* ’ iE F tàG E POUR A sh I ä XÖ bAitf fíMÑGS Monday, Ju ly 2, 1228 WILL YOU GET YOURS? OPPORTUNITY Do you realize that on the doorstep of Jack- ij son county, an opportunity lies, which, if you t fail to take advantage, you’ll regret the rest of f your life. SHALE IS “KALE”, and that means money for not only Jackson county and Southern Oregon, but the entire State. Every newspaper in the State, day after day, urges the cultiva- tion of payrolls. The operations of tly Hart- man Syndicate in developing the great oil shale holdings in this county, means a payroll of almost inconceivable magnitude, not only directly but indirectly, by giving impetus, through the medium of cheap fuel, to the es- tablishment of a score of manufacturing in- dustries. £ la | i | S | | To get these payrolls means that you, the I ini merchant, the banker the doctor, the lawyer | and the man whose every dollar comes from S | the work of his hands and sweat of his brow, | I must get behind this great enterprise. g It is not enough to get behind this great i n - | | dustry with your moral support. That does | ~ not pay for machinery and the thousand-and- g one expenses incidental to the culmination in H a successful finality of the great objective. | | § i g | VISIT WITH US! SEE WHAT WE HAVE! | g p WATCH US MANUFACTURE y SHALE OIL yi OIL FROM SHALE IN OREGON • How much of this load are you going to carry? It is often said: "the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Under which of these headings are you going to register? Are you going to let the rest of the state finance this great under­ taking and gather in the financial returns, or are you going to get in on this proposition and do your “bit”? What is your “hit”? Get behind the Hartman Syndicate, Inc., with your money. Get in on a safe and sound investment and back a home industry. Tliei difference between moral and finan- cial support, is relatively the same difference as there is between theory and practice, Then let your common sense pilot your dollars in the matter of investment . Z VJ ,'Cr 'U' ,ïft /• O. 5 r Hartman Syndicate, Inc., 131 Pioneer Ave., Ashland, Oregon. V t. I lease send me shale operations. HARTMAN SYNDICATE literature • concerning oil 131 PIONEER AVE., ASHLAND, OREGON » > » » ♦ LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES I a business visitor in the city yes­ in style and quality a t the least success. - A terday. expense. P au lseru d ’s. 256-tf Mr. Boyd said th a t first there A Daily C hronicle o f th o se w h o com e and go, ami even ts of m ust be sincere and active co­ P raise City— U n iversity Man Horae— local in terest. operation between country and Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Pearce, with John Anderson, a m em ber of city, and until there is this jo in t F ran k Pearce aud Jack Pearce, this year’s g raduating class a t the action, full success cannot be a t­ who are touring from Miami, Ari­ SPECIAL COMMUNICATION Here F o r Sum m er __ University of Oregon, arrived in tained. He said th a t the busi­ > i Ashland Lodge No. 23 The th ree Van Landingham boys zona to California, spent yester­ town Saturday to visit w ith his ness and financia/1 in te re sts of day in Ashland. They like Ash­ j Clifford, Melvin and Aldon ar- A. F. & A. M. parents before going to San F ra n ­ C alifornia have edme to know • r.ved here late last week for the land immensely and mean to cisco where he intends to enter th a t the prosperity of th e ir cities Tuesday afternoon 3:30 o’clock make the retu rn trip over the vacation with their to conduct funeral services of our sum m er same route in order to spend the jo urnalistic game. Mr. And­ is based on succesful farm ing. father. The boys are form er resi­ erson was prom inent in university late B rother William Rogers. more time here. G ives E xam ple dents of Ashland, and a t present circles, being a member of Sigma K. P. NIMS, W. M. He related how a t one tim e reside a t Oakland California. W. H. DAY, Secretary. When you blow' out, blow’ in to Delta Chi, Phi Mu A lpha, and Phi C alifornia had 40 local co-opera­ Sigma Pi, tive associations handling orang­ Leedom’s for Tires. 256tf Picnic P a rty — R eturns From T r i p - es, and th a t the grow ers thought When you blow out, blow in to Mr. and Mrs. Will M. Dodge, Leedom’s for Tires. Large, juicy, lemons; 2 dozen they had solved the problem of Dr. Swedenburg and family 256tf 75c. Plaza M arket, 61 N. Main. m arketing, but he stated they have returned from their vacation Mrs. H. C. Galey, Miss Blumen- trip to Yosemite Park and other feld and Miss M arsters motored Make Long Trip— 256-2 m ight fa r b etter have had none, points of scenic beauty. The trip out on the Green Springs ro a d ! Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Rogers as each local was m arketing its was made by auto, and was most for a picnic yesterday afternoon. J of H artford, Connecticut, are reg ­ See M edford F ire— own fru it, and the resu lt was th a t enjoyable. Dr. Swedenbudg de­ They rep o rt th a t the road is in istered at the Hotel Ashland. F. C. Stevens and fam ily m otor­ th e 40 associations were fighting clares th at the best roads of the fine condition, and a cool drive. They have made the long trip ed to Medford yesterday, while each other, g lu ttin g localities and entire trip are to be found in by auto as a vacation trip. there were able to see th e fire th a t failu re followed. Clim b B lack B u tte. Southern Oregon. which consumed th e large pile of Then they organized by com­ Two teachers, who tau g h t in B etter clothes for less at P aul­ the Brownlee-Olds company. Mr. m odity instead of locality, all un­ Ashland schools this last w inter, seru d ’s. 256-tf Stevens reports th a t the immense d er one central head and selling Says Camps to Close— W ilbur Chapman, local High and atten d in g sum m er Normal am ount of smoke wras caused by agency, and the price of oranges School boy, was in town yester­ school at Sisson California, report M otor to B u tte ( reck— the fire spreading to a large pile was raised from $5.50 to $8.50 th a t they climbed Black Butte- Gene H astings motored to of saw dust and shavings which and th e m arket stabilized. day for a short visit, s ta rtin g to K lam ath Falls on horseback this last week, and th a t Miss W illiam ­ B utte Creek with hi3 family yes­ adjoined th e lum ber pile. He said this plan of commodity m orning. Chapman has been w ork­ son suffered severe bruises from terday for a few hours fishing. m erchandising stopped the de­ ing on a road project n e a r K lam ­ a fall on the way up. Not at all He reports th a t a reg u lar trail W aterm elons for the 4th, Plaza m oralization of all dum ping on a th Falls, and states th a t all thej dispirited by this though, they has been worn along the banks M arket. 256-2 th e same m arket. Only as much camps are closing the F o u rth , so! intend to attem pt the climbing already, but, nevertheless brought as the locality required was back a fair catch. th a t the laborers may come to of Mt. Shasta this week-end. Cantaloupes 10c, 15c and 20c, shipped, while the central agency Ashland and attend the celebra­ Plaza M arket. 256-2 found new m arkets and supplied tion . Home F o r Vacation— Effective Ju ly 1st. them only w hat they demanded. Howard & Grimes Stages leave George Ross, a Sophomore at Head lettuce, cucum bers, tom a­ R eason o f Success the U niversity of Oregon, and Ashland for K lam ath Falls daily toes, cauliflow'er. Plaza M arket. Jazz A rtists Arrive»— Mr. Boyd said th a t the success Mr. George W heeler of San form erly a prom inent athlete in a t 8:30 a. m. and 2:15 p. m. 256-2 of C alifornia’s th irty or more suc­ 256-12* Francisco arrived in the city last the High school here, arrived j cessful co-operative associations home Saturday to spend the sum-! evening. Mr. W heeler is another Charles McNeal pack-train to w as in simply applying the same of the artists who is going to nier vacation with his parents. To “ Shoot th e Anvils”— Cinnebar Springs, headquarters, principles as are applied by the The N ational Guard company Getzen Livery Stable, Medford, or m ake the pavilion dances in Lithia Ross is a member of Phi Sigma big successful private industries has decided to ‘‘shoot the Anvils” call P a rk the snappiest on the coast. Pi fratern ity . Charles Lake, Cinnebar o f the county— nothing more. during the two day celebration, Springs. W ill pack from Med­ H e plays several instrum ent, but He advised long time contracts W. R. F razier of Portland was and this feature is to be under ford or K lam ath riv er side. will probably play a Marimba at ■with producers. He said the com­ a business visitor in the city to­ the supervision of Ed High and th e dances. 256-2* mission and middle men let up day. Dave Sargeant. It consists of put­ on th eir propaganda when the ting one anvil on top of another U nique Show W indows— farm ers were tied up for years C. S. Blagren, his wife, and with a generous load of powder ahead. Two novel window displays are to be seen in the show windows V irginia Blagren were registered between, the resulting explosion P u b licity Im portant resem bling the detonation of a o f the Provost and the Simpson I i i , “ ’ A8lllanJ .1:181 And then Mr. Oliver shot this hardw arde companies. In the Pro-1 ™ L ,, n ° ? " lam - W ash- ten-inch gun. a t the conference: “ Get a m an­ . t Ington, and are touring along the vost window are two airplane», j paeiftc Highw ager who knows, no m atter what ray. P ioneer F eatu re— constructed of such h a rd w a re ' the salary— get him. Keep the One of th e |fe a tu re s of the fire­ Boyd Oliver of C alifornia, as­ stock as vises, saws, gas pipe, dust 1 confidence of the m embers— you Mrs. K. A. Scott of Los Angeles works on the night of the F ourth sociated w ith th e A aron Sapario pans, nails and nickl^d plumbing spent the day yesterday seeing is to be in the shape of a covered cooperative law firm .drove home m ust have it or you will fail. joints. Simpson’s have produced th e Ashland P ark. wagon and ox-team, representa­ some tru th s in his talk to th e Play your cards face up on the th e fam ous comic character, “ B ar­ tive of the old pioneer days, which W ashington-O regon hay grow ers’ table; let all the members know ney Google” and his faithful L ik e A shland— w hat you are doing. Don’t drive, is being prepared at present. conference a t K ennew ick, W ash., it can ’t be done. horse. “ Spark P lug” out of fence Mrs. L. J. Gillepsie and family th is m onth. w ire, hammers, gas pipe and “ You m ust have publicity. At o f Long Reach, Calfornia, spent Visitors from Salem— C alifornia la leading th e nation least once a week you m ust let other hardw are supplies. These yesterday in the Ashland park. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Robinson in successful co-operation, bu t its two windows a ttra c t quite a bit • T he Gillepsies are on th eir way and children and Mrs. S. M. Beav­ success h as been attain ed only ;the members know w hat Ts being of attention from passers by. done. Your state m arketing de­ to A laska,, and mean to stop here ! er drove in yesterday from 'Salem on th eir retu rn trip. They say for a visit over the F ourth with a fte r m any m ista k e s and failures, p artm en t will help you until you hence Oregon sh o u ld p ro fit by the F or th e best In sw e e t m ilk and A shland ‘ has the best natural the A. M. Beaver and W. R. Yock- experiences a n d avoid much of can issue your own reports. You cream go to Detrick'». 1 0 6 -tfip a ik they have seen on the trip. p y families of this city. m ust have the loyalty th a t goes the grief California« producers had w ith confidence or you will fail. m ust nave stanaing by, back­ ing up, even under difficulties. TOO LA TE TO CLASSIFY N othing will so quickly wreck au association as members with sup-- i'OR SALE— One 1919, 5-Passen- posed grievances spreading ihe ger Chalm ers auto. One kit propaganda of their enemies. carpenter tools, 5 saws, 3 Stand by solidly and control your phones, chisels etc. One three own business.” year old milk cow giving 3 gal­ Need Cooperation lons milk per day, one small Oregon is aw akening to the fact range cook stove, one dining th a t she is a laggard in co-opera­ table, one kitchen cabinet base, tion. Portland financial and bus­ three bedsteads and springs, iness interests realize th a t the one Singer sewing machine, producers m ust be prosperous few chairs, one 3-burner oil th a t the m etropolis have a sub­ stove, one small wash boiler, stantial backing. Stabilization fru it ja rs etc., oue fishing out­ of m arkets and price m aintenance fit. 515 Liberty. 25C2t* to a profit basis m ust be brought about. FOR SALE— 1918 Ford; just W ith hearty joint action be­ overhauled. $150.00 cash. tween city and country and loyal Phone l-F-5 256-t2 co-operation with producers, Ore­ gon can do what California has WANTED— To purchase two- done and what W ashington is do­ wheel auto trailer. Apply Tid- ing. ings office. 256-t2 The state m arket agent law was enacted to help along this I’OR SALE— Cheap, Dodge to u r­ co-operative work, and the de­ ing car in good condition. W. partm ent stands ready at all J. W allace, 66 Mountain Ave. times when producers are ready. 256-3 FOIt SALE— Light team of borsea 830 Iowa St. 256-3* FOR KENT— Completely furnish­ ed apartm ents. 75 Bush St. 256-6* WANTED— Small improved or partly improved acreage. Must be good buy. Owner or agents. X. Y. Z. Tidings. 256-6 FOR SALE— Good family cow, fresh. Also chickens. 571 C hestnut St. 256-6* N ( )TED SOUTHERN DOCTOR STRICKEN A C CONVENTION SAN FRANCISCO. July 2.— Dr. A rth u r McCormick of Louis­ ville, Kentucky, suffered a severe colapse here yesterday while on his way to address the conven- tionof the American Medical As­ sociation here. Dr. McCormick is the chairm an of the Kentucky board of health, antj one of the most prom inent of the physicians a t the conference. Sensational Tire Prices Discount on Sturdy Mohawk, Racine and Sampson Tires New Fresh Stock A • r Supply your summer Needs, while the going is good. You will not soon have another chance to get good tires at such low prices. OVERSTOCKED • That Tells The Story Hotel Garage