I ÀGB TWO Ashlaßd Hu bili tied ABHTiAWD DAILY T íD fílG I Tidings E atabilsbed JM 7» E»ery E venir Hitada? HOktc GfiEETiNG MEANS MUCH À L i' THE ASH LAND PRINTING GO. O F F K TAL CITY AND GOUNTY PA PER TELEPH O N E 39 1 AND ?/ Children Apt to Remember in After Life the Kind cf Reception They Were Given. F rid ay , D ecem ber 20, 1922 Basic Structure o f United States Founded On Individualism, Declares Herbert Hoover in New Book Treating International Ills ’ •>? ky was m cr eh :pty and never was Lite; the eh».ids war.- continu ously at play * for our benefit. Over against us, fr< m our ;tat r.—Henry James. Have you ever realized what a dif­ ference tiie home greetings make to | ESäfrv' the children, make, in fact, to every i IF .''- i- ; member of the family? When they i C. K. LOGAN, Editor £ come home from school, when they ti’ c f Ì-J/Ù E ntered a t the Ashlntid. Oregon This s is the first of a series of three excerpts this paper will present through the run in from their playing, when they ! i oatoífice as Second-class Mall Ma! arrive home from a day’s outing or a courtesy of Doubleday, Page & Co. from "American Individualism," the new book in It is easier to keep fat th a n ter. h i t visit, how do we greet them? which Herbert Hoover, notv Secretary of Commerce, and well beloved for his many fit. Do we ever say sh a rp ly : “Mary, Mubacrlptiou P rice D elivered in Oil? • services to humanity by Americans of all political beliefs, seeks to define the treasures when will you ever remember to wipe Qua m onth . ...............................$ .65 of American citizenship and civilization. / s . your feet?” or, “Dick, why will you Custom is an excuse th a t T hree m o n t h s ............................... J.P-* '♦> persist in dashing in like a wild Indian By H erbert Hoover ncziSsL Six m onths ................................. 3.7 5 ’ m any a m an offers to his con- .. ken I've told you so often about com­ One year .................................... 7.5b science. Five or six ened by the searching experiences to initiative, to the development of Mail and Kara» R ou tes ing in quietly?” or, “Billy, you’ve great social phil­ of seven years of service In the hand and Intellect, to the high de­ One m onth ....................................$ .65, ' Plied a button off. Come here quick­ osophies are a t backwash and misery of war. Seven velopment of thought and spiritual­ Some people spend m ne- T n ree m onths ............................... 1.95, struggle in the years of contending w ith economic ity, they m ust be tem pered with ly and let me fix i t !” Do we quench ten th s of life keeping out of a Six m onths .................................... 3.5 world for ascend­ degeneration, with social disinte­ th a t firm and fixed ideal of Am eri­ Be CiM’ed to Stay Cured eir enthusiasm, their joy at getting One year ................................. .. . 6.5f ancy. There is gration, with incessant political dis­ can individualism —an equality of d rau g h t. • home, by suc-lv rem arks? Will the ADVERTISING KATES the Individualism location, with all of its seething and opportunity. GU ARAN TEE to per- If we would have <®> cl ildren greeted so look forw ard to of the more dem ­ ferm ent of individual and class con­ these values we m ust soften its Display A d vertisin g manently cure your Piles , th eir home- oniings, look forw ard to M en-who buy houses first and *• ocratic states of flict, could but im press me with the hardness and stim ulate progress sto g ie in sertio n , each in c h ............ 80c ,, H air mother? Will they have a picture w ith o u t cutting, burning, Europe with its auto? a fte rw a rd s a re looked up- — YEARLY ( < >NTRAUlH prim ary m otivation of social forces, through th a t sense of service th at in later years of a loving, smiling careful reserva­ and the nece.ssity for broader Display A dvertising stitching, anaesthetic, con­ on a3 eccentric. -?» lies in our people. tions of castes thought upon their great issues to One tim e a w e e k ........................2 7 ’¿ c Therefore, it is not the Individ­ finem ent o r unpleasant ---------- find fault? L ocal Reader« ism, Syndicalism, Capitalism, and also th a t I am an American indiv­ differs from all others because it in every walk of life to whom E ach line, each tim e ................... XOt Surely it is worth while to control than the colTeges-teach th e son. '?• finally there Is Autocracy—w hether idualist, F or America has been em braces these great Ideals: th a t you may refer about this painless, To run every o th er dfey for one ---------- «■ our manner, our speech, and never lef i by birth, by possessions, m ilitarism , steadily developing the ideals th a t while we build our society upon tins non-surgical cure. m onth, each ltn8, each tim e. . 7c A fa rm e r’s am bition is to < ¥' anything prevent us from giving the ; or divine right of kings. Even the constitute progressive individualism. attainm ent of the Individual, we To run every issue for one m onth If you are a sufferer from Piles, Divine R ight still lingers on a l­ No doubt, individualism rtin riot, shall safeguard to every individual move to town and loaf, while ♦> warm, hearty, loving welcome home dr m ore, each line, each tim e. . 5 Fistula, Fissure or other rectal though our lifetim e has seen fully with no tem pering principle, wouid an equality of opportunity to take v.e would wish to give our children, C lassified Column a city m an w ants to do his loaf- disease, call o r write today for tw o-thirds of the e a rth 's population, provide a long category of inequal­ th a t position in the comm unity to fair loved ones, making them love the One cent th e word each tim e. my FREE booklet. including Germany, Austria, Russia in g on a farm . ities, of tyrannies, dom inations and which his Intelligence, character, home-comings, says the Delineator. If To run every issue for one m onth and China, arrive a t a state of angry injustices. America, however, has ability, and am bition entitle him; ---------- .-4- ,4> <§> 4> .4, 4. <§> 4. <4 4> 4 tial tru th , strength, and vitality of or in the processes of industry and sponsibility and understanding wo Card of thanks ...............................Jl.COi and which they will remember witli the developing creed by which we commerce, are under an insistent shall assist him to this ettainm ent; O bituaries, the lice . ................... 2 ** c ! joy in the after years. have hitherto lived in this country i curb T? we would have th e valves while he in turn m ust stand up to F ra te rn a l O rders and Socit ti.'s and th e ir atta ch e d job offices will ©f ours has been confirmed and d e e p -| of individualism, th eir stim ulation the emery wheel of competition. A dvertising for fra te rn a l ord er v irtu a lly double this total. NOT ALL MERE SUPERSTITION or societies ch arg in g a reg u la r in iti ! W ith waves GO feet in height and TH E *tion fee and dne3, no discount. Re New Paramount Mechanic wind 100 miles an h o u r along both VIKING CREAM SEPARATOR ligioua and benevolent orders wdll lie i General Dislike for Two-Dollar Bills charged th e re g u la r ra te for all ad j coasts of the A tlantic ocean; roofs i Is a n o th e r Catalog House b u rste r Partially Explained by Boston vortlaing when an adm ission or othei ' torn front buildings at T illam ook,I a t P e il’s. Prices, $31.00 and up Banker. «.barge la m ade ' and th e w alls of ruined A storia tot ! Save you $1.90 on a 20 rod roll of fencing ag ain st anybody else’, ft h a t C onstitutes A dvertising : tarin g in th e grasp of a gale, Jackson j T.'ie reason for tiie superstition that •S2 bids bring bad luck are problem ati­ In ord er to allay a m isunderstand ' county looks h o tte r all the tim e. prices. New and used Sewing Twelve m onths ago m ost of the six' Tk labor cost of producing th e ' cal. Ing am ong some as to w hat eonsti I M achines for sale or rent. Garde;: ! m illion farm ers of the U nited State. One popular explanation is th at folks ! .......... u “ ‘lcu o ia ic . crops of 1922 was still fu rth e r re- tu te s news and w hat a d v e rtis in g ,' tools and everything for the Now comes the tim e of year when are afraid they will pass a “two” for a ■ w ere s ta rtin g on the long h ard climb dticed. T here were some su b stan tial * p rin t th is very sim ple rule, which farm er. Is u sed by new spapers to d iffe re n ti­ m en sw ear off of m ost everything “one.” Gamblers and sports, partieu- | out ° f *he valley of econom ic depres- reductions in fre ig h t rates. Much a te betw een th em : “ ALL fu tu re except sw earing off of sw earing off. lari' , carry their money in heavy rolls sion. They have not yet a tta in e d th e . helpful legislation has been enacted PEiL’S CORNER .-vents. w here an adm ission charg ! wiiii tl.e largest bills inside, and claim heights w hidh a re / 4thed! ia th e j and m ore wiil be th is w inter. In te r- Is m ade or a collection is tak en IS of prosperity est rate s a re low er and the credit <$> <♦>•♦> ■$> <♦> <$> <$> <$■ <$> y ; th.ti it is easy to peel a $2 bill from g rate fu l sunshine A D VERTISIN G.” T his applies to ! g o l e m s (:m dnd i S r ^ , a Z ; Ke ^ n T ’ indeed; . 1’;aVe faUen by the - a y A t r a i n has been eased. This has m ade, org an izatio n s an d societies of ever? J ♦ PEOPLE’S FORUM kind as well as to Individuals. er? frequently follow as to the denomi- O tners a re still in th e valley. Never- it possible for m any farm ers who All rep o rts oi such activities after theless, as we stop a bit and look j were ra th e r heavily involved to r e - 1 nation of the bill passed. they have o c c u rre d .is nows. To the E d ito r: backw ard, we can see th a t very colt­ fund H allow een in this. Crops have been good, on the been given by legislation and by ad- o. the s ta te a com plete directory h a s, “Cure” That Costs Nothing Is One of country, and considering thnt All Whole. Prices of the m ajo r crons m in istratio n activities stro n g econ- flavor and m akes healthy children m an-of-all-w ork. In case you ’as well as grown people happy Saints’ day was originally kept on the! been compiled of the daily and week-! the A ttractions at Famous • have not guessed it already, it’s 1 st o f May, there wouid appear io be i a ''e ni0Stly consWerably higher cm ic forces a re a t work to resto re a; All of our bakestuff is of the V» allace Reid in th e role he nas ly new spapers iu O regon, tiie w o r k 1 Coney Island. m ore norm al relatio n betw een a g ri­ but little doubt that Hallowe’en and W hlle th e re bas been a correspond highest quality. in th e new W illiam de Mille pro­ being u n d ertak en by “ Oregon Ex-! ------ W alpurgis have a common origin, in & advance in the prices of the c u ltu re and o th e r industries. duction fo r P aram ount, “ Clar- Mud packs, which cost $2 apiece at LITH IA BAKERY 1 hanges,” a publication for tiie new s­ ance.” beauty parlors, and which enjov enu- , w! i '1, doubtless, dates back to the (th in g s the farm er m ust buy, th e tc- The peril in the a g ric u ltu ra l de­ paper men of the s ta te of Oregon, sldem ble fame as wrinkle eradicators en:l:cst belief in a personal and all-j tai sum which farm ers will receive pression is m ore keenly realized by rd ite d by George S. T u rn b u ll, a m em - and skin beautiners among tiie fair powerful Evil one. | for the crops of th is year is g re a te r o th er roups th an ever before, and bar of the faculty of th e school of sex, may he had for nothing at Coney The German peasants believe that j by a billion and a h alf dollars on every hand a sincere desire is be- jo u rn alism of th e U niversity of Ore- Island, writes a New York eorrespond- on W alpurgis night there is a witch! or gathering gathering of of evil e v il s spirits n irils i ' ' i d 1 In.I i an hi don gon. In p resenting th e new spaper ent ° f the Pittsburgh Dispatch. Which festival, stival, or men of the sta te with a d irectory of exPlains tiie amazing sight offered on the summit of the Brocken, in the for th e crops of last year. This will safely to help the fa rm e r b e tte r his th is n atu re, the U niversity of Ore- visit,,rs to the beach, when S°0 bathers Hertz mountains, and the malign in­ c ertain ly m ean b e tte r tim es on th e condition. appeared in mud masks, their faces fluence of this convocation is believed farm , and farm folks will be able to E very th in g considered, we have gon has rendered a great service to P o la r W «tic Soap— ¿5 bars coated with black and yellow clay. to be felt all over the surrounding ease up a little on the g rinding econ- good reason to expect still b e tte r ÜH.OO th e press. P e e t's C hips— 2 x t u i i d s ........................................................... Gi.OO The mud for the masks was obtained 1 U'.iry. It was an old custom, and omy they w ere forced to practice the th in g s for a g ric u ltu re in th e year Though of prim ary im portance to wht here contractors are working on tiie sri*l observed in some places, to light preceding year, Ivory Loup Ch>. — 19 pk g s............................................................. S I.90 ,1923. men and women in the profession, nc ■w Coney island boardwalk. Sand great bonfires of straw or brush on i Fancy Rb»“ Rose R 'c c — 14 p o u n d s.................................................. S I.99 the directory contains m uch of gen­ from sand suckers is being pumped that night, to drive away the spirits of No. I M a c a ro n — 3 pounds 25c— 14 pounds ............................ S1.99 e ra l interest. Among the o u tsta n d ­ to build the new Iteacii, pipes a foot in dai : u p supposed to be hovering in R est R olled Oats---- 1 pounds 25c— 18 jiounds ............................ #1.90 ing tab u la tio n s of the directory a re diam eter throwing up d ay , mild and the air. Rest P eab erry Ck, .e —35c a pound— 3 pounds for .............. 31.00 th e listing of 187 daily and weekly water. Tiie d a y is caught as it comes No. 1 Brazil N uts— 5 pounds ........................................................... $1.90 from the pipes and applied to the “Walking” Millinery Shops. I ublications. The »addition of the face, where it hardens into a black No. 1 Soft Shell W aln u ts— 35c a pound— 3 pounds lo r . . S I.99 In a certain section of Mexico there publications of less frequent issuance mass. The bathers then lie on the are women who wear 150 hats at one ALL FLOURS HAVE ADVANCE RUT WE A R E SELLING AT will bring the total betw een 200 and sand in the sun. in order to get tiie time. They are “walking” millinery THE OLD PRICE 225 for the state. The num ber of full effect of t lie “cure.” i shops. GOME IN AND SEE US B E FO R E YOU BUY daily papers in th e s ta te outside of Instead of “setting up shop,” the Lone Ranger Exercises Memory. P o rtlan d is given a t 23, and includ ­ Mexican woman carries her store Alone as a forest ranger in a remote ! around witli her. Tiie hats, which are ing P o rtla n d , 28. Six of these are section of tiie Cascade mountains, iu of light straw , are for sale, and the m orning papers, P o rtlan d has th re e the state of Washington, George Kil­ w a l'in g millinery shop often carries! evening and two m orning papers. 61 NORTH MAIN STREET gore, a former University of Washing­ '■ ait fifty baskets witli her beside*. E ight cities of th e sta te outside ton student, has memorized practically And tiie baskets are not small fancy H. A. STEARNS J. L. BARNTH0USE of P ortland have two daily new spa­ all of the New Testam ent and three ' : lairs, but oftentim es are of half- pers, and eight have tw o weeklies books of poems. In addition to tiie hushel size. It is usually the Indian ' each. P apers are published in 132 mental exercise he lias completed an women who do this, and the hats and j entire dining room set of buffet, tea baskets are woven in most attractive 1 com m unities. No few er th an seven ÿ r » ■ jar table, dining table, six chairs and a -»» weekly new spapers have womer. for tern pedestal from hand split and Indian designs. Tiie prices of these hand-made a rti­ th e ir editors. Two of these a re full hewn fir and cedar wood. The fund cles are very low. Baskets that would ow ners. One, th e Long Creek Cure polished in its natural color is -ell for a dollar In American money “a R n g e r” conducted by Grace P o rter, worth more than his year's salary. l or only a few cents in Mexico, and is a one-w om an paper, for Miss P o r­ In three w inter months Kilgore 'nos which sell for 35 or 50 eents would te r does all th e work h erself, edi­ trapjied near his cabin more than $500 cost many dollars in other countries. worth of pelts. to ria l, business and m echanical. A n­ No one will deny IU* im portance of up-to-date lire fig h tin g ap p aratu s. iS o th e r of these, th e M aupin ’ rim es,” ? Acccnt on Scream- “ Habeas Corpus” Act. The efficiency of o u r fire dep artm en t m ust alw ays be m aintained. Tbe “H abeas Corpus Act” was conducted by Mrs, Jessllin e E. Mor- All agreed th at she was an exceed But a fte r all is done in the way of p rep aratio n for fire fighting, Un ­ rison, is an all-w om an paper with Ingly pretty girl. H er dresses were passt 1 Iu the reign of Charles II, and is a very larg e elem ent of “ luck” in the resu lts, w hen it comes to a re I d la : » 1 a provision of sim ilar charac­ no man em ployed in any capacity in tllc l a i ^ i inode. Men were irresist- , test. In the A storia co n flagration, the fire loss was g rea tly inert tsed b ; l out the place. nttraeftnl to her. The only draw- ter in Magna Charta, to which also It : high wirtds and b u rstin g w ater m ains; when the W asbingtoa High School 1 back w as her deafness, a serious handi­ added certain details. W hile the publications of less Tbe act provides that any man taken cap. One adm irer after another building burned a few weeks ago. a sw eeping fire would probably h v.- f uent issue a re not included in th e ca|iP4 perhaps attended her to some to prison can insist that the person destroyed a large section of P o rtlan d , if it had not been for a lit b- rain t:- I resent list, it is planned at a la te r socia, affair< but in tbe end thev who charges him with crime shall bring ' V?. . et* iî th a t cam e ju s t in tim e to protect this property. d a te to com pile such a directory. As fell away. The news that she was en- tin bodily before a court and state nearly as can be ascertain ed there gaged to h e m arried naturally tm- ■ ■ why and wherefore of his deten­ It is never safe to depend upon “ lu ck ” for th e protection of your th n. A? soon as this is done tiie court a re 771 persons em ployed in th e edi- pressed her friends. Two old ad «• , property, when you can get INSURANCE THAT WILL MAKE YOU SURE - to decide w hether the accused is to t rial, business and circulation d e -' m irers were discussing tiie news. Call us today. “It must have been funny proposing j ■ ? adm itted to hail. ; a rtn ie n ts of th e daily, sem i-w eekly to a deaf girl like her,” said one. Imprisonment iu fact, must he either a n d w eekly new spapers of Oregon.! “F u n n y ! I’ll say so,” said the other 5»r punishm ent a fte r conviction, or for D E B E D A N IELS achieves some rem ark ab le effects in the new Of these, 140 a re women. The “It must have been a scream.”—New »¡ife custody till the time of trial. E stab lish ed 1883 U P aram o u n t P ictu re, “ Singed W ings,” which has bdeft produced m onthlies and q u a rte rlie s will b rin g , York Times. by P enrhyn Stanlaw s. She is shown h e re doing th e m oth dance th ese figures close to 1000 The me- 1 th a t symbolizes the nam e o f the production, m aking a com bination cbanlcal em ployes of the new spapers A w ant ad will sell i t Try the classified colum ns. o f lights and shadows th a t will be very novel on the screen. /£Æi! '■ ^§