frAGE TWO ÂSHLÀNÎ) D Á Í t t TÎDIXÔS ---- A s h l a n d D a i l y T i d i n g s certain (E sta b lish ed in 1870> SAYINGS ARE PARTLY TRUE ONLY jDaily News Letter! | OBSERVATION P u b lish ed E very E ven in g E xcept Sunday by Perhaps with no reference to France or the Ruhr occupations, George Brandes, Bert R. Greer ............................... Editor famous Danish critic, says: OFFICIAL CIT¥~PAPER~Teleplione 39 “ It is useless to send armies against ideas.” Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, Postoffice as That sounds well, but is only partly Second Class Mail M atter. true. Very much depends upon the nature Subscription P rice, D elivered in City of the ideas and the extent to which, peo­ One Month ...................................................... $ .65 ple are attached to them. Also, much de­ Three Months ................................................. 1.9 5 pends on the weight of the opposing ideas Six Months ...................................................... 3.75 and the strength of the force which can be One Year .......................................................... 7.50 brought to bear inlheir support. B y M ail and Rural R ou tes: One Month ...................................................... $ .65 In our Civil War the North sent armies Three Months ................................................. 1.95 against the southern idea of “ secession,” Six Months 3.50 and the greater numbers and resources of One Year .......................................................... 6.50 the North finally prevailed. The North was in devotion or sacrifice to her “ lost cause ’, DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: Single insertion, per inch .................................. 30 right ami the South wrong, hut it cannot Y early C ontracts: he said that the South was at all lacking One insertion a week .................................... $ .271 THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO (By L ith!anius) TOKIO, July 20.__Being heir apparent to the throne of°Japan is a mighty position to hold, and great honor attaches to it. But being unable to meet one’s fian­ cee, despite the fact th a t all plans for one’s wedding are being made, is a position less enviable. The Prince Regent H irohito, bridegroom -elect in Tokio, and the Princess Nagako K unl, the im perial bride-to-be, have a t last enjoyed their first inform al chat. And it is a m atter of some com­ ment in Tokio th a t the imperial couple, to be joined in wedlock in November, have m et— in the presence of a third person, of course— and talked about sub­ jects of personal interest to both of them. According to the old custom in Japan such m arriages are a r­ ranged by the families of the two principals. When the royal bride is chosen she meets her fiancee, along with many other princes, at the palace. But for them to meet and walk in the im­ perial gardens, or to play tennis together, or en'joy any of the dozen diversions th a t most young lovers are perm itted to enjoy these are things absolutely ta ­ boo. So it is quite natural th a t diplom atic Tokio, and court clr cles as well, expressed some su r­ prise when it was announced th at the Prince R egent and his bride had met inform ally. 1 have observed th a t Attorney W’ H- Briggs is setting the pace in drivinS blue colored automo- biles That a certain linotype opera­ tor says it is useless to attem pt to dive through the concrete bot­ tom of a swimming pool— That B artoletti says Sally Ann is m eeting with great favor-L, That Kohagen, of the novelty departm ent of the Enders com­ pany, took Sunday afternoon’s rain in his sh irt sleeves— T hat the work of enlarging the auto camp ground of Litliia park is under way— T hat Medford gets some con­ solation in saying th a t autom o­ bile registration headquarters will remain- there, despite the establishm ent of registration headquarters at Ashland— Two insertions a week ............... ....................... 25 That various Oregon editors be­ Regarding the saying of Brandes above Daily insertion ................................................ 20 came afflicted with sore feet ju st quoted, Collier’s comments that “ it is use­ prior to the ascent of Mt. Hood R a tes F or L egal and M iscellaneous A d vertisin g T hat there is no lim it to the less to send ideas against armies.” But F irst insertion, per 8 point line ................. $ .10 load a Ford can carry— that also is only a half truth. Each subsequent insertion, 8 point l i n e ......... 05 T hat a clerk in the Tw entieth Frequently in history ideas have pre­ Card of Thanks ............................................. 1.00 Century Grocery can figure him- O bituaries, per line ...........................................02 % vailed against armies, as in our Revolu- pelf out hard coin in m aking change— tionarv War, which resulted in victory WHAT CONSTITUES ADVERTISING* T hat Classified advertising in “All future events, where an admission charge is for the cause of liberty and independence, the Tidings gets quick resu lts— rather than of might.—Sacramento Bee. made or a collection taken is A dvertising. T hat the band stand in the city No discount will be allowed Religious or park needs a coat, or several Benevolent orders. coats of paint— Magnus Johnson is no sooner elected T hat a man arrested for being ' Untied States Senator from Minnesota DONATIONS: intoxicated on Jam aica ginger No donations to charities or otherw ise will be than newspaper again take up the cudgel gives his address as A shland— made in advertising, or job p rin tin g — our contribu­ against radicalism, which calls to mind there m ust be a m istake— tions will be in cash. that the best way to defeat radicalism is It all came about through the That if sum m er norm al were to never give it an opportunity to sprout. aid of Prince Kan-in, who was to extend over a n o th e r month JULY 20. there would be an increase in the Had morenNn xzfiffi vbgkqj xzfixzfiffw ffi scheduled to dine with the R egent enrollm ent of male members— and with Princess Higashi Fushi I Farmers have been ground under the heel T hat McGee has gone “ a-fish- IT PROFITETH NOTHING:— Though I bestow mi. W hen another Princess’s in g ”— of financial depression so long that they all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give name was mentioned Prince K an­ .That Bert Moses, of Sap and are bound to revolt. Had more interest in expressed the opinion th a t it Salt fame, has been parading our my body to be burned, and have not charity, it been given three or four years ago to the would be an excellent idea a t this streets recently around noon profiteth me nothing.— 1 C orinthians 13:3. future of the agricultural interests of the p articu lar tim e for the Prince Re hour— country there would be less occasion to gent to meet his bride-to-be at That Jordan is so blamed busy a dinner. The Prince Regent, th at he can’t get started on his A PLAIN STATEMENT worrv about Sovietism. progressive at all tim es and not outing— so thoroughly bound by old tra ­ T hat a num ber of Ashland m er­ In accordance with a policy adopted hv Soviets, radicals and anarchists often ditions as were his m orbears, ex­ chants are overlooking some the management, the Tidings will in the times spring from unbearable conditions pressed pleasure at the idea, and m ighty good bets in the business consequence Prince Knnl. world— future wage a continuous campaign in be­ imposed on them by those in power. While In Princess K uni, th eir daughters. half of the commercial interests of Ashland. Americans have no use for the Soviets of Princess Nobuko and Princess Na­ That E lh art knows th a t he a vacation— There will be no swerving from the course, Russia there are none but who can condemn gako, the la tte r the bride-to-be, needs T hat the Sunday afternoon and to gain the desired end every effort the oppressive conditions that prevailed in were all asked to the Kasumi- concerts are a fine thing— Palace, home of the Re­ That Governor Pierce is getting will be exerted to develop trade in all the that country). We abhor radicalism in Am­ gaseki gent, for dinner. the harpoon for treatin g the mercantile and manufacturing lines rep­ erica yet we permit conditions to exjst W hile the older m embers of president with courtesy— resented here. If proper support is accord­ breed radicals of the worst type. the party discussed w eightier T hat O. H. Johnson is going ed the Tidings in its efforts a powerful topics, the two fu tu re ru lers had to give me a list of names— force can be set in motion that will tend Winter is suggested by fuel dealers haul- an inform al chat and became fast That some fellows never think friends. of going blind in saying, when to increase Ashland’s importance in the ju g coal through the streets, Though the one m eeting has they refuse to advertise, “ I’ll see commercial world. Every resource of the been more or less officially ap­ jo u tom orrow ”— paper will he devoted to a campaign of With the coming of the hot, dry months proved by older m embers of the That V. O. N. Smith can han­ education with a view of convincing the of summer we are reminded that it is the court circles, it is stated with dle the slide trom bone— head of every family within Ashland’s season of forest fires. Every individual some au th o rity th a t this does not T hat Swenson is enjoying a lay trade territory of the advantage of who goes into the forests can aid greatly mean th a t the Prince Regent and off and— his bride-to-be are to be allowed T hat Peeble r is busier than patronizing Ashland firms. But hefoi ’© in-1 in conserving the wealth and beauty of to m eet a t all frequently. ever— itiating the campaign mapped out it is the country by exercising proper caution That real grown-ups whisper in necessary that Ashland business men take in .preventing fires. Our forests are being W hile the Prince Regent and Normal School— a special inventors, not ot their stock in consumed at a rapid rate through neces- his bride-to-be are getting ac­ T hat an Ashland resident sug­ quainted, preparations for the gests th a t wind-shields advertis­ trade, hut ol business conditions as they sary commercial channels and to destroy wedding go on, and official and ing Ashland be placed on to u r­ exist today; of methods of holding not only them through carelessness is ernn- diplom atic Tokio becomes more ist cars— the trade that is theirs at present hut of inal. That the Columbia Hotel has and more interested In ju st who securing an increased volume of business. will be invited to the palace fol­ issued a neat little pocket folder It is necessary to give serious conideration There is one way of winning the ever lowing the actual wedding cere­ entitled “ Map it to A shland”— That quite often I am com­ to prices, to appearances within their places lasting friendship of those who make up monies. pelled to recall the quotation, all concerned over the v ari­ of business, to intelligent advertising cam­ the rural communities and that is for the ous Of ,‘arrangem “ The best bottle stopper is the ents, the officials paigns, and to improved window displays. business men of the town to make a com- of the Im perial Household De­ man who can cork his tem per”— It is necessary that attention he given to mon cause with them. Display an inter- partm ent are said / to be most T hat Dan Bowerman, who hoasted of having secured a great a dozen and one conditions that can he est in the problems oi the farmer, the w orried ju st now. I t happens bargain in the purchase of a th a t a t the tim e of the m arriage combined in making a drive for increased stockman, the fruit grower and the dairy- of “ bug” had to be towed in through the present Em peror of Japan trade. It is imperative that consideration man. Aid him in solving his problems anc there were only 3,000 Govern­ the mud and rain W ednesday ev­ must he given to the development of loyal-1 you will convince him that you have his m ent officials who held court ening— ty between the town and the rural districts, interest at heart, and he will not onlv •» be- ran k above the fifth grade, and That a certain young lady at all these were invited to the wed­ a certain fountain did not ob­ and there must he loyalty between the busi­ come your patron but your life-long friend ding banquets. Now th a t Japan serve the difference between the ness men of the town. has progressed to its present cream can and the milk can un­ In speaking of loyalty as between the Ask the successful salesman the secrets state, the num ber of officials has til after the milk shake had been business tirms of the town reference is of his success. Nine out of ten will reply increased so much th a t it is prac­ shook— T hat ju st now and then you made not only to the necessity of a spirit as follows: “ Enthusiasm for that which I tically impossible to invite all of­ come across the rare specimen ficials of the same rank to the of good fellowship pervading all, but there am selling and a comprehensive know­ wedding festivities. It is under­ who does not advertise because must be adopted the unswerving policy of ledge of its many qualities.” The most stood, in addition to this, th a t “ he already has more business trading with each other. To illustrate the successful salesman is the most enthusi­ the Em peror and Em press have than he can tran sact— you are growing weary point. Only this ,$veek a man directly in­ astic. Develop enthuiasm in your business, ordered th at the wedding be as of That this. simple as possible, and thus it terested in one of the leading enterprises Mr. Merchant, and impart that enthusiasm is th a t the Im perial Household of the town received a shipment of mer­ to the public through direct contact, D epartm ent has w orries enough Portland to secure $2,000,000 washing power plant. to keep it quite busy. chandise from a well known mail order through newspaper advertising and firm. The merchandise could easily have through your windows and ere long your practically every corner been duplicated in three local stores, both list ot patrons will grow at an unprece­ of From W O TO-NIGHT Japan comes word of prepara­ for loss of appetite, bad breath, as to price and quality. The same individ­ dents rate. tions on the part of the R egent’s, coated tongue, biliousness, ual is expecting Ashland business men and B7fAonf griping or nausea subjects to honor him on the day! citizens to pull for his firm and is expect­ Selfishness is a sore that infests not of his wedding. The m unicipal­ C H A M B E R L A IN ’S ing loyalty from the town in general. Not only individuals, but business firms, frat­ ity of Tokio is considering the TABLETS erection of a Y5.000.000 ($2,- Set your liver rig h t-o n ly 25c only is he expecting loyalty but unless he ernal orders, charitable institutions, civic 500,000) library to commemor­ receives it he is ready to read the riot act organizations and all other societies made ate the event, while other m un­ to the first one with whom he comes in up of individuals. There is always present icipalities are planning sim ilar Five contact. To state the facts plainly, the in them the everlasting fear ithat '.they appropriate memorials. girls from thirteen pro­ ■ ■■■■■■ JQQIi business man who sends his money to a will perform some act for which they may thousand fessional schools throughout J a ­ 3 merchant ol another town does not deserve not receive the credit. pan are preparing to raise a big the loyalty ot his tellow business men nor sum for a gift to the royal pair. ■■■■■■■■■■■I of the citizens in general. He deserves Whether or not Ashland becomes a city TH E HARTM AN SYNDICATE nothing short of condemnation. The Tid­ of thirty or forty thousand people rests Suffered 2 5 Y e ir s O FFE R S CH EA P F U E L ings is not assuming that the foregoing almost solely with the few thousand al A M entirely free from my Piles N atural gas is the most satis­ incident took place, but knows it to he a ready here. For most part man his ruler factory fuel. and aches and pains,” writes reality, knows the name of the business of his own destiny, and men are the rulers It is far cheaper than coal or one of my form er women patients w ho, after suffering 25 years, was man, his line of business, and the details. of the destiny of the town in which they wood. Cheap gas encourages other in­ cured by my painless, non-surgical Before the business man can expect the live. dustries. treatm ent. But this case is n o ex­ rural districts and outside points to display If you wish your home to be ception, as scores o f letters in my com fortably and cheaply heated, a feeling of loyalty to his town he must FREE illustrated book will testify. Frequently one is compelled to detour if you wish Ashland to hum with first learn to “ shoot square” with his fel­ I use no knife, anaesthetic, damps, liga­ industry, if you wish to live in tures, stitches, burning nr nthgr ditagrp». low business men. There must be a prac­ when traveling along the highways but it the CITY of Ashland ra th e r than able or dangerous method in treating is seldom necessary to make a detour and tical application of the Golden Rule. in the VILLAGE of Ashland, buy Piles, and GUARANTEE results. pass up the home merchant when you re­ Remember my guarantee The Tidings stands ready to cooperate quire necessary supplies for your home or Shale-O il Stock and share in the means a positive and per­ profits. with the business man or firm that is loyal its members. manent cure no matter R. P. CAMPBELL, how severe your case to Ashland and Ashland institutions, but Agent for Ashland. may be. is frank in saying that it has no desire to Why not a trade excursion of Ashland exert the slightest effort in behalf of the business men into northern California Eugene— Contracts awarded D R O fA S . J. DEAN for rocking Ada-Glenda and Cush­ disloyal, be he business man or fanner. some time during the present season? man-Florence road projects. Friday, July 20, 102,4 homes in towns and suburbs, but To know practically the only use that may be ruajie of it on the premises how good a cig arette is as feed for chickens, and this re a lly can be mad< you m u st try a- uset according to the bulletin, 4 caii be made very profitable it Sheriff Terrill and a special of- "b ird s are properly selected fleer from Myrtle Creek passed for la>’ine qualities and are given through here yesterday, with S°od housing and care. It is as three boys, aged eight, ten and sumed th at each hen in her pul- twelve, and whose names could let Xear win Produce at least 10 not be learned. dozen eggs, a reasonable require- A few days ago the boys stole j m ent of only 1 egg every 3 days, UGARI a Dodge truck from the street at The s,ze of the hack-yard flock Myrtle Creek, it is charged, a n d ! seldom should go below 10 hens, attem pted to get to San Francis-! Ten birds laying eggs at the spec- co. ified ra te will produce 100 doz- The sheriff got trace of the en in a year, which at the con- boys, and with a Douglas county servative price of 4 0 eents a doz- deputy, went in pursuit of the en> will make the flock income boys, catching them between the a year. Oregon boundary and Yreka. The T heater building, costing $40,- boys returned willingly enough, It pays to advertise. it is said, and will be taken to 000, to be erected in St. Johns. Roseburg to face charges of la r­ ceny in the juvenile court. LUCI STRIKE HEXS GOOD INVESTMENT SAYS GOVERNMENT EX PERT A small flock of hens instead of a large garbage can means a sizeable balance on the side of th rift. In a nutshell, th at is the essence contained in the 20 pages of F arm ers’ Bulletin 1331, Eack-Yard Poultry Keeping, just issued by the United States De­ partm ent of A griculuture. It Is a revision of a form er bulletin and contains many new sugges­ tions and conveniences th a t will be useful to flock owners in vil­ lages, small towns, and suburbs. Various uses are now made of the table waste collected from ICY-HOT BOTTLES AND FOOD JARS add to lie pleasures mid conveniences < if the home, the eamp, the vacatimi and tin picnic. See Our Assortment. $1.72 to $5.50, each YOU CAN ALSO PURCHASE STERNO (.aimed Heat Sterno Stoves and \p p bailees at our Store. Rooks and Stationery ELHART’S Toilet A rticles Drug: Sundries /F FREE We drain your erank case, transmission and differential, absolutely FREE of charge—and ive are only a jiffy doing it. Give Us A Trial Ashland Service Station Oeser & Son JULY Clearance Sale Special Bargains are being offered in Bath Towels for S a tu r d a y BATH TOWELS, each 48c Size 22x44, extra large size made of double threaded 'ferry, making it a heavy towel. Sold Regularlv al 65c each. BATH TOWELS, each 19c Medium size towels and good quality for fam­ ily use. Sold regularlv at 25c each. BATH TOWELS, each 29c Bleached Turkish Towel, soft absorbent, Terry, even weave. Sold regularlv at 35c each. BATH TOWELS, ea. li 44c Extra heavy, Bath Towels, made of double thread 'Perry, an excellent quality service giv- i ng towt at a special price. w A V E R L Y Motor Oils come from under Penn­ sylvania—whence ccmes the world’s best crude petroleum. They are 100% paraffine. Waverly, All Pennsylvania, Motor Lubricants are your car’s best guarantee of long service. That’s why we sell and rec­ ommend Waverly, All Penn­ sylvania, Motor Oils. Kay & Morrison BATIl TOWELS, 3 for 50c Small size Bleached Turkish Towel made with Blue Border. \Cry absorbent. Sold Regular 20c each. BATH TOWELS, cacti 75c. For those.who want an extra large heavy Turk­ ish 'Towel, at a special price, lion* it is. BATH TOWELS, each 48c. Good weight, fancy Bath 'Towels in Rink, and Gold. Sold Regularlv at 59c each. ASHLAND, ORE. E. R. ISAAC & (The Quality Store) Your Patronage Is Appreciated T PILE I Big Bargain lor the New Baby ALlovd Baby Carriage. J J o Continuous strand loom woven wicker body—Ivory Finish —Upholstered in Corduroy—Rubber Tires. It is a beauty and will be a joy forever. We have one onlv in stock. Made to sell in the regular way at $62.50. Our Price $25.00 Whose baby will ride in this beautiful carriage. First comes gets it. Ashland Furniture Company 67 N. Main Ashland, Oregon