h ö g Fötn ASÉUKft Ä i A MifföÄ »w » W UedtiPsaay, August Ì, Î6Ü8 fe j Marshfield M ¡Daily News Letter’ LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES j J ™ ftnnl j REGION KEEP COOL CôhtfâCt Uôfk. YANKEE AVERAGES ALLEGED PILFERERS HELD PENDING TRIAL » » WASHINGTON, Aug. 1.— G raduates of northern universi­ ties a re teaching the children of m iners in soft coal districts in Alabama domestic science, the reports received by a field w ork­ er for the Bitum inous O perators’ Special Committee, which is co­ operating with the United States Coal Commission. The teachers supplied by the bitum inous operators a t Edge- w ater, Docena and Bayview, Ala­ bama have their own home also provided by the company. In these m ining communities m aintained by the Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad company in Alabama, the investigator found community and school gar­ dens with even kindergarten chil­ dren keeping their small plots. Tooth brush cabinets and tooth brush d rills were phases of health educational work. A ttractive practice houses for the study of domestic science are in each community. Domestic science principles are taught both whites and negroes in these towns. In the domestic science courses all the factors in home­ m aking are taught including sew­ ing, preserving of fruits, baking, packing of proper lunches, and the like. The progress made in teach­ ing the m anual arts’ impressed the field agent, who said: “ In the kindergarten at Edgew ater, the young boys had made a num ­ ber of kiddie cars, coasters and express wagons, well made and painted. In another kin d erg art­ en the girls had made a large house and all the fu rn itu re and furnishings. They wove little rugs, hemmed the curtains and bedding, made little wooden fu r­ niture, etc. The children are encouraged to carry out their own ideas in all this work. Tn one place I saw a num ber of flower boxes made and painted by little girls under ten years of age. They had even sawed the wood.” FOR SALE— Lot on Alida street $25.00 down, $10.00 a month. Phone 280 or call 108 Pioneer avenue. 281-1 mo. W ANTED 20 foot or extension ladder and platform scales. Phone 411-R. EARLY IN THIS AGE M E H SALE Street $50,000 Dundee to install city water system. sôwôt La Qrande-^-Wiseonr-in lumber company to erect mil here. and It« « » SAN ANTONIO, Tex., Puly 31. — Liquid gold has ¡transformed Luling, Texas, from a sleepy lit­ SUPERIOR, Wis., Aug., 1.— Folks here shrugged their shoul­ COLUMBUS, Ohio, Aug., 1.— tle ham let of 500 souls into a H ere V isiting— ders, grinned a bit and wonder- The “ secret” is out. F ran k W'. bustling, hustling m unicipality Mrs. M ather, who was formerly ed why they couldn’t have ju&t Ballou, superintendent of schools of approxim ately 5,000 inhabi- Miss Helen Chappel of Ashland a wee bit of the excess heat oth- W ashington, D. C., came all the tan ts— almost over» night, Is in the city for a visit. Mrs. Ma­ er sections of the country swel- way to Columbus from the na- At was all brought about when th er m akes her home in New tered under during the July heat tion’s capital and told a local the “folly” of two youths from York City, and will retu rn later wave. For Superior sometimes audience how to pick a city San Marcos, Texas, proved to be In the month. shivered w’ith cold while the rest school superintendent out from a golden dream. W hat was said to be a “ dry hole” in oil country ---------- ‘ NEW YORK, Aug., 1.— The of the nation suffered from u n - ! a crowd. slang, came in as a gusher, spout­ H ere’s how it is done: R eturns To Oakland— suecefB of the Yankees in the bearable heat. Not once during the two weeks pick on a man whose age ap- ing hundreds of barrels of the Jack Bell, Jr., the son (|f Jack present race to Pennantville in of hot w eather did the m ercury pears to be between 37 and 50 gold-black fluid over th e crown Bell, an express m essenger be- American League may well rach th 90-degree m ark here. years an(j ask him these ques- block of the derrick. tween Ashland and San Francisco he attrib u ted to team w ork, W ith the first spout and roar returned to his home in Oakland When Colonel Tillinghast L ’- Most of the time it hovered tions: “Are you m arried? Have One it you from one to three children? of the oil the transform ation of after a week's visit w ith the C. Hommedieu Huston sold out his around 50 degrees. L. Loomis family. This was Ja c k ’s holdings in the club to his part- slumped down to only 14 points do you belong to three profea- the little village began. H itch­ sional organizations? Are you ing posts, form erly the anchor­ first visit to southern Oregon and j n er> Colonel Jacob R uppert, it above freezing. Never does this city suffer to an officer in one? Do you be­ age of sleepy-eyed bronchos and lie reported having a splendid • meant that the tem perniental time. ' stars who had made life a bur- any extent from heat. Nestled jong to two civic organizations? family Dobbins, furnished p ark ­ ______ ; den for Miller Huggins, m anager close to m ighty Lake Superior, j Are you an officer in one? Do ing space for gasoline buggies, of the team , were a t last amen­ the lake th a t never gets warm you belong to two fratern al or- ranging from the $5,000 variety I s Operated On— not infrequently ganizations? Are you an officer to the flivver of the independent able to discipline. R uppert al- Superiorites Kenneth George, a four y e a r, find it uncom fortably cool to in one? Do you read two daily lease-worker. Each train on the j ways stood by Huggins, even old Indian boy from Smith River • drive in open m otor cars, even newspapers, four professional Southern Pacific R ailroad dis­ when the Gotham press was was placed in the Com m unity' gorged cargoes of wild-eyed clam oring for the removal of the during July and August. magazines and three non-profes­ H ospital yesterday, and later in I No less unusual than the ab­ sional magazines? scouts for big oil companies and only m anager ever to bring an th e day underw ent an operation, j American le a g u e pennant to sence from th is city of really hot If an affirm ative answ er is hum an freight hunting get-rich- He is improving quite rapidly. w eather is the phenomena found given t0 each of the9e questions quick snaps. M anhattan. His stanch defense of the lit- in the sudden changes of tern- tjje man ia a cjty scb Ool superin- Superintendent Ballou Hlight O peration ieader was the cause of some perature experienced only a few te n d e n t Main street, which form erly miles from the lim its of the city, I 8aid th ,g method of identification boasted of only one or tw’o stores E. Mj Rease of Alida S tre e t! friction between the two colo- underw ent a slight operation at nels. This friction spread to the The cool “ belt” does not include ^ ag discovered in connection of th e general variety, has blos­ somed forth with all-night res­ the Community Hospital yester- players. The big atars of the the entire county of Douglas, w ith a recent survey. wherein Superior is located. I t ______________" ta u ra n ts and cabarets. The day. He was not seriously ill, and team were wont tb take their scratchy phonograph in George will be able to be around again m anager's order? with a grain of covers little more than the area salt and act in the field on their occupied by this city. W hen Su­ H arrison’s general store, m eeting In a few daj’s. own initiative. Huggins was perior is so chilly as to m ake an place and post office of the com­ overcoat feel com fortable, at a powerless to move. His hands munity, has been drowned out by H as F ine Trip— were tied. Although he had distance of 15 miles from the the raucous tones of the q u artr- Dick Stratton, a form er Ashland proved him self to be a m anager heart of the city; in another di­ in-the-slot pianos of the dance boy. who last w inter was pipe or-' rection it may be encountered of no mean ability, he could not halls th a t came like the dew in ganist in a big Portland th e a tre ,, The m otorist discipline his players an circum- 10 miles away. th e night. Two men, who gave th eir and who has been w orking at ’ suddenly feels the hot breath of stances w arranted. Prices of the most necessary Pendleton this suimn r was in a land breeze. A moment later names as Harvey Gordon, a sail­ But Huggins hided his time. commodities have soared. W here Ashland yesterday, on his return he b etter appreciates the kind­ or, whose last port was Seattle, Non-communicative, a man who before money converfaiton dealt to Pendleton after a trip to Tia ness of n atu re to those who live and H erbert Haley, a Seattle kept to himself instead of coun­ man, are lodged in the city jail in pennies, nickels and dimes, Juana. The trip was made by auto. here. selling with his players, he plod­ talk is now of hundreds, thous­ Mr. Stratton reports excellent As rem arkable as is the sud­ as the resu lt of the alleged strip ­ ded his paths. He knew base­ ands and hundreds of thousands roads the entire distance w ith the denness with which tem perature ping of a disabled .m otor truck ball. No clique among the play­ of dollars. exception of the unpaved stretch changes are encountered is the near the top of the Siskiyous ers could tak e away this know­ Each oil well tapped has through northern California. difference between the respective early yesterday m orning. ledge front hint. He was criticiz­ brought a bigger tran sien t popu­ The truck, which belonged to tem peratures. Not infrequently ed in the press and even by his lation to the community and con­ Rack From V acation— a change as great as 40 degrees D errel Qrimmins, became dis­ players for w hat they term ed abled near th e sum m it of the versation in larg er rums. F arm ­ Percy Stratton, a mail carrier Is experienced. I “ lack of judgm ent.” Huggins did ers have forgotten crops; ranch­ for the Ashland Post Office is The reason for the rem arkable Siskiyous, and was left until not answ er these criticisms. He ers have forsaken stock and •'•at- differences in climatic conditions morning. back on his job again after spend­ i showed th a t he knew w hat he here and in surrounding te rri­ According to the com plaint, a tle— each is absorbed in the game ing an enjoyable ten day summer j was doing when he brought the of getting rich by boring into the vacation. tory lies in the fact th a t this city party consisting of Harvey Gord­ i team home a w inner two years is built in a cup-dike area, form ­ on, H erbert Haley, Ray Clay, bowels of M other E arth and re­ ‘ ago— a feat never before per- ed by a series, of hills. The chil­ Merle Smith, his wife and two leasing the pent-up flow of li­ L eave For Portland— ! formed by any m anager the team ly winds off the lake are large­ year old child, and a ninteeen quid gold. Mr. Earl Dearc’orf, who with a had. And the feat was all the ly arrested by these hills and year old girl named May Buck- p arty of friends has been visiting W ith the advent of the oil more convincing because he had shut off from te rrito ry only a ney, all of whom were going from his m other on North Main street scouts and independent operators , _ X1 . to have his team on its toes to few miles away. Seattle in two Ford cars, stopped left «or his home in Portland has come the inevitable retinue _ . . ' . . . ... , , , the end of the season to win, PLAN MEMORIAL FOR S aturday night with Mr. Diamond, „ i a , McCollum, r. ii u- as they say in horse-racing vo- NEWSPAPER REPORTER of gam blers, scarlet women and Mr. M arcott and Mr. his V.,, 1 r. «ir “ by r» a nnon underw’orld wolves. Every card cabulary, nose. com panions on the trip. The boys Then followed the w orld’s cer- COLUMBUS, O., Aug. 1.— A game known to th e frontier from reported a very enjoyable trip, ies with the Giants, disastrous to fine memorial in honor of Jam es draw and stud poker t o . three fine roads, and th a t they were the Yankees. Huggins was W. F aulkner, for many years leg­ card monte and ro ulette, flour­ very favorably impressed with , . ,. panned again. B ut he was sign- islative correspondent for the ishes. H undreds and thousands A shland and the surrounding v of dollars, made in a day by the ed up for the following year, and country. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Aug. 1.— Cincinnati E nquirer, is being a r­ quick turnover of 'leases near again he brought the team home “ The young men of today who ranged in this state by his prospective wells and those which a w inner “ by a head,” despite G oes To M ontague— m arry early in life are better able friends both in and out of the have ju st come in, are lost n ig h t­ opposition in the ranks. Again “ Jim ” Orville Hall, who last year was to take care of th eir wives than new spaper profession. he lost the w orld’s series to the F a u lk n e r’s ideal was to help the ly on the gam ing tables. cheer leader at the High school the young men of fifty years ago.” B ut the citizens of Luling are Giants, and again the critics fired left yesterday for Montague,, Professor W illiam A. Lewis, younger w orkers in «his profes­ not w orrying. Life to them is w here he will be employed by a barrage at bim. head of the departm ent of socio­ sion and this ideal will he per­ lum ber company doing mill work. Huggins was signed to logy and economics at the K an­ p etrated In th e m em orial, which strenuous now, but they know lie plans to work in Montague ^ead t ^1P team " And this year sas City Junior College, says so. will be a fund out of which to the history of oil and of oil com­ m unities. They know th a t w ith­ u n til .he opening ot the school ls '• b o » " - » « * “ n’anagf And Professor Lewis, who has been make loans to deserving students, in six months or a year the flush : name only. He has whipped the p articularly those taking up term In September. of bringing in a new field will I players into line, and they are interested in social w elfare work journalism . for nearly fifty years, ought to ! playing as a unit, w ith all indiv- It is hoped to reach $10,000 have worn off; th a t the big oil Mrs. Abbott Dies— know. corporations will probably have W ord has ju st been received in ! -duality cast aside— for the first “ And another thing— the age or more, and subscriptions, no cornered th e field, and th a t the has piloted the m atter how sm all, are asked Ashland of the death of Mrs. E. I tim e since he As a resu lt his men are of m arriage is actually decreasing from all who knew Mr. Faulkner, wild oil day» of 1923 will be on­ team . T. Abbott, the m other of M rs., of instead of increasing, as some or his work. Money may be sent ly som ething they can relate to Beebe on the afternoon of J u lv , shooting along wit a ea w riters would have us believe,” ’ 23, following a long illness. The j about a doze.n gam*8 &nd ? to any of the following commit­ th eir children and grandchildren, Professor Lewis said. like the W orld W ar. death took place in M inneapolis.1 eTery indication, unless un ore Prem ium paid for youth is the tee, which is in charge of the Those who came in the night Mrs. Abbott was well known here seen accidcnts occur’ th a t they raising of the fund: A. E. Mc­ reason, he believes. will quietly fold th eir tents and and had many deep friends who " 111 not be headed before the cur- “ The young man of today has a Kee, Ohio State Jo u rn al, Colum­ disappear, hastening to another w ♦ ♦ « « ♦ » « « »♦« ■ ♦» ■ » ♦» « « < « ♦> ♦» 1 « «»♦> Growers, Attention We will run Wednesday and Caturday of this week, on beans at 2^c per It» and Black Berries 5c per tb. Next week and until furntlier notice we will run Tuesdays—Thursdays—Saturdays. You may pick the day before and deliver that even ins: and up until noon on the days we can. Nothing accepted after noon on the above men­ tioned days. Ashland Preserving Company X J? ARK well the powerful con­ struction of those hand-built C-T-C Cords. Is it any wonder users are piling up record long-distance mileage over some of the toughest roads in the west? And C-T-C’s won’t skid. A sk the first user you meet what he thinks of C-T-C Cords We want you to place at least one C-T-C Cord on your car on our highest personal recommendation. This remarkable tire will do tin* rest. Leedoms Tire Hospital, Dealers for Ash­ land. Other Dealers Throughout The Country. Columbia Tire Corporation o S b c o n di zr FOR SALE Hymalaya Berries 50c PER CRATE V T r T IR E S ANO TUBES ► ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 1 Asterkin Apples lc PER POUND Come and Pick Them 153 Granite Street. TODAY and TOMORROW! , .Thomas Mei! Sweaters are needed for Summer wear. Here are elever sleevless sweaters in silk and wool, and silk. Also Jaequette styles in both silk and wool. Sleevless Sweaters, Each $3.96 .Made of Silk and Wool in Bright Colors. A GREAT STAR > Sleevless Sweaters, Each $6.48 Made ol Silk in dilferent color combinations in both light and dark. Silk Sweater, Each $5.98 Silk Sweater in new Jaequette Styles. Colors, Tan, Grev and Jockey. New Wood Sweater, Jaequette Styles, Prices $4.48 and $5.48 C^arumuunl (j>ttíuni No need to tell the story. The whole world has read it. Rex Beach’s greatest book. The Star’s name means to pictures what “ Sterling ” means to Silver. FINAL CLEARANCE OF ALL WASH DRESSES LESS 20% REGULAR PRICE —also— Aesops Fables and Topics of The Day E. R. ISAAC & CO. The Quality Store Where Your Patronage is Appreciated. Admission 10c and 35c. ♦ ♦>< I I