Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, July 06, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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    bAGË ÏWO
A s h l a n d D a i l y T i d i n g S of firecrackers
ASHlÂJift DÀILŸ TtöiftöS
Friday, July ö, 1Ö29
erean a waek and alm ost had to
fore« it down the B ritish throat.
Advertising was restorted to, and
now Londoners are consuming
10,000 gallons of ice cream a
week and dem anding more. P er­
haps even Mr. W rigley’s product
may yet become popular in Eng­
and other explosives is en-
I tirely out ot place and a constant menace (Daily News Letter
to life and property. The throwing of fire-
~ ’
P ub lished E very E ven in g E xcept Sunday by
’ crackers and torpedoes under the feet of LONDON, July 6.— Will M.
women and little children is a dangerous Raymond Poincare prove an in­
Bert R. Greer ............................... Editoi practice and can afford no amusement only surm ountable barrier to the suc­
throw the misseis. That cess of Stanley Baldwin, Prim e
OFFICIAL CITY PAPER Tepephone 39 tor ^10se
people were not severly injured during the M inister of Great B ritain?
Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, Postoffice as
circles are debating
celebration July 3 and 4 is short of being this Political
Second Class Mail M atter.
“ The W orkers’ D readnought,”
Many hold th at
a miracle. Many were kept in constant fear Poincare was the obstacle over edited by Sylvia P an k h u rst and
Subscription Price, Delivered in City-
because of the continuous cannonading which Lloyd George stubbed his described as an “ ultra-Commun-
One Month ...................................................... $ ,C5 j that was kept up on the grounds. Boys, toe out of Downing stret, and the is t” periodical, is apparently dis­
Three Months ................................................. 1.95
manv ot them near the age of maturity 1 oc^ *a
unfortunate attem pt pleased with the trend of events
Six Months ...................................................... 3.75
in Moscow.
had no hesitancy in throwing firecrackers
BM,ar Baw '™ d * ■»“ °< A recent issue contains an a r­
One Year .......................................................... 7.50
light into tile Ulldst ot women and chil-j Anglo-French relations are im- ticle on conditions in Moscow
By Mail and Rural R outes:
dren, in ¡act they apparently desired no portant to Great B ritain. W ith which breathes discontent be­
One Month ...................................................... $ ,65
other target.
France across the narrow Eng- cause the days of undiluted Bol­
Three Months ................................................. 1.95
Six Months ........................................................ 3.50
Eliminating the danger that may result
Channel, w ithin easy striking shevism appear to be passing.
economic screw is being
One Year .......................................................... 6.50
to human life, the fire hazard alone will dls“T . " ' J " 8. '? " sdores’ “ 18 put “ The
on the townspeople more and
im portant th a t there be an Ang-
DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: ■ justify whatever action may he necessary io-French accord, statesm en who m ore,” the paper complains. “ The
ill prohibiting the use of firecrackers and can’t agree with France or who free rations, clothing and ren t
Single insertion, per inch .................................. 30
other explosives within the city limits.
can>t persuade France to agree and fuel of the early days after
Y early C ontracts:
One insertion a week ................................... $ 27%
lu case of the firecracker sentiment and with Great B ritain have troubled the revolution are gone.”
Two insertions a week .......................................25
25 judgment tire at variance. A few seem ,in?.s' n .
. ,
Daily insertion ......................................................... 20
to Pay much respect
_____________________________________ . . . to think it , impossible to celebrate without , disinclined —
R ates F or Legal and Miscellaneous A dvertising
, ° llS?
them, and to those who hold to the British views and wishes
should be sufficient to call since he took office, and every
F irst insertion, per 8 point line ................. $ .10
i their attention to the fact that with but fortnight or so the English press
Each subsequent insertion, 8 point l i n e ......... 05
has announced th a t th e Anglo-
Card of T h in k s ............................................. 1.00
very tew exceptions towns of the country French
entente is threatened.
NEW YORK, July 6.— Israel
O bituaries, per line ....................................
02% have banned the practice. Ashland needs Bonar Law sought to tem por­ ZangHrlll,
novelist, playw right and
WHAT CONSTITUES ADVERTISING to do tlie same- Sentiraent fostered because ize with the French Prem ier, and essayist, has cabled N athan Straus
“ All future events, where an admission charge is ®t the long association ot firecrackers with he was forced by w orry and ill president of the American Jew
ish Congress, th a t he will come to
made or a collection taken ¡3 A dvertising.
tile Fourth of July, must liot, he permitted health to give up the office.
America to attend the next ses­
No discount will be allowed Religious or to over-rule judgment. Loss of life and
lock horns with the statesm an sion of the Congres, to be held
_____ ________________________ ____ property must be prohibited.
from across the Channel.
He October 14, a t a city to be later
seems to have two courses open designated.
him— either to accept or dis­
Zangwill is coming, a fte r an
No donations to charities or otherw ise will be
( E stab lish ed in 1 8 7 6 )
' The entertainm ent Will be fol-
<,anclng, mMlc
An excellent program has b e en !
arranged for the public opening
The Southern Oregon society
of Applied Psychology met T hurs­
day evening in Pioneer hall and
elected the following board of di­
rectors: Dr. J. B. W ebster, Mil-
ton C. Reid, R. E. Banks, W. II.
Mowat, Mrs. Inez F. Morton, M.
C. Reed and Dr. Mattie Shaw.
Miss Blanche Hicks invited the
society to meet in the library
rooms and offered her services in
getting any and all literatu re ob­
tainable from the libraries. The
society accepted the generous in­
vitation and unanim ously elected
Miss Hicks to membership.
The next m eeting will be a t
the library, Thursday 12, and the
board of directors will furnish
the program .
of the California-Oregon Power
company’s new General Ware-
house, to be held at the Ware-1
house. South F ir and 13th streets
in Medford, Saturday night, July
i th.
O.-W. R. & N. to erect $2,000
station a t M ilton-Freew ater.
made In advertising, or job printing— our contribu­
tions will be in cash.
regard the dictates of M. Poin­
There certainly are no
signs th a t Poincare has any in­
tention of being persuaded out of
his stiff stand upon the rep ara­
tions problem.
Until th a t is settled no British
Prim e M inister will have clear
Since Poincare is so vital a fac­
to r in the whole reparations
problem there is great conjecture
as to how Stanley Baldwin will
deal (with J him . If he doesn’t
deal with him, or perhaps w ith­
out him, then his tenure of of­
fice is threatened.
absence of twelve years, for the
sole purpose of m aking th e p rin­
cipal address before the congress
In It h e will review the present
situation of Jew s throughout the
world and will outline the work
still to be done for the protec
tion of the rig h ts of the Jew s of
E astern Europe, in addition to ex­
posing th e character of the anti-
Semitic attack s made against Jews
in this country and Europe.
The noted w riter visited Ameri­
ca twelve years ago for the pre­
m iere of his play, “ The Melting
P o t,” a t W ashington. The late
Theodore Roosevelt, then Presl
dent, and members of his Cabi­
n et were among the guests. The
play was dedicated to Roosevelt.
Zangwill was one of the chief
supporters of the late Theodore
Herzl, au th o r of the modern Zion­
ist movement, and was also one
of the leaders in establishing the
Jew ish T erritorial O rganization,
which has provided refuges for
homeless Jews. He has dealt ex­
tensively with the statu s of the
Jew abroad in his books, “ The
W ar for the W orld,” and “ The
Voice from Jeru salem ,” while his
dram a, “ The W ar God,” sounds
a universal note.
The date of Zangw lll’s arrival
will be announced by B ernard G.
R ichards, executive secretary of
the American Jew ish Congress.
There ought to be no escape for the men
who murdered the late Sheriff Dunlap of
Linn county.
No fine-spun ideas of sympathy should
A LAMP AND A LIG H T:— Thy word is a lamp
make them immune from punishment. They
unto my feet and a light unto my path.— Psalm
showed no mercy to Will Dunlap. They
were not entitled to special freedom in
the jail corridor at Albany, a freedom that
seems to account for the escape of Johnson
and the near escape of Parker, who fired
The celebration staged July 3 and 4, will the brutal death shot at the sheriff.
go down in history as one of the most A mere arrest of the two men for the
successful public events ever staged in theft of an automobile was not their real
Ashland. Not only did the event meet the reason for the desperate alternative to
expectations of its sponsors but it satisfied which they resorted. A brief period in jail
Exclusive Troon— th a t’s w hat
the demands of our guests, and great sat­ for that offense was not the thought in the American golfers thought of
isfaction is being generally expressed with their minds when they turned on Dunlap. it.
American golfers appeared
In the background were the things they at The
the excellent entertainment afforded.
Troon to practice for the B rit­
All the credit for the more than success- had done before, things they did not want ish Open Cham pionships three
ful celebration is not due any individual to face through the exposure of co'urt pro weeks before the tournam ent op­
ened. Every day they were w it­
nor any single organization of the city, for ceedings and a jail sentence.
nessed, as they started off the
it is not amiss to say that the event was All they have done has not been brought first, tee, by silent, impassive
the result of the combined efforts of Ash­ to light. Their cruel and wanton murder members of the Troon Club, sit­
land’s citizens. However, one organization of the Linn county sheriff makes that ting behind a plate glass front.
Never once were they invited in­
of the city stands out pre-eminently in the clear.
side the clubhouse. The answ er
excellent service rendered: the Litliians. Johnson should be captured and be made is th a t they were professional
That organization conceived the plans, to face the consequences of his crime. Men players, and even in Scotland it
carried on an extensive advertising cam- who kill without excuse, as they did, have seems th a t a professional player
x i x, i •• •
. - eam no right to be at liberty among the decent is not the social equal of a club and took the lead m exeeutmg every people of the earth.-Ckegon Ddiy Jou^al member,
and clubs can’t be con­
detail of the program. The work performed
tam inated by the presence of pro­
by the Litliians in behalf of the celebration
fessionals w ithin th eir portals. Start on Trip—
was of such character as to commend the' J. II. Fuller, secretary of the Chamber of Exclusive Troon is right.
G. A. G illette and fam ily left
organization to every resident of the city, Commerce and the Lithians, is the right
recently on a sum m er excursion
A t last B ritish gastronom ic
The Lithians have won the spurs thev man
• x in x the e right
» i . place.
, . Mr.
, Fuller has the tastes have been changed. The to the Lake of the Woods and
sought to wear and wore, they have won X n t t ser
eX' British have been advertised into C rater Lake. They plan on m ak­
’vice to the town and commun­ a taste for ice cream. Taking a ing the trip by way of F o rt K la­
the warm thanks of every citizen of Ash­
m ath.
They were accompanied
land. That the organization will continue ity are not to be judged with the salary he leaf from the American book, the by Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Boyle of
receives in his official position.
restau ran ts owned by Ly­ San Francisco, who have been
as a necessary adjunct of the Chamber of <
.7 ’ the chain
Company, opened an ice visiting them.
Commerce there is not the slightest doubt. t ,," * * ‘
'-‘e to pay it, John
The organization, headed by V. I). Miller,! f ^ e d s a h l r v
7 &
? cream factory. A year ago this
factory, under American m anage­
Salem— Plans under way for
is composed of an aggressive lot of fellows
________ _
m ent, turned out 500 pints of ice new U nitarian church.
who believe in doing things that will tend /,
to benefit Ashland from every angle. Con- L ' “Jo®''® 50 V
P " wi” ’
gratulations, gentlemen.
! P U "
never, f,nd a T wd of s«veral
_________ ___
thousand people where ^better ¡behavior
prevailed than during the two-day cele­
bration in Ashland. The deeoroum of the
A jury in circuit court has convicted aad f s
V ? T ?*
George Hurst, Currey countv resident oflianci i.L f
• T
0,1 •' 0 x SJ1-
involuntary manslaughter for killing his ¡visitors calHe
dlbtrict8 lrom which the
companion, whom lie mistook for a deer.
Sentence will he passed by J'udke Rendell
Canada proposes to give Dr. Banting,
during the coming week.
The convietio nof the Curry county man discoverer of insulin, $7,500 a year for life,
should form a gentle reminder to the would so he may be enabled to devote all his time
be sportsmen who flock to the woods iniq” f ultliei lesear<‘h. That’s a wise idea.
deer season and out and bang away at I the cure for diabetes lie has given the
the first object they see or in the direction
world could not be estimated in terms of
from which the slightest noise emenates. even
millions of dollars.
Southern Oregon and coast counties have
an undesirable reputation because of the A spirited advertising
campaign will
frequent killing of men, who are mistaken
Instead of “feeding” a range in a not,
for deer, and it is high time that radicalS T r
d°g *
cntc, inS into the volume
stuffy kitchen this summer, you can
steps be adopted to bring an end to the!° ,,us“ ess 01 the average firm. There is
save yourself a lot o f trouble and work
useless and unjustified slaughter. In t h e '^ e r
** ® conslsteut adver-
tor comfort and cleanliness
first place, the individual who is so con-i
that lie
will fire
i ft, i
x u
,, , ,, , ,
every moving
or i„‘ promiscuo’uslv
the direciion at
o f Astfe
ram its originality it would prove a
every sound has no business to be turned
loose in the timber with a gun. That can unearthed, which prompted someone to say
not be prevented, however, and the only that scientists are as good at guessing as
some of the other professions.
resource is to exact the most severe pen­
alty permitted by law.
, ,
, , ±.
Tf io
i 1
i • xi • .
^*ow t *iat a »eter celebration lias been
’V Z
x16 lllterest of ¡in-1 successfully staged let us direct our at-
J*1 e’ la U1. 10 iutur(1- Hurst’s kind tention to something that will strengthen
will be convicted and given the maximum! Ashland’s commercial position,
An exchange says that France controls
everything in the Ruliurs but the situa-
With but one exception no criticism
—--------—___ <
can be directed towards the recent celebra- Ten thousand people entered Lithia Park
tion. but that aing e exception is a matter during the celebration, and just that
of unpo'tauce and one that will have a number praised the beauties of it.
lot to do with the future success of cele-
-------- —______
brations. The Tidings voices tile sentiment
Nest egg: The fund you began saving
ot ninety out ot every one hundred Ash- for your old age and now prepare to spend
land citizens in asserting that the shootin as the vacation season approaches.
by cooking with a good oil cookstove.
No coal or wood to lug, no ashes to
shovel out. A cool, clean kitchen with
a steady, controlled heat concentrated
directly on the utensil.
For best results be sure to use Peari
Oil—the clean, economical kerosene
that is refined and re-refined by a
special process.
For sale by dealers everywhere. Adr
for it by name—Pearl Oil.
(K E R O S E N E )
U « iia n
ç r tiU itui» j
furnished by F ifer’s orchestra
T“ e Pr08ran‘ 18 “ > 8tart « 8:30
p’ m ” aQtl a good time is looked
forward to. The public is cordi-
ally invited to attend.
__ _______ _______ _
C entral Point— Clay products
factory uow nearly completed.
Garden Tools
Hoes, Rakes, Spading Forks, Spades and
Garden Hose
Rubber and Cotton
3 7-39 North Main St.
Fbone 303
“ We sell to sell again”
1 1 1 1 bi □
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ III
Suffered 25 Ye^rs
A M en tirely free fro m m y Piles J
a n d aches a n d p a in s,” w rites
o n e o f m y fo rm e r w o m e n p a tien ts
w ho, a fte r suffering 25 years, was
cu red by m y painless, non-surgical
tre a tm e n t. B u t th is case is n o ex­
cep tio n , as scores o f letters in my
FREE illu stra te d b o o k w ill testify,
i use no knife, anaesthetic, clamps, liga­
tures, stitches, burning or other disagree­
able or dangerous method in treating
Piles, and GUARANTEE results.
Remember my guarantee
means a positive and per­
manent cure no matter
how severe your case
may be.
What do you mean—
Eastern Oil?
eci> l e s
A I/'H E N you say “Eastern Oil”
’ ’ to your garage or service
station man just what do you
mean? Any oil is technically
“Eastern Oil” to us of the far West.
Do you mean the certain mid-con­
tinent oils which contain some par­
affine, some asphalt? Do you mean
some of the sticky, compounded
—or do you really want a paraffine
oil? Pure paraffine oils come from
Pennsylvania. WAVERLY Motor
—and, of course, 100 per cent par­
Si Slicker, traveling Salesman, went
And tried to sell some liniment
To Farm er Al. He got “ the raus”
But Henry C at and M ilton Mouse
At Si’s request, did vaud’ville stunts
Which Al thought he could do, poor
lie tiiuitded down anti broke his t>loc!
—And gladly bought idl Slickt r’ssU xk i
M o r r is o n
M oral—a salesman knows enough
Io nutke a m arket lor his s t u f f /
— A'sop, Jr.
20th Century Grocery
Saturday and Monday’s attractive prices for the careful
G oz. assorted
G lass,.......
M J . B. Tree Tea
Japan or Ceylon, or India
pound package,.............
CRISCO, 3 lb. cans, 69c. 6 lb. cans, $1.29.
Green Olives
Pint Jars, . . . .
Golden West Pepper
2 oz. cans ...........................
Amazo Corn Oil, Best for salads and cooking, pints 27c
qts. 53c.
Royal Baking Powder
Large Cans.....................
Tender Melting Peas
Preferred Stock, can .
Ball Mason jars—Genuine Zine Caps, Quarts, 98e.
Domestic Sardines,
Extra Quality, can, ...........
Oregon Walnuts
Budded Franquettes, pound
20th Century Coffee—None better, pound 35c. 3 lbs. $1.00.
Peaberry Coffee—The kind with a kick, pound 30e,
Solid Pack Tomatoes
Large, No. 2% c a n s .............
374 E. Main
Campbells Pork and Beans
Big Value, 2 cans ...............
31 North Central Ave.