BBÉ4ÉS! S 2 Ashland Thursday December 28, 1922 ASHLAND PA CLT TIDING» FÀÜB TWO Tidings Established 187 b Published Every Evening Excep- Bunday TUB ASHLAND PRINTIN« C<> OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY PA PER TELEPH O N E 39 C. K. LOGAN, Editor E n te re d a t the A shland, Oregon I Postofflce as Second-class Mail Mat j T AND j B T a ttered R ussians Look To "America F or Clothing W hich “ > W ill K e e p Them From*Death SBY â ÊÊRT.MÔSËS Cause for Haste. “We had a big argument Inst night. Squire, about the real cause of the coal i strike,” began tbe village bore, upon j discovering Esquire Ramsbottom, the , well-known jurist of Petunia, sitting : in comfort in Ills back-tilted chair in tbe shade. “Now, wliat is your opinion about----- ” “Sorry, Emory, but I haven’t time to settle flint for you now." inter­ rupted the squire. ” 1 just happened : to remember that m.v niece told me ' to be sure to do something right away. ' 1 forget whether it was one or the i other. To make certain of being right 1 am going now and have both oper­ ations performed. See you later 1”— Kansas City Star. I The Whipped Cream Age. Old Charlie Isaacson says: As I rode out of Buffalo 1 observed three men playing poker in the club car—three tough politician types. When 1 arrived in New York I was thirsty and went into my favorite fountain a t Grand Central. While I waited for the electric shaker to make my egg phosphate I heard in u gruff voice: “Three chocolate sodas, please.” And In a gruffer voice came the re­ mark : “And give me plenty of whipped créant on mine.” 1 tu rned; 1 found the customers were my tough companions from the train.—Pittsburgh Leader. In D:ubt. One ,,f our good housekeepers knows s,ie |las no car for mus’c, but wlun sjie ¡s hustling around her pots and ’ pa„ s and scrubbing and washing out ten towels she cannot restrain hum­ ming a bit just out of her cleaning-up joy. Now there is also a little ttelgli- lw»r boy wlto plays under her window. Once while the process of scrubbing was going o n above 1 lie little fellow looked up at the window with a face all puckered uhd serious, as If some question laid been troubling him for quite a while. ••Well, Tommy, what’s the m atter?’’ inquired the housekeeper. A long pause—then, “Please, ma’am is you singing?”—Exchange. Every public expense is paid ---------- ------------------- — -------------------- r out of priv ate purses. "rabecriptiou Price Delivered in C t t j: |^ _______ ne month ....................................5 .65 ( hree m o n t h s ............................... 1.93! *> An em pty stom ach ignores • Six m onths .................................... 3.75 the Ten C om m andm ants. • i One year ...................................... 7 .5 0 ,^ ---------- $> Mail and Rurui Routes i <«> Love and the w eath er pay no Self Starting Engine. One m onth ................................ ,* L 9 5 » % ) ' a tte n tio n to th e C onstitution. *^i Automatic starting of an engine T h re e m onths ............................. 3.50 surprised the driver and fireman of a Hix months .................................. 6.5? •♦> By giving aw ay things you train ui Beauvais, in France. The two One year .................................... ADVERTISING RATES .sen in charge were standing by their •$> don’t w ant, you can get people Display Advertising delaciied steam engine, when it sud­ eingso insertion, each in ch . . . . ,30c ••> to say you a re “ gen ero u s.” ’ denly started off, leaving them at the ---------- <#> YEARLY CONTRACTS station. The engine, being short of Display Advertising .$> High local tax atio n not only to town, b u t drives old citizens ♦ awaited the a rr’.vui of Its crew. livery o th e r d a y .......................... 20 r out. <&! Local Renders ------------ Grateful Son. To ru n every o th e r iSav for one <•> The m ost reliable form of ♦ "My boy," said the millionaire lec­ m onth, each line, each tira e . . 7c <♦> honesty comes to the s u r.a c e • turing ids son on the Importance of : T’v5 To riuT every issue to? one m onth economy, “when I was your age 1 ?> w hen th ere i3 no im m ediate oc- ♦ or m ore, each line, each tim e . . 6 M rallie d water for a gang of brick­ Classified Column ♦> casion to use it. ìli layers." One cent th e word each tim e. <«> ------- “I'm proud of y< u, father,” an» To ru n every issue for one m onth ❖ HEZ HECK SAY'S; W ireless Signals and tbe Aurora. swered his offspring; “if It hadn't o r m ore, % c th e w ord each tim e. “ T ake one trouble to It is due to the observations of a been for your pluck and perseverance Legal R ate • scientist of Montreal that we now 1 -might have had to do something o f 10< < •> court, and you’ll come F irst tim e, per 8 -p e 'n t lin e. Each subsequent tim e, per 8- aw ay w i’h tw o.” thousands of lives. In addition • know to a practical certainty that wire­ that sort myself."—Irish World. At the height of fam ine suffering peratlve to provide some channel of less telegraphy may be affected by ibe polnt line ...................................... 5( to individual rem ittances, tnrough in Russia, ju st before the harvest for filling an increasingly bitter which packages for delivery to spec-’ aurora borealis. Card of t h a n k s .............................$1.00 need. Reports from Colonel Wil­ in 192 2, the Am erican Relief Ad­ liam N. Haskell, director of the itic persons in Russia can be o rd er-’ O bituaries, th e line ..................... 2 t ic Tills scientist describes three occa­ Fraternal Orders and Societies is on its way tow ard b ringing th e m inistration was feeding 10,500,000 Russian Unit, and from all his ed, the organization has made an sions, when the aurora was present, A dvertising for fra te rn a l order; screen to its rig h tfu l place as the persons every day. In keeping with aides, together w ith m any petitions appeal for all charitably inclined or in tbe brilliant weather associated i?r societies charging a reg u la r in iti­ its policy of helping only in em er­ from schools and rural districts, persons to purchase clothing re-, with aurora, when his apparatus re­ m ost p o ten t force for social good in m ittances for general relief thro ugh atio n fee and dues, no discount. Re gency, and where the recipients of have piled up overwhelm ing evid­ ceived dispatches over ubnoruiul llgioua and benevolent orders will be ihe nation. charity can not help themselves, ence of great suffering from lack of the headquarters a t 42 Broadway, , ranges. Singularly, the apparatus Often a dull, full feeling in chest New York City. All such remit-^ A m erica is s ta rtin g th e new year charged th e reg u la r ra te for all sd the Am erican Relief A dm inistration adequate clothing. It is estim ated apparently affected by tlie aurora is caused by gas from undigested eertlsin g when an adm ission or othei in a m uch im proved economic condi­ decided to confine its free feeding th a t more th an one million child­ tances will be used in cases w here could receive bnt not transm it signals food pressing upw ards tow ards tiro charge is m ade. for this w inter to one million of the ren and several million adults are the need is so pitiful th a t to esti­ tion over th a t of 1922. declares Sen­ lungs. Som etim es gas presses on while the influence lasted. neediest children and to sick people, entering the w inter w ith virtually m ate the gratitude of those helped' i h eart and is m istaken for heart, What Constitutes Advertising a to r W adsw orth, republican, of New would sound m audlin. j no clothing th is year. An overcoat shocking cases of need am ong pro­ trouble Sim ple b uckthorn bark, In o rd er to allay a m isu n d e rsta n d ­ York Each package contains enough, A ccording to his sta te m e n t J fessional classes, and nursing in R ussia costs a year’s salary, and 1 glycerine, etc., as mixed .'n A dlerika, ing am ong some as to w hat consti today unem ploym ent has ceased to ; m others. A fter J a n u ir y first when the American Relief Adm inistration clothing m aterial to carry two chll-| Ants Teo Much for Stcrpiejack. tu te s news and w hat ad v ertisin g , . , . expels gas and stops pressure alm ost th e 1922 crop will have been ex feeding kitchens see frequent cases dren or one adult through the w in-1 An s were swept up by tbe bushel at . INSTANTLY in m anv caBes. K e. »♦ prin t th is very sim p le rule, which be a problem : a g ric u ltu re is recover-} hausted th e child-feeding will be in- of children brought to receive food, ter. The following items, or th eir M.akleford, near Aldershot, on Satur- jnoves su rp risin i, niaUe r from BOTH equivalent in value, constitute a is used by new spapers to d ifferent! ing: m an u fa ctu rin g and com m ercial creased to 2,000.000. This sharp wrapped only in tatte re d sacks, dog- day. They had been smoked out from upper and low er bowel, which package, and the cost is J ’O each: a te betw een them : ‘"ALL fu tu re en te rp rises are proceeding steadily : drop occasioned little flurry. The skins or horse hides. 4 2-3 yards of heavy wool r ’ . c i’i,' (lie church spire, where they had pre- form ed gas and poisoned stom ach, Russians seem willing to try to take m eet this situation H erbert events, w here an adm ission chargt and prosperously. He is convinced T-f C hairm an of the American 4 yards of lining m aterial S yai icj is m ade o r a collection is tak e n IS vented the work of the steeplejack 1 A dlerika is EX CELLENT to guard up th eir own burden. \ .‘ m inistration, has author- of flannelette for shirts c; ill. St»i, A D VERTISIN G.” T his applies to th a t the new year will he a happv One call for help, however, has f alio was carrying out repairs.—Lon- ag ain st appendicitis. T. K. Bolton, to u r jome so consistently and with such iz . a ciethlng rem ittance system j 1(5 yards of muslin t don Times. j D ruggist. —7 o rganizations an d societies of every one for th e A m erican people, and ood cause th a t the Am erican R e­ sim ilar in every way to the food re- j suits of underw *er; aj-‘ kind as well as to individuals. th a t g reat prosperity will resu lt. In ef A dm inistration has felt it Un- mii. a nee which has saved hundreds j thread to mah.< e® t t All rep o rts of such activities after general content, his predictions are they have occurred is news. All com ing social or organization in line w ith th a t of the astronom ers. Along the lines of science, chem ­ m eetings of societies w here no 6EF0RE LIFE WAS -COMPLEX m oney co n trib u tio n is solicited. In iti­ istry, m edicine, su rg ery and o th er atio n charged, o r collecton tak e n IS activities, g rea t steps forw ard have Prehistoric Woman Whose Remaina NEWS. been m ade d u rin g th e year th a t has Have Just Been Found Had Com­ paratively Placid Existence. alm ost passed. In spite of num erous The A m erican Sm elting & D evel-;and one which lost n o thing by pur- shocking /rim es heralded in the press .BIBLE THOUGHT Bones of a prehistoric woman, be­ of the country, th e w orld is gettin g opm ent com pany, ow ning hydro-elec- chase of A m erican B rass early this lieved to have been a tree-climber, b etter. T here is no sudden change. trie power on the K lam ath riv e r and year, so the A naconda could easily — FOR TODAY — have been found in the bed of the 4 Bible Thoughts memorized, will prove a Today ap p ears no b e tte r th an y ester­ sites a t T rinidad, p ort of H um boldt swallow the lare st copper m ine River Cam, and are being submitted ’ priceless heritage in after years. W hy not surprise the folks at home with a d ay , and tpm orrow holds no definite county, C alifornia, for in sta lla tio n of know n in the w orld, Chile. to expert opinion in London, England. visit at Ynletide. It will make them happy prom ises. Yet looking back over a ! a sm elting plan t, is reported r e a d y F o r some years th ere have been Tlie bones were brought to the sur­ period of m any days, the progress j to build a railw ay connecting th e obscure indications th a t Gray Eagle face by a dredger within a quarter and you, too. Plan now to take advantage of THURSDAY’, DECEM BER 28 ¡p o rt w ith points on th e K lam ath as Copper w hile stan d in g in the nam e of a mile of tlie famous Fenland inn, MAN’S A P P E A L :— O Lord, re­ can be noted. The new year is alm ost upon us far as Happy Camp (G ray Eagle! of Thom pson & Gunn, is really con- “The 1'ive Miles From Anywhere; No vive Thy w ork in the m idst of the W h e th e r it. is one of prosperity, fail­ m ine) in Siskiyou county, 10 m iles trolled by A naconda, one of which H urry!’’ ’ years. H ab ak k u k 3: 2. Tlie whole district is one vast for­ ures, nr successes; w h eth er re ta rd ­ south of th e Oregon line, says the was a sum carried on the balance est of buried oaks, which were in ex­ —in— SOME PREDICTIONS m ent or ad v an cem en t; w h eth er it P o rtlan d Jo u rn a l. sheet for th e construction of this istence many thousands of years ago, D evelopm ent of pow er a t Ishi-pigh railro a d to Gray Eagle. A stronom ers and law m akers w ide­ will leave in h istory th e im p rin t of a before tlie Fens were formed, and it ly d iffe r as to the outlook for the forw ard step or a slip to th e re a r is began ab o u t 10 years ago, under di-1 The fu tu re of m ining in the Med- is hoped to recover tlie complete skel­ E veryone rection of F ra n k L angford who ju st ford d istric t is largely dependent on eton. com ing year. Some of the form er, by up to each individual. Between all sta tio n s w here one-way fare is $3 0.00 or less “The find is a most interesting one,” sim ply gazing a t th e heavens and ob- j w orking for the sam e end will ulti p rio r to th a t handled in sta lla tio n of the building of this railro ad to Gray said a Fellow of tlie Royal society. Sale dates: Decem ber 22, 23, 24 25, 29, 30, 31, J a n u a ry serviug the position of various sta rs, | »lately resu lt in m arked im prove-| equipm ent a t the B raden m ine in Eagle, which will soon be corn- “Tlie leg bones are undoubtedly 1st. F inal re tu rn lim it, Ja n u a ry 3rd. planets and kindred groups declare m ents. The vision of one m an hin- c h ile , South A m erica, since taken m enced, according to this inform a- those of a woman, but they are of tion. over by the A m erican Sm elting & th a t 1923 will be a year of prosper-1 dered by the poor eyesight of an- extraordinary conformation. F req u en t and C onvenient Service will m ake your journey Blue Ledge m ine, an o th e r copper "Whoever she was, she had a pretty ity; the la tte r, in a m ajority of ¡o th er, cannot help b u t resu lt in a R efining, or the Guggenheim in te r­ a trip of pleasure. property, in th e vicinity of Gray E a ­ foot. cases, w ith a pessim istic look upon period of tem porary stag n atio n . W ith ests. "If alive today, she would be a short, The la st tra n s fe r of th e properties gle, is handled from M edford. Blue th e ir faces, predict a gloomy picture. everyone th in k in g prosperity, believ­ deep-chested creature, covered with Shipping, in the opinion of A lbert ing th e w orld is g e ttin g b e tte r, talk - a t T rinidad indicates en tran ce of Ledge is on the Rogue riv er drain- hair, and with long, ape-like arms und F o r fu rth e r p articu lars, ask T. L asker, chairm an of the United ing optim ism and w orking to g eth er, Colonel Ja ck lin g into th a t phase o f : age and lias shipped m ore th an one prehensile toes. 1923 will be a year of prosperity. the plans. It is understood th a t de- hundred cars of high grade ore S tates shipping board, is in grave “Her home would be a rudely built agents, or w rite cision to build th e railw ay was taken th ro u g h Jacksonville and M edford to platform of sticks, with a family like­ doubt. Keen foreign com petition is ness to a glorified, crow’s nest. From last m onth a t the tim e of the pur- Tacom a. driving a larg e proportion of th e p ri­ chase by A naconda of Chile Copper, The Oregon highw ay com m ission this, excursions would be made among vately owned tonnage of th e country JOHN M. SCOTT, » a G uggenheim en terp rise. th is m onth took th e steps necessary the tree tops, she and her m ate swing­ into the coastal and th e near-by tra d e , ing tliemselveSj^jnonkey-fashion, from G eneral P assenger Agent. Tliis last tra n sa ctio n is viewed to brin g a b o u t connection by a high- w here, for s ta tu to ry or geographic! bough to bough. w ith som e reserv atio n s by those who way th ro u g h the Siskiyou ran g e be- reasons, it is protected ag a in st f o r - ! “When on the ground, her gait rem em ber th e acquisition of th e tw een Gray E agle and Blue Ledge. would be th at of a monkey, with tlie eign com petition. The b u rd en of I G uggenheim sm eltin g in te rests in The Oregon end of th is in te rsta te arms swinging to the knees.” m ain tain in g ou r foreign tra d e r o u te s ! ---------- falls th erefo re, entirely upon the! Though m any of the noted astro n - 1900 by th e A m erican Sm elting & road is know n as th e Blue Ledge governm ent-ow ned fleet of the ship- om ers of the country, predict th a t R efining com pany. It developed im- highw ay, ru n n in g from M edford EXAMPLE OF FOOL PARENTS the com ing year will be one of m ediately a fte r th e sale th a t Gug- th ro u g h Jacksonville to th e sta te line ping board. From the fa rm e r’s standpoint ac­ plenty, one p ain ts a picture entirely genheim s owned a m ajo rity of srnel- a t S eattle Bar. Onlookers Doubtless Would Have Said ■ ler stock. Since th a t tim e w ater has It is reg ard ed as certain th a t this tlie “Twig” Might Have Been cording to S enator Edw in F. Ladd, to the opposite. “ Bent" to Advantage. been ru n n in g u n d er the bridge, th re e railro ad up th e K lam ath riv e r cven- Happy New Y ear? of N orth D akota, republican, the o u t­ Not so, says P ro fesso r G ustave ifp o rta n t m em bers of th e Guggen- tu ally will be extended to K lam ath look for 1923 is d ark and dreary “They” boarded an outbound street ! In the n o rth w est, m ore than. 40 per Meyer, a stro lo g e r of Hoboken, N. J., heim fam ily have died, and th e fam - Falls. Being on w a te r grade all the car. "They”—father and mother, mis- j cen t of th e farm ers in m any sections whose card m odestly proclaim s him ily holdings in A. S. & R. stock have way, it will be the n a tu ra l o u tle t to takeuiy, unfairly adoring und old been largely liquidated. tid ew ater of such so u th e rn Oregon enough to be wiser, and sturdy, hand- | a re unable to pay th e ir taxes, and “ n a tio n 's co u n sello r.” some, adorable (at times) two-year- j According to the “ p ro fesso r’s” pre A naconda is in a stro n g position ton n ag e as is handled by sea. th e ir farm s a re being advertised for old soli, wise beyond his years and , tax sales. R u ral cred its and foreign ictions, based on a study of the beyond his parents. Not quite #o | export corporations, as valuable as sta rs, 1923 will see: la re ly to the influence of the wicked of W est V irginia and the Gonzaga adorable at this particular time, for they will be for the fu tu re , will not A nother flu epidem ic, p lanet, S atu rn . ! university, and his a ssista n t coaches he was screeching, yelling, howling, affo rd the necessary relief to tide O utbreaks of strik es and violence, Yet th e seer drops a few- crum bs led th e Penn m en to Rose Bowl. screaming, kicking and doing every o u r farm ers over th is em ergency T errific e a rth q u a k e s in m ia su m -!oj com fort to tak e the edge off th e ' They tried out th e field and w ent ^ ¡ „ g ejse in iRg small but mighty W hile d ark today, th e outlook is m er. gloom. He foresees, for instance, th ro u g h w hat was term ed a “ lim ber- power to make known his wants and j Subway cave-ins and collapse o f i th a t «g re a t inventions will m ultiply, ing up” process, and th e announce- attain his desire. H is attention re­ hopeful for th e fu tu re. C ontrasted to th e p ictures draw n skyscrapers. business in general will re tu rn to m ent was m ade th a t “secret ’ practice fused to be distracted. Older people | »‘¡ght envied him his power of W IT H CARBO N W all street failu res and financial norm alcy, and, m ore im p o rta n t than would be begun tom orrow . by these two gentlem en are those! visioned by o th e r experts in m any ’ crashes. A rrangem ents have been m ade for wanti dariing7 Come 5 a n y th in g else 1923 will be a “ g reat the Lions to divide th e use of Rose let,s haye n ttle lunch Oh< | uok lines. F re d erick K. R upprecht, pres-i Plague in the public schools, vear for th e fa rm e r.” T w o B ooks .................................................................. 25c ident of th é Converse & Company,! Explosions and fires on ships at Bowl w ith th e S outhern C alifornia a t ^jie pretty lights. Tell mother T rojans who plan to move over from what sw eetheart w ants”—repeated In , textile corporation, sees a good year sea. ¡Los Angeles. Each team will have j tones of varying invitation and liope- fo r cotton in th e approach of 1923. ; Increasing num ber of divorces and PENN STATE ELEVEN P er D o z e n .....................................................................$1.25 TRIES PASADENA FIELD certain p erjods o f both m orning and fulness—were all in vain. “Darting He assum es th a t general conditions scandals am ong clergy, press and be 1, diverted afternoon set aside for its exclusive sw eetlteart” refused to _(1 uext year will be satisfacto ry , and bar. from ins p trpose or to vouchsafe a T w o D o z e n ...................................................................$2.25 he looks forw ard to excellent b u si-| Continued wave of m urder, PASADENA, Calif., Dec. 2 7 .— use. single word of reply. P resident H a rd in g ’s m ost try in g ’ Penn S tate football players, co n trary ness in ail kinds of cotton textiles. A fter two blocks of this uninter­ One H u n d r e d .............................................................. $8.00 to expectations, trie d out the field W ith every m em ber doing his p a rt year, rupted performance the small family Evident!/ C h rlttiin j. j rose to leave the car, the mother ex- in th e movie in d u stry , W ill Hays,! These predictions a re founded, in Rose Bowl, w here New Y ear’s day Ac American family living I p Cl im- m ovie lord, th in k s th a t th e high M eyer says, on a horoscope labelled: they will m eet th e U niversity of • i-cft.tly hired two servants from Naa i plaining to an obviously curious be­ s ta n d a rd s in film dom will be accept-! ‘B irth of 1923; place. W ashing- Southern C alifornia team in th e an- king, a missionary center. A rccrdin; holder: “ \Ve have to get off. He won’t tlie new servants were Christians, ride in a street car. He must have a ed by the public. The point th a t h»- ton, D. C.” nu al east versus w est sports fea tu re taxi.” L ast seen, adored and adoring another Chinese servant in tlie fntn’ly v.ould stre ss on the eve of th e new! The horoscope he explains, shows of th e C arnival of Roses. were hiking up Sixth avenue to a e a r is th a t the past year has b e e n ! th e heavens divided into m ansions. Bezdek, head coach of th e ea ste rn - 'isenvered the newcomers' religion and taxi station, adored all smiles and ■ «-ported the fact to his mistress. As-ed ru itfu l. New pictu res now being re-1 w ith the signs of th e zodiac, and th e ie rs , said his m en w ould do nothing sunshine in his fath er’s arm s.—Reho­ row he knew tlie new boys were Chris leased show th a t the pledge m ade good and evil planets flittin g back m ore a rd u o u s th a n hiking before to- , lj|ns he ..o h {iit.v know ail beth Sunday Herald. s o m e tim e ago is being fulfilled. It and forth. m orrow . He w ent to San Diego to „i»«.nt God, Jesus Christ, and Santa ig his opinion th a t th e movie w o rld 1 The bad luck of 1923 will be due see the gam e betw een th e U n iv ersity 1 iaua.’’ A want ad will sell i t tor. ? Pressure On Lungs Caused By Gas Î New Railroad in Southern Oregon Possible; Mining Future Rests Upon Its Completion Go Home for -Ynletide Holidays 25% Reduction Round Trip Fanis 1923 To Be Gloomy is Declaration of ‘ Nation’ s Advisor’ In Stock Duplicating Sales Books ASHLAND TIDINGS