Tuesday, July 8. 1028 ÁSÉLÁÑti DAILŸ TÍMÑGS PAGE THREE PROFESSIONAL W aldo Klum has ju st returned men will be assim ilated in the from a trip to C rater Lake, go­ departm ent by addition of 50 / r ing by Medford and retu rn in g by monthly, beginning th is month. .*-*7 PHYSICIANS JKlamath F^lls. ' He- reports a / • < J . A Column Devoted to Brief An addition of 150 officers to the W-I -»» M > 1 most e n jo y ab le'trip ... . Business and Personal Notes. “ -LOS ANGÈLES, July 2.— The local force was made recently. DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Resi dence and office, 108 Pioneer oldtime traffic policeman m ount­ Classified Column Rates M onuments from the Blair ed m ajestically on a fine, well- W aterm elons for the 4th, Plaza avenue. Telephone 28. Office One cent the word each time. quarry. Patronize home indus­ kept horse may .soon be a thing M arket. hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 256-2 Mrs. C. Donahue retu rn ed Sun­ To ru n every issue for one p. m. only. try. Exclusive salesman. S. day from D unsm uir where she of the past in Los Angeles. In­ m onth or more, %c the word ALBANY, Ore., July 2.— each time. DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac­ has been a guest of her daughter, Penniston. Res. 476 Laurel St. stead, the officers may be depriv­ Phone 444Y. 253-lm o Posses are still hunting for tice lim ited to eye, ear, nose and Mrs. Bonney for the past two ed of their Dobbins, doff their FOR SALE— REAL ESTATE th ro at— X-ray including teeth. weeks. boots, spurs and leather leggins Rulie Johnson, who w ith George Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to R. S. Chandler of Brookings, for low shoes and golf stockings P arker escaped jail here lately. FOR SALE— The bungalow lot 5. Swedenburg Bldg, Ashland, ju s t across from the park foun­ We make a specialty of picnic Oregon was a business visitor in and straddle bicycles from which As yet, no trace has been found Ore. tains. Large lot running the city today. they would seek to relieve the of Johnson. The men are charged and cam pers’ needs. D etrick’s. through from P ark avenue to traffic jam s if plans of President with the first-degree m urder of CHIROPRACTORS 236-tf G ranite St., faces 216 feet on Those persons knowing them ­ Criswell, of the City Council, are Sheriff Dunlap on May 21. P arker G ranite and 260 feet on P ark DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic drive. Has 50x50 dancing pa and Electro-Therapy. The com­ was captured a few m inutes af­ Mrs. Zana from Siskiyou was selves indebted to me, will kind­ carried out. vllion on it. This is a wonder­ bination does wonders. First an overnight guest a t the home ly pay th eir bills as soon as pos­ ter his escape. ful location for an apartm ent National Bank Bldg. Phone In a recent round with the of Mrs. D. P. Blue recently. She sible. Dr. Geo. J. Kinz, 406 Io­ 48-142. and Ashland needs ju s t such a wa. 255-6 council budget com m ittee Chief was on her way to Gold Hill where stru c tu re rig h t now. 1 have not House Calls of Police Oaks requested an ap­ the capital to build the a p art­ she was going on a business trip. Rex Underwood and wife of E u­ propriation of $3,500 for the pur­ m ent and need the money now DR. HAWLEY’— Above Tidings T H E THEATER BEAUTIFUL Invested in the property in my office. Phone 91. gene are registered a t the Hotel chase of 20 additional horses for Have a fit a t Orres— tailors for prin tin g business. W ill sell all President 226-tf Ashland. They are on th eir vaca­ his mounted squad. TODAY ONLY or any p a rt of it a t a real bar­ DR. ERNEST W. SMITH— Chiro­ men and women. tion, and stopped over to view Criswell objected. gain, if taken a t once. Go up practor, near Postoffice. Hours Ashland, Oregon and look it over and make me “ I don’t knqw about th a t,” Mildred Ferren is w orking as the celebration. 9-12 and 2-5. Phone 114. an offer. B ert R. Greer, Tid­ Criswell said. “ In Philadelphia, Lady atten d an t Mondays, W ed­ a clerk at the Chas. Loomis con­ ings office. 208-tf nesdays, Fridays, afternoon. fectionery to relieve the rush ex­ WANTED— High school boy to Brooklyn New’ York, Baltim ore learn the p rin ters’ trade. Call and other large cities I ’ve visited pected during the celebration. FOR SALE, TRADE OR RENT— CONVALESCENT HOME— Cot­ a t Tidings office. tf recently I saw any num ber of 160 acres unimproved land, un­ tage plan. Invalids cared for policemen on bicycles. incum bered, near village of 300 Corvallis aw ards $39,535 sewer in home surroundings. M atern­ contract. on S. P. R. R. and good hard C. W. H ager of O strander, roads, 100 acres under fence ity departm ent. Terms rea­ W ashington, was in Ashland “ They wore golf stockings to w ith good n atu ral pasture, sonable. Phone 411R. 248-tf. transacting business yesterday. obtain freedom of leg movement, Muriel Smith of Eagle Point plenty of w ater. Three roomed Criswell declared, and pedaled all house, barn and woodshed. For is in town visiting with relatives, over the streets. fu rth e r particulars address F. Cantaloupes 10c, 15c and 20c, and will rem ain till after the fes­ TRANSFER AND EXPRESS J., care Ashland Tidings. 148tf “ When they would see a tra f­ Plaza M arket. 256-2 tivities. fic jam , they would jum p on their FOR prom pt and sareful service ~~ MISCELLANEOUS 32x4 Premier Cord, a t . . . auto trucks or horse drays, call . , ..........$23.00 W. R. Campbell of New York bicycles and get in the middle of P aulserud’s Suits for young W hittle T ransfer Co,. Phone men. the street and break up the con­ City was in the city on business 244-tf. 30x3 1-2 Premier Cord, at 117. Office, 89 Oak street, near LOANS— Farm loans; City loans; .............. $13.00 gestion. A fter they had finished yesterday, but was so struck with Hotel Ashland. 56tf Amortized 4 Yi per cent. W. G. I t ’s a two-fisted tale of We also offer the Portage Cord. Built bv Ihe Miss Bernice Flackus has re­ the celebration spirit th a t he de­ they would stride their bicycles W right, Stew art Bldg., Med­ ford 204-lm o* T. L. POWELL— General Trans turned from San Jose, where she cided to stay over till a fte r the and go looking for other trouble. the lawless North coun­ Sieberimg Rubber Co., Guaranteed 80D0 m ile s fer— Good team and motor It seemed to work fine and would 4th. in a 30x3 1-2 at a ten day special price. . $11.90 FOUND— On Green Springs road, trucks. Good service at a rea­ has been attending Healds Busi­ try, a clean thrilling be less expensive to the city.” ness college. She will visit her sonable price. Phone 83. bunch of Yale lock keys. Own­ We take in your old Tires on Trade Head lettuce, cucumbers, tom a­ relatives here for several weeks. drama. er can have same by calling Councilman Mallard said he TRY FEHIGE FOR HAULING toes, cauliflower. Plaza M arket. a t Tidings office and paying for and tran sfer work of all kinds. 256-2 didn’t think much of the idea and UDIDICnVEPICniBESGOBPORAnOtf Always fresh, Home-made Can­ 375 B St. Phone 410-R. th is ad. 255-3t. besides he w’ould not vote to put z***w«e» 252-tf 200-lm o dies. Rose Bros. o m Alfred Lunt course. 246-tf. AU kinds of berries and able to be out in a car yesterday. fru it. 3 Chicken houses and How little it will take to Large, juicy, lemons; 2 dozen yards. Good garage. $20.00 Make Missouri State Life contracts 75c. Plaza M arket, 61 N. Main. per month. Robison and Wild, Your judgm ent in buying oil will give are w orth investigating. 256-2 Ashland Hotel Building. your m otor short life or long life. Yeo, of course. 246-tf. 252-tf Style-Plus Clothes for the best You insist upon distilled water when Est. 1883 Slowly Recovering— in style and quality at the least FO R RENT— Completely furnish­ 41 E. Main you w ant the purest water for your bat­ 256-tf Mrs. Agee, a to u rist from Los expense. P au lseru d ’s. ed apartm ents. 75 Bush St. Phone 211 tery. Because distillation removes the im- Angeles who was tak en suddenly 256-6* J- purities.That’s why you should insist upon ill here is much im proved, though When you blow out, blow in to : i ZT still a long way from recovery. Leedom’s for Tires. 256tf WANTED Her husband and b ro th er are al­ so here, her b rother being em­ WANTED— F irst class cook. Pla­ ployed on the B arron ranch near za Confectionery. 224-tf T H E D IST IL L E D OIL here. Hundreds More in Ashland in the WANTED— Edgerm an for 18 M Most oils are a compound of light oils and Same Plight. capacity mill. Call a t N ininger heavy “cylinder stock.” Sunoco is not a com­ B etter be safe th an sorry. See & W arner's, Ashland until July ¡Í pound but a pure, wholly distilled oil, and it’s Tired all the tim e; Beaver R ealty Co. ab o u t your in­ 1 fifth, or address. Mill Creek W eary and worn out night and made in six types. One is best for your car. surance. Phone 68. 287-tf Lum ber Co., F o rt Jones, Calif. day; » . It will not break down as most oils do; better 255-3* R eturn from Convention— Back aches; head aches. lubrication, longer life for your motor. More Dr. Jarvis and Dr. Lincoln Kal- WANTED— —Small improved or Your kidneys are probably power because Sunoco makes a piston ring seal len of Medford have re tu rn e d weakened. partly Improved acreage. Must that prevents power leaks. ■ from the medical convention at be good buy. Owner or agents. You should help them at their Try Sunoco. Have one of these dealers fill — - San Francisco which recently ad- j X. Y. Z. Tidings. 256-6 work. your crank-case today. GRAXTS PASS NINE HAS journed. At this convention m any Let one who knows tell you WANTED— To purchase two- TEAM OF HEAVY HITTERS : of the forw ard strides in m edical Ash him or w rite us for booklet, how. “W h a t’s Happening Inside Your .Motor 7” wheel auto trailer. Apply Tid­ and surgical science was dis- Mrs. C. P. Newton, 77 5th St., ings office. 256-t2 When the Ashland bat busters cussed. Ashland, says: “ I am glad to tackle the G rants Pass nine today, recommend Doan’s Kidney Pills they will have quite a job carved W hen you blow out, blow in to DULUTH MINNEAPOLIS SPOKANE PORTLAND MO FEAR OF EVIL resulting from out for them judging from the Leedom’s as I found them satisfactory when for Tires. 256tf change of diet, water or climate record which the G rants Pass my kidneys were weak. My kid­ concern« thoae w h o ta k e on th e «hod i • neys were irreg u lar in action and I* trip, sum m er vacation o r long jo u rn ey nine has made so far. Fire Patrol on Job—■ These dealers sell SU N O C O —talk lubrication with ment In a game with Glendale, re- The first2 forest fire of the a t tim es my back felt weak and GRANTS PASS AUTO CO., C O L IC a n d D IA R R H O E A cently, Jud Pernoll, who has play- year for Southern Oregon broke lame. I was ru n down and felt BUICK SERVICE STATION, Grants Pass, Oregon. « REM EDY ed in th e valley for five years, out Saturday in th e h ills near dull and tired until I read of Medford, Oregon. Ready for emergency - night or day. and is recognized as a top notch- Siskiyou. A crew of fire fig h ters Doan’s Kidney Pills and began VALLEY HARDWARE CO., T. E. GILMOUR, WHEREVER GOOD DRINKS ARE SOLD Grants Pass, Oregon. Murphy, Oregon. They helped me er, made five hits in five tim es im m ediately started to fig h t It, using them . ASHLAND AUTOMOTIVE SHOP, R. L. HAMMER, to bat, including a home run, a and the blaze is now practically rig h t away and soon regulated Ashland, Oregon. Seiran. Oregon. PLUMBING my kidneys and strengthened my th ree bagger, a two bagger and under control. EAGLE POINT GARAGE, W. C. ITXI4EY, Eagle Point, Oregon. W illiaies, Oregon. About noon yesterday five air- back.” JERRY O’NEAL— Plum bing. 207 two one base hits. This sort of M. 8. JOHNSON, J. S. M’CLEIJ,AN, a record is hard to beat, and planes belonging to th e fire pa- E ast Main. Phone 138. Gold Hill, Oregon. K lam ath Fal**. Oregon. when th a t have a pitcher who al- trol, passed over A shland, on the Price 60c, a t all dealers. Don’t J. M. SMOCK, ROBERTS A HARVEY. VETERINARY lows only six hits in a game, as lookout for more blazes. simply ask for a kidney remedy Holland, Oregon. K lam ath Fa