afflSLASB DALLI TIDINGS Thursday, Decem ber 28, 1922 One cent the w ord each um ». new s T H F S M A R .T SACHET I'HYSíULANÉs. DK ER N EST A. WOODS— PracUc lim ited to eye, ear, nose an th ro a t. Office hours, 10 to 12 an 2 to F Sw edsntturg Bldg., A«t land. Ore 73-t DK. J. J. EM HEN'S— P hyslc’an an feuigeoa. P ractice lim ited t- eye, ear, nose and th ro at. Glasse supplied Oculist and a u rtst fo S. P. R. R. Offices, M. F. and H Bldg., M edford, Ore. Phone i 8 DR. M ATTIE B. SHAW — Residence and office, 108 P ioneer avenue. Telephone 28. Office house, 10 to 12 a. m .; 2 to 5 p. m., only. DR. H. M. SHAW — Physician ami Surgeon. Special a tte n tio n Eyes, E a rs, Nose, T h ro a t. Glasses f i t ­ ted. Room 6, Mills-McCall Block. Phone 79 or 28. Local and Personal K oi b ie r's A ie G uestr— Rev. and Mrs. K oehler and the boys w ere (I nner guests of Mrs. Riley and h er m other, on High stre e t, Tuesday. Delicious ro ast tu rk ey w ith all its accom panim ents were en ­ joyed. If you w ant the best th e re bacon, boiled ham s, chipped lard and s lp rte n in g , get it a t rick's. W e sell for less. is in beef, Det- 48tf W h i t e C A R A C í / í . PC f f SPORTS'WPA K. W atch Service Is P lan n ed — The P resb y terian C hdistian E ndea- DR. G. ( ’. P H E T T E P L A i'E — D entist vor society will hold a w atch night Office hours, 9 to 12 and 1:30 to -se rv ic e Sunday night. The reg u lar 4:30. Office phone 151; residence pra yer m eeting will be held a fte r phone 201-J. Camps Building, ’ , . , j „ tic.»»- church, instead of betore, followed; A shland, Oregon. 9btt * " 1 ■■■■■"- ■ .. l — — _ l j !---------- by a song service a B.ble contest, | CHIROPRACTORS speciai m usic and talk s and a p ray er | DR. E. B. ANGELL— C hiropractic service u ntil 12. They invite a n y ! and E lectro-T herapy. The combi of th e young people of the o ther nation does w onders. F irs t Nat 1 cjju rches to join them if they care B ank Bldg. Phone 48-1 42. to come. F red K oehler will lead. H ouse Calls /M > F r u it cake and m ince m eat tim e 13 FO R prom pt and c a r e f u T ^ l ^ here. F o r citron, orange and lemon au to tru c k s or horse drays, cal peel, raisin s, c u rra n ts , figs, spices. W h ittle T ra n sfe r Co. Phone 11" sugar, etc., D etrick ’s G roceteria sells Office, 89 Oak stre e t near Hote i for je3g 48tf Ashland. 5t»t’ _____ T R A N SFE R AND E X PR E SS T. L. PO W ELL— GENERAL TRANS F E R — Good team and motor able price. Phone 83 /ff e r E N /, _ if f P A P O P W H IT E C A R A C U L - I T looks like a w hite w inter! • Y our b rillian t sw eaters of scar­ let and flam ing yellow, your gay stocking caps of verm illion, your socks of orange or g r e e n ! All won­ derfu l a g ain st a field of snow or against a sky of fro st grey— W hat could be b e tte r? W hat? W orking D uring V acation— Paul W agner and P aul K oehler a re helping w ith th e invoicing at Sim pson’s h ard w are store. VETERINARY Cheap insu ran ce is costly a t any DR. J. P. ""CHISHOLM - G raduate W alker Ave. V eterinary ' price. F o r sound in su ran ce a t rea- ! sonable ra te s, see B illings Agency. CON VA LESCENT HOM E E stablished 1883. 34tf CONVALESCENT HOME — Good ______ _ cheer. Good care. Good food.; T erm s reasonable. 153 G r a n ite ' A tten ds M ission M eeting— St. Phone 411-R._______ 306-lm o Rev. C. F. K oehler was in Med­ ford yesterday a t a m eeting of the FOR RENT. | P resb y terian Home M issions com- FO R RENT— M odern th re e room j raittee> furnished bungalow . In q u ire 3 5 7 1 _ _______ V ista St. P hone 122. 96tf __ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _________ ________ P iano T u ning— FOR RENT— T hree room furnished | Now is the tim e to have your piano a p a rtm e n t, clean and c o m fo rta b le .; tuned. Carl H. Loveland. Studio, 66tf close in. Phone 263-R or call a t 135 E ast Main. Phone 465. 369 H argadine. 97-2 FOR EXCHANGE R eturns to P ortland— Miss T helm a H eer and Mrs. Alta A nderson expect to re tu rn to P o rt­ land today. They w ere called home by th e death of th e ir fath e r, L. .1. Heer. FO R TRADE— 160 a c re u n in cu m ­ bered ranch on Pacific highw ay a n d county road, n e a r H ilt; small house and outb u ild in g s: good stock o r chicken ranch w ith plen­ ty of wood and tillable land. W ill Always see me firs t ab o u t your tra d e for unincum bered Ashland acreag e; prefer no house, b u t in ___ su ra n c e; th e re ’s a difference; why? w ould ensider acreage w ith smalt 84tf Yeo, of course. house. E leanor G reer, 199 G ran­ ite St. 231tf* W. C. T. I ’. M eeting Held— The W. C. T. U. m eeting a t Mrs. FO R S A L E - T h r e e B arred P lym outh S tearns, on Pine stre e t, was quite well atten d ed and several business Rock roosters, $3 each. 872 B St. 93-6* m atte rs were disposed of, am ong them , a rra n g in g for a lectu re some FO R SALE— Five foot glass show tim e in Ja n u ary . case . In q u ire Plaza Confectionery. B e tte r he safe th an sorry. See 94-tf B earer R ealty Co. about your ln su r FO R SALE— Two good m ilk cows. ance. Phone 68. 287ti C lint B aughm an, 525 E a st Main 96-3" St. W alter M iksch to Leave— F O R B A LK . An outfit of pure w hite! W hite against th e snow, (specially against the city snow of a day’s standing!) W hite against th e grey sky— More b rillia n t th a n color! A sk irt of w hite, a cap of w hite, a coat of w hite— th is last of white caracul. And here we come to the point. W hite fu rs are th e th in g of the year. W hite caracul fo r both sports w ear, everyday w ear, and for evening w ear, too. F o r daytim e w ear, the caracul Is m ade up into short hip-length jackets, som etim es pocketed, and with h a ts to m atch— tains, or toques. F o r evening w ear, th e white caracul in cape form is th e thing. It is ra th e r long, b u t never should Chinese Bird Lovers. Birds play an important part in the domestic life of the Chinese. Besides using their flesh, eggs, and even their nests tts food, they keep a great many ns pets. Indeed their fondness fo: lords is one of the most pleasant fea tares of their national character Birds furnish them with much amuse­ ment. Some, like the pelican and cor­ morant, they teach to fish for them. Several kinds of bird pets are taught to cateli seeds thrown into tiie air after jumping from perches held in the hand. Except in winter one can always see people going into the open country early in the morning will) their pets, to catch grasshoppers for them and to teach their pets new songs. hang below th e ankles. A glim pse of the evening gown tw ix t th e foot and th e end of th e cape is desirable and v ery p re tty , and th e “ style.” One of these ankle length capes is shown in th e photo above, and is w orn by M ay Mc­ Avoy, th e P a ram o u n t sta r, in “ Kick In .” I t has a rev ere col­ lar th a t ta p e rs into th e cape when it reaches h a lf w ay down its length. In a season notable fo r gowns of rich fab rics of golden stuffs and silver cloths and b rillia n t bro- ' cades, fur-trim m ed frocks, exotic earrin g s, jew els, and tia ra s , it is only fitting, th a t erm ine should] take its place in the picture. And ' it certainly does. I t is trim m ing 1 the finest of black coats, a n d the-, q u ain test of black velvet gowns. And all by itself, untrim m ed, it is m aking the most luxurious opera cloaks seen in m any, m any y ears— if ever! In the sketch above, to the centre left, it is shown trim m ing a black caracul jacket. Interm ittent Grandeur. i In an aristocratic Virginia town ' where the spirit has long outlived the j letter of social grandeur, and where in the scarcity of servants any re- . spectahle colored person of tiny age ' may lie employed, some callers were received at the front door by an ample negress of tiie ’‘mammy” type. Greeting them, site apologized: “You ladies must ’scuse me for coming to the door, hut the butler's gone to s c h o o l —Ha rper’s Magazine. Lao-tsze Wrote Gospel of Taoism. Lao-tsze wrote the g- --pel of Taoism, from whose pages an immense re­ ligion grew up. Having been librarian of a Chinese king, and having much time for meditation, lie came after many years to tiie conclusion that hu­ mility was the supreme virtue. He resigned, and desired to ‘hide in se­ clusion. While passing through the gale of the palace on his way to soli­ tude t'ae warder liesouglit him: “ You are about to withdraw yourself from the world. 1 pray you write me a book before von go." thereupon sat down and wrote a hook about lialf the size of St. Mark’s gospel, lie gave this to the warder, passed through the gute and no man knows where he died. The little hook is the gospel of Tao­ ism. The word “Tao” means way— man of destiny. The advice was that men should become like little chil­ dren and act without reflection. Late Fiction for the long evenings F low in g Gold ............................$ 2 .9 9 By R sk Beach Cappy R ick s-R etires ............$2.00 By P e te r B. Kyne The Tale of T r i o n a .............. $2.00 By W illiam J. Locke B abbitt ................................. .$2.00 By the a u th o r of Main S treet In the Days of Poor R ichard $ 2 .0 0 By Irving B acheller To the Last M a n .....................$2.00 By Zane Grey The B reaking Point ............$2.00 By Mary R inehart The Shadow of the E a st . . .$ 1 .0 0 By the a u th o r of The Sheik G entle Ju lia .............................$1.75 By Booth T arklngton EXCITED WRATH OF DICKENS T roubled w ith W eak K idneys H ere from Stan ford — “ Have been tro u b led w ith weak I Leo F in n eran , a fresh m an a t Le- Great W riter, at His Best, Denounced kidneys since childhood,” w rites, land S tanford university, is spending Public Hangings, Which Were Value Qf p ublicity. Mrs. G. Hyde, Benzonia, M ichigan, the holiday vacation visiting w ith his Disgrace to English Law. “Do you y„ul- opponent has a “ Now past forty and have hail ter- b ro th er, Jo h n F in n e ra n and wife, chance in the coming election?” rible backache and th a t tired out ---------- Charles Dickens, nt the time of the „N(> „ rep,led<11. Sorghum ; O ur $30 SPECIAL can ’t be heat execution of Manning and his wiie for . «.unj ,ie doesn’t think so, either. He feeling, h ardly able to do my work. 9Ctf tiie murder of Patrick O’Connor, was accepted the nom,nation merely for By using Foley K idney P ills, accom ­ for the money. P a u lse ru d ’s. at Ids fullest power as a writer. In a the sakp of t,)e advertlslng„ panied w ith Foley C a th artic T ablets letter to the London Times lte w rote: . ■ ... — . I soon felt like a new person.” Back-1 Tax P o rtio n s “1 believe that a sight so incoiiceiv- _ _ . _____ _____ Jackson county’s portion of the ache, rheum atic pains, dizziness and ably awful as the wickedness and levi­ b lu rre d vision a re sym ptom s of kid­ sta te tax for 1923 is $242,095.93, or ty of the immense crowd collected at ney trouble. Foley K idney P ills give 2.7401 per cent of th e to tal am ount the execution this morning could he quick relief. Sold everyw here. 89tf 01 $8,835,295.39 to be raised. Jose- imagined by no man, and presented by _______ , j pliine county is assessed $67,741.01, no heathen land under tiie sun. The |a n d K lam ath county $162,728.47. I horrors of the gibbet and the crime Mrs. Gray Leaves _______ which brought tiie wretched murderers Mrs. Selma G ray, one of the clerks P olar W hite Soap— 2 5 bars ....................................................... $ 1 .9 9 We put the chicken in our tam ales, to it faded in my mind before tiie a t McGee’s, is in so u th ern C alifor­ ¡P la z a Confectionery. P oet's Soap Chips— 9 pounds ............................................................... $ 1 .9 9 90t? atrocious hearing, looks and language nia, ou an extended visit w ith her Ivory Soap (flip s — 19 p k gs................................................................. S I .99 of the assembled spectators. When 1 i came upon the scene at midnight the i parents. Fancy B lue B ose R ice— 14 p o u n d s..................................................... $ 1 .9 9 I A nderson Is B usy— shrillness of the cries and howls that ! No. 1 Maeariin,'— 3 pounds 2 5 c— 14 ixiunds .............................. $ 1 .9 9 Owing to the press of activities were raised from time to time, denot-1 H eiv from D unsm uir— Best B o iled Oats— 4 pounds 25e— 18 ]M>unds .............................. $ 1 .9 9 on the cam pus, John A nderson, a [ng that they came from a concourse | Jen n ie Beem, of D unsm uir, is vis­ Best I’eabei -y C offee— 3 5 c a pound— 3 pounds for ............... $ 1 .9 9 senior a t the U niversity of O regon,: of boys and girls already assembled in iting w ith the C harles D rue fam ily ; was unable to spend the holiday ; the best places, made my blood run | No. 1 liia z il Nuts— 5 p o u n d s ............................................................... $ 1 .9 0 on T hird stre e t. She expects to r e - ! N o. 1 S o f t S h e ll W a ln .u ts — 3 5 c a pound— 3 pounds for . . $ 1 .9 9 cold. When the two miserable crca In addition to tu rn home a fte r th e beginning of the j vacation a t hom e. tures who attracted all this ghastly I ALL FLOURS HAVE ADVANCED, BUT AVE ABE SELLING AT re g u la r work of han d lin g th e; , his sight about them were turned quiver- | New Year. She will be accom panied TH E OLD PR IC E th university news for io i m e r P u o i rtla u a u n d u i I ¡Kg j|)t0 ,]ie ujr. t j,cre was no inore by Mrs. F. S. F oltz, son and d a u g h ­ COME IN AND SEE US B EFO R E YOU BUY ter and R aym ond D rue, as fa r as T elegram , A nderson is assistin g w ith emotion, no more pity, no more thought university publicity. that two immortal souls had gone to D unsm uir. The p arty will spend a judgment, no more restraint In any of week o r so in San Francisco before the previous obscenities, than if the F u rn ish ed B un galow for R ent— re tu rn in g to A shland. name o f Christ had never been heard In railro a d d istric t; also one fac- 61 NORTH MAIN STREET in this world, and there were no belief „ , it L i ing L ith ia P a rk . P re fe r to ren t for U P among men but that they perish like All wrool su its. $15 and H. A. STEARNS J. L. BARNTHOUSE g6 t f 'te rm . Staples R ealty Agency. 98-2 tiie beasts.” P a u lse ru d ’s. , M c N a ir Bros. Special Prices to Reduce Stock Before Invoieii g PLAZA MARKET L ast m onth the A utom obile Spec-j ANOTHER VENUS SUES H ere from U. of O.— W illiam McMillan a ju n io r a t the ¡a l*st insured th re e truck.-,, si.%. a u to -i U niversity of Oregon, is home for j m obiles and 10 F ords. Phone 274-J. 84tf the holiday vacation. “ B ill.” as he ^ e0’ o£ course- is b e tte r know n, is out fo r th e varsity b ask etb all team and was a m em ber New lic e n s e s Now Ou — A utom obile ow ners in P o rtla n d of th e Phi Gam m a D elta fra te rn ity were perm itted to place the 1923 q u in te t th a t placed high in the race tag s on th e ir m achines today by for th e cup. _______ Chief of Police L. V. Jen k in s. H ere- (E ffe c tiv e January 1, 1922) W hy not have th a t photograph Copco P ay s Move D i v id e n d s - ' tofore !t has been « " ’aw ful to dis- D aily (E xcept S unday) N D m ade while the children a re home '. a : FORD LV. AS HI LV. MED At the m eeting held D ecem ber 26. « ew tags previous to the 7:00 a. m for vacation? Studio A shland will 7 :0 0 a. m. 1922, the Board of d irecto rs of t h e ) th e old t a Ss ' Many m a. m. 8:00 8 :00 a. please you. 9 1 tf 9:00 a. in. C alifornia Oregon Pow er com pany I have taken advantage of the order, 9 :00 a. m. 10:00 a. m. 1 0 :0 0 a. m. declared the re g u la r dividend of according to word from P o rtlan d , 11:00 a m Entert u 1 ned Recen11 y— 11:00 a. in. $1.75 per sh are on the p refe rre d c a p - / ” d new t a «3 are m uch ln eV1’ 12:00 aoou 12:00 no on A nother of the yuletide a ffa irs was 1:00 P. m the dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. J. ital stock of the com pany, payable ,lt>nee- 1:00 P- m. 2:00 P- m. 2:00 P- in. — —— Ja n u a ry 25, 1923 to stockholders 3:00 P. in. E. R andles. Those p resent were Mr. O rres cleans clothes. Phone 64 3:00 P m. 4:00 P- m. and Mrs. Jam es Beagle and sons, of record on J a n u a ry 15, 1923. This 4:00 P- m. 5:00 P- IB Melvin and M erle; Adam Beagle. dividend is for the q u a rte r ending 5:00 P m. 6:00 P- m. Mrs. O 'D onahue, Mr. and Mrs. Guy J a n u a ry 15, 1923, and am o u n ts to VisiilHi from C alifornia— 6:00 P- ni. C hristm as visitors in the city from 7 :00 P- m. 7 :0 0 P- m. over $43,000. D ividends have been 8:30 P- in. R andles, d a u g h te r W anda and son C alifornia tow ns, who have now re- 8:30 P- m. Sat. only u larly upon th e preferred 9:30 P m Ivan Mr. and Mrs. M erritt R andles paid . reg 9 :30 P- in. , . , . .i tu rn e d to th e ir hom es, were A. M. capital stock since the date of its is- 1 6 :3 0 p. m. Sat. only 10:30 p. m and son Bobbie. H arrel. of D unsm uir; R. W. H a rre ll Sunday Schedule suance. wife and baby, of Y reka; A. L. Pierce Leave M edford for A shland and Don’t neglect It. X m as vacation is A shland for M edford everv hour on B etter insu ran ce a t reasonable a «<’ w ife> of K enneth. Calif. W hile! th e h our from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m .; your o p p ortunity to have those pho­ rates. Billings Agency. Phone 211. ’« ,h p >' wore K«ests at th e i- tos m ade. See o u r work. Studio th en 6:30 p. m. and 9:30 p. m. _______ p aren ts, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. H a rre l, A shland w aiting room — E ast Sid: A shland. 91tfi of Iowa stre e t. P harm acy. DcM olay to In sta ll— ASH LAND-ROSEBURG STAGE In sta lla tio n of the new officers of Fvitnk W alker Is H o m e - D aily (E xcep t Sunday) th e M edford ch a p te r. O rder of D e-1 Cliff Payne has Sprustepl ladders F ra n k W alker, who is atte n d in g LV. ASH LAND LV. ROSEBURG Molay, will be held th is evening. All R eturns from Arc-ka— 1 :0 0 p. m. 1:00 p. m the Oregon A g ricu ltu ral college at T ravel by stag e; sh o rte st ro u te h> ; Corvallis, is hom e for the holidays, M asons and p a re n ts of m em bers of Jim m ie Rouse has re tu rn ed from 20 m iles; one of O regon’s most ; visiting w ith his p aren ts, Mr. and the ju n io r o rd er are invited to at- scenic trip s. F a n —A shlaiw I-llose- Mrs. F. H. W alker, on L iberty stre e t. tend. A special dance will be held Y rek a- w here he s ’ e a t th e holidays, a fte r the business of the evening has W hile ’« the C alifornia town he was b u rg , $4.0 0 ; M edford - R oseburg. _______ been com pleted. Several A shland the guest of Irv ta e Phellps and Sig- $4.1 5 ; G ra n ts P ass-R oseburg $3.00. a n d B usincss Lot boys belong, and plans are under nor erst on. M EDFORD-GRANTS PASS Daily (Except Sunday) , At halt ’ Now is the tim e way a t present to in itia te a large Don’t w ait u ntil G randchild H ad Croupy Cough l.V M EDFORD LV. G T ’S PASS to get bargains. N uff Sed. Staples class from G rants Pass. m 7:30 a “ My gran d sh ild could get no relief spring to buy. 00 a. m. Miss Ann H yatt claims that she 1:00 p. 88-2 00 p. m. w hatever from a very bad croupy more nearly duplicates the classic form R ealty Agency. 5:00 p. If vou w ant those hens to lay m ore 00 P- 1U. cough,” w rites P e te r L andis, Mey- of Venus de Milo than does Miss Sunday Only eggs, . _ P a., “ u n til I gave him _ Fol ‘ ess» . get som e cracklins , 3 cents ersdaie. Dorothy Knapp, who won the recent 10:00 a 00 a. m. 85tf per pound. P laza M arket. 4 :30 p ey’s Honey and T ar. It is a g re a t beauty contest at the physical culture 30 p. m. » G ran ts P ass w aiting help for chest and th ro a t tro u b le .” i how in New York. She claims that B onbonniere, phone 160. Coughs, coids, croup, th ro a t, chest here was a conspiracy to defraud her W E SE LL T H E Office and w aiting room — No {and bronchial irrita tio n quickly re-| f the main prize and the title. She is Safety blades resharpened WORLD’S GREATEST LEAVENER herefore suing both the winner of the i lieved w ith Foley’s Honey and T ar. ontest and the prom oter for $100,000. like new. Single bit, 30f Lying and Perjury. doz. Dobule bit, 60c doc A lie Is a statem ent which Is thought , i C ontains no opiates in g red ien ts pjyatt says she lost a 50-wreek lo be fulse by the person who utter» prin ted on the w rapper. Stood th e , tage contract at $2,000 a week, which t h . Economy B A K fiV G P O W D E R C hildren’» W o rk A it, and is Intended to deceive; while test of tim e serving th re e genera- .epended on her winning the title of PLUMMER’S GROCERY perjury is a fulse statem ent made un Specialty , tions. Sold everyw here. 89tf merican Venus. der oath. W alter M iksch. who has been a i NEW TOW N AND W INESAP Apples — one d o lla r per box; culls 50c. hom e for the holidays, will re tu rn Call 17-F-4. 96-3* to McMinnville tom orrow . S aturday FOR SALE— T urkeys, nice fat ones, [ie goes to P o rtla n d to the sta te dressed or undressed. C. L. Mor- C h ristian E ndeavor executive m eet- ris. east on Pacific highw ay. 97-4 ¡ng Mr. M iksch is tra n sp o rta tio n chairm an for th e sta te convention to IN T E R I’KRAN AUTOCAR CO. he held in A shland in April. T Caveman’s* H earth. W hat we know of our cave dwelling ancestors we have gleaned chietly from the relics left by the cavemen in their places of habitation in caverns and holes in the rock. M arett. the anthropologist, tells of a cave in J e r­ sey, near the Bay of St. Breluide, where scientists dug down through some twenty feet of cla.v and rock rubbish, probably carried there in the course of the last Ice age that mantled Europe, and found large stones that had propped up the tire, and even some of the ashes. B o n e s were found In a heap of food-refuse, which, when examined, proved to he the remains of the woolly rhinoceros, the reindeer,' two kinds of horses, o f a wild ox and of a deer. Thirteen human teeth were found in the food-heap. The diners had also left their knives — flint chipped on one side. White Furs Replace Brilliant Colorings B U S IN E S S Â N D P R O F E S S IO N A L i PAG» THRF1» W. A. SHELL BARBER CAUIIHET Resolve to Invest a Few Cents Among your many good resolutions for the New Year, resolve to stop taking champs on leaving your vahiahle papers, stocks, bonds and the like around the home. Then resolve to invest a few cents a week for a safe deposit box in our big vault. The Citizens Bank ol Ashland Ashland, Oregon ii-i, ; ..'r f ■»' ».--'i--*~7 -«-■ Insurance to Make Sure No one will deny th e im portance of up-to-date ifre fig h tin g a p p aratu s. The efficiency of o u r fire d e p a rtm e n t m ust alw ays he m aintained. But a fte r all is done in the way of p rep aratio n for fire fighting, th ere is a very large elem ent of “ luck” in the resu lts, when it comes to a real test. In th e A storia co n flagration, the fire loss was g rea tly increased toy high wirtds and b u rstin g w ater m ains; when th e W ashington High School building burned a few weeks ago, a sw eeping fire would probably have destroyed a large section of P o rtla n d , if it had not been for a little rain i th a t camg - s(. {n (im e t0 p ro tect th is property. It is never safe to depend upon “ luck” for th e protection of your property, when you can get INSURANCE THAT W ILL MAKE YOU SURE. Call us today. Billings Agency * 41 E. Main St Real Estate and Real Insurance E stablished 1883 Phone 21i