PAGE TWO ÂSHLÀftft b Á ilf A s hl a n d D a i l v T i d i n g s (E stablished i n ' i 878) Published Every Evening Except Sunday THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO pie of the great sacrifice made and will 7*+ & i keep fresh in the memories of posterity the * sterling qualities of the men and women ♦♦ by I who gave Oregon to the nation. 4 Bert R. Greer ............................... Editoi OFFICIAL CITY PAPER Tepephone 39 -----------------------------------------:_'______ BACK THEIR FAITH t : S O C IE T Y MRS. GRACE E. ANDREWS, Editor Phone item s to her a t 345-R, between 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. ~ ~ x . and evenings. lhe appearance of a town usually tvpi- Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, Postoffice as fies the faith its people have' in it. This THE COVERED WAGON far north as Eugene. ________ Secund Class "Iail Matten________ I is true of Ashland and it is evident that » • » The fact th a t among the pieces Subscription Price, D elivered in City the town is composed of not a few men, shown in the fireworks the even­ MRS. LAMBKIN ENTERTAINS One Month ...................................................... $ .65 who not only have faith in its future growth ing of the F ourth is a replica of Mrs. C. B. Lambkin, N. Main Three Months .................................................. 1.95 and prosperity but are willing to back that a “ Covered W agon” recalls the street, entertained Mrs. W. W. Six Months ...................................................... 3.75 faith with their wealth. There are many interesting inform ation th a t the Caldwell and son, John Caldwell, One Year ........................................................... 7.50 last novel, “ The Covered W agon,” of South Pasadena and Mrs. Cald­ improvements and institutions in Ashland w ritten by the late Emerson w ell’s nephew, Mr. Dwinnell, at By Mail and R ural R outes: that tell more forcibly than spoken words Hough was based on “ Recollec­ dinner Thursday evening. One Month ...................................................... $ .65 the faith of the men who made them pos­ tions of My Boyhood” by Jesse Three Months ................................................. 1.95 Mrs. Caldwell will be in Ash­ Applegate. A change was made land a short tim e, visiting old sible. Six Months ........................................................ 3.50 Mr. Hough in date, however, friends. The Caldwells will be One Year ........................................................... 6.50 There are a number of modern, perman­ by th at carried the time forw ard to so pleasantly rem em bered, as hav­ ent business blocks in the city, erected by 1852, instead of the original DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: lived here for several years, men who have faith in the town’s future 1843 of which Mr. Applegate ing Single insertion, per inch ................................... 30 re-m oving to C alifornia a few There are several modern stores that wrote. It enabled Mr. Hough to years ago. They were very ac­ Y early C ontracts: One insertion a week .................................... $ 2 7 ^ typify the faith of their owners. There is have added d ata jin his story. tive In the church and social life Many of the descriptions how­ of Ashland during th eir residence Tw’o insertions a week ............................... 25 a wholesale house in Ashland that is back­ ever, are taken from the "Recol­ Daily insertion ................................................. 20 ed by a man whose faith in Ashland has lections”— a copy of which has here and the many friends and neighbors are glad to extend Rates For Legal and Miscellaneous Advertising never wavered. Lithia Park, representing been sent to Mr. Hough by Mrs. greetings. Mrs. Caldwell is at H. H. Sargeant of Jacksonville, an expenditure of nearly a quarter of a F irst insertion, per 8 point line ................. $ .10 Mrs. Johnson’s on N orth Main St. * • • million dollars portiays the faith of not Ore. Each subsequent insertion, 8 point l i n e ......... 05 Mr. Hough, sent to Mrs. Sar­ Card of Thanks ............................................. 1.00 a few but of many of Ashland’s citizens. gent the num ber of the S atu r­ L E FT FOR SPOKANE O bituaries, per line .............................................. 02% “ Have faith’’ is a quotation familiar to day Evening Post in which the Dr. and Mrs. Speer left Friday m orning to attend the Synod of WHAT CONSTITUES ADVERTISING n11’ 1>ut takes something more than mere first installm ent appeared, and W ashington. They will retu rn asked her for a criticism of the “ All future events, where an admission charge is faith to buijld business institutions and ’ to Ashland before going on to story. made or a collection taken is A dvertising. town that are prosper» us and permanent. It is understood th a t Mrs. Sar- th eir home in California. No discount will be allowed Religious or • * * Ill either case it takes faith backed by gent received the m anuscript of Benevolent orders. GO TO ORELAND, CAL. business nerve and cold, hard cash. Ash- the story shortly before Mr. Mrs. C. E. Silver and two land needs more men who not only have Hough’s death. “ The Covered DONATIONS: grandchildren left Saturday for Wagon" Mr. has n,adndert“1 No donations to charities or otherw ise will be faith in its future but who are willing to film. A lbert Pierce who saw a visit with h er son who is fore­ back that faith. made in advertising, or job prin tin g — our contribu­ it recently in New York says m an of a large ranch a t Oreland, tions will be in cash. JOLLY WEINER ROAST Rev. C. F. K oehler and his Sunday school class of boys mo­ tored out to a pleasant spot on W agner creek, Friday night for a weiner roast supper, much en­ joyed by all. ♦ • - GOOD MEETING The Presbyterian C. E. had a good m eeting last evening, only the hour was too short for all the program . The Social Com­ m ittee will lead the society some where Friday evening, for the business meeting and social. Ask no questions, for nobody knows. But follow’ your leader w her­ ever he goes, from the church at 6 o’clock. * * * VISITORS FROM ROSEBURG ; Mrs. p e o . K ilburn of Rose­ burg, passed through Ashland Saturday going to D unsm uir to visit her m other who is ill. Ar- line stopped off ^ere to visit Juan- ita Ross and Alden is the guest of John and ^ a r\ K oehler- resh from the The Presbyterian church was } nicely filled Sunday evening, when members from the different congregations gathered for t h e 1 Union services Sunday evening. Special music by the choir had been prepared and the audience FRESH rTuk À-------- Il a was especially favored in listen­ ing to a duet beautifully sung by Mrs. Merrick and Dr. H arry Moore, who are visiting here. Rev. Mr. Chaney’s them e for his evening’s discourse was “ C hristianity, the Religion of Re­ dem ption,” an earnest thought- R O L L Y O U R O W N W IT H provoking sermon, which receiv­ R i z L a C r o i x P a p a r a A ttad kaJ ORGANIZE SUNDAY SCHOOL ed most attentive hearing. The Rev. Amos, Presbyterian Sun­ next Union service will be in the day school missionary, went to F ru itd a le Saturday, where he was to organize a Sunday school en Sunday. ♦ • » A HAPPY BIRTHDAY Master W alter Wilcox celebrat­ ed his birthday Saturday a fte r­ noon by entertaining a num ber of playmates at his home on Ma­ ple street.. Jolly out-door games and lots of ice cream and cake made all the boys and girls en­ joy the party. W alter received a num ber of gifts, from his little friends. * * * MEETS FRIDAY The W om an's Foreign Mission­ ary society will m eet with Mrs. Van Fossen Friday afternoon. An interesting program is prepared She will be away for a th a t much more of history is in Cal. th a t much more of history is in- month. JULY 3. « « • /terwoven ' than appears in. the novel. GO TO BERKELEY Wliat does it take to build a town? It It is regarded by critics as an Mrs. C. S. Odell and two chil­ DO W E?— Jesus said unto him, thou shalt love takes more boosters than knockers; more epic in American history and is dren, who have been living on the Lord thy God, with all thy heart, and with men with public spirit than those who do considered in th e same class as Laurel street, left Saturday for all thy soul, and with all thy mind.— Matthew not know what the term “ public spirit” “ The B irth of a N ation.” Berkeley, California, to join Mr. 22:37. 1 means. It takes men who are willing to Knowing som ew hat of the Odell who is already there. They story gives added in terest to the expect to m ake Berkeley th eir take off their coats and work for the com­ display the evening of Ju ly 4th. fu tu re home. mon good. It takes men who are willing * * * INDEPENDENCE DAY • * • to loosen their purse strings a little, and MEETS AT MRS. PUTNAM’S ROYAL NEIGHBORS MEET Tomorrow marks the one hundred and no^ (‘lulch every red cent until the Indian The W om an’s Foreign Mission­ The reg u lar m eeting of the society of the C hristian church forty-seventh anniversary of the birth of gives vent to a chocked sob of pain. It ary will meet a t the home of Mrs. Royal N eighbors occurs Monday the American nation. To commemorate the takes men who have faith and confidence J. A. Putnam . A good program evening, Ju ly 2. There are a 5-Room house, modern conven­ event and to celebrate the victory which ■ tbeir fellow men, and who do not ascribe is prepared and it is hoped all num ber of candidates to be in it­ iences, big, fine lot, good location. made liberty and independence possible, ulterior motives to everything they under- members will be in attendance. iated. As is usual, on these oc­ For quick sale priced at $1350.00 casions, the Lodge will have, af­ ♦ * * — some term s. Ashland, aided by hundreds of visitors take. It takes women who are willing to te r the business session, a pleas­ DELIGHTFUL T R IP from Southern Oregon, will stage a grand 1^° their full share, and children who are The Misses Nina and Hazel Em ­ an t social hour, closing with de­ celebration. 'The day is to be replete with imbued with the spirit of home pride. ory, their father, Mr. H. S. Em ­ licious refreshm ents. Fully furnished 5-room house, ♦ » * it takes those who are big enough paved street, close in, bath and a program ol patriotic and entertaining ory and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lane SURPRISE PARTY tojlet. Has to be sold. Will take broad enough to overlook motored to the Joseuhine Caves features. The features to be offered have and $1550.00. Sunday. They had a w onder­ Miss K atherine P itten g er was been provided at the cost of a great deal factional strife and who are willing to ful trip and report th a t the roads the happy recipient of a delight­ of time and money and those who have shoulder their part of the burden of the are very good. There were a ful surprise Saturday evening, held the responsibility of staging the cele- task for the building of the mutual cause. great many visitors. The new when she found upon her re tu rn Good 7-room house, bath and toilet, garage, small basement. brat ion are confident that a program of All these things it takes, and when you highway is a very scenic m oun­ from down town the house Billed merit will greet the many citizens and vis­ find a town where that spirit predominates tain road and is a good grade. with perhaps tw enty or more of Must be sold quick. $2450.00 will itors who will join in observing the oc­ and the snarlers and the fellows who weak­ The new hotel is not finished her young friends whom Mrs. P it­ buy it if taken at once. but will assum e the appearance tenger had invited to help K ath er­ These Are Real Snaps. casion. ly gasp “ It can’t be done” , are relegated of a Swiss Chalet when complet­ ine appopriately celebrate h er six­ To the visitors who are here and to those to a seat in the rear, you will find a thriv­ ed. The outside is of fir bark. teenth birthday. See who will come with the early morning. ing, prosperous community which is pro- It is situated at the head of the M erry games indoors and out Ashland extends a hearty welcome. May ¡gressing and getting its share of the things canyon. occupied th e evening. One of the beautiful sights, the day be one of pleasure, but as the hours that generally makes life worth while, were Aside from the delicious re ­ the great fields of rhododen­ roll along do not fail to contemplate the Added to the above it takes merchants who drons in bloom. There have been freshm ents served, a beautiful price paid for independence, and the ter- will purchase of brother merchants at changes in the Caves th a t make birthday cake, adorned w ith the rible sacritices made in perpetuating in-; every opportunity. it somewhat easier to go through prqper num ber of candles was them , taking around two hours brought in and wishes were made dependence and liberty. Let us reconse- i ---------------- — . th a t of course will come true, now. We have been talk­ crate our lives to our country and to the MUSIC IN THE AIR W hen the L ane’s reached home when the candles were blown ing to you about the dif­ principles for which it stands. I ______ they fdund cards from friends out. In the cake was hidden many ference between Real A favorite song, much enjoyed by roman- w’ho had called in th eir absence. a surprise, th a t occasioned much and Affected Service— THE OLD ______ OREGON TRAIL Mr. A. H. H annah, his m other- m errim ent when discovered. At what we mean is that Itic people of former years, began with the in-law, Mrs. W etgold, and d aught­ a la t hour the jo lly group of we are going to give words, “ There’s music in the air.” Many er ftu th Smith, who were on th eir young folks wished Miss K ath er­ you Although separted by a distance equal a crowd of young people used to sing it way to Salem and stopped to call ine many an o th er birthday. * • * REAL SERVICE almost to the length of our state, the peo- as they sat 011 shady porches on moonlight in passing through Ashland. • * * COUNTY NURSE IN ASHLAND pie ot Southern Oregon can not help but nights, or rowed over still lake surfaces, You are to be the sole VISITORS FROM PENN. Miss Devereaux, the county Judge all we ask is an feel an interest in the Old Oregon Trail It was to them a bit of sentimental dr eam- Mrs. Sarah J. W right and Mrs nurse, will be a t the Civic Club­ opportunity to prove Pageant that will be staged today at ing, but it never occurred to them it was Levinah W einschpnk from New­ house on the F ou rth , as will Dr our assertion. Meacham, near the summit of the Blue literally true. castle, Penn., arrived Sunday Jarvis, to take care of any em er­ Mountains. The event, which will be par­ We have everything m orning for a visit of several gency th a t arises, incident to the ticipated in and honored by President Today the mysteries of radio connect weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Reid on celebration. to be bad in a modem Service Station. Harding, will not only commemorate the the human ear with this marvellous etlier- Avery street. • * • ial communication. The air in our own Mrs. W right and Mrs. Wein- eightieth anniversary of the crossing of RETURNS TO ASHLAND schenk are sister of Mr. Reid. homes is discovered to be throbbing with the beautiful Blue Mountains, byt the first Mrs. L. H. W yant’s fath er, Mr. • * * L. H. Settles has ju s t returned wagon train but will celebrate the practical the music set loose in cities thousands of HERE FROM N. Y. CITY miles distant. Lever were the imaginings from 0. th ree m onth’s visit in completion of the Old Oregon Trail, a mod­ Mr. A lbert Pierce of New York of poets better verified by the plain facts City is spending his vacation in Southern California. Mr. Settles ern highway crossing the greater part of of every day life. Ashland the guest of Mrs. I. D. spent much of his time with his the continent. Applegate and Mr. and Mrs. Em ­ son, Mr. Orville Settles, who is Such a wonder ought to make skeptical a lighthouse keeper a t A rlight, The Old Oregon Trail is made sacred il Piel. people doubtful of their own little wisdom. California. by the lives that were lost and the hard­ Mr. Pierce is a grandson of ships endured by those brave and sturdy The thing that is called impossible today, Mrs. Applegate and nephew of The keepers took a little vaca­ recently from the lighthouse pioneers who left homes and loved ones, and is only dreamed of by mystics and Mrs. Piel. He is an architect, a tion when a great hill was blasted of the M assachusetts In ­ in the middle west and started on that visionaries, may be just the commonplace graduate away, for fear the tow er which stitu te of Technology. long and dangerous journey to the Oregon of the day our sons’ and daughters’ shall is on a narrow point of* land, * * * m ight be loosed from its founda­ Country', there to build new homes and see. Klamath Falls Evening Herald. LEFT FOR COOS BAY a new empire. The influence of the brave Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Sanford and tion and fall into the sea. Mr. also visited Mrs. R. N. Al­ men and women, who patiently plodded Ambassador Harvey is quoted by the M.r and Mrs. Charlie Moore, left Settles You hjive finished high len in Los Angeles, and other over the trail in the early days has been Financier of London, as saying: “ There Monday for Coos Bay to spend relatives in San Diego. He had school and, like all wide­ little time in an outing. Af­ aw ake graduates, are look­ marked in every district of Oregon. In the is no doubt that the ship liquor difficulty some a very fine trip, going over into te r th eir re tu rn from this trip, ing to college. first place it was the influx of early pion­ will eventually be solved by the American Mr. and Mrs. Moore will leave for Mexico, while a t San Diego. The State of Oregon of­ • • * eers, who came overland that saved Oregon Government in a sensible agreement with th eir new home in Cal. fers you the best of training VISITORS FROM COTTOGE • • ♦ to the nation. None the less important is the British and other foreign govern­ and a collegiate degree in GROVE GO TO CRATER LAKE the influence exerted in settling up and ments.” Probably this is true but it must, the leading pursuits and pro­ Mr. M. J. C herry and family fessions, as follows: developing the great districts known as be remembered that the major grievance Mr. and Mrs. W aldo Klum, 823 from Cottage Grove, Oregon are ‘ Southern Oregon’ WillametU Valley," anS is tliat. of the American people. The comity Boulevard, accompanied by Mr. Engineering, A griculture, and Mrs. Clarence Frye of Med­ guests a t Mr. and Mrs. Eric W er- Eastern Oregon. Go wherever you will in of natloas does not exist solely for the ben ford, Mrs. John Churchm an and en ’s. Mr. Cherry is superintend­ Commerce, Forestry, Home either of the great districts of Oregon and et,t oi tjUroPoan countries. Economics, M ilitary Science Mrs. Cora Dodge left very early ent of the W oodard Logging Camp and Tactics, Mining, P harm ­ Sunday m orning for C rater Lake, there, and the family are to be there you will find the mark of the pioneers1 -------------------- acy, Vocational Education, Jiere for two (of three weeks. via Medford, the Rogue River who braved the hardships and dangers of Tomorrow is the day of all days for the and Music They returned by way of They plan a num ber of side trips, the Old Oregon Trail. It is found in a sturdy boys and girls, not mentioning the grown- route. fcowever, visiting C rater Lake, Klam ath Falls, arriving a t home Student life at the College is citizenship, in well developed lands, in ups. D unsm uir and Crescent City late Sunday evening. rich in opportunities for solid homes, in good schools and churches. ---------- They rep o rt a delightful trip. while here. The outing will prob­ leadership and personal cul­ some little time. Few of the early pioneers remain. All During former years celebrations have The -weather was ideal and the ably be extended ture. * * • honor to the few who survive}. You and 1 claimed a horrible toll of human life. Let roads fine to C rater Lake. Com­ home, th e road for perhaps RETURN FROM CALIFORNIA those who have passed on and over the us hope that no accident will occur to rnarr ing th irty miles this side of K lam ath Dr. and Mrs. F. G. Sweden- ! longer trail have given us a great heritage the local festivities, and to this end let Falls, was rough going. burg retu rn ed Saturday from a * * * a broad and a wonderful state. The pag-i every citizen and visitor exercise “ safety delightful vacatlonal trip th a t in­ For Information Write To eant today in your honor, and in the first.” RETURN FROM TRIP cluded Yosemite and various THE REGISTRAR honor of the completion of a modem h i g h - | -------------------- Mr. and Mrs. Charles R obert­ points in California. W hile Oregon Agricultural College way to supplant your dangerus and almost If you would toast and drink to our son have ju s t retu rn ed from a aw ay Dr. Swedenburg attended Corvallis fine vacatlonal trip, which Includ­ th e Medical Convention held in uncharted road, will serve to remind peo-1 country use Litlfia Water. ed Rogue River, and extends^ as San Francisco. THE MAKING OF A TOWN and a good attendance is desired. Baptist church, next Sunday even- • ♦ * ing at 8 p. m. LEAVE FOR CALIFORNIA U m atilla county expects a 5,« Mrs. A. W. Hail, three d aught­ ers, R uth, Welma and Agnes and 008,000 .bushel grain croît. Mrs. H all’s m other, Mrs. Anna Astoria -and Clatsop county Kumba of Laurel street, left for. building program totals $6,000,- Redding and Anderson, Californ-, 000. ia the last of the week to spend : three or four weeks visiting rel­ atives and friends. * * * LARGE ATTENDANCE fa c to ry now 15' LOOK REAL BARGAINS Keep the air round the Shop and Officefiesh” keep it'M o ve/ Beaver Really Co. Service W h e n live, fresh a i r ,» in th e office from th e u se of a G -E F a n fo r a w h o le b u sin ess d a y c o sts no m o re th an th e postage on th re e letters, w h y not m ake th e folks com fortable a n d g e t m o re w o rk done?