\ ' *♦»»*« » i I «« M U i n i h U ^ | | | k J ... ASHLAND CLIMATE, without I \ :: the aid of medicine, cures nine - - — I «> I ;; cases out of ten of asthma, th is is a proven fact y I , * A shland D aily T idings THE T i DINGS HAS BEEN ASHLAND’S LEADING NEWSPAPER ♦ » * • • « * + ♦ * • • • • » ..................... ; * VOLUME 4 (International News Wire Service) -*-4 malaria germs cannot sur : vive three months in " T *“ Ashla"dL The ”,:re d° - f — FO i T n e A R L ^ FIFTY* Y F W i * UK WEAKLY FIFTY YEARS.] meshc water helps .........................................». Successor to th e Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. WORLD'S CHAMPIONSHIP BOOT APPARENTLY OFF ...................» n ^ n u n n o « , . ASHLAND, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY, 2, 1923. “WILD MAX” OF TEHAMA COUNTY ESCAPES AGAIN NO. ' 256. BETH JOHNSON TAKES LEAD IN QUEEN RACE DIVORCE BILL PASSED AND MARRIAGES MOUNT i EVERYTHING READY FOR GERBER, Calif., Ju n e 30.— SPRINGFIELD, 111., July 2.— M artin Aldrich, known as the Many m arriages are expected here Wild Man of Teham a county es soon as a result of the signing caped yesterday from the Napa j of the Thon M arriage and Dl­ insane asylum , according to a l' vorce bill by Governor Len Small, Ticket Sales Stopped When telegram received a t Red Bluff Results of Saturday Even­ Fireworks and Ball Games PROGRAM, JULY 8. COMING EVENTS j which repeals the law which pro- Shelby Promoters Unable yesterday. Aldrich was commit­ ing Voting Changes, 6:00 A.M . Sunrise Guns Best Ever Staged ' hibited m arriages w ithin a year To Gather $310,000 For ted from Tehama county to the Standings of Contestants. 10:30 A.M . Automobile Dealers In Ashland. Committees Ju ly 3— City Council meet- * after divorce decrees have been Dempsey End of Receipts asylum last year, for although Balloting To Stop At Mid­ * ing- In Charge Of Big Parade ♦ granted. The bill signed by Gov­ Parade, led by Medford Kearns Causes Trouble. apparently harm less he lived a night W ith Finals Out Have Many Entrants. Ju ly » .— Fairy P agean t, * D- O. K. K. Band. ernor Small makes legal such Immediately. peculiar existence on Thomas 11:00 A. M. Judging best decorat­ * C hautauqua H all. * m arriages. GREAT FALLS, Mont., July 2. creek by stealing his provisions Everything is in readiness for Due to many counter attrac Ju ly 3.— Celebration and * ed business house and — A fter a conference here today Beth Johnson jum ped into the from the farm ers of the vicinity, the Sunrise guns at six o ’clock tions, the attendance at the Band * Fairy Pageant. » residence. w ith Jack K earns, m anager of lead in the race for Lithian Queen and rem ained only scantily clad in the morning, which will open Concert yesterday fell off slightly 11:30 A. M. Picnic dinner in Lith- July 4.— P arade and cele- * Jack Dempsey, heavyweight cham ­ as a resu lt of the voting S atu r­ most of the time. the snappiest two-day Fourth or but all those present enjoyed * bratlon. * la Park, music by D. O. pion of the world, George Stanton d a y evening. Sunday and this July celebration th a t Ashland has what is said to have been the Ju ly 9.— Dr. Emil Enna, * K. K. Band. legal advisor of the Shelby fight ( morning, the count a t one o’clock, best concert of the series. i * R ecital. * 1:30 P. M. Slow automobile race ever staged. Musi, is to be a prom oters said “ The fight is off this afternoon standing 2119 fo ri* feature of the Program as there In addition to the scheduled * * * * * * * * * * w ithout slipping clutch; unless a m iracle happens”. Beth Johnson, Helen D ick erso n ' are four bands contracted for the num bers, J. M. Loveland, Sr., led $15, $10, $5. prizes Unless Manager K earns, agrees the band in several special num ­ second with 1934, and Dorothy] The most elaborate display of 2:00 P.M . Tug-O-War. Ashland, occasion, these being the Ashland to accept less than $310,000 for bers. He is an old time band GeBauer third with 1834. The! | j firew orks ever seen in Ashland High School band, the Medford vs. Talent, C hatauqua Dempsey’s end of Aie fight it leader, having led bands for many other contestants are far behind,' is scheduled for the night of the city baud, the G rants Pass Band, Park. seems the fight will never come years, and got even- b etter re­ in the race, and unless some un- and the Ashland Concert hand. MEACHAM, Ore., July 2— The K irin tai hit F ourth here’ and wm i n s i s t ot k ta rt Pavilion dance. about, and K earns is evidently sults than his son, Carl Loveland, greatest two-day pageant this sec­ forseen strong voting takes place These four are to furnish many different numbers. V arious kinds of sports. I f 1LLI1 1 , The committee in charge has made not in a saving mood. and varied concerts the first boiug the reg u lar leader. tion of the country has ever known a t the last m inute, for them , the 3:00 P.M . Daylight fireworks. The ticket sales have been or­ the attem pt to secure the best pos­ by the Medford band at 11:30 to ­ By request, Henry Enders and is to be opened here Ju ly 3, at final contest will be between the Ball game, Ashland vs. For the second consecutive day sible display In this line, and ac­ dered stopped and all arrange­ Carl Loveland sang a duet, which nine o’clock w ith the arrival of first three names. morrow morning during the pic­ tourists have had a narrow es­ G rants Pass, Ball Park, m ents a re being called off, i f was enthusiastically received. W ith the contest closing a t six cording to J. H. Fuller, they have nic dinner in Lithia Park. At President H arding’s special train. cape from death trying to pass secured the most varied and elab­ D. O. K. K, Band. m any of the $5,000 loans which o’clock sharp this evening there three o’clock the same hand plays The band will appear again on Twenty one guns are to be fired 5:00 P.M . Band concert, Lithia w ere supposed to come in to meet the F ourth, when it will take an in salute to the chief executive of rem ains only a few hours of pol­ cars on the highway. The first orate line possible. during the Baseball game between P ark, Ashland High Ashland and G rants Pass at the th e last $100,000 installm ent to active p art in the festivities. The the land, and then the formal ling and with the three leaders accident was to a tourist from Every sort of firework from W ashington last Friday and last School Band. Dempsey have not m aterialized. High School Band is to play on bursting bombs to e la b o ra te pin­ ball field, and at five o’clock in welcome to Oregon extended to separated by only a few votes it SHELBY. Mont., July 2.— W ith the third, and has been practicing the P resident by a reception com- appears certain th a t some excit­ Saturday evening, W. F. Bennett, wheels are on the program , In­ 7:00 P. M. Selection D. o. K. K. the evening the Ashland high his m other, his son and Miss Mar­ Band, C hatauqua Band school hand takes over the musical the heavyw eight championship steadily in ^preparation for the m ittee headed by Governor in g last-m inute .balloting is in jorie Bennett, who were traveling cluding among others the presen­ Stand. b attle for the w orld’ title event. store. tation of an airplane rising from part of the program. Pierce, will sta rt the day off. r from Yreka to Applegate had the 7:30 P. M., Pageant, Coronation b u t 48 hours away between The final results of the count­ the ground and a great num ber At seven o’clock the Medford A special wild-west program is second smash-up. of Queen Lithian and Jack Dempsey and Tom Gibbons, of rockets and bombs. ing will be known late this even­ band plays again, and then at to be carried out through out The Bennett car, a Dodge, was Grand Concert in Chau­ seven th irty the Coronation of Shelby today was crowded with ing, the ^ x a c t tim e n et being The program Is being put by the the day of the third, including about half way between Ashland tauqua Building. visitors arriving by train and au­ an indian attack on a wagon known, but Chairm an Phetteplace and Talent when it attem pted to H itt firew orks company ot Seat­ 9:30 P.M . Pavilion Ball, Lithia Queen Lithia takes place in the tomobile. It is now believed th a t Chautaqua building. The music on train, and its rescue by a troop of of the counting committee states pass another car going the same tle, the same company, which has P ark. the crowd for , the fight will be th a t the votes will probably all prepared the firew orks for all the F ourth will he taken care of cavalry. The unveiling of the Old direction. Two cars ju st ahead m ore than 18,000, instead of the be counted before ten o’clock. Ashland celebrations in the past. 1 by the Ashland Concert hand, A roller skating bear, which Oregon Trail m onum ent is slated ot Bennett had passed, but when bare 10,000 th a t was counted on W ith seven candidates in the he attem pted it, his car got off and the G rants Pass band, while has toured Europe and visited the for the afternoon of the third. yesterday. the two which played the day be­ On July 4 the program is to be race, and the three leaders far the pavement into the d irt and Hawaiian Islands, is to be in Ash­ M ajor “ Gene” Lane, in sole ahead in the count it seems that fore will be left free to enjoy the land during the Celebration on different, and is to be centered turned completely over. charge of the promotion of the most of the real balloting will celebration as they wish. the F ourth and will give two fif­ around patriotic addresses by H. Passing m otorists extricated the boot, declared he felt certain th at teen m inute acts one at the open J. Sinnot and Nellie G albraith, be between these three this even­ The parade committees have party and brought them to the the third paym ent of $100,000 on ing. The six" losing contestants let everything take second place and pageantry and cerem onials a ir dance pavilion in the park Ashland Community Hospital, the Dempsey would be made are to be Maids to the Queen, and the last few days in order to make in the afternoon. Under the leadership of Carl where first aid was adm inistered at 2:45 o’clock, the other at the some tim e today. Lane, a for­ are to ride on the float with her. the parade a success and they REDDING, Calif., June 30. Special work is being done on Loveland, director of the several, to all but Miss M arjorie Bennett, Chautauqua building in the even­ m er senator and United States The crowning of the Queen is ac(oniP,ished wonders, ; IS who was found to. have a broken Completed plans for the new $30,- local bands, the committees th a t ing. These fifteen m inute acts will the Old Oregon Trail highway, Army M ajor was put in complete scheduled to r 7:30 tomorrow ev­ are planning the big celebration there are niany Noats sisnod 11 000 Southern Pacific depot here .«Ucd lip in order th a t visitors will easily collar bone, and so will be con­ be the same as those presented dur charge of the bout late last week ening at the C hautauqua building have seen th a t nothing Is lacking including several show th at the building is to be community reach Meacham for the celebra­ fined to the hospital for some ing the European tour, according and has been instrum ental in to the m anager. in conjunction with a band con­ time. floats. tion. even more elaborate than was at in the line of music. bringing the fight about when con­ cert by the consolidated four 1 he tug-°f-wa’’ between Talent Mr. B ennett stated th a t no one first expected. There are to be • Syncopation for dancing is to The name of the bear is ditions seemed to make it an im­ bauds which are to be here, for be furnished by a special orches- in but they may slip up at the library early this week, The moving picture receipts tauqua building, and the leave ford City Band and the G rants 8Omewhere even. with all the beef before being run again. It be­ of the building. and will be ready for distribu­ from th e fight will am ount to Pass City Band will all take p art th ° y have ° n the rope- The win tion in about a week, according taking of the Queen is also sched­ longed to the Standard Oil com- HARDING UNKNOWN WHEN a nice sum according to latest Mr. B ennett to Miss Mary Nivern, acting Li­ uled for later on the same m orn-i pany> for whom RIDES IN ENGINE CAB in the festivities and furnish mus- ner of * the contest on the Third, ing. • ! I works a t Yreka reports, as Jack K earns, m anager meets Yreka ior the cham pion­ lc for every occasion. brarian. The Talent tug of w ar team ship at 1:30 on tbe afternoon of fo r Dempsey, has estim ated th at F or those wishing to dance, The gown for the Queen has AVERY, Ida., July 2.— Presi Before the books can be let which meets the Ashland aggre­ special pavilion with an excellent I the Four,1> his cut of one third of this money already been picked by Dr. P h ette­ AMERICAN NET CHAMPION dent H arding became the engin­ gation here tomorrow afternoon out they have to be bound and 1 he G ran d P a ra d e , led by to u r will am ount to upward of $50,- place and his committee, but the ELIMINATED IN ENGLAND eer of his own train here this floor has been constructed in the I varnished and this takes, some at two o ’clock is an all-star group 000. gowns to be worn by the six WIMBLEDON, England,, Ju ly ,,2 morning, when arising early heart of Lithia Park. Members) b au d s, s ta r ts a t 9 :3 0 on th e . according to several Talent resi­ time for such a large num ber . B etting seems to favor the Maids, are all to be plain white — Mrs. Molla Mallory, American mounted the cab, chatted with of the orchestra are, George F o u r th , a n d m em b ers of tb e p a r ­ dents, who have been in town to- champion, although Gibbons mon­ and* furnished by themselves. woman tennis champion was elim ­ the engineer and firem an. He W heeler, San Francisco, who ad e c o m m itte e say it is th e re a l diy , all of whom boost the team TEN MILLION BONUS ey is to be had at odds. The The voting has not been as inated from the play for the left the cab a t Avery, and took plays the Marimba, Trombone thing when il coi:ies to parade... GIVEN IOWA VETERANS from Talent to be the skies. Injury to Dempsey’s eye has prac­ heavy as was a t first expected, woman singles championship to­ a hike into the nearby forest, and drum s, Carl Loveland, who] Patriotic exercise?. including the Not a man on the team is un­ tically healed and both men will DES MOINES, la, Ju ly 2.— but it is possible th a t the backers day by Mrs. Beamish of England. the crowd gathered a t the depot, stars on the Saxophone and Clari-I recept’on ot Queen Lithia will der 200 pounds, according to these net. Herb Launspech of Medford, take up tbe rPSt of the morning, be in the best possible condition of the various young ladies are Scores of the games were 4-6, 7-5 failing to recognize him. patriotic citizens, and two of them More than fifty thousand Iowa veterans of the W orld W ar have] hoIding out the bulk of th eir bal feand 6-4. a t the hour for the bout. well known pianist, Charley Rob- The tw ° ’’all games, between tip the scales at 240. They are all ertson of Ashland, sta r drum m er, Ashland and G rants Pass on the lots for a last ipinutee spurt, and ! Eleanor Goss, another Ameri- DISEASE REPORT MADE received th eir state bonus money, good m uscular men too. accord­ AUTO CAMP REGISTRATIONS totaling more than $10,000 ac­ this will bring out an exciting can was also elim inated in the FOR WEEK OF JUNE 28 Dom Provost, whose reputation Third aud G rants Pass and Weed ing to the claim, and out pull | m ornings play. with the banjo is established, and p n lhe Fourth will be the best SUNDAY NIGHT TOTAL 4» cording to inform ation obtained finish. their weight in mules any day. M. Loveland, Jr., a brother of I SPPn Southern Oregon for a The voting at one o’clock stood] ---------------------------- by the American Legion. Iowa Scarlet Fever— La Grande, 1; The following is the list of tour­ The Talent team is confident Carl, who plays trum pet. long time, according to John En- as follows: WATER SYSTEM AT RED Portland, 9; Clatsop county, 1; ists a t the Ashland Auto camp that they will represent Southern will pay her 110,000 ex-service men a bonus of 50 cents a day Beth Johnson ...................... 2119 A large crowd attended the der8, w,‘o bus charge of the afli- BLUFFS PAYS DIVIDENDS Deschutes county, 1; Douglas yesterday: > Oregon against Yreka on the for each day of service with $350 dance by this orchestra Saturday] ' ptic end of the celebration, Helen Dickerson ................. 1934 county, 5; Lane county, 1; Mult­ RED BLUFF., July 2.— The A. S. Anderson, Lodi, Gal. J Fourth, and are coming prepared as the maximum for any individ­ Dorothy G e B a u r........ ,..........1334 night, and reported the music An experienced pitcher. Barn- nom ah county, 1. Red Bluff w ater system has Jjeen B. Kennedy, San Francisho- J for the event. lam , is to do the tw irling for the ual. The bonus law was w ritten Mildred Stevens ................ _____ 446 Paying good dividends since its ; D iphtheria— P ortland, 7: Sil­ excellent. G. Baird, Long Beach. S. >. Car- by the legislative committee of E sther K lelnham m er ........... 415 In order to not overwork t h e P Ofa^ n *up- This man pitched in purchase from the Red Bluff W a­ verton, 1; Clatsop county, 1; Col­ lile, Oakland. O. J. Sweenek, Oak­ LOGANBERRY CROP IS tbe Iowa legion. bands, they will divide the play- the W estern League for several M argaret Van Dyke ............ 383 te r Company by the city two years umbia county, 1; Douglas coun­ land. Ed Glass, P ortlans. W. TO BE LEFT ON VINES Ing for the two days, the Med- ypars and has quite a hit on the M arjorie McElvany ................. 351 ago. ty. 1: Lane county, 1; Tillamook Davie. Long Beach. H. fK lu te, SALEM, July 2.— The huge crop ford City and Ashland High ball besides the cover. V.'eisen- A total of $17,500 has been county, 3. Spokane. J. H. Finley. Pi of Loganberries is to be left to School bands playing the Third, burger and H arris are in line to Campaign on to supply w ater payed on the debt since the p u r­ Small pox— Baker, 3; Portland, H. J. Sambkiblo, Oakland rot on the vines here this year, and the Ashland, Medford and relieve him if lie needs it. Wal to 6,000 acres by Tumalo project. chase, leaving a total of $88,000 10; Marion county, 1. C raw ford, Powers, Oregon because the cost of storing and still due. The present plan is to Typhoid— Clatsop county, 1; G rants Pass city hands the ,er Hughes and Micky O'Brien are Damewood, Cottage Grove processing it would be to high behind the b^i. for the local Albany— Union Oil Company pay $3,500 a year till the total Douglas county, 3; Lane county, Fourth. Keely, Cottage Grove. Dan according to statem ents from the Music is an im portant feature Probably taking turns, hut the leases site for new station. 1. debt is paid off. Seattle. R. F. Efan, Seatf berry men and cannery operators of any celebration, and the com- rp«t of the team i still unknown, WASHINGTON,— The United Booth, Kenanchwa, W ashington. of the region. m ittee, recognizing this, has The G rants P as■; and Weed aggre- State treasury opened the year Move From Talent— R. W. Rabling, Eugene. '£ L. E. spared no pains to make Ash- gations are still an unknown here today w ith over $3,000,000,- Chester C arter and family Pen land, Pendleton. R. p i Math­ 000 to spend during the next moved to Ashland from Talent land’s music for the celebration quantity, hut they are bringing ews, C entralia, W ashington. Ross the best obtainable. | several outside players, so no twelve months. The treasury de­ over the week-end and plan to Hadings, Bigham, W ast$^gton. A tour, covering ( m ore than 1 a light wool m attress, blankets, doubt will put up some fast plav- partm ent also begins the new year make their home here for the fu­ H. H olstrom . Corvallis. G. An­ half of the states in the nation, | ra n g e r’s tent, cooker and other EUGENE. July 2— H arry H urst ] ing- with a surplus of $300,000,000 ture. derson, Salem. Jam es T. Salvag. was jailed here, accused of an The daylight fireworks a' three One of the most interesting and (from last year, his being the in a motorcycle is the achieve necesary utensils. In addition, Albany. F. E. Smith, Happy m ent being made by Mr. and Mrs. attem pt to defraud the W estern | ° ’rl°< k on the afternoon of the widely traveled tourists in the a u ­ largest surplus for years. they carry two spare tires, axe, Camp. H. A. C hristensen, F el­ Park Marsh and 12 year old Union by the illegal transfer of Third are to be the best daylight to camp ground this season was cam era, toilet case and clothing. Out of every d ^ la r spent the lows, California. V. Peterson. money. He is alleged to have used firew orks ever set off here, while A. Drombrowski, from the state treasury gets 39 cents, 25 going daughter, of Philadelphia. In ad ­ The total w eight of the m otor­ P ortland. Lt. T. Tilley, Fresno. Mrs. Hegler, the operator at those in Lithia Park on the night of Balboa, Canal Zone, Isthm us of to pay the interest on the public dition to the three members of cycle and luggage is 1180 pounds. W. Zieger, Englewood, California. Panam a. the family, the motorcycle is car­ Marshfield to secure $950 from of the Fourth will be the most Travel 11,090 Miles debt. The war departm ent is al­ E. L. Scott. Seattle. J. J. Sousa rying a complete camp outfit and the company. The woman is In ¡elaborate and complete that have Mr. Drombrowski, accompanied lotted 8.4 cents out*of every dol­ From the time of leaving P hil­ 8eattle, W ashington. R. E. Dill. jail a t Coquille. (ever been here, and incidently the by his family, left the Isthm us a lar, the Navy gets 8.5 cents, the the family dog, a pure bred Es­ adelphia until the arrival at Weed E v erett, W ashington. C. A. quimaux Spitz. WIMBLEDON, Eng., July 2.— fireworks secured for the night the Marsh family covered 11,000 little over a year ago. traveled W orld \\ ar veterans and Adminis­ M ailt, P ortland. W. E. Gillis, The members of the party left W illiam Johnston, the United miles. During the trip they ex­ of the Fourth are costing more by steam er to Pennsylvania where tration 19 cents and the postof­ W ovely, California. R. F. H art. th eir home in Philadelphia d u r­ States and Calfiornia tennis wiz­ than ever before. pended only 75 cents in m otor re­ they bought a Studebaker car. fice 15.5 cents, which is practical­ Olympia. G. A. Copeland, Myrtle ing the early part of May, 1922, ard, fought his way to the sem i­ pairs. They averaged 37 miles to and started on a coast-to-coast ly balance« by the receipts from Creek. A. W ilson, Boise, Idaho. tour. bound westward. They visited the gallon of gas. finals in the championship play this la tte r departm ent. A. H. Howard, Willows, C aliforn­ Chicago, Milwaukee, Colorado being held here to determ ine the A small camera is an im portant A fter touring the Eastern ia!. R. A. McAdams, Oakland, states, they came west along the Springs, and Salt Lake, going p art of th eir equipm ent and they singles championship of the An im portant sale of local res­ C alifornia. J. M. Murry. Seattle. Lincoln highway. They intend to KLAMATH FALLS RODEO from the la tte r point to Sacra­ are kodaking as they go, having world. idence property was consum m at­ QUEEN GETS BIG VOTE mento, thence to Weed, where B. E. Law rauel, Oakland. F. S. make a loop, going back as far Johnson defeated Cecil Camp­ ed today when the O. H. Johnson already secured an interesting col­ they spent the w inter. The p ar­ lection of pictures, and for which bell, an Englishm an, three out of Dennison, Salem. J. E. Heenan. as Chicago, by a different route KLAMATH FALLS, Ore., July, ty arrived in Ashland Sunday Salem. W1. W. Reed, San F ra n ­ than w hat they came. They in­ H°nvN k a of Los Ashland lam they will not take a small fortune. four sets, the scores being 6-1, UHe' to H. H. Van °rv Valkenberg, resident. passed a wav cisco, Lee Travis, Portland. G. tend to see Yellowstone Park and 2.— Miss R uth Lindsey has been m orning on th eir way home. From 5-7, 6-2 and 6-2. Johnson so far In conversation with s^TftHugs Angeles. The residence, of a this morning at 7 o’clock. Death B urton, San Francisco. Oscar then sell th eir car and s ta rt for elected to rule the Southern Ore­ here they went to Portland, from reporter, Mr. Marsh said: “ I am has played rem arkable tennis bungalow type, is strictly mod-. resulted ICSUJieo , from neuralgia of the gon Pageant here on Ju ly 2-3-and which point they will travel over Mahler, Salem. A. R. Squers, the Orient. a m achinist by trade and for with more than his usual dash I ern and one of the most b e a u tifu l1 heart and 4. Miss Lindsey was the cham ber the Columbia highway and thence years we had talked of seeing and cleverness came suddenly! Mr. K lam ath Falls. F. E. Keenan, “ D uring our trip ,” said Mr. of commerce candidate and carried homes in the city. The new own over the Old Oregon Trail to a America. Being a motorcycle en­ Rogers had been ailing for sever­ Portland. The hardest match he has ex­ er wil take possession September Drombrowski, “ we have seen off the honors w ith a total of point in Idaho, from which they thusiast, I adopted the motorcy­ perienced so far was that last al years, hut of late had been many cities and towns, some a t­ 321,000 votes, with her nearest 15th. The tra n sfe r was made will go to Yellowstone N ational cle as the means of conveyance week when he succeeded in elim ­ somewhat improved. Is Here— tractive, some not so likeable. com petitor w ith 305,000 votes. through the real estate agency of P ark. They will then visit Mon­ He was 67 years old, and ha I M. D. Hammel, who is connect­ The west has many beautiful and and we have had a pleasant trip. inating his own countryman, Vin­ Mrs. S. L. Allen and the consid­ The American Legion, which tan a points, swing back to Salt ed with the H artm an Syndicate, picturesque cities, hut I believe We will be in no h u rry to reach cent Richards, of New York, who eration is reported to be around been an Ashland resident for 11 conducted the contest took in ap- Lake and then traverse the “ 34 years, coining here from M arshall, arrived today from Eugene and Ashland has th e most beautiful home and en route back will cov­ was considered one of the favor­ $10,000. proxim ately $2000 out of which T rail” back to Chicago, thence di­ Minnesota. w ill remain In Ashland for two er a distance approxim ately equal ites in the meet. park and well m aintained camp the expenses of the campaign will rect home. O. H. Johnson, who co nducts' Funeral services will be hel 1 or three days. Mr. Hammel, who ground of any we have passed to th a t on our way out w est.” Johnson at present seems to one of the leading jew elry stores be paid, and twenty five per cent The only conveyance of the from the Rogers residence tom or­ Is with the sales departm ent of through.” The Marsh fam ily rem ained in outclass anything seen on the of A shland, states th a t he will of the net proceeds are to go to three people and th e ir compan the syndicate, states th a t satis­ The party left this m orning on the Rodeo association, the rest to 1 ion is a motorcycle and sidecar, Ashland long enough to replen­ courts so far, and barring sur­ continue in business in the city row afternoon at 4:00 o’clock and factory progress Is being made. ish th eir supply of oil and gas and prises and upsets, is expected to , will be conducted by the Mason the return trip to Chicago. and will eith er erect or hnv t the Legion treasury. Their camp equipment con t ain of to see L ithia Park. buy a n lodge Interm ent will be in win the championship. m odern home in the near future. the Mountain View cemetery. CROWD LIKES NOVELTY PIECES B i CIO BAND TO BE ELABORATE CELEBRATION 10 BE nLAn A rN 1 40 distiuct and BEAR WILL HOLLER SKAIE ON FOORTH IS BEST OBTAINABLE TALENT HAS BEEFY TOG OF WAR TEAM II. S. TREASURY NOW Globe Trotters Like Auto Camp FAMILY OF THREE TOJTKSTATES ON MOTORCYCLE CHAMP WINS AGAIN H. Johnson Residence Sold ¿'“ ' W " G: 1 0 6 .2 AWAY THIS M O RNK WUI *»»»»