ÊÀÔÉ TWd A shland b À iif # ìdì & g I Tuesday, July IO, lt»2J ’i »ii > r w lias to deal. It is a farce that is shaking ♦-» Minneapolis Visitor— A storia— $102,000 h e a t i n g (Established in 1876) » ? 1 Mr, Milton Wiley of Minneapo- plant to be erected. the foundation cf American homes and 11 Daily News Letter? • ' ¡is, Minn., who has been v i s i t i n g _____________ • threatening our very national existence. |? ' K P u b lish ed E very E ven in g E xcept Sunday by i | his sister, Mrs. Leavitt on Chest- MRS.,GRACE E. ANDREWS, Editor When the yellow curr is detected and . M. 1 | nut street for a month, has re-: Phone item s to h er at 345-R, between 10 A. M. and 2 P THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO killed by an irate husband or wife, the! san F rancisco , July 10.— and evenings. f I turi ned home. The brother and Bert R. Greer ............................... Editor world is rid of him (or her) but it only The saving of $1,000,000 or more • f f siSt sister had not met for over th ir­ brings added grief to those who have life a year to CalifornIa shippers is A Three M onth’s Trip— ty years and of course had a roy­ OFFICIAL CITY PAPER Tepephone 39 , ,, close of the service. . . . the aim of the California State al visit. to lace and , it m no wav solves the vital Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Ball of Last Sunday night the Society Railroad Commission in fighting • * « Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, Postoffice as problem of home wrecking. As soon as one High stre et have gone for a r e - ' met on the lawn at the Morehouse ; from the the nationally im portant express R eturn to California— Second Class Mail M atter. creational trip of three months. home. This seems to be an in­ representative of hell is consigned to the rate case. fa c to ry Mesdames Fountain and Vining They left in time to be in P o rt­ novation and is likely to prove! Subscription Price, Delivered in City Refusal of the Commission to grave two more step up to fill the place. and Miss Mabel Russell returned land during the president’s visit a very popular plan. make, the 13% per cent express One Month ...................................................... $ .65 to th e ir C alifornia homes last We are breeding the ilk and the loose rate< increase effective in Cali­ to th a t city. They had reserved » ♦ « Three Months ................................................. 1.95 week, after the pleasant home­ methods of living and home-making are fornia has been saving the ship­ a room on the line of inarch, so Mr. Day B etter— Six Months ...................................................... 3.75 coming and visit at the Russell J giving them encouragement. Legislation pers of the state th a t sum since they were more fo rtu n ate than It is a pleasure to note th at One Year .......................................................... 7.50 home on N. Main street. Mr. Day is getting much better. 1920, statisticians of the Com­ some, in seeing Mr. H arding. The will not solve the problem, nor will killing * * * By Mail and R ural R outes: His convalescence has been slow, B all’s will visit in Portland and mission estim ated recently. stay its progress. The only solution is in Beautiful Music* at Church— One Month ...................................................... $ .65 Tacoma spending some time at owing to the serious nature of Mrs. Effie Merrick of Los A n-' the home. Fathers mothers must persistent­ Certain C alifornia industries the seashore. Three Months ................................................. 1.95 his illness. geles, has been delighting the * * * Six Months ........................................................ 3.50 ly instill in their off-spring the importance are suffering as the resu lt of high • • • Presbyterian congregation with One Year .......................................................... 6.50 Mrs. Schuerm an H ere— of honoring and respecting the homes of express rates, while many ship­ Here From Los Angeles— her singing for the past Sundays. others. More, they must instill into every m ents th a t should go by express Mrs. A. M. Storch and her two Mrs. Schuerman is up from Gold Yesterday she sang, “ Open the,1 DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: friends. Gates of the Temple” and “ I ! boy and every girl the tragedy of being are being sent by freight, the children, accompanied by a Hill for a visit * with * * Single insertion, per inch .................................. 30 Commission declares in its brief friend, Miss D outhart, motored up Know th at My Redeemer Liveth” I false to the home and it occupants. Virtue in the express ra te case, recent­ from Los Angeles to visit Mr. Here from San Francisco— Y early Contracts: from the Messiah. Mrs. Merrick One insertion a week ................................... $ .27% must be instilled in the hearts of our boys ly forw arded to the In terstate and Mrs. F. D. W agner. Raymond Drew is here from form erly Miss Gillette, sang in Two insertions a week .......................................25 and girls until it becomes so much of their Commerce Commission a t W ash­ They arrived Saturday and will San Francisco for a visit with his the choir here before her m arri­ ' -1 B M M B j| J ü Daily insertion ......................................................... 20 parents on Third street. spend some tim e here. lives that it will in reality become one of ington. age and h e r many friends enjoy i * * * Not only is a great am ount Mrs. Storch is a sister of Mrs. her message in song very much. the principal foundation stones of our na- R ates F or L egal and M iscellaneous A d vertisin g of California products th a t should W agner’s and lives in Los Angel­ R eturned to Moro— She is -the guest, of her sister,! ! tional life. F irst Insertion, per 8 point line ................. $ .10 be shipped by express being di­ es. Mr. and Mrs. C urtis Johnson Mrs. G. F. McConnell. Great as our nation is; advanced as verted to freight lines, but cer­ Each subsequent insertion, 8 point l i n e ......... 05 * * * and children who have been vis­ * * * Suffered 25 Yeir« Card of Thanks ............................................. 1.00 our civilization is and as proud as we are tain California industries find it Mrs. Schw ein E n tertain s— iting Mr. Johnson’s m other, Mrs. Auspices' of P. T. A.— AM entirely free from my Pile« Obituaries, per line ..............................................02% we are tottering on the brink of ruin; oui impossible to continue shipping Mrs. W. W. Caldwell and son Pernie Johnson and sister, Mrs. and aches and pains,” writes The» concert given tonight is th eir products, since the door has McWilliams, left for tlieir home WHAT CONSTITUES ADVERTISING na^ ona* existence is in the balance. Where been closed to them by high ex­ John Caldwell, were dinner in Moro, Sunday. of particular interest to Ashi a n d . one o- guests a t Mrs. Louis Schweln’s parents, since the proceeds are w ho, a fte r suffering 25 years, was “ All future events, where an admission charge is are we drifting? press rates, the brief, which was A s h la n d D a ily T id in g s S O C IE T Y U J5 I Many pleasant trips and hap­ in her pleasant home on Church prepared by Hugh Gordon, chief street, Thursday evening. Mrs. penings m arked their visit, not to for a playshed for Junior High, cured by my painless, non-surgical or counsel of the Commission, Caldwell is spending a few weeks mention the interest taken in the It is under the auspices of the P. i treatm ent. But this case is no ex- THE TREND OF TRADE T. A., who had charge also of option, as scores of letters in my points out. Many men, desiring to put on metropoli- in Ashland, her form er home, and celebration which occurred dur-i a booth at the celebration for the FREE illustrated book will testify, ing their visit here. DONATIONS- tan a*IS’ lnak*ng believe that the volume of Gordon prepared this brief not has been the inspiration for a benefit of the schools. j ( use no knile> anaesthetk, clamp4> ,|a>_ ♦ * * num ber of dinner parties. The proceeds more nearly an- j tures, stitches, burning nr nthc-r.lio^ r^.. No donations to charities or’ otherw ise will be m o n e .v unnecessarily spent out of town is only for the California R ailroad The friends of the Caldwells V isitor from San Diego— proached $150 than $100 as first ”'?c or dW erous method in creating made in advertising, or job printing— our contribu- negligible, will do well to awake to the Commission, but as chief coun­ will be interested to learn th a t Mrs. K retzinger from San Die­ thought i ?,les’ and GUARANTEE results. tions will be in cash. real situation before it is too late. Have sel for all the W estern States, Maria has graduated from col­ go, Calif., stopped over one day • • . I Remember my guarantee which have joined with C aliforn­ ' 3 means a positive and per» you ever stopped to consider that the gen­ lege and th a t Constance is in her and night on her way north and manent cure no matter ' JULY 10. ia in asking the In terstate Com­ second year. John, the young­ called on Mesdames L. Hilty, O. R eturned H om e— eral trend is toward centralization! Have merce Commission to lower ex­ Mr. L. S. Goodyear, who has how severe your case THE SINNER:— Therefore to him th a t know- W. Long and C. J. Brady, whom est, has grown w onderfully in the ■ may be. been spending a couple of weeksi you thought of the reports of the last gov­ press rates, or at least not to ad­ she m et on a special train of eth to do good, and doeth it not to him it is sin.— few years of th eir absence. visiting relatives and friends re­ ernment census, which indicated an un­ vance the rates. Conductors and th eir wives, who • * • ? CirêAS. Jam es 4:17. turned to his home in Healds­ . AKD MOftttSON PORTLAND, ORcGOfc usual trend to the cities from the rural California, Oregon and W ash­ L eaves for H om e— were fellow travelers E ast to an N T h PA P C W w H £ N W R IT IN G burg, Cal., Friday. districts and smaller towns? Not only is ington, which comprise the fifth Mrs. Thomas Hoover, who has O. R. C. convention in 1911. Mr. Goodyear saw many chang­ zone of the five zones into which Mrs. K retzinger was in the com­ THE PLOW AND THE FURROW the trend of population towards the con­ the country is divided in th e fix­ spent the past fortn ig h t in Ash­ pany es in Ashland in the years of of her son W allace at that gested cities but the trend of trade is point­ ing of express rates, have also land visiting h er d au g h ter Mrs. tim e, and is an old lady over his absence. ♦ ♦ ♦ The cooperative marketing and state ed that way. joined together specifically to op­ Newton H arrison, left the last 75 years of age. She was very of the week for h er home in San publicity fund for which the Portland j much pleased with Ashland, and M iss H a m r ic k V is its F r i e n d s — It you desire to curb the practice of pose the threatened raise in ex­ Francisco. Come to hundreds of Ashland Miss H am rick of Oak Crest, press rates, and to ask the In te r­ expects to stop on her retu rn to Chamber of Commerce appeals must be sending thousands of dollars amruallv w ■ • out • * ♦ people. near C entral Point, accom panied, state Commerce Commission to California. pledged. There are days of dizziness, ot local trade channels to the larger cities place in effect a lower schedule, N ew H om e C om pleted— by a friend, Mrs. Day, w ere' ♦ » ♦ Spells of headache, languor, The consequences of defeat would be it will be to your advantage to immediately as compared w ith the rates in W. G. “ Jim ” Tucker has com­ Indoor P icn ic— guests at the Morehouse home backache; pleted his fine home on Avery worse than if the effort had not been made admit the seriousness of the situation and Zones Nos. 1 and 2. These zones Presbyterian C. E .’s are not last week. They have returned ' Sometimes rheum atic pains; street, and will be moving in his There is a vitiating effect in the excuses begin a campaign of education that will comprise the States east of the household daunted by dam p w eather and to their homes. Often urinary disorders. goods this coming week Mississippi, north of the Potomac when rain prevented the picnic and alibis sometimes offered in place of ultimately change the condition. United Doan’s Kidney Pills are espec­ and Ohio rivers, and south of the C ontrary to general belief, the ially for kidney ills. contributions, which would sap public action on the part of the merchants of the Potomac and Ohio rivers, respec­ Tucker family will not live there supper on W agner creek, they V isitors from O akland— Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lucas of Oak­ picnicked in the church. Follow- Endorsed in Ashland by grate- but Mr. T ucker’s m other will confidence unless refuted by the triump­ small cities and country towns is the only tively. land house guests at the f„j fr i,,nds and neighbors. Ask ing Is the m enu; “ L ittle W illy, lan(i are house make it h er home for the pres­ hant spectacle of the entire amount in force that can change the trend-of trade. a la W illy N illy,” conundrum sal-' home of Mr. and Mrs. Al Sher- your neighbor! ent. The brief declares th a t the ex­ hand. ad, m arshm allow s, cakes, punch, rod- Mr- Lucas has just return- Mrs. Jennie Hammond, 649 E. All other forces are working for the very press • * * business In the Pacific goodnight. ed to Oakland, hut Mrs. Lucas Main St., Ashland, says: “I Not to be a subscriber to the fund is to thing that you oppose, so it will require Coast states is 20 per cent more V isitors from th e South— All of which will probably rem ain a month ' have used Doan’s Kidney Pills was pronounced reject the opportunity for partnership in more than a temporary campaign on your profitable than th a t in the North Dr. H erbert Moulton, of Fort very hilarious. Special music and hmger. Mrs. Lucas is a sister of with benefit and am glad to en- the effort for Oregon development. It is part. It is a campaign that will require A tlantic States, yielding a higher Smith, A rkansas, has been visit­ v e r y special wishes of the com-! Mrs. Sherrod s. dorse them My kidney8 troub- retu rn per shipm ent, and costing ing a t the home of his au n t, Mrs. pany for Miss W ilson was a clos- even worse. It is a denial that Oregon has united and persistent acion. • led me for some time and I had less per shipm ent than In the Myra W. Homes, south of Ash­ ing rite of the evening. a future worth the cooperation of Oregon < Ol GHING DIS 11 BBS SLEEP such severe backaches it was hard E astern States; th a t the W estern land. It is Dr. M oulton’s first * » • citizens in attaining. My wife coughed all the tim e' for me to keep going. I was Sunday’s Oregonian.used two columns States express business is 23 per trip to the Pacific Coast, and : V isitors from Brownsville__ and could not sleep, w rites Geo. hardly ever free from dizziness It is confidence that builds business. It in upbraiding Governor Pierce, charging |c e n t more profitable than the he is delighted with C alifornia. Mrs. E. S. M arsters of Browns- A. Owens, Bridgeton, New J e r­ and headaches and the action of is lack of confidence that tears business him with trying to share the limelight with E astern States business and 16 Oregon and the west in general, ville, Ore., visited Mr. and Mrs. sey. “ She tried Foley's Honey kidneys was irregular. Doan's down. Note what happens when a bank’s President Harding while the latter was a per cent more profitable than the and of course, Ashland in p artic­ K oehler and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. jan d Tar and had the best night's my Kidney Pills helped me more Hays last week, going out to the | sleep she had had for a long than any other remedy I ever depositors lose their confidence that the visitor in the state. In the first place it Southern States express business. ular! It is asserted th a t if the pres He came west for the N atio n -' McCullum mill Saturday to visit time. 1 used Foley's Honey and! tried and It was not long before hank has the funds to repay them. It will seems that it is all a game of politics, in ent ra te s are retained by the al Medical Convention in San | h er husband, who is at work in I ar and it helped me too." I was free from the backaches prove in Portland far more costly to with­ which one has as much right to play as In te rsta te Commerce Commission Francisco, and a fte r spending the mill Coughs resulting from Whooping and other signs of kidney com- hold addition to a turn! which is designed the other. Further, the Oregonian seldom it will resu lt in a revenue to the some tim e in Los Angeles and Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, Hay plaint.” express company producing more other southern C alifornia points, Rack from D unsm uir— as the conornerstone for future prosperity ever endorses the governor’s actions. Fever, and Croup quickly relieved than a fair re tu rn on Its invest­ he will re tu rn to his home via Mrs. George K ilburn and little! with Foley's Honey and Tar. Con- Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t than tor each to subscribe in accordance m ent, a fte r paying adequate com­ the southern route. son Ross, who have been in ¡tain s no opiates. In g red ien ts, simply ask for a kidney remedy with m his k means. , w , . , . . , 1 ^ ewsPaper reports indicate that the wel- pensation to the railroad for the • * * D unsm uir the past week are j printed on the carton. Largest get Doan’s Kidney Pills— the ihe bad effect in shaking the morale of come tendered President Harding and his express privilege. A Young Son— stopping with, '¡Ashland friends selling cough medicine in the same that Mrs. Hammond had. Portland is only part of the ill to be feared. o f f i c i a l party in Portland was unexcelled The improved condition of the The many friends of Mr. and for a few days before returning! World. Insist upon Foley's lion- Foster-M ilburn Co., Mfrs., Buf- Portland is the metropolis of the Oregon 011 the president’s westward trip. Portland tran sp o rtatio n business o f the Mrs. H. G. Eastm an, form erly of to Roseburg. ! py and Tar. Sold everywhere. {falò, N. Y. country the last half of 1922 and Ashland, but who now live in country. This city is depended upon as the is to be congratulated. As a result of the the first half of 1923 Is called main spring of the enterprise that carries excellent reception there and at Meacham to the attention of the Federal Modesto, Cal., will be very in­ in the announcem ent of on industry in forests and fields. Portland the chief executive can not help liavinn body. The point is also em pha­ terested the birth on Ju ly 2, of a son has longbeen on trial, with the out-state as ¡other than a favorable impression of the sized th a t high tran sp o rtatio n named R obert Stanley Eastm an. costs w’ill resu lt In the term ina judge. Ibis city’s genuine concern for tl entire state. Mr. and Mrs. Eastm an are very tion of the business of shipping well known to Ashland people, welfare of smaller communities has time! ______ ____ • many California commodities by and again been thrown into question. If The wheat crop of Umatilla county is es- express, especially eggs and poul­ Mr. Eastm an being assistant post­ m aster here for a num ber of Portland finances a great program to help timated at 5,000,000 bushels. This connec- try products, cherries and ber­ years. the farmer get a larger share of the dol­ tion it may be of information to state that, ries. T hat such shipm ents will • * « lar paid by consumers for iarm products, } ear in and year out, that county produces cease entirely unless express Home for Visit— m aking it possible econom­ if Portland pays the bills for a publicity two per cent of the total wliea crop of the rates Mr. Royal U. Cambers, gov­ ically to ship these products are ernm ent scaler, who arrived from campaign which will advertise to the| United States. . made available is asserted in the Pelican Bay, Monday of last world not Portland but Oregon, a proof S tate’s brief. week, to visit w ith his parents of Portland’s interest in the out state is If you read the number of fatalities, oc- Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cambers of offered which 110 critic can discredit. If curing from reworks during. Julv...4tli MANY REGISTER AT LOCAL 338 Holly stre et and incidental­ AUTO CAMP GROUND Portland fails to carry the present cam­ there will no longer he any argument op ly to enjoy A shland’s celebra^ paign to f success the - person who has been ,P°s*ng the placing of a ban on shooting Sunday’s reg istran ts a t the Au­ tion, retu rn ed to Kirkwood, Ore. the la tte r p art of the week, by X v “ I told'vn . h Tl upportun,1t>' " p°werfnl firecrackers during a celebration, to Camp were: way of C rater and Diamond lakes. say, t told \ on so. 1 here may he some ----- --------------- S. Lawrie, Victoria, B. C. Mrs. * • • people in Portland who want to boost the Loyalty to sell, to home, to city, to coun­ A. H. Zane, Bellingham , W ash. In H osp ital— state as a whole, but as a body the busi­ ts, to state and to nation. When yon are A. B right, Long Beach. Don W il­ Mrs. Em alene Morgan is in the Corvallis. C. R. Livingston, ness community’s interest doesn’t extend spending vour dollars in the other fellow’s son, Portland Surgical Hospital, con­ Denver. C. J. Jogard, Canton, valescing from a recent opera­ beyond the city limits” . town you are not proving very loyal to Mo. J. A. McAft'erty, Tacoma. tion. That would be bad. It would he disaster. your city. C. A. Newlon, Cupertino, Cal. O. • * * Better never to have put hand to the plow Mistuba, Santa Rosa. S. Y. B ridge Club M eets— than to turn hack from the furrow.—Ore­ Daily reports indicate that the Ruhr Thomas, Boggs, Cal. J. W. Rice, Mrs. Emma M urphy was host­ Louisville, Ky. F. Erridson, gon Daily Journal. ess to h er Bridge club a t the will lie the I use through which another San Francisco. C. C hristopher- home of Mrs. F. Franco on Third i world conflict will lie touched off. sen, Oakland. F. K. Schmidt, W1-. street. WHERE ARE WE DRIFTING? It remained for the district attorney lows. M. B. Dimick, San B ern­ There were three tables of i and his deputy to bring Klamath Falls ardino. C. A, Pryor, Eugene. F. Bridge. Mrs. R uth Dennis was E. Candler, W aupoea, Wis. R. Scarcely a day passes that in reading into the limelight, the fo rtu n ate one in securing W. Brigham , Los Angeles. J. first prize and Mrs. Maxey co n -! the daily papers your eyes are not focused Johnson, Brea, Cal. J. MacCloud, tented herself with the consola-! on the story ot a murder committed by an Flirting with out of town stores is a Santa B arbara. Chas. Wisse, tion. outraged husband or wife, with a view to good deal like casting old friends aside Pasadena. C. P erkins’, M arsh­ The usual order was varied avenging one who has broken the home , , . , „ . for the fellow who is new and untried, field. J. Pearson, O ntario. J. somewhat In having the re fre sh -! Condon, Hillsdale. W. F. M orri­ m ents served at the Plaza. This and destroyed forever martial relations Better stay with the old ones. son, Palouse, W ash. H. W. D rake, that were once a source of happiness and _____ -_________ club have m ost delightful times Portland. F. Lewis, Oakland, J. at th eir fo rtnightly meetings. contentment. The frequency of the trage-j It seems that the auto buss driver will A. Ludden, Peoria, 111. J. N. * « « dies are increasing with alarming rapidity, never realize that it is a physical impos Tewinkel, Spokane. Geo. Moyse, ? double tragedy. A tragedy is com- sibility to knock a railroad train off the Glendale. Dr. Emil Enna, P o rt­ An The Innovation— B. Y. P. U. held an open- land. mitted when the low-lived sneak steals in- track at public crossings, a ir m eeting on the lawn a t the to a home and rends asunder the ties that _____ - home of Miss Lolita Pierson on D ivides The G lory— the Bouleva^l Sunday night. It have bound husband and wife, taking from In the fight for popularity Jack Demp- The Jordan Electric Co., which seemed singularly appropriate mnocent children either a father or moth- sey loses the newspaper decision. was aw arded first prize for the th a t the topic should be “ B roth­ ©r, frequently both, and when the one who -___________ _ best business float in t in p a r­ erhood.” is determind on vengeance kills the wreck­ Surely you must be enthusiastic over the ade, Ju ly 4th, announces th a t the Mrs. Channell was the leader. er of homes another tragedy results. The business in which you are engaged. If you aw ard belonged to the Jordau There were a number of the Sal­ Electric Co., and Automotive vation Army men present who condition is becoming one of the most x- -XT 1 -1 ,1 iare, you cannot help telling other people Shop, the la tte r having a p art in took part In the meeting. Re­ alarming questions with which the country J about it. f. H preparing the excellent freshments were served at the made or a collection taken is Advertising. No discount will be allowed Religious Benevolent orders. J. DEAN DAYS OF DIZZINESS AT THE JACKSON COUNTY Fair Grounds Nights July 26-27 GILBERT and SULLIVAN’S BEAUTIFUL OPERA "TOLANTHE” Will Be Presented As A GRAND PAGEANT CAST of Bit) BALLET of 75 ORCHESTRA of 25 A RIOT of LIGHT and COLOR flie Biggest Spectacle Ever Attempted in ( IREGt IN Glittering Costumes made especially by GOLDSTEIN & Co..—SAN FRANCISCO Dazzling Light Effects —by— CALIFORNIA-OREGON POWER GO. Under The Auspices and For The Beneft Of The Jackson County Fair Association my form