t * » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦■♦■»♦♦♦ ♦ PAGE THREE A 8B U M ) DAILY TIDINGS Monday, August là , 10*23 ■W l« I M ■ Classified Column ö FIND IT HERE : ’ ’ ___ . ... ___ __< ► A Column Devoted to Brief, Business and Personal Notes.' <> ’ M ilt» « » I« • « LEAVING RUSSIA;; ««■«> t« « « » « « »♦< LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES »+•«»«»» »«■»<»■»» « » » ' I A Daily Chronicle of those Who come and go, and events of local interest. | Classified Column Rates ---------- INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Aug. Ore cent the word each time. MOSCOW, Russia, Aug. 11.— l . W. Clarka and family of I « « » » » I I t t I « > » « » « I t M M » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ < ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦- ' V« 13.— Activities of members of V To Irun every issue for one Loaded down with gifts, bearing Trinity Center, California were Have Picnic— To visit Here— ♦ the Industrial Workers of the month or more, tec the word srniijng and happy brides on Ashland visitors yesterday, hav- ♦ Richard .L Ichenhower of Kan­ The N. E. Dix family and Mr. each time. ♦ their arms, and talking a strange ¡ngstopped here over Sunday to and Mrs. Ray Dix held a family sas City, Missouri, arrived late World, in many sections of the ♦ country are being generally op­ ♦ admixture of Russian, French visit the park, FOR SALE Saturday night for a short visit picnic on Neil Creek last Satur­ ♦ posed by the American Legion, and English, American members ♦ day. They report an enjoyable with his brother, George Icen- according to reports received at ♦ FOR SALE— Household turni- of Russian Unit, American Let me tell you about the new time on the trip. ♦ hower on Allison street. He will national headquarters of the vet­ ♦ ture, also a few laying chick- Relief Administration, are pour- full coverage Automobile policy. also visit With his father, J. B. HE cash register business'was built up erans’ organizations. In many ens. Call 925 B St. 291-3* ing into Moscow from nearly ev­ Yeo, of course. 246-tf. Visit Here— Icenhower, who is with his wife communities, the former service around the slogan “ Get a Receipt.” ery district of the Russian Sov­ Dr. Edward Abbott and fam­ spending the summer at Buck­ men are “scotching the snake’’— FOR SALE— Rhode island Red It is essential to have a record of every iet Republic. And as fast as the Miss C. Mathies of Portland, ily and Miss Dorothy Slavin of horn Lodge. and White Leghorn fryers. in this case, the I. W. W.— be­ overworked administrative divis- : was in Ashland today visiting Los Angeles spent a week’s va­ money transaction. A check book with this Mrs. W. D. Booth, Phone 257Y. fore the sinister influence of the ion of the A. R. A. can secure with friends and acquaintances. Moves Family — bank is your cash register. cation here recently with Dr. W. 290-2 long haired revolutionaries is|<> their travel orders, visas and rail- j ---------- O. A. McCoy has moved with J. Crandall and family. They We make a specialty of picnic reported a fine time while in his family to Alida street, where felt. FOR SALE— Lot on Alida St. way tickets, they are filing out According to one report a bit­ $25.00 down, $10.00 a month. of Ruasia, hound for home via and campers* needs. Detrlck’s. he recently purchased a house Ashland. ter campaign was waged on the 236-tf Phone 28 or call 108 Pioneer Warsaw, or Riga, and London. and some property from Mrs. Nel­ legion recently by the “wobblies” Th© gifts, which range from avenue. 281-1 mo lie Powers. On Camping Trip— in the state of Washington, gold and silver cigarette cases A. D. Lansanan and wife of J. W. McCoy and family left where four American Legion FOR SALE— Milch goats. 220 suitably engraved to magnificent Portland were In Ashland yester­ Saturday afternoon on a two Goes to Hilt— A shland, Oregon members were murdered while Garfield St. 283-1 mo tapestries into which the names day while Mr. Lansanan was C. T. Pine left yesterday for week’s vacation. They took camp­ parading on Armistic Day An of the beneficiaries have been transacting business. ing equipment with them, and Hilt, California, where he plans organizer, with plenty of money, FOR SALE— Pure bred Berkshire woven, are tokens of apprecia­ plan to spend several days at to work the remainder of the pigs. Phone 10F5. 287-6 tion .from grateful individuals, Having it cleaned regularly Crater Lake, beside visiting other summer. He will be employed was sent to Seattle and Hoquim, < > and proceeded to distribute rad- i < r FOR RENT— Private garage on committees and local govern­ will double the life of a good resorts. by the Hilt Lumber company. ical literature. However, the U t t t t t M t t O l t H t t H M M t M t ments in every province of Rus­ suit. Paulserud’s. 273-tf. Factory stret. Phone 481J. legion utilized the press of the 286-tf sia— token of appreciation for Visit Butte Creek— Ashland Visitor— Northwest, and by exposition of Mrs. C. Crowe of Spokane, America’s contribution, which L. Zundell and Mr. and Mrs- Mrs. Ed Meads of Medford was the aims of the radicals, checked FOR SALE— Team, wagon and saved the lives of millions of Washington was an Ashland visi­ an Ashland visitor Saturday Lee Tuttle drove over to the their program. A leading argu- i harness, also seven passenger Russian:» during the devastating tor today, having stopped over morning, having come up to visit Lake Creek district Sunday and men* of the campaign waged on here while on a trip south. Chandler car. .C. T. Morris, famine of last year. with friends and to transact busi­ spent the day at the Zundell the legion was that the veterans' R. F. D. Ashland. Phone 13F4. farm. Another guest there dur­ ness. body was unfavorable to organ Pay Cash and buy for less at Safety razors made in America 288-6* ing the day was Earl Zundell, ized labor. This war. refuted by , are sold in England for less than Leedom's Tire Hospital. 279-tf assistant cashier of the La Grande At Lake— the announcement that one of FOR SALE— REAL ESTATE those of British manufacture. National Bank, who arrived Sun­ Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Good the leaders of the legion will ad- , C. C. Laselle of Denver, Colo­ FOR SALE— Modern bungalow, are at Crater Lake, having gone day for a visit with his mother dress the annual convention of , Nearly 600 univerisities and rado was in the city $oday, trans­ garage, 3 large lots, fruit, up several days ago. They plan and brothers. the American Federation of La­ berries, otc. 356 Laurel St. other higher educational insittu- acting business and looking up to be gone a week, returning ei­ bor, to be held in Portland, Ore- ! old friends. 280-1 mo* tiona are in the United States. ther Tuesday or Wednesday even­ gon, this fall. ing. A proposed “invasion” of Port Pay Cash and buy for less at FOR SALE— Furnished f o u r Arthur, Texas, by an army of Leedom’s Tire Hospital. 279-tf room cottage, corner lot, ideal 25,000 I. W. W. members, in pro­ Works at G r o c e r y - location. 283 B street. PHYSICIANS test of the arrest of “three broth­ 87-30 North Main St. Marshall Barber worked as C. C. Trush of Portland spent Mtone 303 280-1 mo* ers,” failed to mature when the clerk at the Twentieth Century DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Resi­ the day here yesterday calling on WASHINGTON, D. C., Aug. 13. legion men announced they were WANTED grocery over Saturday, In order dence and office, 108 Pioneer friends. “ W e sell to sell a g a in ” — At a time when thousands of ready to entertain the invaders, avenue. Telephone 28. Office to help out during the rush oc­ WOOD WANTED housholders are pondering the on the rock piles of the «tate, and hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 Do you know why there Is so casioned by the special sale the WANTED— Bids for contract on p. m. only. problem of next winter’s fuel that the visitors would be given j much full coverage auto insur­ store offered. 60 tiers of sixteen inch chunk supply, the Department of the a fare of "crusts and water’’ in dry oak wood, to be delivered DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac­ ance sold? Ask J. N. Dennis; Interior calls attention to the re­ the county jails while there. tice limited to eye, ear, nose and ask G. W. Trefren; It always To Diamond Lake— on or before October 15. 30 throat— X-ray including teeth. sults of tests recently made by When members of the radical Mr. and Mrs. H. Head and son tiers to be delivered at Tidings Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to pays to be sure, and insure with the Bureau of Mines which dem­ organization moved into the left recently for Diamond Lake, office and 30 tiers at Greer’s . 5. Swedenburg Bldg, Ashland, Yeo, of course. Phone 274J. onstrate the high efficiency of Ore. wheat fields of the Dakotas, os­ 287-tf where they will spend some time residence on Granite street. by-product coke. Tests conduct­ tensibly to work, but really to on an outing trip. Mr. Head is See Greer at the Tidings of­ ed by the Bureau at its Pittsburg spread a vicious propaganda of fice. 288-tf CHIROPRACTORS F. M. Nilison, with his wife and a fireman on the Southern Pacif­ Are they broken or do von need a pair! OUR and Minneapolis experiment sta­ discontent, in the opinion of DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic sister of Oakland, stopped in ic. P R IC E S RANGE FROM T H E GOLD RIM tions with different types of many persons, the legion opened WANTED— Young man to learn and Electro-Therapy. The com­ Ashland all day yesterday in or­ steam boilers suitable for heat­ MED SPECTA CLE $1.75 TO TH E printers’ trade. Small wages bination does wonders. First der to visit Lithia Park. an employment office in Aber­ Go to Lake— ing 7 or 8-room houses recorded National Bank Bldg. Phone to begin. Good opportunity deen, S. D., and recommended as A. G. Moss and family and C. 48-142. as high efficiencies with by-pro­ for right young man. Inquire House Calls Better be safe than sorry. See B. Norton and family left yes­ duct coke as with anthracite. The harvest hands only men known at Tidings office. tf Beaver Realty Co. about your in­ terday for Diamond Lake on a efficiencies obtained with Pitts­ to be of non-radical tendencies. DR. HAWLEY— Above Tidings surance. Phone 6?. 287-tf vacation trip. The party plans to burgh and Illinois bituminous Leaders of the revolutionary so­ WANTED— Good, clean cotton office. Phone 91. Come In A nd T est Y our E yes—No Charge. ciety in Oklahoma, were met on be gone two weeks, camping and rags are wanted at the Tid­ coal were 8 to 20 per cent lower opposite corners from the ‘soap R ooks and Toilet A rticles A San Francisco business man, fishing. ings office. We pay 5 cents DR. ERNEST W. SMITH— Chiro­ than those obtained with coke. box pulpits” with counteracting practor, near Postofflce. Hours Drug: Sundries Stationery per pound for all rags ac­ The anthracite used in these statements of legion principles. 9-12 and 2-5. Phone 114. P. Fochini, was in Ashland today Here to Visit— attending to local business inter­ cepted. tf Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Soderberg tests was a mixture of egg and CON VALESCENT HOME— Cot­ ests. of Albert Lea, Minnesota, arrived nut sizes and was considerably FOR RENT tage plan. Invalids car-?d for in the city recently and will cleaner than that ordinarily ob in home surroundings. Matern­ For the best In sweet milk and FOR RENT— Furnished apart­ tained in the Pittsburgh market. ity department. Terms rea­ cream go to Detrlck’a. 106-tf spend a few days in Ashland vis­ The by-product coke tested at ment, 75 Bush St. 295-tf iting at the home of Mr. and sonable. Phone 411R. 24S-tf Pittsburgh was of domestic size, FOR RENT— Four room apart­ ~TRANSFER AND EXPRESS T. W. Pickford and wife of Mrs. J. L. Orres. Mr. Soderburg made from a mixture of several ment with garage. Adults on­ Fresno, California were register­ Is connected with the Nelson coals from the Klondike region ly. 1101 Boulevard. 285-tf FOR prompt and sareful service ed at the Hotel Ashland last Clothing Company of Albert Lea RED BLUFF, Calif., Aug. 13. auto trucks or horse drays, cal night, having been attracted by and is< on his way to Los Angeles. near that city. The by-product — Farm Adviser Don M. Smith, coke tested as Minneapolis was Whittle Transfer Co, Phone FOR RENT— For neat house­ Mr. and Mrs. Soderburg will the agreeable weather. 117. Office, 89 Oak street, near working in co-operation with the of domestic size and made from keeping apartments see S. L. take the southern route home. Hotel Ashland. 56tf farm bureau, has taken steps to eastern coal. \ Allen. 63 N. Main. 278-tt Have a fit at Orres— tailors for have a series of grain variety With the same attention to T. L. POWELL-—C-eneval Trans­ 226-tf Returns to Honn Are the loser if you neglect, FOR RENT— 20 acre ranch, 1 tests made in Tehama county. fer— Good team and motor men and women. fire, the Bureau of Minea found Miss Helena Enender, who has trucks. Good service at a rea mile from Ashland. 12 acres through any cause whatever, The purpose is to determine the that coke gives much more uni­ sonable price. Phone 83. L. M. Weatherford and wife of been here visiting her aunt. Miss form temperature than bitumin­ varieties of wheat .and oats best alfalfa, modern house, large to read the advert isements Lennart for six weeks, left yes­ barn, with or without ntock TRY FEHIGE FOR HAULING San Francisco are Ashland visi­ terday for her home in Chicago. ous coal. In addition, coke is adapted to the soil and climate of that are appearing daily in and equipment. Frank Bea- and transfer work of all kinds tors today. Miss Enender la a teacher in one a clean fuel and makes neither this district. To that end Smith the Tidings. Ashland firms 375 B St. Phone 410-R. wick, E. Main. 288-6* smoke nor soot, an advantage dif­ has ordered from the state agri­ of the Chicago schools, and de­ 200-lm o Tailored, ready-to-wear suits are'carrying a daily message ficult to express in exact figures. cultural college at Davis thirty LOST— On Granite St. One gold at Paulserud’s. 273-tf clares Ashland to be an ideal va­ It is nearly as good fuel as the sacks of hard federation wheat. of interest—a message that cation spot. She plans to return cuff button, i y i a l s O. F. M. JERRY O’NEAL— Plumbing. 207 This variety was grown in Teha- ’ East Main. Phone 138. domestic ^izea of anthracite, and means added ecommiv in Return to Franklin Bakery. S. H. Wentworth and wife of here next summer. ma county last year by Roy Clark ■ if anthracite is unavailable at Reward. 289-3* your home. Do you believe San Francisco were in the city to­ reasonable prices a by-product of the Henleyville section. He is I Mrs. Ida McCoy returned to day while Mr. Wentworth was in Economy? Then follow ____________ 3------ ---------------------- chairman of the grain department j Ashland today after a short busi­ coke makes a good substitute. MISCELLANEOUS transacting business. the Ads. Domestic fuel should preferab­ of the county farm bureau. ness trip to Chico, California. t CALIFORNIA OREGON j The farm adviser also ordered ly be clean and. smokeless, and LOST— Door key on ring. Find­ For the best In sweet milk and Mrs. McCoy made the trip over thirty sacks of federation wheat, | should keep the hou:>e at an even P O W E R CO M PA N Y , er leave at Tidings office. 1 cream go to Detrick’s. 10d-tf the week end. 290-4» temperature, with little attention which yields a little heavier than i hard federation, but is not quite Get out that old blunder-buss to the fire. E. A. Findla and family of PHONE 444J— For milk, Guar- so good in milling quality. San Diego are in the city today and get ready for that hunting anteed pure and clean. A steel box with a flax-duck trip. We carry everything you visiting with friends. 29 0- Insect life in New Zealand does need, camping equipment, guns, cover to keep water cold without over $35,000,000 damage a year. ice, is now on the market. monvments Always glad to advise with and a full line of ammunition. Some public schools of the Pa­ 290-2 you about your fire Insurance Army Goods Store. Total area of Nova Scotia Is MONUMENT— MARKERS cific coast open their fall session needs and rates; perhaps you Lowest Prices 21,428 square miles. late in July. R. Wattenburg, a San Francis­ might profit by calling 274J. ASHLAND GRANITE CO. 3rd and East Main St. 223-6mo Yeo, of course. 287-tf co business man, was in the city Lighthouse of Skerryvore, Scot­ Wireless telephones may be in­ PLUMBING today attending to local business stalled on fishing boats plying land, has a range of 18 nautical YOUR PARTNERS E. L. Strange of Corvallis was interests. PLANI Nil MILL miles. out of Nagasaki. Japan. IN P R O G R E SS a business visitor In Ashland to­ Good clothes are an economy. JORDAN’S SASH AND CABINET day. WORKS, Cor. Heilman and See Paulserud’s suits. although it should have been re Van Ness. 194-tf fused because contrary to good Oranges, lemons, grape fruit— banking practice. Mr. and Mrs. Arno Hammer, Detrlck sells for less. 106-tf has something about the house he no Nearly 90 per cent of all chil­ Most of all was the system of Spokane were in Ashland to­ P e r m onth blamed for the fact that violent In dren of elementary grade age of longer wants— Lieutenant aad Mrs. L. G. Har day calling on friedns and ac­ flatlon which hundreds of buslnest this country attend public school. quaintances. men and bankers hoped might bi Start now saving money and in­ rison of San Francisco were Ash­ Why not turn these continued forever was finally land visitors yesterday, having By J. H. PUELICHER vesting it easily. Get ahead $5 checked by putting up Federal Re New Fall goods just arrived at stopped off here to see the city. “ W H IT E E L E P H A N T S ” per month— buy one share or Farmers, Attention! Paulserud’s. 291-tf President American Bankers Asso­ serve Interest rates. There were ciation. those who blamed the system foi more of Copco Preferred Capital into cash? Eskimo puppies for sale. Go Look to your Mowers, It would be difficult to find a not having put up the rate soon H. P. McKinney and wife of and see them at 678 Boulevard banker, understanding thoroughly enough and others who blamed it Hakes and Binders early i Stock. Partial payments of $5 Hundreds of people are looking in the Portland were visitors in the city the Federal Reserve System, will­ because it put up the rate at all. or Inquire at the Army Galods I per month earn 6