J“J.v l i , i Ü I ÀSHÀSD ÔÀtLŸ TTDÍÑGS FOR SALE—Wheeler white cling peaches. Will soon be ready, « - Classified C olum n : : Bigger and better than ever. ° o Order now. C. W. Chat tin. » ♦ n i l » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Phone 353-L. 263-3 FOR SALE— Desirable home, 7 Classified Column Rates room house, lote 150x150, 2 One cent the word each time. car garage, garden, all kinds To fun every issue for one of fruit and berries. Leaving month or more, %c the word each time. town July 23. 351 Morton St. 263-3*. FOR SALE— REAL ESTATE » i f m i FTTYT) IT HFRE fA Column Devoted to Brief Business and Personal Notes. J. C. Meyers of Portland spent yesterday in Ashland making business visits to several local men. George W. McCollem and Mar­ ion Stevenson of Klamath Falls Harold Albro of Albany spent were Ashland visitors yesterday yesterday and today in the city transacting business. Let me tell you about the new --------- full coverage Automobile policy. Have a fit at Orres—tailors for] Yeo, of course. 246-tf. men and women. 226-tfI ______ Ben Barnes of Los Angeles was A Fresno business man, G. E. jn tbe cjty transacting business Colly, was in Ashland yesterday, yesterday and paid business visits to sever-; ______ ---------- al local business men. For the best In sweet milk and cream go to Detrick’s. 106-tf Full line of ammunition, ______ Miss M. M. Mussinger of Los repair, buy, trade and sell . . „ , | . and used guns. Army Goods Angeles was in Ashland yester- Store. 266-tf day calling on friends. ______ ______ BIG SPECIAL for 30 days be­ R. Tomlinson of Albany was an ginning July 9th on Tires at Lee- Ashland visitor yesterday, having doms Tire Hospital. come here on business. ______ : .. o . Mr. and Mrs. Martin Schneider you wouldn’t go about with a of San Francisco, stopped off a t ! dirty face, why with unpressed Ashland on their way north to- clothes? Paulserud’s. 261tf i day to visit the park. --------- Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Rice of A. R. Frazier of Portland spent Fresno were Ashland visitors yes-j yesterdav in the citv transacting terday. business. < > t » » t > M ♦ « « t » «♦«♦ »♦♦ PApfî THREE "P L U N D E R ” NATURE B y H erbert C rooker Adapted from the Patheserial by Bertram Millhauser Copyright by Pathe Exchange, Inc. FOR HAl.K— The bungalow lot FOR .. SALE .. CHEAP—Second Just across from the park foun­ hand Ford, make an offer. CHAPTER III tains. Large lot runuing T he H idden T hing Call at O. K. Barber shop. through from Park avenue to 264-6* Granite St., faces 216 feet on Granite and 260 feet on Park Pearl Travers did not need a sec- ger at the gorilla. Suddenly believ­ drive. Has 5ux50 dancing pa­ FOR SALE— Registered Hamp­ ond invitation from her mysterious ing that the beast was mimicing her, shire Sows. Prices right, sat­ vilion on it. This is a wonder­ pointed her finger at her temple young friend, as the flames in the she ful location for an apartment isfaction guaranteed. Write and her forefinger a number of tower were getting hotter and hot- times, bent giving and Ashland needs Just such a the impression thal for information. John Mace, *er- After measuring the distance she was pulling the trigger. The structure right now. 1 have not Central Point, Ore. 259-9* from the window ledge to the tree, the capital to build the apart­ she jumped, and was followed im- gorilla did likewise. There was a ment and need the money now sharp explosion and the beast drop­ FOR RENT mediately by “Mr. Jones.” Then the ped invested in the property in my dead at her feet. two prisoners climbed quickly to printing business. Will sell all FOR RENT OR LEASE— Moun­ In Eichner’s laboratory, Deering the ground and scurried away from or any part of it at a real bar­ ^be burniag building toward a shed. was just offering the scientist a tain ranch (Mahon place), 3 gain, if taken at once. Go up A motorcar, unattended, was stand- check for his stock when both heard and look it over and make me miles southwest from Ashland. the report and stood transfixed. *n5 nearby. an offer. Bert R. Greer, Tid­ Eichner, unable to understand what House, barn, shed, fruit-trees, “Now, listen, commanded the had ings office. 208-tf happened, rushed to the door,' mysterious “Jones,” “Deering’s on opened berries. Wood for own use free. it, and saw Pearl standing his way to see that queer doctor— Mrs. E. B. Miller, Box 5G4, FOR SALE, TRADE OR KENT— in fright. She leaned against the Professor Eichner—at Riverdale. wall trembling and told them what 160 acres unimproved land, un­ Ashland. 263-lf Ejcbner Ihe °wner share? had happened. Deering was the first incumbered, near village of 300 of Central Building stock. You want to recover. * on S. P. R. R. and good hard FOR RENT— 2 furnished apart­ that stock and so does Deering. That “Your Mr. Jones played you a roads, 100 acres under fence is why he tried to detain you here. ments. Phone 263R or call nice trick, didn’t he?” he sneered. with good natural pasture, 369 Hargadine. 265-2 Take this car•—perhaps you can beat “He knew what you’d meet in this plenty of water. Three roomed him to Eichner’s.” room—that’s house, barn and woodshed. For “But,” the girl interrupted, “why with you!” why he wouldn’t come further particulars address F. FOR RENT— Desirable sleeping can’t you come along?” finally began cursing the room close in, neatly furnished, care Ashland Tidings. 148tf The young man looked away un­ girl Eichner We make a specialty of picnic Notice of Meeting— for the death of his ape, and also garage. Call 156 N. Main. and campers’ needs. Detrick's. j The American Legion Auxili- easily. “I—er—I cannot go with shaking with fury, he cried: “I know you—now,” he replied. I’ve some­ 265-2* MISCELLANEOUS 236-tf ary will meet at 7:30 p. m., Sat- thing more important to attend to, —you want my stock, too! Well, I ---------- i urday, July 14. All members are so you’ll have to go alone. Here,” will sell you nothing though you SPECIAL BARGAIN'S FOR RENT— Desirable furnished a million dollars to buy it with! Mrs. A. Lund of Vancouver, B .1 urged to be present. he continued, taking an automatic have Get out of here before I forget that TWELVE ACRES— In city limits, apartm ents. Call 1S5 Pioneer from his pocket, “take this—you you are only a fool!” Pearl gladly five-acre orchard. Peaches Ave. 266-tf C. and Mrs. B. M. Morris of San may need it.” took the opportunity, and fled from Francisco, were registered at th e ; Mr. and Mrs. L. Littlepage of Meanwhile, at his home at River- cherries, apricots, pears, straw- ------------------ -—— —- the place the same way that she had Hotel Ashland last night, having Portland were in Ashland yester- dale, Professor Eichner paced up berries, raspberries, blackber­ entered. WANTED met at Portland for a tour of day visiting friends and cjQck down nervously and glanced at “I am not myself, Mr. Deering,” u a y v i s i u u g ir ie u u s . the The professor, although ries, five-room house, barn, LADY WANTS— Day work by day the coast. Eichner finally said. “Wait a while --------- a skilled scientist, was shunned by chicken house, brooder house,' or bour Any kind of house- and pledge me that you will keep E. Kreiger of Maples, Minne- his friends for reasons that these fruit house. Urice $1750. my secret—about the cave—and 1 work. Phone 400-J. 266-1* Lunch-kit, complete with one sota, spent yesterday in Ashland, ®ame Wends only dared whisper. will make the stock transaction with Terms $750 cash. Balance 2 . . , ... At one end of the room, was a door, pint vacuum bottle $2.50. Army looking over local investment op- with iron bars over a small opening you.” • years at 7 per cent. Now all the time that this was go­ FEMALE HELP Goods Store. 266-t2 portunities. in the upper panel. Eichner walked ing on, an intruder had succeeded to this door occasionally and drop- in entering LOANS— Farm loans; City loans; MAKE $30 WEEKLY AT HOME, the house and leaving .... i i . i • o * t , ped a piece of meat in. Amortized 4 % per cent. W. G. furnishing names and address. E. C. Ryer, Pasadena business with a large envelope in his hand Mildred Bechtel of Grants Pass F «Deering should be here by now,” Wright, Stewart Bldg., Med­ —“Mr. Jones.” As he left, Pearl Experience unnecessary. Par-j man was in /Yshland looking af- was in the city yesterday visit- he finally said, turning to his house­ ford 204-lmo* was making her hasty exit, ticulars Free. United Mailin s ' ter local interests yesterday. I jng with friends. keeper. “Is the front door locked? Travers and seeing the mysterious young Are the downstairs windows locked? TO EXCHANGE— For Ashland Co., St. Louis. 266-1* • --------- man, she decided to watch him Is the cellar locked? suburban dairy tract, 160 a c r e s --------------------------------- ----------- When you blow out, blow in to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Flakeves The woman nodded. “Everything,” closely. “Mr. Jones” came to a cliff and good sandy loam. 200 yards "ANTED Packers, long season. Leedom’s for Tires. 256tf of Long Beach were Ashland visi- she replied, “but the door that leads examined the contents of the en­ of the large box factory at Dor- Pinnacle Packing Co., Medl'ord, --------- tors yesterday. velope—Central Stock Certificates. “You know how he has threaten­ ris, Calif., where all the fam-i Ore. 266-3 Mrs. D. F. Curtis of Los An­ ed me, don’t you?” Eichner inter­ He then walked to a large rock, ily can get good wages the year geles was an Ashland visitor yes- Goes to Hollywood— rupted. “This is my house, is it not? right on the cliff’s edge, and raising WANTED— Packers, longest sea- ter(j ay it, he dropped the envelope down around. Price $6500 clear. Mrs. Jack Holt, wife of the [ will no[ r®sP°VsiA bf,e ¿f a long, narrow chute. After looking son. Guy W. Connor, Medford, by that back door! All he wants is Address owner. Ashland, Box famous movie actor, left last my Central stock, and that I would about cautiously, “Mr. Jones” hur­ Ore. 2 66-3 58, Route 1. 265-2 Monuments from the Blair night for her home in Hollywood sell him gladly but he knows what ried away. As soon as her mysterious friend nearly 1 have hidden in the cave under the was WANTED—Chambermaid at Ore-: quarry. Patronize home indas- after a stay here of „ over out of sight, Pearl Travers ap­ FOR SALE ,, x river. I cannot be safe while any- Exclusive salesman. proached the rock, lifted it and two months. Mrs. Holt came to body knows of that Thing!” gon Hotel. 2C5-t4 try. __ ______ ____ Penniston. Res 47G Laurel St. Ashland to recuperate, and And meanwhile, the very man looked down the chute. The girl was EIGHTEEN ACRES— Two miles _ _ _ _ _ puzzled, but as she stood 253-lmo WANTED— Man with team to Phone 4 44Y. found it so much to her liking who was the topic of his conversa- extremely out in new irrigation dis­ there, pondering, the earth beneath , . , . . . . tion was seeking a means to enter haul 72 tier fir from Mahon trict, 8 acres alfalfa, 4 acres that she stayed much longer than fhe house Deering approached the her feet started to give way, and place, 3 miles southwest Ash Mrs- A. Turnbull cf Pasadena, she had originally intended. She rear, and saw a door left open. He futilely clutching at the air, Pearl pears, 3 acres cherries, some land. Or sell on place. $2 tier stopped off at Ashland yester- found Lithia Park an especially peered in, smiled to himself, and was precipitated over the cliff, along almonds and peaches. passed by it. Looking above, over a with the rock. • if all taken. Mrs. E. B. Miller, day on her way north, to see the attractive place. B o m house, concrete Arriving at a sort of grassy em­ small porch, he saw an open win- 263-tf park, concerning which sho had Box 5 64, Ashland. 4^ase, good well with — dow. This would serve hint better, bankment, Pearl picked herself up eard much pra' kimseif t0 the surprised scientist, house and barn. Belongs a small entrance to an underground with Mrs. R. K. Liggett ol San < * So you thought I’d come in by Better be safe than sorry. Pee cave. The girl determined to inves­ non-resident who wants to s Pedro, were in Ashland yester- the unlocked door and get into the eaver Realty Co. about your in- connecting it in her mind with for half value. Might exchan next room> eb ? -ie grinned, point- tigate, the chute at the top of the cliff. urance. Phone G8. 287-tf day, visiting with friends. ing a finger toward the grilled door. for city. And then, quickly changing the sub- She was about to enter when the C. J. Jones and wife of Sioux ject, he asked, Well, what have you mysterious “Jones” happened to Addio M. Day of Pasadena, I HAVE SOME GOOD INCOME WANTED__ T o h ea r „ „ o . • 4. decided about your shares of stock peer over the cliff’s edge and see spent yesterday in the city cal­ Falls, S. D„ who are touring the fhe Cenral Building?” her. Terror spread over his face property. Residence, farm or having farm for sale; give par­ and he rushed madly toward Eich­ ling on friends. mouth twitched nerv- west, passed yesterday and today ft Eichner’s timberland. any or all of which ticulars and lowest price. John house. • in Ashland and vicinity. ously. “Suppose, he replied, “sup­ ner’s I will exchange for good prop­ Pearl finally came to a small J. Black, Chippewa Falls, Wis­ pose” I sell you my stock, how am I Effective July 1st. to know that you will keep quiet chamber that ran downhill below erty in Eugene, Oregon. consin. 255-3 Sat'3* Howard & Grimes Stages leave Mr. and Mrs. K. Ruder of Los about it—about the cave—and what the river level. On a rock shelf she E. E. PHIPPS, found a lantern and matches, and Ashland for Klamath Falls daily Angeles, were in Ashland yester- *s >n it—under the river? . lighting 73 Oak Street, the lantern she proceeded , .. T , . . , . About the same time that this in­ at 8:30 a. m. and 2:15 p. m. day, Mr. Buder having been teresting but mysterious conversa- to investigate. Turing a bend in the Ashland, Oi 256-12* called here by business interests, tion was going on, Pearl Travers passageway, she came to a place 265-t2. ______ was reconnoitering around the old where it widened and ended. On one PHYSICIANS . . . .. , house. She had seen Jude Deering side was a shelf about three feet Spring garments cleaned and FOR SALE— Vineg A party consisting of Mrs. A. examine the piace, and she could from the ceiling, and opposite was a DR. MATTIE H. SHAW—Resi­ pressed with care. Auto delivery. tity, 25c gallon. Geo. Larson, Cora Johnson, A. J. Lar- not understand why he had avoided heavy doorway leading to a chamb­ dence and office, 108 Pioneer *hone 63. Ashland Cleaning and The girl walked to the door and , South Bellview. son, and N. E. Fithian of San fhe open door and climbed to the er. avenue. Telephone 28. Office raised the lantern to peer through _ . “ , . * second floor to make his entrance. Dyeing Works. 208-tf hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 Francisco, were registered at the pearl drew the automatic from her the wicket. She saw a chamber at FOR SALES— -Automobile or will p. m. only. the further side in which stood a Hotel Oregon last night, having pocket and cautiously entered trade Ifor small residence Giola McIntyre of Portland was stopped here to see the park. sort of bier holding a heavily She made her way down a small DR. ERNEST A. WOODS—Prac­ an Ashland visitor yesterday,, unimprovei shrouded something about twelve or hallway, and then entered a room tice limited to eye, ear, nose and 481 J. where hay had been thrown around fourteen feet in length. friends here. j throat—X-ray including teeth. calling on several The girl puckered her brow ques- ______ leaves for Lake— O n the floor. At one end she saw a Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to tioningly. Then, casting a slight FOR SALE— Extra good m e coT'riTAT » on u Mr- Mitchell, proprietor of the door with a barred window in. the 5. Swedenburg Bldg, Ashland. BIG SPECIAL for 30 days be- . top panel. The girl approached it to feeling of fear aside, she pushed Price $75.00. Cal Ore. ginning July 9th on Tires at Lee-: Ut° ° P sllop’ ,eit this morning look ¡n the next room Suddenly she open the door, but as she did so it with his wife for «rater Lake, whirled in her tracks! Something closed and the lock snapped behind doms Tire Hospital. CHIROPRACTORS They went by the Medl'ord route, had moved behind her! Looking in her. Seeing it was useless to try to TFOR SALE— 1923 Model Ford j DR. E. B. ANGELL—Chiropractic the darkest corner of the tiny open it, Pearl decided to investigate and plan to return by Klamath to A. TTarfina of Seattle was in room, she saw two bright eyes for a means of escape, but her eyes coupe, good as new, several ex­ and Electro-Therapy. The com­ seemed to be drawn to the shrouded Falls and northern California. gleaming at her—a giant gorilla. Ashland yesterday attending to bination does wonders. First tras. $500.00. P. O. Box figure. • --------- Pearl wanted to cry out in fright, National Bank Bldg. Phone As Pearl gazed at it, fearful and Ashland, Ore. 26 J S W e r tz o f P o r tla n d wn J but ty6 words Were frOzen 00 her 48-142. J. b. Wertz ot Portland, m s j.ps -> Then the gorilla slowiy ap fascinated, the “thing” appeared to House Calls Paulserud’s Suits for young in Ashland yesterday, visiting proached her. The girl sprang to an- move, as though a strange creature other corner of thairoom, but in her —a Frankeinstein—were breathing men. 244-tf. with friends. ____ haste she dropped DR. HAWLEY—Above Tidings the revolver. But beneath the shroud. The girl stood doing nice business. office. Phone 91. „ „ _ „ the beast suddenly stopped, gazed petrified, regarding it. Then, to her H. v. Smith of Portland was automatic, fascinated, and horror, an enormous, wierd hand E. M. ' Nelson of Glendale, an Ashland visitor yesterday. picked it up. Then, with the cool de- fell limp from under the white Jacksonville. DR. ERNEST W. SMITH—Chiro­ ' liberation of a human, he aimed it shroud and dangled along the side practor, near Postoffice. Hours' at girl. At the s. me time, Pearl of the bier. J ’OR SALE OR REXT- 9-12 and 2-5. Phone 114. C. F. Roacher and wife of Peta­ was the unconsciously (To be continued^ • pointing her fin- Lady attendant Mondays, Wed­ room cottage, newly pi luma, spent yesterday visiting For the best In sweet milk and nesdays, Fridays, afternoon. and cleaned, lot 50x125 cream go to Detrick’s. 106-tf Ashland’s Park. fruit. Cash or payment CONVALESCENT HOME—Cot­ balance by month. For Mr. and Mrs. A. Kreiger of H- Douglas and H. T. « ill of tage plan. Invalids cared for in home surroundings. Matern­ Portland were Ashland visitors ^ eetL were Ashland visitors yes-i ity department. Terms rea­ sonable. Phone 411R. 24S-tf. 1 qaintances. W. J. Newman and family of ' 1 ' n, ■ ern, well built house and Los Angeles were in the city yes-1 TRANSFER AND EXPRESS CHICKEN DINNER At the Plaza. Sunday 12:30 to ' terdaY visiting acquaintances Its of Medford. FOR prompt and sareful service, 3:00 and 5:'3O to 8:00. 265-t2: auto trucks or horse drays, call ______ Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Cogan of Whittle Transfer Co. Phone Address P. James G. Kidell of Portland.! k 08 Angeles were Ashland visi­ 117. Office, 89 Oak street, near ford, Ore. Hotel Ashland. 56tf ’T’ HE great results are attained * by normal development. That is Nature’s way. Begin the habit of saving and out of this habit there grows normally the rose of success. The Citizens Bank of Ashland Ashland, Oregon Y ou J., PROFESSIONAL I Are tin* loser if yen neglect, through any cause whate\ < i. to read the advertisements that are appearing daily in the Tidings. Ashland firms are carrying a daily message of interest—a message that means added jecononiy_in your home. Do you believe in Economy! Then follow the Ads. First Quality Alfalfa and Grain Hay Will he kept in Stock Continually Give us your future orders We Deliver ASHLAND MILLS ÄXJTO M O V Ï B S BY LEEDOM’S TIRE HOSPITAL WHAT IS it I’ve - FORQOTTEW! HERE is one thing that yen’ll lie hound to remember if you forget it. You’ll wake up with a hzzzzzzzzz! BANG! :;*;!!*xf—!! Why in the name of that’s mobile didn’t 1 think to buy an extra tire.” We sell ’em and good olios too. T ----- MONDAY Those suits that are left out of the lot that is dropping $1.00 a day will he priced at $11.75 In Stock T. L. POWELL— General Trans­ tile livestock game, was in Ash- Cliff Payne makes ladders. fer—Good team and motor piston pump. Phone 365R2. trucks. Good service at a rea­ ness. sonable price. Phone S3. Glenbroo*r, Benton county, to have 150,000 foot capacity saw­ OWNER WILL SELL— His Cliff Payne makes tent stakes. TRY FEHIGE FOR HAULING mill. tractive corner home at and transfer work of all kinds. 375 B St. Phon« 410-R. Beach street. Nice gar< W. S. Morrow and wife of Estate of Emma Elizabeth Cof­ 200-lmo fee, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS: JERRY O’NEAL— Plumbing. 207 Notice is hereby given by the East Main. Phone 138. - ens. Excellent location. Good clothes means no great- undersigned, administratrix of the . . , ' estate of Emma Elizabeth Coffee, PLANING MILL ( O. T but far greater VAL- deceased, to the creditors of, and |FOR SALE—Childs pony JORDAN’S SASH AND CABINET UES. Paulserud’s. 261-tf all persons having claims against, WORKS, Cor. Heilman and saddle. Call 4F13. ______ the said deceased, to exhibit them, Van Ness. 194-tf M r ntiri Mro tj TO ,1 with accessary Mr. and Mrs. H. Gelsen of Fill-, in six the months after vouchers, the flrst with- pub_ MOJTVMENTS more, N. Y. were registered at j llcation of this notice, to the said the Hotel Ashland last night. nig h t.' ' administratrix, at her ’ office at MONUMENT—MARKERS 154 Oak Street, in the City They are touring the United | No. stove, one dining table, Lowest Prices of Ashland, County of Jackson, | States this summer. ASHLAND GRANITE CO. State of Oregon. 3rd and East Main St. 223-6mo Dated at Ashland, the 23rd d ay 1 PLUMBING of June, 1923. Oranges, lemons, grape fruit— sewing machine, few GEORGIA W. COFFEE, 106-tf one 3\-burner oil stove, one L. M. ’Clark, a Los Angeles Detrick sells for less. Administratrix of small wash boiler, fruit jars, business man was in Ashland at- the estate of Em­ When you blow out, blow in to ma Elizabeth Cof­ etc., one fishing outfit. 515 ¡tending to business matters yes- fee, deceased. Leedom’s for Tires. 256tf 256-t2* i terday. Liberty. Duo’kdflng Sales Books WITH CARBON What are left on Wednesday, July 18, will be offered for the balance of the week at $9.75. These are mostly small sizes hut a few large sizes are among the lot. Two Books ......................................................... 25c Per Dozen ’.................................................... .$1.25 Two D ozen........... .............................................$2.25 Better select one you can use and get it before some one else gets it. One Hundred ..................................................... $8.00 ASHLAND TIDINGS July * Clearance. |gv GOODS With Asldafid Trade is Ashland Made. F?] 1 0 5 .2 < July Clearance