PAGE TWO AsntÁÑfc üÀ itŸ töbifcöÄ A s h la n d D a ilv T id in g s Sunday night ar d compelled to go to Med- 7 ford to secure sh^nimr slo p in g fleemnmodntinns. accommodations. i J} 7 The incident simp y means a clear loss J Published Every Evening Except Sunday by M RS. GRACE E . A N D R E W S , E d ito r financially to ti e business interests of the P h o n e ite m s to h e r a t 345-R , b e tw e en 10 A. M. a n d 2 P . M. THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO town, and also detracts from our prestige. > a n d e v e n in g s. Bert R. Greer ............................... Editor as a tourist center. greeting. OFFICIAL CITY PAPER Telephone 39 The condition is one that demands im- o. a . r . Committee Meet — mediate attention on the part of every The committee appointed by Mr. Fuller, in behalf of the Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, Postoffice as ( i t i z e n who has the future of Ashland at the Regent> Mrs- J- p- Dodge, met Cham ber of Commerce, spoke at Second Class Mail M atter. 1 1 1 . xi 44. C last Thursday and assigned the some length most encouragingly heart, X rp i o delav the m atter tor a year s • i m - chairm . , an of each group of , host- . • . of the prospect of our Normal Subscription Price, D elivered in City pi} means that a }eai will he lest in niak-1 esses for the m eetings next year, School becoming a permanency O ne Month ...................................................... $ .65 ing Ashland the city natural conditions lie- The chairm an will choose her own and of the influence tow ard th a t Three Months ...................... 1.95 mand it to he. The more extended the de- j assistants, if for any reason it end, of those who were In a t­ Six Months ................................................... 3.75 lav the greater benefit other towns will 18 inconvenient for her to act at tendance. He rem arked upon the One Year .............................................. 7.50 4, i 4i 4 i • m eeting assigned she may ar fact th a t there were so many of reap 1 trom the business that desires 4 to I the . . . range an exchange w ith one of the faculty th a t Ashland m ight B y Mail and R ural R ou tes: c o m e lieie and ughtfull} belongs here, the other hostesses or secure some claim. One Month ...................................................... $ .65 Mr. Briscde, represent­ The towns that grow and prosper and one to take her place and so noti- ing the Normal in well chosen Three Months ................................................. 1.95 Six Months ........................................................ 3.50 heeomes (‘¡ties of commercial importance fy the Pr°gram committee. words expressed the pleasure of Hostesses for the year follow: the guests and made the an ­ One Year .................................................... 6.50 arc those that are ever alert to take ad­ Septem ber— Mrs. Alice Peil. vantage of the opportunities offered. N a­ October— Mrs. H. O. Andrews. nouncem ent th a t the Lithians DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: were anxious to be enrolled in ture, with a benefieenee unexcelled by any November— Mrs. H. C. Galey. m em bership. Single insertion, per inch .................................. 30 The mention Jan u ary — Mrs. E. V. C arter. point in ()regon, has endowed Ashland with Y early Contracts: brought enthusiastic response and F ebruary— Mrs. McCracken. One insertion a week .................................... $ .27% advantages that if recognized and takeni the m atter was so voted. March— Miss Blanche Hicks. Two insertions a week .......................................25 L ater Mr. Briscoe stated th at advantage of mean a city of forty or fifty A pril— Mrs. Mabel Stearns. Dally insertion ......................................................... 20 one week from Monday th a t there thousand people. Too frequently lost op­ May— Mrs. Van N atta. would be a special program a r­ Ju n e— The Misses Cham berlain ranged to properly observe their R ates F o r Legal and Miscellaneous A dvertising portunities can never be recalled, and it is not unlikely that if the one great opportun­ and Palm er. The A nnual Picnic. adm ittance into fellowship. F irst insertion, per 8 point line ................. $ .10 ♦ * * ity’ of bidding for the trade of the wealthy Mrs. V. V. Mills, as chairm an Each subsequent insertion, 8 point l i n e ......... 05 B irthdays C elebrated— Card of Thanks ............................................. 1.00 of the Program Committee then class of tourists is pas ed up it will be for­ Friday evening occurred a joint took charge and in happy fashion O bituaries, per line ..............................................02 % ever lost. , .. , . , birthday celebration in L ithia gave brief greeting, assigned Mr. If differences as to the location and char- Park. Those so honored were Briscoe as leader in the Grand WHAT CONSTITUES ADVERTISING “All future events, where an adm ission charge is a f t e r of a new hotel have existed in tile Messrs. Ray Oslin and B utter- March which led by cleverly de­ made or a collection taken is A dvertising. past forget them and egin anew. Begin field, m anager Tw entieth Century vious ways to anim ated groups No discount will be allowed Religious or novf | | |(1 cailli,a ign to secure for Ashland Grocery- A lthough it was the ornam ented with unique favors Benevolent orders. 1 4 1 41 A -if 1 41 \ th irteen th , neither gentlem an (all day suckers apd colorful bal­ _____________________ a hotel that will command the patronage considered the date loons.) DONATIONS: <>f w!1 tlle wealthier class who will visit ^ 7 ^ 7 “ in clu d ed “ “the pleasant W hen they were grouped, H ar­ No donations to charities or otherw ise will be Southern Oregon ill the future. Prejudices! guests and the jolly “ weinie” vey Woods w ith Mrs. A. E. Woods made in advertising, or job prin tin g — our contribu­ must be forgotten, and it sentiment must roast, w ith baskets piled with a t the piano, favored the com­ tions will be in cash. he formed that will without the loss of aR sorts of g°°d things to add pany w ith two beautifully ren ­ dered violin solos, generously re ­ unneccessarv t ime, bring to Ashland a ho-!to the piece de resistance-” JULY 17. sponding to the h earty applause. tel tnai will he a credit to the eitv and one ,hn „ , . . ... DELIVERANCE:— For he shall deliver the Miss Bernice Yeo then graci­ Mr. and ously favored the listeners with needy when he crieth: the poor also, and him that Will g l\e liecessal \ accommodations happy re tu rn s” were: to a class of trade that will grow from Mrs. s. Oslin, Mr. and Mrs. D. a piano solo, played most beauti­ th at hath no helper.— Psalm 72:12. year to year. Crimmins, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ghise- fully w ith exquisite touch and in­ l * t* « t 1. 1 * • Iv . . . 1 in ... 1870) 4 V ( / Established A NATION OF LAWBREAKERS S O C IE T Y --------------------------- ! lin and Mr. Wickson of Medford “ Tw entieth Centilry Grocery.” VACATION TIME IS HERE ♦ ♦ ♦ A D elightful Surprise— Are we a nation of lawbreakers:* Full of joy is vacation time. There is A neighborhood party th a t was Au appalling array of figures, statistics joy in anticipation of the annual vacation,!^“ the n atu re of a surprise was and comparisons with the crimes of other and there is perpetual delight in rememb- given the la tte r p a rt of last week nations of the world is cited by C. P. Con-, P, ing the pleasures of it. The annual va- when a group of frfends perhaps ,Un' s for ’’llly as ‘‘ai:,ai becoming very much a part of £ “ IX ^ X ^ y -n J; proof that w caie. Anil the causes tor this the lit«? <>t Ament an people, and it is a , birthday, at her home on Ashland situation, he finds, arc lack of respect for time that appeals to all red-blooded men street. law on tin* p ait ol officials and the pub- aj1(] women. For six months proceeding A most | delightful tim e was lie; ineffective administration ot law due the vacation we dream of it, and live in spent by hostess and friends till to lack of trained and untrammeled judges joyful .„.q ¡cipation u f a week in the depths goodbyes were spoken and and lawyers and to an outworn and antiqu- of an Oregon forest. The though, of a day Xo^her h i n n y " b i r l h l a v ^ many ated judicial system. 1 he truth, he adds, along the whirling, rushing, crystal stream • • • ls a barricade ol teclmi- quicker s*the pulse and urges us on to bet- D elightful A fternoon__ Ca/ r n ? S • ter work. To contemplate a day in the shade The pleasant home of Mrs. “ The widespread defiance ol prohibition of a stately pint* or beneath the sheltering Boyd on N orth Main stre et was laws has brought us face to face with an Blanches <4 tin* oak or fir bn ig-- new life the scene of a delightful party acute phase of a chronic national ailment. It is often said that there is as great jov in at which the “Good Cheer” class There are those who insist that the pres- anticipation as there is a realization, ami ““mber °‘hCTS WGre the ent crime wave is solely clue to prohibition it is only too true with respect to anticipa- u was given in compliment to while others, like ex-(Jovernor Miller of ting a week or month spent in the depths: Mrs. Anna Miller, who leaves soon New \ ork and Senator-elect Edwards of of nature. Rare it is that the vacation docs tor her new home in Eugene and New .Jersey, insist that prohibition is re- not hold all the pleasure we had antici- fOi Mrs’ Curry’ who may go t0 sponsible for a part at least of our con- pated. We leave the world of worry and later in the 8eason- temporary law.e8s„eSs onr daily dirties and once more become X But the record will show that we have imbued with the exultant impulses of bey- to spend the day with Mrs. Boyd always been a lawless nation. During the hood and girlhood days. There is jov both aQd did not suspect the event of Boer b a r , England lost 22,000 soldiers on in communing with and combating n a tu re .'the a ft«rnoon a t all. the battle fields or by disease in South The vacation season ends and we resume Because of the warmth the Africa. During exactly the a me period of our work will, new life and a new hope. *°VeIy laW“ Was the setting f°r gathering. Anim ated groups time we lost through homicide 31,000 or We live joyfully in the remembrances of the in easy chairs about the tea tab ­ 9,000 more than were killed on the English our trip. Gladly we recall the successful les made a pretty scene and the side during that w ar.’’ day with the rod or gun. There comes to hours sped swiftly in happy con­ Other comparisons cited by Air. Connol- us memories of pleasant hours spent with verse. Mrs. Russell and Mrs. Dunn, ly in support of his statements inchyle loved ones in the flickering light of a ^®se- , campfire. We recall' the pleasant stories wore the old time costum es and these evoked a flood Mr- Rudd and Mr- Tay- victmns were only a little over one per cent, nature is seen at its best, where there are lor dropped in ,ater in the aiter’ It has been shady nooks, nooks> where where there thel, are • 4 4- 4» • est,mated 4- • that , in " the “ admin- * 11 snaay are streams that ot justice m the I mted States are heautifnl and abounding with the wiley the odds >n favor of the niurderer mcreas- trout, where there are forests in which , Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Curry, there were present: Mrs. W einschenk ed from about D to 1 in lSSo, to about 680 scamper the I leet-footed deer. Orgon is a and Mrs. W right, Mrs. Reid’s to 1, in 1920. veritable playground in which citizens and guests; Mrs. Caldwell, of Los An­ With a population ot seven millions and visitors may enjoy life to the fullest, and geles and Mrs. Edgar of Lake­ view, Ore., special guests of the a quarter, London, in 1916 had nine pre- where perfect health and joy abound. class. mediated murders. During the same year, Delicious refreshm ents w ere Chicago, one third the size of London, served by the hostess assisted by A persistent light was waged to secure had 185 premediated murders, nearly 12 Iva and Jessie Boyd and Miss times London’s total. In that year Chicago for Ash lami an office for the registration Nellie Hake. automobiles. It is onlv the with its two and a half millions of l>eo- ol out-ot-town i 4- i 4 4i - • m, * ---- 1 b was a very lovely afternoon pie, had 20 murders more than all of Eno1- ( * IH ■ ' r ' 1 ni vins. The coinmer- and the guests departed reiuct- land and Wales, with their 38,000.000 peo- r* n ol‘^anizni 1een a question prominentlv before the public for the past several The Ashland Chamber of Commerce won months, i o r most part there has been a another victory in securing the establish- unammity of opinion that a new hotel is ment of an office here for the registration an urgent need if the town is to forge of out-of-town automobiles ahead. However, if there has even been automobile tourists has reached a point any doubt relative to the actual need of where it will soon be necessary to increase a new hosteliv that should he dissipated in the area of the grounds the announcement that at least thirty peo- ple were turned away from local hotels L et’s go for a bigger and better Ashland. not very pleasant, owing to the very bad conditions of the road. • • • A ttractive P a rty — One of the most attractiv e and novel parties of the season oc­ curred Friday evening when the student body and faculty of the Summer Normal School were the guests of the Civic club and Chamber of Commerce a t the Civ­ ic clubhouse, which is so adm ir­ ably fitted for functions of this kind. W hen the guests had assem­ bled Mrs. W right, president of the Civic club in gracious, pleas­ ing phrase gave welcome and iueäday, July 17, 102.4 th e m in is te r a t C e n tra l P o in t. of which Miss E dith Robison is T he la s t a d d re s s w as given -by the teacher, had a fine swimming Rev. Mr. Koehler of the Presby­ party a t Jackson's Springs Friday terian church at Ashland on “ The) afternoon. These boys have won- A uthority of the W ord." Spec­ derfully good times together. * * * ial music had been provided, a num ber of solos and choruses. 1 R eturns from Seaside— Tho^e present from Ashland Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Angell who were: Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Tay­ are at Seaside, will return to Ash­ lor, Evelyn Taylor, Mr. Robison land W ednesday the 18 of July. and d au g h ter | Edith. Mr. Reid Dr. H arry Coleman of Medford and Rev. F. C. Koehler. is with them and has been a It was a most successful con­ member of their party since they vention and a large attendance left Ashland July 4th. there, being a t least 150 present. * * * F ine Swimming P arty— The Wide Awake class of boys of the Presbyterian Sunday school 'res/i from the SO o now COPCO Preferred Par value $100 Now at $98 T he b a s k e t d in n e r w as m o st! th o ro u g h ly en jo y e d by e v e ry o n e ! p re s e n t. T h e R ev. A m os led th e so n g se rv ic e o f' th e a fte rn o o n a n d th e R ev . Isa a c o f B a ltim o re , a g u e s t a t D r. W e b s te r’s, c o n d u c t­ ed th e d e v o tio n a ls. A n u m b e r o f s h o rt ta lk s w e re 1 g iv en on p e r tin e n t to p ics, by D r. W e b ste r, M r. R e id , M r. K in g a n d ! a r c v ery ! arc! o n th e little ones. Su:.liner disorder» of Stom ach and ; • a s, w eakening diarrhoea, cholera ii.iantum , quicklv controlled by C H A M B E R L A I N ’S C O U C 1 a rc ! D IA R R H O E A REM EDY " children and older persons too. * sS2 E 2 H IIIIIIIII Suffered 25 Ye<*rs A M e n tir e ly f re e f r o m m y P ile s a n d a c h e s a n d p a in s ,” w r ite s o n e o f m y f o r m e r w o m e n p a ti e n ts w h o , a l t e r s u ffe rin g 2 5 y e a rs , w a s c u r e d b y rny p a in le s s , n o n - s u r g ic a l z re a tm e n t. B u t t h i s c a s e is n o e x ­ c e p tio n , a s s c o re s o f le tte r s in m y . i