B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L O ce ceni th e word each lim e. I- d ï s i t i AN». PAGE TORE» ÄiBLAITO DAILY fIDDüGfc Friday, December 20 1022 t Local and Personal Ecys Out on Hike— Several of the boys of Mr. Robin­ son’s Sunday school class o: the ! P re sb y te ria n church left th is m orn­ ing for a hike to G rangers. Though th e skies prom ised eith e r ra in or snow, th e lads were undaunted. B lanket rolls and grub w ere tak en along, and som e of them were plan- ning on staying overnight. DUE TÜ CENTAL ÎRRtï.-.nON Propensity for Smashing T \. Fx- plained by British Institute if Industrial Poychoi. _j. K IG H f EE MÓ'JARCIt OR CAT F iL * Officials of Spanish Royal Palaces Careful in Their Investigation of Sounds at Night. I 0» DR J. i. z 9 B uilding, If you w ant the best th ere Is in ! r e ^u rn jn g ja te in th e afternoon. wi;li rush periods i,•• F . I t it ; i ; joint-'., its you or I would seek the hum­ 96tf bacon, boiled ham s, chipped beef Going into the royal j ¡he excitement of the rami' an i the bler biscuit. pantry, he will tear off the leg of a lard and sh o rtening, get it a t Det- O u r $30 SPECIA L c a n 't be beat re.-mli« n of the -h k tim • d; ■ e c h ir o p r a c t o r s cold low if or Quietly carve himself a lic k 's. W e sell for less. 4 8tf for the money. P a u lse ru d ’s. 9 6 tf efficiency and incidentally dam age the slice of meat. th in g s th a t are beihg handled. By in- DR. E. 15. ANGELL— Chiropractic “We never know,” said an official ; ti'odticlng ¡i stead y Ik w of m aterial and E lectro-T herapy. The combi Hdkers A ie W arn -d— Buys New M achine— who figures in the story, “whether it is nation does w onders. F irst Nat l th ere is a noticeable ri e in eflicienev. H iking p arties who m ay have as H. E. H ults is the proud ow ner of the cat or the king!”—London An­ B ank Bldg. Phone 48-1 42. th eir d estination th e old Lam b m ine, in Lexington m achine delivered to swers. H ouse Calls D'DiPT FAY TO KEEP F C O K S a deserted w orkings, a re w arned him recently by E. C. High. TRANSFER AND EXPRESS. ag a in st proceeding to any g rea t dis­ RECEIVED DOLE FROM ENEMY On the Contrary, Nc.v York Store­ W e put the chicken in our tam ales. FOR prom pt and careful service tance w ithin th e m ine, 33 th ere is keeper Found,H e Made Money by a u to tru c k s or horse drays, cal dan g er of foul air. The w arning is n jaza C onfectionery 9 0 t’ Irish Irregulars Stepped in the Mid- Not Doing So. W h ittle TranBÎer Co. Phone l l i given by ¿.in an uivi-nmt; old-tim e m iner, * who just.' uuiici n ttu juovi -< die of Fighting to Draw Their Unemployment Pay. A s h la n d .” 66t (!' sco' ^ re ^ t*'e occurrence of the f o u l: v» sited in G ia n ts P ass— A prominent denizen of Wall St - mt, --------------------------------------------------- — a ir, and who was a fra id children ofi gheldon cam e over from Ash- who summers at a fashionable ser bore For several years the unemployed T. L PO W E LL— GENERAL TRANb hik ers m ight visit the mine. land' yesterday to spend th e day in rmsc r. wm; annoyed .m id retu rn limue In Ireland, as in Britain, have been F E R — Good team aud m otor ___ . t h e 'c i t y on business.— G - ian ts P ass - b’ •' T’ive a hill for a few sm all tri-d , ts a, •—*• — , . reci iving a government dole weekly, trucks. Good service at a rt-asot ; , , , . I . iai «7 vn.y to r which he w as su re he Itud paid pre­ able price. Phone 83. i F r u it cake and m ince m eat tim e i3 (Courte r . relates Niall Ronan in the Outlook, vious tn ids d ep artu re. H aving alw ays ~ here. F o r citron, orange and lemon i Tiie provisional government has con­ prided him self on I is efficient business VETERINARY peel, raisins, c u rra n ts , figs, spices, F m n islietl Bungalow to r K ent­ tinued this. Despite the difficulties | m ethods, attd since tin* sam e s lic e bad of distributing it during the recent in railro ad d istric t; also otte l’ac- done tin* idenlical thing tin* y«ar be­ DR. J p F ^ C h T s i IOLAI — G raduate su g ar, etc., D etrick ’s G roceteria sells . I trouble, it was very anxious that it 48tf for less. V eterinary. W alker Ave in g L ith ia P a rk . P re f e r to re n t fo r fore, he w rote a scath in g le tte r to the should not be stopped, lest any ex­ te rm . S ta p les R e a lty A gency. 98-2 store!;« eper, giving his opinion of t;o- cuse should be given for looting. CONVALESCENT HOME i man who employed methods which were V isiting w ith M other— tiie direct antithesis of his own. 'i he i One of the district offices was there- Good Mrs. Fred Coombs, of T alen t, is Via ka A ddress Given— CONVALESCENT HOME incident soon slipped his mind and wa '° re ‘T e n e d -n o t more than 25 yards cheer. Good care. Good food. spending the w eek-end visiting w ith Mr. and Mrs. Max Camps, former» T erm s reasonable. 153 G ranite not lecaiio:! until the following sum m er from Moran s hotel, an irregular 306-lm o ly Miss Maye K aegi. a re m aking th e ir when In* happened Io pass the store, i ronghold, now destroyed. A fter sev- St. P hone 411-R. entered, b ro th e rs and sisters. home on Oregon stre e t. Y reka. Calif n I l t. l s ¡ t l. 't e i 1 l t a , i m , g i .) ,■,] h e i'? ’.•••!:..m'd , era! hundred men , had ... quietly _ FDR R E M . i,, • . . . • • • i undismayed by the rifle Are from the „ live tne the storekeeiier sto rek eep er some liueml frit :al c to sin* , , , , „ ... national and rebel forces outside, and advi« e. i Cheap in su ran ce is costly a t any O rres cleans clothes. Phone G4. FO R RENT— Modern th re e room “ Well,” raid th e sto rek eep er, in reply signed for and received their money, furnished bungalow . Inquire 357 price. F o r sound in su ran ce a t re a ­ seven republicans came calmly across to his lem thy discourse, “ we ibm’t l:e<

. :it, i Man, calling himself the m aster of home , , i was p; el by tbr ■ ot' them, so you lor, w here she can have a good M abej T ro tl. retu rn ed to her Siskiyou county, have been reemved. ( . ( h(> ( nature, may yet be involved in a life- „ , siiy for o ur kcepiiu home. A ddress Box 22, O/O lid - jn \ g Pr> Calif. T hursday. and-death struggle with insects for pos- They will be officially filed F eb ru ary 98-2 Ings. ssion of the globe—and in some 1. Persons who claim p rio r settle- --------------------------- P ia n o T u ning— ways scientists declare insects are bet­ m ent on the unreserved land m ust Custom cf B reaking Money, FOR EXCHANGE ter tilted titan men for survival on Now is the tim e io have your piano file th eir claim s w ithin 90 d ay s f r o m 1 To break ¡1 piece of money at p a rt earth. Baked beans a t a dollar a por­ 1G0 acre unincum FO R TRADB------ r ------ - ....... — - tuned. Carl H. L oveland. Studio, F e b ru ary 1, 1923. ing. ea< ’t ! eepiug a p: . t, w as a I aid t iOI1i ts tiie plebeian bean to be GGtf bered ranch on Pacific h ig h w a y ; j 35 E a st Main. Phone 4G5 of fidelity at one tim e am ong lovers. driven from its present democratic an d county road, n ear H ilt; sm all j _______ Cliff Payne has Sprusteel ladders. Tiiis car.a* from very rem ote times, be­ company into the ranks of the aristoc­ house and o u tb u ildings: gooil Tarantula Is Fourni— fore inns and houses of public tin oat- ; racy? This possibility is suggested by sto ck or chicken ranch w ith plen­ m odation were known. W hile unpacking a hunch of bana- v ish :i|g t!Onl Y reka— ty of wood and tillab le land Will tin* recent invasion of the southern Trttv« h*rs had then to tru s t to the 1 portion of the United States by the tra d e for unincum bered A shland nas Leigh M cW illiam s discoveied a Mrs. Alice M. Young has been vis- a c re a g e ; p refer no house, but i large ta ra n tu la . In spite of th e g e n -]Uing hej. son. in. law anrt d a u g h te r. h ospitality of s 'ra n g e rs iivin - . u i? AIexit;1I, bean beetie, a bandit pest of •would ensider acreage w ith sm al . . . . . . . . . 1...... ■=> — house. E leanor G reer, 199 G ra n .ie ra l supposition th a t the poisonous a n J Mrg R H M ayberry. she road, am i it va.s custottairy ¡tt ; 1 tttig > ,jie grs^ magnitude that now has to divide some article, such as a w hite I te St.______ _______________ X’: n t f ‘ ! insect su ffers g reatly in th is clim ate, expepts tQ re tu rn sOOn to her home stone or sm all coin, and fo r the host : ¡lined ¡1 firm foothold anil is already at work in a limited territory, under­ ------ ------- .i t w a s ^ e r y active a m in u te or so ( and guest each to ta k e a paid, th at ;? mining natural resources with such in Y reka. _______________— —---------------------- ’a lte r being found. It cam e prepared ! th e host required sim ilar b.o-pitality ; telling effect that the final outcome is FO R SALE— Five foot glass show tQ spend tbe wjIlte r in A shland, asi If you w ant those hens ‘o lay m ore i from his guest he m ight claim it bv a m atter of grave concern. Beans of case . Inquire P laza C onfectionery, neg^ was also found, to g eth e r w ith; a ||. jjint]s are being attacked by this cents j show ing his token. eggs, get som e craeklins 9 t-tf two or th re e tiny ta ra n tu la s. In tin* Revelation of St. Jo h n tbb ' bi„„iit_ a kind of ladybug—and entire S5tf per pound. P laza M arket. custom is r e i n red to w here Cfirirt are being wiped out. FO R SA LE— T urkeys, nice fut ones, says, “To him th a t overcom eth will I I __________ 4_______ Aiwa vs see me first nbont your dressed or undressed. C. L. Mor­ im -t,rance; th e re ’s a difference; why? .C om panies D issolve .w e a w hite stone, so th at at tin Huy That Word “ Hysteria.” $4tf: Notices of dissolution filed recent- of Judgment he may demand mum ris, east on Pacific highw ay. 97-4 Ask me. Yeo, of course. T here is a lo t.o f scientific truth per­ j ly a t Salem include those of the sit.n into heaven. taining to the physical nature of wom­ F O R SA LE— W ood, body fir, $ i pet­ an, concealed in tiie word hysteria. G rants P ass M arble & Lim e corn- B rings F ia n k lln S u la n Back— tier. W rite Box 4, T alen t. Ore. ; The classic origin of the word is the Electro-Chemical Colors. E. C. H igh, te rrito ry m an for the pany, G rants P ass; B unting Tele- 9S-6* Li___ 1 [ Brawlev \n to com pany of P o r tla n d /p h o n e & T elegraph com pany. Lake- T h e p re p ara tio n o f m ineral and nrtl- I ancient Greek “h y s fr la ,” the womb. , btaw te.> mi • „reel; ficial organic colors by the aid < f eh c- The sexual or mother nature of worn- re tu rn e d to A shland yesterday a fte r, view, and the L akeview -Pine t r e e a tricily _ bus m ade considerable pw ; ■ . s^ an is indicated in the word as the NOTICE OF BOND SALE Notice is hereby given th a t sealed a sh o rt trip to th e n o rth e rn p a rt of E lectric com pany, Lakeview . ¡mil it is suggested th a t th e p ro d u c ts ’ origin, of the laughter, the tears and ■if tin* in d ustry m ay ev en tu ally n place : ’he contradictory conduct im plied by bids will be received by th e hoard th e state. He drove back w ith a new u n til T uesday, J a n u a ry 2, 1923, at F ra n k lin sedan. He stated the P ark R eskh'nce and B usiness Lots those derived front coal tar. Anu 1 ■; the word hysteria. When a man is called “hysterical,” 10 o'clock a. in., at the office of the garag e had been appointed as the: At h alf value. Now is th e tim e tin* colors now produced in com m ercial Board of D irectors of th e Gold Hill official service garage for th a t m ake to get b arg ain s. Don’t w ait until q u an titie s by tiie em ploym ent of lite therefore, the implication is plainly ed that he is acting under the Irrig a tio n D istrict, w ithin the b o u n -'o : m ach nes in this d istric t. spring io buy. N uff Sed. S ta p les ol '-t i ie cu rren t a re verm ilion S -kci ! ? convey green, cadm ium yellow, J a p m i- e red, uspiiHes u n d erstandable and excus- 88-2 tlaries of said d istric t, in Jackson ---------- R ealty Agency. ceiise or cherry red, Berlin green an ! .1»’ (though som etim es extrem ely an- county. Oregon, for the purchase of B etter be sate that; sorry. See ----------- rJnc vvk.ile. besides a num ber of ojg.tn- uoying) in a woman, but not permls- bonds in th e sum of ten th ousand Beaver R ealty Co. about your in su r v isitin g w ith M other— ¡c colors. The process consists essen- -mle in a person of the male per !« 28711 Mrs. G. H. Lam b, o u n stn u i .j ¡n sending an electric current suasion.—Milwaukee Sentinel, d o llars ($ 1 0 ,0 0 0 ), voted and auitao- tnce. Phone «58. ---------- ,Calif., who has been visiting v.iti. t b,-0,,gb solution containing the e'e- rized Novem ber 15, 1921, of Gold TT 1 «• - Hill Irrig a tio n D istrict. Jackson M tk im m y Bu nks A n n — b e ,. 11lOth er, Mrs. M. V. H ow ard, lor n,pnts required for the producthm by Bad Teeth as a Racial Trait. Do poor teeth run in races? Accord- C ountv Oregon (Said bonds being C hester McKimney, who lives in fgw days> r e tu r n ed to her hom e precip itatio n , of the coloring m atter ng to a report made by Dr. A. \V. in add itio n to the sum of eighty-five the vicinity of Ja ck so n ’s Hot Springs, tQday A noth e r d a u g h te r. LaV era I d e sire d .-E x c lu tn g e . Schoenieber of tbe medical department thousand dollars ($85.000.00) in was in the city yesterday with h»s: H o w ard . of W eed, CaMf-. arrived of tb ■ Standard Oi: company to the Famous Old Restaurants. bonds previouslv au thorized an d «™i in a sling, th e re s u lt of h .v .n g | a t the sam e tim e, will rem ain in Eugenic Research association there is What is the oldest restaurant in the sold ) Said bonds a re num bered his m otorcycle slip from under him A sbland u n tn next week. world now open for business? Paris a racial difference ir- resistance to den- consecutively. com m encing w ith w hile rid in g on th e wet pavem ent., , , . , , 1, . __ . ... ,, . 1 tai decay as shown by an examination erp p late . .. .... nave silv suvei « « in has at least o n e restaurant, the ( ttle f f various nationalities. n u m b er one an d follow ing in num eri- He was h u rled to th e pavem ent by L adies who have , . . . , ,, nr* * in de la ih'gence. which is more than 2<>!i a n n u al fho im pact, and sustained a broken ‘' A(Jam or P a tric ia n p a tte rn s 1.1 ......... , ,, , Tiie gleaming whiteness of the He­ cal o rd er, m a tu re serially, in , t m- years old; ; the M itre hotel nt Oxford. Jam estow n or • ro’s teetli is not just contrast with his C om m unity w are; am o u n ts, so as to be approxim ate arm . ju st above his left w rist, „ England, is said to he 500 years ok! ; , , ............ _ ’ . ! nlacK ¡Hack skin, these figures show, as the “ N ew port” p a tte rn s in H olm es & th e — R ath sk eller a t Brem en w as b • It w ith principal and in te rest, and sh all L ast m onth the A utom obile Spec- E dw ards silv erp late; “ La S a lle ’ pat ¡n 1405, the curious Iitti«* re d 1 greatest proportion of perfect teeth lie payable in Gold Coin of the I f lit- ’ was found among the Afro-Americans, *d S ta te s ' said bonds will be dated ia » st insured th re e tru c k s, six a u to . te rn or “ L incoln” o r “ C lin.on p at- known as tbp Bartvvurstgloeklein, in ’ ‘ nd Austrian Jews showed the ■anuarv 1 1923. and bear in te rest at m obiles and 10 F ords. Phone 274-J tprn in R ogers w are, should fill m N urem berg, which is p art of a church, r best percentage of excellent I. " ,.a v,b1e senu-annuallv. Yeo, of course. 8 4 ti „ „ tb p ir si,verw are while they can has. ,t ,s belteved, been servm g ro ast ; w • eeth, while English, German, Dan­ G per cent payable sem i-annually. ¡get it a t reduced prices d u rin g the S au sag es since tin* y«*ar 1491); and Ute ish, Norwegian and Swedish subjects F o r further and detailed tafo rm a-j ” ■ ( ttpello Nero restaurant, in Venice. showed very feeble resistance to decay. ¡special rale. Many o th e r item s low tio n . apply to th e S e c re tary of th e R > y Ri-mg- traces its beginnings hack to the v«*ar The Irish had tiie worst teeth of all. R ains d u rin g th e past few days p rjce<] Jo h n so n ’s Jew elry Store, 137(5. Gold Hill Irrig.i«ft;n D istrict. Gold have sent th e sm all creeks trib u ta ry R pm em ber the dates, u n til Ja n u a ry H ill, Oregon. Why Hoover Sent Corn to Russia. to the Rogue riv e r-ro a rin g into th e Rth / 97tf Hawaii’s Equable Cltmaxe. T he rig h t is reserved to reject any Someone asked Mr. Hoover recently la rg e r stream s, w ith the re s u lt th a t There is no question but that Hawn:: why he sent corn to Russia instead of and all bids. the riv er has risen several feet in y V it-d w ith !*: cuts lias great natural beauty and a cUmnie .beat. ’■Because," replied the secre- GOLD HILL IRRIGATION the past few days. The riv e r has ^ rg v j o| e| W ilson has re tu rn e d that is pr»*'«ably tit ■ m ost «opo,; ; . ; , i;t-y of comnteree without a moment’s DISTRICT. also become badly discolored from tQ jier boraP ;n D unsm uir, a fte r y .;!d. lie* a r; ■ ict.i, . * h«*sitation, “for one dollar I can buy so By Geo. W . Jacobs. President. ¡any < ¡dories”—carrying it out to the the rains. J spending th e vuletide season w ith 1"1‘ " ' 1!--f.o.ulu v a < • .,.*- D. N. Stead, bird decimal place—“in corn, and only ---------- h ..c e . r p a re n ts. M n TliPrc n<1 o!b(lI :>.,t Chas. E. Gray, D irectors. . . . r. . a n d Mrs. Long. M r..y(.a tyear. I here ,s is pi(>bablj. pi oha many”—again to tiie third decimal \Y \ L I I T Y T I LOBS iS 3 ccntluctor on th c Southern ¡n tbe v or)d ,¡1¡|t (... in boast such tin 'a-v—“In wheat. I get about twice as A ttest F re d G. Guy. J * cretary i . 2 \ . t L I L u I j I j pacific. evPn clim ate; but th 76-5-fr tiie ra in fall varies ( S ea l) tty In corn as in wheat.”—From according to the location. Hon.i’ulu '.find the M irrors.” H A R B E R rainfalls average about thirty inches' ¡1 MOST OF OUR CUSTOMERS USE year, but on the n lndwnr«! si.l * of some Stimulating Values of Colors. Safety blades resharpenec Syncopates It. of the islands thc rainfall sometimes A French experim enter tested the like new. Single bit, SOf td Timkins says profanity is to ren ' 3f*0 and 4(H) inches a y ear.-- strength of th ^ u u ld g rip under colored ,v€i ration what jazz is to music. doz. Dobule bit, 60c do? Ad * Magazine. lights, and found red was distinctly Th*» Econem? i iugtou Star. th«* most stim ulating color, the remain­ Children’s Work EAST SIDE GROCERY ing colors falling In the order: Orange, Specialty yellow, green and blue. A T r y the Classified Columns. ' -■ ? n V 5 -Ï > \ n ■ it •. .. A4 X » ! 7 ,L r . »'• J > / C AC.V.' '*•.> • ’l ì -WÑ6 .<,v; xS" ■ ' phone 201-J. Camps A shland, Oregon. CALUMET BAKING P3WBZR RECIPES R S ’ C'-'t W hat make: th e co ik sm ash «1! One day, so tin* story goes, a mem­ at *v.-n v.. • is n . ' . ber of the royal household of Madrid '" i,: ' - a ■ ry I ..! • « heard noises below. lie rose and dttetion im iiitentb i.a’ ly. has went downstairs. Prank Jordan Home Again — puzzled out by expt rts of t he :< tt "it must be the eat,” he thought, 1 « - iilill■-• f.v of In stitu te of Ind u strial and Mrs. F ra n k Jo rd a n , who IJUMENS-—Physic an am tin ;gh ¡is a rule the cat was not per­ All wool su its, ?15 and up, a t G reat B ritain. Surgeon. Practice lici.ced t have been visiting in W illam ette 961£ , Pieces of iiv ntal grit get into It; naan mitted to wander ubout the place at eye, ear. nose and throat. Glass*' valley points for th e past m onth, re ­ P a u lse ru d ’s. They must have for­ supplied. Oculist and anrist to m achinery and pi .y Imi). A farge its discretion. Suppose it S. P. R. It. Offices, M. F. and B turned to A shland T hursday in order Hero from Dunsmuir — am ount of break ag e is dit: * to it: curii, gotten to lock it up. Bldg., M sdforl. Ore. _____ Phone ?G to get out of the vast am ount of Mrs. Glen Lam b, of D unsm uir, ¡ irritatio n , which is lar:,.. 11,. ti resa dt of should wake the king! Fearful tlw u g h t! Conceive the royal DR. M ATTIE 15. SHAW— Residence ' Va:' r 1 ’ia‘J * p r e c , n th a * l^ Sj Calif., a form er A shland girl, is vis­ fatigue. Tb«* w o rk er v.iin is not tired anger! The official hurried through USO in «-In*« and office 108 P ioneer avenue. tric t- w h ile a ,a r Se Portion of the. iting w ith Miss E thel L effler, on B has sufi' lent energy to tiie dark passages, and at last trucked his irritab llil v ; the w o rk er w1m has Telephone 28. Office house, 10 tim e was spent in Lebanon. P o rtla n d 1 street ¡k e en perform ing m echanical m otions the sound to the pantry. to 12 a. m .; 2 tb 5 p. m., only. was also visited. Mrs. J o rd a n ’s. ‘‘Aim—now I’ve to t you!” he whis­ all day shows his horeihnn by citv-Uirg DR. IL M. SHAW — Physician and m o» th er, Mrs. A ngeline DeVine, re-. B ettPr insurance a t reasonable som ething to the floor. pered, as lie opened the door—anti be­ Surgeon. Special a tte n tio n Eyes, tu rn e d for an indefinite stay in t h e , ratog B illings Agency. Phone 211. P re. kage becomes epidem ic at (hues, held the king rummaging around for E a rs, Nose, T h ro a t. Glasses f t <>;ty. Mr. Jo rd a n m ade th e trip byi ______ , th e B ritish experts have found. Where food! ted. Room 6, M.lis-McCall Block u -o, and Sfa tes the ra in was excep- y,.,^es to M txl.oid__ If (lie above story is not true, it is groups ot w orkers a re engaged in han­ Phone 7 J nr 28. at h a s t founded on fact, for the king _____________ tionally heavy around Albany on Am ong the A shland people called dling the sam e m aterial, excitem- at. tic ler. hu rry or ¡'¿R ation in one s-*c- of Spain somethin s feels hungry in DR. G. <’. P H E T T E I’LA t’E — D entist W ednesday. to M edford yesterday was Mrs. V. G. Office h ours, 9 to 12 anti 1:30 to- ______ tlon quickly sp read s to another. W here the middle of the night, and when the Coleman. She spent the day th ere. th e n is a n 4:3 0 . Office phone 151; residence lar How of 111 ( e r ia l pangs become poignant, he seeks royal HR? ER N EST A. W OOD?»— P ractli lim ited to eye, ear, nose an throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 a s to 5 S c e d c a b a r s B id ;., As" . j.a-i, Ti t S T A I d Í8 l§ ÍB S I ■ ¡7 •i 7 / ’■ ¡ X . 't i 3 B s . T - . - f c . " A ä k h .' FT >. 'jt < . ¿ ELB E D A N IELS’ SPA NISH RICE . j • VXTELS has seme Spanish ancestors and she is fond of Span- e ?. This is her m ethod of preparing rice, a upfuts of rice, put in skillet of hot grease. Tin - is the Spa?/ <«d of preparing r o e . Am erican cooks boii the rice first. S tir • ; ; spoonful of salt ami one small onion, chopped fine. Then ili a -ate dish prep are one cap fu l of chopped ripe tom atoes, two U bi • u iu ls of butti r, two teaspoonfuls of C nkfornia Chili pepper, choppy fine; dash of black pepper and th ree tr.bl«' noonfu’.s of sugar. P o u r t ins m ixture into the hut rice and cook slowly until v.\li done. S S M P S O K ’5' S À R W A S E Pl ane 203 87-30 N orth M ain St. n ¿ » n £ 2 í j; s ; iw B --f^iiÄ Tiar«^! . y í ? Resolve 5o Invest a Few Cents Among1 your many good resolutions for tin* New Yeaik resolve to stop taking elianees on leaving your valuable papers, stocks, bonds and the like around the home. Then resolve to invest a few cents a week for a safe d e p o s it box in our big vault. The Citizens Bank of Ashland Ashland, Gvegon I o S to c k f a p f e t l n f l S a fe s W IT H C A RB O N T w o B o o k s ......................................................................... 25c P e r B o z e n ......................................................................... $1.25 T w o D o z e n .................................... S2.25 O ne H u n d r e d ..................................................................... $3.00 ASHLAND TfO/WöS