Monday, July 2, 1923 ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS PAGE THREE P. M. and B ertha Snyder and Adele Davis of Tenneat, Californ- OBSERVATIONS * * * * * * o ! ia were Ashland visitors yester­ PHYSICIANS (By Lithianius) ►A Column Devoted to Brief day. DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Resi­ • Business and Personal Notes.' * Enjoy music, jazzy to opera, I recently observed dence and office, 108 Pioneer Classified Column R ates w herever you That the interior of the Plaza avenue. Telephone 28. Office Mrs. Rose P ark er of Oak Street whenever and One cent the word each time. please. Take a P ortable Victrola has been retinted and repainted n °m^3’only to 12 a ’ m ’’ 2 to 5 underw ent a serious operation at To ru n every issue for one 252-tf. That the fellow’ who has been the Community Hospital recently. camping. Rose Bros. m onth or more, %c the word pleading for w’arm er w eather has each time. DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac­ Miss M argaret Van Dyke, who been answ ered— tice lim ited to eye, ear, nose and We make a specialty of picnic FOR SALE— REAL ESTATE th ro a t— X-ray including teeth. is employed in the Citizens Bank, T hat B. D. Miller is still plug­ Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to and cam pers’ needs. Detrick s. starts h er vacation today. ging for the celebration— FO R SALE— The bungalow lot 236-tf 5. Swedenburg Bldg, Ashland. That C alifornians seek the Just across from the park foun­ Ore. tains. Large lot running Ice Cream made from pure cool w eather of Oregon during Mrs. Tucker of B utte Falls has through from P ark avenue to sweet cream in our owrn Ice summer m onths— CHIROPRACTORS returned home after being in O ranite St., faces 216 feet on Cream factory. Rose Bros. | T hat the auto camp ground at G ranite and 260 feet on P ark DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic Ashland sometime for her health. 252-tf Lithia P ark will require enlarg­ and Electro-Therapy. The com­ drive. Has 50x50 dancing pa­ bination does wonders. First vilion on it. This is a wonder­ ing in the near future— Have a fit a t Orres- -tailors for N ational Bank Bldg. Phone ful location for an apartm ent H. V anderburg and family T hat the society rep o rter re ­ men and women. 226-tf 48-142. and Ashland needs ju s t such a moved to the Corey home on Roc­ ceives all the out-to-dinner in­ House Calls stru c tu re rig h t now. 1 have not co street, last week. vitations— th e capital to build the ap art­ Elizabeth Payne is reported in m ent and need the money now DR. HAWLEY— Above Tidings a critical condition at the Com­ T hat everyone in Ashland is Invested in the property in my office. Phone 91. L et me tell you about the new not patronizingn Ashland firm s m unity Hospital. Dr. Conroy of prin tin g business. W ill sell all. full coverage Automobile policy. to a one hundred per cent de­ or any p art of it a t a real bar­ DR. ERNEST W. SMITH— Chiro­ Medford is in attendance. Yeo, of course. 246-tf. gree— gain, if taken a t once. Go up practor, near Postoffice. Hours H. O. Mathews and family and look it over and make me T hat Dr. Phetteplace has as 9-12 and 2-5. Phone 114. Corvallis aw ards $39,535 sewer an offer. B ert R. Greer, Tid­ drove over from K lam ath Falls strenuous a time conducting the Lady atten d an t Mondays, W ed­ contract. ings office. 208-tf nesdays, Fridays, afternoon. yesterday for a few days visit with queen campaign as the president of China has in retain in g his Mr. Irving Finley who has been friends here. FOR SALE, TRADE OR KENT— CONVALESCENT HOME— Cot­ seat— 160 acres unimproved land, un-| tage plan. Invalids cared for in Portland the past six m onths Spring garm ents cleaned and incum bered, near village of 300 That sugar is on the decline— in home surroundings. M atern­ is in the city to look after busi­ tressed w ith care. Auto delivery, on 9. P. R. R. and good hard That Mayor Loomis always has roads, 100 acres under fence ity departm ent. Terms rea­ ness m atters. .’ hone 63. Ashland Cleaning and a cheerful word for the stran g er— w ith good n atural pasture, sonable. Phone 411R. 24S-tf. 208-tf T hat the hotel shine stand has plenty of w ater. Three roomed Cool Suits for hot days at O rres’ Dyeing W orks. house, barn and woodshed. For a new sun shade— tailor shop. 253 fu rth e r particulars address F. Harold Smith, known as “ B rick” T hat “ Patsy” Coleman’s Ford J., care Ashland Tidings. 148tf arrived from H ilt yesterday to shies every time it sees a fire FOR Miss Mary McCallup of San spend the celebration vacation cracker— Francisco returned to her home MISCELLANEOUS with his parents. T hat the courtesy of the . man Saturday evening, after a visit who trucks freight a t the S. P. with her friend, Miss Norma W il­ LOANS— Farm loans; City loans; See S. A. P eter, Jr., or Billy freig h t house is an asset to the Amortized 4 % per cent. W. G. liams. Briggs about th a t 4th of July company and to Ashland— W right, Stew art Bldg., Med­ { USE ford 204-lm o* concession in the P ark. Only a T hat Jack Peebler has been P au lseru d ’s Suits for young few more good locations avail­ busier than the proverbial old LADY W ISHES— To accompany men. 244-tf. able. 254-tf hen with so many chickens— party going to Portland by au ­ T hat being a G rants Pass cave to within the next few days. Miss Nell Purvis, a nurse a t the Floyd D arling arrived from man is a warm job— W illing to share expenses. Community Hospital returned Bray yesterday to spend the va­ T hat Rose Bros., m akers of from a trip to San Francisco last Phone 422-R. 255-2 cation week here. the famous Rose Bud ice cream, Saturday night. FOUND— On Green Springs road, < < are anticipating a busy Fourth. They Fit the Light” Small red and pie cherries bunch of Yale lock keys. Own­ T hat some outing suits are not Always fresh. Home-made Can­ w anted by Ashland Cannery. at all p articu lar— e r can have same by calling dies. Rose Bros. 252-tf We Can 253-3 That Henry Enders, Jr., realizes a t Tidings office and paying for th at staging a b etter celebration is th is ad. 255-3L ¡ GUARANTEE Frank Nelson and Lisle W ent- M. B. Pinion motored to Weed a big task— ner, local High School boys, are Better Pictures yesterday afternoon, and reports T hat A shland’s two day cele­ back in Ashland for the F o u rth ! «> FOR SALE TRY A ROLL bration will be the best ever stag­ of July celebration. The two have a hot, dusty drive. FO R SALE— Six foot Deering ed in Southern Oregon. and been working in C alifornia box binder in good running order. Small red and pie cherries That the celebration is only a factories. BE CONVINCED Phone 373J3. Cad Ellis, Tal­ few hours away, yet many busi­ wanted by Ashland Cannery. At ent. * 235-2 253-3 ness houses have no decorations. Cliff Payne has Sprusteel lad­ That as a result of the sale of FOR SALEO R TRADE— F ru it ders. the O. H. Johnson home Ashland ranch. Address Box 77 Ash­ The American Express company will have another modern resi­ land, Oregon. 255-6t* H erbert Kline of Oakland Cal- reports th a t they daily handle ifornia will arrive tom orrow from over 12,000 pounds of cherries, dence. That Millard Grubb, obliging Oakland to visit his sister, Mrs. despite the threatened fru it fail- FOR SALE— One leather com­ and courteous employee of the Gray, who clerks at McGees. | ore. bination davenport and bed. post office, can use a stub pen Also china d o s t with curved J u st a few of the many b ar­ T refren ’s Soda Fountain and upside down. glass— both look like new. Call That the A ll-star orchestra is gains a t the Army Goods Store. Ice Cream P arlor, 267 F ourth St. 201-J. 251-tf Good grade blue, w hite-stripe, bib Coolest Store in town. Every- FO R SALE— 3% acres fine fruit, overalls, $145. Fine grade of milk shakes you can get any­ berries and grapes. House work shirts, blue charubray, 70c. where. 254-2 p artly furnished. Corner G uth­ Carpet slippers, 50c. Genuine A r­ rie and Ashland St. Phone my Blanket, all wool, full size, Hugh Barron left this morning 258-J. 254-6t* $2.85. 253-3 for K lam ath Falls where he will spend a few days, and incidently 45 A. mostly bottom land, near OW NER W ILL SELL— His a t­ Fred and Paul K oehler came in participate in the Southern Ore­ tractive corner home a t 399 highway, alfalfa and grain, fam ­ from Keno where they have been gon Rodeo. Beach street. Nice garden, working, and will visit in Ash­ You have finished high berries, fru it, grapes, lawn and ily fruit, house and barn, team, land for a week, the mill in which F o r the best in sweet m ilk and school and, like all wide­ flowers. Jersey cow and chick­ cow and tools. $6,500. they were employed being closed cream go to D etrick’s. 106-tf awake graduates, are look­ ens. Excellent location. for repairs. Good farm land under ditch ing to college. 249-1 mo. • 2 miles from Ashland a t $60 per Chas. Robertson who spent his The State of Oregon of­ Monuments from the Blair sum m er vacation in Eugene is acre. fers you the best of training quarry. Patronize home indus­ now back on the job at the Citi­ FOR RENT and a collegiate degree in Good 6 room house on paved try. Exclusive salesm an. S. zens Bank. He reports a fine the leading pursuits and pro­ FOR RENT— 6 Room modern street $100. down balance like Penniston. Res. 476 L aurel St. time while away. fessions, as follows: house with range. Good garden rent> Phone 444Y. 253-lm o AU kinds of berries and FOR SALE— Electrically hatched Engineering, A griculture, Have a re sta u ra n t and Bakery fru it. 3 Chicken houses and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Baker, who baby chicks of all the popular Commerce, Forestry, Home yards. Good garage. $20.00 doing profitable business for sale are touring the coast spent a few varieties now available in any Economics, M ilitary Science per m onth. Robison and Wild, at attractiv e price. days at the camp ground, and quantity for im m ediate and fu­ and Tactics, Mining, Pharm ­ Ashland Hotel Building. HOUSES FOR RENT paid av isit to the J. W. McCoy tu re delivery. Send for price acy, Vocational Education, 252-tf family. The fam ilies are old ac­ list, Redwing H atcher, 2040 E. and Music quaintances. Florence avenue, Los Angeles. Student life at the College is FOR RENT— Furnished ap art­ Capacity 250,000 eggs. rich in opportunities for m ent all but the linen. P ri­ Those persons knowing them ­ 231 Sat tf. leadership and personal cul­ vate bath and sleeping porch. selves indebted to me, will kind­ tu re. Phone 263-R or call 369 Har- ly pay th eir bills as soon as pos­ WANTED gadine. 2552 sible. Dr. Geo. J. Kinz, 406 Io­ WANTED— To hear from owner wa. 255-6 of good ranch for sale; state jFOR RENT— Two room a p a rt­ cash price; full particulars. D. m ent. Phone 340-J. 171 Have your 4th of Ju ly Floats F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. G ranite. 252-2 For Inform ation W rite To made at Jo rd a n ’s Sash and Door 237-2 Sat THE REGISTRAR Factory. 252-4 WANTED Missouri State Life contracts Oregon A gricultural College WANTED— High school boy to are w orth investigating. Corvallis WANTED—-Ashland party with learn the p rin ters’ trade. Call Yeo, of course. 246-tf. surplus feed desires cow to milk. a t Tidings office. tf Good treatm ent assured. Phone Safe and Sane to be protect­ B etter be safe than sorry. See 9 - F - ll, Ashland. 245-tf ed in old, strong and straight Oranges, lemons, grape fru it— ! Beaver R ealty Co. about your in- forward, prompt paying coni Detrlck sells for less. 1 0 6 -tf' surance. Phone 68. 287-tf WANTED— F irst class cook. P la­ panies. za Confectionery. 224-tf PROFESSIONAL FIND IT HERE BETTER PICTURES Ansco Speedex Filins MAKE STAPLE’S !O. A.C.i Realty Bargains Your Next Goal That people still have a hank­ ering for a big slice of onion with a ham burger sandwich. T hat O ser’s service station is busy in all th a t the word im­ plies. T hat th e Tiding’s circulation is growing daily. That the ladies of Bellview dis­ trict are going to enter a beauti-i ful float in the grand parade July 4th. That the queen contest closes this evening. I That if you are going to v o te 1 you will have to hurry. That some of the stands in Lithia Park have the colors re­ versed. ’Uiti'il’t . tni J7VERY privilege has its responsibilities. We are priviliged to live in the greatest nation on earth and the responsibility is ours to act worthily of this privi­ lege. 4 111 The Citizens Bank of Ashland Ashland, Oregon cigarettes 24 154 /o r Tools Garden Hoes, Rakes, Spading Forks, Spades and Shovels Garden Hose Rubber and Cotton Farmers, Attention! Look to your Mowers, Rakes and Binders early, so in case I should not have the worn or broken parts in stock I will have time to send to Portland for them. Garden Hose and Tools of every description PEIL’S CORNER SIMPSON’S ¡IllilllllllllUlllilllll Tuesday Evening July 3 “ The Night Before The 4th” LADIES HATS t Grand Pageant Just in for the Crowning The Lithian Queen Celebration Variety Store “ Where your dime is a Baby Dollar” 89. Main Street Fbone 303 “We sell to sell again” NEW LINE All the latest creations. Prices More than Right See Them— You will want one for the coming occasion. HARDWARE 87-39 North Main St. R I i Participated in by Lithians and the young people of Ashland. in the Chautauqua Auditorium Direction of Miss Leona Masters, Miss Helen Rodolph, and Miss Zipora Blumenthal. transfer and express FOR prom pt and sareful service, auto trucks or horse drays, call I W hittle T ransfer Co,. Phone 4 j ],] 117. Office, 89 Oak street, near 56tf Hotel Ashland. T. L. POWELL— General Trans­ fer— Good team and motor trucks. Good service a t a rea­ sonable price. Phone 83. TRY FEHIGE FOR HAULING and tran sfer work of all kinds. 375 B St. Phone 410-R. 200-lm o PLUMBING JERRY O’NEAL— Plum bing. 207 East Main. Phone 138. VETERINARY YOU SAFE Main Est. 1883 Phone 211 SA V E IC E as well as FO OD in one of PROVOST BROS. REFRIGERATORS PLANING MILL JORDAN’S SASH AND CABINET; WORKS, Cor. Heilman and Prineville— Campaign on for Van Ness. 194-tf beet sugar factory in this dis­ trict. MONUMENTS A storia reconstruction payroll MONUMENT— MARKERS $15,000 a week. Lowest Prices Medford— W ork started on new ASHLAND GRANITE CO. $25,000 fru it packing plant. and East Main St. 223-6mo does ju st what I w ant it to do.” Robert D. Shearerd, well known Tanlac is for sale by all good retired hotel man, 319 South Sec­ druggists. Accept no substitute. ond street, W alla W alla, W ash., Over 37-million bottles sold. is another enthusiastic friend of Tanlac. Tanlac V egtetable Pills are na­ tu re ’s own remedy for constipa­ “ That I am enjoying such good tion. For sale everywhere. health at the age of seventy-one” recently said Mr. Shearer, “ I can SOLDIERS BET MADE IN attrib u te to nothing but the help FRANCE PAID IN SALEM I have received from Tanlac. My stomach and kidneys had caused A bet made in the last days of me great suffering and worry for the Argonne, was paid off in Sal­ ten or twelve years and I had em, Ore., recentlq when W alter about given up hope of ever get­ H. Lilley, a Sacram ento, Calif., ting well. business man, form erly a sergeant “ When I started tak in g Tan­ in the 148th Oregon A rtillery, lac I only weighed one hundred called on George A. W hite, ad ju ­ and twenty-five pounds, could ta n t general of Oregon and one of n either eat or sleep to do much the founder of the American Le­ good, and my whole system seem­ gion. ed out of order. Oregon gunners were firing on “ Tanlac not only relieved my the town of Moussey when Gen­ troubles, but it built me up to eral W hite, then a lieu ten an t col­ one hundred and sixty pounds, a gain of thirty-five pounds, and onel, told them they would be you may know I was a happy through fighting w ithin ten days. man. The medicine ju s t seems Lilley doubted it and the two to have given me a new lease on wagered the best dinner in Oregon life. I have tak en it several when they should re tu rn home. tim es since then and it always W hite won the bet. Presenting • Madame Rose McGrew—Dramatic Soprano, Mrs. Rex Underwood— Accompanist and Pianist and Rex Underwood—Violinist Everybody Invited Tickets for entire program 50c MM FOR SALE BY KRUGGEL BROS. Tidings classified do t lie business < STORE OPEN ö Sally Ann Say S—— < < Bread and Jelly for j Sweet Tempers * When little people are cranky, lots of times give them Bread—and it’s the hunger call— plenty of it. Tuesday Evening CLOSED July 4th All Day Sally Ann Bread Is the big, delicious Jo a/ made with lots of good', pure yeast, sugar and shortening. e? LITHIA BAKERY m m «»«♦»> > ♦»♦♦> ♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ « I = ■ Grand Concert Established 1883 How little it will take to Make r —and— Ask The R. D. Shearer Gains 35 Billings Agency Pounds by Taking Tanlac I _ ■ FIRE JF ANTED— Ed germ an for 18 M capacity mill. Call at Nininger & W arner's, Ashland until July fifth, or address. Mill Creek Lum ber Co., F ort Jones, Calif. 255-3* * » ' • Fourth of July Fall Term Opens September 28 1923 Fourth of July • •’'! E.T. Staples Ashland FIRE • • •• • m p a n y 4