Friday, July 6, 1 0 2 R ___ A8&LAÑD DÁÍLY TIDINGS PAüfe THREË Those persons knowing them- * ing long beards, and h air ' th a t selves indebted to me, will kind- * OBSERVATIONS extended below their shoulders, * * * * * * k ly pay th eir bills as soon as pos- * attended the celebration. PHYSICIANS A Column Devoted to Brief ” sible. Dr. Geo. J? Kinz, 406 Io- That everybody had a real good 255-6 4 Business and Personal Notes-'* wa (By L ithianius) time. DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Resi­ During the celebration and T hat bolding hands goes hand dence and office, 108 Pioneer Classified Column R ates since I have observed: avenue. Telephone 28. Office R. C. Tamplin and wife of A busines3 visitor yesterday in hand with a celebration. One cent the word each time. hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 Hollywood, That the people of Ashland and California passed was Clifford Thompson of Kla- That a prom inent member of To run every issue for one p. m. only. through Ashland yesterday en m ath Falls, who called on sever­ vicinity accorded excellent patron­ the Tidings force successfully m onth or more, %c the word age to the program and corona­ evaded the thousand or more au­ each time. DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac­ route to Seattle, stopping over al local m erchants. tion ceremonies on the evening tomobiles for two days, only to tice lim ited to eye, ear, nose and here to lay in supplies. FOR SALE— REAL ESTATE th ro at— X-ray Including teeth. WANTED— High school boy to of July 3. be run down with a bicycle the Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to learn the p rin ters’ trade. Call That the special order prohibit­ FOR SALE— The bungalow lot morning after. We make a specialty of picnic 5. Swedenburg Bldg, Ashland, Just across from the park foun­ at Tidings office. tf ing the shooting of fire crackers That Fred W agner made an ex­ and cam pers’ needs. D etrick s. Ore. tains. Large lot running and the operation of other noise cellent presentation of the speak­ 236-tf through from P ark avenue to E. F. Sundberg of M ultnomah, devices during the program s was er of the day. CHIROPRACTORS O ranite St., faces 216 feet on Oregon, spent yesterday in Ash­ not enforced. That the flag did not precede G ranite and 260 feet on Park DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic A. E arnquist and wife of W est- drive. Has 50x50 dancing pa­ T hat Queen Beth reigns In a the parade. and Electro-Therapy. The com­ wood, California spent one day of land viewing the P ark. vilion on it. This is a wonder­ bination does wonders. First th eir two week vacation trip in m anner becoming her position. That G. H. McGee was a good ful location for an apartm ent National Bank Bldg. Phone P aulserud’s Suits for young T hat the float of the Baptist patron of the Lithian pavilion. Ashland yesterday. and A shland needs ju s t such a 48-142. men. 244-tf. Sunday school deserves a lot of stru c tu re right now. 1 have not House Calls That the float entered by the credit. the capital to build the a p art­ Ladies’ and Gents’ hiking suits ladies of Bellview district was a m ent and need the money now B. Silvester of San Francisco, That the decorated store front thing of beauty. HAWLEY— Above Tidings shoes, boots, hats, bags, blankets, Invested in the property in my DR. was a business visitor in Ashland of E. R. Isaac & Co., was rig h t­ office. Phone 91. lunch kits, etc., in fact, every­ printing business. W ill sell all That the Presbyterian Sunday yesterday. fully awarded first prize. thing for the tourist, hiker, camp­ or any p art of it at a real bar­ school was well represented in That the G rants Pass cave men the parade. gain, If taken a t once. Go up CON VALESCENT HOME— Come er, and all sports. Army Goods and look it over and make me Always fresh. Home-made Can­ and women received a good wel­ to us for m aternity, w here it Store. That the H artm an Syndicate is an offer. B ert R. Greer, Tid­ dies. Rose Bros. 252-tf come during the parade. is cool and pleasant. $25.00 ings office. 208-tf That a great deal more applause a wide-awake Organization, ad­ per week covers all expenses Mr. and Mrs. Meadows spent ^ r8‘ Cozad of K lam ath was due the bands and other or­ ding a lot to the parade. except doctor’s fee. 259-2 yesterday in A shland shopping. FOR SALE, TRADE OR RENT— T hat Wood’s tire shop was nov- The Meadows are en route from Falls spent yesterday in Ashland ganizations th at participated in 160 acres unimproved land, un­ visiting friends. elly represented in the parade. incum bered, near village of 300 DR. ERNEST W. SMITH— Chiro­ Portland to San Francisco. the celebration. on S. P. R. R. and good hard practor, near Postoffice. Hours That every district of Jackson That good band music adds a roads, 100 acres under fence 9-12 and 2-5. Phone 114. Cliff Payne has Sprusteel lad­ county was well represented d u r­ lot to a celebration. When you blow out, blow in to w ith good natu ral pasture, Lady atten d an t Mondays, W ed­ ing the big two-day event. plenty of w ater. Three roomed nesdays, Fridays, afternoon. Leedom’s for Tires. 256tf ders. house, barn and woodshed. For T hat gazing up a t the fire MEDFORD MAN LOHES BAIL fu rth e r particulars address F. CONVALESCENT HOME— Cot­ Like Ashland— works is hard on the neck. RATHER THAN FACE JUDGE Mae Clark of P ortland arrived J., care Ashland Tidings. 14 8tf Edwin Jam es and fam ily of tage plan. Invalids cared for in Ashland yesterday to visit with That the entries of the Vining Seattle were registered a t the Ho­ added greatly to the parade. in home surroundings. M atern­ friends. Charles Bowman of Medford, MISCELLANEOUS tel Ashland last night. Mr. Jam es ity departm ent. Terms rea­ T hat since the election of a forfeited fifty dollars for non-ap­ sonable. Phone 4H R . 24S-tf. M onuments from the Blair is a business man of Seattle, and queen there will be more aspir­ pearance in Judge Gowdy’s court LOANS— Farm loans; City loans; Amortized 4 ft per cent. W. G. quarry. Patronize home indus­ reported him self pleased with ants for the office of president of yesterday when be failed to ap­ W right, Stew art Bldg., Med­ TRANSFER AND EXPRESS pear in answ er to a summons try. Exclusive salesm an. S. Ashland. He says th a t they will the Lithians. ford 204-lm o* stop over here for a week on the T hat the excellent decorations charging him with drunkenness. FOR prom pt and sareful service, Penniston. Res. 476 Laurel St. re tu rn trip from San Francisco. of the 20th Century Grocery jus­ Bowman had been celebrating LOST— July 5th an envelop con­ Phone 444Y. 253-lm o auto trucks or horse drays, call tified one of the boys taking a Independence Day in a ra th e r free taining pension check. Finder W hittle T ransfer Co,. Phone Spring garm ents cleaned and snap-shot of it. 117. Office, 89 Oak street, near will receive liberal rew ard for m anner on the streets of Med­ E. Larson and wife of Eugene Hotel Ashland. 56tf pressed w ith care. Auto delivery. T hat Milt Miller sustained his ford, according to the complaint, re tu rn to Jennie T uttle, 148 Or­ were in Ashland yesterday, hav­ ange Ave. 259-2* T. L. POWELL— General Trans­ ing stopped over to see Lithia ?hone 63. Ashland Cleaning and reputation as the silver tongued and was put under a rrest by a Dyeing W orks. 208rtf orator. Medford officer. He put up a fif­ fer— Good team and motor P ark. They reg retted having FOR SALE trucks. Good service a t a rea­ missed the celebration very much. That Judge Dill was learned to ty dollar deposit for appearance, sonable price. Phone 83. F o r the best in sweet m ilk and respect the strategy of a band of but a t two o’clock yesterday had FOR SALEOR TRADE— Fruit cream go to D etrick’s. 106-tf small boys arm ed with firecrack­ failed to appear. ranch. Address Box 77 Ash­ TRY FEHIGE FOR HAULING B etter be safe than sorry. See ers. and tran sfer w ork of all kinds. Beaver R ealty Co. about your in­ If Bowman is caught now, he land, Oregon. 255-6t* M issouri State Life contracts 375 B St. Phone 410-R. That two men, apparently will have to face the judge in ad­ 287-tf are w orth investigating. 200-lm o surance. Phone 68. FOR SALE— Two Belgian does. brothers, each over six feet, w ear- dition to losing his fifty dollars. 6 Beach Ave. 259-3* PLUMBING J. E. Bruce of Seattle was reg­ F o r the best in sweet m ilk and «U lllllîiilu FOR SALE— 3 ft acres fine fruit, JER RY O’NEAL— Plum bing. 207 istered at the Hotel Ashland last cream go to D etrick’s. 106-tf night. Mr. Bruce spent yester­ berries and grapes. House E ast Main. Phone 138. day in Ashland transacting busi­ Effective July 1st. partly furnished. Corner Guth­ ness. PLANING MILL rie and Ashland St. Phone Howard & Grimes Stages leave 258-J. 254-6t* JORDAN’S SASH AND CABINET Ashland for K lam ath Falls daily WORKS, Cor. Heilman and Style-Plus Clothes for the best a t 8:30 a. m. and 2:15 p. m. Van Ness. 194-tf in style and quality a t the least OW NER W ILL SELL— His a t­ 256-12* expense. P aulserud’s. »6-tf tractive corner home a t 399 Beach street. Nice garden, Oranges, lemons, grape fru it— 32x4 Prem ier Cord, at ......................... $23.00 W hen you blow out, blow in to ' Detrick sells for less. 106-tf berries, fru it, grapes, lawn and Leedom’s for Tires. 256tf ---------- flowers. Jersey cow and chick­ 30x3 1-2 Premier Cord, at .................. $13.00 Look to your Mowers, ens. Excellent location. •--------- Have a fit a t Orres— tailors for Rakes and Binders early, 249-1 mo. • N. A nja and his wife of San men and women. 2 2 6-tf We also offer the Portage Cord, Built by the so in case I should not Francisco reported themselves j ---------- Sieberling Rubber Co., Guaranteed 8000 miles FOR SALE— Registered Hamp­ have the worn or broken pleased with Ashland, which they Enjoy music, jazzy to opera, in a 30x3 1-2 at a ten day special p ric e .. $11.90 shire Sows. Prices right, sat­ parts in stock I will have stopped over a day to see. They whenever and w herever you We take in your old Tires on Trade isfaction guaranteed. W rite please. Take a P ortable Victrola time to send to Portland are en route to Portland. for inform ation. John Mace, for them. ---------- | camping. Rose Bros. 252-tf. C entral Point, Ore. 259-9* Garden Hose and Tools of Let me tell you about th e new every description full coverage Automobile policy. FOR SALE— Saxaphone, cello, Ice Cream made from pure Phone 125 Yeo, of course. 2 4 6-tf. sweet cream in our own Ice cornet, orchestra drum s. All A1 bargains. L. E. Stennett, Cream factory. Rose Bros. A. T. Spader of G rants Pass 494 Fairview . 259-6t* 252-tf was in the city this m orning on FOR SALE— Good family cow, business. fresh. Also chickens. 571 C hestnut St. 256-6* To know Corvallis aw ards $39,535 sewer contract. how good a cigarette 45 A. mostly bottom land, near really can be mad< FOR RENT you must try a< highway, alfalfa and grain, fam ­ FOR RENT— 6 Room modern goes, and energy, pep and vim return when taking house w ith range. Good garden ily fru it, house and barn, team, AU kinds of berries and cow and tools. $0,500. fru it. 3 Chicken houses and Good farm land under ditch yards. Good garage. $20.00 2 miles from Ashland at $60 per Keep stomach sweet—liver a c tiv e - bowels regular—only 25c. per m onth. Robison and Wild, acre. A shland Hotel Building. Good 6 room house on paved 252-tf street $100. down balance like FOR RENT— Completely furnish­ rent. ed apartm ents. 75 Bush St. Have a re stau ran t and Bakery Kiddie Kandies 256-6* doing profitable business for sale at attractive price. Molasses Kisses, with pea­ WANTED nu t b u tter center, % lb ...0c HOUSES FOR RENT S traight Molasses Kisses, WANTED— F irst class cook. P la­ % lb. ... za Confectionery. 224-tf • Classified Column ö PROFESSIONAL i FIND IT HERE Save Yourself having a savings account you U not only have your money hut you save yourself. Many a man has been saved from failure and many a woman have been saved from trouble by the timely help of money in the bank D 5! The Citizens Bank of Ashland Ashland, Oregon Spend your vacation at the TOWNER Tabernacle Revival (Camp Meetings) Dunsmuir, California July 8th to 29th. MIRACLES OF HEALING By Prayer---- Salvation Fishing, mountain climbing, and other sports The Fisk Tire Co. Announces A Big Drop In Prices We now Offer The Wonderful camping facilities Bathing in the cool mountain Streams. Farmers, Attention! Come and see for yourself Tell your friends Kruggel Bros. Tire Shop. PEIL’S CORNER Tidings classified do the business STAPLE’S Realty Bargains Ju ly Clearance ONSTIPATION C C H A M B E R L A IN ’S TABLETS 9 Cent Sale WANTED— Small improved or partly improved acreage. Must be good buy. Owner or agents. X. Y. Z. Tidings. 256-6 MONUMENTS E. T. Staples Ashland FIRE MONUMENT— MARKERS Lowest Prices ASHLAND GRANITE CO. 3rd and E ast Main St. 223-6mo F ourth of July ROGUE RIVER FRUIT AND PRODUCE ASSOCIATION FIRE Safe anti Sane to be protect­ Notice of Special Meeting To the Stockholders of the ed in old, strong and straight Rogue River F ru it & Produce forward, prompt paying coni panies. A ssociation: You are hereby notified th at Ask The a special meeting of the stock­ holders of Rogue River F ru it & Produce Association will be held a t the Public Library in the City Established 1883 of Medford, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 17th day of July, 1923, at two o’clock in the afternoon of How little it will take to M ake th a t day, for the purpose of vot­ ing upon a resolution to dissolve the corporation, to settle up its business, to dispose of its property and liquidate its affairs, and to 41 E . M ain E st. 1883 divide its capital stock, being the n et proceeds of such liquidation, Phone 211 proportionately among the stock­ holders in accordance w ith their respective holdings of stock; and * fu rth e r, for the purpose of ap­ proving and ratifying all the ac­ tions of the Board of Directors and of the Executive Committee since the last annual m eeting of th e stockholders of the corpora­ tion; and for the transaction of all such other business as may le- «»liy come before the meeting. R. C. WASHBURN, President of the Rogue R iver F ru it & Produce Association. 242-5. Billings Agency YOU SAFE S A V E IC E as well as FO OD in one of PROVOST BROS. REFRIGERATORS All day Suckers, wrapped, 12 for... R egular standard candy bars, assorted kinds, 2 for ....... You save and the kiddy saves in buying candy here. Some of the above are priced at less than regular whole­ sale price. “ Where your dime is a baby dollar’ VARIETY STORE 89 Main St. Service We have been talk­ ing to you about the dif­ ference between Real and Affected Service— what we mean is that we are going to give you REAL SERVICE You are to he the sole Judge all we ask is an opportunity to prove our assertion. We have everything to be had in a modem Service Station. Ashland Service Station Oeser & Soil C O R E MUSCLES from outdoor sports are re- liev ed by massaging with— V ▼ j V C K R S a r o O tw r .00 less every day until sold out Beginning Saturday every Suit that has been in the Special $19.75 lot, will he offered at $18.75. On Monday what are left will he $17.75; Tues­ day, $16.75, and down until every suit finds a price at which some one can use it. u b 17 Million J a n U n d Yoarly MAKE ¡0. A. C. Your Next Goal You have finished high school and, like all wide­ awake graduates, are look­ ing to college. The State of Oregon of­ fers you the best of training and a collegiate degree in the leading pursuits and pro­ fessions, as follows: Engineering, A griculture, Commerce, Forestry, Home Economics, M ilitary Science and Tactics, Mining, Pharm ­ acy, Vocational Education, and Music Student life at the College is rich in opportunities for leadership and personal cul­ ture. Fall Term Opens September 28 1923 For Information Write To THE REGISTRAR Oregon Agricultural College Corvallis ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Sale An Unusual Suit Clearance ♦ » ♦ ♦ « » ♦ ♦ ♦ •» « 19c Sale Printed Voiles Printed Flaxons Jap Crepes Dress Ginghams Percales Cotton Challis Nainsook Cambric Long Cloth 29c SILK DRESSES WASH DRESSES SILK OR WOOL SKIRTS KH AK I OUTING WEAR Athletic Style Combination Suits The Most Comfortable for warm weather. $1.50 Values ............... $1.00 $2.25 v a lu e s ..................... $1.45 $3.00 v a lu e s ..................... $1.98 WAISTS AND BLOUSES SWEATERS Reubens Infants Vests, C o tto n ..........................25c CURTAIN GOODS WOOL DRESS GOODS WASH DRESS GOODS W HITE GOODS Children’s Hose, black, 30c quality ........................ 25c Ladies Mercerized H ose, black or brown, 35c. quality, .................................... 29c 48c Voiles Devonshire Cloth Children’s Black Hose, fine rib, double knee, 35c quality 35c Tissues Bordered Curtain Scrim Checked Patterns in Jap Crepe .................................. 29c GOODS A few Spring Coats left to close out at $4.95 to $29.75.