Thursday, July 5, lôââ AS&1AÑD DAÍLY TïW îG S PROFESSIONAL PAGE T H R E E * * * * « I in A s h J t T ? 3 HorQ*rook was Oranges, lemons, grape fru it— J INTERNATIONAL TENSION practically all fo reign ship lines in Ashland for the celebration of Detrick sells for less. 106-tf OVER LIQUOR RELIEVED have decided to c top loading bev- ! the F ourth. ______ PHYSICIANS ---------- erage liquor und( r seal for home- ► ♦ H l » ♦ »♦ > [A Column Devoted to B rief { Southern Pacific Company 1 When the Ashland unit of the »Business and Personal Notes. WASHINGTON, July 5.— Dip- w ard voyage, Those persons knowing them ­ spending $50,000 on bridges a t DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Resi­ Coast A rtillery retufned from lomatic tension existing over the British and French lin s real- dence and office, 108 Pioneer _ .. selves indebted to me, will kind­ Silverton. Classified Column R ates avenue. Telephone 28. Office * ort B arry’ tae members were enforcem ent of the American pro- ize they are playing a losing game ly pay their bills as soon as pos­ One cent the word each time. hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 surrounded by anxious relatives hibition laws against foreign as there is little hope of recover- To ru n every issue for one We make a specialty of picnic sible. Dr. Geo. J. Kinz, 406 Io- Mosier to have 160,000 box ap­ ships was considerably relieved ing the liquor th at has been con- p. m. only. who demanded the reason for the m onth or more, %c the word and cam pers’ needs. D etrick s. Wa- 255-6 ple crop. DK. ERNEST A. W O O D S -P rac- a '''ì * ''’ T V “ each time. today, when the State and Treas fiscated since the new regulations 236-tf tice lim ited to eye, ear, nose and h d added d u n n g th e trip. Some ury departm ents advised th at went into effect. Mr. and Mrs. Low Purdy from FO R SALE— REAL ESTATE th ro a t— X-ray including te e th / were evasive, and declared th a t sS'.uit li'P 'i'.m ii ..j' .f : i i i ' . wij . h P • Ladjes’ and Gents’ hiking suits Montague were here visiting with - ' ■ — *••«,------- Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to th eir floating ribs had been sunk FOR SALE— The bungalow, lot shoes, boots, hats, bags, blankets, friends during the celebration. — Swedenburg Bldg, Ashland, when the big guns were fired, but juBt across from the park foun­ lunch kits, etc., in fact, every-¡T hey are the proprietors of the re ‘__________________ I the more tru th fu l told the real tains. Large lot running through from P ark avenue to' reason and fixed the blame upon thing for the tourist, hiker, camp- Candy Kitchen in Montague, CHIROPRACTORS G ranite St., faces 216 feet on Cooks Banks and Carey, and up- er, and all sports. Army Goods G ranite and 260 feet on P ark DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic ANTED— High school boy to on Mess Sergeant W olcott, and Store. drive. Has 50x50 dancing pa­ and Electro-Therapy. The com-, Q ! learn the p rin ters’ trade. Call Sergeant B utterfield. vilion on it. This is a wonder­ bination does wonders. First supply Have a fit a t O rres— tailors for a t Tidings office. tf ful location for an apartm ent N ational Bank Bldg. Phone These men, when accosted, declar-i and Ashland needs ju9t such a 48-142. 226-tf ed th a t the men had no business men and women- stru c tu re rig h t now. I have not House Calls C. F. Moore and wife of Gold to eat more than was good for th e capital to build the a p a rt­ Dr. J. B. W ebster of Talent, Hill were in Ashland viewing the them, but it was declared by the m ent and need the money now chairm an of the committee on or- DRo'»ic"A phL „ " ’7 i Ab° ''e ™ in8s 1> O J'S th a t the were »» celebration yesterday. Invested in the property in my D 5! having a savings account y o n p rin tin g business. Will sell all no one could stop when they sanization has called a m eeting of not only have your money hut or any p a rt of it a t a real bar­ 7 ~ ~ ~ - had eaten enough. the Southern Oregon Society o f| Charles McNeal pack-train to you save yourself. Many a man has gain, if taken a t once. Go up CONVALESCENT HOME— Come Radio Sergeant Crowson was Applled Psychology a t Chautau- Yeo, of course. 246-tf. and look it over and make me been saved from failure am! mans to us tor m aternity, where it attached to the headquarters u n -!qua Pioneer hall tonight a t 7:30. an offer. B ert R. Greer, Tid­ is cool and pleasant. $25.00 ¡t from Salem and told them i All m embers of the classes and a woman have been saved ings office. 208-tf J. W hite and wife, and L. per week covers all expenses such appetite-tickling stories of | others interested are invited, W hite of Weed were in Ashland trouble by, the timely h e except doctor’s fee. 259-2 the Ashland eats th a t the headJ ---------- FO R SALE, TRADE OR RENT— yesterday visiting friends and see­ money in the hank. 160 acres unimproved land, un­ Corvallis aw ards $39,535 sewer ing the festivities. AMERICAN TOBACCO CO quarters bunch moved barracks incum bered, near village of 300 DIp r S r En Ja ? VpostoIffice7H ours’ aDd &te Wlth the Ashland com‘ contract. Ëtoinauaiiiiituiuiniiuwi on S. P. R. R. and good hard roads, 100 acres under fence P aulserud’s Suits for young 9-12 and 2-5. Phone 114. pany’ w ith good n atu ral pasture, The Henry C arter fam ily of men. Lady a tte n d an t Mondays, Wed-i The Ashland officers, while 244-tf. SAVES BABIES, h e lp s g ro w n ­ plenty of w ater. Three roomed ups, c o m fo rts e ld e rly p e o p le. M ountain Avenue were Roseburg nesdays, Fridays, afternoon. not overbearing, were quite dis- bouBe, barn and woodshed. For For cholera infantum, summer com­ ----------------------------------------------- tinctive in camp, and attracted visitors one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Combs, of fu rth e r particulars address F. CONVALESCENT plaint, weakening diarrhoea—use HOME— Cot- considerable atten tio n . Captain J ., care Ashland Tidings. 148tf Medford, were among the hun- tage plan. Invalids cared for Adams ls nearly the only man Enjoy music, jazzy to opera,I drods who attended the celebra C H A M B E R L A IN ’S in V in m n n v e m i n d n fro Y ! O t O V* TT — i . « v v iv u t a C O L IC a n d D IA R R H O E A in home o surroundings. M atern -, the Southern Pacific company whenever and _ w herever y o u itio n yesterday, MISCELLANEOUS REM EDY ity departm ent. Terms rea- ever held a train fQp> bu(. when please. Take a P ortable Victrola Take in a little sweetened water. sonable. Phone 4H R . 248-tf. t he cap tain failed to make con- camping. Rose Bros. Never fails. LOANS— Farm loans; City loans; 252-tf. Always fresh, Home-made Can­ Amortized 4 % per cent. W. G. - nections on the night of startin g dies. Rose Bros. 252-tf W right, Stew art Bldg., Med­ ' TRANSFER AND EXPRESS » > ♦ home, this was done. H arry Keeney expects to re ­ ford 204-lm o* FOR prom pt and sareful service, fD& th °r W&S D° tu rn to Ashland this week to visit Mrs. Dennis and Miss Swinden LOST— July 3, a t entrance to auto trucks or horse drays, call ute t0 t ie P ° r t» and relatives and friends for a time. of Medford were Ashland visitors W hittle T ransfer Co.. Phone sHck he carried. He had an ac- P ark, girls’ light blue, shirred yesterday. 117. - Office, 89 Oak street, near cident en route to the F ordt, and ribbon hat, two children’s van­ Ice Cream made from pure Hotel Ashland. 56tf the stick he carried made him ity cases filled with fire crack­ sweet cream in our own Ice Cliff Payne has Sprusteel lad­ ers. Finder return to Tidings T. L. POWELL— General Trans­ look quite formidable. ders. Cream factory. Rose Bros. Lieutenants Young and Norton office. 259-1* fer— Good team and motor 252-tf trucks. Good service a t a rea- were demoted one day a t camp Here F o r O peration— You have finished high sonable price. Phone 83. LOST— In L ithia Park July 4th, for th eir indicreet actions. They school and, like all wide­ Mr. Louis of H ilt brought his The Alva Rowley fam ily has black purse, containing some TRY FEH IG E FOR HAULING , " andered into tha cooks room, small son to Ashland yesterday awake graduates, are look­ change, key and pair white, and tran sfer work of all kinds. and came out minus th e ir h at moved to P in eh u rst for the sum ­ to have an operation perform ed. ; l’*W A ”** ing to college. mer. silk gloves. Finder retu rn to 375 B St. Phone 410-R. cords and shoulder ornam ents, The State of Oregon of­ Dr. Woods will be the surgeon. 200-lm o their insignia o( rank. The Tidings office. 259-1* fers you the best of training 7