A shland D aily *♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦« • ASHLAND CLIMATE, wnnoui « <> the aid of medicine, cures nine Q> $ cases out of ten of asthma. ❖ «> This is a proven fact. « (International News Wire Service) VOLUME 4 (Successor to the Semi-W eekly Tidings, Voi. 43) AMERICA SHALL TWO M. C. GRANDDADS JOHNSON AXD MOSES D ISA P­ PROVE BORAH S PROPOSED ( ’ON KEREN! E FEAR IS EXPRESSED REGARDING MEETING Bo; it D eclare It W ould M ake This Count iv a Pari o f th e E uropean System anti B ring About an A w ful Muddle. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1922 COMING EVENTS $> ---------- <$> D ecem ber 31— C hristm as can- , ! tata (re p e a te d ). W atch serv- , <$> Ices. M ethodist church. Decem ber 31— W atch serv- <§> , ices. P resb y terian church. <•' i> Monday J a n u a ry 1, 1923. <> i Ja n u a ry 1-5— W eek of prayer -$> I • in A shland churches. <$> , •> Ja n u a ry 8—-School reopens. <*• i •> J a n u a ry 9— T heresa Sheehan com pany, Lyceum course. <• PAST 12 MONTHS REGARDED J a n u a ry 26 — “ C aptain of • PR E SE N T SU PPLY WILL RE CON- SATISFACTORILY BY SUMED WITHIN 48 > <$> P ly m o u th .’’ H igh school oper- e tta . <§> : <$> <5> <•' <§> & NEW YEAR W ILL KEEP UP PROSPERITY STRIDES I i U n settled C onditions in Many F o r­ eig n C ountries, Particularly E u-' rope, Held to D epress Trade and P rices of A gricultu ral P rod u cts. ♦ ♦ * $ No. 99 ; <§> BRIGHT FUTURE IN Ü.S. INDUSTRY STATE SENATORS tidings MALARIA GERMS cannot sur- <$> vive th re e n o n th s in th e rich €> ozone at A shland. The pure do- <$> m estic w a te r helps. KLAN FOR A SPORTSMAN FUEL WHEN HIT MN OF BELLEVIEW CALLED II F E A R OF EXPO SURE RAMPANT THROUGH MER ROUGE DISTRICT INCLEMENT WEATHER PARALYZES TRAFFIC WHOLESALE ARRESTS ARE BEING EXPECTED T rains U nable to Bring C om m odities To City W hile H igh W inds Halt Ste.unship Trips; G ale E stim ated At (¡0 M .les Per Hour. I Lips That Once BcuUed o f “ 1OO Per Cent A m tiiea n istn '’ Now Silent; Most S en sation al Prob«- in Nation's H istory Is Looked for. Gov’ John Parker o£ Louisiana, « h o is trying to stam p out the Ku Klux Little Miss Virginia Aswell Cantrill, WASHINGTON, Dec. 29.— Busi­ • „ ' ! Kian in his state, is an enthusiastic W ASHINGTON, D ee. 2 9 ,— T he age two months, who has the unique BASTROP, La., Dec. 29.— D isinte­ NEW \ ORK, Dec. 29. W hile Newj sportsman. Tills exclusive photograph Itorah am endm ent w as d efeated, i distinction of being the granddaughter ness and ind u stry in A m erica now; g ration of the local branch of the York shivered in 20 degrees above of 1dm was taken when he was out of two congressmen, Asvvell of Louis- 'a p p ro a c h in g the beginning of the : K nights of the Ku Klux K ian, zero w eather ,the city is m enaced by limiting recently. W ith . iana and Cantrill of Kentucky. Vlr- ' New Y ear, can reg ard its progress WASHINGTON, Dec. 29. th ro u g h fear of w holesale a rre s ts the w orst fuel crisis in its history, the full p ressu re of the a d m in is tra -,'k'lnla ‘s ¿ he da" ^ te \ ° f M^ a “ d Mr3’ in the past 12 m onths w ith satisfac-! «.on û h t a d them . Senatore Mo.ee, o f| * » ■ » E' C»“lr t " « j ,.on and look forw ard to continued lan d the prosecution of m em bers re- as th ere is but 48 h o u rs’ supply on l! I su itin g from the kidnapping and prosperity next year, S ecretary ofj . Mrs. ? n n Gowlaud a resid en t of band. New H am pshire, and Jo h n so n , of ; j m u rd erin g of W att Daniels and ; this te c t’on for m c r; t i a n 30 years, Snow has blocked m any railro ad I Com m erce H oover said today. C alifornia, poured vials of disapprov-j Thom as R ichards, is ram p an t all He pointed out th a t “ unsettled passed away a t the L me of her son lines leading to freight term in a ls al on S enator B o rah ’s proposal for th ro u g h o u t M oorhouse parish. Ke- i conditions in foreign countries, par- and daughter-in-law , Mr. and Mrs. w here fuel is unloaded. The storm a world econom ic and disarm am en t ! ports have it th a t th e klar.sm en have j tic u la rly in E urope, a re still depress- Jam es E. Gow land, in Belleview, began w ith a gale which sw ept all conference. , silently disrobed on the o rd ers of lin g o u r tra d e to a ce rtain extent and T hursday evening a t 6:45 o’clock, a t the ea ste rn states, the rain tu rn in g Johnson said: “ It will em broil us 1 E xalted Cyclops Skipw orth, and th a t have kept prices of a g ric u ltu ra l pro- the age of 86 years, six m onths and to sleet, and the sleet to snow. A 60 in E uropean controversies and m ake i m em bers have agreed to keep locked ducts below th e level of o th e r com-! 17 aays. The rem ains are a t th e m ile gale is blowing. A m erica a p a rt of the E uropean sys­ | behind th e ir own lips the identity of J. P. Dodge & Sons u n d e rta k in g p ai- Fog, snow and high wind has halt m odities.” te m .” I every m em ber. The figures show th a t textile m ills ¡ois. F u n eral services will be held ed steam ship tra ffic, while deep Moses said, “ for A m erica to sit in * i P ersons who once spoke freely of a re 20 per cent m ore active th an Sunday aftern o o n , 2:30 o’clock, from slush is frozen over th e stre e ts th e E uropean gam e m eans it would Two A shland youths, yet in their! ' 1®® Per cent A m ericanism are last year w hile the iron and steel in- the Episcopal church, with the Rev. have to act as um pire betw een Eng-i teens, are m eeting w ith m arked sue- r o «’ silent when asked concerning I d u strv increases its o u tp u t ab o u t 70 P. K. H am m ond officiating. In te r land and Belgium on one side and LOS ANGELES, Dec. 29.— “ Los; per cent. O ther in d u stries also show m ent will be m ade in the fam ily plot cess in th e radio statio n they have be persons who a re said to have F ra n ce and Italy on the o th er in a Angeles is adding to its population) constructed. W ork was begun ab o u t tak en the law into th e ir hands. One I in the H argadine cem etery. re p a ra tio n s m uddle. O ur natioanl : a whole city the size of F o rt W o rth ,! a m onth ago and the statio n is now prom inent p la n te r of th is d istric t, __________________ i Mrs. Gowland was born in London, gam e d e m o n strates the com fortable) Texas; C am bridge, Mass., or Albany, I perfo rm in g even, beyond th e ir ex- wlto was closely connected with the E ngland, and a fte r her m arriage, position the um pire occupies. I have New York. F or tw o years th ere has pectations. N early every night they klan, stated th at 4 0 kuinsm en gatli- moved to the U nited States, locating no desire ten see Uncle Sam “ b ean ed ” been con stan tly in course of construe-; a re able to pick up Lyons, France, e re a in the solemn d ark n ess of the a t M ankato, Minn., in 1886. She! by a pop bottle throw n from E u ro ­ while code m essages from the radio L ouisiana fo re st near Spyker and set tion 15,000 bu ild in g s.” rn d her husband came to A shland ia | pean bleach ers.” This asto u n d in g sta te m e n t isj 1889. Mr. Gowland -lied in , 1901 | i statio n a t F unsabshl, Ja p an , a re also (*re a 'l rob«;» and re-o rd of the J u d g e ! received klan to evade entanglem ent in what quoted from Southern C a lifo rn ia ' WASHINGTON, Dec. 29.- She was the m other of th ree sons, MANY HAVE NO LIGHTS ’ one of them , Jam es E. Gowland, of; Coke, of M arshfield, has been recom -j R ichard R ing age 17, and Eugene prom ises to be the most sensational B usiness, official publication of the DUE TO SHORT CIRCUIT cham ber of com m erce. Belleview, surviving. m ended by S enators McNary a n d , W illard, age 16, are the two boys probe in the history of the nation. In the death of Mrs. Gowland ¿ha| S tanfield for federal d istric t a tto r-jw h o b uilt the statio n a t 128 South Spyker is the home o 1 B urnett, C ontinuing the a rticle says: F o r m ore th an th re e ho u rs Thttrs- The recom m enda-' Pioneer. Tue m aterial was bought *be first m an to be a tte s -d. day night four men of th e city e le c -) “ New buildings are being com plet-j PORTLAND, Dec. 29.— Two m o re 1 com m unity loses one of its pioneer ney for Oregon. tric ia n ’s d e p a rtm e n t were kept busy ed a t »be ra te of one every 20 m in­ stre e t tra ffic victim s died today. O. women and it is w ith th e g rea test tions will go to th e sen ate next w e e k .' piece a t a tim e, and the two boys, betw een 6 o’clock and 9 o ’clock, in utes. To carry on th is w ork it is McConnell » who was str tuck by a reg re t th a t w ord of her death was This will allow G overnor Olcott to w ithout outside aid, erected the en- D EER GOES THROUGH GATE learned. HU the circu it co u rt vacancy caused tire set. The a e rial is 20 feet ini AT SAVAGE RAPIDS DAM an effo rt to locate a sh o rt circuit estim ated th a t at least 145,000 per- stre e t c ar yesterday, and Mrs. Louise! i , u u io c | I by th e retire m e n t of Judge Coke. heighth and 120 feet long, consisting th a t caused six blocks to be w ithout SOI1S a le co nstantly engaged in Lowell, 86 years of age, who stepped A big buck deer went th rough one --------------------------i of a tw o-step audio-am plifier. The lights. All outside term in a ls and building operations. lin fro n t of an autom obile driven by H om er Bill tigs IB— of the gates of the Savage Rapid: “ The buildings com pleted so far! ¡G eorge H utchison. ¡sta tio n is also equipped w ith a tra n s It is probable; H om er Billings, of th e B illings \ "siting front Salem — leads into residences w ere tested. F uses at the term in a ls were placed, Ib ’s >e a i - each placed on a 50-foot t jia t inquests will be held. J. P. S tearns, of Salem , b ro th e r m ittin g set of one-half kilow att dam . stru ck the deep pool a t the real e sta te and insurance agency, has bottom and cam e out alive recently, only to be “ blow n” im m ediately. Af- lo t, woilld m ake a s tre e t 190 m ile s ! been confined to his home this week of H. . S tearns, of the Plaza m ark e t, j spark. The beys plan on adding a according w to a story told b> by the dam •phone set in the n ear fu tu re. te r in num erable a tte m p t- to locate lo»g- b u ilt solid on both sides of t h e j T idings classified ads get r e s u lts ., on account of a severe cold. I is spending a few days in Ashland. | W hile S eattle is th e best distance ten d e r in the G rants Pass Daily th e tro u b le, one fuse was finally in- s tr e e t- _ _ _ _ _ ----------------- ---------------------------------- i in tra n sm ittin g , m usic has been pick- C ourier. . The deer, chased by a dog. serted and no fu rth e r trouble occur- The building perm its for l» 2 0 ; . - led up from W ashington D. C„ and P a r te d to swim to the no rth hank : , TT .. ’ - ju st above the dam , but could not from H aw aii. ,, „ ,, I Both of the youth are incorporated get »P the steep wall. It followed one of the residences or business 1922 tbey wiU rn n wel1 over the an d have been assigned id entification th e boom a ro u a d tbe PUI"P hoJ ,f!p’ bouses in th e d istrict affected, as all $115.000.000 m ark. ( ¡num bers. Ring signs 7AAJ, w hile and Plu n Sed tb lo ^ h gate No. 3 on outside w iring was carefully inspect- “ Tbis m akes a to ta l of $243.784.- the n o rth end of the dam. It stre c k ed. W hether the sh o rt circuit was 986 for tb e tb re e years and ig a b o u t> W illard appends 7AGM to his send- TO TH E HONORABLE C O M M O N 'their perp etu al electric light frail-; tak e w ater from Neil creek, tu rn in g . An effo rt is being m ade to th e pool but m anaged to get to shore th e resu lt of carelessness or deliber­ the to tal of the assessed valuation of OP cliise in the city. in irrig a tio n d istric t w ater to tak e all Los Angeles property 12 y e a r s . COUNCIL AND TH E PEO PLE tu n e in and receive from the big ately done is not known. The sales of electricity last year th e place of th e w ater we would take foot fall over the dam. the gate being ago. In o th er words in th re e years CITY OF ASHLAND: radio sta tio n a t N auen, Germ any. were $50,841.86, and the sales of out of Neil creek a t a higher level. the city h as added new buildings Of ad d itio n al in te re st to local ra ­ down. BROCCOLI CROP COMING w ater last year were $27,371.27, W ith the Neil creek w ater th u s se- A lthough the rains of the past JANUARY e(l ual to th e assessed value of all the! dio fans was the clearness w ith ON EARLY IN m aking a to tal of $78,213.13 yearly cured, it could be b rought in in ‘ th ree days have kept the irrig a tio n In com pliance w ith the provisions property in the city up to 1910. This . . . . . . ¡w hich an address given by tne presi- „ ., th e sale of w ater and pipes and dropped into A shland creek , x f ditches of the Savage Rapids project ROSEBURG, Dec. 2 9 — According is a record th a t will stan d out in the of ou r city c h a rte r req u irin g a yearly incom e from , i den t of th e cham ber or com m erce, oi ■ m essage from the m ayor, I hereby light. T here will alw ays be the ex- above the lig h t plant and about as Log eleg was heard last night filied witb w ater winch drained from to F o re st B utner, of th e U m pqua w orld’s building h isto ry ." i ,, x t . the hills, they w ent th ro u g h undam - m ake the following rep o rt and re c -'p e u se of help, rep airs and new lines much electricity as we now a re niak- Broccoli exchange, the work of h a r - ------------------------- , according to Glenn Simpson. In the ” . aged. In places, th e o u tlets have om m endations: as the city grows. A fter the light ing could he produced, and also have . . . v esting th e crop will begin early in course of the discussion, th e great; & O ur w ater d e p a rtm e n t is en tirely bonds a re paid off which will be in the w ater for irrig atio n and dom es"i am ount of building now going on in been tam pered w ith and serious J a n u a ry , provided the w e a th er con­ . dam age m ight have resulted had they lo u t of debt, and we have $24,452 in 1930, the net earnings from the light tic purposes. Should the council de tin u e s favorable. He m ade it plain, th a t city was stated. ! not been discovered in tim e. A cash and in bonds in th e treasu ry , and w ater dep artm en ts can be tu rn ed cide to do this, the electric light de-| how ever, th a t m uch depends upon I thorough investiga, .-n of the canals We have recently bought pipe for a into th e general fund and our taxes p a rtm en t would have the greater) conditions because if a h ard freeze is being m ade. new w ater m ain on “ A” stre e t have will be the lowest of any place I p a rt of the expense to bear. The m ain ■ should come it m ight delay th e h ead ­ * . I 'ra is e d th e low er dam and put in a know of in the sta te . To do this, will th ing is to buy the w ater from the ing u t process considerably. P resent AID ASK ED FOR INDIANS large ro ta ry screen (w hich w orks undoubtedly req u ire a c h a rte r d istrict, and th u s have it as an ever-! in dications a re very favorable for a * splendidly in se p ara tin g sticks, leaves am endm ent, which we will all be ready resource to fall back upon. ON KLAMATH RESERVATION big crop and several car loads of -L iquor or an y th in g th a t may drop into the glad to vote. D uring the past two years several WASHINGTON, Dec. 29. c ra te s have been received a t th e KLAMATH FALLS. Dec. 29.— The w arehouses here and are being dis- sm ugglers im ported 100,00 cases of creek and work its way into t h e ( W e have paid off debts and bonds new sew er d istric ts have been con-' trib u te d to grow ers. C rates for th e w hiskey, w orth $10,000,000 a t boot- pipes), and have b u ilt a se ttlin g t a n k [since I have been your m ayor, stru cted and bonds issued in pay-; proposal of F red A. BaSer, su p e rin ­ tendent of the K lam ath Indian re se r­ R iddle and E denbow er sections a re leg prices d u rin g th e week before of two com partm ents. This gives am ounting to $, and have m ent th erefo r. We have also re-; also being delivered th is week, and C hristm as, governm ent in v estig ato rs the m eters a fair chance to fu n c tio n 1 called $15,000 of bonds, which we funded the deficit in the B ancroft vation, to postpone repaym ent of the ST. LOUIS, Dec. 29.— W illiam loan m ade by th e governm ent to the everything will be in readiness for say. I properly, thereby m aking it possible will pay off the last of this m onth, paving bonds, am ounting to $37,000 Dresideut of the Lemp Brew ­ Indians was given the approval of ta k in g care of th e crop early in th e They say the fleets a re able to for everyone to get w hat he pays fo r,'m a k in g a to tal of debts paid of $164,- and to tak e care of such refu n d in g . com m itted suicide to- m ake safe landings in Am erica w ith and to pay for w hat he gets -which 409.12, leaving the city indebtedness issue have created a sinking fund day by firin g a b u lle t into his own th e cham ber of com m erce board of m onth. d irectors, w ith the recom m endation $345,111.81 on Ja n u a ry 1, 1923. which should produce sufficient • booze since prohibition vessels are is perfectly fair. h eart. The m illionaire brew er is th a t th e Indians pay w hatever m ay held w ithin the tb re e m ile lim it. We have paved the Pacific high-! W e have been able to reduce our funds to tak e care of the said re- , pgy^tjie from funds« derived from ly. She is a teacher a t Union. m er T ilton and Brow n; Messrs. c ertain tim es it was alm ost impos-1 course, would itself be su itab le for ceived, also th an k you for electing been heard for some tim e aio u n d s a ie of tim ber on th e reservation, Miksch. F red and P aul K oehler, sible to draw a load up the hill. irrig a tio n alone w ithin the city lim - me for th re e successive term s, the here by a num ber of residents, w hb MARRIAGE KEI*T QUIET R ush, W right and Robison. All en­ We have also b u ilt new roads its: how ever, if it w ere secured it last two term s not even having any- a re firm in th e ir belief th a t p e a c e PARLEYS ARE FO R MORE THAN A W EEK joyed the evening thoroughly. from T errace s tre e t to Glen View could be m ade to relieve th e burden one nom inated against -me. I have will have an early spring. Frogs and OPENED AT DI BLIX A ndrew B ilderback and Miss Nel- ______________ drive and from N utlev s tre e t to upon the A shland creek w ater system tried to use all of pu r people as I tree toads have been croaking tor lie T refren slipped quietly away DUBLIN, Dec. 29.— Secret peace S traw berry lane, established police m aterially . If the T alent irrig a tio n would like to be used, and as fa r as some tim e and m eadow larks have from th e city T hursday aftern o o n , C cnneil to be F eted— Lilac bushes a re show- negotiations were opened yesterday The Civic Im provem ent club will p atrol up A shland creek canyon, d istric t consents to let the city have possible to give everyone a sq u are been seen Decem ber 21, and w ere m arried by ing signs of grow th and have buds betw een F ree S taters and Irish Re- Rev. F. C. Becker, of Jacksonville, be hosts a t a 6 o’clock d in n er a t the m ade a new electric light co n tract w hat irrig a tio n w ater they can use. deal. W hile th e w ork has tak e n a great as large as finger ends in some yards, publicans. The seat of negotiations The announcem ent of the w edding Civic club building th is evening to w ith the C alifornia Oregon Pow er it w ould seem th e b e tte r p a rt of B. L am kin and m em bers com pany a t a reduction of $100 per wisdom to buy it as soon as possible, portion of my tim e, and the respon- The m ildest w eath er, sim ilar to was not repealed, but cam e as a su rp rise to both firends M ayor C - This could be handled by the w ater sibility has been heavy a t tim es, I balm y spring, has been prevailing dent is inform ed th a t they a re tax ng and relatives. of th e outgoing city council. On m onth, secured dism issal of a law C hristm as w ith w arm rains. It place in a town outside of Dublin. Mr. and Mrs. B ilderback are a t Monday evening, Ja ilu a ry 1, M ayor suit in th e suprem e co u rt, secured a d e p a rtm e n t w ithout th e issue of any am glad th a t I have been m ayor of since present living at th e E dw ard B arron Lam kin will have th e o th e r m em bers receipt for a $ 2 5 0 0 h eat bill which bonds. F u rth e r if th e T alent irri- the celanest and best city of its size is quite common to hear various h.ir Sexeral heads oi a n rin e the -- - - 1 ’ - o u r fair sta te of Oregon. Sincerely, bingers of spring in Ja n u a ry , but tioti and arm y left Dublin n u n n g rne ranch. They expect to m ake th e ir of th e council to his hom e for a fare- ; we felt we should not pay, and the gation d istric t w a te r was secured we in m orning. C. B. LAMKIN. seldom in December. fu tu re hom e In o r n e a r A shland. well dinner. J power com pany in addition gave up would be in a position to be able to: LOS ANGELES SEES EVERV 20 M I K STREET ACCIDENTS ARE FATAL TO TWO Accomplishments Feature Work of Council During Past Year in Annual Report by Lamkin WEALTHY B O E R TAKES OWN LIFE