flü B R etu rn s to M edford— Damon and Pythias Found on Broadway Mrs. E lm er L eslie, who has been: visitin g w ith her m other, Mrs. E llen L uraan and her sisters, re tu rn e d to: her hom e in M edford today. She has been in A shland since before C hrist- mas. D ance H all. F ritta y night, M em orial 98-2* Here from W illam ette— Lyall Bolton, who is a stu d e n t a t I W illam ette university, is spending, ib is vacation w ith Rev> S. J. Chaney and fam ily. Mr. Bolton is a b ro th e r; C alkins E lected D irector— F. M. C alkins, circu it judge for of Mrs. Chaney. Jack so n and Josephine counties for M em orial D ance F rid a y night 13 years, has been elected to m em ­ 98-2 bership on th e board of directors! H all, -------- - of th e Jack so n County bank. ) See the new OFF-N-OX CHAINS ¡M akes T rip to Y reka — a t Leedom ’s T ire H ospital. You kan t i G eorge F. Jen sen and son, Joseph lose-em. 98tf E. Jen sen , who have been spending: th e holidays w ith his p a re n ts, were! recant visito rs in Y reka. Joseph R eturns to C o p c o - Jensen has been in San B ernardino i Mr. and Mrs. L oren Close and baby have retu rn ed to th e ir hom e in Copco county for several m onths employed a fte r having spent some tim e in on the construction of a governm ent road. A fter the first of th e y ear hej A shland. will be in San F rancisco for about th re e m onths, and then he expects to i L eaves A fter H olid ays — go back to so uthern C alifornia. H erm an T ro tt and Jam es S tew art, of Keswick, Calif., h av e retu rn ed hom e a fte r spending C hristm as w ith C orrection— the m other of H erm an T ro tt, Mrs.] in a recent a rticle in the Tidings, J. C. F erguson. j it was sta te d th a t the farm ers of th e ] ---------- 1 Belleview d istric t had organized a E lectric boudoir lam ps, g la s s w a re / com m unity u n it of the farm bureau, china, candlesticks in cut glass and This should have been m ade to have ivory, all ivory goods, m irro rs, i read the farm ers of the V alleyview ; brushes, etc., some m an tle clocks, a d istric t, which lies to the no rth and few good w rist w atches and m en’s west of th e city, instead of the B elle­ w atches a re included in the special view d istric t, w hich is tow ard th e ' sale from now u n til J a n u a ry 5 at e ast and south. Jo h n so n 's Jew elry Store. 97tf W e have been forced to move into j F ire Ktation P ain ted — la rg e r q u a rte rs in o rd er to a c co m -! F o r the benefit of those who o th ­ m odate our patrons. L adies’ work a erw ise a re in Ignorance of its loca­ specialty. A uto delivery. A shland ! tion, the w ords ‘ F ire S tatio n ” In Cleaning and Dyeing W orks. Phone heavy black le tte rs has been painted! <53. 97tf over the door to th e statio n . bership in th e M edford tem ple in ­ 72tf cludes rep re sen ta tiv e s from A shland, K lam ath F a lls, G ran ts P ass, Rose­ Mrs. A shcraft Ijcaves— burg, M ontague H ornbrook, Y reka Mrs. P erry A shcraft an d two chil­ and E tn a Mills. It is expected th at dren, who have been visiting re la ­ at least 500 m em bers will be p res­ tives and friends in the city for som e ent ton ig h t. tim e, re tu rn e d to th e ir hom estead on E lk creek th is m orning. W hiting & Davis m esh hags, finest qu ality m any styles, a t less t h a n > R u n n in g Special Sale— w holesale cost to close out. John-1 O. H. Johnson, the Jew eler, is ru n ­ son’s Jew elry Store. 97tf ning a special sale u n til Ja n u a ry 5th. D etrick sells for less. Mr. and M rs. Koeh E n te rta in — Mr. and Mrs. Ju liu s Koch e n te r-' tained a t a delig h tfu l d in n er party ] given d u rin g th e holidays a t th eir hom e a t 387 L au rel stre e t. G uests were Mack Sm ith Mrs. E. Bower- m an and children, Mrs. Alice May and Mrs. J. H. H aley, of B arstow ,! Calif., who is visiting h er m other, Mrs. May, d u rin g th e holidays. E ugene P eople Here— C harles A. B u rd er and wife, and C. G. McKay, all of E ugene, w ere in School Superintendent H onored— A shland over T hursday night. The general assem bly of th e Ore-1 gon S tate T each ers’ association has] E lk s Plan B ig Tim e— elected Mrs. Susanne H. C arter,! The old year will go out w ith a Jackson county school s u p e rin te n ­ ru sh a t the E lk s’ Tem ple Sunday d en t, a m em ber of th e executive n ig h t, according to p resent plans, com m ittee. The association is h old­ w hich include a special dinner, w atch ing its convention in P o rtlan d . service and a big dance beginning w ith the a rriv a l of 1923. The d in ­ W e a re now serving chili con ner will be held in th e evening, with c a m e . Come in and try it. Plaza a program following. As soon as 99tf C onfectionery. Sunday and th e old year have passed, th e o rch e stra will launch a selection I ¡A tten d T em ple D edieation — and dancing will be in o rd er until H. F. R ussell and wife, who have th e com ing of daw n. The closing o f 1 been on a visit u n til a fte r C hristm as a ll sto res on J a n u a ry 1 will enable w ith his m other, Mrs. O. W. K ing on a ll to get a good sleep. N utley stre e t, left on th is m o rning’s tra in for Los Angeles to a tte n d the H ere from M ontague— opening of the A ngelas tem ple, Mr. and Mrs. R. M ills, of M onta­ church of the four sq u are Gospel, at gue, Calif., w ere in the city last ¡E ch o p ark , Los Angeles, of which night and today for a sh o rt visit. Dr. C harels S. P rice will be one of th e chosen speakers. H ere from Salem — Mr. and Mrs. E a rl E. T aylor and F ine P icture Coining— Mrs. W L. Sim eral, of Salem w ere Lionel B arrym ore, hero of “ The o vernight v isitors in th e city T h u rs ­ C opperhead,” and Seena Owen, a day. charm ing actress, will be seen to the H ard Time Ball. Ja ck so n ’s, Mon­ highest adv an tag e in “ The F ace in day, Ja n u a ry 1. Prizes for best cos­ the F og,” a P a ram o u n t Cosm opoli-, tum es. Dance till 2 o’clock. 98-3 tan production to he show n a t the V ining th e a tre tonight and S aturday M ethodists to Have Services— The m en ap p ear in stro n g , vigorous An excellent program is being a r- roles, while th e women a re not w ith- ranged for th e W atch N ight m e e t-,0«1 p u lch ritu d e and charm , ing a t the M ethodist church for Sun­ day evening. Because of th e m any B ring your R U B B ER BOOTS and req u ests, th e c a n ta ta , “ Y uletide M e-’ shoes to L eedom ’s T ire H ospital. W e m ories." will be given again by t h e ! vulcanize new soles and heels. 97tf choir a t this service. The young] people will have charge of th e first j p a rt of the evening’s program . A W aldo Stevens H ere— good tim e is assured and all a re in-j W aldo Stevens, a form er Ashland vited. boy, now a salesm an for th e C ardil V incent com pany, of San Francisco, is spending a few days in th e city visiting w ith his b ro th e r, Don Stev­ Apply thickly over th r o a t- ens. Mr. and Mrs. Stevens, p aren ts c o cover v a r w with it h h o hot t flannel— of th e two m en, a re also here for th e holidays. Mr. Stevens is residing V A R O R U B in C alifornia a t p resen t, due to the ©hW 17 Million Jan Uted Keazer minute for five The theory that young men and consecutive minutes three times n day women in love lose their appetites ha.- will insure full breathing. I'or in­ for good and all been exploded. stance. as you are walking, instead of C ontributions to d ate, m oney de-j The newly engaged pair who pre­ breathing as you ordinarily do, make posited to the A m bulance F u n d , a re : ! ferred to spend the quiet darkening ten complete respirations per minute : A shland Daily T i d .n g s ..................$100 hours of dinner time on the lawn (ten inhalations and ten exhalations). Jesse W i u b u r n ............................... 100 rather than partake of the meal in In other words, you breathe in foi : Dr. George Ja rv is ........................ 100 general company was the most prom ' three seconds and out for three sec Inent example that led up to the he onds, making a complete respiration Dr. Wood ........................................ 100 lief that lovers found food unneces every six seconds, at which rate your J. P. Dodge & S o n s ..................... 100 sary. respiration will he at the rate of ten G. S. B u t l e r .................................... 100 Now, however, doctors have proved per minute. To simplify, make 50 Dr. S w e d e n b u r g ............................. 100 th at any emotion that creates pleas complete respirations last you for five H. G. E nders & S o n ...................... 100 ure, as love and hope, tends to stim u­ minutes. At the end of five minutes B ert M o s e s ...................................... 50 late the action of the heart and o th e r ] you will find that you will he breath­ ing deeply and fitting your lungs to ca- O. A. P a u l s e r u d ............................ 25 organs. A more brisk circulation occurs, pro­ naclty. This is simply an exercise, Phoebe W e l l s ................................. 20 ducing healthy appetite. C. L. Loomis ................... ? ........... 15 j On the other hand, it stands to rea­ and three or four times a day will be found sufficient, according to a De­ ¡J. H. McGee ................................. 10. son that opposite emotions are liable lineator writer. 5 to impede the action of the heart. G. W. K ing ................................... Ü Tims, fear, grief and despair put the i W. S. D e P e a u ................................. brake on the working of the digestive ! E ric W eren ................................... O ther co n trib u to rs declared hut organs. Tlie emotion produced by fear on ¡not yet paid, a re : Mrs. E ugenia A t­ feebles the m uscular and nervous sys THEATER 8ÊALT1FH» kinson, $25; the M urphy E lectric tents, sometimes to such an extent Today and Tomorrow Co., $25, and A shland E lks lodge, that indigestiqn may set In for seem­ ingly no reason at all. 944, $50; H. A. S tearns, $5, So, before allowing yourself to get angry, remember the injurious a fter W ILL ASK INQUIRY effects. ON LIQUOR ('HARGBS The longer you can make love or I any other state of happiness last the WASHINGTON, Dec. 29.— Repre- greater your chances of living to n ] sen tativ e Hill, republican of M ary­ ripe old age. land, announced th is afternoon th a t TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY he would introduce a resolution in the house calling upon the house FOR SALE-—Give me a tria l for first class dairy m ilk and b u tte r. Phone ju d iciary c o m m i|te e y to investigate charges by R epresentative Upshaw, 17-F-12. 99-3* dem ocrat of G eorgia, th a t senators, congressm en, governm ent officials BRIGHT, DRY 16-inch pine block wood, thoroughly seasoned and in and o th ers charged w ith law enforce­ dry storage. Two or m ore tie r m ent w ere violators of the prohibi­ orders, 25 cents rebate. A. G. CO SM O PO LITAN PRO DUCTIO NS W tfSLNT* tion laws. Adam s. Wood of all kinds. Phone 4G0. 99-2 W inne Back on OI<1 Job— The lu re of th e rail proved too TO EXCHANGE— F arm in W ashing-j ton to exchange for property in 1 football s ta r, who is spending his or near A shland. In q u ire 72 N orth: ! vacation in the city. In o rd er to Maiu. 99-4* j i keep in condition for ath letics. W in-' ne has re tu rn e d to his old job of fir­ W. T. BLACKW ELL— E lectrician, I ing a locom otive for the S o u th e rn , autom obile ignition expert, m o to r : w ork, a rm a tu re w inding, w ashing] Pacific com pany. He obtained a m achines irons and all kinds of leave of absence from the railro ad ini electrical appliances repaired. 516 o rd er to a tte n d the Corvallis col­ E lizabeth St. P. O. Box 161. lege, w here he is m aio rip g in m e­ Phone 359-Y. 99-6*1 chanical engineering. i stro n g for B urton W inne O. A. C. 1 D. O. K. K. C erem onial T onight— Dance Ja c k so n ’s Sat. night. Local m em bers of th e M edford Tem ple of the D ram atic O r d e r,; M uch Know a t H y att— K n ights of K horassan, are planning F ra n k H. W alker, city engineer. I on a tte n d in g th e th ird a n n u a l a n n i-1 re tu rn e d from a sh irt trip to th e , versary cevem01lial to be held in the i H y att P ra irie dam T hursday. He O riental ball room of th e N a ta to r - 1 rep o rts m uch snow in th a t vicinity. ium in M edford th is evening. M em -■ He is closing out discontinued p a t­ te rn s in silver p late w are, also “ odds and ends” in o th e r lines. This is a good o p p o rtu n ity for ladies to fill in on th e ir silv er sets and to buy from m any o th er lines a t very low prices. Sales ru n s to J a n u a ry 5th only. 97tf Friday, D ecem ber 2Ö. 1822 s A tftm x X'TTVn n w n n o w FOUR Home Sweet Home, WelCcallTit Journeys End, cousins and in-laws came to watch the building progress and remained to advise. In the strain of pleasing all the kin, McCarthy and Tierney declare they almost wished they’d Too many cooks, paradoxically never had those checks. And the enough, spoiled a couple of houses houses, while they might have suited the relatives, were spoiled for their for Joseph McCarthy and H arry owners by “too many cooks.” Tierney, but also gave them a snug W illiam A, B rady ionone. So in London when William A. The story begins with two fat royalty checks received by McCarthy Brady, impressed by “Irene,” offered and Tierney for the writing of the friends any show he owned for “Irene,” a musical comedy which a musical comedy, they seized upon “Too Many Cooks” in which beat all records on Broadway. These two, known as the Damon young man was hampered in his and Fj ihias cf Broadway, have done house-building venture just as they everything together since their were—by too many cooks and too measles and mumps days in New much advice. They called the musical version, England, so they looked at the checks, then at each other and had which bids fair to be more profitable^ for them even than “Irene,” “Up a simultaneous inspiration to build She Goes” and included in its score a new house. “Journey’s End” for a theme song and “Lady Luck,” an enchanting fox F amilies I nterfere At that time, thev thought there trot, both composed during their was nothing to it hut inspiration. own home-building days. Among other distinguished honors; Afterward, when thev discovered that every member of their large that have come to “Up She Goes” families bad something to say about is that of being the first musical row the bouses ought to be built, comedy invited to play in Mr. trey weren’t so sure. Uncles, aunts, Brady’s artistic “Playhouse.” P lay w rig h ts H av e Life- L ong Friendship “ Shocks” His F riends— W hile the m any friends of Fay P hillips, w ell-know n A shland boy,! now in the sales d e p a rtm e n t of th e J S tan d ard Oil com pany, a t Fresno.] Calif., are glad to see him again, he m anaged to “ s h o c k ’ a g rea t m any of them . Upon shaking hands w ith a friend, P hillips presses a b utton p e rm ittin g an electric c u rre n t to fiow from a b a tte ry in his pocket along a w ire connected w ith a ring on his rig h t hand. The re su lt in nearly every case, is q u ite th rillin g .. Dance Ja ck so n 's Sat. night. 98-3 Coaching S taff P asses T h ro u g h — M embers of th e U niversity of Ore­ gon football coaching sta ff passed th rough the city today en route to P asad en a to see the P itt-S ta n fo rd and the Penn State-U . S. C. football games. Those in the p arty were Mr. and Mrs. “ Shy” H untington. Bart Spellm an and Basil W illiam s. They hope to pick up some of the late st w rinkles of Bezdek and W arner, the two e a ste rn coaches. Bezdek was form erly coach a t the U niversity of O regon, which is paying th e expenses for th is trip. Sign of Opulence. Different individuals have different ambitions. Probably one of the most unique is that of a wife of a friend of mine who lias been an earnest help­ mate of her husband for a number of years. She has helped him climb tlie ladder of fame and moderate fortune. In tulking about her pet desire the other day, he s a id : “W hat do you think Molly wants to do when the hank account amounts to a certain figure? She wants to have money enough to have a town house, so that she can board it up during the sum­ mer. I have often noticed, when in New York, that tlie very rieli board up their houses during the summer. This is her idea of letting the rest of the world know you are opulent.”— Washington Star. Chance. When Camille Flammarion was five years old, he saw an eclipse of the sun reflected in a bucket of water. That aroused his interest in the stars. Today lie is a celebrated French astronomer. Flammarion suggests that he might have followed some other line of work, if chance had not led him to the water pail. Chance—the possibility of the unex­ pected happening at any moment—Is what makes life Interesting. The laws | of chance have a lot to do witli our careers. Many successful men are creations of chance, or luck, though F . R. G rieve V isits— they try to pin it on hard work und E. R. Grieve, of H ornbrook, was not watching tlie clock. in the city T hursday. He is a fo r­ His Comment. m er resident of A shland and well- “Land o’ G oshen!!” astoundedlv known in the com m unity. He was kept busy sh ak in g hands and g re e t­ ejaculated Mrs. Johnson, in the midst of her reading. “ Listen here, G ap: It ing old friends. says that in parts of the West Indies — they use crabs for watch dogs. These R e tu rn s to Los Angelos— pertickler crabs are about the size of Miss T hela Carney, of Los Angeles. footballs, and have enormous eyes and who spent the holidays w ith h er cou­ feelers----- ” “H uh!” snorted Gap Johnson of sin, Miss R u th O sm un. re tu rn e d to Rumpus Ridge. “I don't want to live C alifornia, on tra in No. 15 today. in no West Indies, whurever they’re at I'd look pretty, wouldn’t I, going t< town and trading around with ten or Light Heart Goes With Innocence. a. dozen goggle-eyed crabs the size of I.lght-heartedness is the gay compan­ ion of innocence; and when innocence footballs scrabbling along after me?’ goes, they soon trip off together look­ Kansas City Star. ing for something younger.—Sir J. M. It pays to read the classified page. Barrie. FOR RENT— Two furnished room s,' Portuguese Women Good Porters. gentlem en preferred. Mrs. Jen-! The porters of Portugal are women kins, 137 Oak St. 99-3' who carry great burdens upon their heads. It is a common thing for one FOR TRADE— 160 acres A-l N orth of these Amazons to carry a filled D akota land, th ree m iles from R. 1 steam er trunk on her head from the R . town in e astern half of N orth ship landing to tlie hotel, a distance of D akota, at $40 per acre. To tra d e a mile and ’ mostly up a steep hill. fo r general m erchandise stock or Every conceivable kind of load is car­ sm all ranch close to A shland, well ried in this way. Peasant women will carry a closed umbrella neatly bal­ im proved w ith some tim ber. Can anced on their heads. I once saw a put in some cash. Ed. H olsten, woman coining into market, says a re­ Beaverton Ore. 99-5 cent traveler, with a sleeping infant in a small round basket on b er head, FOR RENT— T hree room furnished one band bolding the basket and the a p a rtm e n t, five blocks from post other an umbrella to shield off the office. A dults only. 326 N orth strong rays of the sun.—Philadelphia Main. 99-2 R e c o r d . * W IT H LIONEL BARRYMORE a "° SEENA OWEN “ It takes a erook to eateli a erook”—and when Boston Blaekie, the best lo v ed erook character in all fiction, risks his life to nah a gang of in­ ternational thieves and save a beautiful Russian princess Then you can expect a whirlwind romance of hair* trigger tin ills and excite­ ment like this one. -JA Iso — “ A P O N Y REWARD” R egular Adm ission Greet the Xew Yeai; at the VINING Last show starts at 10 P. M. A General ol Ready-to-Wear To effect an Immediate Clearance of all ul .ADY-T0 WE AR, we are holding this Clearance Sale. It is the one time of the year when radical price reductions are made. We advise our customers to take advantage of this worth-while saving. Every Garment New This Season All Coats Reduced All Dresses Reduced Every Coat is marked down for quick dis­ posal. Priced - $12.50 to $39.00 Wool Dresses, all new styles, greatly re­ duced. Priced $9.98 to $31.50 Plush Coats Reduced Silk Dresses $139.00 Plush Coats, n o w .................$79.00 $ 75.00 Plush Coats, now ...............$42.00 $ 70.00 Plush Coats, now ...............$39.75 Made of Crepe de Chine. Canton Crept* and Canton Knit. Colors, black, navy and brown. All marked at special prices. Children’s Coats Just 10 left, priced to sell quick— $3.95 to $12.25 ALL SILK VZAISTS REDUCED ALL SWEATERS REDUCED ALL WASH DRESSES Marked at prices that will move them quickly. Some exceptional values at ea. 31.98 1923 CALENDARS GIVEN AWAY SATURDAY F R U &Ja M a I S A A C K j Ä f f V t « THE QUALITY STORE Where Your Patronage Is Appreciated RAIN - PROOF UMBRELLAS $1.25 each K'