AääLiNto fcÀitf tnbiÑGs Monday, July 16, 1923 PAGÊ THREE » »> »>>»»>>»»■>»♦ FIND IT HERE :: J. S. Campbell of Beaverton, FOB SALE— Registered Hamp­ Oregon, was an Ashland visitor' shire Sows. Prices right, sat­ -• Classified Column isfaction guaranteed. Write ■ ■ < ► yesterday, being called here by 99 for information. John Mace, +A Colum n D evoted to B rief „ business. o Central Point, Ore. 259-9* <>B u siness and P erson al N otes.'. O. W. Parkinson and wife of Classified Column Rates m RENT B y H erbert G rooker ¡Portland were Ashland visitors One cent the word each time. Mr. and Mrs. Mortimor Smith, j yesterday, being here to visit To run every issue for one FOR RENT OR LEASE— Moun­ Adapted from the Patheserial by of Oakland, California were in month or more, Vic the word friends. tain ranch (Mahon place), 3 Bertram Millhauser each time. miles southwest from Ashland., Ashland yesterday. Cliff Payne makes lunch boxes. House, barn, shed, fruit-trees, FOR SALI:— REAL ESTATE Copyright by Pathe Exchange, Inc. Have a fit at Orres—tailors for berries. Wood for own use free. T H E great results tu*e attained 226-tf FOR SALE—The bungalow lot John Southard, accompanied Mrs. E. B. Miller, Box 564, j men and women. by normal development. That just across from the park foun­ by his wife and son were in Ash­ Ashland. 263-tf tains. Large lot running E. B. Cookeley of San Fran­ land from Los Angeles visiting is Nature’s way. Begin the habit CHAPTER IV through from Park avenue to ---------------------------------- ----------1 R u in ! cisco, was a business visitor in of saving and out of this habit yesterday. Granite St., faces 216 feet on FOR RENT—Desirable furnished apartments. Call 185 Pioneer Ashland yesterday. Granite and 260 feet on Park there grows normally the rose of drive. Has 50x50 dancing pa­ Ave. 266-tf H. Ortman of Berkeley spent success. “I’ve wasted enough time, Pro- ger I was going into at Eichner’? vilion on it. This is a wonder­ Full line of ammunition. We yesterday and today in Ashland place—and yet you let me go.” ful location for an apartment essor Eichner. I will give you just WANTED repair, buy, trade and sell new visiting friends and transacting ten minutes to hand over that Cen­ “There are things I cannot ex and Ashland needs just such a plain,” Jones” replied, uneas­ structure right now. I have not WANTED— Packers, long season. and used guns. Army Goods business. tral Building stock, with a signed ily, “but “Mr. please trust me. I would the capital to build the apart­ Store. 266-tf Pinnacle Packing Co., Medford, order of transfer. If you fail, I will give my life rather than let you ment and need the money now Two Marshfield girls, Iolantha make known to the world the secret suffer for a moment. Didn’t I come Ore. 266-3 invested in the property in my Blake L. Gallaher of Boyd, Ore­ Irvine and Helen Lyons .were in you have stored in your cave under down into that chamber just to—” printing business. Will sell all . “Just to get those Central Build­ or any part of it at a real bar-j WANTED— Packers, longest sea­ gon, spent today in Ashland visit-1 Ashland yesterday visiting the the river.” ing certificates,” the girl interrupt­ gain, if taken at once. Go up The speaker was Jude Deering. son. Guy W. Connor, Medford, ing with friends. Ashland, Oregon park. They went on south this The listener, Jules Eichner, shifted ed. “I was an after thought. Prove and look it over and make me Ore. 266-3 morning. his eyes from Deering’s gaze to the your sincerity—give me these.” an offer. Bert R. Greer, Tid­ •NB And before the young man knew it, BIG SPECIAL for 30 days be­ floor. ings office. 208-tf _ - — - - I WANTED— Chambermaid at Ore­ ginning July 9th on Tires at Lee- Pearl had reached into his pocket “Listen, my blackmailing friend,” Style-Plus Clothes at Paulser- he coolly replied, “1 promise you and taken the certificates. FOR SALE, TRADE OR RENT— gon Hotel. 265-t4 doms Tire Hospital. ud’s. 267-tf shall have the stock now. But it will “I can’t—not now,” he replied, 160 acres unimproved land, un­ not be transferred to you for a pe­ but trust me!” He quickly took the incumbered, near village of 300 WANTED— Man with team to E. P. Sundberg of Multnomah, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Allen of riod of two months—until my ex­ stock from the girl, kissed her hand on S. P. R. R. and good hard haul 72 tier fir from Mahon is finished. Only in this fervently and left her standing in roads, 100 acres under fence Oregon, was a business visitor in San Francisco were in Ashland periment place, 3 miles southwest Ash­ way will I be sure you will breathe amazement. with good natural pasture, yesterday and today. They were my secret to no one. If in that time But “Mr. Jones” was not going to land. Or sell on place. $2 tier Ashland today. plenty of water. Three roomed hoodwink Pearl Travers as easily Hoes, Rakes, Spading Forks, Spades and I learn you have betrayed me, I will accompanied by Barbara and house, barn and woodshed. For if all taken. Mrs. E. B. Miller, as he had presumed. She waited un- flood the cave and destroy my We make a specialty of picnic Leurs Allen. further particulars address F. Box 564, Ashland. 2C3-tf Shovels til he had gotten a short distance secret; and you will curse the day J., care Ashland Tidings. 148tf and campers* needs. Detrick's. away, and then began to follow you were bom.” - .......................... ................... - i 236-tf C. C. H. Thomas, a representa­ “I beg your pardon, gentlemen, him. The girl was amazed to see MISCELLANEOUS tive of the National Stone Tile but why squabble over this small him approach Professor Eichner’s Mrs. S. A. Williams of Port­ corporation, was a business visi­ matter. The stock rests securely in door, ring the bell, and be admitted SPECIAL BARGAINS by the crafty scientist himself. She Eichner’s cave under the river.” land was in Ashland today look­ tor in Ashland Saturday. Rubber and Cotton PHYSICIANS Both men turned about with determined to get at the bottom of ing after interests she owns here. TWELVE ACRES— In city limits, startled eyes and beheld the mys­ the relationship of the two men. “I know what you want and you five-acre orchard. Peaches DR. MATTIE B. SHAW—Resi­ Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Rose of terious “Mr. Jones” smiling at them. shall have it,” Eichner told “Mr dence and office, 108 Pioneer “What do you know of my cave!” Lunch-kit, complete with one Hilt, were Ashland visitors yes­ cherries, apricots, pears, straw -! avenue. Telephone 28. Office Jones” after admitting him. “You the Professor thundered. berries, raspberries, blackber-' hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 pint vacuum bottle $2.50. Army terday, calling on several friends. “My good friend Deering told have done me a service—a great p. m. only. me,” came the suave reply. “We service! You have destroyed some­ 37-39 North Main St. Goods Store. 266-t2! Fboue 203 ries, five-room house, barn, thing that was a menace to me—a play around together, you see. He Mrs. F. H. Hunter and family, tells me everything.” chicken house, brooder house, DR. ERNEST A. WOODS—Prac­ monster! .Gradually it was obsess­ Grace M. Peck of Chicago was with Mrs. D. Shidler and Miss And then the terrific wrath of the ing my mind and unbalancing me.” “ We sell to sell again” i fruit house. Urice $1750. tice limited to eye, ear, nose and Terms $750 cash. Balance 2 throat—X-ray including teeth. in Ashland today visiting with Mary Smidl of Klamath Falls Professor showed itself. “Jude is a The mysterious young man was be­ Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to acquaintances. were Ashland visitors yesterday. good name for you!” he flung at ginning to doubt the sincerity of the years at 7 per cent. ■T 1 ' Deering. “Judas were better! You scientist’s words—there was an odd 5. Swedenburg Bldg, Ashland, rob me first, then betray a secret ring to his voice. He realized that Ore. Mrs. L. C. Barrett of Chicago more precious to me than life. One he must be on his guard. When you blow out, blow in to EIGHTEEN ACRES—Two miles Professor Eichner led the way to Leedom’s for Tires. 256tf was in Ashland yesterday visit­ of you has stolen the stock! The CHIROPRACTORS out in new irrigation dis­ a small room, one of his laborator­ other has betrayed my secret—my ing the park. trict, 8 acres alfalfa, 4 acres DR. E. It. ANGELL—Chiropractic great secret which was to have made ies on the second floor of the house. Jennie M. Logan of Montague and Electro-Therapy. The com­ pears, 3 acres cherries, some me Master of Mankind!” Eichner’s He indicated a chair for “Mr. bination does wonders. First was in Ashland visiting friends Mrs. Jerry Kendall of Los An­ words were getting louder and loud­ Jones,” and then sat down and almonds and peaches. Six- National Bank Bldg. Phone today. geles, passed through Ashland er, and like a madman he plunged gazed earnestly at the young man. . room house, concrete dairy I 48-142. “At last I am a free man,” he on. “The desire of my life, and the yesterday visiting friends. House Calls house, good well with pump desire of yours—both things—in the sighed. Nothing left now, but—I Monuments from the Blair same place! Watch me! With one mean I can devote myself to other and tank to furnish water for! Mrs. R. D. Scales of Portland DR. HAWLEY—Above Tidings stroke I will flood my cave and wipe things. It is strange, that which you quarry. Patronize home indus­ house and barn. Belongs to O N E -TON TRUCK out my secret—and the stock! destroyed was my greatest interest office. Phone 91. spent yesterday in the city calling try. Exclusive salesman. S. non-resident who wants to sell Water! ... .Oceans of it!” Eichner in life; but I have other things! on friends. rushed to a small cabinet in the i ou have,” he smiled, “perhaps for half value. Might exchange DR. ERNEST W. SMITH—Chiro­ Penniston. Res. 476 Laurel St. I Here is a chance for you to get started 253-lmo1 wall, and, throwing it open, pulled some hobby—some great interest?” practor, near Postoiiice. Hours Phone 444Y. for city. F. D. Towner and wife, with toward greater profits—or to build up a down a number of levers. He then • V W AS ,the y°une man’s turn to 9-12 and 2-5. Phone 114. sigh. I have only one,” he an­ turned and looked at the unwelcome attendant Mondays, Wed­ Miss R. S. Jsaacs, of Portland Miss E. J. Towner and Miss E. visitors, an expression of insane swered, “but I am afraid, Professor, business of your own—and it costs only I HAVE SOME GOOD INCOME i Lady nesdays, Fridays, afternoon. A. Whiteside of Oakland, Cali­ glee on his face. was a business visitor in the city; $5 to make the start. that she doesn’t trust me.” property. Residence, farm or fornia were Ashland visitors yes­ this morning. But the mysterious young man . While this interesting conversa­ CON VALESCENT HOME—Cot­ timberland, any or all of which terday. was frantic with anxiety for Pearl tion had been going on, Eichner Everywhere, Ford One-ton Trucks and tage plan. Invalids cared for ! I will exchange for good prop­ Travers. He knew that the girl was toyed with a silver blotter holder Light Delivery Cars are saving more than in home surroundings. Matern- ■ Better he safe than sorry. See a prisoner in the cave, with water with which he had attempted to dry erty in Eugene, Oregon. E. E. Tippers and wife, with pouring ity department. Terms rea -; Beaver Realty Co. about your in­ this every year for their users. So, as soon in he had seen her enter. out the wet stock certificates before E. E. PHIPPS, sopable. Phone 4HR. 24S-tf. surance. Phone 68. 287-tf W. A. Tippers and w’ife of Ala­ He must get to the lever and turn signing them over to “Jones ” as your truck starts running it will quickly 73 Oak Street, meda were in Ashland yesterday, off the water. But Deering and Chancing to glance at it, he saw fake care of the purchase price and add Eichner perhaps divined this—they reflected on the mirror-like silver, Ashland, Ore. Mary Davenport of Los Angeles visiting the park. TRANSFER AND EXPRESS stood in his way and prepared to the face of Pearl Travers, peering new profits as well. 265-t2. was an Ashland visitor yesterday. block his first move. in the window behind him. And, up­ Wilmer Hilt of Hilt, California, FOR prompt and sareful service, Meanwhile, Pearl, trapped in the on hearing the last declaration of LOANS— Farm loans; City loans; It will widen the area in which you can do auto trucks or horse drays, call cave with the Frankenstein-like ob­ the mysterious young man, he was a business visitor in Ashland Effective July 1st. Amortized 4 Lx per cent. W. G. W’hittle Transfer Co,. Phone ject and the water rushing in upon quickly decided upon his next move. business, enlarge the number of customers Wright, Stewart Bldg., Med­ Howard & Grimes Stages leave yesterday. 117. Office, 89 Oak street, near her, found momentary safety by t 1 ^ l i eye’ sir” he said to “Mr. you can serve—and keep your delivery costs ford 204-lmo* Hotel Ashland. 56tf Ashland for Klamath Falls daily climbing onto a shelf of rock, about Jones, that I am going to need an­ Big Shipment— two feet from the cave’s ceiling. The other blotter here. This wet paper down to the lowest point. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY— T. L. POWELL— General Trans­ at 8:30 a. m. and 2:15 p. m. girl clung there, terror-stricken, will not take my signature legibly. Miles and John Lee, the larg­ The Hoover Company, of North 256-12* her lantern, while she saw the Will you kindly get me several from fer—Good team and motor Start now toward the ownership of a Ford est handlers of sheep in eastern with Thing swept off its bier and car­ that closet.” He indicated a tre­ Canton, Ohio, requies a high trucks. Good service at a rea­ Oregon are in Ashland this week, Truck or Light Delivery Car—use the ried away in the waters. sonable price. Phone 83. mendous affair with double doors. class man with automobile to L. D. Frank of San Francisco The chamber seemed to he turn­ and will ship 40 cars of sheep Near the top of this extraordinary market its products in Med-1 was a business visitor in Ashland ed into a whirlpool of fury, with eloset, various types of stationery FEHIGE FOR HAULING from here. They are making the ford, Ashland, and Northern TRY yesterday. water rising nearer and nearer could be seen through a trellised and transfer work of all kinds. their headquarters at the Ash­ to her. Her lantern was suddenly opening. $ California. Mr. M. E. Elliott, 375 B St. Phone 410-R. land Hotel. snuffed out, and she clung to the “Mr. Jones” arose jauntily to ob­ manager, will interview appli- i 200-lmo Spring garments cleaned and shelf in the darkness, with only a lige, and as quick as a cat the old cants at the Enders Store on Under the terms of this foot of breathing space left her. scientist sprung from his chair, JERRY* O’NEAL— Plumbing. 207 pressed with care. Auto delivery, Wednesday, the 18th instant, But suddenly the whirlpool ceas­ . ’ hone 63. Ashland Cleaning and Plan, we deposit this pushed “Jones” into the closet and East Main. Phone 138. ed—the water seemed to be lower­ locked the door. Then without a from 11 a. m. to 4 p. nt. Enrolls Dyeing Works. 208-tf money in a local bank at ing—and shortly after, she heard a word, he left the room, smiling evil­ 267-2 PLANING MILL You splash, as though seme one had ly to himself. interest. Each week you JORDAN’S SASH AND CABINET Mrs. A. H. Young of Portland plunged into the flooded chamber From her place of observation on add a little more — this also draws YVORKS, Cor. Heilman and was in the city yesterday, visit-! to rescue her. It was “Mr. Jones.” the small roof outside the window FOR SALE Van Ness. 194-tf interest. And in a short time the He had successfully overcome his Pearl Travers had witnessed the act ing with several friends. opponents and shut off the water— of Professor Eichner. Without hesi­ truck is yours to use. Come in and in fact, at that very moment Deer­ tation she crawled through the win­ MONUMENTS FOR SALE— Rare chance. Small let us give you full particulars. z ing was attempting to regain the dow into the room, intent upon res­ BIG SPECIAL for 30 days be­ Grocery store and a fine Res- MONUMENT—MARKERS confidence of the scientist. cuing her mysterious admirer. So ginning July 9th on Tires at Lee- taurant. Take car as part The mysterious young man first intent was the girl, that she did not Lowest Prices doms Tire Hospital. saw the stock certificates floating on notice Eichner returning to the room ASHLAND GRANITE CO. payment. C. Merrill, Rosely, the waters’ surface. He seized them a diabolical smile on his face. In 3rd and East Main St. 223-6mo Ore. 267-1* and placed them in his breast poc­ his hand he held a sinister looking PLUM BING E. F. Peer and F. A. Wood, of ket and then swam over to rescue bottle. 6 Los Angeles who are big lumber FOR SALE— Pathe phonograph, the girl. Seizing her in his strong Hearing sudden footsteps, Pearl Realty Bargains men, were business visitors here arms, he swam with her to the door­ whirled about quickly and uncer­ almost new. A bargain for Ford and Fordson Dealers way and led her to ti e entrance of tainly and faced the Professor. yesterday. someone. Call at 651 or 675 the cave. “Your lover has destroyed the Walnut. 267-t6* “That awful Thing!” Pearl man­ one thing I loved best,” he snarled, 10-aere highly improved For the best in sweet milk and aged to say. “It dissolved like salt “see now what will happen to the ASHLAND, ORE. FOR SALE— Vinegar, any quan­ close in. bream go to Detrick’s. 106-tf in water, right before my very thing he loves best!” And holding eyes.” And then, looking up at her the bottle menacingly above his head tity, 25c gallon. Geo. Y’ockel, rescuer, she asked: “When are you he advanced toward Pearl, while South Bellview. 266-3* Magnificent Boulevard Mr* and Mrs- Robert Mentell going to tell me about yourself? “Mr. Jones” looked on helplessly of Portland spent yesterday and Don’t you see how difficult it is for through the trellised opening. FOR SALE—Automobile or will home, large lot ami abun today in the city visiting with *:e to trust you? You knew the dan­ ¿To be continued) trade dor small residence or relatives unimproved lots close in. Phone dance of fruit. D udley, s e c re ta ry of th e c h a m ­ adopted wishing him success in 481-J. 266-tfj Oranges, lemons, grape fruit— b e r, an d S. J . R ic h a rd , m a n a g e r his new position. “PLU N D ER NATURE The Citizens Bank of Ashland Garden Tools Garden Hose ’ professional S I M P S O N ’S HARDW ARE y Way to Own OO Daily Fashion Hint Harrison Bros. FOR SALE— 1923 Model Ford coupe, good as new, several ex­ tras. $500.00. P. O. Box 264,! Ashland, Ore. 266-6* FOR SALE OR RENT—Furnish­ ed restaurant, in Jacksonville, doing nice business. Address Mrs. E. B. Hunt, or phone 62. Jacksonville. 266-t2 SALE OR RENT— Four room cottage, newly papered and cleaned, lot 50x125, some fruit. Cash or payment down, balance by month. For partic­ ulars, see Mrs. Lane at Tidings. 266-6 FOR FOR SALE OR TRADE— A mod­ ern, well built house and six acres Just outside the city lim­ its of Medford. Will trade for good small house in Ashland. Address P. O. Box 1105, Med­ ford, Ore. 266-5* OWNER WILL SELL— His at­ tractive corner home at 399 Beach street. Nice garden, berries, fruit, grapes, lawn and flowers. Jersey cow and chick­ ens. Excellent location. FOR SALE— Childs saddle. pony and Call 4F13. 265-3* FOR -SA LE ..CHEAP—Second hand Ford, make an offer. Call at O. K. Barber shop. 264-6* A paying business in Ash­ land. Close in furnished Bunga­ low, easy terms. E. T. STAPLES Hotel Ashland Bldg. Detrick sells for less. 106-tf l3 Q 0 ©PicToRirtL. Rivitä Miss M. Winton of San Fran­ cisco w’as an Ashland visitor yes­ terday, stopping oft on her way! north in order to see the park. When you blow out, blow in to Leedom’s for Tires. 256tf CREATED IN PARIS Style acclaims itself in every line of this straight line dress, developed in Farpiers, Attention! Look to youi' Mowers, Rakes and Binders early so in case I should not have the worn or broken parts in stock I will have time to send to Portland for them. Garden Hose and Tools of every Description PE IL ’S CORNER Miss G .Griffin of San Francis­ dawn gray satin ciSpe, with gathered panels that fall below the hem of co spent yesterday in Ashland anuj aide the slcirt and a bloused bodice bright­ vicinity visiting points of scenic ened with a bandanna ’kerchief. If preferred, the sleeves may be worn beauty. short, though one finds the extension.-, that are gathered into a straight band See Paulserud's Suits before equally fascinating. Medium size re­ you buy. 267-tf quired 6% yards 36-inch material. - Pictorial Review Dress No. 1580. Sizes, 34 to 50 inches bust. Price, 35 j Mrs. J. H. Stroburger of Hay­ cents. ward, California was in the city today visiting with friends. She Northwest sawmills loaded 33 was accompanied on the trip by ships lumber, fourteen going to Mrs. F. S. Winton. the Orient. of th e t r a w l an d r e s o r t b u re a u of th e c h a m b e r. B ecau se D udley w ill leav e ou A u g u st 1st to a ssu m e th e s e c re ­ ta ry s h ip of th e O regon S ta te C h a m b e r of C om m erce, a s h o rt speech of a p p re i ia tio n fo r his w ork in S a c ra :a. nto w as given by E m e rso n W . R ead , p resid e n t of th e clu b , a n d a re s o lu tio n w as Let me tell you about the new full coverage Automobile policy. Yeo, of course. 246-tf. SA VE IC E As Well As FO OD Iii One Of PROVOST BROS Refrigerators S. Charlson and wife of Seattle spent yesterday in Ashland visit­ ing with friends, going on south this morning. For the best in sweet milk and cream go to Detrick’s. 106-tf Ellis W. Honeyman and wife of Tacoma were in the city yes­ terday and today were visiting local points of interest. Dudley outlined the work of the various departments of the : chamber and enumerated specific i instances of increased business j and new residents secured for the city through these workings, I Richard told of the plans of the chamber to make Sacramento the center of the resort wonder­ land of Superior California. . i A - ' ■ Duplicating Saies Books W w -f*-,v. d a run earn $5o.oo. or more - J__ "M . J . W ' — ___ WITH CARBON ' ___ r ___ I HEAD GETS FAREWELL SACRAMENTO, Calif., July 16. j —How Sacramento is benefiting through the various activities of ■ the Sacramento Chamber of Com­ merce was explained to members of the Lions Club yesterday at regular weekly luncheon of that body at the Hotel Land by A. S. $ Two Books ............................................................. 25c • Per D o z e n ............................................................... $1.25 Two D o z e n ............................................................. $2.25 (Recipes must he received by Ju g 31*192$ A sk your grocer for the details of this extraordinary offer, or write to DEP T. A ~ POSTUM CEREAL COMPANY. INC , B A TfLFC R EEK , M IC H IG A N ? •. f ■ In Stock One Hundred................................................... $8.00 ASHLAND TIDINGS