IV PAGE TWO / ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS TT A s h la n d D a ily T id in g s HINDER ENFORCEMENT (E sta b lish e d i n *1876) Governor Pinchot says: “ It is not Ihe solemn ass (who hinders prohibition) who THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO ____gets up in an assemblage and ponderous- Bert R. Greer ............................... Editor kv announces that ‘prohibition can not be OFFICIAL CITY PAPER Tepephone 39 i enforced.’ It is not the flappers and ‘sheiks’, who rather take to the idea that E n te re d a t th e A sh la n d , O reg o n , P o sto ffic e as j t Js clever and devilish to break the law S econd C lass M ail M a tte r. T j ,, e ., 1 don t mean, either, those of permanent!} Subscription P rice, D elivered in City immature minds, who seem to be congen O ne M o n th ............................................................ $ .65 itally incapable of thinking there is any­ T h re e M o n th s ...................................................... 1.95 thing more sacred than a cocktail before Six M o n th s ............................................................• 3.75 dinner. These folk do some harm but not O ne Y e a r ................................................................. 7.50 much. Their world consists of a few fam­ B y M ail a n d R u r a l R o u te s : ilies. The real harm is done by able, in­ O ne M o n th ............. ............................................. $ .65 fluential people of the community who set T h re e M o n th s ....................................................... 1.95 themselves on the side of the hootleggei Six M o n th s .............................................................. 3.50 O ne Y e a r ................................................................ 6.50 and against the law. All that is necessary to straighten them out is to have them DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: come to a realizing sense of what they are S in g le In se rtio n , p e r in c h ......................................30 do ini Y e a rly C o n tra c ts : P u b lish ed E very E v en in g E xcept Sunday by O ne In se rtio n a w eek ....................................... $ .27 T w o In se rtio n s a w eek ........................................... 25 D a lly in s e rtio n ............................................................... 20 ENTHUSIASM AND ADVERTISING Q u ite an a g g re g a tio n of ta le n t cd te n n is p la y e rs a re b e in g g a th ­ e re d to A sh la n d th is su m m e r, am o n g th e m o st p ro m in e n t of w hich a re M arion K in k a id , w ho w as c a p ta in of th e O regon A g ri­ c u ltu r a l co llege te n n is te a m th is p a s t y e a r a n d c la im s th e sin g le s c h a m p io n sh ip of O regon th ro u g h h is w in n in g in a ll th e s ta te to u rn a m e n ts in w h ich h e to o k p a rt. K in k a id a tte n d e d h ig h school h e re , he a n d D w ig h t G regg m a k in g up th e h ig h school team of t h a t tim e. B a rc la y L eeds fro m S ta n fo rd is a n o th e r p ro m isin g p la y e r as a lso P a u l W a g n e r, B ill A llen a n d L yle Sam s. W ith su ch a n a g g re ­ g a tio n of ta le n t it is c e rta in t h a t som e e x c itin g c o n te s ts w ill be sta g e d h e re d u rin g th e su m m e r m o n th s. p lay in g a t 5 o ’clock in seaso n . T he h a n d w ill leav e h e re a t 6 o ’clock on th e m o rn in g of th e F o u r th . T hey a re to be in A sh ­ lan d re a d y to p lay a t 9 o ’clock. ^They w ill fin is h p la y in g a t 5 o’clock in th e a fte rn o o n , in o rd e r to give th e fo u r o rc h e s tra s in th e band an o p p o rtu n ity to g et to th e p laces th e y a re to p lay in th e ev ­ e n in g fo r d a n c es. T he v e ry b est g ra d e s of s ta n d a r d a n d p o p u la r m usic w ill be p re s e n te d to th e c e le b ra tio n cro w d s, sa y s th e d i­ re c to r.— G ra n ts P a ss C o u rie r. M E B 10 INSTALL G E R B E R , C alif., J u n e 30.— H. K . S e a rs, o w n e r of th e G e rb e r W a ­ te r w o rk s h a s been a u th o riz e d by th e s ta te ra ilro a d co m m issio n to p lace in e ffe c t a s c h e d u le of r a te s w h ich w ill p ro d u c e a n a d e q u a te r e tu r n on h is in v e s tm e n t. T he b o a rd a lso a u th o riz e d him to in ­ s ta ll a w a te r m e te r se rv ice If he so w ishes. T he w a te r s u p p ly com es fro m a la rg e a rte s ia n w ell a n d h e re to ­ fo re th e u s e rs h av e been c h a rg e d th e sam e r a te re g a rd ls s of th e a m o u t of w a te r u sed , b u t u n d e r th e new p la n r e s ta u r a n ts , h o tels, e ts., w ill p ay in p ro p o rtio n to th e a m o u n t u sed . M onday, J u ly 2, 19*28 COURT ORDER CLOSES b lin d -p ig g in ^ j o r t h i r d th n e. i p la n n in g to b re a k cam p h e re Sat* THREE REDDING HOMES T h e f ir s t ti.r^ e j,e v;as f¡n , j $50, u rd a v to r e tu r n to th e ir hom es, R E D D IN G , C al., J u ly 2.— J u d g e W a lte r H e rs in g e r m ad e an o r d e r h e re la s t w eek w hich closed th re e d w e llin g s b e lo n g in g to W il­ lia m G ross fo r a y e a r p e rio d . G ross h a s p e rm issio n to m ove his f u r n itu r e a n d p e rso n a l e ffe c ts else w h e re th o u g h . T he o rd e r cam e a b o u t as a r e ­ s u lt of G ross being co n v icted of a n d th e se co n a f tim e $400. CA M P L E W IS A l ARDSM EN B R E A K ( .1.1 f tp SATURDAY ----------------------------- H u n tin g Roys— ___ _____ _______________ T he local police h av e receiv ed a co m m u n ic a tio n re q u e s tin g th e m CAM P LEW IS, Ju n e i to be on th e lo o k o u t fo r tw o boys, 30.— B ronzed by th e «sm/ an'o^ M cCollum, aged 16, and W illia m s, hnrdnnod hv tw twA w/i.U . e j agtsd « < ____ «___ _ - h a rd e n e d by o w e e k r’» 's in te _. n siv 14, w ho ra n aw ay from th e ir tra in in g in w a rfa re , th e N a tio n a l horn« in C a lifo rn ia , a n d a re go­ g u a rd s m e n of th e N o rth w e st a re in g to W a sh in g to n in a F o rd . * MAKE THE PLAZA YOUR OASIS Efficient Service Brings It’s Own Reward During the Two ’ day Celebration Go to Rose Bros.; the well knnown Ashland firm and see what a heap of facts, you’ll verv soon learn about their many fancy drinks and choice ice creams. The best of goods, most civilly served. The secret of the trade, so long deserved.! Champions of what is socially right. They are firmly on the spot, when business is in sight. Rose Bros, Confectionery is the name bile other purveyors are not the same See what it means to achieve a notable place. Tn business demanding push, tfict and grace. July 3-4. Drinks that are Cool, Refreshing, Invigorating. (By One Who Knows) It is impossible to think of advertising ICE CREAM without linking enthusiasm up with it. F i r s t in s e rtio n , p e r 8 p o in t lin e ................... $ .10 Plainly speaking advertising can not re­ E a c h s u b s e q u e n t In se rtio n , 8 p o in t l i n e .......... 05 The kind that you like. sult successfully without enthusiasm be­ C a rd o f T h a n k s .................................................. 1.00 O b itu a rie s , p e r lin e ...................................................0 2 % hind it. Enthusiasm over one’s stock in Confectionery trade is the foundation upon which his ad- WHAT CONSTITUES ADVERTISING , r • , . . , „ LONDON, J u ly 2.— “ T h e re is The kind that makes “ A il f u tu r e e v e n ts, w h e re a n a d m issio n c h a rg e is vertising must he erected. Frequently a no c h a n ce fo r th e re la z a tio n of you ask for more . m a d e o r a co llectio n ta k e n is A d v e rtis in g . lliei <*llilllt IS heal’d to Sa} , ' \\ hy, I havn’t th e U n ited S ta te s d ry sh ip r e g u ­ No d isc o u n t w ill be allo w e d R e lig io u s o r anything to advertise.” May the Saints la tio n u n til th e A m e ric an c o n ­ Music from the Celebrated Excellent Fountain B e n e v o le n t o rd e rs . pity him. It is purely an admission that g re ss m o d ifie s th e law s u n less Service H a lf-fin ish ed T eel irrig a tio n there is nothing in his store over which he W a sh in g to n is a b le to m a k e tre a t- VICTROLA DONATIONS: p ro je c t to be rev iv ed . ies w ith fo re ig n p o w ers on th e THE PLAZA is enthusiastic; that he has nothing which No d o n a tio n s to c h a ritie s o r o th e rw is e w ill be Y a q u in a B ay to n n a g e to exceed s u b je c t,’’ S e c re ta ry of th e T re a s ­ m a d e in a d v e rtis in g , o r jo b p r in tin g — o u r c o n tr ib u ­ he considers of exceptional merit or ex­ u ry M ellon d e c la re d h e re to d ay . 200,000 m a rk th is y e a r. Accompanies Each Order ceptional value which to offer to the buy­ H e sa id he b eliev ed A m e ric a h a d tio n s w ill be in cash . ing public. a te c h n ic a l r ig h t to seize liq u o r J U L Y 1. The firm t! at advertises regularly and b e a rin g sh ip s w hich flo u te d th e a wise thought : — L e t u s s e a rc h an d tr y consistently is the firm that holds enthus- n a tio n a l law , b u t t h a t no such a c tio n w as c o n te m p la te d by th e B Y L E E D O M ’S TIRE HOSPITAL o u r w ays, a n d tu r n a g a in to th e L o rd .— L a m e n ta - iasill for its business. It is the firm that is g o v e rn m e n t. tio n s 3 :4 0 . always getting in something new, some- h e y .' W a i t .' Y O U 'R E A P T -------------------- thing of usual quality for the price it com- G R A N TS PA SS BAND TO You’D BETTER TO NEED US PL A Y H E R E ON JU L Y 4T H THE POWER OF PUSH mands. Leaving out entirely the matter of T ake usalong ! ---------- advertising, no man can he successful in T w enty-five m e m b e rs of th e Two men who occupy the same job will business without enthusiasm. G ra n ts P a ss c o n c e rt b a n d w ill p lay a t th e A sh la n d F o u r th of have entirely different results. Suppose! J u ly c e le b ra tio n , s ta te s D ire c to r FOOD PRICES RISE IN CITIES they are working side by side as clerks in H ig g in b o th a m , w h o sa y s t h a t th e a store. One’s mental attitude toward his o rg a n iz a tio n th is y e a r w ill fin ish ■ae While the price of food was rising in work is simply that of a plodding fidelity. * He does his best along a limited line. He most of the large cities between April 15 *T*AKE a couple of tires along. Y bin may not tries to wait on customers courteously and and May 15, as reported by the Bureau of * need them on your next trip, hul hut the time is attentively, hut has no conception of en­ Labor Statistics of the Department of La­ coming when you will wish you had taken the larging his job or making himself more bor, the prices of most of the princip'al LAST TIME TODAY kindlyadviee of this ad. Don’t wish—do it now— valuable to his employed. The other is not agricultural products were steadily declin­ we have the» ones you need. content merely to hand goods across the ing. The farmer was reaping no benefit counter and tell the prices, lie is trying to from the upward range of prices for what see how he can increase his sales and make hi large part he had produced. himself more useful. He studies trade pap­ In the middle of the present months hogs ers and talks with salesmen and becomes sold for less money than they brought to able to give a more intelligent opinion the producer since 1912. Wheat and other about merchandise. Customers feel they crops have been dropping in price for two get something of value when they trade years. with him. He tries to enlarge his personal Ijast year’s potatoes sold at the farm acquaintance, so that people will come to for an average of 60 cents a bushel, accord­ his store merely for the sake of buying ing to the Department of Agriculture, but GRAND MILITARY PARADE 9:15 P. M. through him. A fellow like that is going the consumer in the cities had to pay never Father starts it—mother finds she can add to be a better business man every year, less than twice that much for them. Headed By President Harding a little—even the kiddies will contribute and he will achieve a constantly increas­ their pennies and in a surprisingly short PATRIOTIC ADDRESS 2:00 P. M. ing . success. Tr ■ tt i , r A man . of , that type A is usually . -the Klamath r alls v Evening Herald time, the whole family is enjoying the a strong ® believer in advertising, tor he is j • -xi By President Harding , ... ,®’ emerged luesdav evening with a 24-page pleasures of owning a Ford. Here is how never content with the amount of s u c c e s s i p , • ,, 1 . you can do it through the J special edition, featuring the coming REGATTA ON RIVER 4:00 P. M. he has attained. He will have faith that • i x • i iu * e x, , . iv x- i x i <• x x Rodeo, as well as the industrial life of the his ,, energy and his caretul studv ot markets i;xxi„ city, z ;x,. mi rx- is • made j x • v x ' x- thriving little t he edition up Crews from U. S. Fleet of Destroyers will enable him to give h,s customers exception- of a 8eries of exce,|ent artic|es and *s Take Part ally good values. He will feel that ,f the ¡n two (,o|ors The ia, ¡H brim } „ f a public only realizes what lie has to offer digp| advcrtising from the wide_awake . e*ûizF FIREWORKS DISPLAY 9:00 P. M. he can get a crowd of people coming to firn,s of Klamath Fa,|s The edition is a his store He w 11 believe that the greatest ,.,.„dit , o the pubUshers <>f the Hera|d and EXCOURSION TICKETS ON SALE! Bring the first $5 in to us. Enroll under the terms Tuesday Only obstacle to his success is not any fault m the cit wllieh it appears ot the new, easy way to buy a Ford. Select the car From All Points his merchandise or his prices, but the fact * _____ you want. We will deposit your money in a local July 3rd ROUND bank, at interest. Add a little each week. You that a lot of people may not he informed . , , , . , , , ,, TRIP will be surprised at the rate the money piles up about the purchasing opportunities exist- . 1* n T " V - ■ ! when everyone is helping. Soon the payments, From ing in his store. Hence men of that type P?.'"and and , ,,1| J ,shland Ples'd‘‘ut plus interest paid hy the bank will make the car are apt to be persistent advertisers, feel- ? ard“ g g'”,,g °, ‘\eJoser not be­ yours. Come in—let us give you full particulars. For Further Particulars Ask Agents or Write, ing that the secret of success.is to let the " lg aWe tO attend the latter' public know what they have, and keep the — JO H N M. SCOTT, G e n e ra l P a s s e n g e r A gent, public well informed of every huvifig op- The monthly booster letter of the First Harrison Bros. P o rtla n d , O regon portunitv that comes along. —Roseburg National Bank is out. As usual it is cc’ duce excellent floats and that the town son urged that business men and women will be creditably represented is a foregone Shop July 3rd. • of the city visit the park whenever oppor­ conclusion. tunity affords, meet the visitors there, and tell them conversation of the vr«™ dairy i • cows and j a i better xx grade j -n ,1 .. in x a direct p xi -x i r More will many advantages • * 3 1 1 1 1 For your dressed spring chickens— u p of the i city i* and , surround- A mean increased bank balances, fewer store ing territory. “ People who have spent i-u 3 • 1 -1 ,, Fryers, E 1 - x Ashland i i j and 1 in • our m hills, and ■. increased prosperitv only a tew hours m , 1 -, £ generally. Broilers, liûonfîfiii ov.« hungry 1 p information • p x- PQ:ia 10 £00d cow> properly beautiful »io,!- paik aie for 1 1 eared xi for • never xi v zx o zv , 3 3 x tai,s to ietuni a check ten months in the Roasters. § relative to our resources and advantages. , mt • , , Tboxv ...xx , 1 1 v yeai - "here is less fluctuation in cream and lney aie stiangeis, usuahv * longing for a l butter „ xx . v ,. than xi any other xt 3 x 3 x j 539356 ™ 3 i product marketed, Other 4th of July lunch meats You’ll like this picture of the conversation with someone, and are always wild North country where Boiled Ham, » ready to absorb information.’’ strong men battle with the It is a great deal easier to secure a presi­ Minced Ham, W ITH CARBON The idea submitted by Judge Watson is dential .......................... nomination in a straw vote than elements and beautiful wom­ en go to the mightiest by Lunch Ham, that of peisonal contact, which is one of, in an old party national convention, right of conquest. Two Books ............................................................. 25c Pressed Ham, g| the most effective methods of convincing Bolonga and all people of the advantages and .opportun­ Scarcely a day passes that a fatal ac­ m m n i ncniBcs coB n K A im • =— tM Alfred Luut Per D o z e n ............................................................... $1.25 ities of a particular section. Like oppor cident does not result in Oregon from auto­ a/£dBJHat*rü kinds of cooked meats. tunities for meeting strangers, greeting mobiles. The condition should serve as a Market Will Be Closed All Day Of The Fourth Two Dozen ............................................................. $2.25 them and imparting to them information! warning to every person who drives an relatiw Ashland prevail at the hotels,, automobile. Too much caution can not be _ A «F T W C n y çj One H u n d re d ....................................................... $8.00 garages and on the streets. Let us carry exercised. 9 >«vtar»nt Alt CO k cut Judge Watson’s ‘*ask me, 1 11 tell -------------------- BROWN’S CASH MARKET you” idea. A real, grand Fourth of July celebration Coming July 4th and 5th holds just a bit of tingling sensation for Enders Block Whenever possible spend Ashland dol­ the grown-ups as well as the boys and ( < The White F rontier” lars for Ashlad-made products. girls. We all enjoy a good celebration. R a tes F or L egal and M iscellaneous A d vertisin g OF DRY LAW PLANNED AUTO M O V I E S SPEND THE FOURTH at Portland with President Harding , , xx • J - ,1 1 x- -X I Place ifeur Order Now For a XI $16.50 xi i c ix J i • n Ashland x In Stock Duplicating Sales Books to ASHLAND TIDINGS