AfciiAtfrt daily Tföiftos Tuesday, July 17, 1023 PAGE THREW SB » « » ♦ » « » » » »»■» » « « « WANTED—Chambermaid at it Ore- Ore­ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ u i n u n w gon Hotel. w w Why not prepare now for that Two tourists, Mr. and Mrs. Sor- John Lee of Baker, Oregon one fishing and hunting trip? We enson of Tacoma, spent yesterday of the biggest sheep men in Ore­ ’• Classified Column ö have everything you need. Army : in Ashland, and stated that this gon was in Ashland yesterday WANTED— Man with team to A Column Devoted to Brief Goods Store. 268-2 was the most beautiful city they preparing to ship several carloads haul 72 tier fir from Mahon --------- had seen in Oregon. of sheep to Portland. <> Business and Personal Notes. place, 3 miles southwest Ash­ Albert Aljets and wife of --------------------------- — ----— ------ C lassified C olum n R ates land. Or sell on place. $2 tier Crockett, California passed yes­ One cent the word each time. if all taken. Mrs. E. B. Miller, W. R. Power, Seattle business terday in Ashland visiting with To run every issue for one Box 564, Ashland. 263-tf man, was in Ashland yesterday, friends. month or more, %c the word 99 each time. here. Cliff Payne makes boxes. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE Have a fit at Orres— tailors for B y H erbert C rooker men and women. 226-tf FOR SALE— The bungalow lot Mr. and Mrs. ¿J. C. Karnoppy just across from the park foun­ PHYSICIANS of Portland were visitors in the tains. Large lot running (Adapted from the Patheserial by Y \ alter A. Harney and family city yesterday . through from Park avenue to DR. MATTIE B. SHAW—Resi-, Bertram Millhauser dence and office, 108 Pioneer' 01 Santa Barbar, California, who Granite St., faces 216 feet on avenue. Telephone 28. Office are touring the coast, spent yes- Granite and 260 feet on Park For sale on easy payments, a Copyright by Pathe Exchange, Inc. drive. Has 50x50 dancing pa­ hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 terday and today in Ashland and 5-room modern, furnished bunga- vilion on it. This is a wonder­ p. m. only. i the vicinity. low, paved street. E. T. Staples. ful location for an apartment 268-tf ' and Ashland needs just such a DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac J. A. Bradin of Oakland, Call- tice limited to eye, ear, nose and CHAPTER V structure right now. I have not throat—X-ray including teeth, fornia, with his wife and family, To B eat a K nave the capital to build the apart­ E. M. Short, a Portland busi­ ment and need the money now- Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to Spent yesterday in Ashland visit- ness man, was transacting busi­ 5. Swedenburg Bldg, Ashland/ ing friends. invested in the property in my ness in Ashland yesterday and to­ The mysterious “Mr. Jones’* be­ Ore. printing business. Will sell all “I am Pearl Travers,” came the day. or any part of it at a real bar- < came infuriated, panic-stricken, answer. CHIROPRACTORS Full line of ammunition. We gain, if taken at once. Go u p 1 when he beheld the crafty Profes­ Deering was infuriated. “I’ll make sor Eichner approaching the girl he it eighty-five thousand!” he roared. and look it^over^and m akejnel DR E B ANGELL— Chiropractic repair, buy, trade and sell new When the fire alarm sounds, it an offer. Bert R. Greer, Tid­ “One hundred thousand!” the girl com­ and used guns. Army Goods is too late to get your insurance loved with the sinister bottle held and Electro-Therapy. The com- ings office. 208-tf high over his head. The young man bid calmly. bination does wonders. First Store. 266-tf written. Do it now. Let me drew back to the far corner of his “One hundred and ten thousand!” National Bank Bldg. Phone FOR SALE, TRADE OR RENT— I 48-142. quote you rates. E. T. Staples. I strange imprisonment and dashed Deering raised. 160 acres unimproved land, un­ o„o tr against the door, throwing his en- “One hundred and twenty-five House Calls D. A. O’Brien of Oakland was 2b8' t f itire weight on it. incumbered, near village of 300 thousand!” a business visitor in Ashland There was a terrific crash, and on S. P. R. R. and good hard DR. HAWLEY—Above The bidding continued until Tidings yesterday. Is your house and furniture in-| the door was torn from its hinges, roads, 100 acres under fence Pearl’s bid reached two hundred with • good natural pasture, I office. Phone 91. sured? If not see Staples for ser- falling on the scientist and pining thousand dollars. This was too much him underneath it. “Mr. Jones’’ pick­ for Deering. Boiling with rage he plenty of water. Three roomed DR. ERNEST W. SMITH—Chiro- . BI,G SPECIAL for 30 days bs* vice. 268-tf ed himself up off the floor and ex­ gave up. The girl calmly wrote ouf house, barn and woodshed. For praetor, near Postofflce. Hours Sinning July 9th on Tires at Lee- amined Eichner. The man was only a check and handed it to Etheridge, further particulars address F. 9-12 and 2-5. Phone 114. doms Tire Hospital. M. Cummins of Dunsmuir was slightly stunned. Then, tunning to who turned over the emerald pend­ J., care Ashland Tidings. 148tf Lady attendant Mondays, Wed- ______ ant. Then, turning to Deermg, he a business visitor here yesterday, , ^ arl Tr^veis’.2 J onef ’ u aidA « , ! »»ernoon. „ „ „ „ Oreen o( Oat|and • “Come! Grab those stock certificates said: MISCELL A NEOUS I and let’s get out of here! We might “Say, Deering, could you use a CONVALESCENT HOME— Cot- California spent yesterday in the C. Gilchrist and wife of Wen- as well be on our way! paste replica of this pendant? I’ve, LOANS— Farm loans; City loans; tage plan. Invalids cared for city visiting friends. atchee, Washington, who are tour- i And now, before going into had one made so’s my wife could Amortized 4 Va per cent. W. G. in home surroundings. Matern­ ing the coast, were registered at Pearl’s next exploit for the accumu sport it while I kept this one in the , Wright, Stewart Bldg., Med­ I „«4 . / v. • j . x . “ lation of the precious. Centra vault. How much for the paste ity department. Terms rea-1 We make a specialty of picnic the Hotel Ashland, last night. Building certificates, it is necessary one ?” ford 204-lmo* sonable. Phone 411R. 248-tf. and campers’ needs. Derrick’s. They report that they like Ash- to observe closely the home o‘ Deering was overjoyed. “I’ll A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY— 236-tf land immensely. Stephen de Lissa. give you ten thousand for it,” he The Hoover Company, of North Mrs. de Lissa, a stunning woman, said, “providing you detain Miss TRANSFER ~AND EXPRESS was seated in the handsome living Travers here—as your guest, mind I Canton, Ohio, requies a high ----------------------------------- --------- James A. White of San Fran- room in an attitude of desperation you, until noon tomorrow.” class man with automobile to FOR prompt and sareful service, cisco, was a business visitor here Now and then she would pace up It was the girl’s turn to register auto trucks or horse drays, call „„„. , TT , . market its products in Med­ and down nervously, and become dismay. However, before anyone Whittle Transfer Co. Phone yesterday- He was accompanied startled at the slightest noise. There could make a move, she turned and ford, Ashland, and Northern 117. Office, 89 Oak street, near hy his 80n- I was a reason for the charming raced for the door, pendant in hand. California. Mr. M. E. Elliott, Hotel Ashland. 56tf --------- lady’s anxiety. Mrs. de Lissa hac Etheridge was too quick for her,1 manager, will interview appli- ‘ When you blow out, blow in to played the market heavily, much and aided by his two associates he cants at the Enders Store on T. L. POWELL— General Trans­ Leedom’s for Tires. .v n /A v . ¡against her husband’s wishes, and succeeded in blocking her exit. 256tf fer—Good te«tm and motor AKRON, Ohio, July 16. Major had lost A smooth bucket-shop “Surely, you don’t object to be­ Wednesday, the 18th instant,' trucks. Good service at a rea­ Eddie Rickenbacker, famous ace, swindler had threatened her with ing my guest, Miss Travers,” he i from 11 a. m. to 4 p. m. sonable price. Phone 83. W. D. Pierce of American Falls, got up the other morning in Mt. exposure if she would not turn fifty smiled. “A mere formality, you 267-8 ! Idaho, spent yesterday in Ash- Clemens, Mich., ate his break- thousand dollars over to him. know. Just till we get your check TRY FEHIGE FOR HAULING land. Mr Pierce lg taklng hia , a ., That morning, her husband hac certified. Maybe you’re not Miss and transfer work of all kinds. vacation. fcfc.ST BUY ON GRANITE” ST .— fast, went to his office and opened entrusted ®her with a beautifu Travers, eh?” 375 B St. Phone 410-R. his morning mail. At 9:45 a. m. emerald pendant, which she was to Pearl’s objection proved futile. Old 9 room house. Lot 75 feet 200-lmo The men departed and left her he went to a flying field and give her daughter that night when on Granits St. 250 feet deep, Monuments from the Blair boarded his Diane ’‘S n a rk Pl.iir ” the ®rl’s engagement would be an- locked in the room. The girl was Doaraea nis plane, spark Plug. nounced. Shortly after this, Ether- furious. She tugged at the door­ 100 feet fronting Pine St., mak- JERRY' O’NEAL—Plumbing. 207 «. • j in a 3 good lo ts C itv assess- E a s t M ain. P h o n e 138. quarry’ Patr°B^ e home Indus ing 3 good lots. City a s s e s s -------------------------------------------- try. Exclusive salesman. S. he In an hour and fifty minutes ¡dge, the swindler, had made his knob, but it was of no avail. Finally shaking hands with Ak- appearance and again threatened Pearl got an idea. She turned her ments in and paid for. See P L A N IN G MILL M IL L Penniston. Res. 476 Laurel St. ron, was PLANING O., officials at Stow Field ber w*th exposure. Fearing the attention to a bric-a-brac cabinet this and make offer. S. L. A l­ JORDAN’S SASH AND CABINET Phone 444Y. ir,n . .. wrath of her husband, the unfortu- against the wall. At length she man­ 253-lmo lo0 miles away from his starting nate woman ¡n deSper’ation had sil- aged to tip it, and with a crash it i len, 63 N. Main St. 268-3 WORKS, Cor. Heilman and • P°int- enced the bucket-shop gentleman by fell to the floor. Van Ness. 194-tfl A Salem business man, E. B. FOR ADOPTION—A six week old The noise startled Etheridge and And thatis what will be hap- turning over the emerald pendant Hunt, was transacting business : pening daily in these United to him. his associates, who immediately MONUMENTS baby girl. Apply at once, Box rushed upstairs. Pearl waited be­ , i It was no wonder then that Mrs. here yesterday. XY T id in g s. 267-3* . es in a few years, Ricken- de Lissa was in a nervous state of hind the door, and, as the men rush­ MONUMENT—MARKERS r, . i hacker remarked casually, as he mind. What would she do that night ed past her, she darted out, locking Lowest Prices Better be safe than sorry. See prepared for a Speecj, a few hours when the pendant should be pre them in the room. The girl fairly ASHLAND GRANITE CO. FOR SALE Beaver Realty Co, about your in-: jater sented? How could she— But her flew down the stairs in her haste, 3rd and East Main St. 223-6mo surance. Phone 68. 287-tf — . I thoughts were put to rout by the and out the front door. Her car PLUMBING FOR SALE— Pathe phonograph, ______ i “The day Is not far away when sudden ring of the door-bell, and stood nearby, but looking up the . . . i every city of size will own its then the entrance of the butler. A driveway, she saw a motorcycle— almost new. A bargain for A party consisting of Dr. L. C. m unicinai f h - w fioin •> n Mr. Deering was announced, and a she would be able to get underway someone. Call at 651 or 675 McLain and family and E. Krllls p y s Held, he moment later that worthy gentleman quicker with the latter. In another Walnut. 267-t6* - - 1A i . , , . , of - Bakersfield, California spent continued. “In 25 years planes entered and bowed in a courtly man- moment the girl was speeding up the road endeavoring to overtrice will drop down and take on gas ner to the lady. 10-acre highly improved yesterday seeing Ashland. FOR SALE— Vinegar, any quan­ and undergo repairs just as au- understand,” he began, “tha Deering. . __ T a „ you own stock in the Central Build- Deering, however, was riding tity, 25c gallon. Geo. Yockel, close in. do now. In a quarter of a ¡„g, and j desire to buy it. Money along, snugly satisfied with himself BIG SPECIAL for 30 days be­ South Bellview. 266-3* and the fact that he had in his poc­ July 9th on Tires at Loe- century aviation will be the lead- is no object.“ Magnificent Boulevard ginning ket a replica of the emerald pend­ ing means of travel. An a ir-1 Mrs. de Lissa looked at her caller doms Tire Hospital. FOR SALE—Automobile or will is atmosphere. curiously then an idea struck her. ant. It meant much to him—more “Can I tell you something in abso- stock in the building in his posses­ trade for small residence or home, large lot and abun- lute confidence?” she asked Deer- sion—and brought him nearer to the Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Deaton of unimproved lots close in. Phone dance of fruit. STOPPED HIS PAINS Ing. The gentleman nodded. And fabulous wealth that awaited the I Portland spent yesterday here, 481-J. 266-tf then, in very few words, Mrs. de party who could control the Central “I was suffering with a severe £ f(S d him of her p £ 'h t - Building. | Mr. Deaton being here for busi- • A paying business in A sll-:ness reasons. • cold, headache, backache and the emeralc| pendant—and how FOR SALE— 1923 Model Ford Glancing back, he saw Pearl Trav­ pains in my abdomen,” writes J. much depended on its return. ers, a short distance down the road coupe, good as new, several ex­ land. but gradually overtaking him on the B. Dring, Newport, R. I. “A fterI. 4ha4 e?« r.aldJ Pendant For the best in sweet, milk and ♦«.Vi»,«, tras. $500.00. P. O. Box 264, it . „ . f°r me,” she finished, “and I prom­ motorcycle. He shouted for the cream go to Detrick’s. Ashland, Ore. 266-6* 10«-tf taking Foley s Honey and Tar in ¡se> on my word of honor> thp the chauffeur to put on more speed, Close in furnished Bunga-. conjunction with Foley Cathartic Central Stock will be turned over but even then Pearl seemed to gain. for sale or rent — F o u r low, easy terms The next moment found them both Miss F. H. Radke, with A. F. Tablets I was entirely relieved of 1° racing onward—neck and neck. my Cold and pains.” Coughs re- c,P e^ ’ng, ag^?jd' d°wn room cottage, newly papered Radke of Nullsville, Minnesota, ^,3. and departed. cai „„ Deering’s man attempted to crowd ____ A .,.— Etheridge’s address and cleaned, lot 50x125, some were Ashland visitors yesterday, i suiting from Bronchitis, Asthma, gut a new contestant was about to Pearl off the road, but she managed Hay Fever, Croup and Whooping enter the intrigue. Hardly had Deer- to skim by, just ahead of him. fruit. Cash or payment down, Hotel Ashland Bldg. balance by month. For partic­ Oranges, lemons, grape fruit— Cough are quickly relieved with in8 left when pearl Travers drove The girl could not help but look V d ^ U S e a r i Y a v i X ' back and laugh at her enemy— a Detrick sells for less. 106-tf Foie, » Honey and Tar. The larg- ulars, see Mrs. Lane at Tidings. laugh of triumph. But the laugh was est selling Cough medicine in the also seeking Central Building stock, her downfall, for she did not see i 266-6 Mrs. de Lissa confided the same that the road was boarded up, ahead A. S. Key and C. H. Key of World. Sold everywhere. proposition as to Deering. The girl of her and with a crash she collid­ FOR QUICK SALE—Will sacri- Youngsville, Ohio, were in Ash­ agreed to it, darted from the house, ed with the heavy timbers and fice beautiful located six room land looking after business in­ ASHLAND HAS “STRUCK OIL’’ leaped into her car and was off. As Well As • plunged headlong down an em- I house with kitchenette, bath, terests yesterday. The stockholders of the Hart­ But to return to Jude Deering, bankment. It was Deering’s turn to electric light, gas, nice lawn, man Syndicate own millions of we find that suave party bargaining laugh, as he whizzed by. with Etheridge, while three of the But -Pearl was not beaten yet. flowers, and /woodshed. Ap­ When you blow out, blow In to barrels of high grade oil. The i swindler’s associates listened. Eth- Stunned and dizzy she picked her­ ply 63 Gresham St. 268-t4* Leedom’s for Tires. 256tf Hartman Retort extracts the oil sridgedid not seem to” be~ greatly self up and resumed the chase. The 111 One Of from our Shale and a pipe line1 interested in Deering’s proposition, girl thought of a short-cut—a path FOR SALE— Five sheep. R. “I don’t have to sell this back to which was not wide enough for M. L. Short and E. G. Steiger will deliver it in Ashland. Scheidereiter, Route 1, Box Mrs. de Lissa or anyone else for Deering’s car. On she speeded, hop­ of Glendale, Oregon, w'ere busi­ Ashland should share in the fifty thousand 173. 268-3* dollars,” he said. “It’s ing to reach the de Lissa home be­ ness visitors in Ashland today. profits and glory of development mine now—I can sell it for what I fore her enemy. Her afforts were please.” soon rewarded, for five minutes of this mammoth industry. FOR SALE OR TRADE—A mod­ Deering was furious, but he rais­ J / See Paulserud’s Suits before 51 men are on the payroll of ed his offer to fifty-five thousand. ater found her running up the stone ern, well built house and six steps. Mrs. de Lissa was anxiously you buy. * 267-tf the Hartman Syndicate— every Again Etheride remained obdurate awaiting the girl. She gave a glad acres just outside the city lim­ man a stockholder. Thousands md apparently uninterested, cry when Pearl handed her the case its of Medford. Will trade for with the emerald pendant. monthly' “Sixty-five thousand!” Deering Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Willis of of dollars are spent good small house in Ashland. 1 raised. > “Come in the house, my dear,” San Francisco were Ashland visi­ among Ashland merchants—come Address P. O. Box 1105, Med- “He’s a piker, ’ gentlemen ! I’ll she said, “and I wiil arrange for the tors yesterday. Join us. Opportunity is knocking. make it seventy-fi*e!” 266- transfer of this stock.” ford, Ore. We have been talk­ Shares are still ten dollars each. The men in the room whirled But at that moment, Deering’s car ing to yon about the dif­ about and saw Pearl Travers stand­ drove up, and that worthy gentle­ Let me tell you about the new OWNER WILL SELL— His at­ R. P. CAMPBELL, ference between Real ing smiling in the doorway. man got out and started toward full coverage Automobile policy. tractive corner home at 399 Agent for Ashland. “Who are you?” asked Etheridge them. and Affected Service Yeo, of course. 246-tf. Beach street. Nice garden, 268-tf l look of admiration on his face. (To be continued) what we mean is that berries, fruit, grapes, lawn and we are gomj to g i v e C. T. Hartman, with Mrs. E. T. flowers. Jersey cow and chick­ STA TEM EN T you Hartman, of Cincinnatti, were ens. Excellent location. of the First National Bank of Ashland, County of Jackson, State Ashland visitors yesterday and R E A L SE R V IC E FOR ..SALE ..CHEAP—Second today. of Oregon, showing the amount standing to the credit of every de­ Plenty more like this in Ash­ You are to be the sole hand Ford, make an offer. positor July 1, 1923, who has not made a deposit, or who has not land. Judge—all we ask is an Call at O. K. Barber shop. withdrawn any part of his deposit (Commercial deposits), principal For the best In sweet milk and opportunity to prove Scores of Ashland people can or interest, for a period of more than seven (7) years immediately 264-6* cream go to Detrick’s. lGl6-tf our assertion. tell you about Doan’s Kidney prior to said date, with the name, last known place of residence or FOR RENT ' Many a happy citizen postoffice of such depositor, and the fact of his death, if known. Mr. and Mrs. M. Martinelli of Pills. We have everything Tacoma, Washington, who are makes a public statement of his Name of Depositor Residence or Postoffice Address lef FOR RENT OR LEASE— Moun­ to be bad in a modern touring the coast as a vacation experience- Here is a case of it. Name of Depositor Residence or Dead, if fact Amount tain ranch (Mahon place), 3 Service Station. trip, passed yesterday and today What better proof of merit can Postoffice Address is known miles southwest from Ashland. be had than such endorsement? Chas. S. Cunningham, Ashland, Oregon in Ashland. .................... $ 7.20 House, barn, shed, fruit-trees, Fred Deardorff, machinist, 90 Jas. M. Derricks, Ashland, Oregon ............................ $1.70 berries. Wood for own use free. Style-Plus Clothes at Paulser- 5th St., Ashland, says: “My kid­ Samuel M. Dorrence, Ashland, Oregon .................... 10.05 Mrs. E. B. Miller, Box 564, ud’s- 267-tf neys were out of fix and I had L. W. Moore, Ashland Oregon. Dead .................... 2.01 Ashland. 263-tf such severe backaches I could Margaret Gordon, Ashland, Oregon .................... 1.75 FOR RENT—Desirable furnished F. S. Baily of Portland was a hardly bend and it was just as Leonard Wiles, Co., Medford, Oregon .................... 68.80 apartments. Call 185 Pioneer business visitor here yesterday. hard to straighten. My kidneys Mrs. N. H. Morrison, Ashland, Oregon .................... 2.00 didn’t act right until I began us­ Frank Owen, Ashland, Oregon Ave. 266-tf .................... 3.00 They C. Oliver Shipley, Ashland, Oregon, G. Brittleworth and wife of Se- ing Doan’s Kidney Pills. .................... 6.35 FO R R ENT— Three room furn , attle sPent yesterday in Ashland strengthened my back and kid­ ished apartment, close in, on STATE OF OREGON, County of Jackson, —ss. neys and rid me of the aches and frIends. paved street, ground floor. I, J. W. McCoy, being first duly sworn, depose and say-upon pains.” Phone 432Y. 268-tf Special Attention to S u r g ic a l1 George P. Pofetto and wife of Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t oath, that I am the Cashier, of the First National Bank of Ashland, ------------ D iagnosis. Radium for Cancer, San Francisco, were Ashland visl- simply ask for a kidney remedy county of Jackson, State of Oregon; that the foregoing statement is WANTED —get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the a full, true, correct and complete statement, showing the name, last and Modern T reatm ent for Dia- tors yesterday. WANTED— Packers, long season betes. same that Mr. Deardorff had. known residence or postoffice address, fact of death, if known, and Pinnacle Packing Co., Medford, io55 Pine Street, San Fracisco Cal. F. Talmadge of Dunsmuir was Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffa­ the amount to the credit of each depositor as required by the pro­ Ore. 266-3 --------------------------------------------- an Ashland visitor yesterday. lo, N. Y. No. 29 visions of Sections 10160-10163, inclusive, Oregon Laws. _____________ _______ _______ Spring garments cleaned and J. W. McCOY. WANTED— Packers, longest sea- pressed with care. Auto delivery. J Jessie M. 1 B urr of Portland, Copper wire trunk telephone Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th. day of July, A. D. 1923. son. Guy W. Connor, Medford, ?hone 63. Ashland Cleaning and spent yesterday in. Ashland visit­ line going in from Gearhart to (Seal) G. H. WEMER Notary Public for Oregon or«. 266-3 • Dyeing Works. 208-tf p n g with friends. Seaside. My commission expires, Aug. 3, 1925. i m i FIND IT HERE * NATURE PLUNDER PROFESSIONAL 11' HE great results are attained A by normal development. That is N ature’s way. Begin the habit of saving and out of this habit there grows normally the rose of success. The Citizens Bank of Ashland Ashland, Oregon it’s Crown torme experienced motorist MILEAGE STANDARD OIL COMPANY (C A L IF O R N IA ) Realty Bargains E. T. STAPLES SAVE IC E Retail Salesmen Wanted A Splendid O pportunity for the R ight M en The J. C. Penney C om pany — a nation-w ide in stitu tio n — ni Js capable salesm en; yo u ag m en betw een the ages of 25 ;■ d 35 years who have had th o ro u g h experience in one o r m ore of our lines, and can give us the highest references. O u r com pany, which s ta rte d in 1902 w ith one store, now opei 'te s 371 retail sto res in 29 states. W e sell dry goods, shoes, noti us, clo th in g and furnishings for m en, w om en and children. W e