ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Monday, July 0. 1023 »•»•“I Classified Column ö WANTED WANTED— Small improved or partly improved acreage. Must be good buy. Owner or agents. "A Column Devoted to Brief X. Y. Z. Tidings. 256-6 Business and Personal Notes?; I FIND IT HERE I A party of four people, and Mr. and Mrs. Tewrinkle, Mr. and Mrs. J. Robinson of Spo­ kane were registered at the Ho­ tel Ashland last night, having stopped over in Ashland to /¡all on acquaintances here. PAGE THREE B nw:im;ffincniniM "H aunted V alley NATURE By H erbert R obinson Classified Column Rates WANTED—Woman or girl to One cent the word each time. Adapted from the Patheserial by work on ranch in Klamath To run every issue for one Ben Howe from Rogue River month or more, *4c the word Piano recital at Civic clubhouse county. Phone 12F5 or write was in Ashland Saturday on a Frank* Leon Smith each time. Box 9, R. F. D. Talent. 260-2 combined business and pleasure Monday evening, July 8, at 8 o’clock. Tickets 50 cents. Copyright by Pathe Exchange, Inc. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE WANTED—To hear from owner trip. 260-2t ’T H E great results are attainet ined having farm for sale; give par­ FOR SALE—The bungalow lot .................. . We make a specialty of picnic A by norm al developm ent. T ha ‘lopment. h at Just across from the park foun­ ticulars and lowest price. John Mrs. A. Van Vactor of Hilt, and campers’ needs. Detrick s. tains. Large lot running CHAPTER XIV is N a tu re ’s way. Begin the habit J. Black, Chippewa Falls, Wis­ through from Park avenue to I n D esperate F light 236-tf Calif., was in Ashland yesterday consin 255-3 Sat3* of saving and out of this habit visiting friends. She went north Granite St., faces 216 feet on Granite and 260 feet on Park this morning, planning to take there grow s norm ally tlie rose of Ladies’ and Gents’ hiking suits drive. Has 50x50 dancing pa­ Fortunately Ruth Ranger was not keep up the fast pace much longer. I her vacation in Portland. shoes, boots, hats, bags, blankets, success. vilion on it. This is a wonder­ seriously injured by her fall. Dick Ruth and Foster were rapidly gain- j ful location for an apartment lunch kits, etc., in fact, every­ Foster and Dinny carried her into ing on him, and by this time they An evening of rare pleasure at the cabin and in a few moments the were also out of the valley and safe and Ashland needs just such a thing for the tourist, hiker, camp­ structure right now. I have not from any other menacing devices. the Civic clubhouse Monday at 8 girl was quite herself again. PHYSICIANS er, and all sports. Army Goods the capital to build the apart­ Ahead of him, Mallinson saw a rail- j “We won’t know where to look for o’clock. 260-2t ment and need the money now DR. MATTIE B. SHAW—Resi­ Store. Mallinson now,” she lamented, “and road track with a locomotive, appar- j Invested in the property in my without direct orders from him, ently deserted, a short distance up dence and office, 108 Pioneer The Citizens Bank of Ashland H. V. Smith of Hugo, Ore., was those men in the control room will the track. He decided to make a printing business. Will sell all Herb Kline of Berkeley is in avenue. Telephone 28. Office or any part of it at a real bar- hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 Ashland visiting his sister, Mrs. a business visitor in the city to­ destroy any person entering the dash for it and make his escape in the engine. What he did not see, i gain, If taken at once. Go up Ashland, Oregon valley.” p. in. only. day. Graves of Pioneer avenue. however, was the man of mystery and look it over and make me Just then the door opened and lurking on .the other side ot the an offer. Bert R. Greer, Tid­ DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac­ —*i= =4 two mysterious gentlemen appeared locomotive. Fine piano recital Monday ev­ ings office. 208-tf j tice limited to eye, ear, nose and When you blow out, blow in to with Mallinson—their prisoner. mystery man had waited long throat—X-ray including teeth. Leedom’s for Tires. 256tf ening, July 9, at the Civic club­ “Why, what does this mean!” for The ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ this moment. Seeing Mallinson FOR SALE, TRADE OR K E N T - Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to Ruth ejaculated. house. 260-2t climb into the cab, he stealthily ap­ KO acres unimproved land, un- 5. Swedenburg Bldg, Ashland, Mallinson was a good bluffer. “I Mr. and Mrs. Clifton were here MAKE t inoumbered, near village of 300 Ore. should like to know myself,” he proached and climbed up behind on A Bakersfield man, Dan Ryan, answered. “You will have to ask the rear of the coal car. Mallin­ on S. P. R. R. and good hard from Portland Saturday visiting son was unaware of the fact that he j roads, 100 acres under fence with friends and looking the town was in Ashland yesterday look­ these gentlemen.” CHIROPRACTORS had a traveling companion, and I “It means that we are going to with good natural pasture, ing after business interests he gleefully putting on full steam he i have a show down right now,” one plenty of water. Three roomed DR. E. B. ANGELL—Chiropractic over. has here. t Df his captors replied. “We are just started the enging puffing down the house, barn and woodshed. For ( and Electro-Therapy. The com­ bination does wonders. First as deeply interested in Haunted track. further particulars address F. Monuments from the Blair Your Next Goal National Bank Bldg. Phone J., care Ashland Tidings. 148tf Tickets for the Piano Recital Valley as Miss Ranger, and now As Ruth Ranger and the reporter ! quarry. Patronize home indus­ 48-142. we’ve got things the way we want rode up they were filled with con­ You have finished high try. Exclusive salesman. S. Monday night at the Civic club­ them.” House Calls sternation to see Mallinson making school and, like all wide­ MISCELLANEOUS Penniston. Res. 476 Laurel St. house are on sale at the Public “It will be a relief to solve this his escape. Ruth was in utter 1 fe a I awake graduates, are look­ 253-lmo Library and at Mrs. R. W. Con­ mystery,” Ruth answered. “I had despair, for it now seemed as though | HAWLEY—Above Tidings Phone 444Y. all her efforts were in vain. LOANS—Farm loans; City loans; DR. the secret within my grasp in an ing to college. over’s Art Store, also by the mus­ office. Phone 91. Amortized 4 % per cent. W. G. underground tunnel, but I lost the Glancing about, the girl suddenly | The State of Oregon of­ 260-2t papers—” Mr. Barham from Siskiyou was ic teachers of Ashland. Wright, Stewart Bldg., Med­ spied a couple of aviators in the fers you the best of training “1 take it that none of you know’ freight station near the railroad, ford 204-lmo* DR. ERNEST W. SMITH—Chiro­ here on business Saturday after­ and a collegiate degree in practor, near Postoffice. Hours noon. George Allen and wife of the secret,” smiled Mallinson, just assembling an airplane that 9-12 and 2-5. Phone 114. LOST— Between Ashland a point serenely. “Also, Ruth, you have for­ the leading pursuits and pro­ Bakersfield, Calif., spent yester­ gotten that Haunted Valley has been had arrived. Hearing the whirring Lady attendant Mondays, Wed­ of the propellor, Ruth decided to two miles beyond Talent, brown fessions, as follows: nesdays, Fridays, afternoon. Better be safe than sorry. See day in Ashland, attending the forfeited to me. Why don’t you ask take a chance. With Foster, she j leather hand-bag, containing band concert in the park. They Mr. Craig,” he sneered, “the mean­ ran over to the men. Engineering, Agriculture, suit of men's clothes and other CONVALESCENT HOME—Cot­ Beaver Realty Co. about your in­ went on north this morning. ing of everything?” “I’ve got to catch that man es­ surance. Phone 68. 287-tf Commerce, Forestry, Home The party then decided the best caping in the locomotive,” she ex­ wearing apparel. Suitable re­ tage plan. Invalids cared for thing to do would be to go to the plained. “It means everything to Economics, Military Science ward for return to G. M. Ray­ in home surroundings. Matern­ Visitors from Los A n g eles- Ice Cream made from pure control room. With Mallinson me. His name is Mallinson, and—” i and Tactics, Mining, Pharm­ mond, Court House, Klamath ity department. Terms rea­ sweet cream In our own Ice along, their safety would be guar­ The aviators looked up in sur- , “ Bread Makes Sweet Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Wagner acy, Vocational Education, anteed. Falls. 260-t3 sonable. Phone 411R. 248-tf. of Los Angeles, California, are Cream factory. Rose Bros. prise. Tempers” a n d M usic They were about to leave when a ----------------- — ' ■ ... — I 252-tf trap door in the floor opened and an “Mallinson!” one of the men ex­ visiting at the home of Mr. Wag­ S tu d en t life at th e C o lleg e is FOR SALE old man of Spanish mien appeared. claimed. “That’s a man we are both TRANSFER AND EXPRESS Is there a little fairy ner’s parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. J. very much interested in. We ship­ The lost papers were in his hands. ■■ ■— " ■ ............... ■■ - ------------ I I rich in o p p o r tu n itie s fo r J. J. Anderson and family of in your home given to FOR SALE—One twenty-one dol­ FOR prompt and sareful service, M. Wagner of Oak street. “Why! Who are you!” Ruth ex­ ped the plane here to make a flight lea d ersh ip and p erson al cu l- Santa Cruz passed through Ash­ over Haunted Valley, but if Mallin- I cranks? (Jive her bread, claimed. auto trucks or horse drays, call lar oil burner. New, never t u re. land yesterday, stopping over to son has skipped, come on, we’ll get “Ah, I have the most wonderful Whittle Transfer Co. Phone Effective July 1st. used, fits any stove or range j I more Bread. him!” old documents,” the Spaniard re­ 117. Office, 89 Oak street, near Howard & Grimes Stages leave visit friends. with bottom grate or ash pan plied. "They are written in the Hotel Ashland. 56tf This sudden statement made the Fall Term Opens Ashland for Klamath Falls daily Sally Ann Bread Spanish of three centuries ago!” •—mine has neither. P rice: whole affair more mysterious to Enjoy music, jazzy to opera, "Can you read them?” one of Ruth, but her delight over the as­ >10.50. C. M. Miles, 611 Beach T. L. POWELL—General Trans­ at 8:30 a. m. and 2:15 p. m. September 28 1923 tastes so good you keep whenever and wherever you Mallinson’s captors asked excitedly. sistance she was to receive was so fer—Good team and motor St. 281-1* I 256-12* “Most certainly,” came the suave F o r In fo rm a tio n W rite To great that she didn’t stop to ask trucks. Good service at a rea­ gating and eating. Every please. Take a Portable Vlctrola reply. “They constitute the record questions. The girl climbed into sonable price. Phone 83. T H E R E G IS T R A R crum b gives health and camping. Rose Bros. 252-tf. of the Imperial Expedition which the plane with one of the aviators, Sells Many Cars— FOR SALE—Two halter broke energy. F resh daily. left Mexico City in 1542 in search leaving young Foster behind, much The Buick agency reports .he colts, one 4 years, the other 5; TRY FEHIGE FOR HAULING O regon A g ric u ltu ra l C ollege of the Seven Golden Cities! It is J. Rex Bell and wife and son to his disappointment. In another and transfer work of all kinds. sale of new Buicks to the follow­ weighing 1200 and 1265. R. C o rv a llis LITHIA BAKERY all here—how they’d suffered and moment the plane left the ground 375 B St. Phone 410-R. of Los Angeles, spent yesterday ing persons in the past two Fought and died!” B. Purves, Talent, Ore. and began to soar speedily after the 200-lmo ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « •♦ ♦ ♦ « “But what—what did they find?” fleeing Mallinson. weeks: Sherman Morehouse, in Ashland. 261-t5 | queried Ruth. Mrs. S. Patterson, Clara Warren, ■ At the throttle of the locomotive, PLUMBING Danish composer of internal ion- “They found—ah, but I must not Mallinson was examining the papers Have a fit at Orres—tailors for Mrs. Trefreu and Mr. H. A.] FOR SALE—Two Belgian does. get ahead of my story,” replied the al fame, and Dr. Enna is proving O’NEAL— Plumbing. 207 Ilowie. men and women. 226-tf old man, much to the relief of Mal­ he had seized in his flight. He felt 6 Beach Ave. 259-3* JERRY that his moment of triumph had himself worthy of the name. East Main. Phone 138. linson. “But what an addition to come—if only he could keep from — ■■■■!-■ .. — ■■ 111 ■HI, ■ — ' C. J. Hays and W. King of the documentary history of that the clutches of Ruth Ranger and FOR SALE OR TRADE— 5 Room When you blow out, blow In to PLANING MILL Los Angeles were business visi­ period!” he continued, ecstatically. Eugene Craig. But there were other Local music is all the richer bungalow, new and modern, JORDAN’S SASH AND CABINET Leedom’s for Tires. 256tf “And here is a paper of a later day, mysterious forces now operating tors here today. because of the growth of his work WORKS, Cor. Heilman and in 1745, when the language was be­ against him, and well did he know , basement, two large lots with Van Ness. 194-tf ginning to lose its purity!” here, and because he stands for fruit; also garage, chicken Wants House— that. He did not realize, however, Music .lovers in Ashland are At this point Mallinson became You wouldn’t go about with a that the mystery man was climbing . . . . . the best.— .Morning Oregonian. house, cow barn, etc. Would MONUMENTS C. E. Roberson from Oakland, alarmed. He knew the man was over the coal in the rear of the car to en^oy a treat next Monday ev- dirty face, why with unpressed take small house In good rent­ California, has rented a house oni coming to the secret. Stealthily, he MONUMENT—MARKERS clothes? Paulserud’s. 261tf reached for the telephone and call­ behind him, determined to play his ening, when Dr. Emil Enna of ing location as part payment. He is truly an artist of highest Pine Street and moved his fam-i card. Lowest Prices Portland, is to give a piano re­ ed to his men in the control room: Yockey & Company. 260-2 ASHLAND GRANITE CO. rank.—South Dakota Echo, Sioux ily into it yesterday. Mr. Rober-i Gradually the airplane was over­ cital at the Civic clubhouse. Joe Thompson of San Francis­ “Number twenty-four! Quick!” 3rd and East Main St. 223-6mo son is a new employee of the taking the speeding locomotive, and Falls, S. D. Dr. Enna is a teacher, pianist co was in Ashland today trans­ Almost immediately there was an was preparing a rope ladder Enders company in the grocery acting business with Ashland explosion below the trap door in Rutii FOR SALE—Two horse wagon. and composer of note. Many here the cabin, and in the confusion, and getting ready to climb down Can be seen at the Normal i and hardware departments. when the right moment would ar­ STAPLE’S remember the delightful evening Mr. Enna is a sincere teacher merchants. Mallinson seized the papers from buildings on Boulevard. the table, rushed out of the place, rive. Finally she dropped the lad­ they enjoyed when he was in Ash­ and a practical pianist.—W. S. B. 259-6t* on a horse and galloped der over the side and started to land last year. Let me tell you about the new Mathews in Magazine Music, Chi­ Spring garments cleaned and jumped climb downward, but something full coverage Automobile policy. pressed with care. Auto delivery. away, while the others were pulling suddenly happened. The ladder His father, August Enna, is a cago, 111. themselves out of the ruins. Ruth FOR SALE— Large second hand 45 A. mostly bottom land, near Yeo, of course. 246-tf. ?houe 63. Ashland Cleaning and and Dick Foster recovered them­ broke loose from the plane and j refrigerator, also tourist auto Ruth barely saved herself by j highway, alfalfa and grain, fam­ Dyeing Works. 208-tf selves first, and running toward the clutching hold of the running gear locker at Icenhower’s New and remaining two horses they lost no N. T. Outucters and wife of of the plane. Second Hand Store. 389 East ily fruit, house and barn, team, St. Helena, Calif., who are on time in taking up the pursuit. H. B. Tully of Sillber Topoe, She succeeded in climbing back The two men in the control room Main. 259-3 ; their way nortlq, stopped over in California, was in Ashland yes- watched the flight of the three riders into the cockpit, but now the aviator cow and tools. $6,500. the valley. A number of was having trouble with his con­ OWNER WILL SELL— His at­ Good farm land under ditch Ashland yesterday to visit the terday, looking up old acquain- across levers were pulled, causing ex­ trols. The plane was making a tances. tractive corner home at 399 2 miles from Ashland at >60 perj city. plosions, but Alallinson’s men had series of sharp nose dives, each one Beach street. Nice garden, acre. not yet succeeded in getting the coming nearer the ground and be­ For the best In sweet milk and right range. Other levers were ing more dangerous. Cliff Payne makes coolers. berries, fruit, grapes, lawn and Good 6 room house on paved cream go to Detrlck’a. drawn back, bringing the upheavals The aviator glanced hopelessly 106-tf flowers. Jersey cow and chick­ of dirt closer to Ruth and her back at the girl and suddenly the street >100. down balance like Mrs. P. Fryer of San Francis- ens. Excellent location. companion. plane made a final swoop and A party consisting of Dale co, spent yesterday in the city 249-1 mo. * rent. “Throw up your hands—the whole i plunged downward, directly toward gang of you!” the path of the oncoming engine. I Have a restaurant and Bakery Himes and wife and Hall Himes calling on Ashland friends. The men in the control room Ruth and the aviator tried to jump ! FOR SALE— Registered Hamp­ of Toledo, Ore., spent yesterday about in surprise and beheld free—but it was too late. The plane shire Sows. Prices right, sat­ doing profitable business for sale in Ashland visiting Lithia Park. Paulserud’s Suits for young whirled Eugene Craig standing behind them, crashed onto the track and both at attractive price. isfaction guaranteed. Write men. 244-tf. an automatic in each hand. The were buried under the wreckage. HOUSES FOR RENT tor information. John Mace, young man had arrived on the scene And now, in the speeding locomo­ Oranges, lemons, grape fruit— in the nick of time, for in another tive, the man of mystery saw his Central Point, Ore. 259-9* Detrick sells for less. 106-tf W. L. Halfpenny of Portland moment Ruth would have been opportunity and sprang for Mallin­ was a business visitor in Ashland blown to atoms. son. Both were fighting savagely, FOR SALE—Saxaphone, cello, W. R. Redhead of Portland yesterday. Mallinson’s horse was foaming unconscious of what had happened í 255-. t ‘ . V ■ -fi cornet, orchestra drums. All and covered with sweat, and the on the track ahead of them. was a business visitor in the city A1 bargains. L. E. Stennett, (To be continued) For the best In sweet milk and fleeing man knew that it could not yesterday. 494 Fairview. 259-6t* cream go to Detrick’s. 106-tf BIG SPECIAL for 30 days be­ FOR SALE— Good family cow’, Local merchants yesterday re­ ginning July 9th on Tires at Lee- fresh. Also chickens. 571 ceived business calls from H. E. Chestnut St. 256-6* It was the sam e old story of doms Tire Hospital. Bonine, a Portland business man. the man who never had had FOR SALE—Cheap, 20 acres, 3 I a fire and thought he never Mrs. L. Wyatt 'of Portland, roam cabin furnished,. Nice would. who has been in California for Mrs. C. P. Bryant of Los Angeles growing garden. Will trade some time, passed through Ash­ was in Ashland yesterday, spend­ It is better to be safe than for auto. Address Box 77, land yesterday, stopping over ing most of her time in Lithia Glendale, Ore. 260-6* SORRY for several hours to visit friends. Park. She says she liked the band concert immensly. PATTI You m ay he luekv enough FOR SALE— By owner,' one of HARROLD George Hanson of San Fran­ A new course in dancing clas­ the best >25,000 farms in the to insure the day before the cisco was in the city yesterday, V. fire but such instances are ses will be given Wednesday. The 4' Willamette valley, Oregon. and made business visits to sev­ first class at 4 o’clock for the Particulars from R. D. San­ v ery ra re ; m ake a practice I eral local merchants. of keeping insured and when smaller children, and the second ford, 399 Beach street, Ash­ or advanced class at 7 o’clock. land, Oregon. 260-2* ' you need it you will have it. Corvallis awards >39,535 sewer 261-1 All good kinds of insurance contract. at rig h t prices. K indly re ­ ’ FOR RENT " A party consisting of S. p. Wil­ m em ber th a t th e re is hut te r >»HE printer has lost much in the Wayne Ramer of Los Angeles son and wife of Lcte Angeles, —and butter. past because of his mistakes FOR RENT—Cool corner bed­ was a business visitor in Ash­ spent yesterday in Ashland’s park. in business judgment, but his room, outside entrance, near land today. customers have lost far more in Park. Near town. 480-J. BIG SPECIAL for 30 days be­ failure to turn his skill to their ad­ 261-2* porch ginning July 9th on Tires at Lee- Cliff Payne makes vantage. Business men can get swings. 259-1 doms Tire Hospital. FOR RENT— Five room modern Real E sta te and Real In ­ vastly more out of a printer than a surance house. New, neat, clean, close low bid, and it is reasonably certain A party consisting of Dr. S. Give yourself a treat Monday in. >18.00. Deakin, 207 East 41 E. M ain that they can get less from the lowest E st. 1883 ius Carney were Ashland visitors evening—A fine piano recital by Main. 260-3 bidder than even the low price calls Carney, Helen Carney and Jun­ Dr. Emil Enna, of Portland. Phone 211 for; because while he may find it ius Carnye were Ashland visitors FOR RENT— 6 Room modern 260-2t necessary to sell his product at a low yesterday, stopping over for the Patti Harrold, herself a pretty Old Home Songs in Bright country house with range. Good garden I fT price, his dilemma forces him to product, started all the remi­ entire day. All kinds of berries and Mrs. J. Brownson, of Duns­ LightClubsMakeEven niscence craze with the lyrics she strike as hard a bargain in delivery fruit. 3 Chicken houses and sings in ‘Glory’: ’ muir was in Ashland visiting Cops Forget to Raid as his customer does in buying. Good clothes means no great­ yards. Good garage. >20.00 friends yesterday. er COST but far greater VAL­ N ew Y ork C ity ,—No matter how Choose a good printer; he can help per month. Robison and Wild, citified the New Yorker becomes, a UES. Paulserud’s. 261-tf you build a better business if you Ashland Hotel Building. A new course In dancing Each nicht— the serre cid. sto-' ry, little spark of country will still make F o o d 252-tf will let him. classes will be given Wednesday. him kin to his neighbor. Mrs. H. D. Jones, Jr., of Oak­ The first class at 4 o’clock for the This is being proved on the star- —K in one of spangled white way where every land, Calif., was in Ashland yes­ smaller children, and the second FOR RENT—Completely furnish­ Afb lov-cr’s. Ung-__? night at the supper clubs and mid­ terday looking up friends. or advanced class at 7 o’clock ed apartments. 75 Bush St. night rendezvous haunts, fashion­ “And it just proves,” Miss Hai 261-1 256-6* able night owls lustily yell the chorus rold adds softly, “that romance isn Ashland, Oregon. WANTED— High school boy to of ‘Saw Mill River Road’ as the dead, only covered up with frivolit: REFRIGERATORS million dollar orchestras play the Underneath, New York is all s2500 for wa­ learn the printers’ trade. Call 4d-fashioned tune. timait." Pioneer. 259-4* at Tidings office. • tt ter system. PROFESSIONAL O. A. C. I Sally Ann Says - Realty Bargains Back to the Farm for Broadway After Midnight HHHBL E. T. Staples Ashland AN OLD STORY Billings Agency to the Lowest Bidder ? 1 S A V E IC E as well as PROVOST BROS. PW TIDINGS PRESS