‘ï'nesday. July 10,1028 ÀsôtÀXï) DÀrtr frhrVGS Classified Column 1 _PRQFESSIOXAL -rrw, PAGE THREE _ ♦ i A pGrty Consisting of Mr. and inj!H:;,ntnnmiiur!uiannRnn 3 Mrs’ E- D‘ Rowley and daughter Pordanday’S 1« B u sin ess- {of 'Portland, were in Ashland PHYSICIANS ¿4 Orra Ancle, who was engaged A Column Devoted to Brief yesterday, They are touring the • « in the second hand business in Business and Personal Notes?: coast. Visits in Klamath Falls__ HR. MATTIE B. SHAW—Resl- - Classified Column Rates this city for several years, has dence and office, 108 Pioneer'* ............... * One cent the word each time. Mrs. Ed Kilgore leaves today avenue. Telephone 28. Office again entered that line of busi­ By H erbert R obinson Ice Cream made from pure Mrs. L. Willard of Klamath To run every issue for one for Klamath Falls to visit friends hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 ness and is located at 116 Pion­ month or more, He the word there for a time. frails was an Ashland visitor yes sweet cream in our own Ice p. m. only. each time. eer, Ave., where he is prepared terday. * * * Cream factory. Rose Bros. Adapted from the Patheserial by to meet the trade. DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac Mr. Selby Home— 252-tf FOR SALE— REAL ESTATE Frank Leon Smith tice limited to eye, ear, nose and We make a specialty of picnic The many friends of Mr. Ar- FIRST IN T U t c t i u u r n throat—X-ray including teeth. tbur Selby will be glad to learn HRST • THE SUMMER FOR SALE—The bungalow lot and campers’ needs. Detrick’s. Mrs. Ellen E. Keeney of Salem Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to Copyright by Pat he Exchange, Inc. just across from the park foun­ that he was able to return from > b? ttle ° f 5. Swedenburg Bldg, Ashland 236-tf was In Ashland yesterday calling' tains. Large lot runuing Ore. on friends she used to know in the Southern Pacific Hospital R L A I N ’S through from Park avenue to uhuaiuuflinuimuuiuimaHiuuk last Friday morning. Mr S elbv'C ° L IC D IA R R H O E A R. L. Kinney of Keno, was in Salem. Granite St., faces 216 feet on CHIROPRACTORS CHAPTER XV Granite and 260 feet on Park Ashland yesterday, calling on sev­ D isputed T reasure drive. Has 5ux50 dancing pa­ DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic eral friends. has suffered greatly. It is j •« sto m ach a n d bow els, c ram p s, d iar- Enjoy music, Jazzy to opera,' vilion on it. This is a wonder­ and Electro-Therapy. The com­ a matter of congratulation that rioca- When needed - worth 50 time« whenever and wherever you ful location for an apartment bination does wonders. First the cost for single dose. he is convalescing so nicely please. Take a Portable Vlctrola ^ be roar of Oie locomotive Ladies’ and Gents’ hiking suits and Ashland needs just such a National Bank Bldg. Phone e was Ruth bade Foster good-bye for * * • structure right now. I have not 48-142. 252-tf. frateV ™ .u°ter t0 the PAOS' the time being and again turned to shoes, boots, hats, bags, blankets, camping. Rose Bros. the capital to buLd the apart u°f Ruth Ran8er. Then the Spaniard. “But who made the Mrs. Clarence Powell Here__ House Calls lunch kits, etc., in fact, every­ . ... i suddenly the aviator revived him- recent discovery?” she asked. ment and need the money now Mrs. J. K. P. Lewis has as thing for the tourist, hiker, camp­ A Minneapolis business m an,1 ^e lf. and saw the puffing monster invested in the property in my DR. HAWLEY—Above ’ Denslow formerly your chief en­ house guest. Mrs. Clarence Powell t ° Wn toward his wrecked Tidings er, and all sports. Army Goods E. B. Hancock, was registered printing business. Will sell all office. Phone 91. gineer, found these passages so Store. or any part of it at a real bar­ at the Ho«.. A ,h ...d last night. £ long lost, ’ he answered, “and he of San Francisco, her daughter, gain, if taken at once. Go up having spent yesterday in Ash- dragged Ruth and S s e it tom t£ turned the information over to Mal- "ho will spend some time here and look it over and make me DR. ERNEST W. h.MITH—Chiro­ . We have I»een lalk- • ♦ • land on business. track. hnson. We became interested at W. A. Johnson of Los Angeles an offer. Bert R. Greer, Tid­ practor, near Postofflce. Hours the time. ing to you about the dif­ ^ L t u t motor,of the Plane was Here from W ashington- ings office. 208-tf 9-12 and 2-5. Phone 114. waà transacting business in Ash­ ference between Real Have a fit at Orres—tailors for en ^ n ? cashed rails and as the Ruth suddenly noticed that the Mr. and Mrs. Julian arrived Lady attendant Mondays Wed­ land yesterday. Spaniard, like many of the mysteri­ •i . „ — into it, it was de- a n d AI feel(*<| Service—* nesdays, Fridays, afternoon. men and women. FOR sale , trade or RENT__ 226-tf mailed from the track and plunged ous men who had figured in the re­ from Washington last week tor a wbat. we m ean is that 160 acres unimproved land, un­ When you blow out, blow In to and "the" _embankment- Mallinson cent events, wore a ring with an visit at the home of Mrs. Julian’s incumbered, near village of 300 CONVALESCENT HOME__Cot­ we are going to give arrow upon it. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Miksch on A. K. Dodgson of Chicago was whirled ° f P?ystery were 256tf on S. P. R. R. and good hard you tage plan. Invalids cared for Leedom’s for Tires. _ Who " e you, and what is the the Boulevard. an Ashland visitor yesterday. roads, 100 acres under fence in home surroundings. Matern­ meaning of the arrow?” she asked. with good natural pasture, James E. Simmons, a San Fran­ having come here to attend to bteam'.and dirt. Mallinson recov- REAL SERVICE Mr. Julian has returned, but ity department. Terms rea­ inPt™eA rr°W men " e from Wash­ plenty of water. Three roomed huainess interests. ®red himself in a moment and saw cisco business man, was in Ash­ Mrs. Julian will spend some time on a re to be th e sole sonable. Phone 411R. 24S-tf. house, barn and woodshed. For _____ _ Kutb staggering to her feet on the ington, he returned. “We special here. land on business yesterday, going land« * Hnd‘n .K eStlgating government further particulars address F. Judge all we ask is an embankment above. He managed Cliff Payne makes lands and the country’s precious on to Medford this morning. J., care Ashland Tidings. I48tf porch to drag himself into some brush and mineral Mr. and Mrs. Miksch had a de­ opportunity to p ro v e deposits.” F TRANSFER AND EXPRESS swings. conceal himself. lightful surprise last week when o u r a sse rtio n . As he 5nished> an°ther Arrow MISCELLANEOUS --------- R * h C n j 1 ue smoke had cleared, Monuments from the Blair FOR prompt and sareful service, man entered, accompanied by a Mrs. S. Pickard stopped for a Mrs. W. D. McDermott of Se- the e X j k L m ^ M d° W n We have everything auto trucks or horse drays, call fluarry- Patronize home Indus LOANS— Farm loans; City loans; number °f United States cavalry- few days’ visit on her way to her attle is registered at the Hotel disappeared, but ‘the man^of mysl 117lttnffiXra»Qfnr i5 ° ' Phone try’ Exclusive salesman. S Amortize^. 4 & per cent. W. G. to be bad in a modern fiHnii He greeted the Spaniard of- home in Idaho. Hotel A?h,and ° ak “ reet’ Veu Res. 476 Laurel St. Ashland, having decided to stop tefy was lying inert—dead Ruth nbouty«nm°nierred ior a nioment Wright, Stewart Bldg., Med- Service Station. Mrs. Pickard and Mr. Miksch f°fd 204-lmo"’ a spend a day in o f ^ e n ^ ------ o w ^ \ s"d beheld ‘he face “™ut s?™e Papers, and then closed were schoolmates forty years ago “ Phone 444Y. 253-lmo over here and and sealed the lid of the chest. Ruth Lithia Park. I ¡anr°r’ the haviator discoveied^ome was amazed and asked for an ex and the brief stay afforded op­ LOST— Between Ashland a point T. L. POWELL—General Trans­ fer-G ood team and motor James Guy of Los Angeles, who papers nearby which the girl recoc- planation. portunity for a fine visit over old two miles beyond Talent, brown trucks. Good service at a rea­ is taking his summer vacation, Dancing class to begin new ^ e d ^s important documents con- nf !taUM ed Valley is the Property times and friends of long ago. leather hand-bag, containing sonable price. Phone 83. of the United States government ” course Wednesday under direc- A ^ h ^ V n 311^ ; u stopped over in Ashland yester­ •uit of men's clothes and other he explained, “and I am taking for- tion of Miss Helen Rodolph and paper reporter Dkk wearing apparel. Suitable re­ TRY FEHIGE FOR HAULING day and last night. Possession. Nothing must be Pendleton—Sawmills busy in Mrs. Silvian Provost, chairman, Peared on the scene and offerèdX J X e U ” frOni îheSe chambers a«d Lmatllla Forest area. n aQ4SfeXuWOrk Of a11 kinds- ward for return to G. M. Ray­ J15 B St. Phone 410-R. Better be safe than sorry. See at Civic clubhouse. First class guide Ruth back to the secret head- mond, Court Rouse, Klamath ___ 2 00-1 mo Beaver Realty Co. about your in­ at 4 o’clock, second class at 7 Valiev^ T h / i a*iinson in Haun^ d my family have owned this Falls. 260-t3 «•dock. Anyone earing ,o take surance. Phone 68. 287-tf S T A P L E ’S FOR SALE up nature dancing may join the Denslow, but at that moment Mal “I am very » .t , ____ jpTan".oWaoS„twK f f i makin8 "eW Se“W , ' 7 dam a' " * Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Mack of ’ ° 'ClOCk FOR SALE— Gould double acting Oakland, Calif., passed through H. O. Williams of Klamath ’ t a k ^ iu ^ c h a r g ^ ^ o ? t f e ^ 8 ha^ ^ rds JfiU piston pump. Phone 365R2. as a , Ashland yesterday, stopping for Falls was in Ashland yesterday, ^oom. After disconnecting aS This° w a? i ” 262-4 . mostly bottom land, near the afternoon in Lithia Park calling on several business ac- S nCing devices, he turned his two Ruth, as just as sÌfe bfl°Wiit0 FOR SALK—Alfalfa hay iu field highway, alfalfa and grain, fam-- ’ ua,~ ______ e Z T °S y° i s « ? ó r Hi n h Effective July 1st. 110.00 per ton. C. C. Wolters, ily fruit, house and barn, team, Howard & Grimes Stages leave big SPECIAL for 30 days be- S°paTard^°The6 was ^ead y Hoover,* slS ’^ S Ì d Talent. 262-1 cow and tools. $0,500. Ashland for Klamath Falls daily ginning July 9th on Tires at Lee- E 2 yV ^ o K ^ FOR SALE——Two halter broke Good farm land under ditch at 8:30 a. m. and 2:15 p. m. doms Tire Hospital. colts, one 4 years, the other 5; 2 miles from Ashland at $60 per HE great results are attained 256-12* weighing 1200 and 1265. R. acre. by normal development. That p . S. J. McFarlane of Portland „ A P&rty consisting of Mr. and papers which seemed to ¡merest and R a n g ^ b o u a h ^ h /? “^ -hat the B. Purves, Talent, Ore. is N ature’s way. Begin the habit 6 room house on paved was a business caller on several MrS' J ' ° ' Glazier and Miss Wini- 261-t5 M Ä Ä of saving and out of this habit atreet $100. down balance like local merchants yesterday. fred Glazier’ of Greely, Colorado, pocket. rent. ______ were in Ashland yesterday look- there grows normally the rose O l FOR SALE— Two horse wagon. and ,JÍfty years back, is ’not clear; Mr. Craig, take a look at this I” ing up acquaintances. Can be seen at the Normal success. W. of Weed spent i II bet you Craig could do Have a restaurant and Bakery 7 ' f B. ' Manners ” Dinnv08 GraiS turned and saw I something if he were hereV”“in»«uu buildings on Boulevard. ao.ng proHt.b,e b„alneBS for J ABhla; ‘> “» busi- P S Pr . nng- thr°uUgh the Periscope rupted Dhiny. here’ Ulter- w . D. Reiton of Portland spent 259-6t* throug,h the glass, “I guess I could at that’” at attractive price. ______ yesterday in the city looking af- he I n d U i l n 6 o T m V S ^ ^ O T ^ e- dCraihgeld OWNER WILL SELL—His at­ HOUSES FOR RENT When you blow out, blow In to terMbus,“e88 interests. ? ----- coming from I “Where tractive corner home at 399 Leedom’s for Tires. 256tf' MrS’ E' C' Kau9rud- with her 5 annfhAr is Mallinson ^ ; « « locked b ?” . she „ Beach street. Nice garden, son and Allen Kausrud stopped berries, fruit, grapes, lawn and o. Dixson of Chico. California, °V Virginia You have finished high California, was transacting busi­ yards. Good garage. $20.00 ment of the Presbyterian Sunday! Fr°St’ Ramona and Rosalind school and, like all wide­ ness in Ashland yesterday and to­ per month. Robison and Wild, day. school surprised one of their " ' and tbe guest honored Flor- awake graduates, are look­ Ashland Hotel Building. ing to college. number. Miss Florence Wilson, eDC6 Wi,son- Miss Lennart and 252-tf The State of Oregon of­ who leaves with her parents very Mrs- Andrews enjoyed the jollity Spring garments cleaned and FOR RENT— Completely furnish­ dressed with care. Auto delivery. fers you the best of training shortly for their eastern trip, at of the merry little party with ed apartments. 75 Bush St. I ?hone 63. Ashland Cleaning and Wear Athletic ( Ymibinatinns and a collegiate degree in the home of the teacher, Mrs. H. them. • • • 256-6* the leading pursuits and pro­ REDDING, Cal., July 10.—The i Oye,nB Works. 208-tf W. Andrews, 122 Church St. $1.50 \ alues $1.00 \ isitors from D u n sm u ir- fessions, as follows: county’s new $33,000 bridge --------- All of the members of the FOR RENT— Garage. 134 No. across Pit River at Fall River Mrs. Violet Wilson and Mr. Mr’ and Mrs- W. G. Shepherd class not away on their vaca? $:5.25 $1.45 Pioneer. 259-4* Engineering, Agriculture, Waite of Dunsmuir w rere visitors Mills cannot be used until the Los Angeles spent yesterday tions, were present and a few • » Commerce, Forestry, Home $3.00 $1.98 fills at each end are pul in. The *n tbe cRy visiting with friends, WANTED cloae friends of Miss Wilson’s, last week at the home of Mrs. Economics, Military Science supervisors opened bids for the not members of this class. Miss Wilson’s mother, Mrs. O. W ¡WANTED— Chambermaid at Ore­ and Tactics, Mining, Pharm­ fills last Wednesday, but the price' Paulserud’s Suits for young Lennart had graciously consent­ Long. gon Hotel. 262-t3. was considered too high and the men. acy, Vocational Education, One lot Devonshire Tissue Ginghams JJJc Miss Irma Hooper of Gerber, 244-tf. ed to read the palms of the little and Music cloth at .......... contract was not let. a niece, is a house guest at pres­ one lot a t .......... company and a great deal of W. J. Chastia of Baselle, Ida- According to the bids offered ent of Mrs. Long’s. Student life at the College is ; pleasure and interest centered PLUMBING • • • _h°’ was in Ashland yesterday the fills will cost about half as rich in opportunities for ’ about this, the chief feature of Now is a good time to buy silk or wash dresses, JERRY O’NEAL—Plumbing. 207 much as the bridge. Further con- transacting (business with local leadership and personal cul­ Social Circle Meets— the evening’s entertainment. East Main. Phone 138. skirts, suits, eoats, khaki, wash goods, curtain goods sideration will be given tomorrow merchant8- ture. Miss Lennart’s skill in palmis­ The Social Circle of the Chris­ to the problem. ---------- try is well known and the class tian church will hold its meet­ PLANING MILL ------------------------ - For the best in sweet milk and JORDAN’S SASH AND CABINET appreciated very much her giving ing this week at the home of cream go to Detrick’s. 106-tf WORKS, Cor. Heilman and Back To Mines__ the hours for their pleasure. Mrs. O. W. Long on East Main Van Ness. 194-tf T. M. Anderson, who own3 a ' Light refreshments were serv­ street, Wednesday at 2:30 p. m. number of mining claims west of „ Bertha CromwpR and Miss; J u | .' For Information Write To MONUMENTS ed later in the evening and here * • * town, left today tor hla X l t v ” 7 ’ CL°n" ''e" ” THE REGISTRAR again the girls had a joyous hour Is Home from Visit— MONUMENT— MARKERS to resume development work He reglstered &t the Hotel Ashland over the predictions from the tea­ Lowest Prices Mrs. D. Me Carthy and her Oregon Agricultural College is working seven claims about six a “ ght' having st°PPed over ASHLAND GRANITE CO. cups. The girls decided that daughter Mrs. Moore, from San Corvallis a day to 8ee Ashland. The party and East Main St. 222-6mo miles west of town. Florence must keep strict ac- Antonio, Texas, who is here is going north. * ♦»1 > m h m i count of her year east, so they visiting, are at home again, from MAKE For choice of a wonderful lot of waists and blouse^ worth up to $10.00 O. A. C. Your Next Goal Itt AI FALLS I W DÖSE 12 Momme Jap­ anese pongee 98e J apanese cotton Creile 19c For Wann Weather Comfort 29c Fall Term Opens September 281923 Clearance Sale