Saturday, J u ly 7, 1ÓÚ3 ASHLAND D A ILY TIDINGS PROFESSIONAL Classified Column ö > »>»««»»♦» FIND IT HERE PHYSICIANS ,♦♦♦♦♦♦♦■» s. Classified Column R ates One cent the word each time. To ru n every issue for one m onth or more, %c the word each time. A Column Devoted to Brief Business and Personal Notes. DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Resi- dence and office, 108 Pioneer avenue. Telephone 28. Office hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 p. m. only. DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac­ tice lim ited to eye, ear, nose and th ro at— X-ray including teeth. FOR SALE— The bungalow lot Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to Just across from the park foun­ 5. Swedenburg Bldg, Ashland, tains. Large lot running Ore. through from P ark avenue to G ranite St., faces 216 feet on CHIROPRACTORS G ranite and 260 feet on P ark DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic, drive. Has 50x50 dancing pa­ and Electro-Therapy. The com­ vilion on it. This is a wonder­ bination does w’onders. First ful location for an apartm ent N ational Bank Bldg. Phone and Ashland needs ju s t such a 48-142. stru c tu re rig h t now. I have not House Calls th e capital to build the a p a rt­ m ent and need the money now invested in the property in my DR. HAWLEY— Above Tidings prin tin g business. W ill sell all office. Phone 91. or any p a rt of it a t a real bar­ gain, if taken a t once. Go up ERNEST W. SMITH— Chiro­ and look it over and make me DR. practor, near Postofflce. Hours an offer. B ert R. Greer, Tid­ 9-12 and 2-5. Phone 114. ings office. 208-tf Lady atten d an t Mondays, W ed­ nesdays, Fridays, afternoon. FOR SALE, TRADE OR RENT— 160 acres unimproved land, un­ incum bered, near village of 300 CONVALESCENT HOME— Cot­ tage plan. Invalids cared for on S. P. R. R. and good hard in home surroundings. M atern­ roads, 100 acres under fence w ith good n atu ral pasture, ity departm ent. Term« rea­ plenty of w ater. Three roomed sonable. Phone 411R. 24S-tf. house, barn and woodshed. For fu rth e r particulars address F. J., care Ashland Tidings. 148tf TRANSFER AND EXPRESS FOR SALE— REAL ESTATE O. H. Johnson left for a short trip to C rater Laike yesterday, and plans to re tu rn this week We m ake a specialty of picnic end. and cam pers’ needs. D etrick s. 236-tf P aulserud’s Suits for young 244-tf. men. Two brothers, Melvin D. Buell and Dwayne A. Buell of Eugene Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Burdick of were in Ashland yesterday tra n s­ G rants Pass have been in town acting business. the past few days visiting with Ladies’ and Gents’ hiking suits th eir son Dr. R. L. Burdick. shoes, boots, hats, bags, blankets, lunch kits, etc., in fact, every­ F o r the best in sweet m ilk and thing for the to u rist, hiker, camp­ cream go to D etrick’s. 106-tf er, and all sports. Army Goods Store. Mr. /fond Mrs. John Gheslin, form erly of Ashland, returned Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Erb of Se­ from C alifornia to celebrate the attle were Ashland visitors yes­ F ourth here. They will go back terday, having stopped over on to C alifornia in about ten days. their way south to visit our park. W hen you blow out, blow in to Leedom’s for Tires. 256tf C. F. Riebel of Roseburg spent the day yesterday in calling on Ashland acquaintances. Monuments from th e B lair quarry. Patronize home indus­ try. Exclusive salesm an. S. Penniston. Res. 476 L aurel St. Phone 444Y. 253-lm o FOR prom pt and sareful service, auto trucks or horse drays, call C. W. W est of M ultnomah, Ore­ W hittle Transfer Co. Phone gon, is registered at the Columbia LOANS— Farm loans; City loans; 117. Office, 89 Oak street, near Amortized 4 per cent. W. G. Hotel. Mr. W est is on a business Hotel Ashland. 56tf W right, Stew art Bldg., Med­ trip to Ashland. ford 204-lm o* T. L. POWELL— General Trans­ fer— Good team and m otor B etter be safe than sorry. See LOST— Between Ashland a point trucks. Good service a t a rea­ Beaver R ealty Co. about your in­ two miles beyond Talent, brown sonable price. Phone 83. surance. Phone 68. 287-tf leath er hand-bag, containing su it of m en's clothes and other TRY FEH IG E FOR HAULING and tran sfer work of all kinds. E. P. Anthony of Albany was w earing apparel. Suitable re­ 375 B St. Phone 410-R. ward for retu rn to G. M. Ray­ 200-lm o a business visitor in Ashland yesterday. mond, Court House, K lam ath PLUMBING Falls. 260-t3 Style-Plus Clothes for the best JERRY O’NEAL— Plum bing. 207 in style and quality a t the least FOR SALE E ast Main. Phone 138. expense. P au lseru d ’s. 256-tf FOR SALE— Tw o B elg ian does. PLANING MILL 6 Beach Ave. 259-3* JORDAN’S SASH AND CABINET H arry Champs, forem an at the WORKS, Cor. Heilman and Ashland Laundry company, had FOR SALE— 3 Vi acres fine fruit, Van Ness. 194-tf his foot injured while a t work berries and grapes. House yesterday and so is tak in g a MONUMENTS partly furnished. Corner Guth­ forced vacation today. rie and Ashland St. Phone MONUMENT— MARKERS 268-J. 254-6t* Lowest Prices W hen you blow out, blow In to ASHLAND GRANITE CO. FO R SALE— Two horse wagon. 3rd and E ast Main St. 223-6mo Leedom’s for Tires. 256tf Can be seen at the Normal buildings on Boulevard. Ed Duclety of Denver, Colo­ 259-6t* rado, was a business visitor in Ashland yesterday. FO R SALE— Large second hand refrigerator, also tourist auto Let me tell you about the new locker at Icenhow er’s New and 45 A. mostly bottom land, near full coverage Automobile uolicy. Second Hand Store. 389 East h ig h w ay ,'alfalfa and grain, fam ­ Yeo, of course. 246-tf. Main. 259-3 ily fru it, house and barn, team, W aldo Klum has retu rn ed from OWNER W ILL SELL— His a t­ cow and tools. $0,300. a trip to C rater Lake, and re­ tractive corner home a t 399 ports the road in excellent con­ Good farm land under ditch Beach street. Nice garden, dition. berries, fru it, grapes, lawn and 2 miles from Ashland at $60 per flowers. Jersey cow and chick­ acre. Corvallis aw ards $39,535 sewer ens. Excellent location. , Good 6 room house on paved contract. 249-1 mo. * street $100. down balance like ~ MISCELLANEOUS STAPLE’S Realty Bargains FO R SALE— Registered Hamp­ rent. shire Sows. Prices right, sat­ Have a restau ran t and Bakery isfaction guaranteed. W rite doing profitable business for sale for inform ation. John Mace, at attractive price. C entral Point, Ore. 259-9* HOUSES FOR RENT FO R SALE— Saxaphone, cello, cornet, orchestra drum s. All A1 bargains. L. E. Stennett, 494 Fairview. 259-6t* E. T. Staples Ashland FOR SALE— Good family cow, fresh. Also chickens. 571 C hestnut St. 256-6* FIRE FO R SALE— Cheap, 20 acres, 3 roam cabin furnished,. Nice grow ing garden. W ill trade for auto. A ddress Box 77, Glendale, Ore. 260-6* Fourth of July FOR SALE— By owner, one of the best $25,000 farm s in the valley, Oregon. I W illam ette P articulars from R. D. San­ ford, 399 Beach street, Ash­ land, Oregon. 260-2* Safe and Sane to be protect­ ed in old, strong and straight forward, prompt paying com panies. Ask The FOR RENT Billings Agency FO R RENT— Five room modern house. New, neat, clean, close in. $18.00. Deakin, 207 East Main. 260-3 FIRE Established 1883 How little it will take to Make FOR RENT— 6 Room modern house w ith range. Good garden All kinds of berries and 41 fru it. 3 Chicken houses and yards. Good garage. $20.00 per m onth. Robison and Wild, /T Ashland Hotel Building. 252-tf FOR RENT— Completely furnish­ ed apartm ents. 75 Bush St. 256-6* FOR RENT— Garage. Pioneer. 134 No. 259-4* WANTED ^WANTED— F irst class cook. Pla­ ta Confectionery. 224-tf YOU SAFE Young Verne Carey, who has been home from the Navy for a short time will s ta rt back to Se­ a ttle where his ship is stationed, tomorrow night. The Ladies of the C hristian church are giving a cooked food sale at E nders’ Store, Saturday, July 9. Sale commencing at 10:30. 259-2 Mr. and Mrs. Smith from Duns­ m uir drove over in a new Buick to attend the celebration and vis­ it with Mrs. Sm ith’s m other, Mrs. Heer. Cliff swings. Payne m akes porch 259-1 F ran k Heberlee, who used to run the Laundry here, w as over for a few days and plana to re­ tu rn today. Ice Cream made from pure sweet cream in o ur own Ice Cream factory. Rose Bros. 252-tf Tom Mundy from H ilt, a form ­ er resident of A shland was in town for the celebration and left! yesterday for his home. E. Main Est. 1883 Phone 211 SA V E Mr. and Mrs. E. M. H orne and family from D unsm uir are spend­ ing a few days in A shland w ith friends. as well as FO OD in one of PROVOST BROS. REFRIGERATORS E state of Emma Elizabeth Cof­ WANTED— Small improved or deceased. p artly improved acreage. Must fee, NOTICE TO CREDITORS: be good buy. Owner or agents. Notice is hereby given by the X. Y. Z. Tidings. 256-6 undersigned, adm inistratrix of the estate of Emma Elizabeth Coffee, WANTED— To hear from owner deceased, to the creditors of, and of good ranch for sale; state all persons having claims against, cash price: full particulars. D. the said deceased, to exhibit them , with the necessary vouchers, w ith­ F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. 237-2Sat in six months after the first pub­ lication of this notice, to the said WANTED— Woman or girl to ad m inistratrix, a t h er office at work on ranch in Klamath No. 154 Oak Street, in the City of Ashland, County of Jackson, county. Phone 12F5 or w rite State of Oregon. Box 9, R. F. D. Talent. 260-2 Dated at Ashland, the 23rd day of June, 1923. M adras— Highway through Jef­ GEORGIA W. COFFEE, A dm inistratrix of fe rso n county finished soon. the estate of Em­ The real health shows are held ma Elizabeth Cof­ at the bathing beaches. fee, deceased. Have a fit at Orres-—tailors for men and women. 226-tf B urton W inne is ’ few days here w ith I before the resum ption m er school work a t A gricultural College. spending a his paren ts of his sum ­ the Oregon Spring garm ents cleaned and tressed w ith care. A uto delivery. ?hone 63. A shland Cleatnlng and Dyeing W orks. 208-tf RECOVERS FROM LAME BACK “ My d au g h ter suffered w ith a lame back and could scarcely move w ithout g re a t pain. She tried Foley K idney Pills an d the trouble w ith h e r back Is all gone,” w rites Mrs. J . C. P erkins, Boston, Mass. F o r Backache, R heum atic Pains, K id n ey and Bladder Trouble use Foley K id­ ney Pills. W ill rellerve th a t tired feeling. Take no su b stitu te— Insist upon Foley’s. Sold every­ where. “ H aunted V alley” 3 M M M > » M M Adapted from the Patheserial by Frank Leon Smith Copyright by Pathe Exchange, Inc. MAKE CHAPTER XIII To H azardous H eights 1 them, but before she could lay her hands on them they were quickly snatched away. Ruth grappled with the man and Foster made a flying tackle, but the stranger eluded them both and scurried ott into the dark­ ness. Fortunately, Ruth did not get a look at his face—for 'it was Eugene Craig. Dick wanted to pur­ sue the man, but the girl was more interested just then in the papers which he had left lying on the floor. Under the light of her flashlight, Ruth discovered that the papers were very old parchments, and writ­ ten in ancient Spanish script. “With that old chest back there and these papers, we may discover the secret of Haunted Valley,” the girl ven­ tured. But when they returned to the chest is had mysteriously dis­ appeared. Meanwhile, in the control room, Mallinson’s men chanced to look through the radio periscope and see an old prospector scurrying through the valley with a chest in his arms. The control man gave an order and a terrific explosion was the result. When the smoke in the valley had cleared the prospector had disap­ peared from sight. But in the underground passage­ way, the explosion had startled Ruth and her companion, and perhaps more so when they heard footsteps running in their direction. The owner of all the noise was Dinny, who had become lost in the ladyrinth of passages and had just chanced to run into the arms of Ruth when the noise of the explosion had fright­ ened him to death. “ I—I followed some old pros­ pector in here,” Dinny explained, breathing hard, “and maybe he’s the one who got away with the chest.” Dinny was unanimously chosen guide to lead the two explorers through the passageway and out to daylight. Soon the three emerged from the dark passageway, and for a moment the light of the sun almost blinded them.’ In a moment they had re­ covered and Ruth cast her eyes about the place. “Look!” Foster exclaimed sud­ denly. “There’s something funny going on over there!” Ruth and Dinny looked in the direction that Foster indicated and saw Vivian Delamar and a man carrying a small kit—evidently a doctor’s—emerging from a cabin. “That must be the cabin where Miss Delamar and the doctor have been taking care of Mallinson,” Dinny exclaimed. “All right! Let’s go!” Foster added, enthusiastically. But Henry Mallinson was still extremely alert. With his arm bandaged, he saw the trio approach­ ing. Drawing hastiy back from the window, he decided to skip. Run­ ning from the cabin, he hurried toward some ¡adders on the face of the cliff and starred climbing upwards. Ruth, Dick Foster and Dinn»’ saw him nearing the top, and followed hot on his trail. As they started climbing the ladder, Mallinson reached the top. Here he was sud­ denly blocked by the man of mys­ tery, who sprung out at him. The struggle was very brief, as Mallin­ son employed a trick, managing to floor his attacker and escape. The mystery may struggled to his feet and was about to pursue Mal­ linson when he heard voices com­ ing from below. Peering over the top of the cliff, he saw Ruth Ranger rapidly climbing up the ladder. A sneer escaped his lips and he hastened to dislodge the fastenings of the ladder at the top. He was not aware that it was secured firmly at the bottom^ Ruth was now half way up. Bui suddenly the ladder began to give way at the top and started to sway She suddenly swung out into space and seemed almost done for, but Dick Foster and Dinny, waiting below, caught hold of the laddei and steadied it. Ruth could not un­ derstand what had happened. How­ ever, everything seemed all right again, so she resumed her journey upward. Once more the mystery man peered over—this time grim hatred was written on his face. He seized the top of the ladder and lifted— determined to plunge the girl downward. (To be continued) ZA A' ff You can lay UAÄ over j O .A .C . - .... Your Next Goal y You have finished high school and, like all wide­ aw ake graduates, are look­ ing to college. The State of Oregon of­ fers you the best of train in g and a collegiate degree in the leading pursuits and pro­ fessions, as follows: | Engineering, A griculture, Commerce, Forestry, Home Economics, M ilitary Science and Tactics, Mining, Pharm ­ acy, Vocational Education, and Music Student life at the College Is rich in opportunities for leadership and personal cul­ ture. Fall Term Opens <• September 281923 For Information Write To THE REGISTRAR Oregon Agricultural College Corvallis D V having a savings account you not only have your money but you save yourself. Many a man has been saved from failure and many a woman have been saved from trouble by the timely help of money in the bank. iiiiuiui:!ni:u'.:iituiiuiuii!utniniiniiiiiuiiiin!iunimi:niiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuui>>inniinii:i!in!in!n:m,)innnnniinniiiiinuiii:iiiiiiuiiniiiiiiuuuuii!niuniiiiiiiiin!iiinuuiniim.’iRMa^ /"A /" » « < Save Yourself By H erbert R obinson Henry Mallinson was having an exciting time of it in the control room. With Ruth Ranger and the re­ porter in the mine shaft, and with fire destroying the treasure at the bottom of the shaft, Mallinson was in a frenzy. “Are those levers working over there?” he shouted to the control man. The answer came in the F o r the best in sweet m ilk and affimative. “Then turn ’em on and flood the passages!” he shouted. cream go to D etrick’s. 106-tf Ruth and Dick Foster were in­ deed in a precarious predicament. G. J. Gish of Louisville, K en­ The elevator was rapidly reaching tucky, was registered a t the Col­ the top of the shaft, and threatened umbia Hotel last night. Mr. Gish to crush both of them. Suddenly Foster whipped out his revolver and represents a large eastern firm began shooting holes in the planks and was In Ashland on business. in the top of the elevator. He suc­ ceeded in gradually smashing his way through into the inside, where Oranges, lemons, grape fru it— he managed to grasp the lever and Detrick sells for less. 106-tf start the elevator downward. In the underground passage, Fos­ Effective July 1st. ter began to tell Ruth of his discov­ eries. “Mallinson is behind the Howard & Grimes Stages leave j entire scheme,” he finished, “and in Ashland for K lam ath Falls daily that control room they’ve got all kinds of devilish contrivances. They a t 8:30 a. m. and 2:15 p. m. me a prisoner for a week, but 256-12* kept I got this map of the whole layout for my trouble.” The Good boys, nephews of After looking the map over the Mrs. Clara M inard are here vis­ girl decided she would explore the place at once. “I’ve gone too far to iting her. turn back now,” she declared. “ I’m going to solve this mystery before And BIG SPECIAL for 30 days be­ I leave Haunted Valley.” ginning Ju ly 9th on Tires at Lee- grasping the arm of the reporter, Ruth started forward to explore the doms Tire Hospital. lower room. Meanwhile, Vivian Delamar was worrying herself sick over the dis­ Here Recently— appearance of Mallinson. She final­ Mr. and Mrs. Angle and chil­ ly decided to visit his home and see dren from near Climax were here if she could learn anything there. recently visiting Mr. and Mrs. Upon her arrival, she found Mallin­ son’s servant burning a lot of papers Briggs. in the fireplace in the library. “Mr. Mallinson telephoned me and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Holiness asked me to destroy all these papers were here from G rants Pas3 re­ before the police can make a search,” he explained. “Mr. Mal­ cently. linson is at his headquarters in Haunted Valley, and he is badly wounded.” BIG SPECIAL for 30 days be­ Vivian was startled at the news ginning July 9th on Tires at Lee- that the man she loved was injured. She determined to get a doctor and doms Tire Hospital. hurry to the control room. As the girl was about to leave the house, Miss W ard, a clerk at P errin e’s she encountered Eugene Craig, store is en tertain in g h er sister, about to enter “Where is Mallinson?” he asked. who is visiting here this week. “I have an account to settle with him.” Leslie W ertz of the Ashland Vivian saw she must act quickly. police force left today for a short “If you have anything important to take up with Mr. Mallinson,” she visit to Albany, where his fam­ said, “ I know he will be glad tb see ily is spending the vacation. you. Just one moment and I will tell him you are here.” Craig seated himself as Vivian Mrs. Corla Myers of Mountain Delamar walked into the next room. avenue, who has been ill for some But the young lady didn’t believe in time, is now completely recovered. wasting any time. She walked through the library, picked up her things and hurried for the side W. Nelson left yesterday for door of the house. K lam ath Falls, where he will re­ Now it so happened that the sus­ main for some time. picious and ever-wakeful Dinny had observed all that had been going on in Mallinson’s home. When Vivian Jam es Morrison and family of left, Dinny followed; and when San Diego passed through Ash­ Vivian started for Haunted Valley land yesterday, stopping long with the doctor, Dinny succeeded in climbing onto the rear of the auto­ enough to view the park. mobile and enjoying the ride to the same spot. Mallinson was giving final orders D. M. Stevenson, P ortland con­ in the control room when Vivian and tracto r, was a business visitor in the doctor arrived. Dinny had Ashland yesterday. sprung from the rear of the car and had hidden in some brush before V. J. Coney of San Francisco, I the car ¡tad stopped. The youngster whether he should follow was a busines visitor in the city wondered the enemy into their camp or wait yesterday. Mr. Coney was ac-1 outside for developments. He sud­ companied by his wife on the denly made up his mind, for he be­ held a stranger furtively picking his trip. way through the valley, only a short distance away. Dinny hoped that by A. L. Lackie of Los Angeles, following the man, he would find accompanied by his wife and sis­ some clue to the whole mysterious business surrounding Ruth. ter, were visitors here yesterday. Meanwhile, Ruth and Foster had wended their way through the maze School Board of D istrict No. 8 of underground passages in the will receive bids for hauling pu­ valley. The place seemed unusual­ ly spooky, ana both had the feeling pils to Ashland schools, on or b e -1 that a third person was somewhere fore Ju ly 15, 1923. Said Board near them, watching every move reserves rig h t to reject any or all they made. A noise behind them bid#. F o r particulars phone caused them both to wheel around, and their eyes fell upon a chest that 6F4 or 11F13, Ashland. they had not observed before. MRS. H. R. REACHERT. Foster hurried to open it, but the Clerk. chest was tightly bolted and the cover could not be budged. Ruth’s 260-1 flashlight fell on some papers on the floor. The girl grasped quickly for ♦ M Enjoy music, jazzy to -opera, whenever and w herever you please. Take a PortaMei V lctrola camping. Rose Bros. 252-tf. IC E WANTED—-H igh school boy to learn the p rin ters’ trade. Call a t Tidings office. tf [N ation al Crop Im provem ent Service.] floors of greater thickness had been laid In the first place,’’ says W. L. Claffey. secretary. Oak Flooring As­ sociation. Chicago. Laying such a floor Is not difficult. Each strip is tongued and grooved, and atched, and when "driven up” with care affords a smooth un­ broken surface. Three-penny finish­ ing nails, driven every Id inches or closer are recommended for A« inch flooring to obtain the best results. Plain directions are avail­ able from tlie association on how to figure the am ount of m aterial you reed, how to lay it properly, and how to fill and finish It with var­ nish cr wax. None of the woodwork In the room needs to be disturbed except the quarter-round at the baseboard, and a fu rth e r advantage is th a t one room may l>e finished at a time, so th at by laying and finishing each room as you proceed, occupants of the hcuse a re not disturbed to any V O U cau alw uys locate a good fan n e r by the looks of his house and burns. He is ju st as p articular the city inan. and you will find modern conveniences ami oak floors In the up-to-date farm house just as in town. Many a farm er and town dw eller has renovated the home­ stead by putting in some French windows and some '>ardwood floor­ ing. > “If you are handy with the ham ­ mer, you can do the work yourself, quickly, with most satisfactory re­ sults, and at less expense than the cost of a goad carpet. At one stroke, you h iv e m odernized your home. “If the old floor is reasonably trh e and level, no m atter w hat wood It m ay be, % inch oak floor­ ing may be nailed over the worn floor, laying th e strip s a t an angle to the old flooring, and the effect will be exactly the same, and the w earing qualities as great, as If oak great extent. The Citizens Bank of Ashland Ashland, Oregon A UTO M O V Í B S ” BY LEEDOM’S TIRE HOSPITAL W E are reliable auto folks and we sell de- ’ v pendable supplies. It will help your car’s performance and improve your own temper to buy your accessories here. Our prices are ab­ breviated to a common sense margin. BIG SPECIAL—for 30 days, beginning July 9, on TIRES at LEEDOM’S TIRE HOSPITAL Spend your vacation al the TOW NER Tabernacle Revival (Camp Meetings) Dunsmuir, California July 8th to 29th. MIRACLES OF HEALING By Prayer----Salvation Fishing, mountain climbing, and other sports Wonderful camping facilities Bathing in the cool mountain Streams. Come and see for yourself Tell your friends ^iyg(ug(yg[ugiy^[u^[yg[u^(yg[ygiug[ugB Jg[^^(ug!yg[ug(i]g[ysiyg to the Lowest Bidder HE printer has lost much in the past because of his m istakes in business judgm ent, but his custom ers have lost far more in failure to tu rn his skill to their ad­ vantage. Business men can get vastly more out of a printer than a low’ bid. and it is reasonably certain th a t they can get less from the lowest bidder than even the low price calls for; because while he may find it necessary to sell his product a t a low price, his dilemma forces him to strike as hard a bargain in delivery as his custom er does in buying. T Choose a good p rinter; he can help you build a b etter business if you will let him. TIDINGS PRESS Ashland, Oregon. I