ap ­ the home of her m toher, Mrs. M. J. R. Robertson of 347 Almond on th© victrola. Then a merry tlons will be in cash. eting of farm produce. But a careful study pear in full evening dress instead Y. Brown, who lives a t W alter- street, are enjoying a visit from hour was spent by games both indoors as well as out doors on Miss Johnson of St. Louis AUGUST 14 of the progress that has been made in Aus­ of the more popular and com­ ville, near Eugene, Oregon. the lawn, after which dainty re­ fortable dinner jacket». The ho­ • • • Miss Johnson is a niecn of Dr. tralia, New Zealand, Denmark, and other tels are dressing th eir w aiters A r r iv e d fr o m S t . L o u is — Johnson and arrived recently at freshm ents were served consist­ GOD’S KINDNESS:— For the m ountains shall countries should help the ( anadian tanners and busboys in dinner jackets in- Mr. C. A. Sommer, with his I he home of her uncle and cous­ ing of straw berry ice cream and Needless to Suffer depart, and the hills be removed; but the kind­ to start in right. The ohjeet of the volun- ’stead of the custom ary "tails daughter Ju lia and son Francis, ins. She will visit-here for some various kinds of cake; all voting Mr. and' Mrs. Hach as jolly en­ VVHY suffer the incon­ ness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the • tili’V pool is not to force lip the WOl’Id mark- and dickey” so th a t patrons, are arrived last Saturday from St. time. tertainers. covenant of my peace be removed, saith the Lord et price of wheat—Canadian farmers know forced to defend themselves by Louis to spend some time on his venience and pain The Robertsons and Dr. John­ A continuation of Saturday ; 4.1,.,„ , dressing in full dress in order orchard about two miles north of th a t hath mercy on thee.— Isaiah 54:1«. son will spend p a rt of the time hettei than to believe they J can achieve -th ... a t . they may not . . be . hailed .. . as Ashland. night’s activities, were held at from Piles when you will , , . „ at the ranch near Gold Hill, and the Pentecostal church, begin­ any such monoply influence on prices— “ garcon.” be guaranteed a positive This constitutes one half of will thus give Miss Johnson an Imt the elimination of some of the spread ning twelve hours later, when a f­ DIVERSIFIED FARMING AND the family, and if they can find experience in ranch life. and permanent cure by te r the regular Sunday morning George Bernard Shaw attacks, it interesting here, th a t is, oppor­ in price between producer and consumer. Mias Johnson expresses herself PROSPERITY services a bountiful repast was my non-surgical, pain­ This is a legitimate object. It should be' frequently and vieorousiy. One tunities for his boys, to earn a delighted with Ashland. held a t the noon hour, in the less treatment? „ u ’« • • * • m ost recent attack s is livlihood, he may locate here. The Morning Oregonian in its issue of regaraeci iavorably by ’ « public * • * opinion in against . his , am . r dram atic society basement of the church, after Treatments may be taken weekly j mi • . 1 . . . ateu Since th eir arrival, they have Calls on Friends— August 12, contained an article which there was a close renew ­ v , .. hv ... Arthur , Canada. The importance of maintaining actors and playw rights. found Ashland a w ight y nice Mr. and Mrs. Roy Avery stop­ al of C hristian fellowship with if it is inconvenient to be here for M. Evans on dairying and diversified con- the;agricultural industry on a prosperous! "I am a professional w riter of place daily attention. which to live, but it ped in Ashland to call on old dirions in Wisconsin that is worthy °l basis is appreciated.—Christian Science plays.” said Shaw. "My job is tak es in each other in observing the work to m ake a living friends. They were at the Mc­ W rite to d a y fo r tny FREE Lord’s supper, Out of town special note. Among other things the an Herald. book on the proper treatment to rob th e am ateur and in every w orth while, and w hat Mr. Som­ W illiams Monday. of Piles. guests enjoying these services, way to execrate and pillage him. mers w ants to know is, can wil­ thor says: “ In Wisconsin the premier They came from the coast and Mr. and W hat is a theatrical am ateur? ling hands and honest effort find and are m otoring to southern were the following: < ( » > dairy state, the ‘economic status’ of the PITTSBURGH PLUS Mrs. Bullock, and Misses Loveda ÖR.CHAS. J. DEAN One who would be ashamed to the work in Ashland? California. Mrs. Avery may stay and A rletha Bullock, Mrs. It. S. 2ND average farmer is perhaps the best of all AND MORRISON PO RTLAND,OREGON belong to th e th e atre.” The Sommers, as soon as they for a while in Ashland. V good many people are doubtless puz­ the farming slates of the Mississippi val­ B irchard, O. E. Borders and fam- So beware, am ateurs, of the get somewhat straightened out « • • ley. Milk prices are accounted the harom- zled these days oxer the meaning of Pitts- theatre! are anxious to meet the people Up from Gold Hill— eter of prosperity in these parts.” Con­ imrgli Plus. In the news the other day of Ashland and get acquainted. Mrs. Rose Gay front the Rose- tinuing, the writer says: “ If prices keepp,ie,,t,on Wa8 inade of the joininS of four There is some joy in an Eng­ They w ant to m ake th a ir home Alice ranch a t Riverside, near up, the milk produced in Wisconsin will 8tates to bght 111 the courts the practice lish election a fte r all, if D. P. here. Gold Hill was in the city calling Mrs. Sommers rem ained at St. on friends Monday. bring the farmer at least $70,000,000 more known to tbe steel trade bV tbe above Pillou, Conservative M. P. for Louis w ith the oldest and young­ Mrs. Gay and Miss H arper, who this year than in 1922. The cows are pro- name’ Minn«sota, Wisconsin, Iowa and II- Stourbridge, tells it straig h t. P est sons and they are very in­ “A fter the resu lt of the last is well known as a teacher, oper­ ducing ten tons every minute, day and linois have through acts rtf legislatures election was declared I was terested to know how Ashland ate this lovely little ranch. night, throughout the vear. In Wisconsin, authorized a legal campaign to abolish kisaed by 500 women,” said P il­ and its people impress the one Mrs. Gay has hut recently re ­ which lias been the leader in diversifiedpb's Lade practice, Governor Small has lou. “ I had been through a lot half the family now’’ here. turned from a somewhat extend­ • • • farming, about SO per cent of the gross appointed a commission tor this purpose of shot and shell, but I had nev­ ed stay in the south. er been through so much powder Ashland is very glad to wel­ farming income conies from livestock pro-i1,1 ^ bno’s- / • • * before. I am looking forward to come those who come to make U n io n S e r v ic e s — ducts, and the farm value of milk continues! According to Pittsburgh Plus, steel mak­ my next election.” th eir homes here. Our friends Union services were held at 55 to 60 per cent of the total livestock pro­ ers base all prices in that trade on the theo­ One hundred degrees in the shade or teg- may re st assured th a t since so th e B aptist church Sunday even­ duction, so the reports of the department ry that the steel was made in Pittsburgh London doesn’t know w hat to many have built homes and ac­ ing. The song service was en­ below zero, meat deliveries to your retailer of agriculture show. Among the crops, and shipped from there. If steel is made do when a heat wave comes along. quired* a competence here th a t tered into spiritedly. go steadily on, so that you may be assured P rayer was offered by Rev. wheat has lapsed into an almost negligible!and sold in Chicago to buyers in Monmouth, Any tim e the therm om eter regis­ they need have no fear but th a t of just the kind and quality of meat that may be done again. Pinnell of the Nazarene church factor. Its farm value in this state last year the purchasers have to pay at the same rate ters over 80 degrees then London it We may also assure our and the scripture reading by you desire. is in the m idst of a heat wave, was only about $.“»,000,000 contrasted with as though it were shipped from Pittsburgh. and friends th a t in Ashland the spirit Londoners have suffered i f o Rev. Leggett of the Christian $62,000,000, for corn and $39,000,000, for At least that is the theory, and steel mak­ heat waves already this seaso; of friendliness prevails and they church. No city is so far removed from live stock may be very sure th a t they will oats, and $69,000,000 for all lame hay. The ers seem to regard Pittsburgh Plus as and suffered in ignorance. A fter announcem ents were production that it cannot receive its regular friends and neighbors good made, a very beautiful solo was tobacco crop was worth tlnee times as more saered than the Ten Commandments The use of ice is alm ost un­ find and true. supply of fresh meats. most pleasingly rendered by Mr. much as the wheat crop; potatoes brought or the Declaration of Independence. It known in an English household, » * « V. D. Miller. in four times as much as wheat, and so is the sine qua non of the steel industry, and It can only be procured with Sturt on Trip— The address of the evening was Compare this with the meat supply of has alfalfa.” Miss Grace Lum an, the co u rt­ delivered by Rev. F. C. Koehler and .Judge Gary says the fight to abolish ease when the w eather ia cold. Electric fans are also an alm ost eous young clerk thirty or forty years ago. Summer weather a t E lh a rt’a of the Presbyterian church. The writer draws a comparison of con­ it means the biggest lawsuit of all time. unknown quantity. starts tomorrow on a well de­ then meant salt or pickled meats in the The theme, "The Glorious Gos­ ditions in W isconsin with I hose existing Pittsburgh Plus is the general practice of The Londoner unwisely flees to served holiday. pel” was heart-searching and country, and a limited variety of fresh meats in the Dakotas, Minnesota, and wheat, jobbing carried to extremes. In a large "cooling” beverages for relief She will make her first stop heart-reaching and presented growing states, lie informs us that the number of industries, there are jobbing from hot w eather. Having but in Portland. Then go on in to most forcefully. in most cities. farmers of W isconsin arc giving the laugh centers all over the United States within little knowledge of cooling bev­ W ashington, visiting a brother The Union service next Sun­ to the proposal to subsidize x\ bent growing, i which prices are made uniform plus the erages, they follow a form ula— who is ia business in Yakima, a n ­ day will be in the Congregation­ Refrigeration, developed by scientists, they give up th eir whiskey in fa­ o th er brother th a t she will see, and aver that Hie farmers of the wheat freight from the various jobbing centers, vor of gin. This is supposed to lives n ear C entralia, on a ranch. al church. has made it possible for Swift & Company, * * * growing districts have it w ithin their ^he steel magnates make the whole United m ake one entirely com fortable, and other packers, to prepare fresh meats A little time will be spent in n e f o r V a c a tio n — power to work out their own financial States a Pittsburgh jobbing district. The but it appears to fail unless the Tacoma also. Here Miss Luman G o Mr. and ship them long distances in refrigerator and Mra. Andersou and problems. Referring again to W isconsin, practice appears grossly unfair to the pub­ gin is taken in sufficiently large will be joined by friends and the children are away on a vacation- cars, so that today, without regard to heat the writer says: “ Output lias such a wide lic and particularly so to the Mississippi quantities to make the d rin k er p arty will go on to Vancouver, B. al outing th at will combine busi­ unm indful of heat or any C. From there they will visit a ness and pleasure. or cold, meat reaches your dealer fresh, variety that the ups and downs of prices \ alley section, whose steel can he sup­ entirely o th er troubles. num ber of places, iu Canada. Mr. Anderson wanted to he in clean, and wholesome. leave Wisconsin agriculture on an improv­ plied from ore and fuel in the middle west, Though th e English consume Miss Lum an will be gone sev­ Portland during Buyers’ Week, ed basis over last year. Similar conditions without the haul to Pittsburgh and back gallons and gallons of tea they eral weeks and expects to have and also w anted to have a vaca­ In addition to the fresh meats thus avail­ prevail in the dairying sections of Iowa ! L is high time to wipe out Pittsburgh Plus, have yet failed to discover the a w onderful trip ; visiting rela­ tion, so the family will speud refreshing qualities of iced tea. tives and friends and enjoying some little time visiting relatives able, Swift & Company prepares a variety and Kansas. In Wisconsin the great idea*—Monmouth (III.) Atlas, In the b etter hotels, a t the risk the scenic beauties on her way. and friends en route. of tempting meats for hot weather : has been to transform the farm into a • * • of being thought a lunatic at They expected to be ton«1 a manufacturing plant operating 12 months The entry of Magnus Johnson into the large, it is possible to procure a Porch P arty — Swift’s Premium Cooked Ham, mild and a year and to sell and make money off the senate will fill an aching void that has glass of cracked ice and a pot On Monday of this week, oc­ couple of weeks. « • « sweet, smoked over hard wood fires, is finished ami semi-finished products in­ been felt ever since “ Sockless’’ Jerry Sim­ of hot tea and concoct your own curred the birthday anniversary On Vacation— always delicious. iced tea, but the process is gen­ of Mrs. E. E. Miller on Church stead of merely growing and marketing pson left it. Mr. and Mrs. McCoy and erally regarded by a circle of street and in the evening, her Swift’s Premium Frankfurts, from our mod­ daughters, M argaret and F ran c ­ field crops.” pop-eyed w aiters, who look on as n ear neighbors, Mrs. Goodyear, es left the first of the week ofr em sanitary kitchens, offer a choice blending As a whole, the agricultural interests of A Kansas man drove 250 miles for a though they felt a sacrilege was Mrs. From an and Mrs. Bolton de­ an outing to last some little time. of meats and spices. the nation are in a sorry plight, hut the quart of moonshine. News reports fail to in commission. cided to surprise her. They will th m ake C rater Swift’s Sausage Specialties and Swift’s Dry To be sure th a t it would be Lake tripe first. illustration drawn between conditions in state, however, how much he had when lie A fter that, Sausage, ready to serve, help lighten the E A SED H E R COUGHING a surprise, it was planned to have where ever th eir fancy iisteth un­ the diversified regions and in the one-erop got home.. housewife’s summer task. SPE L L S the gathering ju st across the til tim e for th e ir return. districts affords the wheat farmer a view —---------------— " I had an attack of Grip th a t street, at the home of Mrs. Good­ * • * of a plan that lias worked successfully in The giraffe probably feels that nature, settled in my th ro at and caused year, in the form of a "porch Visiting Sister— In addition to these, a score of other bringing about better financial conditions in giving it a tongue 18 inches long and a bad cough. W hen I coughed p arty .” Mrs. John Enders motored to Summer Specialties are made available by in the districts where diversified fanning withholding from it the power of speech, hard I could not stop and had Mrs. Miller was invited over Springfield, Oregon last week to Swift & Company’s research and develop­ to gasp for breath. .I t was su r­ for the evening and found her visit her sister who lives there. is followed. The wheat grower can ex­ had a lot of neck. prising how quickly Foley’s Hon­ neighbors assembled to give her ment work. Mr. John Enders has joined pect only limited support at the best in ey and T ar eased those terrible birthday greetings. her there for a few day’s visit the way of legislation that will better his As time goes on it begins to appear that coughing spells,” w rites E sther It was a complete surprise and in Springfield and will ac­ financial condition, ami it is going to he what the consumer should have done $vas Adams, New York. For Coughs, everyone present enjoyed it ju st company Mrs. Enders home Our profit from all sources averages up to him, to a marked degree, to evolve lay in a 10 year’s supply of coal in 192L Cold, Croup, A sthm a, B ronchit­ as much as Mrs. Miller did. Thursday of this week. only a fraction of a cent a pound. is,. Whooping Cough and Hay The tim e passed happily and • • • plans for his financial betterment. Fever use Foley’s Honey and all too quickly in friendly, neigh­ J. O. Y.— Most J . districts , , in . Oregon arc well adapted - tb