Wednesday, July 11, 1023 Á SBtA Ñ ft DÀÎLŸ ÍTDtXoS • : Classified Column j ! J R 0F E S S l0^A L j FIND PAGE THREE Mr. and Mrs. E. Irw in of Sau­ salito, California, were in Ash­ erville, California, who are tour- tie Shafer, spent yesterday and land calling on friends yester ing the coast, spent yesterday and £A Column Devoted to B rief * day. today in Ashland and vicinity. today in Ashland. C lassified C o lu m n R ates The party is touring the cost, and OR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Resi­ »Business and Personal N otes,J dence and office, 108 Pioneer visited Lithia Springs, the soda W hen you blow out, blow in to One cent the word each time. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Barron of avenue. Telephone 28. Office ' Leedom’s for Tires. 256tf To ru n every issue for one springs, Ashland Park and other Mrs. Cozart underw ent an op­ hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 Berkeley were in Ashland yester­ m onth or more, %c the word points, all of which they declared p. m. only. eration at the Community Hos­ day visiting friends. •ach time. wonderful. pital yesterday. B. W. German and wife of Ro­ DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac­ chester, New York, who are tour­ FOR SALE— REAL ESTATE Miss Nellie Fortus of Elmonds, tice limited to eye, ear, nose and Cliff ing the states, passed through Payne makes porch th ro at— X-ray including teeth. Ala., spent yesterday in Ash­ FOR SALE— The bungalow lot swings. Ashland yesterday. They d e c la r­ land’s park. TOUT PERSONS Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to Just across from the park foun­ 1 toiu11 feeling after eat- ed it an ideal city. 5. Swedenburg Bldg, Ashland lng, gassy pains, constipation tains. Large lot running Ore. great results are attained Relieved and digettion improved by O. F. iRebel, Roseburg business through from Park avenue to Interesting P arty __ G ranite St., faces 216 feet on Let me tell you about the new . by uornial development. That man, is here attending to local CHIROPRACTORS A party consisting of Frank R. C H A M B E R L A IN ’S G ranite and 260 feet on P ark interests. full coverage Automobile policy. is Nature’s way. Begin the habit drive. Has 60x50 dancing pa­ OR. E . B. ANGELL— Chiropractic a b comforting l e t s - only 25c Yeo, of course. 246-tf. Luider of San Jose, with Mrs. Cleansing t and vilion on it. This is a wonder­ of saving and out of this habit ----- ~ AI com- and — Electro-Therapy. The C. E. Thompson of Portland, ful location for an apartm ent bination does wonders. First there grows normally the rose of Mr O. H. Hanley of Oakland, and Ashland needs ju s t such a National Bank Bldg Phone paid business ^isits jto several success. 48-142. stru c tu re right now. I have not was in Ashland attending to busi­ local m erchants yesterday. til© c&pit&l to build the apart* House Calls ness interests yesterday. m ent and need the money now J- J. Stuahue of Portland was invested in the property in my HAWLEY— Above Tidings F o r the best in sweet milk and prin tin g business. Will sell all OR. a local visitor yesterday, m aking office. Phone 91. o r any p art of it a t a real bar­ cream go to D etrick’s. 106-tf the trip on business. gain, if taken a t once. Go up and look it over and make me DR. ERNEST w . SMITH— Chiro­ Mrs. C. A. Henry of Los An­ Have a fit a t Orres- -tailors for an offer. B ert R. Greer, Tid­ practor, near Postoffice. Hours geles was here yesterday looking 9-12 and 2-5. Phone 114. .men and women. ings office. 208-tf 226-tf Ashland, Oregon Lady atten d an t Mondays, W ed­ up form er friends and acquain­ nesdays, Fridays, afternoon. FOR SALE, TRADE OR RENT__ She was accompanied Edieo Giery and wife of Long tances. 160 acres unimproved land, un­ by Florence Henry. HOME__ Cot­ Beach, California are in the city incum bered, near village of 300 CONVALESCENT on B- R, R. and good hard tage plan. Invalids cared for visiting friends. Oranges, lemons, grape fru it— roads, 100 acres under fence in home surroundings. M atern­ with good n atural pasture, Detrlck sells for less. 106-tf Cliff Payne makes porch ity departm ent. Terms rea­ plenty of w ater. Three roomed sonable. Phone 411R. 24S-tf. swings. house, barn and woodshed. For C. H. Coman of Richmond, Va.' fu rth e r particulars address F. was a visitor here yesterday, a t­ J., care Ashland Tidings. 148tf G. W. Rackali and wife are TRANSFER AND EXPRESS tending to business interests. here spending p a rt of th eir vaca­ FOR prom pt and sareful service, tion. MISCELLANEOUS Their home is in Long auto trucks or horse drays, call Beach. BIG SPECIAL for 30 days be­ It s important to you, to your motor, to W hittle Transfer Co. Phone LOANS— Farm loans; City loans; ginning July 9th on Tires a t Lee- X?.u j F°cketb° o k - t h a t you get a dis- 117. Office, 89 Oak street, near Amortized 4 per cent. W. G. doms Tire Hospital. Hotel Ashland. 56tf BIG SPECIAL for 30 days be­ W right, Stew art Bldg., Med- HE growing number of tilled lubricant for your car. There’s just R . ~ . iord______________ 2 04-1 mo* ginning Ju ly 9th on Tires a t Lee- Royal Cord C linchers T. L. POWELL— General Trans­ one way to be sure o f getting it. Mr. and Mrs. M. Gilbert and fe r-G o o d team and m otor doms Tire H ospital. you see on the roads gives child spent yesterday in Ashland FOR SALE trucks. Good service a t a rea­ an idea of how many car sonable price. Phone 83. P. J. Bothm er and wife of Oak­ seeing the park, which they like owners there are who want FO R SALE— Gould double acting land were in the city yesterday, immensly. Their home is in Se­ the best tire money can buy. TRY FEH IG E. FOR H A P i r v r «„n, . '. attle. piston pump. Phone 365R2. « ansfer work of a11 kinds' ing ° n fn e n d s- t h e d is t il l e d o il ^ F 262-4 There weren’t near enough 375 B St. Phone 410-R. Good clothes means no g reat­ Clincher Royals to go around is the distinctive, distilled lubricant for We m ake a specialty of picnic 200-lm o FOR SALE— Alfalfa hay in field er COST but fa r g reater VAL­ last year. R and cam pers’ needs. D etrick’s. $10.00 per ton. C. C. W olters, motors; made by an exclusive patented MONUMENTS UES. P au lseru d ’s. 261-tf 236-tf This year—even with the Talent. 262-1 process. MONUMENT— MARKERS production more than doub­ Lowest Prices FOR SALE-—T wo h alter broke You know what distilling does-removes every Goes to Lake of Woods__ J. M. Agee of Eugene was a led you can best be sure of GRANITE CO. colts, one 4 years, the other 5; 3rd ASHLAND Mr. Fred W agner, with Law­ business visitor here yesterday. impurity Every one of Sunoco’s six ty p e s - and E ast Main St. 223-6mo them by taking them at the w eighing 1200 and 1265. R. Light to XX: H e a v y -is pure, distilled lubri­ rence W agner, Barclay Leeds, Al­ à tf A moment. B. Purves, Talent, Ore. bert Leeds and Marcus Woods Mrs. M. Padelford Jr., of Se­ cant. Ordinary oils consist of light oil with STAPLE’S went to Lake of the Woods yes­ attle, was a day visitor in Ashland 261-t5 cy «nder stock added to give body. It’s cylin­ terday, where the boys will re ­ j yesterday. der stock that causes your carbon troubles. FO R SALE— Two horse wagon. main for some time. Mr. W agner yo,u rd ea ler ° r us for booklet, Can be seen a t the Normal will retu rn to Ashland this even­ Miss Julie G irdard of Seattle, 45 A. mostly bottom land, near buildings on Boulevard. ing. W hat s H appening Inside Your M otor?” spent yesterday in Ashland see­ 259-6t* highway, alfalfa and grain, fam ­ ing the city before . going on south. Bay Lewis, who is connected, OW NER W ILL SELL— His a t­ ily fruit, house and barn, team, with the California-Oregon power! — —■* DULUTH MINNEAPOLIS SPOKANE PORTLAND tractive corner home a t 399 cow and tools. $6,500. company was a business visitor C. R. Banow’ of Coquille, Beach street. Nice garden, Good farm land under ditch in the city yesterday. was in the city on business yester- berries, fruit, grapes, lawn and 2 miles from Ashland a t $60 per — ------ day. lAcm flowers. Jersey cow and chick­ acre. Ladies’ and G ents’ hiking suits ---------- 7> grants pass auto co., ----- ens. Excellent location. BUICK SERVICE STATION, v . T . G ran ts Pass, Oregon. _ _____Fu,vu shoes’ boots> kats, bags, blankets,. c - Welsh of Portland was in Good 6 room house on paved Medford, Oregon. 249-1 mo. * , street VALLEY HARDWARE CO., $100. down balance*" like etC" *n faCt’ overy' Ashland yesterday and this inorn- T. E. GILMOUR, . ~ G ran ts Pass, O regon. rent Hk thing for the to u rist, hiker, camp-, ing transacting business. Murphy, Oregon. ASHLAND AUTOMOTIVE SHOP, FO R SALE— W heeler white cling rent. R. L. HAMMER, er, and all sports. Army Goods ---------- Ashland, Oregon. peaches. Will soon be ready. Selma, Oregon. EAGLE POINT GARAGE, Have a restau ran t and Bakery Store. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. La Posea VV. C. FIXlaEY, Bigger and better than ever. Eagle Point, Oregon. ---------- ( of San Jose, v California, a n io rn ia, were in WilllaiM, Oregon. O rder now. c. W. C hattin. doing profitable business for sale M. S. JOHNSON, J . S. M’CLELLAN, Roseaugh of Portland spent Ashland viewing the park yester- at attractive price. Gold Hill, Oregon. Phone 353-L. 263-3 ASHLAND SERVICE STATION K lam ath Fal*«. Oregon. rdav in Ashland AsshlnnH transacting day and I, ,— 1. they yesterday J. M. SMOCK, and 1,'borl liked it so well HOUSES FOR RENT ROBERTS & HARVEY, Ashland, Oregon I business with local m erchants. Holland, Oregon. stayed over for today. FO R SALE— Desirable home, 7 K lam ath Faxfc. Oregon FRED J. FICK, MOUNTAIN SERVICE STATION room house, lote 150x150, 2 Jacksonville, Oregon. Weed, California. When you blow out, blow in to L. F. Furm an, of Willows, car garage, garden, all kinds Leedom’s for Tires. 256tf California, was in Ashland yes­ of fru it and berries. Leaving terday, and made business visits town July 23. ‘ 351 Morton St. Robert Pertz, San Francisco to several local business men. A SAVAGE TIRE "AD” . .. WITH COMMENTS 263-3* business man, was in Ashland yes­ No. 5 terday. C. C. Skon and wife of San FO R quick SALE OR RENT— Francisco were registered at the Owner In town for few days It was the same old story of Monuments from the Blair pu ce and musicians or those trained in music r e c o e n ? ^ ^ ^ * * V* masUr' a m p le .. With this in minit ‘ lh‘ desi&nin& a / an advertisement lor e t Hotel Ashland last night. Mr. only. Will sell a t bargain 6 the man who never had had Moni an the side h T s 7 7 ? ^ U ,!li ...... ...... ' Skon is here on business, and his room house and garage, 44 3 a fire and thought he never ? ry’_ P atro n ^ e home indus- bhe other feUowt business ’and t eUrn about tFy- Exclu8^ e salesman. S. wife accompanied him. Allison St., back of library— or would be an exception. our business should . Penniston. Res. 476 L aurel St. Royal B Lee. Advertising Manager will rent. Mrs. W alters. It is better to be safe than Phone 444Y- 253-im o 263-tf NATURE FP HK The Citizens Bank of Ashland Everywhere-Royal Cords Play safe on oil United StatesTires are Good Tires T SUNOCO Realty Bargains MARSHALL-WELLS COMPANY , „ d‘a,m “U SUNOC°->‘l* IMMhn with Where to buy USlires E. T. Staples Ashland AN OLD STORY SORRY FOR SALE— Registered Hamp­ Y n n 1 1 • , OU l l i a \ he lucky enough shire Sows. Prices right, sat­ isfaction guaranteed. W rite 1 IC1 ? ef°re the for inform ation. John Mace, tne but such instances are C entral Point, Ore. 259-9* very rare; make a practice terday’ 1O°king here, after interests ot keeping insured and when B etter be safe than sorry. See FO R SALE— Saxaphone, cello, you need it you will have it, Beaver R ealty Co. about your in­ cornet, orchestra drum s. All All good kinds of insurance surance. Phone 68. 287-tf A1 bargains. L. E. Stennett, at right prices. Kindly re 494 Fairview . 259-6t* member that there is hut tei Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Bradshaw —and butter. of Salt Lake City spent yesterday FOR SALE— Cheap, 20 acres, 3 in Ashland and vicinity, m otoring roam cabin furnished,. Nice out to H yatt P rairie in the a fte r­ growing garden. Will trade noon. for auto. Address Box 77, Glendale, Ore. 260-6* Real Estate and Real In­ Billings Agency FOR RENT FO R RENT OR LEASE— Moun­ tain ranch (Mahon place), 3 miles southw est from Ashland. House, barn, shed, fruit-trees, berries. Wood for own use free Mrs. E. B. Miller, Box 564, Ashland. 263-tf FOR RENT— Three furnished housekeeping rooms, all front rooms. To lease for 6 months or longer. 326 N. Main. 262-t2* FOR RENT— Good office room In Beaver Building. 262-t3 surance 41 E. Main Est. 1883 Phone 211 E ffective J u ly 1st. Howard & Grimes Stages leave Ashland for K lam ath Falls daily at 8:30 a. m. and 2:15 ». m. Restless ~ Nights? Hcr®,,he artist was asked to ”re£- •ster pride and affection in pictur- I ln. v £ Ur l nd,an character. Rathe- ' k d^ “c “l,jcom b'nation. we'll admit, but he did it very well. This same artist abhors anythmg approaching the~. mechanical", so we had to I have another artist draw the tire th is . , latter artist the --- - couldn’t for ifie world have originated the I n d ia n - a I W hen Coffee disagrees ¡ but 2 " that ; 1.'! t is * « all. [way it goes. D r in k - « 'y . I And that is the 3 Postum There's a Reason This is purely a descriptive h e a d -^ line to tie up the illustration with 5 the text that follows ' 256-12* J S A V E IC E as well as FO O D in one of PROVOST BROS. REFRIGERATORS WANTED .WANTED— By Los Angeles par­ ty, two high powered autom o­ biles. Will pay spot cash, but price m ust be right. Inquire 116 Pioneer Ave., Ashland. 263-1 M’ANTED— Man with team to haul 72 tier fir from Mahon place, 3 miles southw est Ash­ land. Or sell on place. $2 tier if all taken. Mrs. E. B. Miller, Box 564, A sh lan d . 263-tf C O P Y R IG H T 1 9 « S. S.T. CO. A. E. Benson’ P ortland busi- ness man. wa s in Ashland yes- Farmers, Attention! Look to your Mowers. Rakes and Binders early so in case I should not nave the worn or broken parts in stock I will have time to send to Portland for them. Garden Hose and Tools of every description PE IL ’S CORNER WANTED— To re n t garage close to Fifth St. Address J. V. M. Mrs. A. L. Dimeen of Omaha, 77 Fifth St. 263-t3* Nebraska, was in the city yester­ day looking up old acquaintances, PLUMBING going south this morning. JERRY O’NEAL— Plumbing. 207 East Main. Phone 138. Rev. and Mrs. E. C. Bloomquist with Miss Lenora Bloomquist, of PLANING MILL JORDAN’S SASH AND CABINET Tacoma, W ashington, spent two WORKS, Cor. Heilman and days of th eir sum m er’s vacation Van Neas. 194-tf here yesterday and today. A. H ylander, accompanied by his wife and son, of Portland, spent yesterday in Ashland. Spring garm ents cleaned and dressed with care. Auto delivery, .’ hone 63. Ashland Cleaning and Dyeing W orks. 208-tf Mrs. E. C. Kewly and son of Phoenix, Arizona, were Ashland visitors yesterday and today, stopping at the Hotel Ashland. P ride MAKE You wouldn’t go about with a d irty face, why with unpressed clothes? P au lseru d ’s. 261tf A party consisting of C. M. ley, his wife and d au g h ter, Sacram ento, spent yesterday Ashland. They went on north day. R i­ of In to­ i O. A. C. M. R. Ellis of Portland was in the city on business yesterday. tire T ribe a rep u tatio n to sustain’ and a ,a ‘ erlal’; Pr °P « r tools, p erfo rm ed , th ere is a r M l t o Z S s 8 " h ,°u /.° r W o rk WeU a m ere c o m m o d ity . e n tiv e to build b etter than Such is the situ atio n in the fa c to ry w h » » » k c A r is to c r a t” C o rd is h . , n . rvT y w h e re the Savage and te x tu re o f the ra w m a te r^ H ^ h 1* 11 k n o w ,h e Quality th ey a p p r e c ia te the e x ^ lltn c e of *ihe A ® 7 ° r k ‘n * w ith - th e y r e a liz e the care that ,h e A r '«<>crat design, the splendid r e p u t a t i o n e x * r^ised to m a in tain th e y build a c c S d iS S ? * ed b* *h e ir p ro d u c t- a n d Your Next Goal this ro d u c to H h e ir a it is p so handsome ,h e ,r » n d " ,o * ,h 7 b u ilt it >noHft ®* d r ,v ln « y o u r car. TR.QVL T h is , the m en w h o tires ________ HEARBY DEALERS Fall Term Opens September 281923 ’ — -i WHI i k KS. ? . What a constructive force pride i s ! True, it is som etim es used most M foolishly, but in the main it mal<. i us strive for better and be',or ■ things, and helps to keep us n on a1 slipping back Our workmen I proud of the Aristocrat Cord Tl. r | pride will not permi: then: to injure 8 • he product they are working on 3 consciously. Surely men like th ese’ ' and the product they bu.ld so well ’ are worthy subjects to present m H our readers. We do it here ® rdnned t ° rm F “ « d • eeP -fo o rk