I 4 U i U i > U h h i i l U U U H I U H ASHLAND CLIMATE, without ;; ■ ' the aid of medicine, cures nine <' cases out of ten of asthma. This ’’ is a proven fact. fr H H lIU THE TIDINGS HAS BEEN ASHLAND’S LEADING NEWSPAPER FO R N EA R IY _________________________________________________ (International News Wire Service) VOLUME 4 1 FIFTY YEARS. MALARIA GERMS cannot sr snr- vive three months in the ritli ozone at Ashland. The pure do­ mestic water helps. • • ■ Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. m. ♦ M I I ASHLAND, OREGON’, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1923. ASHLAND BOTTLING M R S DOING CAPACITY BUSINESS ¡ AUTO CAMP HAS NO. 281. LOCAL WOMAN BUSIEST MONTH CAUSE CHINA MUCHTROUBLE KLAMATH FALLS ROAD CONTRACT EXTENDED Over Nine Thousand People Present Management Making And Two Thousand Cars Rapid Advances In Volume* Accommodated Of Business Done. Intendi KLAMATH FALLS, Aug. 2.— To Have Modern M achinery1 Extension to August 29 of the As Soon Aks Possible. contract of Robert E. Strahorn PASSES AWAY Mrs Charlotte Wright Dies Alter Long Illness. Here Two Years. PRESIDENT IS MAKING RAPID RECOVERY NOW North And South Districts In the m onth of July, 2309 cars loaded with tourists, who made In Open Conflict With Mrs. C harlotte W righ.t who Latest Report Of Doct< a s Says Illness Rapidly up a crowd of 9276 people— more H ar As Prospect has been living here with Miss INCREASE SINCE Being Tin own Off. than the total population of Ash­ Stew art of 152 Seventh stre et j MAY OVER 200% land, stopped at the Ashland Auto for the last two years, passed | "--------- Camp Ground. JAPANESE SHIPS away last night a fte r’a lingering R F .q p T P A TTHNT axttx illness due to old age Mrs ; “ l i ) F I R A T I 0 N A N D This i» an average of 74% PROTECT RIGHTS Better Quality Syrup Now cars every evening in the park, W right was quite frail and has I PU LSE ARE NORM AL Being Used Than Ever been ra th e r ill for some tim e. ( .______ and represents an increase of over Before. Output Now 34 per cent in the num ber of m a­ Pekinese Government At so the end was not unexpected. o Visitors Yet Allowed To Is Fifty Cases chines which registered in July Mrs. W right came to Ashland Outs With Railroad In See H arding But Condition last year. terests Of Nation. Army in 1921 in company with h er Very Good. D eparture Date According to John H. Doran, husband, who died shortly a fte r Action Is Expected Soon.' Not Yet Decided On. One of the latest established BUSINESS PROPERTY superintendent of the park, the arriving here. Since, his death, and fastest growing of A shland’s IN DUNSMUIR SOLD grounds are invariably filled to Mrs. W right has been living I ---------- m anufacturing concerns is the capacity, but due to the “ always PEKING, Aug., 2.— A nother with Mias Stew art on Seventh SAN F R A N C iq rn a « Ashland Bottling A^orks, form ­ la;:1,.s DUNSMUIR, Cal., Aug. 2.— The room for one m ore” sp irit of the m ilitary coup is belng threatened - e e , . wk„ hM _ erly the Crystal Carbonating firm of Manfredi and Bianci have tourists, very few hunt another in Chinese revolutionary circles Mrs. W right was bora la H ur- L T ',“ ' .1"”,“ Company. The name of Crysta. bought the property at the corn­ place to stop because of the crowd today and is expected to come NEWi YORK, Aug., 2.— T w o 'H e began to slump recently but C arbonating Company was su it­ er of Florence Avenue and Pine Ied condition, although on certain . Ohio, and was a.arrlod ° ' P ro « re „ ° ” >he “ old-tim ers” in baseball have e f - ' th a t was after he had sustained from either of three places, on, unio, and was m arried there to recovery, as th ere were abso- ed for local purposes, but when Street from Mrs. J. B. Dougherty nights it is nearly a case of fectually disproved the blatant I an injury to his foot. It has namely, Paoting. Fu or Tien to C. R. Stew art in 1913, and lutely no traces of fever to bo the business commenced to of Chico. standing room only.” a ssertio n : “ They never come ! forced him tem porarily out of the Tain. M arshall Tuso in power at moved to San Diego, soon a fte r­ found by the physicians this branch out into other territories This property extends along About the same num ber of made their back.” game, and many of his adm irerers Kun has ordered the police to ward, where they a name which advertised Ashland Pine Street to Shasta Avenue and tourists are expected to stop in home till 1921. when they re­ morning. The president spent watch the doings of the Chinese Only one thing has kept tear now B is tke beginning of the most restful night of his ill­ was selected. is in the center of the business dis­ A ugust as last m onth, but after I Parliam ent and trouble is expect­ moved to Ashland. Brooklyn’s entry in the Nation- the end of his big-league career, ness and slept most of the time. Lately Established trict. The future plans of tile p u r­ th a t the attendance will fall off Funeral services will be held ed if he encounters any contrary for the legs of the ballplayer go pi League p ennant race from Although the old bottling chasers have not yet been made as the coldness of the w eather in­ Recovery Rapid reports. from the Presbyterian church at fast at W heat’s age. sinking into the depths this year. works has been erected for sev public. His rapid recovery is looked for creases 2:30 Saturday afternoon, q,fter Troops M oving Fournier “ re tire d ” at the end It has been the .te rrific h ittin g eral years, and has done business by the five specialists in atte n d ­ The officials at Tien Tsin have which will leave for San Diego of C aptain. Zack W heat and I of last seasou- He was traded in the hands of about three with the rem ains where in te r­ ance and all were optimistic Jacques Fournier. The enforc- to Brook,yn but failed to report, already moved their troops in firms, the present management about his condition this morning. ment will take place. ed absence of W heat and the Fina,ly be was persuaded to do the direction of Nanking, where took charge of the business the The fact th a t all traces of pneu­ pace set by th e Dodgers before so' He began a terrific hitting Governor Chih-Si-Yuan is prac­ first of last May, and has al­ monia have finally disappeared F ournier came to the rescue long streak, which has kept him con­ tically the prisoner of his own ready Increased the volume of ov­ from his lungs and that he is now 13341841 after the season started , are suf­ sistently among the league’s live men as they refuse to take his er 200 per cent, and will make able to take limited am ounts of leading batsm en, and during one orders, although a t the same ficient proof of this. fu rth er increases as soon as new nourishm ent a re looked upon as time allowing him to retain con modern m achinery is installed to very favorable indications by the Ever since the b arrier was lift­ period ham m ered out a home run trol of his office and outw ardly daily for the edification of Dodg­ take care of the volume, and a n ­ doctors in attendance. ed W heat— long one of the NEW YORK, Aug., 2.— In er rooters. As a first baseman, rem ain in control' of the army. other delivery truck is put on to Richard Cring, the owner, m an­ league’s best outfielders— has Pneumonia Gout* keeping with the western habit of F iring Reported the Frenchm an long has been a A letter received here yester­ take care of deliveries in n o rth ­ ager and operator of radio sta ­ ham m ered the ball a t a .400 rate. The pneumonia symptoms taking long strides where new At Amoy there has been heavy day by High Chief Grand Fizz of star. ern California. tion 7 AAA J located at 70 Bush which were the chief source of firing between the forces of the the Lithians, V. D. Miller from movements are concerned, A la ­ When Kinsella B rothers, the Street, has recently been "appoint­ concern yesterday had practical­ meda county, California, has ju st northern and southern Chinese one of the C herrian Ladies who present m anagers of the corpora-, ly disappeared this m orning un­ staked out a position well in the ( ed city correspondent for the Am­ arm ies for some time, and it is was entertained last week by der the special treaim eut being tion, took charge of the plant, erican Radio Relay League Inc., thought th a t open conflict may be forefront of progressive innova­ the Lithians, was to the effect given by the five specialists anti the m achinery was in bad repair, tion in child health m atters, by The headquarters of the League expected between th e two arm ies th a t Ashland showed them the it is thought will have complete­ and the product th a t was being appointing a “ co-ordinator oi f e X X ' S I'“ " " “ ™ ' Me">- before long. Several Japanese best time of the entire trip, and ly disappeared put out was of the same grade »<,” of -x.. before evening nursing activities” the Ala­ D ship in the League is affected gunboats have been reported as as th a t of com petitors. since th at w a( ju st the effect The president is resting much eas­ by being a true telegraphing am a­ ordered to th e scene of the ac meda County Public H ealth Cen­ The present m anagers have LONDON, Aug., 1.— Mount Et- tions in preparation to defend the L ithians and the Lithiau Lad­ ie r than for any time in the ter, who is at the same time sup teur and a subscribed to the of­ had years experience with the Co ies wished to create it seems the past six days and seems in a • — , CHICAGO, Aug. 2.— The Am- na and her sister volcanoes in any Japanese property or rights ervisor of school nurses in the ficial organ Q. S. T. All local coa Cola company, and as repair program put on here was all th at very cheerful mood. Oakland City schools. The first £e?.P.e th a t are radio inclindcd erican flapper is too frank in her various parts of Europe are saf- which may possibly l,e endang men on bottling machinery, and the Lithians wished it to be. Departure Uncertain incumbent of this unique public will find from tim e to time radio dress, in the opinion of Miss De ety valves which prevent Eng- ered in the struggle so soon renovated the machinery, High ( hief Miller was even news bulletins published in the The date for his departure for Yoth Koo, pretty Chinese maid, land, France and other countries health office is Miss Florence B. Government Split made the plant absolutely sani­ more enthusiastic In his praise of W ashington is still doubtful ac­ from being blown to destruction. Bussell of Oakland, who received Tidings which will be of great who is studying banking. The Chinese governm ent has tary and started doing a capac­ The eruption at intervals of I been practically split between the the Lithian Women than ever be­ cording to the physicians as they I think your women are won- her nursing training in England, interest to them concerning the ity business. northern and southern divisions fore this morning and said the issued a statem ent this m orning at St. Bartholom ew ’s hospital in American Radio Relay League and derfu l,” she said. “ They have more i tkese burning m ountains is the H igher Q uality All freedom here than, we have in I on,y th in B th a t prevents a fiery for some time, for although the reason the function was such a th a t his condition although show­ Rochester, an dat C harring Cross Radio A ctivities in general. One of the chief reasons for success was because the Lithian ing m arked interested in the American Radio im provem ent was hospital, London. China. But of the young girls, the horror of volcanic disaster from entire nation is supposed to be the popularity of the Ashland Ladies took such an interest in Ptill rath er bad and th at his eon- Relay League may be officially devastating many of the fertile ruled by th e central parliam ent ones you call flapper. th in k — Miss Bussell is a t present in product, according to the m anag the affair and really put the dition while rapidly ^ p ro a c h ,n g the east making a personal in * i signed up by calling at the above yes, I «think maybe they are too fields and populous centres of at Peking it. is in tru th , rath er ers, and the reason th a t it is go­ nevertheless tal e address by appointm ent. frank in th eir dress. They dress Europe. The terrib le scourge divided, as the northern provin- thing over as the men never could norm al will ing into other territo ries and spection of methods and projects have done it. quite some time for complete In health work for children. She for the street like they go to a which has this spring visited the ces are so remote from the Pek- cutting out the m anufacturing The le tte r from Salem is as J covery. party. B ut you have w onderfully fair Sicilian vineyards probably ine influence th a t they very rare- plants of other territories, is the is especially interested in plans follows»: Conditions Normal, for teaching health to school sm art girls here, and they are has saved England from sim ilar j ly consider it necessary to obey high quality of the product. Salem, Ore., disaster The pulse and respiration of good in business.” children, which she discussed in m andates issued by the Peking W here syrup costing on an av­ July 29, 1923. The recent eruption of Mount j officials unless they wish to do the chief executive were nearly ew York with Miss, Marie L. W hile adm itting th a t she was erage 6f $2.50 a gallon is used Dear “ Lithian Ladies” : Etna, with its tragic afterm ath, | so. normal this morning, and both Rose. Acting Director of the slightly shocked by the u ltra mod­ by other carbonating works, the In behalf of the “ Cherrian are steadily growing better. Dr. has brought sharply to the fore­ Health Education Division of the R ailroads T roublesom e ernism of the flapper until she Ashland concern uses the high­ Ladies,” I wish to express to you Sawyer announced this morning The Pekinese governm ent has got used to it, Miss Koo expressed front of scientific discussion est .grade, which costs $7.50 a American Child H ealth Associa­ our deep appreciation of your th at the condition of the presi­ her adm iration for the American here the whole field of volcanic been at outs with the great rail hospitality. gallon. Although this greatly in­ tion, a national organization dent was gratifying not only to and seismic activity. It has pro- road interests of the nation since girl on the whole. creases m anufacturing cost, the working for the improvem ent of The sounding of the whistles himself, but also to all the other SISSON, Cal., Aug. 2.— The duced the ra th e r novel theory, 1920, when they secured politi- methods and standards of child Mostly I like the American local concern believes th a t it will cham ber of commerce and the fac­ put forward by a noted British cal control of the nation after did not perm it us to express to physicians, in attendance. be made up in volume of busi health care throughout the n a­ ulty of the Chico State T eachers’ girls very much. It is only too you th a t day our appreciation. tion. School children in Oak­ No visitors fiave been allowed frank ones th a t I do not like so scientist, outlined in the preced- years of fighting, as the railroads ness. We were treated royally along College Summ er Session here will land have been learning funda­ were at th a t time granted large to enter the room where the well. I confess they sometimes ing paragraphs. Absolutely Sanitary the line but a t no place were we endeavor to secure the 1925 state m ental health hab its and been At one time, according to this areas of land by the new gov- president has been m aking his have ra th e r shocked m e.” Sanitation is th e watchword so royally entertained. scientist, G reat B ritain had its (em in en t, along their rig h t of stim ulated to strive for health as convention of the superintendents j long fight against illness, but it Miss Koo says th a t although in the plant, and hum an hands Respectfully, a personal goal largely through of schools for Sisson. volcanoes, as Italy has today, ways, and since th a t time have Is expected that his immediate the interior towns of China still do not touch the product during Mrs» FRANK MYERS. relatives will be the first allow­ While here last week W ill C. cling to the old belief th a t wom­ Traces of th eir long-burned-out seized the right of levying the the “ rules of the health gam e,” the entire time of m anufacture Wood stated th a t in all probabil­ en should not be allowed any fires are found in many p arts of taxes on this land, and this prac- ed to enter, including his sister, Ashland city w ater, being the promoted by the American Child ity the convention could be held freedom, this is disappearing in the British Isles. These volcan- tice has greatly incensed the Health Association, by which who arrived yesterday from Ohio purest obtainable anyw here, is AKRON BUSINESS CONCERNS to cheer him. such things as drinking milk, here. Next year the convention the port cities of the Em pire, ° eS’ 8C^en tist asserts, have central Pekinese governm ent. used in all the products. In o r­ WARNED AGAINST “SHARK’ will be held in the southern part eating fresh vegetables, and g a in ­ Action Expected Secretaries Working where modified views are gain­ ceased to exist because at “ each d e r to remove all d irt from the end of Europe— a t Mount Hecla, I I t is believed in official cir- ing in weight and height have of the state. ing ground. The Palace hotel is rapidly w ater, a sandstone filter, through ] AKRON, O., Aug., 2.— “ The been made a competitive sport in Iceland, and Vesuvius, Strom- cles th a t m ilitary action is hound C. M. Osenbaugh, president of taking on a very official appear­ which all the w ater m ust seep, is among hundreds of thousands of the Chico State Teachers’ College, boll, and Mount E tna in the to take place In the next few slicker will ge you if you don’t ance as the larger part of the used, and a fte r being run through school children all over the !is very enthusiastic over having south— other burning m ountains days, but so fa r it is undecided watch out,” is the w arning sent pre8ldent s party is quartered it, the w ater is clear as crystal. act as. the safety valves of Eu- as to where the action will em- out by the Akron B etter Business there, including several of the A special mach& e is used to car­ country. The health prim ers and : the convention held here. It would Association this week. Investi­ rope.” So long as these “ safety | enate from health playlets devised by the I be held at the Summ er School secretaries and the larger p ert bonate the w ater, and does it in gation by the commission has valves” operate the volcanoes of H ealth Education Division of the | grounds a fte r the Summ er session of the W hite House siaff which four processes known as areation. shown that the “sucker list” is France and B ritain wili rem ain Association, as well as Its posters is closed. There are accommoda- has been very busy for the past agitation, purification and filter- never destroyed, and it is only extinct, he is convinced. and charts and other devices for tions for several hundred a t the few days on official business un­ ation. The w ater is taken after years of refusal to bite the relating health teaching to the J school now and the 300 superin­ der the direction of Secretaries through high pressure pipes and second time that names are can­ schoolroom work, are being ex- l tendents could easily be cared for Hoover, W ork, Attorney General a copper “ aireato r,” where it is celled tensively used in the schools of The session would last about a D augherty and many of the o th ­ The Ashland Automobile Regis­ broken up. At this time the c a r­ Oakland. The association has week. er high cabinet officials who tration bureau under the direction, bonic gas, another Ashland pro­ its head q u arters in W ashington, were members of the president’s of Mrs. Francis F u ller brought! It has always been a policy of PROVISO HOLDING UP duct, is released into the water. and adm inistrative offices at 370 party and who are in San F ran ­ th e seasons total of cars reg ister­ the Ashland Park Board to furn­ From there, the charged w ater Seventh Avenue, New York City. HARBOR IMPROVEMENT cisco waiting to accompany their ed up to 1287 by adding 104 new ish all the recreation possible runs into the “ a g ita to r” where chief on the special train back ones yesterday. This compares for the tourists in the Auto Camp a paddle much like th at on a SOUTHAMPTON, Aug., 2.— to the Capitol. very favorably w ith the record of At last Ashland, like most oth- Ground, and accordingly, stereop- stern-w heeler boat mixes it th o r­ Southam pton’s H arboard has the Medford bureau which has er citles her size- is to have a wind tician lectures and other features oughly. , agreed to expend nearly $190,- only a few over 4000 and the bur­ shield sticker to advertise her are frequently given, but last Mixing Machine 000 in enlarging the swinging eau there has been open since park. night a novel feature was Intro­ ground for the big liners now us­ The w ater is held in the car- Two fire alarm calls were re­ the first of June while the local There has been a constant duced when the Ashland Concert bonater until a certain pressure ceived less than an hour ap art by office was only opened about two strong demand by tourists at the I band played several of i t ’s most ing the port, provided th a t the is reached, and it then runs into United States Shipping Board the Ashland fire company today. weeks ago. Auto Camp for windshield stick- popular airs. 01105570 the machine which makes the fin­ guarantee to pay a minimum of Don’t get alarm ed— in spite of ers and in response to this demand All of the pieces were enthus- A comparison for the 1st two ished product. In one tank the $7,500 per year in harbor dues KLAMATH FALLS, Aug. 2.— the frqnzied action caused by the the Park Board is having a num ber Iastically received by the tour weeks proves the local bureau is carbonated w ater is held, and in for the Leviathan, w hether she In attem pting to rescue his pet alarm s, little damage was done, as printed. The sticker this year is ists, and many who left this uses the port or not. registerding nearly twoice as another the syrups which give dog, which had fallen into a hot one was a grass fire and the sec­ REDDING, Cal., Aug., 2.— The many cars as any of the other about four inches square, with the morning declared th a t the c o n - the drink it’s flavor^ W hen a spring on East Main street yes­ ond a false alarm . reading m atter diagonally. The cert was the best feature of the Mt. Shasta Silca Company ha' fil­ bureaus and a t the present rate lever is released, the two are mix The grass fire was of unde­ terday, C. R. Begee, restau ran t cut illu strates a glass of Lithia camp, despite the fine accommo- ed proofs of labor on forty-two the seasons total will m ount quite ed in a bottle, and when an­ CHAMBER OF COMMERCE proprietor, fell into the boiling term ined origin, burned the grass rapidly. w ater and bears the inscription, dations and the great natural mining claims in the northeastern other lever is released, the cap MAKES FLOWER REQUEST w ater and was so severely scald­ of a lot on E ast Main street be­ “Ashland Oregon, The Carlsbad of | beauty. p art of Shasta county— the big­ is put on the bottle, and it Is The Medford office in an a t­ ed about the hands and legs th at longing to A. Livingston, and A m erica.” At the top and both gest lot of holding work done in ready for labeling and packing. he will be incapacitated for sev­ nearly reached a large pile of dry tem pt to add to th eir record has sides of this, the poster reads, the county for the last mining Plan New Equipment The Chamber of Commerce Reg­ year. eral weeks. The dog was so badly lumber, but was prevented from decided to stay open a t night "W e camped In L ithia Park A nlol Evo„ P hllpotl and 8l8tor F ra p . The output of the plant is and p a rt of the day Sunday, but istration bureau requests anyone burned th at it was necessary to doing so. ’ 1923. cjs returned yesterday evening These claims were located over about fifty cases of tw enty four kill it. the ocal officials state th a t they having an abundance of flowers Shortly after the fire tru ck re­ These poster will be placed on from Portland, Oregon, where a year ago for diatomaceous bottles each a day, but as the Beebe is the second victim of turned to the hall, a second alarm have not considered this plan yet. the windshield of every to u rist they have been the past week, to bring some of the spare ones earths. The company has ju st m achinery is- old, and the volume to the Chamber rooms a few flow­ the hot springs within a month. was received from N orth Main car in the camp by John H. Do- They accompanied their m other located two more claims, m aking of business dem ands a g reater ers add greatly to the appearance Patrick H ardigan, 50 died July street, but proved to be a false forty-fout in all, and each is 160 ran, camp superintendent, when he to Portland, where Mrs. Philpott output, new m achinery has been of the building and according to H. G. Enders, Sr., left early this is taking the registration, and will 9, as a result of burns received alarm . acres in area. The ground claimed is undergoing medical treatm ent Mrs. F u ller will give the Tour­ week for a three or four day busi­ be a fine advertisem ent. when he fell into the Devil’s P un­ is eleven squarts miles and most The person that sent in the ness in San Francisco. He expects They report th a t th eir m other is ists who register every day a (Continued on Page 4) chbowl, the largest of the springs. Next year It is planned to have alarm has not yet been located. improving steadily, and will soon much b etter idea of w hat Ashland of it is close to the Pacific Gas to retu rn late this week. a different type of poster printed, be recovered. and Electric Company’s railroad flowers are like. from B artle to P it river. with the city of K lam ath Falls for construction of the Oregon, California & Eastern railw ay to Sprague river was granted by the council last night. The railw ay is advertising th a t stock shipm ents will be received at Sprague river in August, indicating th a t the line will be complfieted to th a t point within the next month. LOCAL MAN NAMED BÏ j CHINESE GIRL HOLDS M I LINAISSAFEIY VALVE SAYS SCIENCE GET CONVENTION Tourists Pleased By Band Concert Fire Company Gets 2 Alarms FALLS MÂN SCALDED WHILE SAVING DDG