Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, July 05, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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A s h la n d D a ilv T id in g s
dusty, and often in evil condition. It is said
that Californians emit a sigh of relief; Daily News L etter
(E sta b lish ed in 1 8 7 6 )
when they have negotiated their share of
P u b lish ed E very E ven in g E xcept Sunday by
it and are safely in Oregon. Certainly all
X .
• . SAN FRANCISCO, July 5.—
Oregon motorists do. But naturally in will there be another car short-
Bert R. Greer .................................. Editoi this formative period of the highway sys-j age?
is beginning to
OFFICIAL CITY PAPER Tepephone 39 ^em’ one t e m p t s to better his traveling This question
in California by seeking another entrance agltattí the minds of California
Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, Postoffice as to Oregon he is likely to encounter diffi­ fru it producers as the time draws
nearer for m arketing th eir crops.
Second Class Mail M atter.
culties. The thing to do, at present, is to
A nnually the problem arises.
Subscription P rice, D elivered in City-
Last year it was heightened by
stick to the main road.
One Month ...................................................... $ .65
It is in point perhaps, to recall that a the shopm en’s strike, which came
the shipping season was at
Three Months .................................................. 1.95
year ago an important interstate meeting when
Six Months ...................................................... 3.75
was called in Crescent City to devise a co- Opinions differ this year as to
One Year ............
! operative means of constructing a Calif­ w hether a real car shortage will
B y M ail and R ural R ou tes:
ornia connection with what is to be a grand exist. Seth Mann, traffic expert
One Month ...................................................... $ .65
new southwest entrance to Oregon—a great of the San Francisco cham ber of
Three Months ................................................. 1.95
coast highway traversing the state. Oregon S°nunerc'!.’ beIleves there win be-
Six Months ........................................................ 3.50
One Year ........................................................... 6.50
sent its governor and other important of- an investigation made by the m -
ficials. California high officials gave th e i t e r s t a t e Commerce Commission,
conference a sold snub.
I The Commission has already a r­
Single insertion, per inch .................................. 30
in constructing llighwav portals it is ransed to investigate the situ a­
Y early C ontracts:
tion in the N orthw est scheduling
One insertion a week .................................... $ .27% advantageous,
is ex-
both Idaho and
, , , ,
. ,, a great , sum
, , ' hearings'"for
hearings for both
Two insertions a week ...............................
pended, to know whether and when one s W ashington
Dally insertion ................ ................................
neighbor is going to co-operate,
On the other hand W. J. H an­
R ates F or L egal and M iscellaneous A d vertisin g i —Oregonian.
ford, exam iner for the service de­
partm ent of the State Railroad
Commission, a fte r an exhaustive
investigation believes the Cali­
The Old Guard, which never surrenders fornia carriers will be in a much
WHAT CONSTITUES ADVERTISING and never learns, wants to kill politically I better position to handle the
heavy movement of fru its and
“All future events, where an admission charge is William E. Borah.
It is ever thus with m e n t o w h o m O r - ° th er producta requiring refriger-
made or a collection taken is Advertising.
No discount will be allowed Religious or g a n i z a t i o n b e c o m e s greater than principle, E astern ^T stin aH o n T in 192
Benevolent orders.
_________________ penning their minds in the moulds of the I they were last year. He found
past, exalting office and patronage above that a total of 46,ooo refrig erato r
solution of political prob- cars
have been provided by the
No donations to charities or otherw ise will be the analvsis and
H i
carriers for movement
made in advertising, or job printing— our contribu­ lems.
of the perishable products.
tions will be in cash.
Borah is virle, conscientious, determin­
F irst insertion, per 8 point line ................. $ .10
Each subsequent insertion, 8 point l i n e ......... 05
Card of Thanks ............................................. 1.00
O bituaries, per line .............................................. 02%
COD’S PROMISE K EPT.— There hath not fail­
ed one word of all his good prom ises.— 1 Kings
There has been, and always will he, a
few who cling to the theory that most
people do not read the advertising in local
papers, the Tiding being no exception to
the errorenous impression. Were there not
proof conclusive that the idea is wrong,
some weight might he attaelied to the
charge. The Tidings is read from top to
bottom, advertising and all and the state-
ment can be verified in many instances,
.Inst as an illustration: In Mondav even-
in g ’s issue of the Tidings there appeared
an ad, in which it was announced that an
auto trailer was desired. Before 9:00 o’clock
Tuesday morning one reply was received
to the ad and thirty minutes later a sec­
ond reply was received. The t^l was a
small two-line local, appearing with a
hundred others of like nature. If a small
inconspicuous two-line local is read and
brings results within 12 hours after its
appearance, how can any individual with
any security persist in the argument that
the display ad twenty times larger is not
generally read?
The business firm that persists in the be­
lief is only aiding his home-town competi­
tor in building up at liis expense, and at
the same time, is encouraging his patrons
to trade at other towns. The hour that the
merchants of any town realize that their
business is built on newspaper advertis­
ing at just that hour will the business tide
turn in their favor.
M M 4
ed that he shall give service to the limit
A dm ittedly the crux of the
of his ability in making of government a problem is the co-operation of the
better agency for the happiness of The Peo Eastern carriers in retu rn in g
prom ptly to em pty refrig erato r
cars. It is to this end th a t Mann
Toward that end he does his own think seeks the co-operation of the In ­
terstate Commerce Commission.
He wears no labels, nor like and auto- The Commission under the law is
maton does he move from strings in the in position to direct the prom pt
| retu rn of these cars and Mann is
Disagree with him as von will, in t h
i s ' . ^
or that theory, Borah is an outstanding faced by the C alifornia shippers
figure in the national government as a ! and railroads.
man of ahiliiy, foreefulness and high pur-
H ere are the high lights of
H andford’s report on the situ a­
Were more of our national legislators of tion:
similar brain power and independence, the
“ The refrig erato r car supply is
country would he benefited immeasur- at present in good valume, there
being approxim ately 2,500 to 3,-|
Political machines have unseated good ; 000 more cars avai,able for ser-
men before, so even Borah is not above !
now °n the llnes of Cali"
. . . . . .
, fornia c arrie rs than existed at
1 ea< Il ot the plotters.
I this same period of last year, and
if lie be not returned to the senate, the the movement westbound is daily
country loses greatly, for the Johnsons and i accumulating more of this char-
the Borahs unfortunately are not manv in actey equipment which win be
our public hfe—Sacramento Bee.
| al buslnes8 whcn lt lncreases ln
Thursday, July S, 1928
1 Ilf p 111
an t secretary of the Los Angeles
Cham ber of Commerce, and for
the past three years sec re ta ry -'
m anager
of the
Chamber. Under his supervision,
the Sacramento Chamber has de-
into one of the leading
PORTLAND, Ore., July
(S pecial).— A. S. Dudley of Sac- development
of |
ram ento, said to be one of the California and recognized nation- ■
best Chamber of Commerce men ally as a model of its kind,
in the United States, has been
J- W. Brewer, General Secre-
selected as Executive M anager of ta ry of the State Chamber, will
the Oregon State Chamber of be retained in his present posi-
d o n o t sell
August tion.
Dudley Known Here
you a Goodyear
The Board of Directors of the j Ashland residents feel an un-
Tire and forget you.
State Cham ber authorized the ap-l usual interest in the selection of
If we did, w e’d lose
pointm ent of a highly-trained or- Dudley, not only because of hist
the right to serve as
ganization man as a step in the ability, but because of a personal
R O L L Y O U R O W N W1
h e a u th o r iz e d
state-w ide developm ent program acquaintance with him
D uring
C r o i x P a p e r s A ttach ed
G o o d y e a r D e a le r .
to be undertaken jointly by the the recent m ilitary pageant and
We are pledged to
P ortland and State Chambers. I governor’s greeting day, Dudley
Dudley was selected by a commit- was a guest of the city, coming COUGHING DISTURBS SLEEP
see th a t you get o u t
tee of the Directors composed of as the official representative of
of th e G oodyear
“ My wife coughed all the time
E. B. Hall of K lam ath Falls, I . ! Governor Richardson.
Tires you buy from
and could not sleep,” w rites Geo.
E. Vining of Ashland and Roy T.
us every m ile o f th e
Bishop of Portland.
The Southern Oregon Society of A. Owens, Bridgeton, New Jer-
thou san ds b u iltin to
The new State Cham ber execu- Applied Psychology will meet this sey' “ She tried Foley’s llouey
th em a t th e factory.
tive will devote a m ajor p a rt of evening at C hautauqua Pioneer and la r alld bad the best night's
his time to the state outside of ball to perfect plans for an or-| sleep she had had for a loug
X t G c o d y a a r S e r v ic e S t a t io n
H auler t ice t e l l a n d r e c o m ­
Portland, particularly along the ganization. Dr. J. B. W ebster o f ! ^ me I used Foley’s Honey and
m e n d th e n e w G o o d y e a r
C o r J t w i th t h e b e v e le d A ll-
lines of cooperative m arketing Talent is chairm an of the corn-
W e a th e r T r e a d a n d b e c k
and the general strengthening m ittee on organization. All per­ Coughs resulting from Whooping
th e m a p w ith tta n d a r d
G e r d y e a r S e r v ic e
and betterm ent of ag ricu lu tu ral sons interested in the subject are Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, Hay
Fever, and Croup quickly relieved A shland V ucaniziug W orlu
conditions, according to State .cordially invited.
with Foley's Honey ami Tar. Con­ H arrison Bros. Ford Garage
Cham ber officials. This line of
tains no opiates.
work is one in which Dudley .is
printed on the carton. Largest
particularly well qualified, and Is
selling cough medicine in the
exactly in line with the state­
World. Insist upon Foley’s Hon­ c * W estern M ade for YKTcktcrn T rxic*’
wide developm ent program for
t ii n iy i in | m —
and Tar. Sold everywhere.
which a fun of $300,000 is now
being raised in Portland.
Kiddie Kandies
Dudley was form erly an assist-
/ '•
Molasses Kisses, with pea­
nut butter center, % lb....9c
from the
fa c to ry
now i5 f'
9 Cent Sale
I v 1
Good for the bites—good to
keep the insects off too—
V ▼ I V C K R S
a p o
S traight Molasses
% lb. ...
All day Suckers, wrapped.
12 for...
//Z i
u b
O ve r i 7 M illion Jara U tc d Yearly
Boise Citizen Praises
Tanlac For His
R egular
bars, assorted kinds. 2
for .......
You save and the kiddy
saves in buying candy here.
Some of the above are priced
a t less than regular whole­
sale price.
bathroom IValls
thst glisten like tile
‘‘Where your dime is a
baby dollar” .
and fixtures—walls
and woodwork glistening like white
tile! Any woman would be proud of
such a bathroom.
spotless floor
89 Main St.
«O i
And almost any woman can have such a room—
she can do the finishing herself, and enjoy i t ! If your
bathroom has become dingy-looking, freshen up
the woodwork with Silkenwhite Gloss or Semi-
Gloss Enamel and apply a coat of Fullerwear Var­
nish to the linoleum. And when you have done
that, use Fuller Washable V\ all Finish on your
kitchen, bedroom or living room walls —many soft,
attractive colors and tints from which to choose.
• Gràffi?
W hatever your painting need, W. P. Fuller & Co.
makes a paint for the purpose. Always ask for Fuller
products by name. Your local dealer has them. Or
write our Service Department for advice and for a
free copy ofour “ Home Service” booklet.
“Conditions a t Roseville, which
is the assem bling and icing sta­
Queen Beth, Ashland greets you and tion for the Ogden Gateway, are
pledges whole-hearted allegiance to you m aterially b etter than they were
In answ er to some complimen­
Uhrouglioutj the remainder of tile year. ; last year, new side tracks having tary rem arks regarding his fine
May your reign be as successful through- been added and some enlarge- ’physique and robust health a few
out as were the two initial days under ments having been made to the days ago Jack H. Young, who
your crown and sceptre. May the splendor
l o X o ’ padr.c “ lives on R. F. D. No. 2, Boise,
Idaho, and is in the Civil Ser­
and beauty of your coronation and court at present constructing some 12 vice a t the Federal Building,
attend each succeeding day.
miles of double track over the Si­ said:
‘I give Tanlac all the credit.
Queen Beth, as ruler over the Lithians, rra Nevada M ountains which will
It put my stom ach in perfect con­
may you be an in sp iratio n to that fine
and built up my health and
hodv of men, for greater achievements
double tracking is in progress in stren g th when I was in such a
and greater things for our city and com­ Nevada, and this dpuble tracking bad fix th a t food seemed to do
munity. May unbounded success attend p articu larly as regards th a t in me harm instead of good. I had
you, the Lithians, and all others of vour ('progress over the m ountains— dropped down to 145 pounds and
the most difficult operating point felt unfit for anything.
on the en tire route— will m ater­
“ W hen I finished my third bot­
ially facilitate the handling of tle of Tanlac 1 was so built up
through train s on ice, fru it and th a t I d id n ’t feel the need of any
The reckless, careless automobile driver sim ilar perishable commodities. more medicine.
Tanlac also
the increase
is in evidence everywhere. Pick up the
“ The condition of motive pow­ and I now tip the scales at 190
daily paper where you will and the fol- er, both on W estern and Eastern
T here’s nothing too
lowing are fam iliar statements: “ The ac- lines, shows more serviceable lo­ good to say for Tanlac.”
cident was the result of reckless driving.” comotives as of April 1, 1923,
Tanlac is for sale by all good
It is high time to call a halt on these than at any time since the com­ druggists. Accept no substitute.
reckless drivers, who take a. toll of thou- m encement of records by the Car Over 37 million bottles ¡(old.
sands of lives every year. Strenuous ef- Service Division of th e American
Railway Association, which be­
Tanlac Vegetable Pills are n a­
forts should he put forward by officers of gan
in A ugust, 1920. Locomo­ tu re ’s own rem edy for constipa­
the law to curb this dangerous practice, tives in need of rep air are de­ tion. F o r sale everywhere.
In our opinion there should be a law strict- creasing m aterially, and the clear­
ly enforced to deprive a person arrested ing up of the large accum ula­
of about
and found guilty of recklessness or care- tion
bv the r e <,i p a i r s ,
brought about by the shopm en’s
lessness in driving an automobile of the strike, has advanced to a point
right to drive one again for a period of wbere norm al conditions may be
one year and if arrested a second time to sald to exist with some catching
have the right taken awav forever Too up °n the average condition as
The announcement that A. S. Dudley,
of Sacramento, has been selected as ex­
ecutive manager of the Oregon State
of Commerce is a source of sat-
istaction and real pleasure to Ashland as
well as to all other sections of the state.
But Ashland feels a particular pride in
the selection, not only because Dudley is
known to be one of the most able chamber
of eommeice men in the nation hut be-
cause the city had part in the selection.
I. E. \ ining, Ashland resident, was one of
the committee of three in whose care the
!! nChOnx7aS en!rusted- Mr- Vining, as
i\e as other active members of the Ash-
land (ham ber of Commerce, had for some
time been acquainted with the ability of
Dudley anil realized the need of a man o f many people driving automobiles Hold hn- Zr'eaih y“a ° 8 ‘he SPr‘°B
his ability in the state. That lie will be­ man life too cheaply and unless some curb
come a great asset to the state is assured, is put on them, homes will continue to he
“ N otw ithstanding the very hea­
and his coming, together with the renewed saddened by loss of loved ones and the vy traffic movement now exist­
activity prevailing in the Oregon Chamber hospitals will be filled with the victims ing— approxim ately 20 per cent
ot Commerce, means a new era of develop- of reckless drivers. Automobiles used for more revenue freight moving d u r­
ing the m onth of March, 1923,
merit tor the state. Dudley’s association the purpose for which they are intended as against the corresponding
WitlUhe chamber means the transfusion o f, prove of great value, hut the abuses to m onth of 1922, and with approxi­
California booster blood into the commer­ which they are often put make automo­ m ately th e same percentage as
against March, 1921— the gener­
cial and development arteries of Oregon. bile driving a dangerous occupation.
al movement of freight is being
—Western Farmer.
prom ptly handled and w ithout de­
One of the best things that have come
A wrathtul California motorist, arrived from the great medical gathering in San
at the municipal auto park, addresses to Francisco is the advice bv Dr. Ray Lyman
us his letter of complaint. Entering the AVi I bur of Stanford: not to wait for a doe-
state through a remote and sparsely set- to r’s services until you are sick, but get
tied district, he encountered some stretches an occasional or annual medical examina-
ot bad road, and was nowhere greeted with tion, and have disease nipped in the bud,
wliat lie terms “ the glad hand.”
, so to speak. Neglect of this wise proced-
I here is a smooth and comely road, ; ure, especially in the case of adults often
known as the Pacific highway, traversing results in a malady getting a strong hold
Oregon from north to south.
before the patient even suspects its ex-
The pavement runs hang up to the Cal- istence, particularly with respect to dis-
lfornia boundary. There it halts. Beyond orders of the heart, lungs, circulation, kid-
are California roads, unpaved, hilly and % neys and other organs.—Sacramento Bee.
The m eeting of the City Coun­
cil on Tuesday evening was short
and snappy, according to Mayor
Loomis, as the m em bers desired
to enjoy th e celebration with
everyone else, so th e only busi­
ness brought up was a motion to
adjourn till next Tuesday even­
ing, Ju ly 10.
Pendleton— $77,000
let for completing wing of asy­
w • P • FULLER & CO.
301 Mission Street, San Francisco
XI Branches in Pacific Coast Cities
Factories 1 San Francisco and Los Angeles
sic k h ead ach e, so u r s t o t n a ^ ,
c o n stip a tio n , easily a v o id M .
An active liver without calomel.
C H A M B E R C A S N ’S
N ever sicken or gripe—only 2 5c
J. 0. RIGG, Ashland, Oregon
Your Summer Vacation
Where To Go And W hat it Costs
“ O re g o n
Favorite Resort”
s i 7.15
Season Fare
Sale Dates Daily
On Sale Fri. and Sat.
(Jood 15 Da vs
Phe C'itv of Roses’
Æ ig .
o -r
Good 15 Days
S i 3 . (5 On Sale Fri., Sat., and
San Francisco
Los Angeles
“ The C i t y L o v e d
Around The W orld”
Sally Ann Says-
“ Give Bread f i r s t
place on your table.”
I t ’s the only economi­
cal food today.. Every
thrifty housewife knows
this, and makes bread
the basis of each meal.
Sally Ann Bread
is the loaf alway crisp
and fresh,. supplying
new strength and ener­
gy. Protected by sani­
tary wrapper.,
Season Fare
Sale Dates Daily
Season Fare
Sale Dates Daily
“ Cosmopolitan
Ideal Tourist
C ity”
Season Fare
Sale Dates Daily
EXCURSION TICKETS, also on sale to Oregon ’s
Mountain, Lake and River Resorts Yosemite National
Park, Shasta Resorts and Fasten Cities, one or both ways
through California.
“ Oregon Outdoors” , “ California For The T ourist”
FR EE and other booklets. Get your copy now!
Ask our agents for further particulars, or write,
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore.
Southern Pacific Lines