| aoe fovr AisäOkö bÀitf ttü tô à MKM Z® Tuesday, July S, lPiià “ÉStf- YOU GET YOURS? OPPORTUNITY Do you realize that on the doorstep of Jack- | son county, an opportunity lies, which, if you fail to take advantage, you’ll regret the rest of § your life. SHALE IS “KALE”, and that means money r for not only Jackson county and Southern Oregon, but the entire State. Every newspaper j in the State, day after day, urges the cu’tiva- ffi tion of payrolls. The operations of the Hart- | man Syndicate in developing the great oil | shale holdings in this county, means a payroll of almost inconceivable magnitude, not only S directly but indirectly, by giving impetus, | through the medium of cheap fuel, to the es- | tablishment of a score of manufacturing in- | dustries. ,^ !^ ^ !y ^ [y g iy g [^ [y g [y s[y ^ [y g [y ^ [u g iy g iu ^ iu y g [^ (y g [u g [u g (y g [u g iu g [u g [y g [u i fe ini ini GJj | To get these payrolls means that you, the S merchant, the banker the doctor, the lawyer g | and the man whose every dollar comes from | S the work of his hands and sweat of his brow, g S must get behind this great enterprise. | g It is not enough to get behind this great in- g | dustry with your moral support. That does § g not pay for machinery and the thousand-and- bi | one expenses incidental to the culmination in g a successful finality of the great objective.— VISIT WITH US! SEE WHAT WE HAVE! WATCH US MANUFACTURE SH A LE OIL Oil. FROM SHALE IN OREGON How much of this load are you going to | carry? | It is often said: "the spirit is willing, hut the g flesh is weak. Under which of these headings are you going to register? Are you going to let (uz the rest of the state finance this