ASHLAND DAILY TÎDÎNGS PAGE TWO Sathurdoy, July 7, 10211 its planning and construction, in the World Court, though willing, if the representing the whole ^chool. senate insists, to try to sever it in some (E sta b lish ed i n A 8 7 6 ) The float representing the Bap- fashion from the league. tist Sunday school was a beauty, P u b lish ed E very E ven in g E xcept Sunday by I understand busy fingers made Beyond question, the League of Nations 650 roses used in its decoration, THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO is a very lively corpse, as Mr. Harding well • MRS. GRACE E. ANDREWS, Editor Had the Sunday schools been Bert R. Greer ............................... Editor knows. What lie was talking about, the con­ I * Phone item s to her at 345-R, between 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. “ < > competing for prizes, this float text makes clear, is the league as an issue and evenings. ■ > would surely have been consid­ OFFICIAL CITY PAPER Tepephone 39 in American politics. But here, again one f ered. E ntered at the Ashland, Oregon, Postoffice as has to define the issue with greater ac­ The Presbyterian Sunday family gatherings and picnic din­ school was represented by indi­ R eturns from V isit— Second Class Mail M atter. curacy. Let us agree that American en­ Mrs. Ural Coleman and young ners. cars carrying some of the trance into the leag’ue, as such entrance son, who have been m aking an The Fifields, Shaws and Yorks vidual Subscription P rice, D elivered in City different divisions of the Sunday was proposed by Mr. Wilson, is as dead extended visit in E ureka and San and th eir out-of-town guests en­ school. One M onth ...................................................... $ .65 Three Months ................................................. 1.95 as slavery. But a league rebuilt to con­ Francisco have ju st returned. joyed a w onderful day and pic­ The Prim ary, under Mrs. Van Six Months ...................................................... 3.75 Saut’s superintendency, had a form with the policy expressed in the Re­ She reports a most delightful vis­ nic dinner together. Those who were present at this decorated car. One Year ........................................................... 7.50 it. The Junior C. publican platform upon which Mr. Hard­ * ♦ * gathering w ere: Mr. and Mrs. E .’s— under Miss Hays’ direction B y M ail and R ural R ou tes: ing ran is surely another matter.—New B eau tifu l F loat— Will Shaw of near Pheonix, Mr. a car w ith th eir state banner. One Month ...................................................... $ .65 York Tribune. One of the very attractive and Mrs. Fred York, R uth and Dr. Johnson’s class, many over Three Months ................................................. 1.95 A s h la n d D a ily T id in g s Six Months ........................................................ One Year ......................... ;....................... ........ / 3.50 6.50 \ S O C IE T Y floats and one which showed the painstaking work of days was the one prepared by the Upper Valley Community Club. As is the habit of this progres­ sive Club, when the Parade was mentioned and support asked of the various organizations, the club im m ediately decided to do th eir part. A committee was ap­ pointed and work begun and the beautiful float th a t attracted so much favorable comment wras the result. || Victor York of Bellview, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Fifield, Lee, R uth and M arjorie Fifield and th eir guests Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lay and son Donald, Maxine Lay, Mrs. Minta Maldoon and d au g h ter Mary. L ater the party went to spend a little time with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Shaw who, on account of Mrs. Shaw’s illness were unable to be present. Mrs. Lum an Im proving— Mrs. Lum an, who has been ser- , iously ill for some time, has made a slight gain. Her daughter who was operated upon some time ago, will soon be strong enough to be removed to her home. M rs.! Clayton Smith, from Keno a sis- ¡ter of Mrs. iLesiie's, who has been here during the illness of her sister and m other, has re­ turned to her home at Keno. Seriously 111— Mrs. J. J. Alurphy of the Boule­ vard was taken seriously ill re­ cently, and yesterday was oper­ ated on at the Community Hos­ pital. She is now somewhat im­ proved. 50 GOOD CIGARETTES 1OC G E N U IM C "B U L L * DURHAM TOBACCO 80 years of -age— a distinctive car; the K ing’s D aughters, a SPLITTING HAIRS beautiful car; Mr. Robison’s class! g Those who have formed the habit of buy­ of boys in another car and “ The j DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: ing away from home, going to the stores Rainbow Class’’ of the senior de-1 HQ Single insertion, per inch .................................. 30 —facts of other towns or sending to mail order partm ent, had a car represent- = Y early C ontracts: ing their class. “ OPPORTUNITY” One insertion a week .................................... $ -27% houses, harp loud and long on the argu­ All of the Sunday schools had" |g | ment that they get the benefit of lower Two insertions a week ....................................... 25 achieved w onderful results in the I g IS THE DOOR Daily insertion ......................................................... 20 prices. This may be tine in rare cases, but very short space of time allowed j = THROUGH WHICH it is not the general rule, and experience and may feel well repaid for the I = THE ONE WHO IS R ates F or L egal and M iscellaneous A d vertisin g * » • is rapidly proving that when lower prices effort expended. PREPARED STEPS F irst insertion, per 8 point line ................. $ .10 O ther G atherings— are quoted for various articles that in nine TO SUCCESS Each subsequent insertion, 8 point l i n e ......... 05 The H artley fam ilies from th eir Mrs. Shaw R ecovering— cases out of ten tliev are of a decidedly Card of Thanks ............................................. 1.00 WHEN YOU OPEN ♦ ♦ * homes near Phoenix, and those Airs. W. F. Shaw, of Alkader Obituaries, per line .............................................. 02% inferior quality than articles of like na­ H ere from K ansas City— AN ACCOUNT AT in Ashland enjoyed the day and street, is home now from the THIS BANK YOU ture in your local stores and for which a Mr. Henry W illiams from K an­ a picnic in the P ark. hospital, where she has been for WHAT CONSTITUES ADVERTISING slightly higher price may prevail. , . . . . . LAY THE FIRST • * * sas City, Mo., came Friday night many weeks. “ All future events, where an admission charge is STONE ON THE The habit of buying away from home to spend some little tim e visiting The G illettes and McConnells, It is stated th a t she will be able made or a collection taken is A dvertising. FOUNDATION OF the im m ediate families, to the to get about again, as the bones ==s No discount will be allowed Religious or has become so general that those who fol­ his m other Mrs. Anna Williams. Mr. W illiams represents the Bail­ num ber of eighteen, had a family have knitted. At Mrs. Shaw’s Benevolent orders. low the practice stemally hide behind the ey-Reynolds “ Preparation* Electric M anufactur­ reunion the F ourth. age this is ra th e r unusual and h e r ! « » « alibi of lower prices, and go so far as to ing company of Kansas City and friends all hope for a speedy re- HQ DONATIONS: The Russells also had a fam ­ covery. split the finest hair to substantiate their this is his first visit to Ashland. No donations to charities or otherw ise will be OPPORTUNITY IS PREPARATION” • * • ily gathering th a t day. • * * argument. made in advertising, or job printin g — our contribu­ • • • Surprised F rien d s— A year ago and just prior to a Fourth of Y oung B u sin ess Man M a r r i e d - tions will be in cash. On going through th e park one A nnouncem ent has been re ­ Mrs. C. B. Lamkin g g July celebration in a certain town in East­ ceived of the m arriage of Mr. noted dozens of groups, some had Mr. a and delightful surprise this = JULY 7 ern Oregon one of the committees of the W arren E. Cook, of Ashland and townspeople, some from the week when friends, whom they = VICTORY SU RE:— G reater is he th a t is in you, celebration sent to one of the larger cities Miss E thel L. Bott, of Clear Lake, neighboring towns, and commun­ had known in Iowa stopped for a g j ities all w ith laden baskets and sh ort visit. The party consisted | QQ than he th a t is in the world.— 1 John 4:4. for considerable quantity of bunting for South Dakota. beaming, friendly faces, all glad of Air. and Mrs. W. S. Brand and From the Clear Lake Courier, carrying out plans for decorating. The for this opportunity to g ath er in three daughters from Portland. XÏ we glean the following item s of committee made the great discovery that in A THREE-TIMES LOSER — terest concerning the wedding: family groups or to extend hos­ W ith them were Mrs. B rand's --- — Pugilist Dempsey has won a large sum the firms in the city ((noted a price of two “ The bride is a d au g h ter of pitality to friends. two sisters from Minnesota, the f p ----------- --------- — • • • of money and has retained the title of cents per yard yess than the local mer­ Mr. and Mrs. John H untington of Misses Blanche and Avis W est­ One Customer Says: cott. heavyweight champion of the world. He chants. The bunting was ordered and serv­ Clear Lake. She is a graduate The W inters E n tertain — Mr. and Mrs. Otto W inter gave has lost nearly everything else. His one ed the purpose, but imagine the surprise of the Madison Normal and the a delightful dinner party the ev­ They were going on through “ Since 1 began feeding Mt. Ashland Egg Mash U niversity of Minnesota, and was to Los Angeles, but expect to re ­ remaining outstanding claim on the pub­ of the members of the general committee a well known teacher. ening of the second, honoring Dr. tu rn this way and stop for a to my liens they sinqily can’t keep from laying lic’s admiration, prior to Shelby, was in when the bill was presented. On the gen­ It was a very elaborate home and Mrs. H arry Moore, Mr. and longer visit. They were delight­ —there 1ms been no off-season—they are pro­ ducing profitably every day. Every day in the fiction of his invincible brute strength. eral committee was a number of merchants wedding with a large num ber of Mrs. Wm. Smith and Mrs. Cald­ ed with our city and the valley well. every way they are laying better and better. relatives and friends present. in general. who had contributed liberally to the cele­ Faith in his real courage was lost by him Dr. and Mrs. Moore and Mr. ♦ * * The bride was beautifully gowned during the world war. Belief in his true bration, who had expended from $50.00 to Mt. Ashland Egg Mash and all the appointm ents relative and Mrs. Smith left for th eir from K lam ath F a lls— sportsmanship departed when he and his $100.00 in decorating their store fronts, and to the elaborate ceremony were homes Friday m orning. They R elatives Mr. and Mrs. O. Stearns were Is making the other fellow’s hens lay, why not manager grasped for the last dollar called who were givin gannnally from $50.00 to charm ingly planned and carried came particularly for the reunion happily surprised this week when vonrs ? th a t occurred last week. Nearly Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Stearns and for a chance of profit to the promoter was $200.00 to the support of the chamber of out. ASHLAND MILLS The groom is the son of Mr. all of the guests here for th a t son and Mrs. W. E. Bowdoin and throttled. Now a smaller man has with­ commerce, and donating other sums to gathering have returned to th eir d aughter came over from K la­ Phone 49 City Delivery. stood that reputedly invincible strength various other civic organizations. In the and Mrs. W ert Cook of Clear distant homes. Lake and is well and favorably m ath Falls for a sh o rt visit, with first place the committee did not save two known here— a young business « • • for fifteen rounds. th eir relatives. V isitors at R ev. M iller’s— The next challenger, if he is of the qual­ cents per yard on the bunting, freight or man in our city.” • • • Reserve D istrict No. 12 C harter No. 67 Rev. and Mrs. Miller have en­ express had to be considered, so it was Greetings and good wishes are V isitors from Y’reka— ity of Gibbons, will meet the champion on REPO RT OF CONDITION OF for the past few days, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry O’Neal a different footing. Undoubtedly Demp­ simply a case of splitting hairs to get extended this young couple and tertained Mr. and Mrs. Allan Banks and have had as house guests thisi sey’s confidence in his own ability is less- away from spending the money with the ^Ashland welcomes them to Its Mr. and Mrs. W. C. B u rk h art of week Mr. and Mrs. Max Camps! CITIZENS BANK OF ASHLAND civic life. ened. His name and his presence will cow local merchants. Albany, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Banks from Y reka, Cal., who returned • * • . at Ashland in the State of Oregon, It is unnecessary to state that the town M arriage o f In terest— have retu rn ed to albany, Ore., to th eir home after the celebra­ no worthy adversary. He is not unbeatable At the Close of Business, June 30th, 1923. referred to is not prospering and growing A m arriage of in terest to many but Mr. and Mrs. B u rk h art will tion. Mrs. Chas. Abbott, who and he knows it. RESOURCES spends much of her tim e with We guess that Dempsey will be hounded as it deserves to. The continuation of a Ashland people, p articularly the rem ain over Sunday. * * * her sons in Yreka will remain 1. Loans and discounts, including rediscounts from now on by other fighters and we like policy will eventually mean the de­ older residents is th a t of Miss P . T . A.— (with her (daughter, Mrs. Jerry shown in items 29 and 30, if any ........ J 405,539.01 guess that it will take some cornering to cline and decay of that town or any other. Elizabeth Andrews which oc­ The Parent-T eacher Associa­ O’Neal, for a more extended vis­ 2. O verdrafts secured and unsecured ............. 238.64 get him into the ring again—before the. Get out of the habit of sending away curred Ju n e 27. tion feel th a t considering all the it. 3. U. S. Government securities owned, includ­ The Andrews family were well expense incident to th e ir venture Shelby purse is gone. Dempsey may still for everything from hair pins to cream known ing those shown in items 30 and 35, if any 19,190.51 residents of Ashland for the F ourth, th a t they h a v e V isitin g G randm other— 4. O ther bonds, w arrants and securities, separators if you have a desire to see "your be champion, but lie’s a three-times loser. many years but re-moved to Cal­ amassed a nice little nest egg to ­ including foreign government, state muni- Roy Smith of Keno is visiting town and community thrive and go ahead. ifornia several years ago. —Morning Oregonian. ward the fund needed for the at the home of his grandm other pal, corporation, etc., including those The growth of your town means increased Miss Andrews finished the playshed. They cleared over a Mrs. Lum an. Roy differs from shown in items 30 to 35, if any ...................... 132,195,95 market prices for the things of the farm schools here and has been a pop­ hundred dollars. PRODUCER GETS L0V7ER PRICE many small boys in th a t he has 5. Stocks, securities, claims, liens, judgm ents, 132,195.95 ular teacher in California. The • • « Prices paid to producers of the United) marketed locally. It means increased farm following been w onderfully helpful and etc.................................... .................................... 2,227.26 excerpts from the Cor­ thoughtful of others during his 6. Bankinghouse , $15,500; fu rn itu re and States for the principal crops decreased values, better schools, better churches, and ona Independent of the 27th, Civic Club— The Civic club held its regu­ fixtures ............................................................ $ 5,738.42 21,238.42 about 0.8 per cent during May, according better homes. gives an account of the wedding. la r m eeting Tuesday with a fair stay. 9. (ab) Cash on hand in vault and due hanks, “ Miss ¡Elizabeth Melvina An­ attendance. The usual routine to a bulletin of the Department of Agricul­ W ill R epair Car— hankers and tru st companies designated ture. In the last ten years the price level RAILROADS PLACE LARGE ORDERS drews, d au g h ter of Mr. and Mrs. of business was transacted and L. R. Bloom, of Medford, who and approved reserve agents of this bank 84,815.41 T. O. Andrews, and Mr. John Kel­ plans formed for th eir Food Sale increase 2.5 per cent during May. The bul­ “ Thus far in the year 1923,’’ says the lie was responsible for the wreck of 9. (c) Net am ounts due from other banks, McDonald of H untington a Alaxwell touring car between letin has this to say of cattle, hogs, sheep,! Railway Age, “ the railways have not or­ Beach, were m arried here a t the Saturday. bankers and tru st companies ...................... 1,329.73 The proceeds from th is sale here and Talent July 4th, when 10. Exchanges for clearing house and items and poultry.: dered as many new freight cars as in the home of the bride’s parents to­ go tow ard the upkeep and, aside he crowded the machine in the on other banks in the same city or town “ The prices of meat animals—hogs, cat­ same part of 1922, but they have ordered day. from th a t is a real benefit to the ditch, yesterday agreed to pay the as reporting bank ........................................ 2,208. tle, sheep, and chickens—to producers of a much larger number of new locomotives, Mrs. McDonald is one of Cor­ busy housewife. repair bill an the Alaxwell in 11. Checks on banks outside city or town most popular young ladies • * * the United States decreased 1.8 per cent In the first live months of 1923 the numb­ ona’s addition to his fifteen dollar fine. of reporting bank and other cash items ... 1,787. and has travelled extensively in P lea sa n t Surprise— from April 15, to May 15; in the past ten er of new locomotives ordered was 1,598, Alaska, the Hawaiian islands and Total cash and d u ^ from banks, F o u rth of Ju ly brought to COUGHING DISTURBS SL E E P items 8, 9, 10, and 11.................................. $90,140.14 years juices increased in like period 0.4 as compared with only 460 in the same in Europe. She was a m em ber of the The M ethodist Parsonage a very per cent. On May 15, the index figure ofj months of 1922. Additional orders placed the Stanford unit sent by the happy surprise, when a num ber “ My wife coughed all the time $670,769.93 prices for these meat animals was about in the first two weeks of June increased U niversity to work in F rance d u r­ of Rev. Chaney’s form er parishon- and could not sleep,” w rites Geo. Total ................................................................... LIABILITIES ing the W orld w ar and spent six­ ers from K lam ath Falls came A. Owens, Bridgeton, New Je r­ 10.9 per cent lower than a year ago, 3.7 the total number of locomotives ordered teen m onths in Red Cross work 16. Capital stock paid in ................................... $ 50,000. per cent lower—than two years ago, and up to that time to 1,684. The number or­ there. She holds a degree from to see th eir form er pastor and sey. “ She tried Foley’s Honey 17. Surplus fund ................................................. 10,000. his wife. and T ar and had the best night's 25.1 per cent lower than the average of dered in the entire year 1922 was 2,600 Stanford and Ann A rbor univer­ Those who enjoyed this pleas­ sleep she had had for a long 18. (a ) Undivided profits ................................. $5,056.85 (b) Less current expenses, interest and the past 10 years on May 15.’’ which shows that two-thirds as many sities and has been teaching M ath­ an t visit and renewed the asso­ time. I used Foley’s Honey and taxes paid ...................................................... none 5,056.85 While the value of these animals on were ordered in less than one-half of the em atics in the Boys’ High School ciation of form er years were: Tar and it helped me too.” 20. Dividends unpaid .......................................... 1,750. and Ju n io r College, R iversiJe, Messrs, and Mesdames Guy Sat- Coughs resulting from Whooping American farms was decreasing by many present year than in all of last year. 21. Net am ounts due to other banks, bankers since h er re tu rn from France. W illiam Holloway, O. B. Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, Hay hundred million dollars, the cost of living “ The number of freight cars ordered in P resent a t the wedding were terlee, and trust com panies........................................ 1,779.47 Dollarhide, Lawrence Phelps, and Fever, and Croup quickly relieved in the cities was ascending. DEMAND DEPOSITS, other than hanks, the first five months of this year was 65,- only the im m ediate relatives of Mr. C. H. B arnstable. with Foley’s Honey and Tar. Con­ “ Increases in the retail cost of food fori 699, as compared with over 77,000 in the the couple, including, Mr. and subject to reserve: • * * tains no opiates. Ingredients 23. Individual deposits subject to check, in­ Mrs. T. O. Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. Much Im proved— the month from April 15 to May 15 ini same months of last year. Up to the mid­ printed on the carton. Largest L. L. Andrews and daughter, Mil­ cluding deposits due the State of Oregon, fifteen cities, ranging from 4 per cent to dle of June total orders of freight cars dred, Mrs. Jennie McMullen, sis­ L ittle Ju n io r Chaney who was selling cough medicine in the county, cities or other public funds ........ 280,195.15 operated upon recently for ade­ World. Insist upon Foley's Hon­ less than one-halUof 1 per cent, were re­ were 67,209. The number of passenger te r of the bride, and two children noids 24. D em and c e rtific a te s of d e p o sit o u s ta n d in g 10,762.55 and had his tonsils rem ov­ ey and Tar. Sold everywhere. ported today by the Bureau of Labor Sta­ cars ordered in the first five' months of Raymond and Elizabeth of P res­ ed also is reported as m aking 25. C a s h ie r's ch eck s of th is bank o u ts ta n d in g payable on demand ........................................ tistics,’’ (of the Department of Labor) j this year was 1,250, as compared with 1,- cott, Fred T. Andrews and daugh­ steady im provem ent. Those who 648.30 ter, Frances of Bakersfield and 26. Certified checks outstanding ...................... know w hat the little lad has 26,50 said a dispatch published in the New York) 195 in the same months last year and up Mrs. S. Jennie McDonald. Total of demand deposits, other than OUR BUSINESS undergone will be very glad to Tribune on June 8. to the second week in June the number of • * * bank deposits, subject to reserve, know th a t he is getting along passenger cars ordered was 1,300. Trip Around th e V alley— nicely. items 23, 24, 25, 26, ............................... $291,632.50 Is one that saves the A RUNAWAY PHRASE. * • « “ One reason why the orders placed for Mrs. Eugenia A tkinson and her TIME AND SAVINGS DEPO SITS, women of Ashland a In calling the League of Nations “ dead new equipment recently have shown a de­ house guests, Mrs. Owen, her G aining Slow ly— su b jects for reserve and payable on great deal of back­ dem and or subject to notice: as slavery’’ President Harding spoke an cline doubtless is that as a result of the d au g h ter Lottie and h er niece The friends of Mr. B utler will Miss Nettie Clark, enjoyed a de­ be glad to know th a t he is gain­ breaking labor and 27. Time certificates of deposit outstanding 77,143.65 utterly misleading phrase. Being the most large orders placed in the latter part of lightful trip around the valley ing steadily. He th in k s the time 28. Savings deposits, payable subject to notice drudgery, especially 233,407.46 sensational and striking line in the speech, last year and the early part of this year the third of Ju ly when Mrs. S. seems p retty long to w ait the Total of time and savings deposits payable during the hot months it naturally drew most of the attention from there were on June 1, 107,079 freight cars L. Allen gave them a panoram ic weeks th a t are necessary for re­ on demand or subject to notice, items, of summer. hasty readers. For the misleading result and 2,041 locomotives which had been or­ view of towns, fields and orchard. covery. 27 and 28, ...................................................... $310,551.1 • * • They m otored down the valley Mr. Harding will have to take all the blame dered but not delivered. It conserves the health retu rn in g via Jacksonville. The Church F lo a ts— Total .. ............................................................ $670,769.! As a matter of fact, any one reading “ In the 17 1-2 months which ended at the visitors were delighted w ith the It was a new dep artu re to have and happiness of your STATE OF OREGON, County of Jackson — ss. through his speech will, conclude that he middle of June the number of freight cars scenic beauty and were aston­ the Sunday schools represented wife, mother, or sister. I, V. O. N. Smith, cashier of the above named bank, do solem did not mean and could not have meant/ ordered was 248,181, the number of loco­ ished a t the extent of country in the P arade but it proved to ly swear th a t the above statem ent is tru e to the best of my know be one of the in terestin g fe a t­ what the words at first blush obviously motives ordered was 4,248, and the number spread out before them . ASHLAND LAUNDRY edge and belief. The ladies leave for Seattle ures. The tim e was very short seemed to mean, for he referred to the of passenger cars ordered was 3,682. This V. O. N. SMITH, Cathie soon to visit relatives and in all in which to prepare, and for good Phone 165 league’s functioning for European ends! was the annual rate of about 176,080 probability Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of July, 192 Mrs. A tkinson will ac­ reasons, some of the schools did L. A. ROBERTS, Notary Public, My cor with approval and interest. It could be add- ' freight cars, 2,850 locomotives and 2,500 company them . not get to participate b u t three mission expires, April 25, 192 * ♦ * ed that he is co-operating actively with passenger cars, and represents on the whole Sunday schools were well repre­ Sandit Correct A ttest: the league in the matter of opium restric­ the largest orders for equipment ever plac­ F am ily G atherings th e F ou rth — sented. W. F. LOOMIS tion, for example. And he, himself, sees, ed by the railroads in an equally long The celebration the F o u rth of­ The C ongregational Sunday J. P. DODGE fered an opportunity or excuse, school had a beautiful float th a t no harm in co-operating with the league period in more than 10 years.” C. B. Lam kin, Directors. if th a t were needed, fo r many showed a g re a t deal of work in